CBS News Bay Area: Morning Edition 5am : KPIX : June 14, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>anc2 well, the weekend has arrived. my friends and thank you for joining us. it's friday, june 14th. >> looking forward to that. let's get started. >> we're shutting down and saying hey, drug trafficking in our city is no longer going to be tolerated. >> the feds cracking down on open air drug markets in san francisco. the major shift in strategy that is creating a change in the tenderloin. from going to a shelter to here -- having a roof over my head. the favorite part i love that you asked that is hearing him say get out of my room. close my door. >> a life-changing win for this oakland mother. the new housing complex providing much-needed relief for those struggling to afford the bay area. if i could act anywhere in the world, i'd live in san

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francisco in a heartbeat. >> a wild ride for bay area native will bill as he takes center stage with his first tony nomination. and this morning, we're cheering him on for a big win this weekend. >> how exciting? bay area's own will brill nominated for a tony this weekend. i'm gianna franco. >> it's going to be a great show anyway. a lot of interesting musicals and plays that are up for nominations but we love that we have a hometown hero to root for. >> it's very cool. all right, let's take a live look outside because we are rooting for a good forecast. i mean, at least hoping for one. as we take a live look here from the top of the mark. that's a beautiful way to start the day. jessica. you kind of see the clouds and a little bit of blue sky back there and of course all the lights from the buildings. >> i know, such a stunning morning already. and you know, heading into this weekend, gosh, the weather is really cooperating with us. it's father's day weekend and it's a beautiful one ahead of us and as we wake up this morning, we still have a little bit of the marine layer kind of holding on

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tight to the coastline. you don't necessarily notice it as much close to the golden gate bridge or the bay bridge for that matter. but marin, that marine layer is holding on tight. warmer weather right around the corner. actually today alen. i mean yesterday upper 70s in the inland areas and today upper 80s and we jumped ten degrees in pocket of the bay within the matter of 24 hour period and we're going to continue to see above normal temperatures actually lasting in the next six fasten days so let's start off with today. upper 60s in the forecast near san francisco. relatively mild there. we warm up into the upper 80s near santa rosa as we head into this afternoon. and just like clockwork, all the way overinto concord and antioch, we're right back to above average temperatures. as we head into the afternoon hours today too. half-moon bay sitting in the 50s and nice temperature spread right from the coast all into the inland areas and down into the santa clara valley, it was nice having 70s yesterday but it was not realistic after all we were sitting well below average and today we're in the 80s near san jose and los gatos. we're going to continue the see a nice little warm-up in the next couple of days as we get closer to the first day of summer.

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gianna? all right, jess. let's talk about the roadways. and if you are getting ready to take any of the bay area bridges early this morning look at the golden gate bridge. it looks good and traffic moving along well. not seeing any major issues out there. so good start to your friday light commute. fingers crossed it stays that way. yesterday was a busy day. but hopefully things are going look a lot better today. taking a live look here at the bay bridge bay bridge, metering lights are off and that's a pretty easy commute heading into san francisco this morning. as we look at the map, we're not tracking a lot of brake lights just a few slow spots for commuters heading into the altamont pass. that's already getting a little bit slow this morning westbound coming out of tracy as you get a little bit closer towards that grant line exit. but we zoom in on here and you can see down to about 14 miles per hour so not too bad. for that commute through there. travel times just sitting 33 minutes. 205 over to 680. shawn? all right, gianna. thank you. we want to begin now with the drug crisis in san francisco's tenderloin. and the search for solutions. the dea, the fbi and the justice department just gave an update on their fight to cut off the

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pipeline of fentanyl flowing into the neighborhood. since last november, the feds say they've been track dieting suspected drug dealers who fled to latin america. they're also doing more to stop night markets and overnight operations have allowed them to file 20 federal criminal complaints. the neighborhood has a long reputation of being a place that's easy to find drugs. and our wilson walker hilt the streets and talked to some people who say they've seen that start to change. [ sirens ] >> what i'm noticing during the day, is difficult to find at all. >> reporter: j.j. says the trend started months ago and it's only accelerated in recent weeks. drugs like fentanyl are getting harder to find in san francisco's tenderloin. >> definitely. definitely. so -- people are definitely selling smaller amounts. and more fights are happening because of it. people are getting ripped off. >> yeah, i have a couple of friends. one wanted to move to

