UNEP Handbook Climate Change Assesment - [PDF Document] (2024)

UNEP Handbook Climate Change Assesment - [PDF Document] (1)

Handbook on Methods forClimate Change Impact Assessmentand Adaptation Strategies


Jan F. FeenstraIan BurtonJoel B. SmithRichard S.J. Tol

Version 2.0October, 1998

vrije Universiteit amsterdam

United Nations Environment Programme Institute for Environmental Studies

UNEP Handbook Climate Change Assesment - [PDF Document] (2)

UNEP Handbook Climate Change Assesment - [PDF Document] (3)


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) took the initiative for thedevelopment of this “Handbook on Methods for Climate Change Impact Assessmentand Adaptation Strategies” as part of UNEP’s participation in the development ofguidelines and handbooks for Climate Change Country Studies. The project is also partof the World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme(WCIRP) and as such contributes to the International Climate Agenda.

Climate Change Country Studies can be divided into four related activities:1. Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories;2. Mitigation Studies (Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Studies);3. Impact Assessment and Adaptation Studies; and4. National Communications.

Guidelines for national Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories have been developed byIPCC/OECD/IEA with assistance from UNEP/GEF. These Guidelines have beenadopted by the first Conference of Parties (CoP) to the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Guidelines for Mitigation Studies are being developed by UNEP Collaborating Centreon Energy and Environment, Risø, Denmark, in co-operation with several developingcountries and countries with economies in transition in a series of UNEP/GEF fundedcountry studies.

Guidelines for National Communications have been developed by the UNFCCC.

It is emphasised that in no way should the development of this Handbook on Methodsfor Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies suggest that adapta-tion to climate change is considered to be of greater importance than mitigation. Onlymitigation can prevent climate change and its consequences. However, since we arealready committed to some climate change and since it is unlikely that the reduction ofgreenhouse gas emissions will be sufficient to prevent climate change, it is better to beprepared than to leave it for future generations to live with.

The project for development of this version of the handbook was funded, throughUNEP, by the Governments of Denmark and The Netherlands. The project was co-

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ordinated by the Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Allcommunications between the editors and the lead authors were carried out by theconvening editor Ian Burton, who took also the lead in the generic chapters introductionand getting started written by the editors.

The last version of this handbook (version 1.3; October 1996) was used by severalcountry study teams in developing countries conducting impact and adaptationassessments. The handbook was tested specifically by the country study teams ofAntigua and Bardua, Cameroon, Estonia and Pakistan in the UNEP/GEF project“Country Case Studies on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations Assessments”.Their comments, recommendations, and suggestions for improvement have beenincorporated in this version. Apart from this, internationally recognised experts (seeacknowledgements) reviewed, on request of the editors, the sectoral chapters. Thesereviews were compiled by the convening editor and sent to the lead authors forconsideration. The editors are convinced that the above input, together with a neworganisation, especially in the generic issue chapters, has improved this version of thehandbook substantially.

This Handbook on Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies ismade available by UNEP to the Parties to the UNFCCC.

Although significant effort has been put into making this handbook more useful andbetter applicable for developing countries and countries with economies in transitionthan the last version, it is likely that it can be improved further. The country studyteams (and other readers) that will use this handbook are therefore encouraged tocomment candidly on the format and content and if possible give recommendations forimprovement. The users and readers of this handbook are invited to send theircomments to either Jan F. Feenstra at the Institute for Environmental Studies,Amsterdam, or Alex Alusa at UNEP Headquarters, Nairobi.

Jan F. Feenstra Alex AlusaInstitute for Environmental Studies (IVM) UNEP HeadquartersVrije Universiteit Atmosphere UnitDe Boelelaan 1115 P.O. Box 305521081 HV Amsterdam NairobiThe Netherlands KenyaTel. +31-20-444 9550 Tel. +254-2-623 4551Fax +31-20-444 9553 Fax +254-2-623 410E-mail: [emailprotected] E-mail: [emailprotected]

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List of lead authors

John M. Balbus Department of Environmental & Occupational Medicine,George Washington University, 2300 K. St., NW #20120037Washington DC, USA. Phone: +1 202 994 2614, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Barry Baker Ecosystems Research International, 305 W. Magnolia Street262 Fort Collins - CO 80521-2801, USA. Phone: +1 970 4934004, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Michael Brody US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Planning,Analysis and Accountability (2710), 401 M St. SWWashington DC 20460, USA. Phone: +1 202 260 7558, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Ian Burton Atmospheric Environment Science, Environment Canada,4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4,Canada. Phone: +1 416 739 4314, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Stewart J. Cohen Environmental Adaptation Research Group (EARG),Environment Canada, located at Sustainable DevelopmentResearch Institute, University of British Columbia, B5-2202Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. Phone: +1604-822-1635, e-mail: [emailprotected]. Homepage:http://www.tor.ec.gc.ca/earg

Jan F. Feenstra Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, DeBoelelaan 1115, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Phone: +31 20 444 9550, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Ihor Hlohowskyj Environmental Assessment Division, Argonne NationalLaboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, Illinois 60439,USA. Phone: +1 630 252 3478, email: [emailprotected]

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Mike Hulme Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, NorwichNR4 7TJ, UK. Phone: +44 1603 593162, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Ana Iglesias Intesca, Uniersidad Politecnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid,Spain. Phone: +34 91 336 5832, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Richard J.T. Klein Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research,Telegrafenberg C4, P.O. Box 601203, D-14412 Potsdam,Germany, Phone: +49 331 2882500, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Stephanie Lenhart Stratus Consulting Inc., P.O. Box 4095, Boulder CO 80306-4059, USA. Phone: +1 303 381 8000, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Sune Linder Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department ofEcology and Environmental Research, P.O. Box 7042,S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone: +47 18 672440, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Jay R. Malcolm Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,Canada M5S 3B3. Phone: +1 416 978 5480, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Robert J. Nicholls Flood Hazard Research Centre, School of Social Science,Middlesex University, Queensway, Enfield EN3 4SF, U.K.Phone: +44 181 3625569, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Martin L. Parry Jackson Environment Institute, University College London, 5Gower Street, London WC1E 6HA, U.K. Phone: +44 171813 5206, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Cynthia Rosenzweig NASA/GISS, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025, USA.Phone: +1 212 678 5591, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Robert J. Scholes Division of Water, Environment and Forest TechnologyCSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. Phone: +2712 841 2045, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Joel B. Smith Stratus Consulting Inc., P.O. Box 4095, Boulder CO 80306-4059, USA. Phone: +1 303 381 8000 x218, e-mail:[emailprotected]

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Frank Stern Hagler Bailly Consulting, Inc., P.O. Drawer O, Boulder, CO80306-1906, USA. Phone: +1 303 449 5515, e-mail:[emailprotected]

Kenneth M. Strzepek University of Colorado, Civil, Environmental andArchitectural Engineering, University of Colorado , ECOT-5-28, Campus Box 428, Boulder, CO 80309-0428, USA.Phone: +1 303 492 7111, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Richard S.J. Tol Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, DeBoelelaan 1115, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Phone: +31 20 444 9503, e-mail: [emailprotected]

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The editors would like to offer special thanks to Martin Parry for his participation andinput as advisor to the editors, to the country study teams that commented the formerversion and gave recommendations for improvement. The editors owe special thanks tothe following persons who contributed to the development of this Handbook in variousways, this includes specific reviews of individual chapters; suggestions for the overalldesign and content; and in other ways being helpful to the editors:

Jacques Antoine, Larry Awosika Suzann Bolton, Tim Carter, Fred Chege, Rex Cruz,Ian Douglas, Hadi Dowlatabadi, Tom Downing, Kirsty Duncan, Jay Edmonds, DickEllsworth, Paul Epstein, John Everett, Mickey Glantz, Rene Gommes, Vivien Gornitz,John Handmer, Nick Harvey, Zdzislaw Kacmarek, Robert Kates, Mick Kelly, JohnLast, Stephen Leatherman, Rick Leemans, Don MacIver, Gabriel Mailu., AnthonyMcMichael, Roberto Moreno, Richard Moss, Isabelle Niang-Diop, Nobuo Nimura,Patrick Nunn, Leonard Nurse, Tim O'Riordan, Barry Pittock, Walter Rast, HenryRegier, John Reilly, John Robinson, Norman Rosenberg, Michael Scott, Brian Shuter,Rudi Sloof, Barry Smit, Allen Soloman, Wim Sombroek, Eugene Stakhiv, Bob Stewart,Marcel Stive, Kerry Turner, Wiss W.-S. Yim, Gary Yohe, Ryszard Zeidler†.

We also wish to thank the US Country Study Management Team for their co-operationin the development of this handbook.

We further thank Ms. Denise Girard, Ms. Nicola Mayer and Ms. Dita Smit for theirsecretarial assistance during the project. Special thanks to Ms. Christina Thomas forcopy-editing the entire handbook and Ms. Dita Smit for the layout, figures, and wordprocessing.

Finally we offer our special thanks to Michael Short, UNEP programme officer, for hiscontinuous support, enthusiasm and organisational involvement in this project.

Jan F. FeenstraIan BurtonJoel B. SmithRichard S.J. Tol

UNEP Handbook Climate Change Assesment - [PDF Document] (9)


Preface iii

List of lead authors v

Acknowledgement ix

Acronyms and abbreviations xix

Introduction xxi

Part I - Generic Issues

1 Getting Started 1-1

2 Socio-Economic Scenarios 2-12.1 Introduction 2-12.2 Background 2-2

2.2.1 Definition 2-22.2.2 The scope of socio-economic scenarios 2-3

2.3 Scenario development 2-32.3.1 Background 2-32.3.2 Building scenarios 2-72.3.3 Multiple scenarios 2-8

2.4 Use of scenarios 2-92.4.1 Water resources 2-112.4.2 Coastal zones 2-112.4.3 Agriculture 2-122.4.4 Rangelands and livestock 2-132.4.5 Human health 2-132.4.6 Energy 2-142.4.7 Forests 2-152.4.8 Biodiversity 2-152.4.9 Fisheries 2-15

2.5 Concluding remarks 2-16References 2-16

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3 Climate Change Scenarios 3-13.1 Introduction 3-13.2 Climatological baseline 3-23.3 Conditions for selecting climate change scenarios 3-33.4 Generic types of climate change scenarios 3-4

3.4.1 General circulation models 3-53.4.2 Synthetic scenarios 3-83.4.3 Analogue scenarios 3-9 Temporal analogue scenarios 3- Spatial analogue scenarios 3- Final thoughts on analogue scenarios 3-11

3.4.4 Combinations of options 3-113.5 Issues in selecting and designing climate change scenarios 3-14

3.5.1 Using GCMs for scenario construction 3- Equilibrium experiments 3- Transient experiments 3- Attaching calendar years to GCM scenarios 3-15

3.5.2 Which GCMs to select? 3- Vintage 3- Resolution 3- Validity 3- Representativeness of results 3-19

3.5.3 Changes in mean versus changes in variability 3-223.5.4 Spatial variability 3-23 Downscaling 3- Regional models 3-24

3.5.5 Simulations of greenhouse gas forcing alone and in combinationwith other factors 3-24

3.5.6 Consistency in scenarios of CO2 concentrations, change in climate,and sea level rise 3-25

3.6 Example approaches to scenario construction 3-263.6.1 US Country Studies Program 3-263.6.2 IPCC Working Group II 3-273.6.3 Scaling: A scenario generator from the Climatic Research Unit and

COSMIC 3-283.7 Conclusions 3-29References 3-32

4 Integration 4-14.1 What is integrated assessment of climate change impacts? 4-14.2 Current practice in integrated assessment 4-24.3 Possible approaches to integrated impact assessment 4-4

4.3.1 Preparatory stages 4- Literature review 4- Issue focus 4- Study area 4- Integration targets 4- Integration core team 4- Integrators 4-7

4.3.2 Consistency in scenarios and data 4-84.3.3 Consistency between sectors, systems, and regions 4-8

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4.3.4 Integrated impact assessment 4-94.3.5 The role of stakeholders 4-10

4.4 Case studies 4-114.4.1 The MINK study 4-114.4.2 Egypt 4-124.4.3 Mackenzie Basin Impact Study 4-134.4.4 Aridas 4-144.4.5 The Asian-Pacific Integrated Model 4-15

4.5 Advantages and constraints of integrated assessment 4-16References 4-18

5 Adaptation to Climate Change: Theory andAssessment 5-1

5.1 Introduction 5-15.2 Theoretical aspects of adaptation 5-2

5.2.1 Adaptation and maladaptation to climate change and variability 5-25.2.2 What are adaptation measures? 5-45.2.3 Adapt to what? 5-65.2.4 Who and what is it that adapts? 5-75.2.5 How does adaptation occur? 5-85.2.6 When does adaptation take place? 5-85.2.7 What capacity to adapt? 5-95.2.8 Increasing adaptive capacity 5-9

