The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


H. Greever, New Church Council to Hear Shike Illinois Council Secretary Speaker Program Here Today. Rev. Charles E. Shike, secretary of the Illinois council of churches, Entered Decatur, 111., as 2nd Class Matter.

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to all news not otherwise credited. RATES BY U. S. MAIL fi J.3? i 1 vifffillilfrfrifttMi'f -'iiii "jteJ 1 In Illinois Out of Illinois Daily and Sunday. 1 Tr.

$6.00 1 Yr. $8.00 6 Mo. 3.00 6 Ma 4.25 3 Mo. 1.50 3 Mo. 2.25 1 Mo.

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J4.00 1 Yr. $5.00 CALL 51S1 For an experienced Ad Taker who will assist in writing Ads. Classified Ad Rates Charge Cash 1 day. per word 4 eS 3 days, per word per day3Hc 2Hc 7 days, per word per day i 2 Minimu ar1 1" words. BLIND (Box Number) Ads need not be answered by letter.

Ad Taker will glaoly take your message. However, it is advisable to write a letter in answering. These rates cover Insertion In both Review and Herald daily beginning in The Herald or in Sunday Herald and Review. Herald and Review cash rates apply only when paid in seven days. Remittance must accompany mail orders.

The paper is responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The right to edit copy is reserved. This paper co-operates with the Better Business Bureau to print only truthful ads. Any reader experiencing a dishonest advertisem*nt is requested to report the facts. York, bpeaks Here lo- day ai luuug i cupic Banquet.

pr W. H. Greevpr of New York secretary of the United Luth-ran church of America, will speak Sunday at a banquet for the Central Illinois Lutheran young peo--c's rally 'n the first English lutheran church. There will be afternoon and evening sessions. The banquet will be at 5:30 p.

m. Dr G-eever is one of the highest officials of the Lutheran church. Xwo hundred young people, representing the young people's or-iniiations of the Central conference of the Illinois Lutheran synod. expected for the rally. Harry gem of Decatur, president of the Capitol district of Luther leagues, will preside.

Miss Helen Hoendorf president of the Luther league hfre. To Instal Officers Installation service for the new, 3 p. r. officers will take place 5-inday r.izh: at 7:30 in First Baptist church. Following the instal- at-, pasteor.

Rev. Francis E. Cooper, v-il! speak on the subject, -In the Days of Thy Youth." In ie morr.ins church service the pastor's theme will be "The Master-; of Jesus." "Christian Certainty" will be the. theme of Rev. Owen W.

Pratt's fe'rcon at Westminster Presbyter-; Un church Sunday at 10:45 a. m. people society oi mini ongrega-iation the pastor. Rev. Francis E.

tt- Dr. H. S. Alsip will bVioeaker at the Fellowship Forum Fev A. R.

Grummon, pastor, will nr Faith and Hope Tappero, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Don Tappero, are to be graduated with high honors from Pana high school May 29. Yearly Mail Subscriptions on Illinois rural routes, in groups of two $9.00. Subscriptions by mail are not accepted in any town or territory having earner service.

Remittance should be made by check or money order. The Herald and Review cannot assume responsibility for currency or stamps. RATES BY CARRIER. In-Decatur Per week Sunday and Herald 20c Sunday and Review 20c Sunday Herald Review. In Macon County outside Decatur Herald and Sunday 20c Review and Sunday zuc In Brocton.

Camargo, Farmer City, Ivesdale, Monticello, Mansfield, Murdock, Newman, Pesotum, Sadorus. Seymour. Tolono, Tuscola, Villa Grove and White Heath the Decatur Review is 13c per week. In Tavlorville the price is morning, evening and Sunday, 25c per week. Elsewhere Sunday and Herald 15c Sunday and Review 15c CONDUCTS REVIVAL Fred G.

