FC Barcelona Tickets (2024)


LAST UPDATED 21of Februaryof 2024

The purpose of the following conditions of sale is to establish the terms and explain the details of the purchase of tickets by those who acquire them through this channel, as well as the rights and obligations inherent to the ticket(s) purchased. Therefore, please read these Purchase Terms carefully as they detail: i) the terms of purchase of tickets through the website and through the FC BARCELONA mobile application; ii) The terms of access and use of the tickets purchased


The website www.fcbarcelona.com and the mobile app are owned by FC BARCELONA (hereinafter FC BARCELONA or the Club), with its registered office at Arístides Maillol, s/n, 08028 Barcelona, CIF G-08266298, registered in the Registry of Sports Entities of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the status of sports club no.2.590, on Volume 2, Page 295 of the registration book for sports entities. This website and the app offer its members, fans and supporters, as well as any other interested person, the possibility of acquiring tickets through the internet (web or app) to attend matches and/or sporting events for the club’s football and sports teams during the current sports season.

Internet users who access the website or the application of FC BARCELONA and, specifically, this section of ticket sales, voluntarily assume and are obliged to respect the terms and conditions of the sale contract, to which they are subject. This notice regulates the operation of the purchase of tickets put on sale by FC BARCELONA to access sporting events held in the facilities owned by this entity, whether organised by the Club itself, or by third-party organisations.

These General Conditions of Use have been modified on 18/01/2024 Likewise, FC BARCELONA reserves the right to review and modify these legal conditions at any time, so they should visit the website periodically to check for updates to these purchase conditions and to be aware of any updates and/or limitations that may occur and are beyond the control of FC BARCELONA that may apply to the same tickets acquired. The user is subject to the policies and conditions in force at the time of the use of this website or proceed with the installation of the application, therefore continued use of the App or the website shall constitute acceptance of the changes made, except when by law or the decision of the competent body, appropriate changes have to be made retroactively in said policies or conditions.

For any suggestion, questions or complaints, the user can contact FC BARCELONA through:

• Telephone: 902 1899 00 (Spain) / + 34 93 496 36 00 (outside Spain)
• Email: oab@fcbarcelona.cat
• Post: Futbol Club Barcelona, Arístides Maillol, s / n, 08028 Barcelona (Spain).


From the moment in which the user submits their purchase order for one or more tickets, they will be referred to as the "BUYER", and will be bound as such to FC BARCELONA, who will have the status of seller. The purchase made through the internet by the BUYER, received by FC BARCELONA, has a binding contractual nature.

The BUYER declares that he/she has the necessary legal capacity to act and contract through the website or that of the APP, where he must provide the data requested correctly and completely, and undertakes not to enter data from third parties. The receipt of the purchase order will be confirmed immediately by FC BARCELONA by email or by other means. From that moment, that of the express acceptance on behalf of FC BARCELONA, the sale will be considered to have been made and both parties obliged to comply with the agreement.


The purchase of ticket(s) represents the acceptance, by the BUYER, of the following general conditions:

A) THE BUYER declares themselves aware that FC BARCELONA works on the dynamic pricing policy which implies that the price originally established for the product or service may be increased or decreased in response to supply and demand and the temporary proximity of the event in question. The BUYER pays the price published on the website at the time of completing their purchase, but the price of similar tickets may increase or decrease (for future purchases by third parties) once the BUYER has made his purchase. The BUYER shall not be entitled to a refund of the price difference if the price of similar tickets subsequently decreases after the time of purchase. Therefore, the validity of the ticket/s and the price of them will be those that appear on the website/app at the time of purchase. The price printed on the ticket/s usually correspond to its nominal value and not to the purchase price. The BUYER shall not be entitled to a refund for having paid a price above the nominal value.

B) The date and time of the match for which the tickets are purchased and the price will those that appear on the website or in the app at the time of purchase. Taking into consideration that the date and time of the match can be modified by the organiser of the competition unilaterally, the BUYER declares that it is aware of and agrees to be solely responsible for verifying the final date and time of the match prior to its celebration. This verification may be carried out through the FC BARCELONA website and of the APP.

C) FC BARCELONA is subject to the restrictive security regulations applicable in the organisation and access to sporting meetings, and that is why it is expressly stated that all the tickets that are available to the BUYER on the website and in the FC BARCELONA APP are exclusively intended for the purchase of them by fans of FC BARCELONA; this is expressly stated on the website and in the APP throughout the purchase process. Therefore, the acquisition of said tickets on behalf of fans of rival teams may be flagged as a fraudulent purchase.

