The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1910. Philadelphia's Enthusiastic Celebration of Independence Day Remarkably Fiee From Accidents and Fires TEE'- FIREWORKS CAUSE MANY SMALL FIRES CITY CELEBRATES LIBERTY'S BIRTH WITH OLD FERVOR Continued From First Page Department Kept Busy Extinguishing Blazes At-tendent on Day's Cele- bration -S" burning pitch in time to prevent the flames from spreading to the scaffolding. Fireworks Ignite Store A spark falling into a window filled with fireworks at the grocery store of Mrs. A. L.

Spence, Fifty-fifth and Harlan streets, last night set off -the explosives, filling the- store with flying fire and destroying the contents of the first floor. Shrtly before 10 o'clock Mrs. Spence left the store for a few minutes, leaving the front door open. It is thought that a spark was blown into the store, igniting the pile of fireworks. An alarm of fire was sent in and the resulting blaze extinguished.

The lo6s is estimated at $1000. Fireworks were responsible for a number of fires throughout the city yesterday. Though in most instances the damage was slight, the fire department was kept busy during the entire day answering local and box alarms. The total number of fires this year is much less than last, when sixty-one alarms were terday basked in the warm sunshine, with the cool hrezes and an absence of high percentage of moisture -which has characterized the heat of the present summer. In the morning it -was partly and rain threatened, but by afternoon the skies had cleared and lovely prevailed from then on.

The Park -was crowded with picnickers all day long. Camping in the cool and shady glens with clear spring water close at hand and not a sound of a firecracker for miles around, thousands of city dwellers enjoyed a perfectly safe and sane celebration. In the densely packed throngs which lined the river banks within the Park during the regatta hardly pn firecracker was exploded. Finds Home Burned Out Returning to his home. 321 South Fif ty-second street, last night, after spending the day in the Park.

Meyer Sterling turned in with enough local alarms to make the total number of fires more than one hundred. Three old houses in a state of extreme found that the house had been destroyed by fire, only the charred skeleton remain 'RKi wsir i hr -a J. a lS'- 1 EP i rLA. irA. i ing, btfrling is a grocer.

His home I belong to an old estate, were gutted by at the Fifty-second street address was a two-story frame dwelling and store. fire last night, when, according to the With his wife and family the man went statement issued by the fire marshal, firecrackers were carelessly tossed in the air OFFICIAL CELEBRATION ON HISTORIC SPOT away early yesterday morning to spend a quiet Fourth. During the afternoon, it in front of the buildings. The loss is estimated to be approximately $2000. is believed, a firecracker was thrown into the cellar, igniting a pile of rubbish.

The buildings are located at lUHi, 1U13 The flames were extinguished only after i- i i -11' and 1020 Race About P. wrecKing tne DuiKiing. estimate ot the loss i3 given. FIRE RECORD OF THE DAY At Independence Hall ten thousand persons yesterday listened to speeches, cheers and songs about the soul-trying times of the Revolution, while tolled from the belfry the one hundred and anniversary of liberty for America and its inspiration to mankind, and later faced the newly unveiled statue pf Washington. Most conspicuous in the setting for ihe event were the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration on the grandstand, the masses of Moffet School boys nd girls, led in song by their war veteran principal, D.

R. Baer; gray-bearded, Ehouting George E. Sitler, who has been there at every Fourth since the Civil XVar; H. Love, who looked down from a window at coatless Abraham Lincoln at SllTirisp nn Wash M. Sergeant Martin, of the Eleventh and Winter streets station, who was passing at the time, saw tiny wisps of smoke darting from the windows of the houses.

He uqickly turned in an alarm, and after a sharp battle with the flames firemen succeeded in putting out the blaze. An examination of the houses showed that they were devoid of furnishings. Fire of uncertain origin, but supposed to hayj been caused by firecrackers thrown through the windows, practically gutted the combined residence and store of I. Barron, at 2618 Kensington avenue, last night. Beginning on the first floor, the blaze spread upwards through the third floor, ruining nearly everything in the place.

The loss is estimated at $8000, while nearly $2000 damage was done the adjoining house of II. I. Rubin. Hardware implements, household furnishings, clothing and practically everything in Barron's building were destroyed. He and his wife escaped from the blazing building without difficulty.

Fire on Water Street Loral S.2 A. M. Threp-story brick store and dwellinff. lftOB Columbia aTenue. occupied by H.

J. Semhenbarker. 9.20 A. M. Three-storr frame Ftorace bnlM-Ine.

4002Ms Ludlow street, occupied by Georse W. 9.51 A. M. One-story Iron buildlne. Frankford avenue and Bridge street, occupied by AVorze Ertel.

10.3O A. M. Three-story brick dwelllne. 2132 North Carlisle street, occupied bv M. Hirsh.

11.10 A. M. Two-story frame dwellinsr. Sixty-fifth and Upland streets, unoccupied: owned by Thomas Gidner. 6515 Woodland avenu.