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-- philadelphia. and another to oregon. just to -- so they can get dope easier. >> reporter: brian says the diminishing supply of readily available drugs is the direct result of fewer dealers. >> of the main ones that have been selling here for years you know, like have established themselves, probably less than like ten like that are -- like out of jail right now. >> like you have walked these streetsing right? there used to be six to ten drug dealers on every block during the day. >> reporter: special agent in charge of the san francisco field office for the dea brian clark says combined federal state and local efforts have turned a corner and drug dealers are now on the run. >> i think we've had a significant transformation during the day. right? >> yeah, it's -- it sucks dudes and the daytime this was so [ bleep ]ty not worth it to buy it. so you have to wait until midnight to get decent stuff. >> so now they are operating at night. that felt safer at night. we've adjusted to that. >> reporter: one part of that

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adjustment is added staffing for an around the clock offensive. with a swarm of agencies now targeting the streets and overnight markets. >> they are working from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. they're following around the drug traffickers at night. we also have deputized sfpt narcotics officers so they can file and take cases that they work on and take them to the federal system and file federal cases on individuals. >> reporter: federal charges not only come with the risk of a more substantial prison sentence. >> if you are prosecuted federally, you may be turned over and deported. based upon the felony conviction. >> reporter: clark says the agency knows the arrests are affecting the market. but he acknowledges that enforcement can only do so much. >> that's why education, treatment, and prevention is more important than ever. like -- our colleagues at public health need to get out here to provide the resources and the prevention and treatment in order to make a change in order

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for us to turn this around. >> i don't like to see my friend, you know, be arrested. or, you know, in withdrawal or anything like that. so it does suck but i understand where you know, the general public is coming from, you know. got people -- was pretty crazy out here. >> reporter: yes, brian himself says the pressure on dealers is making a difference. >> yeah. the city in my opinion is starting to like -- look better. you know? more vibrant and stuff. used to be just like drug addicts everywhere, you know, and now you see like tourists and stuff, you know. >> the city relies on a team of community ambassadors to handle calls about drug users and reach out to the homeless population in the tenderloin but we know that there's a challenge here, gianna, and that this program may be on the chopping block. >> yeah, shawn, it's all part of mayor london breed's plan to help close the city's $800 million deficit. but some city leaders, well they're pushing

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back fighting to keep a program that they say has become essential on san francisco streets. community ambassadors cover more than half a dozen neighborhoods in san francisco. they help connect the homeless with resources and they speak more than eight languages to reach the diverse communities of the city. john brit is a former ambassador and worked in the tenderloin seeing many suffering from drug overdoses. >> we actually had to narcan her and bring her back to life. and so that really -- that really put in me that, you know, the job really is important. because people walking by and didn't even notice her. >> one of the last things that should be on the chopping block. do we have to make cuts in the budget? of course. but we do not need to target program like this that is real source of pride and really so important for public safety. and for positive interactions in our neighborhood. >> supervisor preston feels the city can find other ways to fix its deficit and five other

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supervisors are cosponsoring preston's resolution hoping to keep the ambassadors on city streets. a san leandro owner is picking up the pieces after burglars rammed a car into his liquor business. take a look at this security video where you can see the thieves smashing their way into gourmet seller on washington avenue early thursday morning. the suspects were unable to steal the store's atm but the damage left behind is extensive. >> we pay heavy fees. we pay all the licenses and everything. and -- all those things we doing for the public. and the government. or the taxpayers and everybody. and then you got -- end up in this way. >> the burglars only got away with some packs of cigarettes they grabbed on the way out. the same silver car was later found abandoned on enterprise way in oakland and it was also apparently used to ram into a business at that location as well. so far no arrests. in san mateo a person has been arrested following a

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shooting yesterday afternoon. police say they were called to the intersection of hillsdale boulevard and south norfolk street for reports of gunfire. when they arrived they learned the shooting suspect had escaped to a nearby apartment building. officers located that person and negotiated a surrender. the shooting victim was found in san carlos and taken to a nearby hospital. the state trial of david depape, the man who attacked house speaker nancy pelosi's husband resumes today. last month depape was convicted in federal court of assault and attempted kidnapping of a federal official's family member for the 2022 attack. last week, a san francisco judge dropped several of the most serious charges in the state case. jurors are expected to reconvene in the case this morning. gianna? all right, shawn. thank you. 5:10. a new housing complex in oakland giving this mother of six a safe place to live. the unique partnership in the city helping build

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affordablhousing. let's take a live look at the alameda county fairground. the fair officially starts today. we'll tell you all about the fun activities you can expect because we're going to be there live all morning long. and we'll be right back after this.