Eiting, Dallas, Texas, evangelist, will conduct a revival service in the Assembly of God church, 1223 East Cantrell street, beginning here at 11 a. m. today. He will speak at the morning service on "The Ideal Family" and at another beginning at 7:40 tonight on "The Gospel of The revival will continue throughout the week, meetings to be held each night at 7:40. Rev.

W. H. Sumrall is pastor of the Assembly of God church. GRINDOL MONUMENTS Corner East Main and Franklin Streets Your Next New Car NOW within reach of all Church Women REV. JAMES T.

WILSON Marshall Pastor to Be Army Chaplain MARSHALL Rev. James T. Wilson of the First Methodist church of Marshall has been appointed chaplain in the U. S. army with the rank of first lieutenant.

Rev. Mr. Wilson is to report to Fort Sam Houston, Tex. He and Mrs. Wilson, formerly Rachel Frib-ley of Assumption, and their two daughters, Helen Anne and Kay, will leave Thursday.

Rev. Mr. Wilson has served several churches in the Illinois conference. He was in Tolono for four yars and at Macon two years. He moved to Marshall last January.

'Crime Age' in U. S. Jumps From 19 to 22 By Associated Press WASHINGTON The federal bureau of investigation said Saturday that persons 22 years of age led in committing crimes during the first quarter of 1936. The "crime age" had been 19 during the last four years, the bureau added. In crimes committed the three leading age groups during the first quarter of the year were: 22, 21, 23, 4.781; 19, 4,552.

The bureau is making a further study to determine what caused the shift. Bible Schools Will Be Held in Douglas TUSCOLA Bible, schools will be held in Villa Grove and Areola June 8-19. Douglas County Recreational WPA Director Fred Rhea said" Friday that his department will supervise recreational and handicraft activities of the Federation's Fifth Dedication Day to Be Held in First United Brethren Church speak on "The Gateway to a Reli- church, 269 West Eldorado street, fious Experience" Sunday morning There will be morning and after-at First Methodist church. In the I noon sessions, with luncheon at evening service his theme will be, noon. "Perspective.

Panic, or a Fool's In the morning Mrs. A. R. Grum-'aradise." I mon will speak on "The New Per- "God's will be the sermon; son and Personal Religion." The tierr.e of Rev. E.

W. Clippinger at theme for the morning is "The New First Presbyterian church Sunday i Person." Mrs. E. E. Bryan will sing morning.

I tne offertory number. Rev. C. W. Flewelling, pastor.

At the luncheon hour Mrs. L. L. will speak on "The Providence ofjDuerson will review "Fresh Fur-God' at 10.35 Sunday morning at; row" by Burris Jenkins. Reserva-Central Christian church.

His ser-jtions for the luncheon should be -on at 7.30 m. will have for its I made not later than Wednesday to subject. "The Danger of Delay in Mrs. R. G.

Hatfield, phone S65S. Accepting Christ." In the afternoon the theme will Select Delegated be "Christians Co-operating for a St. John's Episcopal church will Christian World." Woman's club have Holy Eucharist service at 7:30 I ua sing and Mrs Frees of will give the principal address at the convention of district 2 of the Macon county council of religious education, which is to be held Sunday in Antioch Christian church, four miles east of Decatur on route 121. He will speak at 2:30 p. m.

on the theme, "Modern Trends in Christian Education." The convention will open at 11 a. m. and close after Mr. Shike's ad dress in the afternoon. The complete program follows: 11:00 a.

m. Congregational hymn devotions conducted by Oakley Sunday school and choir; violin solo. Norma Wheeler. 11:15 a. m.

Sermon, Rev. W. T. Heckman. 11:45 a.

m. Closing hymn and announcements. 12 noon Basket dinner. 1:30 p. m.

Congregational hymn; devotions conducted by Lawrence Myers of North Fork; violin solo, Norma Wheeler. 2:00 p. m. Business session; report of nominating committee and reports of schools; vocal duet by Mr. Davis and Mrs.

Sheets. 2:15 p. m. Remarks, Mrs. Highly; music by Antioch Sunday school; talk by E.