Lofs. S500. 1-SO P. One-story frame stable. In rear of 4tJ51-53 Emery street, unoccupied, owned by Henry Deinineer.

1.30 P. M. One-story frame stable. northwest corner Twenty-sixth and Diamond streets, occupied by HoU-rt Sawyer. 1.30 P.

M. Three-? tory brick dwelline. at Franklin and Foulkrod street. Frankford occupied by David Campbell. 1.45 P.

M. Two-Rtory brick dwellinsr. at Meehan avenue, occupied by Leonard Blu-; loss, torxto. 2.05 r. 51.

One-story brick st're. Frankford avenue, occupied by M. Abraham. 3.20 P. M.

GarBEp at Eroad and W.xwl streets, occupied by Beredoll 3.39 P. M. Two-and-a-half-storv brick warehouse and stable. 231 North Water street, occupied bv Charles ioldman. 5.25 P.

M. Two-story frame barn. OcontE avenue below Washington lane, occupied by Hujrh Masee. 7.14 I. M.

Pitch barrel on Brnad street. riaw ijsfii when I tht Wderslnn of Charles Lonklm. san tne SDOt marked hv JranH Armv Aniens, by the Prospect vhoral 'c. momArij I ana sineing in tne cere i i nuiii i lie in. r.

l'viiiii The committee in charge of the ar- 1 JsV i SSt -b 1 rangements included the following: L. T. "VI 1 I 11 Conroe, W. D. Hamil, W.

B. Haines, fl Jhf S3 fJ H. H. Beans, C. J.

Deissler, E. S. Gar- ff Kl; I Hip ner, W. J. McGinhy, J.

B. McClelland, I 4J Ji )- MKyaer, Charles Lee. M. Comber. P.

I Tl hi I F. Cummines. J. C. Busenkell.

Charles iK I I5 i '-fc Stevenson. John Mahon and R. A. Weiss. I aJ JJ X'CjLI 10 Lmei in tne program of exercises vrprp -n I Illumes a uic iv.u.av iJULuer d.

vviison in invocation. Uv a. ficmre of Mercury, the gitt ot a and Rev. John J. Wheeler, of St.

John's group of citizens headed by William R. G. Church, in the benpdioUnn n. nifWnfc drinkins fountain, surmounted Spontaneous combustion is said to have caused a fire on the third floor of a building at 41 North Water street. The Tilghman, of Maryland- Hp sppnrlant I Onlhoim.

Knilrlino- -whirh is used as a paper manu i i i i i 1 vl Lionel i.encn li hrhman whr. ol Charpn K. nwav. norouzn oncior, facturers' supply warehouse, is owned by Daniel Alurrihv president of the up the silver spurs that spurred the and was received in behalf of the city Pjonel's relays of horses to Philadelphia, and the Park Commission by James Quig-100 miles with Washinc-trm's lev- TTipn folowed the reading of the OLD CUSTOM OBSERVED AT FORREST HOME Pie Bakin? Company. Shortly after 8 o'clock last night inrtnn nf Third and Arch streets.

to Congress of Cornwallis' surrender; The patriotic exercises began at half ipparatinn oi naenenaence. uy xt-v. NVyV M2 A Tflvlor and the sineine ot Co saw smoke coming from windows on the third floor. He notified a policeman and an alarm was turned in. lumbia, the Gem of the Ocean.

1 he orator of the day was Rev. F. G. Merill. aoove ioiumoia avenue: oiieiu.

explodinc jsenjamm Jimswanger, Boys' High bchool graduate and reader of the Declaration; and John Barrett of the Bureau of American Republics, who pleaded with all Americans to cease dallying with Europe and clasp in stronger bands of sisterhood the twenty South American Republics. He said the San The benediction was pronounced ny TJpv Tioiee Last eveninsr there was a display ot VOJY. $250 worth of fireworks, lasting from 7 to 10 o'clock. The Prospect Fire Com- Following a time-honored custom, laid down in the will of the founder, veteran actors and actresses now living at the Edwin Forrest Home, near Holmcsburg, celebrated the Fourth with many ceremonies. One of the provisions in the will ot Edwin Forrest, relative to the home, was that the Declaration of Independence should be read every Fourth of July, and that there should be patriotic exercises.

This was in line with Mr. Forrest's ardor as a patriot. Alanine and revolutions were Before the engines arrived the names spread to the fourth floor and then to the roof, a streak of fire shooting high in the air. Fearing that adjoining buildings would take tire, the firemen kept several streams of hose on the structures on either side. After an hour's fighting the flames were extinguished.

Goods stored on the lower floors were ruined by water and are a total loss. The amount of damage is not known. nariv era. VP a shirtwaist dance in tne au ntef ine example ot Washington and attended with sufferings equal to Val- ditm-inm over the fire house. More than 250 children partook of the free distribution of ice cream in the public park.

ev xorge. in part JUirector Barrett said: Barrett's Speech The winners of the sporting events foreign nroblema nnrl were as follows: Girls' rope skipping responsibilities of the United States Govern- Firecrackers, thrown by boys upon tne -r -e it 7.34 I. M. Three-story brick dwelline. "21 South Fiftv-second street, occupied by Isaac t-pcrlinff.

fc.10 P. M. Four-storT brick rasr warehouse. 41 North Water street, occupied bv Daniel Murphy. U.