5.3 Assessment of adaptation measures 5-105.3.1 Forecasting by analogy 5-125.3.2 Screening to identify anticipatory adaptation measures 5-135.3.3 Tool for environmental assessment and management 5-145.3.4 Adaptation decision matrix 5-155.3.5 Benefit-cost analysis 5-165.3.6 Cost-effectiveness analysis 5-175.3.7 Approaches for addressing uncertainty and risk 5-175.3.8 Implementation analysis 5-185.3.9 Summary of selected methods 5-19

References 5-20

Part II Sectoral chapters

6 Water Resources 6-16.1 Nature of the problem 6-1

6.1.1 Components of a water resources assessment 6-36.1.2 Key considerations in defining the scope 6-4

6.2 An array of methods 6-76.2.1 Criteria for selecting methods to assess biophysical impacts 6-8 Assessment of hydrologic resources impacts 6- Assessment of aquatic ecosystem integrity impacts 6-15

6.2.2 Criteria for selecting methods to assess socio-economic impacts 6- Assessment of water demand impacts 6- Assessment of water management system impacts 6-18

6.2.3 Tools for assessment 6-226.3 Scenarios 6-236.4 Assessment of autonomous and planned adaptation 6-24

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6.4.1 Water supply adaptations 6-256.4.2 Water demand adaptations 6-26

6.5 Summary and implications 6-28References 6-29

7 Coastal Zones 7-17.1 Nature and scope of the problem 7-1

7.1.1 Delineation of the study area 7-27.1.2 Absolute and relative sea-level change 7-37.1.3 Biogeophysical effects and socio-economic impacts 7-4

7.2 An array of methods 7-57.2.1 Acquisition and management of data 7-6 Global sea-level changes 7- Coastal topography and land use 7- Socio-economic data 7- Management of data 7-9

7.2.2 Index-based approaches 7-107.2.3 Methods for assessing biogeophysical effects 7-12 Increasing flood-frequency probabilities 7- Erosion and inundation 7- Rising water tables 7- Saltwater intrusion 7- Summary 7-16

7.2.4 Methods for assessing potential socio-economic impacts 7- Population 7- Marketed goods and services 7- Non-marketed goods and services 7-19

7.3 Scenarios 7-197.3.1 Relative sea-level rise 7-207.3.2 Other scenarios 7-21

7.4 Autonomous adaptation 7-227.5 Planned adaptation 7-23

7.5.1 Identification of adaptation options 7-237.5.2 Evaluation of adaptation options 7-26

7.6 Summary and implications 7-27References 7-28

8 Agriculture 8-18.1 Nature of the problem 8-1

8.1.1 Background to the problem 8-18.1.2 Why is climate change of concern in agriculture? 8-28.1.3 Defining the objectives of the impact assessment 8-28.1.4 What impacts are likely to be important? 8-38.1.5 The definition of the study 8-68.1.6 The design of the study 8-8

8.2 An Array of Methods 8-98.2.1 Biophysical tools 8-108.2.2 Economic tools 8-218.2.3 Scales of analysis 8-228.2.4 A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of different

approaches 8-27

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8.2.5 Impact estimates 8- Quantitative analysis 8- Qualitative analysis 8-33

8.3 Adaptation strategies 8-338.3.1 On-farm adaptation 8-348.3.2 Household and village adaptation 8-368.3.3 National level adaptation 8-36

8.4 Summary and implications 8-39References 8-39

9 Rangeland and Livestock 9-19.1 Nature and scope of the problem 9-1

9.1.1 Impacts on livestock 9-29.1.2 Impacts on rangelands 9-39.1.3 Socio-economic impacts 9-49.1.4 Areas and extent of impacts 9-49.1.5 Identification of impacts and adaptations options 9-5

9.2 An array of methods 9-69.2.1 Description of methods 9-6 Experimentation 9- Screening techniques 9- Expert judgement 9- Analogue scenarios 9- Empirical-statistical models 9- Life zone, bioclimatic, or eco-classification models 9- Processed based simulation models 9- Economic models 9-17

9.2.2 Selection of the method 9-179.3 Scenarios 9-18

9.3.1 Climatological baseline 9-189.3.2 Socio-economic baseline 9-20

9.4 Autonomous adaptation 9-209.5 Planned adaptation 9-229.6 Summary and implications 9-25References 9-29

10 Human Health 10-110.1 Nature of the problem 10-110.2 Selection of health impacts 10-4

10.2.1 Selection of health impacts, populations, and regions 10-510.2.2 Selection of time scales 10-8

10.3 Methods 10-810.3.1 Conceptual model 10-1010.3.2 Empirical studies 10-12 Historical analogues 10-1210.3.2.2 Spatial analogues 10-1310.3.2.2 Techniques and tools for empirical studies 10-14

10.3.3 Numerical models 10-1610.4 Selecting scenarios 10-1710.5 Impact assessment 10-17

10.5.1 General considerations 10-17

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10.5.2 Impact assessment of public health infrastructure damage 10-1810.5.3 Impact assessment of vector-borne diseases 10-1910.5.4 Impact assessment of heat mortality and pollution-related

respiratory disease 10-2010.5.5 Impact assessment for water-related diseases 10-20

10.6 Autonomous adaptation 10-2110.7 Planned adaptation 10-22

10.7.1 General considerations 10-2210.7.1.1 Levels of prevention and hierarchy of controls 10-2210.7.1.2 Expecting the unexpected 10-2310.7.1.3 Surveillance and monitoring 10-2310.7.1.4 Infrastructure development 10-2410.7.1.5 Public education 10-2410.7.1.6 Technological or engineering strategies 10-2510.7.1.7 Medical interventions 10-25

10.7.2 Specific adaptation strategies 10-2510.8 Summary and implications 10-26References 10-28

11 Energy 11-111.1 Nature and scope of the problem 11-1

11.1.1 Effects on energy consumption 11- Effects on electricity consumption 11- Direct use of fossil fuels 11-3

11.1.2 Effects on energy production 11-411.1.2.1 Hydroelectric generation 11-411.1.2.2 Thermal electric generation 11-511.1.2.3 Solar and wind power 11-611.1.2.4 Other energy production effects 11-6

11.1.3 What impacts are important? 11-711.2 An array of methods 11-8

11.2.1 Expert judgement 11-811.2.1.1 Resolution of results 11-911.2.1.2 Data requirements 11-911.2.1.3 Time requirements 11-1011.2.1.4 Skill or training requirements 11-10

11.2.2 Analogue methods 11-1011.2.2.1 Resolution of results 11-1111.2.2.2 Data requirements 11-1111.2.2.3 Time requirements 11-1311.2.2.4 Skill or training required 11-13

11.2.3 Quantitative methods 11-1311.2.3.1 Econometric/statistical methods 11-1311.2.3.2 Engineering end-use methods 11-1611.2.3.3 Degree day approach 11-1711.2.3.4 Building simulation models 11-1811.2.3.5 Hybrid approaches 11-20

11.2.4 Summary of methods 11-2111.3 Autonomous adaptation 11-21

11.3.1 Short-run adaptation 11-2311.3.2 Long-run adaptation 11-23 Heating and cooling equipment adaptation 11-24

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xv Thermal shell adaptation 11-2411.3.2.3 Electricity generation adaptation 11-2511.3.2.4 Autonomous adaptation in the absence of climate

change 11-2611.4 Planned adaptation 11-2611.5 Summary and implications 11-28References 11-29

12 Forest 12-112.1 Nature and scope of the problem 12-1

12.1.1 The study area 12-212.1.2 The time frame 12-212.1.3 Expected climate impacts 12-312.1.4 Impacts other than climate 12-4

12.2 An array of methods 12-412.2.1 Experimentation 12-412.2.2 Analogue methods 12-5 Historical analogues 12-512.2.2.2 Regional analogues 12-5

12.2.3 Expert judgement 12-612.2.4 Quantitative models 12-6 Biophysical models 12-612.2.4.2 Economic models 12-1112.2.4.3 Integrated models 12-12

12.2.5 Testing the method 12-1312.2.5.1 Feasibility studies 12-1312.2.5.2 Data acquisition and compilation 12-1412.2.5.3 Model testing 12-1412.2.5.4 Indicators of change 12-16

12.2.6 Summary of methods 12-1712.3 Scenarios 12-17

12.3.1 Climatological baseline 12-1712.3.2 Socio-economic baseline 12-1712.3.4 Limits of predictability 12-2012.3.5 Point-in-time or continuous scenarios 12-20

12.4 Autonomous adaptation 12-2112.5 Planned adaptation 12-21

12.5.1 Define the objectives of adaptation 12-2112.5.2 Specify the climatic impacts and locations of greatest importance 12-2212.5.3 Identify adaptation options 12-2212.5.4 Examine the constraints 12-2312.5.5 Quantify measures and formulate alternate strategies 12-23

12.6 Summary and implications 12-24References 12-25

13 Biodiversity: Species, Communities, and Ecosystems 13-113.1 Nature of the problem 13-1

13.1.1 Important climate change impacts in the biodiversity sector 13-213.1.2 Goals of an assessment 13-313.1.3 The study area 13-3

13.2 An array of methods 13-313.2.1 Impacts on species 13-4

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xvi Vulnerability to change 13-413.2.1.2 Expert judgement 13-513.2.1.3 Climate envelopes and profiles 13-813.2.1.4 Dynamic models 13-1213.2.1.5 Monitoring 13-1313.2.1.6 Analogue studies 13-13

13.2.2 Impacts on communities 13-1513.2.2.1 Species as independent entities 13-1513.2.2.2 Species assemblages 13-16

13.2.3 Impacts on ecosystems 13-1913.2.3.1 Ecosystem screening 13-1913.2.3.2 Biome modelling 13-1913.2.3.3 Dynamic ecosystem models 13-23

13.3 Autonomous adaptation 13-2413.4 Planned adaptation 13-25

13.4.1 Assessing the vulnerability of protected areas 13-2813.4.1.1 Screening techniques 13-29

13.5 Integrating the methods 13-3013.6 Economic analyses 13-3313.7 Summary and implications 13-33References 13-34

14 Fisheries 14-114.1 Problem definition and scope 14-1

14.1.1 Fisheries resources affected 14-214.1.2 Climate change impacts on fisheries 14-214.1.3 What fisheries impacts are important? 14-3

14.2 An array of methods 14-314.2.1 Current approaches 14-314.2.2 Applicability of methods to specific fisheries resources 14-514.2.3 Description of assessment methods 14-7 Empirical modelling using historical environmental andfishery data 14-7 Estimating changes in habitat quality, availability, anddistribution 14-13 Evaluating physiological and life history constraints ongrowth and reproduction 14-16 Using historical analogy 14-1814.3 Testing the method 14-1914.4 Scenarios 14-21

14.4.1 Climate change considerations 14-2114.4.2 Socio-economic considerations 14-22

14.5 Autonomous adaptation 14-2314.6 Planned adaptation 14-24

14.6.1 Marine fisheries 14-2514.6.2 Estuarine fisheries 14-2614.6.3 Freshwater fisheries 14-2714.6.4 Aquaculture 14-28

14.7 Summary and implications 14-29References 14-31

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Acronyms andabbreviations

ADM Adaptation Decision MatrixAEEI Autonomous Energy Efficiency ImprovementAIM Asian-Pacific Integrated ModelALS Airborne laser scanningANPP Aboveground net primary productionAVV Aerial videotape-assisted vulnerability analysisASE Adaptation Strategy EvaluatorBLS Basic Linked SystemCCC Canadian Climate CentreCGE Global computable general equilibrium modelCIKARD Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural

DevelopmentCOSMIC Country Specific Model for Intertemporal ClimateCOSMO Coastal Zone Simulation ModelDO Dissolved oxygenDSS Decision support systemEASM Egyptian Agricultural Sector ModelENSO El Nino/Southern OscillationEPIC Erosion Productivity Impact CalculatorETS Effective temperature sumFAO Food and Agricultural OrganizationGCM General circulation modelGCOS Global Climate Observing SystemGDP Gross domestic productGFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics LaboratoryGIS Geographic information systemGISS Godard Institute for Space ScienceGNP Gross national productGOOS Global Oceans Observing SystemGTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System

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HSI Habitat Suitability IndexIA Integrated assessmentIAM Integrated assessment modelICASA/IBSNAT International Consortium for Application of Systems Approaches to

Agriculture - International Benchmark Sites Network forAgrotechnology Transfer

ICZM Integrated coastal zone managementIEA International Energy AgencyIGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere ProgrammeIIASA International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysisIPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeLOICZ Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal ZoneMARA/ARMA Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa/Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en

AfriqueMBIS Mackenzie Basin Impact StudyMEI Morphoedaphic indexMIASMA Modelling framework for the health Impact Assessment of Man-induced

Atmospheric changesMINK Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, KansasMPI Max Plank InstituteNEB Northeast BrazilNCAR National Center for Atmospheric ResearchOECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentRCM Regional climate modelRFF Resources for the FutureSADC Southern African Development CommunitySCM Simple climate modelSRF Systematic Reconnaissance FlightSST Sea surface temperatureTEAM Tool for Environmental Assessment and ManagementUD Upwelling-diffusionUKMO United Kingdom Meteorological OfficeUNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUNEP United Nations Environment ProgrammeUSCSP US Country Studies ProgramUSEPA US Environmental Protection AgencyWHO World Health OrganizationWMO World Meteorological OrganizationWRI World Resources Institute

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AuthorsIan Burton 1

Jan F. Feenstra 2

Joel B. Smith 3

Richard S.J. Tol 2

The uses of this handbook

In many countries, governments are seeking advice from a wide range of disciplines onthe potential impacts of climate change on the environment and their society andeconomy. This handbook is designed to help those conducting research supporting suchadvice. Underlying the research are two fundamental questions: “What does climatechange mean to us?” and “What might be done about it?” This handbook is designed toprovide newcomers to the field of climate impact and adaptation assessment with aguide to available research methods, particularly for answering the first question. Thehandbook will also serve as a ready reference for many others currently engaged inimpacts and adaptation research.