J. Muff ley. 2:30 p. m. Address.

"Modern Trends in Christian Education, Rev. Charles E. Shike; special mu sic by Sangamon church; closing hymn and benediction. Methodist Convention in "Middle Road" Stand By Associated Press COLUMBUS, O. A statement of policy termed "the peace pact of Methodism" received approval of the quadrennial Methodist Episcopal church conference Saturday and the delegates thus took a "middle of the road stand" on social and economic The statement, adopted with little opposition, was hailed by conference leaders as a long step toward healing a threatened cleavage between liberals and conservatives.

Drafted by a sub-committee headed by Bishop-elect G. Bromley Oxnam of DePauw university, the declaration upheld the right of the church to be heard on social and economic questions, but rebuked any attempt to encourage communism or fascism. 1 Logan County Mrs. Wilford Scroggin was elected president of the Mt. Pulaski library club to succeed Mrs.

J. T. Hershey who served three terms. Mrs. J.

Myers was named vice- president. Mrs. Charles Schmitz secretary and Mrs. E. A.

Downing, treasurer, were re-elected. Library board members, Mrs. C. W. Upp, Mrs.

Charles Schmitz, Mrs. J. T. Duff, Mrs. J.

T. Hershey, Mrs. Dan Blackford, Mrs. Beatrice Tribbett, Miss Delia Washburn and Mrs. Al O'Connor.

Mrs. O'Connor will con tinue in the position of librarian The program given at the close of the business session consisted of travel talk by Mrs. E. O. Mayer who described her recent trip to Mexico.

Other numbers were duet by Mrs. P. E. Beidler and Miss Florence Wagner and a reading by Mrs. Lorah Z.

Lipp. The next reg ular meeting will be in October. Floyd and Miss Eileen Fitts. Guests included Dr. R.

H. Dixon Miss Body and Dr. John Phillips of Areola. NMENT LOUIS Personals DRIVING Dallas and Texas, June 1. Take two.

223 E. King. DR. BACHMAN, DENTIST Residence office 1560 W. Main.

Telephone 2-4651. DR. H. W. MARXMTT.T.FR Dentist, 264 West Harrison.

Residence office. Call 2-2400. GRADUATION PICTURES Expert work, unusual values. Camera Art Studio, 1604 N. Main.

HAVE YOU ANYTHING You want sold. I will sell them for you on small commission. 2022 N. Church. MARKWELL'S Detective service.

Reliable, confidential, reasonable. Phone 6026. 1241 N. Water. PARTICULAR About your cleaning? Use Peaco*ck Cleaners, 3 for $1.00 service.

7156. PIANO TUNING Expert service, none better. Lowest price in Central Illinois. Chas. Mapes, 1068 N.

Union. Phone 2-2373. WILL SHARE Expenses with party driving west near Idaho. 1020 W. Cerro Gordo.

Theaters and Amusem*nts 7B ASH'S CIRCLE INN Chicken lunches and dinners. Delicious sandwiches, fountain drinks. Route 36, west at Har-ristown Junction. HARBOR INN Morris Beall's orchestra every night. Tasty sandwiches, refreshments.

Free park-ing Radio Programs "7C (Programs Subject to Change) 7:00 A. M. Coast to Coast on a Bus WLW. 8:00 A. M.

Southernaires WLW. Church of The Air WCCO, WBBM Ralph Emerson WLS. 8:30 A. M. Alexander Semmler concert pianist KMOX.

Brown String Ensemble WLW. 9:00 A. M. Reflections: Vocal Duets KMOX, WCCO. 9:15 A.

M. Nellie Revell, interview WLW. 9:30 A. M. Samovar Serenade WLW, Major Bowes Capital Family WMAQ.

Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir Organ KMOX. 10:30 A. M. Radio City Music Hall WLW, WENR. 10:45 A.