37 P. M. Two-story brick store and dwelline. 614 North Fifty-fifth street, occupied by A. L.

Snence. 9.45 I. M. Two-story brick store and dwelline. southeast corner Fifty-second street and KtnesesMnc occupied bv Robinson Crawford.

10 P. M. Three-story brick store and dwelling, southeast corner Twentieth and Norria stretes. occupied by J. Gerlnr.

10.46 P. M. Five-story brick dwelline. Tt-crnt. at 101S Race etreet: loss J2ooo.

FIREWORKS CAUSE SEVERAL RUNAWAYS SANE FOURTH KEEPS The declaration was read bv Charles race, Margaret McKim; Alice iiames. eppnn A Girls' obstacle race, Muriel awning in iront oi me mr lue twenty Latin American Republics lying to the south of us " ensenbocker, at liXn Columbia avenue. TVtit first! Alice Barnes, second. Pie iit (rut.

or tno imA J. Fypfe, a well known actor of two decades ago, while Airs. John Jack sang the "Star Spangled Banner." oofintr enntpst Krvit Boice. first. lOO started a fire yesterday morning at oYlock.

which threatened to communi -nerpy of the State Department is in the consideration of its Latin-AmertcHn yards' dash for boys 14 years old and INJURY LIST IN CHECK irnriiumc i tn Previous to this, while the residents cate to the second-story front room. ii' 'uvrpre, not true as occa- over, John McKim. first: George Moore, of the home were gathered on the lawn. rnat tne xTtHtert States eocnnl Kitty yards aasn. DOVS miiieen the nag -was unturled from the high stall in front of the buildings.

1 13 neSiectfuI or unapprecla- t.e of sister American governments. and under, Charles Barnes, first; Harry The flames were extinguished Dy i o-liceman Heil, of the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station. Mr. Sensenbocker and his family were absent, having gone WilrlwrtrvrJ fnr the day. The bluecoat McKim.

second. Running oroaa jump, Continued From First Page i occupied tor a considerable boj-s fourteen and over, John McKim, first Robert Robinson, second. Running burst in the door, picked up a bucket and under the impromptu bed anf 1ewart hroad jump tor coys tmrteen ami uiiutr, in central America entire area and pulation i THtfn-An, rica have known no civil war tie name of revolution during the i.tst decade and a half, and todav four of the WISSIN0M1NG FAILED TO HOLD CELEBRATION ran to the bath room on tne second floor. i i 1 in tti I av or. nrst: una ccoli.

awakened in great fright. He jumped A TTiimnn wheelbarrow race, Willis the pavement with such lorce as -to There he filled it with water and threw tt first- Harrv McKim. second. In v.riiii,iL Ainpn ran (Anntrtaa 1 1 the. fntitpnta nnon the blazing awning.

aixr j't-avftul am! enter'PS upm a new era of prosperity the tug of war the single men beat the i ir, I venture to predict that when The flames, however, when he opened the fracture both ankles and was taken to St. Mary's Hospital in the -patrol wagon of the Trenton avenue and Dauphin street station. IZiXZX Puttmg the shot, James Larkinfi first; window, leaped into the room, setting nre to the curtains and the woodwork. Heil is not far -in n. I Arthur Hunter, second Rockets) Cnnne Knll From Hoof Two sky-rockets, which had been set mitt-rial IeT.lijm.-nt in that resourceful ran back and forth from the bath room and with a score of buckets of water finally auenebed the flames.

The loss is til -isn country which will eratifv off by boys to frighten him. caused Henry lis numerous well w1bers. The sentiment also FRANKFORD HAS OLD eth street and Church Lane, was burned on the face yesterday as the result of a firecracker explosion. He was treated at the Jewish Hospital. Due, thought, to the heat, an unknown woman in St.

John's Roman Cathcr.ic Church, Rector and Crescent streets, being removed later to St. Timothy's Hospital, where she refuted to give her name. Paul Guyer. 8 years old. of 2010 North Fairhill treet.

may lose his left eye as the result of an accident. He picked up a giant cracker which was slow in exploding. He received the full discharge in his face and was taken to St. Christopher's Hospital. James Sanford, 12 years old, of 2316 North Howard street, was seriously burned on both legs while walking along Howard street, near York, yesterday morning.

Sanford walked directly over a huge firecracker. He was taken to the Episcopal Hospital. Daniel Sandt, 18 years old, of 2435 North Waterloo street, was burned in the eyes and face when a giant cracker exploded before he could throw it into estimated at $100. Meagert, 14 years old, of 14: Al in ravpr ot tti lermation of 'one strong Cen Anierian to include Guatemala A burning firecracker, tailing into one der street, to fall from the roof of a three- The Fourth of July celebration, which had been planned to take place at Wis-sinoming yesterday, was not held. The residents had been planning to have a greased pig contest as a quiet substitute for firecrackers.