The situations in which climate impact assessment are required can be quite varied. Acommon situation is that studies are needed at the national or country level, amongothers as inputs for the National Communications as required by the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). So-called “Country Studies”

1 Atmospheric Environment Science, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.2 Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.3 Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder CO, USA.

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have been supported through the UN Environment Programme, the governments of theNetherlands, the United States, and others. Typically in these studies some key sectorsof the economy are selected for special attention. In other instances specificallyvulnerable regions are selected for study. Impact studies are not necessarily con-finedwithin the boundaries of one country. International river basins have been the subject ofclimate impact studies and so have ecological regions such as deserts, grasslands,mountains, and small islands.

This handbook is essentially as an introduction to a wide range of methods that can beused to design assessment studies of climate change impacts and related adaptationstrategies. It does not serve as a “stand-alone”, step-by-step, or “how to do it” docu-ment. It is not prescriptive nor does it describe only a single method by sector. Theintent of providing an overview of methods is to give readers enough information toselect the method most appropriate to their situation. However, not enough informationis given to apply a method. To carry out an impact assessment, reference must be madeto more detailed literature, software and data may need to be obtained from elsewhere,and in many instances individual or small group training and consultation sessions willbe required.

The designs are likely in most cases to include detailed workplans that specify methodsto be used; the time, financial resources, and skills that will be allocated and brought tobear; and the related operational and logistic support. To develop research designs andworkplans the users need to understand enough about the methods to make reasonedchoices appropriate to their circ*mstances, including the target audience or clients. Thisclearly requires an appreciation of the various methods, including the amount of detail,the accuracy, and the reliability of their output. An important consideration is theassumptions that it is necessary to make in order to carry out any particular impactstudy. Users also need to be able to judge the requirements that must be met in order tomake effective use of the methods.

What is climate change impact assessment?

Climate change impact assessment refers to research and investigations designed to findout what effect future changes in climate could have on human activities and the naturalworld. Climate change impact assessment is also frequently coupled with theidentification and assessment of possible adaptive responses to a changing climate. Tothe extent that adaptation can reduce impacts, the assessment of adaptation measures ispart of impact studies. Thus impacts may be described as “gross” or unmodifiedimpacts, and as “net” impacts after adaptation has been taken into account. Climatechange impact studies are necessarily conjectural. That is to say, impacts cannot usu-ally be experimentally confirmed or verified. Clearly it is not possible to conduct acontrolled experiment by changing the global atmosphere to test the effects of changeson human and natural systems.

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In the absence of controlled experiments, other ways have to be developed to try to findout what the impacts of climate change may be. There are five approaches which havebeen applied as investigative techniques to try to cast more light on the potentialimpacts of future climate change:

1. Palaeological, archaeological, or historical studies of how climate changes andclimate variations in the past have affected human and/or natural systems.

2. Studies of short term climatic events which are analogous to the kind of events thatmay be expected to occur with human induced climate change, such a droughts, andfloods. This approach (the use of climate analogies) has been developed into aformal method called “forecasting by analogy”.

3. Studies of the impact of present day climate and climate variability.

4. The creation of models , often quantitative of the relationship between climaticvariables and selected impacts sectors to try to answer the “what if” kinds ofquestion.

5. Expert judgement, which refers to a variety of methods whereby especially wellinformed and experienced specialists are brought together to develop a consensusview.

Models are the method used most frequently in impacts assessments, and it is to thedescription and evaluation of such models that this handbook is primarily devoted.Inevitably these studies are predicated upon a number of assumptions many of whichare themselves likely to be proved wrong with the passage of time . Forecasting, ortelling the future, by whatever method used, is notoriously unreliable. The first threeapproaches listed (historical climate impacts, analogue impacts, and contemporaryclimate impacts) are therefore important as inputs to the assumptions made in models,and serve as the best ‘reality check” available. The fundamental problem that all ofthese methods face is that all approaches are based on observations and experience withclimate change and climate variability. Climate change may introduce new conditionsthat have not been seen and that are not understood. While the results of theseassessments may be the best information we have on potential impacts of climatechange, they should not be interpreted as reliable forecasts of the future.

Why do we need climate impact assessments?

Over the past three decades, since 1970 or even earlier, the scientific evidence forhuman induced climate change has become steadily stronger. By 1995 the internationalscientific community of atmospheric and related scientists, organised in theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), was able to conclude in a cauti-ously worded statement that “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discerniblehuman influence on the climate” (IPCC, 1996). With all the appropriate qualifiers and

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scientific caveats, this means that human induced climate change has been detected.Climate change is a present reality.

This leads to two further questions:

1. How important or serious are the impacts of human induced climate change likelyto be?

2. What can and should be done to prevent and modify these impacts, and when andhow should it be done?

The answer to the second question has been construed in the UNFCCC as falling intotwo main dimensions, mitigation (or sometimes limitation) and adaptation. Methods forthe study of greenhouse gas emissions and their mitigation have been fully describedelsewhere. This handbook focuses upon the second category of response, adaptation.

Information about climate impacts is needed both to help decide upon both the urgencyand the desirability of mitigative and adaptive measures, actions, and policies, and theirappropriate combinations. Since climate change is a global problem, decisions withrespect to both mitigation and adaptation involve actions or choices at all levels ofdecision-making, from the most local and community level (including families andindividuals) to the broadest international levels, involving all national governments andmany transnational bodies as well. The intended target audience or client for impactstudies therefore is also very wide ranging, and this will affect the design if the study inmany ways.

The guidance literature

There are three important references in the guidance literature that research teams maywish to consult at the design stage of a study. The antecedents of the present volumewere designed for different purposes but the authors of this handbook have, whereappropriate, drawn on this earlier work.

The first in time was the SCOPE report (Kates et al., 1985) This edited volume ofpapers describes climate impacts in a number of sectors and is especially strong in itsconsideration of socio-economic impacts and responses. The second is the IPCCTechnical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impact and Adaptations (Carter etal., 1994).This document lays out a general approach to impacts and adaptationassessment, and in particular proposed seven steps that can be followed in a studydesign. These are also described in Parry and Carter (1998).

The third is the guidebook prepared for the US Country Studies Program, which fol-lows the IPCC approach and presents a detailed, step-by-step guide to a few model-based methods per sector for country-level assessments (Benioff et al., 1996). Tostrengthen comparability of studies, a limited set of models is presented (usually one per

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sector). By comparison this handbook is designed to address a wider range of needs,and is addressed to a wider range of potential users.

Handbook organisation

Clearly impact and adaptation studies can be designed for such a variety of circum-stances, addressed to such a variety of clients, and focused on anything from a veryspecific impact on one small part of the socio-economic or natural system to a broad,multi-sectoral, integrated study at a national or regional level, that it is practicallyimpossible to specify a design that can serve all purposes. This handbook is organisedin two parts: Part I treats generic and cross-cutting issues, and Part II presents methodsfor studying impact and adaptation in the selected sectors of water, coastal resources,agriculture, rangelands, health, energy, forests, biodiversity, and fisheries.

Part I includes a “getting started” chapter, which deals with issues, methods, andconsideration common to all impact and adaptation studies. The next two chaptersdiscuss how to design and where to obtain scenarios. Chapter 2 treats scenarios ofclimate change, and Chapter 3 treats scenarios of the socio-economic context in whichclimate change impacts and adaptation may occur. Chapter 4 describes the need forintegration across sector studies and interaction with stakeholders, and suggests ways ofestablishing such integration and interaction. Chapter 5 treat adaptation to climatechange, the sort of options that exist and how to evaluate them.

In order to maintain some comparability among the chapters in Part II, dealing withmethods in specific sectors, the authors were asked to follow a common format insofaras their subject matter permits. Therefore each of the chapters begins with a briefintroduction that defines and describes the scope of the problem. The likely or knownclimate change impacts in the sectors are briefly described. Against this background anarray of the various methods is presented. The purpose of this presentation of a selectednumber of methods is to illustrate the range of different levels of complexity in themethods. Some of the less demanding methods, in terms of data, modellingrequirements, and the like, are presented alongside the more complex and demandingmethods. The aim is always to be user friendly, and to provide enough information topermit users to make a more informed choice in the design of impact studies, as well asto begin identification and preliminary assessment of adaptation.


Benioff, R., S. Guill, and J. Lee (eds). 1996. Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments:An International Guidebook. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, TheNetherlands.

Carter, T.R., M.L. Parry, H. Harasawa, and S. Nishioka. 1994. IPCC Technical Guidelinesfor Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Department of Geography,University College, London.

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Kates, R.W., J. Ausubel, and M. Berberian (eds). 1985. Climate Impact Assessment.Studies of the Interaction of Climate and Society. Scientific Committee on Problems ofthe Environment. SCOPE Report No. 27. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UnitedKingdom.

IPCC. 1996. Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of ClimateChange: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to theSecond Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. R.T.Watson, M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H. Moss (eds). Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, 880 pp.

Parry, M. and T. Carter. 1998. Climate Impact and Adaptation Assessment: A Guide to theIPCC Approach. Earthscan Publications, London.

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1 Getting Started

AuthorsIan Burton 1

Jan F. Feenstra 2

Joel B. Smith 3

Richard S.J. Tol 2

At the beginning of an assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies,a number of important questions should be addressed. It is the purpose of this chapterto identify these questions, and to suggest some of the factors that may enter into theirresolution. It is not the intent of this chapter or of the handbook to prescribe answers.The proper design of an assessment can be achieved only by those who will carry it outin consultation with the potential users or clients.

Too often decisions are made quickly in the interests of “getting started” which latercome to be regretted. This is because the design decisions entail commitments toinclusions and exclusions which are difficult, costly, and often impossible to change at alater date. For that reason it is often better to take a little extra time, and exercise a littlepatience, at the outset to make sure that the choices have been made as wisely and withas much understanding and forethought as practicable.

This chapter provides a list of questions that should be widely discussed at the outset,and to which satisfactory answers should be agreed by all the main parties, including

1 Atmospheric Environment Science, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario Canada.2 Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.3 Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder CO, USA.

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the sponsors (those providing the funds), the researchers (those carrying out theresearch and those directing it), and the affected community (those who may be affectedby climate change or response to it and thus have a stake in the analysis).

It is unlikely that the questions can be fully resolved at the outset of the assessment. Itmay be a good idea, therefore, to provide for a periodic reassessment of these questions,to ensure that the objectives agreed at the outset are still being met.

How is the problem to be defined?

At the outset it is important to have a good sense of the definition of the problem to bestudied. Each of the sectoral chapters which follow (Chapters 6 to14) begins with ageneral statement of the problem. While this will not be sufficiently specified in site-specific terms, it is intended to point in the general direction suggested by currentknowledge and research results. Study designers and users of this handbook will wantto develop more specific problem statements for themselves.

Many of the succeeding questions may be viewed as part of the problem definition.Thus problem definition may be treated in a holistic manner, where a brief problemstatement can serve as a focus and criterion against which to judge the relevance ofspecific ideas. Problem definition may also be broken into some component parts assuggested in the following questions.

What are the goals of the assessment?

Often the goals of the assessment are specified by the client (sponsor) or are stronglyset or implied by the circ*mstances of the assessment. It is important to clarify theobjectives at the outset, since they determine to a large extent the problem definition,scope, and boundaries of the assessment.

Many climate impact assessments have been designed to serve the policy interests ofnational governments. Other levels of jurisdiction, from local to regional, may also beinterested in the results. Often there are multiple objectives, where, for example, anational government may wish to have impact research results to inform its own policy,and at the same time contribute to an international assessment (for example, meeting agovernment’s obligations under Article 3 of the UNFCCC to reduce vulnerability toclimate change).

What time? What space?

The decision with respect to the spatial extent of the assessment and the length of timeinto the future that will be considered clearly depends on the factors previouslydiscussed.