As an exception, FC BARCELONA may block the purchase of tickets in certain countries, in particular when they are made to the countries of the teams that are FC BARCELONA rivals for that specific sporting event for which the tickets are put up for sale. This prohibition is carried out in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 2018/302 of the European Parliament, since FC BARCELONA must guarantee the correct separation of fans in order to comply with Law 19/2007, of 11 July against violence, racism, xenophobia and sports intolerance, and its development regulation, essential standards for the development of sporting events in Spain, therefore and in compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation, FC BARCELONA will block any transfer of tickets carried out in this way as said block is necessary to ensure compliance with the aforementioned regulations.

The number of tickets and the price will be chosen by the BUYER during the purchase process and cannot be modified once formalised.

D) The purchase of tickets through the FC BARCELONA official website has two different ticket delivery services available to the buyer:

  1. A home ticket printing service. At the end of the purchase process, the BUYER will receive a PDF file containing the tickets for printing to their e-mail address. Through the same e-mail message, they can download tickets in Passbook format to their mobile phone.

  1. Storage of the ticket on the FC BARCELONA APP menu and which you can access by clicking on the “MY TICKETS” option in the APP itself.

An entrance to the venue, spectators can be asked to show their national ID in order to verify that the bearer of the ticket matches the name printed thereon (nominal tickets). If these do not match, the bearer shall be refused admission to the venue.

In exceptional situations, for technical and/or security reasons, the ticket printing service or the APP may be deactivated; in this case, the BUYER must appear at the Club's ticket offices at least one (1) hour before the event. To proceed with the collection, the BUYER must present the following documents:

- The credit/debit card with which they made the purchase.
- The DNI/passport of the holder of said credit/debit card.

In the case of collection by a third party other than the BUYER, they must present the PURCHASE REFERENCE, the original BUYER's ID and an original authorisation signed by the BUYER for the collection of the ticket(s) by that third party, in addition to providing a photocopy of the DNI or official document accrediting the BUYER and the person who makes the collection.

E) No changes or ticket refunds will be accepted, except in the case of the cancellation or suspension of the event (see section 3.
F). The BUYER (even as a consumer of the European Union, Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland) may not exercise the right of withdrawal or resolution provided, both in Directive 2011/83 of the European Union, like in article 103 of Law 3/2014, of March 27, which modifies the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, since the exercise thereof is excluded in these cases.
The BUYER must ensure, before completing the purchase process or the ticket(s), the accuracy and adequacy of the entered data. The impossibility of the BUYER to attend the event and/or error when making the purchase will not be deemed valid reasons to request a refund of the price of the tickets. In accordance with the regulations in force regarding consumer affairs and the management of the retail trade, the BUYER may not exercise the right of withdrawal or resolution since the provision of services related to leisure activities is exempt from such right.

F) Once the ticket(s) have been purchased, the amount will only be exchanged or returned in the event of cancellation of the event prior to the start of the match, in which case the BUYER may request a refundand FC BARCELONA undertakes to carry it out as soon as possible and within a maximum period of 15 days, in the form specified by the Club, and presenting, in all cases, proof of purchase. Once the match has started, if it is suspended due to force majeure, the amount will not be refunded. In the case of any refund, the Club will only reimburse the price of the ticket, not being responsible for any other expense or cost, such as, by way of example and merely enunciative, hotels, trips, meals, per diems, etc.

G) FC BARCELONA reserves the right to alter or modify the schedules, programmes or teams announced for the corresponding match, as well as declare the suspension of the event.

H) FC BARCELONA offers different types of discounts and promotions for the purchase of tickets throughout the season through its website, APP, social network profile and/or any other official communication channel of the Club. The promotions and/or discounts will be subject in any case to the particular conditions indicated in each of them and in no case are they cumulative with each other. Any discount and/or promotion will also apply to the terms and conditions of ticket purchase described in these legal conditions.


The price of the tickets listed on the website or in the app includes VAT and will be the price indicated on the website or app order page when you make the purchase. The price of a ticket may increase or decrease over time, as set out in section 3.A of these conditions, but the price shown when the purchase has been made shall always be paid.

We accept payments through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Apple Pay, Android Pay, and any other payment methods indicated on the Web and/or App. You must always pay for your tickets before they are delivered to you.

We make every effort to ensure that the price of tickets that appears on both the Web and the App is correct. If we find an error in the price of your order, we will contact you with the option to reconfirm your order, correct the price, or cancel your order. We will issue the refund using the payment method used to place the order as appropriate. If we are unable to reach you, you agree that we may consider your order cancelled.

