The Voice - Chapter 12 - Lestat719 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Izuku slowly found himself waking up. He was lying on his back, and his beautiful, naked girlfriend was lying across his chest. He felt the pull of the warmth of her body, almost lulling him back to slumber. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift; he felt like floating in a warm pool of water. It felt like being wrapped in a soft hug; he was between wake and sleep. He felt someone poke him on the forehead.

“Are you Planning on opening your eyes anytime soon?” a voice said. But not some random voice, but a voice that came to him in his dreams, a voice that had come to him that day in the park. It wasn’t in his head; he could hear it.

Izuku's eyes snapped open, and there he was—he knew it. A slow smile crossed the man’s face. “Dad?” Izuku whispered.

“Hello, son,” Mr. Tracy replied. Izuku scrambled to his feet, slipping and stumbling into his father’s arms. “Are you all right there?”

Izuku couldn’t reply; he started crying as he held onto his father. He felt his father’s grip tighten, and Izuku began to the ball. He had dreamed of this and wished for this sensation, if only for one time. Mr. Tracy gently rubbed Izuku’s back until he could get himself under control.

Izuku pulled back and stared at the smiling face, “Hello, Son,” Mr. Tracy said.

“Dad…how…is this real?” Izuku muttered, hugging his father again.

“Does it matter?” Mr. Tracy said with a small laugh. “It is as real for us as it can be. I think that is all that matters.”

“But how,” Izuku asked, not lessening his grip, determined to etch this sensation into his soul if possible. “I don’t care how. Does this mean we can do this again?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t know that this was going to happen this time. I think it has something to do with the merge with One for All,” his father said.

“I don’t care, I don’t care,” Izuku said.

They didn’t say anything else; they just stood there hugging. Izuku could feel himself beginning to slip away. He could feel that pull to being awake. He tried desperately to fight it but knew it was a losing battle.

“It’s okay, son; I am sure we will see each other again,” Mr. Tracy said. “Now, have a great day. I love you Izuku.”

“I love you, Dad,” Izuku replied at the sound of the alarm.

Ochaco groaned at the sound of the alarm, but her protest at getting out of bed was cut off as she saw and heard Izuku crying. She sat up, and as she did so, he brought his hands to face, wiping away at the tears.

“Izuku, are you all right? What happened?” Ochaco said concerned.

“Dad, I saw my dad!” he managed to say.

Ochaco immediately covered her chest and looked around the room for a second. Then, feeling like an idiot, she pulled him up into a hug. “You had a dream?”

“No…I was inside One for All, and he was there,” Izuku replied, squeezing Ochaco against him. “It was him. I could feel and hear him—not just in my head but…”

Ochaco immediately understood, “Tell me about it.” She sat holding him and listening as Izuku told her about the sensation, the feeling, the entire experience. He had calmed down as he spoke slowly. They disentangled, just holding hands. “Sound like something wonderful,” she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Come on, if we want to get our morning workout in, we must get dressed.” Izuku nodded as they began their day.


Nana sat beside Mr. Tracy on the floor, knees tucked under his chin.

“It was nice to be able to do that,” he said, a few tears on his cheeks. Nana just smiled and sank beside him, pulling his head to rest on her shoulder.

“At least you could hug him at least once,” she whispered.

Hero Class

Izuku parked, and they all filed out of the car, getting ready for their second day at U.A. and their first heroic class. They had been gossiping about what All-Might had planned, dreading and laughing about the idea of All-Might unleashing Torino upon the class on day one.

“It should be easy compared to our workouts,” Eijiro said as he handed the girls their bags from the trunk.

“I don’t think they will be that hard on the first class,” Mina added. Oh, hey, it’s Momo. MOMO!” Mina called to the heiress as she stepped out of a limo.

Momo’s head shot up at the sound of her name, and she was happy to see her classmates standing at the back of a nice SUV. Momo said something to the driver and walked over with a bounce in her step, happy to be experiencing something akin to regular school life. “Good morning, all of you,” Momo said with a slight bow. “I was not expecting to meet you in the parking lot. I didn’t know any of you knew how to drive.”

“Only we do,” Ochaco said, motioning between herself and Izuku.

“Hey, I am getting my learner permit,” Eijiro pouted.

“Is this your car then, Ochaco?” Momo inquired.

“Oh no, it is Izuku’s. His parents bought it for him when we got to U.A.,” she smiled. “But I get to drive it too. Girlfriend perks,” she added with a smile.

“I must confess to hearing that both of you were dating and living together…” Momo blushed. “It was quite a bit to take in. I also noticed the matching rings. Are you two engaged?”

Izuku smiled, noticing the sparkle in Momo’s eyes. “They are promise rings; we want to marry after graduation.”

“You are planning so far in advance,” Momo tilted her head slightly.

