- Free Online Journal and Role Playing (2024)

Bio:This is an adult role-playing journal and posts may contain adult concepts and content. By reading the content of this journal you are certifying that you are above the age of majority in your jurisdiction.

Player Info

Name: Diane
Email Address: taekwondodo47 at yahoo dot com
IM/MSN Username: surly canuck - Free Online Journal and Role Playing (1)

Basic Info

Real Name: Kurt Josef Wagner
Nicknames: Elf, Fuzzy, Blue, Squirrel
Code Name: Nightcrawler
Affiliation: X-Men
Occupation: X-Man, black team field leader, college student
Education: A thorough schooling in the acrobatic arts. Nothing formally academic before high school though would now be a sophom*ore in college (internet correspondence) majoring in modern languages if there was any college to go to.
Canon: Other: zombie!verse – based on Evo


Age/Birthdate: 22, birthdate November 11
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 157
Hair: Blue-black, thick, curly, and tends to be somewhat unruly. Relatively short in back, he has longish bangs that don’t quite fall across his
Eyes: solid, luminous gold with no visible iris or pupil.
Appearance: He has a full body coat of indigo fur, hair of a slightly darker shade of blue, glowing yellow eyes with no visible pupils, three fingered hands, two-toed feet and a cat-like, digit-grade stance, pointed ears, a prehensile tail, and extremely sharp fangs. His face is somewhat angular and his features are fine, almost delicate, and best described as elfin.

Kurt is slender but not slight, with an acrobat’s lithe build. He’s extremely muscular and well-defined, but not bulky and has almost no body fat. His fur is extremely dense but fine and very with a texture similar to high quality silk velvet.

The natural bio-luminescence of his eyes is barely noticeable in broad daylight or a brightly lit room, but in even relatively dim conditions they glow brightly and can be disconcerting to look into. The lack of visible irises or pupils also makes it impossible to tell where he’s looking (an effect he’s not at all above taking advantage of) and can make some people very uncomfortable about meeting his eyes.

His hair is thick, curly, and tends to be somewhat unruly. Relatively short in back, he has longish bangs that that don’t quite fall across his eyes. His fangs are long enough to be very noticeable when he smiles – and he smiles often and easily.

Kurt’s tail is not quite four feet long, prehensile and capable of supporting his own body weight and then some if necessary. The spaded tip is flexible, strong and can effectively function very much like a third hand - he can pick up things as small as a pencil or a piece of chalk with it as well as lift almost any weight that he could lift with his arms. While the entire appendage is highly sensitive, the base and spade are particularly so.

Casual pretty much covers it - cargoes and well worn jeans along with tank tops or novelty t-shirts. Also, the spade of his tail is pierced (and god damn what was he thinking when he did that? Because it hurt like hell) as well as both ears, his left eyebrow,

and his tongue. He wears anywhere from one to five gold or silver hoops or CBRs in each ear and one in his tail depending on his mood - and occasionally a small, somewhat irregularly shaped steel hoop that was a 'peace offering' from Lorna when she finally started to get over his mutation. He also has a large "X-63" branded into his right forearm and a decent collection of scars on his wrists, ankles, shoulders and chest, though they're mostly concealed by his fur.
Played By: Adam Brody

Powers, Abilities and Stats

Mutant Powers: Kurt has the ability to teleport himself, his clothing and an undetermined amount of mass instantaneously from one location to another, something he’s capable of repeating up to four times per second, at least for a limited time. When teleporting only himself he is capable of traveling distances of up to three miles, though he can push it further in an emergency. Teleporting is moderately uncomfortable for him and can be extremely so – even debilitating – for a passenger, though he’s learned to compensate for his passengers over the years…if he wants to. If he doesn’t, then he’s quite capable of using repeated teleportation as a weapon to disable an opponent. He’s also capable of teleporting just a portion of whatever – or whoever – he’s holding onto as well as teleporting one object inside of another, with generally explosive results. While he’s not overly eager to use either of these techniques with living beings he will if he feels it is justified and necessary.

Closely linked to his power of teleportation is his spatial awareness. He is constantly aware of his surroundings and how they relate to him. He does not need to actually see an object or person which is in reasonably close proximity to him to know exactly where they are located and, in fact, can use this ability to augment his night vision when navigating in absolute darkness. This is invaluable in ensuring that he never teleports into a space which is already occupied by something or someone else. He is also always aware of his orientation with regards to the earth's magnetic fields and at least partially uses them to help guide his teleportation, which gives him a pretty reliable sense of direction.