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One crucial question is the sort of climate changes to be considered. This topic iscovered in detail in Chapter 2, Climate Change Scenarios. It is common practice tothink of climate change as long-term changes in means, for example, that mean globaltemperature may rise globally by 1.0 to 3.5 C by 2100 and precipitation may vary byplus or minus 10 to 20 percent (IPCC, 1996), and by equivalent regional changes inmeans, where these can be derived from GCMs.

What are the assessment boundaries?

At first it may appear relatively straightforward to place boundaries around a climateimpact assessment. For example, “We are going to assessment the impact of sea levelrise on mangrove forests”, or “We are going to study the impact of climate change onagriculture”. The question of boundaries will come up in at least two related ways:geographic boundaries and study depth.

Geographic boundaries

The matter of geographic boundaries of the assessment is important. Countries areoften faced with the choice of studying the entire country or a region such as province,river basin, or ecological zone. For small countries, this issue is not typically relevantas the whole country can readily be studied. For large or even medium-sized countries,this issue can be challenging. Focusing on a region or a river basin allows for more in-depth analysis. In these cases the compatibility and integration issues will be veryimportant. For instance, it is of limited use to study irrigated agriculture in one regionwhile water availability is studied in another region. Studying the entire country givesresults that appeal to a broader audience and allow national policy issues to be morereadily addressed, but it may be harder to fully integrate large geographic scale studies.Typically the trade-off is between depth and breadth.

The depth of the assessment

A difficulty that is quickly encountered is that the impacts in most sectors are connectedto other impacts in other sectors, and themselves have secondary tertiary and N ordereffects. Where is the analysis to stop? For example, damage to mangrove forests mayaffect breeding of fish species, which in turn affects fish populations, which affectcoastal fishing communities, which affect local and perhaps regional nutrition, whichaffects human health and raises demands for alternative food supplies from agriculture,which is itself under climatic stress, and so forth. To assess the importance of climateas a factor in the decline of fish populations, and the importance of fish in nutrition, it isimportant to know what other factors may be affecting the fish population (such asoverfishing), and how costly fish is compared with alternative protein supplies.

Such ramifications of climate impacts can spread throughout an ecosystem, throughouta socio-economic system, and from a local impact to regional and wider geographical

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areas. It is tempting to think that such expanding ripple effects get progressively weakerproceeding away from the initial focus in time and in space. This is not necessarily thecase. It depends in part of the condition of the systems or targets impacted. Where theseare vulnerable, or their adaptive capacity is reduced for other reasons, the impacts mayactually become more severe with distance.

Any assessment team should therefore engage in a discussion during the “gettingstarted” phase of the boundaries of the assessment, and how these are to be determinedand then followed.

What sectors and areas are to be included in theassessment?

The choice of the scope of the assessment is crucial. Clearly this is dependent upon theobjectives, but it is commonly found that the researchers themselves have ideas aboutthe most appropriate sectors to include. The focus of an assessment can be as small as asingle cultivar (the impact of climate change on wet rice production), or extend to awhole agricultural system, or to all the socio-economic and natural systems in a specificcountry or region. Sometimes another spatial unit of analysis may be selected, such asan island, (Antigua and Barbuda), a river basin, (the Indus), an ecosystem (savannah),or other features such as lakes, mountains, and so forth.

The choice of the content of the assessment is often constrained by the availability offinancial and other resources. It is in the nature of the climate impacts problem for awider scope to be preferred, especially at this stage of development of the field wherethere are so many unknowns. Both the science and the policy requirements tend to leadto studies designed to gain a broad overview, rather than to providing precise answersto narrow and hypothetical questions.

In those many cases where all related sectors cannot be studied, the researchers shouldpoint out potentially important interactions in their report.

How can we ensure comparability?

It is always tempting for researchers to follow their own inclinations and hunches, andto allow the nature of the problem as they see it to determine the choice of methods, andthe ways in which they are applied. Often such curiosity-driven research can be highlyproductive and innovative. In research that is aimed at providing understanding whichwill serve a policy process, this often conflicts with the need for the research resultsfrom one subject area to be comparable with those in other areas. This requirement isimportant if the results of individual component studies are to add up to something morethan the sum of their separate parts. This tension applies both within studies andbetween studies. For example, in a country assessment of the impacts of climatechange, the results will not be comparable or compatible if the various sector

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components (e.g., water, agriculture, health, biodiversity) use different scenarios ofclimate change or different assumptions about the future state of the economy.Consistency is essential in these matter. The same applies outside the assessment, forexample, if the results of an impact assessment in one region are to be comparable withthose in another region, or an adjacent country, which may share the same river basin.

How can the project be sufficiently integrated?

The domain of climate impact studies is so broad that the tendency for individualcomponent studies to be conducted in relative isolation is very strong and hard to resist.The question of integration is not the same as the question of comparability. Integrationrefers to a much closer examination of the ways in which sectors and regions interact.The complex issue of integration is discussed in Chapter 4. Assessment teams areinvited to read Chapter 4 at the outset and to try among themselves to resolve thequestion of how much integration is to be attempted and in what way.

How should adaptation be addressed?

The magnitude of climate change impacts estimated from a assessment is often verysensitive to the assumptions made about adaptation. It is difficult to predict exactly howpeople will respond to climate change. Will they continue their behaviour from the pastbecause they do not understand climate change and its implications or will they knowexactly what to do to efficiently adapt? Studies have made very different assumptionsabout adaptation, and thus have yielded very different estimates of impacts. It istherefore important to consider adaptation at the design phase of the assessment and todecide how it is to be brought into the impacts research at an early stage. Where aassessment is being organised by sectors, it can be helpful to select one person fromeach of the sectoral groups to serve as members of a cross-cutting group specificallydevoted to the adaptation questions. These and related issues are addressed in Chapter5.

Should we carry out a pilot project?

The questions raised above are all issues of assessment design. They are crucial.Decisions made at the beginning of the analysis can determine the shape and content ofthe research, arbitrary or hasty decisions may be regretted later. Where studies are to beconducted in a national or broad regional context, it may therefore be useful to carryout a preliminary assessment to help guide the choice.

Instead of simply bringing the members of a assessment team together to try to resolvethe “getting started” questions, it may be helpful to carry out a preliminary pilotexercise. A quick and inexpensive way to do this is to draw together a wider group ofexperts (not restricted to the assessment team) from the different sectors and regions,together with specialists in climatology, social and economic studies, insurance, disaster

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research, and so forth. By pooling their knowledge and experience, it may be possible toarrive at a consensus view or a collective expert judgement of priority sectors or regionsand results. Given the natural tendency for experts to stress the importance of their ownsubjects of research or expertise, it is also helpful to include some persons in such anexercise who have a broad perspective and are not associated with any particular sectoror region, and who have a less direct stake in any outcome of the preliminaryassessment.

What plans should be made for thecommunication and use of results?

During a preliminary assessment there may also be an opportunity to take intoconsideration the wider context of the assessment. Questions that assessment designersmay wish to address include the following:

• What outputs will be most useful to policy makers? How will the results of theassessment be made available to the policy and decision-making process? How willthe results of the assessment be communicated to a wider audience and the generalpublic, as well as those most at risk?

• How will the assessment be related to national economic and social developmentstrategy and plans?

What types of method and tools should be used?

There is a range of different approaches or methods that can be used in the assessmentof climate change impacts. These include quantitative and predictive models, empiricalstudies, expert judgement, and experimentation. Each of these approaches has it ownadvantages and weaknesses, and a good strategy may be to use a combination ofapproaches in different parts of the assessment or at different stages of the analysis. Inaddition to formal modelling approaches, consideration should also be given to methodsof stakeholder involvement, and the use of expert judgement. In some cases empiricalstudies of current climate impacts may be useful. There are also other tools that may beused, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. Each of theseis briefly described below. Consideration should be given to using these approaches inappropriate combinations.

The sectoral chapters of the handbook (Chapters 6 -14) present details of a range ofthese methods and approaches. The purpose of this discussion is to provide a guide tothe sectoral chapters, so that users will be forewarned and forearmed in what to lookfor. The treatment of the different methodological approaches is not uniform orstandard across the chapters, however, because the sectors are quite different in theirsusceptibility to different kinds of analysis, and in some sectors (e.g., agriculture andwater) modelling approaches are much more highly developed that in others (e.g.,

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Getting Started


human health and energy). In such sectors other approaches are more commonly in useand seem better suited to the kind of data and the kinds of problem to be addressed.

For a more detailed discussion of the types of assessment methods, see the IPCCTechnical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations (Carter etal., 1994).

Quantitative models

Where feasible, it is desirable to use models where the variables can be expressed inquantitative terms, so that a variety of tests can be carried out (e.g. sensitivity tests),and so that results can be expressed in more precise terms. However, one has to keep inmind that the results generated by these models may look very precise, but should behandled with caution since the underlying assumptions – not only climate and socio-economic scenarios but also assumptions about processes – can be rather weak orincorrect.

Assessment designers can use the following sectoral chapters in this handbook toprovide a quick picture of the available models. In many cases it will be preferable toadopt an existing model and modify it as necessary to meet specific assessment needs.A crucial test in the choice of modelling approach and specific model is data needs.Often the data needs are high and difficult to meet, and this may lead to simplificationof the model or even in some cases the development of a new model or models.

The choice of model is best conducted by experienced modellers, since detailedforeknowledge of the problems likely to be encountered is especially valuable. Whereexperience with climate impacts modelling itself is not available, experience with othertypes of modelling can be of great help.

This discussion deals with impact models. These are to be distinguished from climatescenarios, and socio-economic baseline models or scenarios. They are also to bedistinguished from the decision-making and choice models discussed in Chapter 5,Adaptation.

There are broadly three kinds of quantitative models that can be used in climate impactsstudies: biophysical models, socio-economic models, and integrated system models. Theideal that is being sought is a model or models which deal with climate and socio-economic and natural systems in an interactive way. Many of the available models,however, are simple cause and effect models, in which one or more climatic variablesare changed and the consequences predicted and measured. In reality we are dealingwith an interactive system in which one set of cause and effect relationships leads toanother. The integrated systems models represent an on-going effort to deal with thiscomplexity.

It should be noted that models do not do everything. Models that address only onesector or aspect of a system may simulate that sector or aspect well. But they may not

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include interactions from important related sectors or other aspects of the system.Models that integrate across sectors or systems may capture interactions and be usefulfor assessing broader scale effects. But their simulations of specific sectors or aspectsof systems may be less reliable than the sector or aspect-specific models. Thus, thechoice of a model should depend in part on what questions are being asked, that is,whether they are broad or narrow questions. Users of this handbook should recognisethe weakness of any model they choose before using the model and interpreting theresults.

Biophysical models

Biophysical models are used to analyse the physical interactions between climate and anexposure unit. Details of specific models together with their merits and shortcomingsare provided in the sectoral chapters.

There are basically two types of biophysical models, empirical statistical models andprocess based models. Empirical statistical models are based on the quantitativerelationship between climate and the particular sector or system under current climate.The models can be quite useful for simulating effects of climate within the existingrange of observed climate and assuming other critical factors do not change. Whenthese models are used to simulate climate change, it is implicitly assumed that thestatistical relationship between climate and the sector does not change. Thus a linearrelationship based on observations is assumed to continue to be linear outside theobservations.

In contrast, process based models are based on physical laws, first principles about theworkings of a system, or assumedly universal regularities. In principle, these can beapplied outside of the geographic area or climate zone in which they were developed. Inreality, there is much uncertainty about the exact biophysical processes under climatechange, especially when other factors are included. For example, we are uncertain howthe CO2 fertilisation effect will work in field or natural conditions, especially if there issevere drought from climate change (for more discussion see Carter et al., 1994).

Economic models

Most of the impact models of the kinds introduced above are concerned with theprediction of first-order impacts of climate change on such variables as crop yield, run-off, or the range of insect and disease vectors. To estimate second-order effects andbeyond, such as those on production of cereals, on water supply, or on industrialoutput, can require, among other things, the use of economic models. A more detaileddiscussion of economic models can be found in Carter et al. (1994). The chapters in thisHandbook do not give full consideration of economic models, although such they are anecessary addition to first order impact studies if the socio-economic assessment ofclimate impacts is to be complete.

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It is important to distinguish three types of models, which depend on the scale ofanalysis. At the finest scale, economic models describe the behaviour of a single actor,such as a farmer or a firm. They can be used to estimate how an individual actor mayrespond to climate change. For example, a farm level model can be used to determinewhether a farmer might add irrigation, switch crops, or abandon farming in response toyield changes. Actor (or micro-) level models do not simulate changes in consumerdemand or in prices; so a key factor for the individual actor, prices, is assumed to beunchanged.

Sector (or meso-level) models simulate behaviour in a sector of the economy. Economicmodels of agriculture may simulate the agricultural economy of a country or the world.Such models can simulate changes of behaviour in all actors in a sector, includingconsumers. Agriculture models can estimate changes in production and trade patterns.These models do not simulate interactions between the sector and the rest of theeconomy.