“My dad told me that the best way to make a relationship work was to make sure that your goals were in mind and that you both wanted the same thing,” Izuku said. “We both wanted to be heroes; we are in love, and if we stay together until graduation, we think that is enough time before we get married.”

“Living together is a dry run,” Ochaco said. This way, we get to know each other's personalities, so there are no surprises.”

Momo nodded and started to ask questions as they walked to class. They were in deep conversation with some of their classmates. A few girls from 1-B came over, including Ibarra and Itsuka.

Ibarra blushed and stuttered as she learned that Izuku and Ochaco were living together and sharing a room. She started to talk to them about fighting against the temptation of the flesh, but Ochaco blushed and looked away. Ibarra went red as a tomato and fell silent. Mina was talking with Itsuka, Eijiro, and Izuku, and she noticed the subtle but playful flirty banter between the two. Both boys vowed to tease her about that later.

Class began normally. Tuesdays and Thursdays were reserved for heroic lessons: heroic Law, Heroic Theory, Investigative Theory, and Heroic procedure. In the afternoon, they would begin their practical hero training, followed by quirk training. The class portions were interesting as they began to delve into the world of heroics proper. Heroic Procedure introduced the class to the true villainy of hero work: the paperwork.

While most of the paperwork could be filled out via an online form, there was the need to type up reports, especially after any conflict after Action Reports. They were astonished at how much paperwork they had and the importance of correctly filling it out. Incorrect paperwork meant that you would not be paid, and late paperwork meant you would not be paid and would have a fine deducted from your pay.

Professor Ms. Abigal emphasized these points with the class, ensuring they understood their importance. “But don’t most agencies have someone to handle this?” Mineta asked.

“Yes, they do, but as you can tell on the forms, there is only so much they can fill out for you as the rest requires you to provide the information,” she replied. “If you do not join an agency after you graduate, then it will be up to you to do all the paperwork, and smaller agencies do not have the resources or the luxury of hiring people.”

Ms. Abigail looked over the class, “If you are getting into this profession with the sole intent of getting rich, you are on the wrong path. Unless you find yourself in the top 30, even then, it will require you to work hard. That is why so many heroes create alternate revenue streams for themselves, not only to improve their quality of life but also to afford some nicer things, hire people for the agency, and prepare for retirement.”

“The higher the rank, the more responsibilities, the more likely you will be called in on task forces and to respond to national threats and disasters,” Ms. Abigail said. “That is why there is a whole class dedicated to Heroic Procedures. This paperwork is not just about you being paid for your service. This paperwork will also be submitted for trial, and unless you have a perfect memory, it will be what you will refer to when you are called upon to testify.” She paused as she let that sink in. “Do you want to let a criminal back on the street because you didn’t complete your paperwork properly? Now let us review the syllabus and the required reading for our next class.”

At lunch, everyone felt true about what it meant to be in the U.A. It was their first official day, and they had to read five chapters, write two essays, participate in Practical training in the afternoon, eat, and maybe work out.

“I am not quite sure what I was expecting, but this is so much more than that,” Denki lamented.

“I expected nothing less from the prestigious U.A.,” Ida added. “But even I must agree with you; balancing everything and studying enough for exams will be difficult.” The class muttered their agreement.

“Does anyone know who our Heroics teacher is?” Sato asked as they entered the cafeteria.

“Man, wouldn’t it be so cool if it was someone like All-Might or Endeavor!” Sero said. No one noticed the hostile look dance across Shoto’s face.

“I hope it’s Miriko!” Mineta said with a bit of drool.

“I wonder how excited they will be and then probably disappointed,” Ochaco whispered to Izuku, kissing his cheek.

Heroic Teacher

“Here I am, coming through the door like a normal person!” All-Might announced as he entered. The class began to call out excitedly; the four just rolled their eyes and smiled at him. All-Might kept it brief before he revealed the silver cases containing everyone's hero suites, which added more fuel to the excitement before they told them to get changed and assemble at training ground Epsilon.

He called for Momo and Toru to wait, waiving the rest of the class out the door.

When the two girls entered, they quickly opened these cases, almost as if they were unsure what they would see. Ochaco had been staring at her suit silently, cursing that she had not listened to Izuku and been more specific with her costume design.

“Toru, are you all right?” Kyoka said suddenly, moving towards the invisible girl and hugging her. It made everyone else stop in concern. Kyoka looked into the case, slightly scared at what she would see. She was surprised when she saw boots, gloves, and what appeared to be a simple pair of black leggings with a patching top and a bag with some sports bras and underwear.

Momo looked down at her case without saying anything, but they noticed that she quickly disrobed, tossing her top and bra aside and pulling on the sports bra. Momo seemed in a daze as she looked down, and staff popped out from her chest; it hung up slightly on the bra. Momo noticed, but she started jumping up and down like she had won the lottery.