M. Transatlantic Broadcast WHAS, WCCO. 11:00 A M. Church of The Air KMOX. 11:30 A.

M. Poets Gold KMOX, WCCO. 12:00 NOON Magic Key; guests WENR. Pop Concert WMAQ. 12:30 P.

M. Jacob Tarnish WLW. Peter Absolute, sketch WMAQ. 1:00 P. M.

Lou Breese Orch. WMAQ. Columbia Symphony WBBM. 1:15 P. M.

Joe Venuti's Orch. WENR, WLW. 1:30 P. M. Younger's Mountaineers WMAQ.

2:00 P. M. Nat'l Vespers WENR. Baseball WGN, WBBM. 2:30 P.

M. Design for Listening WENR. Cleveland A Capella Choir WMAQ. 3:00 P. M.

Pop Concert WHO. Abe Lyman's Orchestra WBBM. 3:30 P. M. Crumit and Sanderson KMOX Travelogue Talk WENR.

Words Music WMAQ. 4:00 P. M. Catholic Hour WMAQ. Phil Spitalny's Girl Orch.

KMOX. WBBM. Ray Perkins' Amateur- Hour WGN, WLW. 4:30 P. M.

South Sea Islanders WCFL. Ed McConnell, songs WBBM. Wayne King's Orch. WGN. 4:45 P.

M. Voice of Experience KMOX. 5:00 P. M. Kay Kyser's Orch.

WGN. Jack Benny WLW, WLS. 530 Phil Baker; Hal Kemp's Orch. WFBM. Griff Wm's Orch.

WGN. Robert L. "Believe-It-or-Not" Ripley; Ozzie Nelson's Orch. WENR. Fireside Recitals: Sigurd Nilseen, Basso, tenor WMAQ.

5:45 P. M. Morin Sisters; Ranch Don McNeil WMAQ, Boys and KSD. 6:00 P. M.

Major Bowes' Amateur hour WMAQ. WLW. Lud Gluskin's Orch. WHAS. KMOX.

6:15 P. M. Ensemble Music WGN. 6:30 P. M.

Sophie Tucker. Orch. WGN. 7:00 P. M.

Sunday Evening Hour, guest; Victor Kolar, conductor WHAS, WBBM. Jack Hylton's Orch. WENR, WLW. Manhattan Merry-Go-Around Andy Sannella's Orch. WMAQ.

7:30 P. M. American Album. Frank Munn and Lucv Monroe WMAQ. Walter Winchell WLW, WENR.

7:45 P. M. Paul Whiteman's Musical Variety with guest artist WENR. WLW. 8:00 P.

M. Ghost Stories WBBM. KMOX. Sunday Concert; Eino Rapee's Orch. WHO.

WMAQ. KMOX. Harold Stokes' Orch. WGN. 8:30 P.

M. John Barclay and Singers WHAS, WOC. 9:00 P. M. Phil Levant's Orch.

WENR. Xavier Cugat's Orch. WCCO. 9:15 P. M.

Shandor, violinist WMAQ. 9:30 f. M. Tom Dorsey's Orch. WHAS.

Abe Lyman's Orch. WBBM. Kay Kyser's Orch. WGN. 10:00 P.

M. Duke Ellington's Orch. WENR. F. Darley Orch.

KMOX. 10:30 P. M. Ted Weem's Orch. WGN.

Where To Buy It 7U BIKES FOR RENT Boys, girls, tandems, rhythms. Hill's Alleys, 242 E. William. KEYS Auto lock. door.

E. Main Lock Shop. 327 C. Main 6541. GRUNOW Electric refrigerators use safe Carrene, rotary unit, on major moving part.

Your old box taken in trade. "The Field Shorb 123 E. surrtav. with cornorate com- St Mrtha- A'tar guilds. Church school will be a' 9.30 a.

and morning prayer at 10 a. m. Sermon subject be. "The Law of Periodicity." Confirmation instruction will take place at 5 p. m.