Economy wide (or macro-level) models simulate economic activity across all sectors ofthe economy. They can estimate changes in total production, employment, and othermacro-economic variables. Like biophysical models, economic models can be dividedamong empirical statistical models and process based models. Empirical statisticaleconomic models are based on observed empirical relationships between economicvariables. As with biophysical models, these types of economic models may havelimitations with regard to estimating conditions outside of the observed data or whenthere is a significant change in basic economic conditions. In contrast, generalequilibrium models are based on laws of economics and can be thought of as processbased models. They may be more appropriate for simulating economic activity whenthere is a basic change in economic conditions. The empirical statistical models tend tobe static whereas the process based models can be dynamic. Economy wide models tendto have less detail about individual sectors than do sector-based models.

Integrated systems models

Most of the methods and models described in this handbook are designed for specificsectors. Assessments based upon single sector studies, or even single sector studiesadded together, fail to address the interactive complexity of climate impact phenomena,for instance, through competitive land and water use. For this reason, research attentionis being devoted to the development of integrated systems models. The design ofintegrated studies and integrated models is discussed in Chapter 4. Althoughinteractions between sectors can be crucially important, building an integrated systemsmodels is typically beyond the means of a climate change impact and adaptationassessment. Instead, adjusting sector studies for first-order interaction is often feasibleand a reasonable approximation to full interactions.

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Empirical studies

Empirical observations of the interactions of climate and society and natural systemscan be of value in anticipating future impacts. This is commonly achieved throughanalogue methods, in which variations over space or past time can substitute for futurechanges. Three kinds of analogue can be identified: historical events, historical trends,and regional or spatial analogues of present climate.

A particular advantage of empirical studies emerges as they are extended into the areaof adaptation because it becomes possible to ask decision makers, stakeholders, andthose impacted directly about how they adapt or have adapted in the past. It is alsopossible to confirm their responses through direct observations.

Empirical studies can be combined effectively with quantitative model scenarios. Such acombination of approaches permits modelling work to be solidly grounded inexperience, and permits the extension of empirical studies into the future.

Expert and stakeholder judgement and participation

A useful method of obtaining a rapid assessment of the state of knowledge concerningthe likely impacts of climate change is to solicit the judgements and considered opinionsof experts in this and related fields. The use of expert judgement may be especiallyappropriate in preliminary or pilot studies, as discussed above. Expert judgement maytherefore be used in anticipation of other types of approach, and be an aid in the designof such studies.

There are many ways of organising inputs to studies by expert judgement. Often this isdone informally in committees and small group discussions. While the most highlyregarded experts may be drawn upon in this way, such approaches tend to lacktransparency, and there is always the possibility that a different group of experts wouldhave arrived at different conclusions. The use of expert judgement can also beformalised into a quantitative assessment method, by classifying and then aggregatingthe responses of different experts to a range of questions.

More recently, decision support systems that combine dynamic simulation with expertjudgement have emerged as promising tools for policy analysis. Here subjectiveprobability analysis is required where simulation empirical models are lacking.

Remote Sensing and GIS.

Remote sensing from aircraft and satellites is the science and art of collecting dataabout objects located at the earth’s surface by using sensors mounted on observationaircraft and satellites and of interpreting the data to provide useful information. Themain civil application areas of remote sensing are cartography, agriculture, foodsecurity, forestry, environment, geology, water resources, marine resources,atmospheric quality, and regional planning.

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Getting Started


Remote sensing can very effectively be used in combination with GIS, which is acomputer system capable of holding digital maps called geographical layers or spatialinformation (represented by points, lines, and polygons) and their associated statisticaland/or descriptive data called attribute data. The development of GIS has allowedgeographically referenced data to be analysed in complex ways. GIS facilitates theanalysis of multiple layers of data and allows statistical analysis of multiple factorswhile maintaining their spatial representation. A very important advantage of the use ofGIS is that such systems facilitate the future collection of relevant data as well asfuture, more complex analyses.

The data requirements for effective use of GIS are high. Data need to be geographicallyreferenced using compatible systems, and it is important that the spatial resolution ofthe various layers be as similar as possible. Such detailed and compatible data often donot exist, and therefore the costs of developing such a database can be very high. Otherspecific limitations include the cost of the software (although less expensive productsare available) and the need to train technicians to use the software.

There are many GIS software packages available on the market such as IDRISI (ClarkUniversity), GRASS (US Army Corps of Engineers), Arc/Info (ESRI), and others. Allof these package vary widely in cost, sophistication, ease of use, and manner ofhandling spatially referenced data.

The application of a GIS in impact assessments includes (1) depicting past, present, orfuture climate patterns; (2) using simple indices to evaluate present-day regionalpotential for different activities based on climate and other environmental factors; (3)mapping changes in the patterns of potential induced by a given change in climate, thusshowing the extent and rate of shifts; (4) identifying regions that may be vulnerable tochanges in climate; and (5) considering impacts on different activities with the samegeographical region so as to provide a basis for comparison and evaluation (Carter etal., 1994). GIS can also been used in conjunction with general circulation models(GCMs), biophysical simulation models, and integrated databases to conduct regionaland global impact analyses.

GIS can also be a valuable tool in integrated impact assessment for storing, combining,and analysing the geographic information used and developed by the differentassessment teams. If country assessment teams decide to use GIS in their studies, it isessential that all assessment teams use the same or at least compatible systems.

How do we keep on track and assess progress?

Climate impact assessment and adaptation studies are complex, multidisciplinaryenterprises. There are bound to be strong centrifugal forces operating which sendassessment participants in different directions. If the assessment is to retain coherence,it is important to create at the outset a procedure for periodic review and assessment ofprogress and to be prepared to make “course corrections”. Therefore it is suggested thatmeetings of the study team be held at frequent enough intervals to permit collective

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assessments of progress to be made, and to ensure that the agreed answers to this list ofquestions remain valid and are providing sufficient guidance to the component studies.Where this turns out not to be the case, appropriate adjustments should be made underthe guidance of the project leadership.


Carter, T.R., M.L. Parry, H. Harasawa, and S. Nishioka. 1994. IPCC Technical Guidelinesfor Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Department of Geography,University College, London.

IPCC. 1996. Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of ClimateChange: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to theSecond Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. R.T.Watson, M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H. Moss (eds). Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, 880 pp.

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2Lead AuthorRichard S.J. Tol 1

2.1 Introduction

The world on which climate change will have its impact will not be the same as theworld of today. Many things will change, some even faster than climate. Populationsand economies figure prominently among these. In many countries, population isprojected to double or even triple over the next century. In some countries, the economyis flourishing and growing very fast. In others, growth is less. In some, the economy isactually shrinking. These changes will have a variety of effects. Higher populationsimplies more people to be affected by climate change. It also implies a higher demandfor food, for water, for places to live, for energy. More prosperous people will havemore to lose to climate change, but will also have more to spend to protect themselves.They will be less dependent on agriculture, and have better health care. Changes inpopulation and economy will not only alter the impact of climate change on humansystems, but also have ramifications for natural systems through, for example, alteredland use and environmental pollution.

For such reasons, it is important to have an idea of how populations and economies willdevelop over the coming century and how this will affect the impacts of and adaptationto climate change. This is commonly done with scenarios, reflecting expert knowledge

1 Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


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and output of extensive models. This chapter discusses how such scenarios can bedeveloped and to what use they can be put. It also provides a further background tosocio-economic scenarios in the context of climate change impact research. Box 2.1illustrates many of the points raised, drawing on the scenarios build for the Pakistancountry study (Pakistan Ministry of Environment, Local Government and RuralDevelopment, 1997).

Box 2.1 Socio-economic scenarios for Pakistan.

Socio-economic scenarios were developed in the UNEP country study for Pakistan (PakistanMinistry of Environment, Local Government and Rural Government, 1997). The scenarioscomprise a range of issues, and are intended to be used in all impact and adaptation analysesfor Pakistan (the first step toward integrated assessment, cf. Chapter 4). Quantitativescenarios were constructed for total and urban population, total and sectoral economicactivity, total and crop-specific agricultural production, total and sectoral energy demand, andtotal and activity-specific industrial output. In addition, a suite of issues was addressed in amore qualitative manner (although supported with numbers in many cases). These includeliteracy, health care, import tariffs, forest cover, and infrastructure. As a result, a reasonablycomplete characterisation of future Pakistan emerges, with sufficient detail to analyse themore subtle effects of socio-economic development on the impacts of climate change and theability to adapt.

Three scenarios were developed, with two “anchor” years: 2020 and 2050. For the period up to2020, the scenarios are borrowed from existing sources, scenarios developed for variousplanning studies in and for the country. The period 2020-2050 was developed, with less detail,for the purpose of the impact and adaptation study. The business-as-usual scenario is basedon a projection of observed trends, corrected for recent structural reforms. A high scenario isbased on more optimistic assumptions about developments in economy and policy. Similarly,a low scenario is based on more pessimistic assumptions.

2.2 Background

2.2.1 Definition

A scenario is “a coherent, internally consistent and plausible description of a possiblefuture state of the world”, according to Carter et al. (1994). Webster’s New Dictionaryand Thesaurus (1990, p. 487) more modestly defines a scenario as “an outline of futuredevelopment”. The definition of Carter et al. is the ideal, Webster’s version is thepractice. The development and use of scenarios has a long tradition, going back to atleast De Jouvenal (1967) and Kahn and Wiener (1967).

A scenario differs from a forecast in that a scenario is a plausible future, whereas aforecast is the most likely future. Being only a plausible future, a scenario is ideallypart of a set of scenarios, which together span the range of likely future developments.Scenarios and forecasts have in common that they are internally consistent.

A scenario differs from a projection in that a scenario is a plausible future of a suite ofinterrelated variables, whereas a projection often is a simple extrapolation of current

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trend, and often only concerns a single variable. Internal consistency is not a necessaryproperty of projections.

2.2.2 The scope of socio-economic scenarios

Climate scenarios are scenarios of climatic conditions. They are treated in Chapter 3.Socio-economic scenarios are scenarios of the state and size of the population andeconomy, in the broadest sense of the words. Socio-economic scenarios comprise thenumber of people in a country, as well as their age, health, gender, values, attitudes,religion, education, where and how they live, and so on. Socio-economic scenarioscomprise the gross domestic product, as well as income distribution, relative importanceof economic sectors, imports and exports, unemployment, savings, land and water use,and so forth. Socio-economic scenarios also comprise technology, legislation, culture,processes of decision-making, etcetera. In short, socio-economic scenarios compriseeverything that shapes a society. Arguably, they also comprise environmental changesassociated with socio-economic changes. Examples are land use change, landdegradation, eutrophication, and nature preservation.

Of course, it is impossible to make a scenario of everything, particularly within theframework of a country study. Socio-economic scenarios can comprise almosteverything, but for practical reasons they should comprise only the elements that arecrucial for a climate change impact analysis; not more and not less. Table 2.1 lists theimpact categories as used in this Handbook and gives a selection of the socio-economicparameters that influence impacts. Note that Table 2.1 is only for illustration. Countriesmay well differ from the broad picture described here. The decision of which socio-economic variables are needed can be made only after an understanding has beenacquired of how sensitive the system or sector under study is to changes in thesevariables, and how fast these variables are likely to change. Besides gaining generalknowledge and insights from the first steps in an impacts and adaptation study,brainstorming with appropriate experts and surveying the literature may help identifythe crucial socio-economic variables that are liable to change significantly over thecoming decades, and that have a profound influence on the sensitivity and adaptabilityof the system or sector under consideration.

2.3 Scenario development

2.3.1 Background

Developing scenarios of socio-economic conditions is both easy and difficult. It is easyin that a scenario is a description of a plausible future, a quantified description of a yet-to-become reality in which assertions cannot be checked against data. No scenario hasever come true. This is not to say that any scenario is as good as any other. Scenariosneed to be possible (i.e., not violate known constraints such as land acreage); plausible(i.e., in line with current expectations); and interesting (e.g., a scenario that projects abright future without problems is appealing but not necessarily

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Table 2.1 Possible socio-economic scenarios needed for climate changeimpact and adaptation analysis, per sector or system.