Kurt can cling to virtually any surface with his hands and feet and is as comfortable walking, running or even ‘sitting’ on the wall or ceiling as he is on the ground. His strength, while it doesn’t stray into the realm of the truly superhuman, is well beyond that of all but the most incredibly fit baseline human given the muscular tension and stamina required to do something as simple as stand or ‘sit’ on a wall, which he can do for extended periods with no real effort, and his dexterity, balance, agility and general coordination definitely nudge well into the realm of the superhuman.
His indigo fur combined with some aspect of his mutation which neither he nor his mentors really understand renders Kurt effectively invisible in deep shadow or darkness - even his clothing will disappear with him and not even the Wolverine can find him by sight if he takes shelter in the shadows. He also has exceptional night vision and an extraordinarily flexible spine. The latter enables him to contort into the most unlikely positions as well as to run quadrupedally and at much greater speeds than a 'normal' human can run bipedally.
Teleportation is, in and of itself, physically exhausting even when he doesn’t overdo it, and he requires an almost ridiculous amount of calories to support it, not to mention having a pretty insane baseline metabolism to begin with. Consequently, underfeed the boy and he’s not really good for anything.
In addition to the above, during his time in Weapon X he was subjected to experimentation which catalyzed the development of a secondary, feral, mutation. This entails enhanced senses of smell, taste, and hearing (his vision was already well into the superhuman range) and a disconcerting, though generally successfully squashed, impulse to react instinctively to much of what those senses tell him.

Hearing: Superhuman
Eyesight: super-human, with night vision enhanced to the point of being able to see in absolute darkness
Dexterity/Agility: superhuman
Physical Strength: peak human
General Health excellent
IQ Slightly above average, possibly nudging into bright, and maximizes what he has by being diligent in studying anything he's decided is actually important
Mental Health A bit hit and miss occasionally depending on circ*mstances, though remarkably decent all things considered. He has a fear of fire verging on the pathological though he does his best to hide it, is mildly claustrophobic, suffers chronically from assorted nightmares, can fall into mild alcoholism when he’s having trouble coping, and has a possibly over-developed sense of personal responsibility and Catholic guilt.
Skills: Kurt is an Olympic class acrobat, both by natural inclination and by training. He's an accomplished swordsman (with either hand or his tail) and has excellent aim with thrown projectiles - such as darts and knives - and is a pretty damned good juggler too. Highly skilled in both armed and unarmed combat as well as black ops thanks at least in part to Weapon X. He's also multi-lingual and, in addition to his native German, he's fluent in English, Rom, French and Italian, speaks passable Spanish, butchers Joual somewhat, and can inquire as to the location of the bathroom and the nearest bar in an assortment of other languages - not to mention question your parentage, intelligence and sexual habits in quite a few more. Driving at excessive speeds with complete disregard for traffic laws or personal safety . Licensed pilot. Basic first aid and emergency triage.
Equipment: A pair of matched swords, basic paranoid zombie survival kit, half a dozen throwing knives, his journal, a couple changes of clothes, image inducer (that he hasn't used since before Mojo but carts around anyway just in case), his rosary.


Family: Raven Darkholme – biological mother, Erik Lensherr – biological father, Christophe Wagner - adopted father, Adele Wagner - adopted mother, Margali Szardos - surrogate/pseudo mother, Jimaine Szardos – surrogate sister, Stefan Szardos – surrogate brother (deceased), Rogue – pseudo/adopted/foster sister?
Religion: Almost but not quite lapsed Catholic...he still wants to believe but it's pretty hard to anymore.
Kurt was fished out of a river as an infant by a young German couple who, fortunately for him, saw him as a child and not a pet. Equally fortunately, they were circus folk who raised him in the relative safety and camaraderie of a small traveling circus, where he eventually became the star despite some suspicion and latent hostility from some members of the troupe. His best friends and surrogate siblings were the children of Margali Szardos, the troupe's manager as well as the fortune teller on the midway. Over the years he had a few accidental run ins with various locals, none of which ended particularly well. The worst happened when he was thirteen, when Stefan died in a climbing accident in the Alps under particularly awkward circ*mstances which resulted in a mob and the obligatory attempt to burn the demon at the stake. Fortunately his teleportation manifested just in time for him to escape.