The church has named delegates and alternates to tie 59th annual synod in Pekin T-jesdav and Wednesday, as follows: Major K. M. Halpine, George C. W. Armstrong.

W. S. Earnson. L. L.

Thomas, L. W. Shade and Ira Busher. God at His Word" will be Rev. J.

E. Tuschhoff's sermon theme Sunday at 10:45 a. at St. Paul's Methodist church. Goodwill day will he observed at 7:30 p.

ar.d llr. Tuschhoff will speak on "Foundation Stones of World Peace." Church school is at 9:30 and Epworth league at p. m. Rev. L.

A. Whitesell. pastor, will ipeak at First I'nitd Brethren church Sunday morning on "Gods Call to Action." Sermon subject Is the evening will be "Knowledge i When You Have "Something On Your Chest" ANNOUNCEMENTS Marriage Licenses Chester L. Markwell. Decatur Dorothy Jane Ping, Decatur ..27 ..26 IN COLES Reuel A.

Lyerla, 26, Marybell Roberts, 27, both of Creal Springs, Williamson county; Floyd Twiddy, Wingate, Blanche Gardner, Trilla. IN MOLiTRIE Emery Don Maxe-don, 30 Allenville, Irma Genevieve Spencer, 22, Sullivan. IN FAYETTE Willard Witte, 25, Calhoun, Georgia E. Crum, Edgewood. Births RAT, to Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph. 1417 wuiiam street, a aaugnter, May 15, in St. Mary's. JAY To Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Jay, of Atwood, May 13. a son, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Duncan, Decatur.

Central Illinois Deaths CAIN, Mrs. Frances Ellen. 79. died Thursday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lupe, near Litchfield; services Saturday in Hillsboro Baptist church; burial in Irving cemetery.

FOREMAN, D. 81, of Charleston, died in Union hospital in Ter-re Haute following an operation, Saturday morning; arrangements incomplete. POTTER, Ulysses Benjamin, 62, Mt. died Thursday afternoon in home; services 2 p. m.

Sunday in Methodist church; burial in Mt. Pulaski cemetery. TRAYLOR, Caleb Roscoe, 54, died lhursday in his home near Cof-feen; services Sunday in Vanbu-rensburg Baptist church; burial in Greenwood cemetery. DAVIS. John 66, died 7:30 p.

m. Friday in home, Oakland; funeral arrangements incomplete. OWENS. Mrs. Lenore, died Satur day morning in John Warner hospital in Clinton; arrangements incomplete.

BAILEY, Mrs. James of Dela- van, died Friday in Peoria Methodist hospital; services 10.30 a. m. Monday in her home; burial in Prairie Rest cemetery. ROSS, Robert C.

51, Moccasin, killed Saturday afternoon by C. E. I. train three miles north of Moccasin; arrangements incomplete. MORRIS, Kenneth.

13, Findlay. died at 2 a. m. Saturday in home of grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Morris, in Shelbyville; arrangements incomplete.

WEST, Mrs. W. Clinton, died at 1:45 p. m. Saturday in Mennonite hospital, Bloomington; arrangements incomplete.

Funeral Directors Cniiirityis EFFICIENT Service in your hour of greatest need. Dawson Wi-koff. Dial 4421. Funerals Decatur 1A BURCHETT, Mrs. Etta- Services 3 p.

m. Monday Trinity M. E. church. Interment Greenwood cemetery." J.

J. MORAN SONS SERVICE HOBBS, GEORGE Services 11 a. m. Monday, chapel. Burial Greenwood.


Sunday Monson chapel. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, Clinton, 111. Friends may call at Monson funeral home. Card of Thanks AUGUSTINE. MARY We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their flowers and many kindnesses in our bereavement.

Augustine family. Cemetery Lots and Monuments 5 FAIRLAWN Choice cemetery lots. various sizes, easy terms. Perpet-ual care fund. 146 S.