Agent Lepper. of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, however, objected to this feature of the program, and announced that if this event was given arrests would follow. Interest in the celebration fell off from this time, and it was decided to hold no celebration. Hundreds Injured While Celebrating While the number of serious accidents resulting from the celebration of the Fourth of July was less yesterday than in previous years, Philadelphia nevertheless paid a heavy toll for its celebration of the National holiday. One lwy was killed and scores of boys and girls were injured.

The li.t of casualties follows; DEAD. Firearms 1 INJURED. Fireworks 302 Cannon 1 Firearms 2 Torpedoes 16 Toy pistols 27 Bomb canes 4 In runaways caused by explosions 1 Total 306 LAST YEAR'S "RECORD Deaths 5 Injured 475 of the cellar windows ot the building, FASHIONED TIME Mitaooi. Honduras. Nicaragua and Costa story house yesterday morning, being injured so severely that he is not expected Rica, is erowlnz and.

thoueh its evolution may Yc plow, it is sure to coma in the logic to live. caused a slight fire the storage warehouse of George M. Steel, at 40Olj Ludlow street, early yesterday morning. The blaze was extinguished by firemen. The Frankford celebrated the Fourth along Heagert, who is a sten-son of Policeman Several persons were injured yesterday in runaways and collisions caused by explosions of fireworks which frightened animals or startled drivers.

A horse attached to a wagon, driven by Stanley Commiskey, 15 jears old. of 3214 Webb street, became frightened at firecrackers at Frankford avenue and Pacific street yesterday morning and ran away. Commiskey was thrown from his seat; directly under the vehicle. The wheels passed directly over his head and neck, crushing his skull and causing other serious injuries. His condition is regarded as critical at the Episcopal Hosptal.

Adolph G. Garcia, 17 years old. of 1S02 Russell street, was riding a bicycle ot Russell and Jasper streets yesterday afternoon, when the explosion of a larire recracker close to the machine caused him to turn his head around. He ran directly into the side of a laree wagon, and was thrown to the groundfi receiving a fractured skull. Garcia is in a serious condition at the Frankford Hospital.

Local Weather Report front TT. si ot events. Giving Secretary Knox much credit for the negotiations which resulted in averting a costly war between Peru and Ecuador, Mr. Barrett expressed the belief that that action had established a O'Rourke, of the Fighth and Jefferson streets station, was flying a large kite from the roof of a house at 17o North Tenth street. The bovs spied him and old-fashioned lines yesterday.

The exercises beean with a concert by the National Band of Frankford, on the Whitehall "nm nr. in the morning. A baseball loss was slight. At Sixty-fifth and Upland streets a firecracker also caused a fire early in the At Th r-racker fell on the steps of a decided to fire off the rockets. Thev precedent throughout the world for the came followed, and the Girard Athletic two-storv frame house owned by Thomas Planted them in the street and waited for leagert to come near the edge of the concert of nations in the cause of inter- Association nine defeated its rivals from national peace.

I prless Association roof. Intent on flving his kite, the boy did Latin-American Boom jn the afternoon 3000 school children the street. He was taken to the Epis not see them. YV ithout warning thei The att: that had been eiven to I were taken to Northwood Park, in the copal Hospital. rockets sped toward the roof.

The noise John Paul, 11 years old, of 2414 North Latin-America, he said, had been justi- western part of the town, and treated tied by the commercial development 0 ce cream anil cake and a band con- so trightened Heagert that he lost his Fairhill street, may lose the use ot his balance and pitched to the pavement. wmcn naa raKen place as the result ot cert tie landed on his teet, dislocating each right eye as the result of the delayed explosion" of a giant nrt -cracker yesterday afternoon. The cracU failed to explode i i Celebrate Quiet Fourth In a quiet manner, without the use of explosives or fireworks of any kind, Jeanette Martus. whose fourth birthday occurred yesterday, celebrated the day by entertaining twenty-five children of the neighborhood at her parents' home, 1732 Arlington street. Decorations of red, white and blue bunting, American and plants adorned the house, and the table on which the collation was served was heaped with tasteful novelties made in the forms of firecrackers and flags.

Throuehout the dav the vicinity of little diplomatic ana otner enorts. tie con In the evening there was a fireworks tinued ankle, while both of his wrists were fractured, his scalp torn and one ear badly-lacerated. He was taken to St. Joseph's "Weather Ilnrenu Dnllotln display, witnessed bv 25,000 persons, at Lafterty's Farm, and Wakeling street and Oxford pike. "The latest returns of commerce show the reuarkable fact that Liatin-Ameriea bought Hospital.

and sold In trade last year with the rest of Unre than SIO.UUO was expended ior Benjamin Murphy, lo vears old. of 62(i t.ii! world products valued at the vast total 2 Weather. Time. S2.12.J.00O.0O0. Ten years ago the corres North Randolph street, was passing the ponding was valued at only the display, which included many fine set pieces.