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muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. welcome back. now taking a live look at oakland. the city is celebrating the official grand opening for a new apartment complex. it will offer a safe haven for families like this single mother and her six children. the project is a

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unique collaboration between the city local nonprofits and ax full gospel church. thousands of people entered a lottery for just 55 apartments at the complex at 94th and international and kevin ko spoke with one of the residents about the importance of raising her kids in the city she grew up in. >> hey bendy. that's bendy. she don't bite. >> reporter: gregs is a single mom. born and raised in oakland. >> this is my 11-year-old son. >> reporter: there isn't anything or anyone more important than her kids. >> yeah, i have six children. and here they go right here. i got -- each one has a high school diploma up there. he just graduated and she's the one that's in college. >> reporter: everything she loves about her home in the acts cherry hill apartments has a connection to her family. >> they probably asleep. yeah. they asleep. so this -- her room that they choose. from going to a shelter to here just

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having a roof over my head. you know? the favorite part i love that you asked that, is hearing him say get out of my room. close my door. you know hear my kids finally say get out of the room. >> reporter: she was chosen in the housing lottery after years of staying in hotel rooms and a shelter in hayward while also recovering from a stroke. >> i cried so hard. because what is the odds? here i am a stroke survivor, single mother, with my kids. one supposed to be going to college and hay pulled me out of 5,000 plus people on the lottery. blessing. that's a blessing. >> reporter: earn seen lives a floor below her. >> i cried. i cried. it was a blessing. a big blessing to me. because i was homeless, you know, from -- one family member to another family member. >> reporter: residents here also have access to this community health clinic operated by la china delo rosa,

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it's been functioning for some time but city officials including oakland major sheng thao for part of a grand opening ceremony today. so was bishop bob jackson the senior pastor of acts full gospel church which also 59 affordable housing universities across international boulevard. >> so people can see that east oakland can be as beautiful as downtown oakland. and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live. >> i come sit out here sometimes. and just watch. but i'm so thankful, you know, so i just sit here and just be like yes. i'm thankful. very thankful. >> reporter: she calls it a blessing to be able to live here. not just for her, but for her daughter. who almost didn't go to college when the family was still homeless. >> she kind of like -- i'm not leaving my mom. you know? she had a stroke. she got my siblings. i'm not going to college. so -- you know, yes, you are. we're going to be

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okay. >> reporter: all this from her home. that she thought she'd never be able to live in. as thousands of others still hold out hope. >> for those who are on listings, do not give up. do not give up. stay positive. and never give up. never give up. >> good advice right there. wish orb jackson says the original idea behind the project came about when housing construction had largely stalled in oakland about a decade ago. he's hopping the projects will encourage more developers to invest in east oakland. shawn? okay, let's take a live look again to the alameda county fairgrounds. in pleasanton. the alameda county fair is officially back today. there you see the carousel earlier we can see the ferris wheel and visitors can enjoy carnival rides and games and nightly concerts and also lots of new food and drink options. the fair will be open on wednesdays through sundays every week until july 7th and i mean that sounds like a fun thing to do on a weekend. sign me up.

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>> what's great about this too is you know, i like we're highlighting the rides that¢ so crazy. i'll do the wheel and carousel. no crazy twisty ones. >> same. we're going to do the same rides. perfect. >> jess, join us. >> i would love to. g, i have a gift for you real fast. can you see it? [ laughter ] >> what is that? >> no. >> it's a hair tie. >> oh. >> we're going to need it. >> why? >> it's a windy day. especially along the coast. so breezy out there. it's like not even funny right now. no, i'm joking, not extreme. however it's going to get gustier though in the afternoon hours and i want to dive into the forecast real fast. along the coast, gosh, even live in the inland areas, you are going to notice this. wind speeds this morning anywhere up to around 25 miles per hour and we're off to a gusty start already. wait till this afternoon. it's going to get even breezier and expecting 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts close to san francisco just around 4:00. a similar trend even breezierinto the bay and for the friends in the east bay, they'll be a little bit gusty in the afternoon hours. we're going to continue to see the sustained winds all through the overnight hours though. that and our temperatures,