Water. 4495. Masonic Temple Activities 6A BEAUMANOIR COMMANDERY NO. 9--Stated conclave Thursday May 21, 7:30 p. m.

Personals ALCOHOLISM Is curable by scientific Results in three weeks. Congenial, secluded environment Confidential Parkhurst Willow Bark Hospital, Danvers. Illinois. Est. 1892.

BROWN'S FUR SHOP Storage, cleaning, repairing. Prices reasonable. 1058 W. Green. 2-2435.

CLEAN RUMMAGE SALE Tuesday and Wednesday, 256 N. Main Unit 4. Grace M. E. church.

CASH For used watches. Watch department. Central Radio Store. 252 N. Park.

Meet Thursday Oakland TT Will UdKlanQ ll- "5- 111 uive Uiplomas to 41 Commencement Exercises Sched-'uled for May 29 By Staff Correspondent. OAKLAND Graduation exercises for the 1936 graduating class of the Oakland township high school will be held in the high school auditorium on Friday, May 29. Rev. L. R.

Tagg will give the commencement address. The baccalaureate services will be held Sunday, May 24, in the Presbyterian church and will be conducted by Rev. S. P. Taylor.

The valedictorian and the saluta-torian have not been selected as yet. There will be 41 high school pupils graduating from the Oakland school this year. Twenty-three are boys and 18 are girls. The graduates: Edear Bell. Herbert Carlysle Brownine.

Donald D. Collins. Kermit Wald Curtis. Lester Sherman Curtis. James Ralph Dollar.

Robert Lee Giikerson, Delbert Thur-man Gillis, James E. Gobert. John Thomas Hall, Leroy Harold Horsley. Raymond Othel Jones. John William Jones.

Charles O. Kite Homer Merrit Lcfler. James Robert Myers, Glen Eueene Ma-pruder. Lawrence E. Tacp.

James Tibbs. William Lester Wheeler. Frank Edward White. Harlan Orr white. Eliwyn Barnett.

Ruth Eleanor Bradine. Helen Kathleen Covalt. Mildred June Gilbert. Harriet Josephine Houk. Dorothy Jeanette Hudson.

Maxme Kite. Virginia McLauchlin. Mema G. WhittinKton Mood. Irene Nolan.

Francis Lee Pierson. Hilda I. Pierson. Deliah Ann Rice. Marparct Jean Shives.

Helen Jane Suinford. Mary Ellen Walsh and Martha Eilen Wir.ship. Douglas County Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P.

Rigney, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitzjarrald and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chandler entertained the Fortnightly club at a bridge dinner in the Rigney home in Arthur.

Prizes were won by Mrs. James Eads and Dr. C. O. Norris.

Mrs. F. C. Phillips gave a birth-' day dinner in her home in Arthur I in honor or her husBand, son When bnslness brings you to St. Louis, combine with it evening relaxation in onr Club Continental EMTEitTiki in ST Tasteful Living! The fifth nnual dedication day of the National Council of Federat- Church Women will take place inursaay in irsi unuea eretnren w'" forunr.

on "Co-operation and the New World." Mrs. Wanda Finley will sing the offertory solo. Three Jews Killed in Jerusalem Clash By Associated Press JERUSALEM Two Jews were killed and a third was fatally-wounded Saturday when an un-; identified man emptied his revol- ver into a crowd leaving a motion picture house. The wounded man died in a hos- pital. Two others were slightly in-! jured.

(The Palcor agency reported the killer was a young Arab who es-I caped in a waiting automobile.) Troops were called out to rein-i force steel-helmeted police who went on duty following Friday's bloodv demonstrations. 21 tO (radUate 10m Taylor Springs Schools program. Frank Stank, clerk of the Taylor Springs school board, will present the diplomas to the 21 graduates vho are Josephine Jaoggio. L.eorge Homa. James Barbetti, Ludmilla Jagosh.