Sector/system Variables needed for scenario

General Population growthEconomic growth

Water resources Water use for agriculture, domestic, industrial and energy sectorsLand use (for run-off)Adaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Coastal zones Population densityEconomic activity and investmentsLand useAdaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Agriculture Land useWater useFood demandAtmospheric composition and depositionAgricultural policies (incl. international trade)Adaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Human health Food and water accessibility and qualityHealth care (incl. basic)Demographic structureUrbanisationAdaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Energy PopulationEconomic structurePower-generation structureAdaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Forestry Land useWater useTimber demandAtmospheric composition and depositionNature preservation policiesAdaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Livestock and grasslands Land useWater useMeat and diary demandAtmospheric composition and depositionNational and international markets and policies for meat and diaryAdaptation capacity (economic, technological, institutional)

Wildlife and biodiversity Land useWater useAtmospheric composition and depositionTourismNature preservation policies

Fisheries Fishing (practice and intensity)Land use (particularly in coastal zones)Water use (particularly for freshwater)Atmospheric deposition

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interesting for policy analysis).2 Therefore, scenario development is also difficult. Ascenario is a single realisation of an infinite number of equally plausible developments.A good scenario is consistent with current understanding of reality without assumingthat the future will resemble the past and the present. A good scenario does not say thatthe future will be “more of the same”. The future will differ both quantitatively andqualitatively from the present, just as the present differs both quantitatively andqualitatively from the past. Scenario development thus requires a combination of athorough understanding with an eye for crucial details, a broad overview of and insightabout historical trends and international comparisons, creativity, and boldness.

Such a combination of talents is rare. Fortunately, in most cases, scenarios do not haveto be developed from scratch. Scenarios can be borrowed or adapted from the literature.A variety of research institutes create scenarios on a variety of issues, with regional oreven global coverage. Table 2.2 provides an overview of common sources for scenariosof socio-economic conditions. It is strongly advised to rely on existing scenarios, forconvenience, to save time, and to be comparable to and consistent with related studies.New scenarios should be developed only if it is truly necessary, for instance, forvariables that are not projected in existing scenarios.

Many countries have developed country-specific scenarios to assist national policy-makers in developing long-term strategies. Specificity to the circ*mstances of thecountry may well be very important. If one goal of the study is to inform domesticstakeholders about the impacts of climate change and possible adaptation options to it,the use of existing scenarios has as additional advantages that the study’s audience isalready familiar with the scenarios and that adaptation policies can readily be placed inthe context of other policies. It is therefore recommended that national scenarios be usedwhere possible. National scenarios are likely to have been developed in the context ofdevelopment plans, agricultural plans, infrastructure plans, and so on. The likelysources or contacts are the appropriate ministries or perhaps a specialised planningoffice.

Note, however, that national scenarios (which have been developed for differentpurposes) seldom reach the second half of the 21st century, which is the relevant timefor climate impact research. However, a long-term scenario for the country can, with amodest effort, be based upon an existing national scenario for the medium term, and anexisting regional scenario for the long term.

It is also recommended that the scenarios used for impact and adaptation assessment beconsistent with the scenarios used for greenhouse gas emission studies. The mainoverlaps are the assumed population and economic growth rates. Mitigation scenariosmay also project agricultural production and deforestation. Scenarios used for the

2 Unless there are identified interventions of how to reach such a future. A possibleapplication to a climate change impact study would be a scenario with strategic adaptation(e.g., land tenure reform) which would nullify the impact of climate change.

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Table 2.2 Existing socio-economic scenarios.

Parameter Period Numberscenarios



Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), WMO, and UNEP

Population 1990-2100 3 World, 7 regions based on WorldBank andUnited Nations

Income 1990-2100 4 World, 7 regionsEnergy production andconsumption

1990-2100 6 World, 7 regions

Deforestation 1990-2100 4 World

Source: Leggett et al., 1992.Electronic source: Limited distribution on diskettes.

World Population Projections, World Bank

Population (gender, age,migration)

1990-2150 1 World, regions andcountries

Source: Bos et al., 1994.Electronic source: Commercial distribution on diskettes.


Population (total andurban)

1990-2100 1 World, 13 regions based on IS92aand WRI (1990)

Income 1990-2100 1 World, 13 regions based on IS92aEconomic activity 1990-2100 1 World, 13 regionsLand use 1990-2100 4 World, 13 regions,


Source: Alcamo et al., 1994.Electronic source: --

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Population (gender, age,migration)

1990-2100 5 World, 13 regions

Source: Lutz, 1997.Electronic source: http://www.iiasa.ac.at/

World Health Organization

Mortality (age, gender,cause)

1990-2020 1 World, 8 regions

Source: Murray and Lopez, 1996Electronic source: --

Food and Agriculture Organization

Land use 1990-2010 1 World, variousregions

Production (crop-specific) 1990-2010 1 World, variousregions

Source: Alexandratos, 1995.Electronic source: --

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impact of climate change on energy production and consumption show considerablymore overlap with the scenarios for emissions reduction.

It is important that scenarios are consistent across sector studies. Indeed, this is the firststep toward integration (Chapter 4). In this case, ensuring consistency actually saveswork. First, scenarios that apply to most of the sectors in the country should bedeveloped. Such scenarios are likely to include population growth, economic growth,and other generic variables. Population growth rates may need to be region-specific.Economic growth rates may need to be sector-specific. Sector-specific scenarios couldinclude age distribution of the general population and number of doctors for health, andinternational wheat prices and land tenure reforms for agriculture. Note that someelements of a scenario may be applicable to more than one sector. Examples are aciddeposition (managed and unmanaged terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems); water demandby households (water resources, agriculture); and diet (agriculture, health). It istherefore recommended that all scenarios (including the sector-specific ones) bedeveloped by one team, or that the development of sector-specific scenarios be strictlyco-ordinated.

2.3.2 Building scenarios

Scenarios are often based on a combination of expert judgement, extrapolation oftrends, international comparisons, and model runs. Historical developments are a goodguide for future developments. However, simple extrapolation should be avoided.Understanding the phenomena underlying the observed trends and the forces that shapethe past developments is necessary for adequate extrapolation.

The situation in countries in a later stage of a transition may inspire an estimate offuture developments in a country currently in earlier stages. An obvious example is thedemographic transition, which describes how human mortality and fertility rates fallwith improved health care and growing prosperity. Another transition is that ofeconomic structure, with agriculture as the dominant economic sector in the early stagesof development, succeeded by industry, and then by services. People tend to consumemore meat when lifted from poverty, but tend to reduce their meat intake when moreaffluent. Such transitions describe broad tendencies of average behaviour. It may wellbe that countries are different. For instance, religion may interfere with fertility rates ordietary preferences, although secularisation may counteract this. Or governments maychoose to steer economic structure toward, for instance, the tourist sector.

Models play an important role in scenario development for well-establishedrelationships, for example, demographic structure and population growth, or price-induced changes and economic structure. Models cannot be used to generate a completescenario. Instead, models help to fill in details of scenarios. For instance, a demographicmodel could help translate a projection of mortality and fertility rates into agedistribution. The projection of mortality and fertility rates would need to come from

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another source, which may be another model. Similarly, the resulting age distributioncould feed into a model which projects the prevalence of diseases.

Expert judgement is needed for the gaps that cannot otherwise be filled, to blend thepieces into a coherent and plausible scenario, and to generate a plausible and interestingrange of scenarios. Expert judgement plays a crucial role in interpreting the results ofhistorical, international, and model studies. If time is short, or the budget limited, expertjudgement may even replace such studies, or fill in gaps. Models, historical trends, andinternational comparisons may yield inconsistent, sometimes even conflicting results.Experts would be needed to restore consistency, and to choose between results. Further,expert judgement is essential for picking a set of scenarios, each of which is plausibleand interesting, that span the range of possible futures.

Expert judgement may be the only reliable source where the situation is very uncertain,for instance, because of drastic break in the economic system (as, for example, in thecountries of the former Soviet Union) or in the political situation (as in certain parts ofAfrica).

2.3.3 Multiple scenarios

The future is uncertain. A single scenario for future developments may transmit a falsesense of certainty to the study’s audience. The audience may accept a single scenarioeither because it places too much trust in the abilities of scientific research, or becauseit does not want to accept the additional complexities and responsibilities that comewith uncertainty. Therefore, multiple scenarios, at least three, should always be used.

Multiple scenarios have the additional advantage that a better understanding of thesystem under consideration is obtained. Using multiple scenarios is in fact asophisticated sensitivity analysis. Multiple scenarios can show how differentdevelopment paths may affect vulnerability differently.

Multiple scenarios arise if crucial parameter values (e.g., fertility rate) are variedbetween middle, high, and low values. A range of parameter values can be obtainedfrom the literature, from empirical studies, or from expert judgement. A rich scenario isbased on many parameters. Even with substantial resources, it may be impossible toinvestigate all combinations of middle, high, and low values. Ideally, one shouldgenerate many scenarios, based on random parameter values, and select those that spanthe range of outcomes for further study and application. This may be too elaborate. Iftime or budget is limited, attention should be given to the most important parameters,that is, those that have the highest uncertainty and the largest influence on theoutcomes. These should all be varied such that the outcome — population, income — isincreased, or decreased, in all cases. To get a high population scenario, for example,mortality would be set at its low value, and fertility at its high value. This will generatethree scenarios, a low, a middle, and a high one. If time permits, intermediate scenarioscould also be generated. In generating multiple scenarios, it is essential to keep an eye

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on plausibility and internal consistency. For instance, high per capita income growthoften leads to low fertility and mortality rates.

Besides varying parameters, different, yet plausible assumptions on certain processescan be made. This is at a more advanced stage of scenario development. It isparticularly relevant for the more qualitative aspects of scenario building. For example,it may be desirable to contrast a scenario with a well-protected domestic market to ascenario in which the economy is open and all sectors compete at the world market. Ascenario with strictly regulated water resources could be compared to a scenario with amarket for water rights. Such scenarios are structurally different, so it is impossible toclassify these as high or low.

2.4 Use of scenarios

Socio-economic scenarios are used to provide the context in which climate change willhave its impact. An impact analysis usually starts with an analysis of a sector or system(e.g., agriculture, health) in the current situation. Next, climate is perturbed and theimpact on the sector or system (e.g., higher yields, more malaria) is analysed. Socio-economic scenarios are used to perturb other-than-climatic influences on the sector orsystem; see Figure 2.1.

difference isimpact climate


Climate scenario

Current climateCurrent society

Current climateFuture society

Future climateCurrent society

Future climateFuture society

Socio-economic scenario

Figure 2.1 Climate and socio-economic scenarios.

Figure 2.1 displays four combinations of current or future climate and current or futuresociety.3 The upper left corner is the current situation: climate is as it is at present, andsociety is as it is at present. Consider a climate-sensitive activity such as waterresources management or agriculture. Suppose we are interested in flood damage, or

3 In reality, climate and society do not develop independently of each other. Viewingclimate as a resource or a constraint, human decisions are constantly affected, includingthose concerning long-term development. Human land use affects regional climate, andgreenhouse gas emissions after global climate.

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crop yield. Now, if only climate changes, we move from the upper left corner to theupper right corner. Flood damage or crop yield changes because of climate change. Thischange is the impact that climate change would have on the current situation. However,society also changes. If climate were to remain as it is today, we move to the lower leftcorner. Flood damage or crop yield would change, for instance because of newinvestments, new regulations, or new technologies. This is the impact of socio-economicchange. If both climate and society change, we move to the lower right corner. Flooddamage or crop yield would change further. This is the change that will be observed. Itis the combined effect of climate and other changes. The situations with current climateand future society, or future climate and current society are counterfactual: they exist inonly theoretical exercises, not in reality.

Obviously, one should not go to the trouble of using, let alone developing, socio-economic scenarios if the impact of climate change on a future society is expected to besimilar to the impact of climate change on the current society. That is seldom the case,however. It is true that a particular cultivar of maize reacts similarly to a certain changein climate, whether it is 1997 or 2057. In the intervening years, however, that particularcultivar is likely to be replaced by another cultivar, or maize by wheat, or cropland byindustrial development for reasons other than climate change.4 Similarly, the farmer thatcurrently lacks the ability to adapt may have been succeeded by one that has the capitalto buy different seeds or machinery, or irrigate the land (although the currentlyabundant water may have been taken or polluted by novel industrial development). Apopulation currently vulnerable to malaria may have benefited from a successful healthcare programme. The trend may also be in the opposite direction. Regions whichnowadays control malaria may lose the race in the future because of ever more resistantstrains of the malaria parasite. In general, it is better to assume that socio-economicdevelopments have a substantial effect on sensitivity to climate change than to assumethat the effect is trivial.

For instance, Mekonnen and Hailemariam (1998) describe a socio-economic baselinescenario for climate change impact assessment in Ethiopia. In addition to the obligatorypopulation and economic growth, the scenario also considers urbanisation, agricultureencroaching on grasslands, and expanding mining and industrial activities. Furthermore,the scenario considers further strengthening of institutions and environmentallegislation, which would result in, for example, improved soil management and forestpreservation.

So, such factors have to be included in a climate change impact study.5 The question ishow. The previous section describes how to develop scenarios of socio-economicparameters. The scenarios have to then be linked to the impact analysis. Below, anumber of examples by sector are given of how this has been handled in the impacts

4 If it is because of climate change, that is adaptation, the subject of Chapter 5.5 Recall that first the crucial socio-economic variables need to be identified. A study of the

impacts of climate change on the present situation may be very informative for that.