If you need a VAT invoice for the Purchase made, you must contact FC BARCELONA at the address provided in the first section of these purchase conditions.

The following conditions apply, in addition to the General Conditions indicated in section 3 above, only in the case that the BUYER acquires one or several tickets (up to a maximum of 6) without seat selection. In the event of any contradiction or inconsistency between the General Conditions and the Special Conditions, the latter will have preference when tickets are being purchased without seat selection.

For tickets without seat selection, the BUYER chooses one of the available areas of the Stadium, but it is FC BARCELONA who chooses and assigns the rows and seats, communicating to the BUYER via email or via the APP the definitive location(s) a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours before the start of the match.

In the event that, for reasons of availability, the Club cannot assign seats in the area of the Stadium chosen by the BUYER in the process of purchasing tickets without seat selection, the BUYER will be entitled to an upgrade, so that all the seats definitively assigned to the BUYER by the Club will be located in a zone with a price superior to the one initially selected by the BUYER. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the BUYER shall have a period of twenty-four (24) hours from the communication with the offer of the different seat to renounce said upgrade and obtain a refund of the amount corresponding to the tickets, without selection of an improved seat Once the aforementioned period has elapsed, the BUYER shall not be entitled to a refund of said amount.


5.2.1.- Along with the purchase of tickets to attend FC BARCELONA matches, you have the opportunity to purchase tickets for BARÇA FEST, which will be held at POBLE ESPANYOL, located on Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 13 in Barcelona.

5.2.2.- The following conditions govern the purchase and sale of BARÇA FEST tickets, as well as their use and enjoyment:

As established in section 3.A) of these conditions, the BUYER declares themselves aware that FC BARCELONA works on the dynamic pricing policy which implies that the price originally established for the product or service may be increased or decreased in response to supply and demand and the temporary proximity of the event in question, so that the sale price of the ticket published on the website at the time of making the purchase may be modified and may not be the same at any time after the actual purchase of the product.

The PURCHASER shall not be entitled to a refund of the difference in price if the price of the tickets is subsequently reduced at the time of purchase.

If you purchase tickets at a reduced rate, you must present the document/ID proving your eligibility for this rate at the Checkpoint at the entrance to the venue. Failure to do so may constitute grounds for refusing access to the venue without refunding the cost of the ticket(s).

These General Terms of Use have been modified as of 21/02/2024. At any time, we may proceed with their modification: please check the issuance date each time you connect to our website to ensure that no modification affecting you has occurred.

5.2.3.- Once you have purchased the ticket(s), they cannot be exchanged for any other(s) nor shall the cost be refunded, except as provided for below.

The BUYER’s inability to attend BARÇA FEST on the date the ticket is valid due to causes beyond FC BARCELONA’s control and/or an error when making the purchase do not constitute a valid reason for requesting a refund of the cost of the tickets.

The cost of BARÇA FEST tickets shall only be refunded if the event is cancelled or suspended due to force majeure and/or a change in the date and/or time of the event for which the tickets were purchased, in which case the BUYER may request a refund and FC BARCELONA shall pay it as soon as possible, within no more than 15 days, in the manner specified by the Club, always upon presentation of the proof of purchase. If the event is suspended due to force majeure once it has begun, the cost of the ticket shall not be refunded. In all cases of a refund, the Club shall only refund the cost of the ticket, not being liable for any other expense or cost, such as, by way of example and for purely illustrative purposes, hotels, travel, meals and per-diem allowances, except in those cases that were thus specified according to applicable legislation in force.

In accordance with the regulations in force on consumption and retail trade regulation, and except as provided for in the previous paragraph, the BUYER may not exercise the right of withdrawal or termination, since the provision of services related to leisure activities is exempt from said right.

Please note that we can only refund your tickets if you purchased them on the official FC Barcelona website (www.fcbarcelona.com), on the app or through our form for groups.

Any refunds must be for unused tickets.

5.2.4 If the entire event is cancelled, any corresponding amounts shall be refunded according to the legislation applicable at the time and in the place where BARÇA FEST is held. Regarding expenses for travel, accommodation or any other expense incurred by the BUYER, these are at the BUYER’s own expense and risk, and none of these amounts/expenses shall be refunded, as long as the requirements specifically provided for by the applicable legislation are met.