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yesterday we were below average and we're right back to where we should be today. with daytime highs sitting in the 80s all throughout the inland areas. 60s near san francisco. 70s just across the bay bridge. now back into san francisco we go, real fast, if i want to head over to fillmore district this weekend they have the juneteenth block party. amazing and we're expecting 60s all throughout the morning and afternoon hours. it's going to be a great day to get out there and get some fresh air and just in time for father's day too. right around the corner. daytime highs today are pretty much reflective of what we have this weekend. expecting 60s near san francisco this afternoon. 80s all the way off in the east bay near antioch and 70s up near napa and beautiful wine country weather as we head into the afternoon hours. and down into the santa clara valley we go, we have 80s in store for us throughout our daytime highs today. but i want to show you the next seven days. we have a lot of sunshine in the forecast for us as we head into this weekend and early next week too. not a drop of rain in sight for our inland areas. as we head into the afternoon hours, we're expecting 80s each day. it will be a breezy weekend ahead of us too. but we have that marine layer that's still kind of holding on tight to us and you

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can see it actually right behind me on our live cam. from our rooftop. thanks simon for putting it up just a little bit. it's true though we have the marine layer holding on tight to us along the coast and close to san francisco in the morning hours now. we're going to see a lot clearer conditions for saturday and sunday. and then we see the marine layer which is june gloom return once we head into monday and tuesday of next week. closer to san francisco oakland and all along the shoreline. keep you updated on the forecast, g? they are looking friday light, jessica. that's good news for anyone getting up early and getting out the door. look at this. live look at the golden gate bridge. you have already got people riding their bikes across the bridge there and it looks like it's going to be pretty nice. not bad commute as you come out of marin county heading into san francisco this morning. no fog to slow you dorn so keep an eye on that. if you are headed over to the bay bridge this morning, you can see clearly here traffic is light heading into san francisco. and no delays coming off the eastshore freeway just yet. westbound 80 all clear and 880 as well. supercommuters good morning to you. and just a heads-up, it's slow westbound coming out of tracy getting on to the

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altamont pass area. that is certainly a little sluggish in that area. with a 35 minute travel time. but look at everything else. looks nice. 80, only about 14 minutes from highway 4 to the maze. and if you are taking highway 4 itself, 27 minutes and that 101 commute out of the south bay, 37 minutes hellyer to sfo. shawn? all right, gianna. so now two of the most beautiful streets in the world are right here in san francisco. a recent ranking from architectural digest shows that lombard street made the list at number 21. steiner street at alamo square which is known for the painted ladies came in at number 33. very cool. >> beautiful sights of san francisco. it's 5:21. a new report is highlighting the economic impact of major sporting events in the bay area. we'll take ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape

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housing. even if the deal goes through, it would take years before we see any new construction on the site. well, get ready oakland. the ballers are back in action tonight against the rocky mountain vibes. the game begins 6:35 p.m. atraimondi park. the ballers got themselves back in the series last night with a victory against the vibes. so far the ballers are 12 wins deep with only nine losses. don't forget you can catch all the ballers' friday night home games live all summer long on our sister station. pix+ 44 cable 12. well, some of the biggest sports events in the world are heading right here to the bay area. and communities from napa to santa cruz well, they're going to score big. an economic impact report commissioned by the nonprofit bay area host committee says we could get a $1.4 billion economic boost from the nba all-star game in 2025, super bowl 60 and the fifa world cup in 2026. the three events are expected to

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attract about 500,000 visitors and create or sustain nearly 1300 jobs and bring in 400,000 bookings not to mention fan and team spending. well, check this out. there's a new baseball field for kids and this is in solano county. solano county community of suisun city. and several members of the san francisco giants were there for the unveiling. it will be called "rogers brothers junior giants field" and lots of excitement about the new park and its potential to encourage kids to be outside and play. >> investments like this encourage our youth to play outdoors and participate in sports teaching them discipline, resilience, teamwork, and sportsmanship. [ applause ] >> well, the field is named after san francisco giants' pitchers taylor and tyler rogers who made contributions to the project. all right, gianna, time now 5:26. juneteenth celebrations all across the bay area are underway this week. we take a look at some of the events happening in san francisco. let's open up the window

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and peek outside. and look at this view from treasure island. as you get up on a friday morning. the weekend is here. and cue the birds as

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started this morning. we also know that jess has been warning us about some wind to worry about this weekend. right jess. >> it's going to be a breezy weekend. absolutely. i means it's not going to ruin any outdoor plans for father's day. but you are definitely going to notice it at least. it's probably going to be a topic of discussion as we head into the next couple of days for any outdoor festivities and we're kind of sandwiched between high pressure offshore and low pressure from the north. what does that mean for us in well, breezy conditions will stay consistent as we head into the weekend forecast. and daytime highs, they're going to remain just a little bit above average. not by much. but it is worth noting that we're already off to a breezy start this morning. about 25-mile-per-hour wind gusts anywhere from bodega bay all the way into san francisco as we wake up and a similar trend off near concord and as we head into the afternoon hours, we see it die down just a little bit around 10:00, 11:00 and then ramps up more in the afternoon hours today. wind speeds close to around 40 miles per hour just into the 4:00 hour near bodega bay. we see about 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts at times closer to areas like fairfield and san francisco. i'm going to drop the map real fast though and