June Crihfield. Joe Jurkan-in, Anthony Coderko, Pauline Krz-ton. William Capps, Agnes Kober-ly Dorothy Durochin, Ernest Law-son, George Felkel. David Munos. Rose Frkovich, Mildred Polosi.

Elbert Green, L. J. Prickett. Evelyn Heifers. Geraldine Price and Don Voyles.

L. Christian American Home department oi Rosamond Woman's club held its annual "May bee" at the home of Mrs. Eugene Christner. After bas-ket dinner a short business meet ing was conducted Dy tne cnau-man, Mrs. Charles Bailey.

Officers elected were: Chairman, Mrs. Rule Abrams; vice chairman, Mrs. J. M. Ewing; secretary and treasurer, Mrs.

J. J. Blakley. Reports were siven by members who attended the county meeting in Stonington. fessor Percy Smith and quartet will give a program at the church Tuesday night.

Rev. Bennie Watkins of Evans-; ville. will sponsor a program at 3 p. Sunday in Church of God in Christ, South Water and: Decatur streets, for the benefit of Rev. and Mrs.

C. Bell, who will leave Monday to attend annual convocation in St. Louis. Rev. Mr Watkins will remain here through the week.

Sunday school will be at 10 a. Saints' teaching at 12, noon, Y. P. W. W.

at 7 p. testi-j monials at 8 p. and preaching at 9 p. m. Versus Action." Children of the By Staff Correspondent Ar.ii Rutledge home will sing.

TAYLOR SPRINGS Eighth First Church of Christ, Scientist, gracje graduation exercises for the ill have service at 11 a. Sun- Tayior Springs schools will be held fey. L'sson-sermnn will be on Thursday, May 28, in the school "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday Khool is at 9:30 a. m. xhe address to the graduates will "Old Time Religion" be delivered by William Bone of Rev.

J. c. Fleshman, pastor, will Peoria. Following the invocation Tak at 10:45 a. Sunday at i by Rev.

Thomas G. Melton of Hills-enth Street Christian church on i boro there will be a short musical All of us have moments in which we would like to declare ourselves our position on some matter of public interest. It may be a congratulation to someone for a well-executed bit of work or a protest of something you consider unjust. "Letters to the Editor" is a section devoted to people who wish to voice their opinions. You are invited to write to this department any time you like.

Unsigned letters, of course, will not be considered and if possible, hold your letters to 200 words. jjn te subject. "The Old Time Reli- Son." His theme at 7:30 p. will "Eatine Souo with a Hatchet." Goir.s a Little Farther With will be Rev. H.

R. Jinker-kb's sermon theme Sunday at 10:30 at First Church of Swi. He will at 7:30 p. m. "Building a New Mr.

ickerson will speak at the Tuber-r-osis sanatorium at 8 a. m. Cleveland Avenue Methodist 4'Jrth will have Sunday school Ltd morning devotions at 9:30 a. 1 Sunday. Epworth league at 6:30 m.

and woiship service at 7:30 I T- at which Rev. Mr. Bell will Pak. Forsyth church have Sunday school at 10 a. a.

Epworth league at 6:30 p. m. proachir.s service at 7:30 p. for which sermon theme will Foily of Conclude Revival A I-eo G. Athans, Greek evan-F- j'-ist.

win conclude his evangelis- at the Foursquare 'r-acle Sunday night. He will JFK three times Sundav. In the at 10:30 his subject will "Church Members or Christ p. m. ne win a special service for the Cru-fr organization of the church, the evening service his final 'asge will be on the theme, j-e Midnight Hour" or "When Strikes the Anrj11 Choir ar'd congregation of 2ioo Baptist church will go to Sunda' afternoon to a -DrPram at Trinity ost church.

Rev. P. W. Fields I'OMn er the message. The j.

leav the church here at 9 is m' Sunday school will if a- preaching service 5 B' Y- U- meetin tr-ir J8- and program by junior fices P' m' the of the junior choir, Pro- I for St. Louis' smartest entertainment i WRITE the Herald-Review.

The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.