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and adaptation literature. Of course, these examples are not perfect solutions. Nor arethey prescriptions of how it should be done. Rather, they are illustrations of how socio-economic scenarios can be incorporated, meant to illuminate and inspire the user onhow the issue can be tackled.

2.4.1 Water resources

More people will use more water. Perhaps not per capita, but the population in totalwill likely use more water. At the same time, water resources are under pressure allover the world, with reserves falling and conflicts between competing users looming.This implies that, in many places in the world, water resources management will lookdrastically different in fifty years’ time, as current practices cannot be sustained.

A drastic change to a river is building a dam. If there is good reason to assume that oneor more dams will be built in the river that is the subject of the study, this should beincorporated into the analysis. Another likely change is that the demand for river water(for irrigation, cooling, or household consumption) will be different, so that downstreamdischarges change as well. A part of the consumed water is put back into the river, it isperhaps enriched by other substances. Further, peak floods may increase because partof the catchment is deforested or paved. In that case, the nature of floods changes, withhigher, more rapid, and shorter peak flows.

Investigating the impact of such changes requires rather detailed scenarios of land andwater use in the catchment of study. Time may be too short to develop these, while thedetail required may not be found in existing scenarios. Besides, scenarios are good forbroad pictures. The details of scenarios are not very reliable, and sometimes the detailscan have very important consequences. For instance, there may be a good reason toexpect that the river will be dammed, but where the dam will be placed and how big itwill be is hard to foresee, yet very important for the hydrological regime. It maytherefore be better to use “analogue parameterisations”.

The models described in Chapter 6 have been used for many studies. After calibratingthe chosen model to the river catchment, consider looking at other calibrations. If theriver is about the same as a river 200 miles north, the main difference being thatdeforestation has progressed much further there, then the runoff parameters of thatcatchment give an idea of what runoff will look like in this river catchment afterdeforestation. This should be done with great care, as no river is the same.

2.4.2 Coastal zones

Sea level rise affects coastal zones, which tend to be highly dynamic both ecologicallyand economically. This has important consequences for the impacts of sea level rise. Anobvious change is the size of coastal systems at risk. The Global VulnerabilityAssessment (Hoozemans et al., 1993), for instance, finds 61 million people at risk of a1-meter sea level rise world-wide if populations are held constant at their 1990 values.

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This number grows to 100 million as a result of 30 years of population growth andmigration to the coast. Conversely, 169,000 square kilometres of coastal wetlands arepotentially at loss if the current situation is maintained. This number is projected fallsto 154,000 square kilometres in 30 years’ time, because other pressures on coastalsystems reduce the acreage of wetlands.

Hoozemans et al. (1993) also point out that richer countries have more financialresources to invest in coastal protection (cf. also Fankhauser, 1995; Nicholls et al.,1995).

Being a global study, Hoozemans et al. (1993) is understandably scarce on details. Thestudy by the Comision Nacional Sobre el Cambio Global (1998) describes a scenariofor coastal development in Uruguay. In addition to the obligatory population andeconomic growth, they also considered the impact of currently planned infrastructure. Itis planned to connect Buenos Aires in Argentina and Colonia in Uruguay by a bridge.This is likely to spur considerable growth in Colonia and neighbouring San Jose.Similarly, a road is planned along the north coast, bridging the lagoons. Opening thisarea is likely to lead to additional coastal development.

2.4.3 Agriculture

Future agriculture will be as different from current agriculture as that is of pastagriculture. Since World War II, the world has witnessed a tremendous growth inpopulation and income, decolonisation, the “Green Revolution”, the CommonAgricultural Policy in Europe, and, most recently, the freeing of international trade. Allof these have had a significant impact on agriculture, not only on its output but also onthe way it is practised and organised.

The most obvious change is population growth. Demand for food will be greater andmore varied, and therefore production needs to be greater, and also more diverse andspecialised. There are three basic options for increasing food supply, namely expansionof agricultural lands, increased productivity per acre, and increased net food imports.Expansion invariably means expansion into lands less suitable for agriculture. Crops onmarginal lands tend to be more sensitive to climate change (or any other stress) thancrops on richer lands. An impact study needs to take this into account. More variedagricultural production would reduce sensitivity to climate change (throughdiversification), but at the same time would increase the information needed forsuccessful adaptation (assuming that each crop needs to be investigated individually).

Increasing productivity per acre can be done in a variety of ways, by improving soils,water and nutrient availability, cultivars, and management practices. High-yield strainsare often more susceptible to disturbance and disease than their lower-yieldpredecessors. If rain-fed crops are converted to irrigated crops, producers’ vulnerabilityto drought shifts from local (the field) to regional (the watershed), bringing incompetitive users for the irrigation water. At the same time, increasing productivity peracre is often accompanied by an expansion of resources, notably capital, information,

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and alternative sources of income. As a result, the farmer (not the crop) could becomeless vulnerable to climate change.

Increasing food imports would imply that agriculture becomes less sensitive to climatechange in the country itself, but more sensitive to climate-change-induced price shocksat the world food market. Increasing food imports or reducing exports of food and non-food agricultural products would have ramifications for the balance of payments andthe exchange rate.

At the national level, the impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector alsodepend on the assumed economic and population growth rates. Countries with lowpopulation growth will have fewer mouths to feed. Countries with high economicgrowth will have more resources to support a smaller agricultural sector.Vulnerabilities will be very different if a country seeks rapid industrialisation, takesfood imports for granted, seeks self-reliance in food production, or chooses a path ofa*gricultural export-led growth. Vulnerabilities will also be different if a country choosesto protect and support its farmers, or let them face the whims of the market and theweather on their own strength.

2.4.4 Rangelands and livestock

The issues raised with regard to arable agriculture also pertain more or less torangelands and livestock. Rangelands and the livestock living on them are affected bychanges in water and land use, deposition of eutrophying and acidifying substances, soilerosion and land degradation, and management practices. The demand for meat anddairy products, which depends on the number of people and their dietary preferences, isalso important. The intensity of farm management is another factor that may influencethe response of rangelands and livestock to climate change. Extensive farms may bemost sensitive to changing weather conditions. This sensitivity may decline if land isimproved, feed is supplemented, and animal health care is improved. Bio-industry islargely insensitive to climate change, but may conflict with consumer preferences.

2.4.5 Human health

Human health is another area where large changes can be expected. Medical researchconcentrates on “diseases of affluence” (e.g., cardiovascular disorders), which may beless sensitive to climate change than “diseases of poverty” (e.g., infectious diseases).Breakthroughs in treatments for climate-sensitive diseases may not occur, and if theydo, their timing is highly uncertain. Further, the effect these have on vulnerability istrivial. For instance, in the unlikely event of the development of an effective and cheapmalaria vaccine, the effect of climate change on the disease will be negligible.

Access to basic health care is often important to vulnerability to climate-sensitivediseases. With some effort, this can be derived from scenarios on per capita incomes.Other variables such as income distribution and national or international health care

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programmes are also important. These could be derived by extrapolation or be thesubject of a sensitivity analysis. In any case, people tend to care about their health, andif they are able, they will take care of their health. So, increasing incomes implies betterhealth care and reduced vulnerability to diseases, including those sensitive to climatechange.

Although a rise in income may improve human health, economic growth andurbanisation will continue so that “rich” and “urban” diseases will gain in importancerelative to “poor” and “rural” diseases. Two prominent categories are cardiovasculardiseases (related to heat and cold) and respiratory disorders (related to heat, cold, andair quality). The urban heat island effect makes heat waves in cities much worse than atthe countryside. Air conditioning helps only those who have it. And air conditioningactually contributes to the heat outside. Urban air quality also tends to be worse thanrural air quality, and particularly so during hot weather.

The impact of heat waves depends on adaptation. Once air conditioning is wide-spread(including in shopping malls) and cooling water bodies or forests are nearby,vulnerability will decrease. A similar thing may happen to urban air quality. Once thedirtiest traffic is banned, and the dirtiest industries moved to the outskirts of the city, airquality will improve and vulnerability decline.

Scenarios for population, per capita income, and urbanisation are readily available formost countries (see Table 2.2). Scenarios for other variables are not so readilyavailable.

2.4.6 Energy

Energy production and consumption are likely to change in ways that affect theirsensitivity to climate change. On the production side, biomass, solar energy, and,particularly, hydropower are directly influenced by climate. These sources of energymay well gain in importance in the future, so that the number of potentially affectedunits (biomass plantations, hydropower plants, wind turbines) grows. Energyproduction and the composition of energy supply are subject to substantial study,largely in the context of mitigation studies of climate change. It is recommended that thescenarios used for mitigation studies also be used to study the impact of climate changeon energy production and consumption.

Climate effects on energy consumption are largely confined to heating and cooling.Demands for heating and cooling depend on the number of people and their housingsituation. Particularly important is the spread of air-conditioning. Note that climatechange may speed up the introduction of air-conditioning. Building design, urbanplanning, family size, age distribution, and working hours may also significantly affectenergy demand for heating and cooling.

Besides energy supply and demand, technologies are also bound to change. New powergenerating techniques may be more or less sensitivity to weather conditions, or sensitive

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to other weather circ*mstances than current techniques. For instance, new power plantsmay use less cooling water, or new photovoltaic cells may be less sensitive to overcastskies. Technological change may also influence the energy demand side. For instance,the energy demand of more efficient air conditioners is less sensitive to climate than isthe demand of less efficient air conditioners.

2.4.7 Forests

Besides by climate change, forests are affected by changes in water and land use,deposition of eutrophying and acidifying substances, timber demand, and managementpractices. These factors affect both the size of the forest sector and the speciescomposition in the stands. The latter would imply a qualitative shift in the impact ofclimate change, since different species react differently. Trees stressed by, say, an acidenvironment also react differently to climate change than trees in a healthy environment,as do trees in an environment artificially enriched by nutrients. Foresters would behavedifferently if the land tenure system were to change, or if the demand for “sustainablygrown” timber were to increase. Forest acreage would decrease if other types of landuse became relatively more attractive, for instance because of extensions of naturereserves, increased demand for agricultural produce, or greater timber supply on theinternational market.

2.4.8 Biodiversity

Biodiversity is affected by changes in water and land use, deposition of eutrophying andacidifying substances, soil erosion and land degradation, and recreation. In some cases,management practices are also influential. All of these factors influence the way inwhich biodiversity reacts to changes in the climate. Perhaps the most influential factoris the area of human disturbance. The area that is left untouched by humans, whetherthis is scattered or well-connected, confined to marginal grounds and so on, is asignificant driver of vulnerability to climate change. Also, whether adjacent lands areused for eco-tourism, extensive farming, or industrial development is influential.Further, access of indigenous people or poachers may be important. Inflow ofcontaminating or fertilising substances via air or water may also affect an ecosystemand its reaction to climate change.

2.4.9 Fisheries

The most crucial factor determining the impact of climate change on fisheries is theharvesting of the world’s fish stocks for human consumption. A further increase in thereach and accuracy of fishing fleets would lead to more stress on more fish populations,leaving them more vulnerable to climate change. Technologies enabling fishermen tocatch only desirable species, and regulations restricting access to certain waters, times,or species, would reduce stress and increase resilience to climate change.

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Another important factor is human influence on hatcheries, nurseries, and foodresources such as coastal wetlands and coral reefs. A further increase in the stress onthese systems would leave fish stocks more vulnerable to climate change, anddecreasing stress would have the reverse effect.

A third factor that may be worth looking at is the spread of aquaculture. If fish supplywere to rely more heavily on “farmed” fish than on wild stocks (because of marketforces or government intervention), stress on the latter would decrease and the influenceof climate change on the former would be greater. A change in dietary preferences forfish would change demand, and thus would affect the supply and stress of fishpopulations.

2.5 Concluding remarks

The socio-economic circ*mstances of the world on which climate change will have itsimpact will be very different from today’s circ*mstances. The future system or sector ofthe study is likely to differ not only in size but also in structure. Therefore, the impactson and adaptation of the future system or sector may well differ quantitatively andqualitatively from the impacts and adaptation of the current system. In one way oranother, the analysis needs to take this into account.

As a first step, the crucial elements that are likely to change should be identified. Is itthe size of the population, water use upstream, or agricultural policy? As a second step,a scenario of how these crucial elements might change over the next decades needs to bedeveloped or, preferably, obtained. As a third step, the impact and adaptation analysismust be combined with the socio-economic scenario.

The second step is probably the easiest. Do not develop scenarios; instead borrow themfrom the literature. If no scenarios are available, use historical trends and geographicalanalogues to inspire scenario development. If time permits, use more than one scenario.

The first and third step are specific to the situation of a country study. Generalguidelines are either too vague to be helpful or too specific to be applicable to eachcase. Using appropriate experts will probably help. The literature on climate changeimpacts and adaptation is rapidly expanding, and full of examples how others have triedto solve this problem. This chapter also provides a number of examples, but these areonly examples; different problems would need different solutions.