The celebration was, as usual, eonduct-oi under the auspices of the Business OOO.OW. In other words, these twenty embl corner ot rrankford avenue and Oxford street yesterday afternoon, when a revolver bullet from an unknown source Cloudr. Cloud v. 5 14 A. M.

2U.77 8 P. 2i.i 7 78 78 4fi W. N. tious sister countries, which our people and in the usual time ana me toy tui iu investigate. He received the full discharge in his face and was taken to St.

Christopher's Hospital A carelessly thrown firecracker may result in the loss of the left eye of 5-year-old Lamar Mitchell, of 374 West Stella avenue. The boy was sitting on his step watching children of his neighborhood discharge fire-crackers in the street, when one of the youngsters threw a squib in his It exploded directly in his face. The child was taken to St. Chris-tnnher's Hospital. Miss Martus home was tree trom the press have a tendency to overlook in their flirtations with Europe and Asia.

Increased struck his forehead immediately above hia crack of fireworks. right eye. rortunately. Murphy was not tir foreign commerce $1,200,000,000 'or 125 seriously injured, though the wound re Men and association oi Frankford, with the following committee in charge: William B. Horn, chairman; Albert W.

McElroy, William E. Eckert, Wiliam Wainman, John F. Davis, William P. McMaster, illiam T. Rose, per cent, in the very short time of ten years.

No other continental group countries can Discharged Blank Cartridges quired treatment 'at r-t. JMary Hospital. Sesner, and it was not until the entire front portion of tha house was ablaze that the fire was noticed. A call was sent in and the blaze extinguished by firemen. The loss will amount to about A crowd of young men were skylarking immediately in front of the store of Wavs and Ertel, at the southeast corner of Bridge street and Frankford avenue yesterday morning, and one of them in a spirit of mischief, it is said, threw a cigarette stump in the midst of fireworks displayed for sale on a table on the pavement.

In a few seconds the fireworks were exploding in all directions and the store was ablaze. The entire stock and fixtures of the establishment were completely destroyed. The damage sustained is estimated at $3000. The restaurant of Michael Dooley, adjoining, was saved from the flames by a timely bucket brigade, operated chiefly by employes of the nearby Frankford trolley barn. A fight between Dooley, the proprietor, and J.

E. Kruropler, 26 years old, of Bridge street and Frankford avenue, the police say, added to the general excitement. Krumpler, it is stated, wanted to superintend the volunteer firemen of the neighborhood, to which Dooley objected. Krumpler was arrested by the police of the Frankford station. Children carelessly throwing firecrackers set the awnings of the store of M.

Abrams, 3003 Frankford avenue, and the residence of David CampbeU. at Frankford avenue and Foulkrod streets, on fire slow a similar percentage of growth. Two youthful celebrants of the Fourth Wakes Amid Firecrackers In a spirit of fun, two bovs threw a Maximum temperature 4 P. Minimum temperature 6 A. Mean temoerature 7S Normal temperature 75 Sunshine (per cent.) 5 Fjxccss in temperature Excess in temperature since July 1 CO Accumulated excess In temperature since January 1 Deficiency In rainfall since Julv 1 CI Accumulated deficiency iu rainfall slnco January 1 Tl Mr.

Tilghman's speech was an unvarnished recital of his ancestor, Colonel jLtcuciL 1 ci i ilia uim.Lii.wi of July were sent to jail in default of James M. Christian, Joseph P. Candy, pack of firecrackers beneath a chair in Charles Stanley, 12 years old, of 1522 Cadwalader street, received serious in- ttT i i Tench Tilghman's ride. He said Colonel William B. Allen, Herbert Y.

Moisten which sat asleep Edward Conway. "0 inrips of the legs and body by tne ae $400 bail by Magistrate Boyle early yes terday morning for disobeing an ordinance prohibiting the use of blank cart ridge pistols. Tilghman, bearing Washington's message, was stuck in the mud for a day by the skinner of the -boat and had to ride from years old, jn front of his home at 1542 Ridge avenue yesterday afternoon. The crackers awakened the sleeper, and when laved explosion of a giant fire-cracker. The accident took place at Fourth and Oxford streets.

Stanley started to ignite SUBURBS CELEBRATE Hock Hall to Philadelphia a day after The young men are Daniel Born, Sixty he lumped from the chair he leaped into the courier bearing the com their midst. He was burned about both eivth uti-pft and Haverford avenue, and the cracker a second time, when it ex ploded. He was taken to Stetson Hos mander -Count De Grasse's message pass legs and was taken to St. Joseph's Hos George Kauffman, of 5643 Wyalusing DAY IN FITTING MANNER l'. S.

"Wen tli or Ilureau Bulletin, Philadelphia, ln. Special to The Inquirer. Philadelphia. Julv 4. 8 P.

M. (Fnstern Time). 3 1 Winton street, accidentally shot himself in the left arm while loading a revolver at hLs home. He was taken to Mt. Sinai i Hospital.