“What is happening?” Mina wondered aloud.

“I think there have been some changes made to their costumes, Kero,” Tsu replied. “They are unexpected, but I believe they are a good thing.”

“Give me one second,” Toru said as Kyoka released her; frantically, they watched Toru strip out of her clothes and slip on the panties and bra; they all watched as the fabric shimmered and disappeared. Toru screamed in delight, making Kyoka flinch.

“Wait, we can see Toru’s clothes,” Ochaco said. “I saw her bra but not her underwear. Toru…”

Toru nodded. “I am invisible but not what I am wearing, so for my quirk to work effectively…”

“You have to be naked,” Kyoka said, completing Toru’s sentence.

“My costume was just boots and gloves,” Toru continued. “I was going to go into battle naked; I am used to it somewhat. It's not like anyone could see anything anyway, but I was worried about getting accidentally felt up.”

“I need bare skin for my quirk to work,” Momo said. “If I am adequately covered, then the effectiveness of what I create will be significantly reduced. So my first costume, which was patterned after Midnight's first, was rejected, and I designed the second one that was approved.”

“Are we talking Gen 1 Midnight,” Tsu asked. Momo nodded, making all the girls blush.

“But All-Might said he reviewed our suits and found them unacceptable, so he sought help from David Shield and had some things made for us,” Momo just sat there smiling. “It provides us protection and covering he said. It isn’t perfect, but after school, we are to report to the support course so Mr. Shield can help adapt them as best he can. We should get changed, and I don’t want to be late.”

Ochaco was hesitant to walk out, but when she saw Izuku look at her and how he looked at her, she was happy about the mix-up. Izuku wore dark green armored weave pants, a shirt with a yellow strip running along the side, a matching jacket with a hood, and a pull-up mask hanging around his neck.

(The rest of Costumes Cannon, except Momo, includes reinforced black tights and a long-sleeve shirt.)

“You're Looking good, ladies,” Eijiro called out. Mineta felt somewhat disappointed as if he had been cheated somehow, but all the girls' outfits were skin-tight, so he could make do with that.

All-Might just nodded at Momo's grateful look and was surprised by Toru bypassing everyone, running over, and hugging him. “Thank you so much, All-Might,” she said, stepping back.

“Think nothing of it, Young Toru,” he said as she stepped back. “It is my job as your teacher to educate you and ensure you are as well protected as possible. So rejoin your class and think nothing about it.”

“You like what you see, Mr. Midoriya,” Ochaco purred in his ear. “I wonder if I can bring this home one night.” She saw his jaw slack as he began visualizing the same things she was. Seductively, she reached under his chin and closed his mouth. “Why don’t you show me tonight what you were thinking about?” Izuku just nodded. Inside his head, Nana and Mr. Tracy were laughing.

The class looked around at the massive cityscape before them; for many, it reminded them of the practical exam testing area.

“CLOTHES MAKE THE HERO!”All-Might called out. “You all look wonderful, my little zygotes! Today, we will participate in a simple exercise called pursuit and evasion or what I like to call Tag!”

The students looked confused; Izuku, Mina, Ochaco, and Eijiro began sweating.

“Tag, sir?” Tenya said, holding his hand aloft.

“Yes, exactly,”All-Might smiled.”Well, not exactly. You will pair up into random teams of two and attempt to “Tag” the target. You may tag the target in any manner you choose, whether physical or with your quirk. Tag the target before the 10-minute time limit, and your team wins. You will be eliminated if the target tags you more than three times.”

The rest of the class still seemed confused. None of them expected to be playing “Tag” on their first day. Momo looked over at Izuku and noticed that he seemed worried, which made her hesitate.

“So, who are we going against?” Denki asked, and on cue, the door opened, and in walkedan older manwho wasrelativelyshort,withascrawnybuild andmanywrinkles on his face.He has brown eyes and a light complexion. His hair is grey and styled spiky, with some bangs hanging forward, and he has a trimmed beard.His hero costume consists of a full-body monochrome suit with a yellow cape, a beltwiththe letter "G" on it, thick yellow gloves and boots, and a dark domino maskresemblingtwo diamonds.

The class nearly fell over. Momo looked at the group and saw them immediately sweat more. She saw Mina close her eyes in prayer. Eijiro seemed to be muttering to himself, trying to summon courage. Izuku was looking upward, talking very fast, and Ochaco was staring down at the older man with a fierce look in her eyes, an almost unnatural look that called for revenge.

“Class 1-A. Gran Torino.” All-Might said with a grin. “Gran Torino. Class 1-A.”

“Huh?” Torino said as he tottered towards the class. He radiated this aura of a frail, lost older man who needed help.

All-Might, playing along, walked over to Torino and said, “TORINO, THIS IS CLASS 1-A. YOU ARE GOING TO BE PLAYING TAG WITH THEM…YOU KNOW!”