5.2.5 FC Barcelona reserves the right to alter or change the BARÇA FEST schedules and performances, activities and/or programme on the instructions of the body that regulates the different competitions held at the FC Barcelona facilities. If the performances, activities and/or programme are changed, this does not constitute a substantial change for the purpose of a total or partial refund of the ticket cost, as long as it does not affect more than 50% of the planned programme.

5.2.6. If BARÇA FEST is cancelled or changed due to force majeure once the event has started, the BUYER is not entitled to a full or partial refund of the amount paid for the tickets, or any other expenses.

5.2.7. The cost of the tickets shall not be refunded to the BUYER if BARÇA FEST is substantially changed or cancelled due to unforeseeable causes and/or force majeure, and/or any other cause, beyond FC Barcelona’s control that make it advisable to cancel or change the event for reasons of safety, precaution and/or risk to third parties.

5.2.9 During the season, FC BARCELONA offers different types of discounts and promotions for purchasing tickets on its website, app, social media pages and/or any other of the Club’s official communication channels. Promotions and/or discounts are subject to the specific conditions indicated for each one and may not be combined under any circ*mstance. Any discount and/or promotion is also subject to the terms and conditions for the purchase of tickets as described in these legal conditions.

Likewise, if for any of the reasons stated above the match for which the tickets were purchased is cancelled, BARÇA FEST is simultaneously and automatically cancelled.pendent confirmació

5.2.10 FC BARCELONA is subject to restrictive regulations applicable to the organisation and access to facilities where sporting events or other related events are held. In accordance with Act 11/2009, of 6 July, on Administrative Regulation of Public Shows and Recreational Activities and the Shows and Recreational Activities Regulations (Decree 112/2010, of 31 August), in order to preserve the safety both of the facilities where the event is held and the people who attend it, FC BARCELONA may exercise the right to refuse admission at the entrance to people wearing visible distinctive emblems of the football team opposing FC BARCELONA in the match to be played in the hours following the event being held at the facilities, provided it is considered to be a high-risk match.

5.2.11 The above statements shall be included in the specific technical characteristics required by Annex IV of the Regulations in the corresponding officially approved information panel.

5.2.12 The reason for this restriction is to guarantee security inside BARÇA FEST and avoid any type of altercation between fans.


A) In all cases and in accordance with the provisions of articles 50 to 55 of Royal Decree 112/2010, from August 31, which approves the Regulation of public performances and recreational activities, FC BARCELONA reserves the right to admission.

Especially FC BARCELONA states that it must comply with Law 19/2007, of 11 July against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, and its implementing regulations, which establish the obligation of FC BARCELONA to adopt all those measures that are necessary to ensure adequate separation of local fans and visitors.
Therefore, FC BARCELONA may, in order to guarantee safety at the event and comply with the applicable regulations, prohibit access to and/or eject from the stadium those who display entertainment items of the visiting team and/or any rival team outside the area authorised for the visiting fans, provided that this may pose a risk to safety and public order.

B) Smoking is not allowed. For security reasons, at the time of accessing the site, attendees can be screened, not allowing, in any case, the entry of objects that may be considered dangerous or that are prohibited by current safety regulations for sporting events.

C) Strictly prohibited and, therefore, leading to the prohibition of access, are the following behaviours:
(i) the introduction of alcoholic beverages, weapons, instruments susceptible to being used as such, flares, fireworks or similar objects;
(ii) the introduction and display of banners, symbols, emblems or slogans that imply incitement to violence or those acts that constitute an act of manifest disparagement to persons participating in the sporting show or event;
(iii) the BUYER has been sanctioned with the prohibition of access to any sports venue, as long as the sanction has not been lifted; and
(iv) being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, stimulants or analogous substances;

D) FC BARCELONA may deny access to and/or expel from the premises the ticket holder in the event of of non-compliance with these conditions, or in the event of neglecting the instructions made by Club staff.

E) Any attempt to defraud, steal or damage private property -directly or indirectly- belonging to FC BARCELONA facilities will permit the Club to adopt measures and initiate the legal action it deems appropriate against the perpetrators.

F) In the event of acquiring tickets at reduced rates, it will be necessary to present the document/card that accredits access to this rate at the entry control point.

G) In the purchase by minors, FC BARCELONA are not responsible for the granting or non-consent by adults who hold their legal representation, as well as the veracity and accuracy of the data provided by users, since the Club cannot verify with absolute security either the age, nor the nationality, nor the rest of the data provided by them. For this reason, FC BARCELONA will not assume any responsibility for those who fail to comply with the obligation to provide their own truthful and lawful information, with these persons solely responsible for all the effects of false or inaccurate statements made, as well as for damages of any kind caused to the Club or to third parties due to the information they provide.