May Felley. years old, of 142 Hoff- man street, was admitted to Mt. Sinai Hospital with both eyes so badly burned that the child was unable to see. The lit tie girl was burned while lighting firecrackers, which went off in her hand. The physicians found that both eyeballs were burned, and it is feared the accident may injure the child's sight.

John O'Keefe, 14 years old, of 139 Carpenter street, had his left foot badly lacerated as the result of the explosion of a giant cracker, which exploded with such force that a portion of his shoe was ripped off. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Clrln Hair Ablaie Boys threw lighted firecrackers upon the head of Edna Fox, 10 years old, of ,807 North Bouvier street, j-esterday afternoon, while she was playing in front of her home. She probably would have been badly injured but for her prompt action in running to the bathroom and throwing water upon her hair. -She was burned about the face and head.

It was necessary to cut off much of her hair in order to allow physicians to bandage the wounds. She was taken to St. Joseph 8 Hospital. In the northwestern part of the city three persons were badly injured by exploding toy cannons, one so seriously that it may be necessary to amputate his left leg. Bernard Jennings, 20 years old, of 1851 North Seventh street, summoned his family to the sidewalk early in the morning to watch him give a salute to the Fourth of July from a tov cannon, which he had purchased the day before.

He lighted the. fuse, but after waiting for a couple of minutes thought it had burned away. 't Just as he stooped over it to investigate, avenue. Each is 19 years old. 1 hey pital.

ed through, but, nevertheless, it was word from Washington that was breath JMrs. Helen JUahomev, lit vears old, ot were arrested by policemen of the Sixty- 1322 Ritner street, may lose the sight Ilelen Anderson, 8 years old, of 00 Christiana street, may lose an eye as the result of the usual Fourth of July accident. She held a fire-cracker too close to Cermantown, Chestnut Hill and Kox- first and Thompson streets station. E3 PLACE. lessly awaited at Philadelphia, tie said Colonel Tilghman's Ride of her right eye as the result of -bnys throwing firecrackers into the air at Fif borough all celebrated the Fourth, in a fitinrr manner vesterdav.

"At' B.OX- Alleged Pickpocket Caught In Crowd 'Cornwallis is taken, a fresh horse hpr head, when it went off her hand Acting in a suspicious manner aecordinsr to teenth street and Girard avenue. As she was waiting for a car. one of the Rnth ee and hand were iniured. The for the Congress' was the shout which I bor 10 combined Sunday schools the courier made through the night at 1 held carnivalg while both Sunday .00 Clear. .00 Cloudy.

Cloudy. I .00 tho police. Alfred H. Gate.

20 years old. or Abilene. Tox 04 t9S N.F. Atlantic 68 K. Rismarck.

N. 04 S.E. Boston. 72 crackers exploded within a few feet of child was taken to St. Mary's Hospital Chilrt's Face Mutilated farm houses.

His ride through that 100 1505 Race street, was arrested yesterday moraine at the celebration in Independence Square schools and churches of Manayunk gath- her tace and a particle new into the OO P. Cloudy bv Snecial Policeman Cirlmm and Mcllermott I J. Ti i -Horv raicinffa Ann (Ten far 3 I 8 2 10 4 19 18 4 38 UO Buffalo. N. Charleston 111.

CJwidy. the niarht Jeavino- behind him a coun- a Struck full in the" face by a large fire-last evening. William Folken- of the Twelfth and Pine streets station, and eye. che also was taKen-to Josephs Hospital. .00 Clear 37 I celebrations throughout the day 1 locked ud in the Central Police Station, as a suspected -pickpocket.

When his room was Un a bet, Fdward Unnan, lb years old, Cleveland. O. Denver. Col 70 76 N. 7G N.W raj

SO 04 N.F.. CG 74 X.K. 04 08 N.F.. SO 82 S. j-ears of age.

His father was a loyalist In Germantown the Immaculate Con-and kept his oath to the British Crown, jception Battilion together with St. Vin- etein, i) years old, of 1302 Marlborough street, had his head horribly mutilated Viv ihe explosion. Hardly an inch of .00 Cloudy. 4 .00 p. .00 Cloudy.

searched the police say they found several suit of 811 North Judson street, held a cracker between the fingers of- his right cases filed ith clothes ana SSM in money Detroit. DulutU. whiie Tench tought with ashington I cent's Battilion held impressive drills at Cear. The prisoner is said to be a xecent graduate hand during the morning. The wager the child's countenance was left without 6 .30 P.

Cloudy, most of the time without pay. IVemnn Park. The affair was under the pf the JJillersville fetate Normal School. terrible lacerations, and he was hurriedly spnt to St. Mary's Hospital, where physi The time that Mr.

Tilghman was most I 76 84 S.W. 16 68 6S S.W. 12 Cloudy. 2 Cloudy. applauded was when he said that he wh after the drilling made pres- cians did what they could to ease his was that he could noid it witnout injury while it went off.