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let's actually led over the san francisco where we're in the 70s -- excuse me 60s as we head into the afternoon. i got to excited and jumped ahead. in oakland 70s there and 80s in the east bay today. heading up to wine country this weekend expect 70s and 80s and it will be breezy up there as well. but you know what? still beautiful and sunny all throughout the inland areas. that's the case down into the santa clara valley too. 80s in store for us heading into this afternoon near san jose and los gatos. a little bit cooler along 101 up into redwood city. and we're seeing a similar trend not only into this weekend but next week too. we'll have more on that coming up in a built. g, how are the roads? not too bad. in fact thankfully it is friday light out on the freeways. so that's good news, live look here at the golden gate bridge. you can see cruising right along really haven't seen a lot of cars out there this morning. so a pretty easy commute so far. same goes for the bay bridge. in fact, all of the bay area bridges, carquinez and dunbarton and san mateo all looking very good for the morning commute and most of the freeways do as well. we do have that slowing in the altamont pass. but that's

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pretty typical for the morning drive. if you are headed westbound coming out of tracy getting on to 580, you have got the usual brake lights and might be a little windy out there too. so just be careful if you are traveling in a larger more high-profile reek vehicle but trample times not bad at all. 35 minutes from 205 over to 680 and the rest of the major freeways actually moving along pretty nicely as far as travel times go on a friday morning. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories, it's day two of the g-7 summit in italy and president joe biden will meet one-on-one with pope francis. the pope's visit to the g-7 is a first with plans to discuss the implications of artificial intelligence. yesterday, the leaders of seven of the world's largest economies were joined by ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy as they agreed to give his country a $50 billion loan. president biden and zelenskyy also signed a new security deal committing u.s. military aid and training to ukraine for the next ten years. first lady jill biden is waking up in the bay area

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today. she is attending a campaign fundraiser in los gatos. this is her second trip to northern california in just two months. she will be heading to reno later today for another campaign event. the supreme court on thursday rejected a lawsuit challenging the food and drug administration's approach to regulating mifepristone. the ruling allows the pill to continue to be mailed to patients without an in-person doctor's visit. justice brett kavanaugh wrote the opinion and said doctors and anti-abortion groups didn't have standing to sue. and back here at home health care professionals protested the planned closure of trauma services at regional medical center in san jose. they carried fake coffins and signs, saying the closure could be deadly. the hospital says it's closing the center due to decreased use of the facility in the last few years. but it plans to increase the number of beds in its emergency department. and beloved palo alto restaurant mike's diner bar is closing. this is just six months after the community

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rallied to help it avoid eviction. the owner blames the high cost of operating a full service restaurant in the bay area as the reason. the restaurant opened up back in 1995 and sunday will be its last day. ♪ ♪ this morning, we're celebrating pride in our lgbtq+ community and in places as we take a live look at the pride stairs at grace cathedral. the bay area is considered by some to be the gay capital of the world. it's also home to the oldest continuously operating gay bar in the country. the white horse inn on telegraph avenue in oakland has been a hub for the gay community for nine decades. pouring its first drink in 1933. since then, it's continued to be a safe haven for those in the lgbtq+ community and its new owner is now jumping at the opportunity to continue that legacy. >> this is not about making

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money for me. this is about creating a space for our community. >> hear more of the remarkable history of this storied bay area bar tonight at 5:00 p.m. right here on kpix. and we have a saying here we like to say, our stories define us. so to watch all of them for pride month, just go to our website, and be sure to watch our pride special hope love pride, it all starts at 10:00 a.m. on sunday, june 30th. on pix+ and also streaming on the free cbs news app. gianna? >> so many beautiful stories already on our website. so please check that out. all right, taking a live look at san francisco's city hall where mayor breed will host her annual juneteenth celebration this afternoon. the event will feature music and dance and spoken word performances. and get ready to groove as juneteenth sf freedom is gearing up for a big celebration in the city's fillmore district this weekend. more than 10,000 people are expected to fill the streets. there will be eight blocks of fun-filled activities for families, featuring three