“HUH!” Torino said cupping his hand to his ear.


Torino repeatedly smacked his gums, “Can I have some taiyaki?”

“YES WE CAN GET SOME AFTER!” All-Might yelled.

Tsu ran over and smacked All-Might on the shoulder, “Stop yelling at him, kero.” Tsu offered her arm to Torino. “Here, take my arm, sir.”

Torino looked around, confused, and gingerly took Tsu’s arm. “Why, thank you. Aren’t you sweet? That loud man promised me some Taiyaki if I helped him.”

Tsu shot a death stare at All-Might, who was about to try to defend himself, but Tsu turned away from him and helped escort Torino to the group. Momo made a simple stool for the old hero to sit on. Once seated, Torino fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a caramel for each girl. “Thank you for being so sweet to this poor old man…what am I doing again?” he looked around. The class looked at Torino, then all turned and looked at All-Might; they repeated this process several times before they were all glaring at All-Might.

Katsuki was just as confused. When he looked at Izuku and his group, he didn’t see the same look as the class. They were tense, ready to act, but their gaze was on the older man.Do they know him?He thought. Why are they weary of him?

All-Might hung his head, but he did it to hide his smile. “Listen up, class, step forward, and draw lots to find your parings. “TORINO, GET INTO THE STARTING CIRCLE, OR NO TAIYAKI FOR YOU!”

Torino perked up at Taiyaki. “IS IT TIME FOR TAIYAKI?”


Torino looked sad. He struggled to get to his feet, leaning heavily on his can. Sato helped him to his feet as Tsu guided him to the marked starting area.

“Well, this is going to be easy,” Mineta said, walking over to draw a lot.

“Dude, this is messed up,” Denki said. “We can’t use our quirks on him; we might kill him.” He hung his head. “I was expecting more from our first class.”

“This entire situation does not sit well with me,” Tenya said. “This does not feel heroic at all.”

Shoto Todoroki looked at Torino and then to All-Might; his opinion of the number one hero had just taken a mighty blow.

“All-Might, this doesn’t feel right?” Toru said as she drew her lot. “Why are we playing “Tag” with such a nice old man? I don’t want to hurt him.”

“This is today’s exercise, young Tour, trust me,” All-Might said. The rest of the students drew their lots to form teams.

  1. Katsuki & Tenya
  2. Ochaco & Tsu
  3. Izuku & Mineta
  4. Denki & Sero
  5. Sato & Yuga
  6. Momo & Eijiro
  7. Mina & Mezo
  8. Toru & Mineta
  9. Sero & Ojiro
  10. Koda & Kyoka

“First Team, get into position,” All-Might said. “The rest of you will join me in the control booth.”

“It seems like a waste of time and unnecessary walking if you ask me,” Mineta said. Once in the booth, everyone looked at the monitors, and All-Might grinned. “Begin!”

Tenya sighed and started to walk towards Torino, who appeared to have fallen asleep, to tag the older man gently. Suddenly, Katsuki jumped past him and fired an explosion just a foot away. The class erupted with cries of shock and fright. Tsu and Momo went to run for the door. “WAIT!” All-Might called out.

“BAKUGO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Tenya screamed as he ran towards the smoke cloud. Katsuki held out his hand to stop him. Tenya was about to say something.

“SHUT UP!” Katsuki said. “I missed.”

Tenya froze. That was impossible. He noticed that Katsuki's eyes were darting this way and that, seemingly desperately trying to locate something. The smoke cleared. The only thing there was the charred remains of the stool—no Torino. Katsuki suddenly pushed Tenya away and rolled to his side. A blur came crashing between them. Katsuki rolled and fired before launching to the side again. Tenya stumbled. He saw a white streak fly past Katsuki and redirect, and it crashed into Tenya, sending him flying.

“That’s one whippersnapper,” Torino said as he landed on a wall. Never underestimate your opponents, no matter their age.” Torino rocketed back down at Tenya, who tried to roll to his feet. Bakugo fired off another blast, forcing Torino to alter course.

“GET UP DAMN IT!” Bakugo yelled; Tenya shook off the confusion as Torino flew at them again, only to alter his course and take off into the city.


Ida took off in pursuit, and Katsuki growled and ran after them.

The class in the booth was dumbstruck, staring at screens and what they had just witnessed. The camera system couldn’t even track Torino’s movements, only catching the hero when he stopped to taunt or attack his pursuers. “I told you to trust me,” All-Might said.

Class 1-A limped to their locker room after a heroic class that day. They made a silent pact that each would one day claim victory over that older man.

“Should we warn 1-B?” Mezo said, slumping to the floor against his locker.

“Why should we let them have any fun?” Mineta groaned.

The Voice - Chapter 12 - Lestat719 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.