He Tost his bet, for the cracker burned his hand, besides splitting two fingers. He. too, was treated at St. Joseph's, Hospital. Galveston, Hatteraa.

N. Helena, Huron. S. D. Jacksou-yille Kansas City.

Memphis New N'ew York 84 SO S.K. 88 OO 80 8 N.E. 70 82 S.W. 8 86 S.K. lludson for four years, fighting for the destruction of the Union, and had lived ng pictures were also a feature of the evening. committee in cnarge vi Many Have Eyes Injnred Looking into a large-sized firecracker. to glory in a reunited country. 84 N. the affair was as follows: I. Price Ewing, 16 Clear.

5 ar. 6 Clear. 4 ,00 (Hondy. 0 1.84 P. Cloudy- 0 .00 P.

Cloudy. 10 dear. 14 .06 Cloudy. 4 ,0 C1ou.1t- 4 .02 P. Cloudy.

4 .0 Clear. 0 ,0 Cloudy. 1.00 Cloudy. After dismissal of the audience in the square, the crowd flocked around to the Walter E. Torr, Herman W.

Elvidge, which suddenly exploded, probably, will cost the sight of Silas Hunt, 16 years old, of 6 Kimball street, who had. the Frank B. Palmer and Kobert Herbert. front to witness the unveiling ot the Washington statue. Major Moses Veale On the Wavne Junction "Athletic Field.

pain. As he was inspecting an old army musket yestesday, Charles Snyder, 27 years old, of 858 Randolph street, forced the load in too tightly, and as a result was wounded in the arm and face when the weapon exploded. At the time of the accident he was in a boat house at Wheatsheaf lane and the Delaware River. The injured man was taken to the Episcopal Hospital, where his wounds were dressed. i Tossing' a lighted firecracker straight in the face of Harry Brown, 7 years old, North 8H 04 K.B.

Plttabursr. 76 80 N.D. Portland. fi8 74 N. St.

Ixmls. 74 7tt K. St. Paul. 82 4 W.

Tampa. Fla 70 OO N.B. Washington 74 KG NV baseball games and sports were held. did the unveiling. President George Mc- cornea of his left eye badly lacerated and th3 right one burned yesterday outside and band concerts ateo proved an attraction.

Chestnut Hill was likewise in Curdy, of Common Council, in a short, brilliant speech, repeated Abraham Lin it exploded, the, metal tube being burst into many pieces from an overcharge of powder. Several pieces, together with the cotton wadding, penetrated hi3 left ankle. The wadding sunk into the flesh his home. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. orala attire, and all the surrounding sub George Sproud, 10 years old, of 253r coln eulogy of Washington.

mm urbs showed by their decorations anl general air of holiday excitement, that and bones for. a distance of an inch. He South street, had both eyes badly burn was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. the day was weii rememDerea.

ed, as well as his face and neck, by the explosion of several packs of firecrackers, PROSPECT PARK Charles Seegers, 21 years. old, ot 151? of 2023 Abigail street, an unidentified boy ran away, leaving Brown badly burned about the face and neck. The injured Highest temperature. Weather In Paris PARIS. July 4.

Stormy weather rroyailefl today. The temperature lunsod from 60 to 01 degrees. Movements of Ocean Steamers ARRIVED. Master street, and Charles Hagele, 18 years old, of 1230 North Myrtlewood liar A 11 which he ignited accidentally. He was taken to the Methodist Hospital.

yesterday afternoon. The losses were trivial. Firecrackers also caused a fire in the stable owned bv Eliza M. Walton, in the rear of 433o Frankford avenue, yesterday afternoon. The loss was trifling.

Five Horses Rescned Firecrackers tossed through an open window of the hay loft of the stable of Robert Sawyer, at Twenty-sixth and Diamond at two o'clock in the afternoon started a fire that caused a loss estimated at $50O before the flames were extinguished. The exploding crackers set fire to the hay, and when the firemen reached the scene they found the upper part of the stable in flames. Five norses were rescued with difficulty, and John McAdams, aged 22 years, of Twenty-second and Diamond streets, was overcome by smoke while helping to save some carriages from the flames. He was revived at the Northwest General Hospital. The upper part of the 6table was almost completely destroyed.

Striking the nne of a wnndow of the residence of Andrew Hisler, at 21232 North Carlisle street, a siiy rocket shattered it and scattered sparks over a bed near it. The bed was soon in flames. Hisler and his family had gone to the seashore to spend the day and Policeman Smith, of the Twentieth and Berks streets station, forced open the front door and put out the fire -by I pouring several pails of water over the. burning bed. The loss was estimated at $25.

Firecrackers hurled by small boys into a large barrel of pitch standing in front of a building operation at the southwest corner of Thirteenth street and Columbia arenue started a fire which endangered the scaffolding 'surrounding the structure. Policeman Gannister, of the Tenth and Thompson streets station; turned in. an HAS BIG-DAY NORTH GRATZ STREET lad was taken to bt. JMary Hospital. Stanley Stevenson, 14 years of 2028 Rosehill street; w-as severely burned nroinrniTO net cddatc While firing a revolver loaded with bullets.