At fifteen he moved to the United States to attend the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters where he made friends, went to school for the first time, fought evil and just kinda misguidedly bad mutants on the side and along the way found out his biological parents were mutant terrorists bent on world domination. At seventeen he and his sorta not quite but kind of almost in a way sister Rogue became a couple, which led to a bit of uncomfortable fallout from some of the friends and team-mates, but he didn't really give a damn. Besides, it was pretty much over-shadowed by Mystique using him to dupe Rogue into absorbing Carol Danvers, putting both of them into a coma that he spent a week afraid she'd never wake up from. Hardly two weeks after she did he was captured, along with some of the other mansion residents, by a reconstituted Weapon X program and that pretty much blew all other concerns out of the water.

He spent almost seven months as the program’s ‘guest’, being tortured and trained and molded into a living weapon. During this time he formed a, um...close bond with his cell-mate, Jean-Paul Beaubier. He and the others were finally rescued due to a glitch in the Weapon X containment and he returned to his place with the X-Men, dealing with both the aftermath of his time in captivity and the rather…intimate…relationship he’d had with Jean-Paul during that time. He and Rogue worked things out afterwards, though, and they’ve remained together since, though their relationship has definitely been volatile at times.

He was almost 21 when Mojo brought him to the dome, at that time the last six months had been a waking nightmare of dodging and pithing the shambling hordes of the restless undead - basically fighting off the rotting victims of some unexplained virus that swept over the world in less than a week, leaving a huge portion of the population as animate corpses with an insatiable desire for human flesh. Just before his abduction, though, Doctor McCoy had finally come up with a viable cure for the virus which they were scheduled to begin mass delivery of in two days, unfortunately Kurt got snatched to the Mojo!verse. Hopefully his absence didn’t affect the plan too adversely.

AMX History if applicable:
*Kurt arrived mid October, a panicked week or two before Rogue.
*He made out with Wanda, fought with Pietro, and had sex with Jimaine under Mojo’s influence at the Halloween ball. Afterwards he was killed by Jay Guthrie under Mojo’s influence but he was brought back after a few hours. He and Rogue had a short term falling out after this because she also slept with Remy. Not long after, he beat the sh*t out of evo!Pietro when he ran into him in the hall and realized, from the scent, that he and Wanda were sleeping together.
As a Christmas ‘gift’ from Mojo Kurt spent a night in the DR with Jimaine, reliving snippets of each others’ histories, him stepping into the place of her Kurt and she of his Jimaine for alternating views into what had built their very different homeworld relationships. When he returned to Rogue after to explain he found her in a panic after having received her own Christmas gift from Mojo…’proof’ that Mystique was her biological father. After an argument that didn’t quite descend to the level of knock down drag out, but got close, they broke up. He spent two days trying to drown his sorrows at the bottom of a vodka bottle, at which point Jimaine demanded to know what had happened to him – he’d had a lunch date with her that he skipped – and he broke down on her. She was supportive and didn’t push, but did insist he stay with her and about a month later they sort of drifted into a relationship.

Not long after he was sucked into Mojo’s perverse recreation of Weapon X, along with every other resident of the dome who had a WX connection, including the littlest Kurt, who’s only connection was through him and another WXd version of them in the dome. It was only a week for everyone else, but for the prisoners it was three, and it left him broken and incapable of working with his team upon his return. On Valentine’s Day he proposed to Jimaine but, while she accepted, they never moved beyond a private agreement that, yes, they’d get married some day. In May when Mojo sent everyone on supposed ‘vacations’ he came down with what he thought was a cold but turned out to be Legacy and after over a month of slowly deteriorating and losing all control of his powers he finally ‘died’. When he was revived through the efforts of the medical staff, Threnody and Wicked he found that Jimaine had disappeared without a trace. When she finally returned (she’d gone to Limbo to hide and mourn) he was a complete wreck and they’d just finally gotten back to something resembling normalcy when the breakout came a few weeks later and he wound up in neither his world nor hers but this strange new place without her.