A) The ticket/s acquired through the website or the APP are equipped with different security elements to preserve their validity and authenticity. FC BARCELONA are not responsible for tickets that have not been purchased at the official points of sale or through authorised agents, or those that have not been printed directly by the BUYER through this website or the APP. Any ticket damaged, broken or containing signs of forgery will permit FC BARCELONA to prevent the ticketholder access to the venue. In the case of forgeries, FC BARCELONA reserve the right to adopt the corresponding legal measures.
The ticket/s acquired must be kept until the day of the visit as if they were money in cash. The BUYER of the ticket or the person in whose name the ticket is personalised, assumes all responsibility in the case of duplication, photocopy or falsification of the ticket, losing all the rights it grants to access the venue.

B) FC BARCELONA are not responsible for any loss or theft of tickets, nor for that of any personal belongings.

C) The illegal resale (or attempted illegal resale) of a ticket constitutes a cause for confiscation or cancellation, without reimbursem*nt or any other type of compensation. In order to avoid illegal resale, the purchase of tickets can be limited in quantity, establishing a maximum per person or member and/or credit card. Purchase that contradict the criteria established by FC BARCELONA and communicated on this website will permit the Club to cancel these tickets, for which purpose they must duly notify the BUYER.

D) The acquisition of tickets does not grant the BUYER the right to use them or their content for advertising, marketing or promotion purposes (including contests, gifts and/or raffles), unless it is with the express written consent of FC BARCELONA. Failure to comply with this prohibition will permit FC BARCELONA to cancel the tickets/s and to take as many legal actions as it deems appropriate to claim the damages that such behaviour may have caused FC BARCELONA.


In any case, the international transfer of tickets will be prohibited when they are made to the countries of the teams that are rivals of FC BARCELONA for the specific sporting event for which the ticket was purchased, this prohibition is made in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 2018/302 of the European Parliament, since FC BARCELONA must ensure the correct separation of fans in order to comply with RD 203/2010 essential for the development of sporting events in Spain, therefore and in compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation, FC BARCELONA will block any transfer of tickets carried out in this way as said block is necessary to ensure compliance with the aforementioned regulations.


FC BARCELONA will process your data to properly carry out your purchase, as well as to comply with billing obligations and the corresponding fiscal obligations. This data is necessary for the execution of the purchase and handling of the contractual relationship.
You can read more information about the handling of your personal data in our privacy policy.

The Club reserves all image and intellectual property rights from the event. The BUYER shall not transmit, distribute, sell (or help to do so) any description, annotation, image, video, audio, data, statistics and/or any other form of reproduction of the event, except for personal and private use, the breach of any of these obligations also leading to their ejection from the sports venue, without prejudice to legal actions that may be taken against the offender.

The ticket holder acknowledges that they may appear in images taken at the facilities by different means for subsequent informative or promotional dissemination, and authorises said use.

If there are video surveillance cameras in the facilities, FC BARCELONA informs the BUYER that their image will become part of the responsibility of the organiser with the purpose of access control and security for the event, as well as the resolution of any incident. The BUYER may exercise their rights to access, rectify, delete, oppose, limit or take away in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy.


We have the right to delete or revoke your tickets (including tickets transferred in accordance with Clause 8) and fully reimburse the holder of the card used for payment if your Purchase is suspected to be fraudulent and/or if we have reason to suspect that your tickets were Purchased with a stolen card (‘Suspected Fraud’).

Where the above paragraph applies, we are not required to notify you of the deletion, revocation or refund, or to provide you with any details of the alleged fraud. This is to ensure that those who commit fraud are not alerted to investigative methods.

If you believe your tickets have been revoked in error due to a Suspected Fraud, you may dispute it by contacting our team at the following email: oab@fcbarcelona.cat


The purchase and sale of tickets carried out through this website is subject to the Catalan, Spanish and international legislation applicable.

In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of these legal conditions, the courts or tribunals that, if applicable, are informed of the matter, will be those that establish the applicable legal regulations with competent jurisdiction, in which they work in the place of compliance with the obligation or the domicile of the buyer.

In the event that the buyer is domiciled outside of Spain, or that the purchase and sale is made by a company, both parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).


The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Consumers may submit their claims through the online dispute resolution platform. To address these claims, please use the following email address as the contact email for FC Barcelona: oab@fcbarcelona.cat.

FC Barcelona Tickets (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6699

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.