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stages with musical performances by the whispers and yalondaed a 578s and more and dozens of retailers and food vendors and a kids' zone will be on hand. the best part? it is all completely free. a fillmore district native and restaurant owner highlights the experience and its recognition as a national holiday. >> a time for us to celebrate and show we're still here celebrating after 80 years. there are tons of african american businesses still. and bringing the neighborhood back to the harlem of the west. so at least once or twice a year. [ laughter ] >> well, the juneteenth sf freedom celebration goes beyond festivities. it is a tribute to the resilience and triumph of black americans and honors their path to freedom and celebrating vibrant culture and contribution to society. tomorrow the fest vault runs from 11:00 to 6:00 p.m. shawn? all right, gianna. time now 5:36. some good news this morning for a struggling mall in san francisco. the new additions coming to the em poor yum center mall in the money watch report. plus. i remember being 10 years

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old and realizing what the bay area was and how special a place it is and sort of like -- the cosmic joy and guilt of being born into such an amazing part of the world. >> bay area actor credits his local upbringing to his success. we catch up with will brill as he takes center stage at the tony awards this weekend. and before we head to break, let's take a live look outside. there you can see coit tower still lit up as the sun is coming up and we all get started on this frid

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i'm getting vaccinated...

5:39 am

...with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm getting prevnar 20 because there's a chance... ...pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions... like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, ...or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults... help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.

5:40 am

time now for the money watch report. san jose is taking a creative new step to boost the housing supply. the council just approved a plan to make it the first city in california to allow the sale of adus. san jose has made backyard units a big part of its housing push over the last decade. it comes as the median house price in santa clara county has topped $2 million. we already know owning a home in california is crazy expensive. now a new study from bank rate puts a number on it. the average california homeowner pays nearly $29,000 every year in costs. that includes property taxes, insurance, and electrical bills. that number has jumped more than 30% just since 2020. the exodus may be ending at the emporium center mall in downtown san francisco. the city announced it has signed seven new leases with retailers

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and community organizations. good news after several mall shops moved out citing a lack of foot traffic and crime. you can now reflu the passports online through a new pilot program. the state department launched thursday. the program is accepting a small number of online applications each day for the first few months to check for potential issues before fully launching at a later date. and sunday is father's day. the national retail federation survey found that this year's expected father's day spending will top $22 billion. in top gifts are greeting guards, clothing, and special outings. gianna? >> don't forget dad. well, the biggest and brightest of broadway are stepping out on the red carpet this weekend for the tony awards. and the play stereophonic is one of this year's frontrunners. a bay area actor taking center stage with his first tony nomination crediting his success to his roots right here in the south bay.

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>> it's really a ride. i mean, when the -- when they call places, it's like strap in. buckle up. here we go. >> it's been a wild ride for actor will brill. congratulations on being nominated for a tony. what was your reaction. >> sort of like i saw my name and i was like -- cool. i'm just going to be nervous for another two months. [ laughter ] which was sort of a relief. weird. ♪ ♪ >> he's nominated for his role in store yo phonic. he plays reg. >> i knew what a bass guitar was and that was the extent of my knowledge. >> a band on the verge of hitting it big. >> there are scenes where my character is like rip roaring in another atmosphere. and playing music at the same time. and it's really crazy to have to pretend that you are so dexterous that you can jam on a thing. even while you are

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terribly messed up. so that is a really fun challenge in the show. >> who's very connected to his character. >> funny when i first workshopped this play, it was such a delight. it was so fun. and i was -- you know, 29 years old. i was engaged to be married. and i was partying a lot in my life. and when the play finally came back to me, i was two years sober and divorced. and these are things -- these are things that reg goes through in the play also. >> the backdrop for the play? sausalito. will, a bay area native. >> i remember being 10 years old and realizing what the bay area was. and how special a place it is. and sort of like the cosmic joy and guilt of being born into such an amazing part of the world. >> falling in love with performing arts at san jose's children's musical theater. >> you know, really credit cmt

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for being the reason that i'm still doing this. it's such a -- it's such a lovely environment and it's so supportive. you make so many friends. >> cmts artistic director kevin remembers working with will. >> i can remember him at a very early age playing i was it was the wassier in aladdin. hi diddy die. a great magician -- and his fingers were working and he was into it and it's so seldom you meet a great character actor. ♪ ♪ >> even though his latest job is in the big apple, his heart will always be right here in san francisco. >> if i could act anywhere in the world, i'd live in san francisco in a heartbeat,, you know? so i miss it and i love it so much. please give it a lot of big kisses for me. >> he was so fun to talk to. well, his nominated for best featured actor in a play for stereophonic and still playing now on broadway by the way