Personality: Despite recent circ*mstances there is still some remnant of the good-natured, easy-going, charming and personable young man Kurt used to be, but it is just that. A remnant. His once playful and mischievous nature has been increasingly worn away through months of constant combat and the seemingly futile effort to hold out against the never-ending army of the undead, though he still puts on a fairly convincing show for those around him, old friends and helpless refugees alike. His entire life was been defined by performing, both in public and private, and it’s a habit ingrained almost past his ability to discard now: in his old life he was a compulsive flirt and showman, and he still goes through the motions when he has the energy. It’s just part of who he is and he’d have to work harder not to be that way than he does to continue on autopilot.
By nature Kurt tends to be incredibly easy going and affectionate and to take people as they come but events of the last few years have made him more guarded and less likely to invest deeply in new relationships than he used to be, he’s simply lost too many friends and family in the last six months. And his time in Weapon X taught him one lesson that all the difficulties of his life before that point had never managed to ingrain in him. How to hate. Truly and completely. He loathed and despised the animals who decided that mutants are sub-human and only fit to be used as tools. He still hates them, even years later, for what they did to him and the others and for the things that they made him do in their service. They spent six months making him into a killing machine and he feels only the faintest guilt for having turned that training back on them at the first opportunity…and really doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that that very training is probably at least part of the reason he’s managed to keep himself alive for the last six months of hell on earth.
Mannerisms and quirks: Somewhat orally fixated, especially likes to suck on Tootsie Pops and DumDums. Speaks with a German accent that comes and goes depending on his emotional state and tends to use German terms of endearment, at least with girls and children. Tactile almost to the point of being invasive (he's an overgrown blue lap cat with those he's comfortable with). Still somewhat hyperactive, though not the poster child for ADHD that he used to be. Tends to perch on whatever's available or hang from his tail rather than sitting. Fiddles with his tail and the hoop in it when he’s nervous or uncomfortable. Tends to unconsciously scent people if he’s not paying enough attention to stop himself from doing it.
Likes: Movies, especially old ones, extra-specially Errol Flynn ones; hard candy; flying; being touched or petted; music, (especially the Beatles); going fast (adrenaline junky); dancing; booze in general and beer in particular; reading, especially classic adventures like Ivanhoe, The Man in the Iron Mask, and The Three Musketeers; playing in the DR (because that was just made to be his personal playground, right?); the smell of incense and beeswax; the feel of his rosary beads sliding through his fingers.
Dislikes: Fire, his image inducer (unless he's using it as a toy), intolerance and prejudice, zombies, ramen, people who take themselves too seriously (except Scott, he makes an exception for Mr. Military, cuz he's special), isolation, confinement, boredom, inactivity, fire, needles, spandex (oh dear god fur and spandex do not mix), chlorine, being stared at, America's drinking age, nightmares, getting stitches, computer keyboards and telephone keypads, chewing gum, being petted the wrong way, the medbay, shedding, blow dryers, rocking chairs, scaring people.


Friends: Most of the residents of the mansion…or those left, anyway, but especially Rogue, Kitty, Jean, Warren, and Piotr. Scott, Ororo, Logan and Jean-Paul as well, before they died. (his world) from AMX: TJ, evo!Kurt, assorted Kittys, 616!Meg, Dani, evo!Wanda, chibi!Warren, Rogue Drake,
Enemies: The Brotherhood including, sadly, both his biological parents. Oh, and Remy sort of, given the man's conviction that winning Rogue is just a matter of time. Of course, that was all back when there were enemies that mattered other than the undead. AMX: wx!Kurt...sort of, Mojo, any of Mojo’s minions (especially the ones in WX)
Marital status: married...sort of. All it really takes in Rom culture is, well, an intent to be married. So proposal and acceptance petty much does it and by traditional Rom standards he's married to Jimaine, though they never formalized the arrangement by any other standard.
Past Relationships: Assorted trysts that didn’t really rate being dignified with the word ‘relationship’, Amanda Sefton, Jean-Paul Beaubier from his world, zombies!Rogue
Present Relationships: z!Rogue
Planned Relationships: zombies!Rogue
Sexual Preference: bi with a very definite preference for guys despite the fact he seems to always fall in with members of the fairer sex.Info at a glance: Kurt has a digitigrade stance that requires him to walk on the balls of his feet with his heels a good six inches or more above the floor which, combined with using his tail as a counterbalance, gives him a slightly stooped posture. He has a possibly excessive number of piercings, though he doesn’t necessarily wear them all at any given time: 5 in each ear from lobe to tip, spade of his tail, left eyebrow, and tongue. (they were all ripped out during Mojo!WX but Rogue has since redone all but his tongue) He has a brand on his left forearm of an “X” with a slightly offset “63” and a decent collection of scars on his wrists, ankles, shoulders and chest, though they're mostly concealed by his fur. Also, he's multi-lingual and, in addition to his native German, he's fluent in English, Rom, French and Italian, speaks passable Spanish, butchers Joual somewhat, and can inquire as to the location of the bathroom and the nearest bar in an assortment of other languages - not to mention question your parentage, intelligence and sexual habits in quite a few more. - Free Online Journal and Role Playing (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.