Robert Thompson," 16 years old, of 2334 South Tenth street, accidentally shot himself in the left inflicting a Prospect Park's pretty borough, sister nLOlULIM I uLLLDlin I on the stomach as the result ot the ex-nlnsion of a giant firecracker in front of Name. i Pate. From. IKevoi-ted at. suburb of Phiadelphia, just across in serious wound.

The bullet was removed June his home. He was treated at the Epis Delaware county, vied yesterday non- rvienratincr the Fourth in a "safe and Naples July 2i New York 3 New York July onng the immortals and enlivening herlfiane wayj tne citizens of North Gratz July July Glasgow Glasgow New York New York Boston 41 Antwerp. 4 Mod. Pta. 41 New York iyuiouvu I street, Detween mgonocKing anu voun- and illustration of the stirring events ianfi streets and vicinity, made merry all copal Hospital.

PICNICER FRACTURES SKULL SECOND TIME July street, were the others injured Dy cannons. Seegers had touched off his cannon, after giving it too much of a charge; Flying particles of the barrel struck him in the right hand, while Hagele was struck in the left side. Both were taken to-the German Hospital. Frightened Dogr Tears Boy Thoroughly frightened and angered by firecrackers thrown at him, a large bull log attacked George Felix, 12 years old, of 2165 Dreer street, yesterday afternoon. The boy is at St.

Mary's Hospital, and his injuries are regarded as eo fierious that he may die. He had been visiting relatives in the neighborhood, and was sitting on the stens of 1124 Palmer street, when bovs Russia. Roma Columbia Vaderland JDuca Kpr. Potsdam Minnevraska. M.

Wabboneton. Moltko Baltic HelllK Plymouth of the Revolution. Hav -esterdav. A baseball match was July July July 4j Kotter'm. ISlksconset Burgess and grand marshal of the par- slaved in the morning and the afternoon 4 l-rondon.

I New Yo-k New Y'orW Julv July 4 Med. Pts. 4 Med. Pts. ede, Esiia 'Abrams, rode at the head Lvas devoted to athletic contests of all New York New York by physicians at St.

Agnes' Hospital. While walking near his home yesterday morning, John Smith, 15 years old, of 1746 South Dorrance street, was shot in the right leg, the bullet penetrating so deep into the flesh that it was with much difficulty that it was removed by physicians at St. Agnes' Hospital. The explosion of a box of firecrackers, which were "prematurely ignited, resulted in William Troutenberger, 13 years old, of 541 Fernon street, and Harry Eisen-berger, 7 years old, of 542- Fernon street, being seriously burned. The clothes of both bovs took fire and before thev Julv Uverpool of the procession.

The parade started kinds. Neighbors competed together and While at a picnic yesterday afternoon Uulv 4IXew Y'orkiDunnt H1. from the fire house and was composed I jf there were' no records broken it was July Minnetonka, Due. d. Abruzzl IJuly 4 New Yorkllxwdon York'liibraltar 4 (Gibraltar of 200 6chool children, the boy cadets 1 not because the contestants were lack 4 New York lKvsr of the Protestant Episcopal Church, au- inpr jn spirit.

There were races for men, -i. 1 on the Oxford pike, John Clair, 21 years old, of 119 Nectarine street, pitched headlong over a bridge, fracturing his skull and also breaking a plate that had been inserted in his head several years ago on account of a similar accident. The iniured man vas removed to the lomoDiies conveying aistmguisnea cm-1 women ana cnuaren, ana prizes were Romanic-. July Krooulaud. Gorniaula.

July Lultnnla July IJuly Menominee IJuly teoiiian Uulv New York Fishguard New York Scllly Boston zens. the tire their daz- awarded tne winners. 4 Med. Pts. 4 New York 4' Boston 4 Liverpool began to make the dog the victim of their zling equipment and many other bodies.

I During the evening the Second Regi- The presentation eneech was made by I ment Band rendered an attractive pro- could be extinguished they were badly CHARLES K. GIBBS. SAILED. FTankford where his wounded past ten o'clock in the morning, in the I gram, and at the close, when the band burned about the abdomen and chest. sport, vine animal, chased his tormentors, but they, got-away then attacked Felix, and bit him time and timt again? on the face and j'body Joseph Wise, 32 yearf ofrTnenti- Name.

I Date." For. The Inquirer extends birthday ereet- From. 1 They were taken "t6 -Mt'Sinai-'Hospital. head was. treated.

PHysicians say jiis public park. Prayer was said by KeV ii. ipiajed tne eiar cpangiea taoner, 'ai i 1 1 a i i. i.i ii. alarm aua-tae Iiremenxunguaaneatae- Amsterdam- Uuly 4lKw YorkiBouionaaf Ain to a well-known Phuadelpbian.

ik xnecnorai ninon, unaer wnea iu tustus memmcm, rmup years oia, ot oo-i A- 1.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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