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ifyou are headed to new york. i know you are a big musical play and broadway fan. >> so excited. >> yeah, it's nice to see that there are local nominees and there's also a local nominee for costuming from the bay area as well. but -- i mean, really cool to root for a hometown hero. >> absolutely. i mean, the world kind of focuses in on new york for that weekend especially so it's great to know that there are people here who are a part of that. there's so many different shows and great variety. ariana dubose is going to be hosting this year again for the third time. plenty of reasons for people to be watching on sunday. >> yeah, and cheer on local guy. stereophonic by the way. 13 nominations. now the most in history. so -- >> yeah. >> we can't wait. all right. fingers crossed and we're rooting for you will. now another live look at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton this morning. the alameda county fair is officially back in action

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today. ooh. look at that. all those lights. looks fun. visitors can enjoy carnival rides and games and good and nightly concerts. and good food. and check out some of the new food and drink options available too. the fair will be open on wednesdays through sundays every week until july 7th. >> so the big question is if we wanted to go to the fair this weekend, jess, what should we be expecting? you have been warning us some wind factors at play. right? oh. >> can't hear you jess. hi. >> we were talking about the wind. >> you are back. >> oh guys i was on the whole time. >> it wasn't you. it hasn't been me this whole week. [ laughter ] it's the wind, jessica. the wind is messing with your mic. >> everybody blame the weekend -- or the wind this weekend. on anything that happens. right? no. let's take a quick look at what's going on outside though. heading outside today a little bit warmer compared to yesterday. yesterday we were in the upper 70s throughout concord and san jose regions and today? we're in the 80s again. so putting us just a little bit above average. and a similar trend all the way over into san francisco too. now

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diving into this weekend's forecast. despite the winds that i'll show you in just a bit actually have beautiful weather. 60s in sight for the juneteenth party happening sunday in the fillmore district in san francisco. going to continue to see beautiful weather through the weekend. a little bit cooler for sunday and monday of next week and then we warm up fast closer to the first day of summer. drop this real fast and dive over into the map real fast. areas along the coastline this morning wind speeds anywhere up to around 25, 30 miles per hour and bodega bay being one of the hotter spots. just keep that in mind along the coastline. also going to notice the breezy conditions make their way inland too though. areas like antioch today, sitting at 87-degrees and we can see a wind gust close to around 15 miles per hour there. a breezy setup down into the santa clara valley. and other than that, gosh, it is beautiful weather as we head outside. sunny skies heading into this afternoon. and hey, speaking of sunshine we're going to see a very,

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very sunny setup for us not only today and this weekend but next week to. the first day of summer is next thursday and right around the corner. at that point we're expecting mid 80s so a little bit cooler compared to the saturday forecast but still stunning nonetheless. once we head over into the bay areas like san francisco and oakland hold only tight to the marine layer next week too. it is june gloom after all. upper 70s by tomorrow and then more 70s and 60s flirting back and forth next week. with those cool, cloudy mornings and a breezy weekend ahead of us too. and then it breaks apart and we see the sunshine into the afternoon hours kind of like what we've seen earlier this week. more of that next week in the new york city but for now over to you, g. looking good. believe look at the golden gate bridge. you can see traffic is moving along well and in fact it's kind of one of those days it's friday light. good news to report on the freeways always hoping it stays that way and things are quiet. so far things are moving along pretty nice think there. no fog to slow you down. over

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at the bay bridge toll plaza, pretty quiet here also. metering lights are turned on but you know it might be a little windy out there azygies said. just keep that in mind this morning as you make your commute especially if you are traveling in and out of the altamont pass. there's a wind advisory in effect for 580. so it's busy westbound anyway with all the brake lights. eastbound no delays, you are clear this morning. other than that, it's a nice ride on 80. highway 4 and 101. we're not tracking a lot of brake lights or issues. if you are taking 101 this morning, right at that 680 connector, it's actually mostly affecting southbound 680. we're getting reports of a crash likely blocking one lane hopefully it's just a fender-bender and doesn't look like it's causing too many delays as of yet. traffic is still moving along pretty well for the most part. live look here at the san mateo bridge and a nice commute both directions between 880 and 101. shawn? gianna, thank you. now to awe revive and thrive segment. dogs aren't only man's best friend. they could be four-legged lifesavers. new

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research finds service dogs are working wonders for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. according to scientists at the university of arizona's college of veterinary medicine, these specially trained dogs detect distress signs and interpret panic attacks. providing peace and reducing symptoms. >> i don't have to worry about the insomnia. i might have a night terror and not being able to get out of it. he gave me that opportunity of peace and ease. >> didn't already love dogs. according to the u.s. department of veterans affairs, ptsd affects as many as 29% of iraq war veterans. studies show veterans with service dogs experience less anxiety and better daily functioning. >> another reason why dogs are just your best friend sometimes. you know? they're there for you for so much. >> we love they can do that for the veterans especially. the fact that both gianna and i are wearing blue. and as usual getting the right color and the right tone together. it's part of this

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wear blue day campaign. >> i know. i think we nailed it. we're like right on par here. all right, it takes place on the friday before father's day every year to raise awareness and encouragement to live healthier lives. >> so right before father's day, we certainly understand that message and we're glad to help share that this morning. all right, time now 5:50. this 85-year-old woman is not letting anyone stop her from flying in the clouds. still ahead, why she has taken to the skies hundreds of times. >> ooh. she's very brave. look at that. you know we're going to go to the skies kind of. we're going to the top of the mark at least to get a view of the skies this morning. you see the transamerica building there. and treasure island off in the distance. and yes, father's day is just around the corner. so don't forget dad and happy father's day to

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(♪♪) the best summer plans come from the back seat. let's go camping! i want to see a dinosaur! let's rescue a puppy... a real one. let's go on a big family road trip! volvo plug-in hybrids short trips on electric, longer trips on gas. mom, can we drive until we see the stars? the volvo xc60 and xc90 plug-in hybrid. visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during the summer safely savings event.

5:53 am

new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients.

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well, here's some inspiration for you on a friday morning. one 85-year-old pennsylvania woman is keeping her head in the clouds with no signs of stopping. >> with well over 600 jumps already under her belt, she's aiming for an even loftier goal. bo colt spoke with the sky diver about her decades long career. >> reporter: free falling. is a

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lifelong pursuit for 85-year-old kim e mmonds nor. she landed her 671st jump at the pegasus sky diving center. >> really, really fun and i just love to be in the sky. >> reporter: and floating through it. aside from surviving it. >> yeah. >> reporter: what makes it an enjoyable parachute jump? >> to jump with friends. >> reporter: kim sponsored by the international sky diving museum and hall of fame which she was inducted into in 2013. making jumps to gain the coveted gold wings for 1,000 lifetime jumps. her first, january 1959. over chicago. >> the first jump i took down lot of power lines. [ laughter ] >> reporter: you did yourself? >> no. i got over the power lines but my chute brought the power lines down. >> reporter: she quickly found her wings grabbing headlines and dropping to the top of her

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class. >> the gold medal for the world championship in 1962. >> reporter: at the same time, meeting husband fellow jumper and yuck sleeve january defector during the world war. >> such a pleasure. >> reporter: becoming an inspiration along the way especially from her who justlanded her first jump. >> her story was such a meat voice, this is my first time and i hope it's one of many. >> reporter: as kim climbs to her goal, she leaves us a message that lands. >> we have a lot of responsibilities with life. and we're always looking for a release. to go have fun. i mean, that's all part of living. is the fun. >> in case you needed another reminder to like push yourself at any age. wow. that is an incredible story. >> i mean truly shows there are no limits it's what you can see and believe you can make it happen. and what an inspiration. i am so impressed on anyone who has enough bravery to jump out of a

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perfectly good airplane with a parachute though. it's good. what an adventurer. >> her journey too. probably why just pushing herself and she is. so well done. >> she's the question. have you ever been sky diving? >> no. >> are you going to do it. ever? >> i am slightly more interested nowment how about that. >> you have been a little bit inspired. >> yes but definitely not ready. [ laughter ] it will take a little more time. >> may believe when you are 85. the feds are tackling the drug crisis in san francisco. and coming up at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12, we're going to live you to the alameda county fair with the events manager from the fairgrounds cass we take a live look outside an this friday morning from the top of black mountain. look at that. the sun is coming up and getting you ready for the weekend. we'll have your forecast and of course for your father's day weekend coming up in just a few minutes. we'll be right back.

5:58 am

i'm getting vaccinated... ...with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm getting prevnar 20 because there's a chance... ...pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions... like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, ...or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults... help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. a slow network is no network for business.

5:59 am

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6:00 am

all right, well, hi there. come on in. it is friday everybody. june 14th. >> that's right. we are ready for the weekend. let's get started. >> we're shutting down and saying hey, drug trafficking in our city is no longer going to be tolerated. >> the feds cracking down on open air drug markets in san francisco.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.