Alcamo, J., G.J. van den Born, A.F. Bouwman, B.J. de Haan, K. Klein Goldewijk, O.Klepper, J. Krabec, R. Leemans, J.G.J. Olivier, A.M.C. Toet, H.J.M. de Vries, and H.J.van der Woerd. 1994. “Modelling the Global Society-Biosphere-Climate System: Part 2;Computed Scenarios.” Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 76 (1-2), 37-78. Reprinted in J.

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Alcamo (ed), IMAGE 2.0: Integrated Modeling of Global Climate Change. KluwerAcademic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Alexandratos, N. (ed). 1995. World Agriculture: Towards 2010 — An FAO Study. Wiley,Chichester.

Bos, E., M.T. Vu, E. Massiah, and R.A. Bulatao. 1994. World Population Projections.John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London.

Carter, T.R., M.L. Parry, H. Harasawa, and S. Nishioka, 1994. IPCC Technical Guidelinesfor Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change, Geneva.

De Jouvenal, B. 1967. The Art of Conjecture. Basic Books, New York.

Fankhauser, S. 1995. Valuing Climate Change - The Economics of the Greenhouse.EarthScan, London.

Mekonnen, A. and K. Hailemariam. 1998. Baseline and climate change scenarios forEthiopia. Presented at the Conference on National Assessment Results of ClimateChange: Impacts and Responses, held in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 25-28. NationalMeteorological Services Agency, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Comision Nacional Sobre el Cambio Global. 1997. Uruguay Climate Change CountryStudy: Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Uruguay, Final Report. Preparedwith the US Country Studies Program as the International Cooperation Agency.Montevideo.

Hoozemans, F.M.J., M. Marchand, and H.A. Pennekamp, 1993. A Global VulnerabilityAnalysis: Vulnerability Assessment for Population, Coastal Wetlands and RiceProduction and a Global Scale (second, revised edition). Delft Hydraulics, Delft, TheNetherlands.

Kahn, H. and A.J. Wiener. 1967. The Year 2000: A Framework for Speculation on theNext Thirty-Three Years. MacMillan, New York.

Leggett, J., W.J. Pepper, and R.J. Swart. 1992. “Emissions Scenarios for IPCC: AnUpdate.” In J.T. Houghton, B.A. Callander and S.K. Varney (eds), Climate Change1992 -- The Supplementary Report of the IPCC Scientific Assessment, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.

Lutz, W. (ed). 1997. The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today?EarthScan, London.

Ministry of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development. 1998. Study onClimate Change Impact and Adaptation Strategies for Pakistan. Government of Pakistan,Islamabad.

Murray, C.J.L. and A.P. Lopez (eds). 1996. The Global Burden of Disease. HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge.

Nicholls, R.J., S.P. Leatherman, K.C. Dennis and C.R. Volonté. 1995. Impacts andresponses to sea-level rise: qualitative and quantitative assessments. Journal of CoastalResearch, Special Issue 14: 26-43.

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Webster’s New Dictionary and Thesaurus. 1990. Concise Edition. Geddes & Grosset, NewLanark.

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3Lead Authors Contributing AuthorsJoel B. Smith 1 Jaak Jaagus, EstoniaMike Hulme 2 Sirje Keevallik, Estonia

Ademe Mekonnen, EthiopiaKinfe Hailemariam, Ethiopia

3.1 Introduction

This chapter addresses the important and often controversial topic of climate changescenarios. The choice of climate change scenarios is important because it can determinethe outcome of a climate change impacts analysis. Extreme scenarios can produceextreme results, and moderate scenarios can produce moderate results. The selection ofscenarios is controversial because scenarios are often criticised for being too extreme,too moderate, too unreliable, or not considerate of important factors such as changes invariability.

This chapter does not provide instructions on which types of climate change scenariosto use or how to construct them. Rather, it discusses the options for selecting scenarios,the issues that need to be considered in selecting scenarios, and the advantages anddisadvantages of different approaches. The design and application of specific scenarioswill require additional research and may require technical assistance.

1 Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.2 Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

Climate ChangeScenarios

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This chapter begins by addressing why climate change scenarios should be used andpostulating criteria for selecting types of scenarios. Generic options for selectingscenarios are described, followed by a discussion of issues to be considered whenselecting scenarios. The chapter then discusses issues in the use of general circulationmodels (GCMs3) in climate change scenarios and gives examples of scenario selection.(Chapter 2 discusses why it is important to use scenarios to examine the potentialimplications of uncertain future conditions such as climate change.)

More than one scenario should be used to show that there is uncertainty about regionalclimate change. Using one scenario can be misinterpreted as a prediction. Usingmultiple scenarios, particularly if they reflect a wide range of conditions (e.g., wet anddry) indicates some of the uncertainty about regional climate change.

Climate change scenarios have been typically developed for a particular point in thefuture. Many climate change scenarios examine the climate associated with a doublingof carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere over pre-industrial levels (2xCO2).

4 This willmost likely happen in the last half of the twenty-first century. These could be consideredstatic scenarios because they are based on the (false) presumption that a stable climatewill be reached in the future. This assumption is made to simplify analysis, not becauseit is widely believed that climate will reach a static condition. In contrast, transientscenarios examine how climate may change over time. They typically start in thepresent day and cover a number of decades into the future.

A range of scenarios can be used to identify the sensitivity of systems to climate changeand to help policy makers decide on appropriate policy responses. It must be explainedto policy makers, journalists, and the public that climate change scenarios are notpredictions of the future in the way that weather forecasts are. Rather, they areplausible indications of what the climatic future could be like, given a specific set ofassumptions. The range of plausible climate change scenarios is much greater than thatdetermined by uncertainties in climate models alone, and depends to a considerableextent on future global demographic and technological change, land utilisation, andecological adaptation. Thus, prediction is too ambitious a term for such a tentative andprovisional exercise of looking into the future (Henderson-Sellers, 1996).

3 GCM can also stand for “global climate models.” However, one-dimensional and two-dimensional models of global climate can be considered to be global climate models.Models of the general circulation of the atmosphere or atmosphere and oceans need to bethree-dimensional. Thus here GCM only refers to these three-dimensional models.

4. These CO2 doubling scenarios usually mean the “effective doubling” of CO2, that is,when the warming potential of all greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide,and the halocarbons as well as carbon dioxide, equals the doubling of CO2 alone.

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3.2 Climatological baseline

It is typical in impacts assessment to use a period of years of observed meteorologicaldata to define a “current climate baseline”. This set of years can be used to calibrateimpacts models and to quantify baseline climate impacts, e.g., crop yields under currentclimate. A 30-year continuous record of recent climate data is widely used for creatinga baseline climate (e.g., Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994). A 30-year period is likely tocontain wet, dry, warm, and cool periods and is therefore considered to be sufficientlylong to define a region’s climate. The 30-year “normal” period as defined by the WorldMeteorological Organisation (WMO) is recommended by the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC) for use as a baseline period (Carter et al., 1994).

The current WMO normal period is 1961-1990. This period best defines currentclimate because it is recent. Since the quality and quantity of weather observations tendto improve over time, this period is likely to contain a more extensive network ofobserving stations and to record more variables than earlier periods. One problem withuse of the 1961-1990 period, however, is that the 1980s were, globally, the warmestdecade this century (Jones et al., 1994), although in some regions the 1980s were notwarmer than prior decades. On average, therefore, using 1961-1990 as a base periodcould introduce a warming trend into the baseline, which could bias the results of someimpact assessments, particularly transient assessments that combine observed baselineclimate with an underlying trend in climate variables. The trend is not a problem if oneis reporting only averages and variances. Another recent 30-year period such as 1951-1980, which has no trends or less distinct trends, could perhaps be used. But earlierperiods are more likely to have less comprehensive and poorer quality data. On balance,it is preferable to use the most recent period.

In many cases, the baseline data set may contain insufficient variables or periods ofmissing data. In addition, there may be a need to create a baseline period that is muchlonger than 30 years to create more reliable statistical results (e.g., Lin, 1996). One wayto remedy these situations is to use stochastic weather generators (see Table 3.3) (e.g.,Richardson and Wright, 1984). These simulate daily weather at a site based onhistorical statistical relationships between variables. Using a weather generator togenerate longer and more complete baseline data sets may require substantial amountsof observed weather data, which can be costly, or the data may be difficult to obtain.

3.3 Conditions for selecting climate changescenarios

Climate change scenarios selected for impact assessment should meet the following fourconditions:

Condition 1. The scenarios should be consistent with the broad range of globalwarming projections based on increased atmospheric concentrations ofgreenhouse gases, e.g., 1EC to 3.5EC by 2100 (Houghton et al., 1996),

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or 1.5EC to 4.5EC for a doubling of CO2 concentrations (IPCC, 1990).Regional changes in climate variables may be outside the range ofglobal average changes, but should be consistent with what climatechange theory and models conclude may happen.

Condition 2. The scenarios should be physically plausible; that is, they should notviolate the basic laws of physics. It is not plausible, for example, toassume that a country with as large an area as Russia or Brazil wouldhave a uniform increase or decrease in precipitation. However, such ascenario could be plausible for smaller areas. In addition, changes invariables need to be physically consistent with each other. For exam-ple, days with increased precipitation will most likely have increasedcloudiness.

Condition 3. The scenarios should estimate a sufficient number of variables on aspatial and temporal scale that allows for impacts assessment (Smithand Tirpak, 1989; Viner and Hulme, 1992). Many impacts modelsneed scenario data for a number of meteorological variables such astemperature, precipitation, solar radiation, humidity, and winds. Inaddition, daily or more frequent information may be needed for somestudies.5

Condition 4. The scenarios should, to a reasonable extent, reflect the potential rangeof future regional climate change. For example, a set of scenarios thatexamines only a relatively large or small amount of warming, or onlywet or dry conditions, will not help identify the full range ofsensitivities to climate change

In assessing options for creating climate change scenarios, it is important to meet asmany of these conditions as possible. Where conditions are not met, the shortcomingshould be acknowledged in reporting the results of analyses that use the scenarios.

3.4 Generic types of climate change scenarios

There are three generic types of climate change scenarios: scenarios based on outputsfrom GCMs, synthetic scenarios, and analogue scenarios. All three types have beenused in climate change impacts research, although probably a majority of impactsstudies have used scenarios based on GCMs. This section briefly describes each type

5 Those creating climate change scenarios need to discuss data needs with the groupsassessing impacts on each sector. The sectoral groups need to identify the variables theyneed and the necessary spatial and temporal resolution (e.g., 100 square kilometres at adaily time step). The climate change scenarios group needs to determine what canreasonably be provided.

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of scenario and its relative advantages and disadvantages.6 The section closes with adiscussion of a fourth possibility of using a combination of two or more options. Thesedifferent approaches, among others, have been summarised in Table 3.3.

3.4.1 General circulation models

GCMs are mathematical representations of atmosphere, ocean, ice cap, and landsurface processes based on physical laws and physically-based empirical relationships.Such models have been used to examine the impact of increased greenhouse gasconcentrations on future climate. GCMs estimate changes for dozens of meteorologicalvariables for grid boxes that are typically 250 kilometres in width and 600 kilometres inlength. Their resolution is therefore quite coarse. The most advanced GCMs coupleatmosphere and ocean models and are referred to as coupled ocean- atmosphere GCMs;see Gates et al. (1996) for an evaluation of coupled GCMs.

Two types of GCM runs can be useful for impact assessments. Almost all GCMs havebeen used to simulate both current (1HCO2) and future (2HCO2 or occasionally 4HCO2)climates. The difference between these simulated climates is a scenario of how climatemay change with an effective doubling (or quadrupling) of atmospheric CO2

concentrations. These are referred to as equilibrium experiments since both the currentand future climates are assumed by modellers to be in equilibrium (i.e., stationary).GCMs used for equilibrium experiments generally have only a very simplerepresentation of the oceans.

To be sure, climate is never in equilibrium. Greenhouse gas concentrations are not heldconstant, because of human activities or other reasons. The assumption of a stableclimate makes it easier, however, for climate modellers to estimate the effect ofincreased greenhouse gases on climate and for impact assessors to examine potentialimpacts.

The second type of experiment is called a transient experiment. Here, a coupled GCMis used to simulate current (1HCO2) climate and then future climate as it responds to asteady increase in greenhouse gas concentrations beyond 1HCO2 concentrations (e.g.,Manabe and Stouffer, 1995; Mitchell et al., 1995). A typical forcing scenario in atransient experiment is a 1 percent per year increase in CO2 concentration, but manydifferent forcing scenarios could in principle be used. The model is typically run for 100years or more into the future. Tables 3.1 and 3.2 display attributes of some transientcoupled atmosphere-ocean GCMs. An important limitation of many transient scenariosfrom GCMs is the so-called “cold start” problem (Hasselmann et al., 1993). Thisoccurs when a transient GCM simulation fails to reflect the climate change that arisesbecause of historical greenhouse gas emissions (i.e., those before the baseline period;Kattenberg et al., 1996). When this occurs, GCMs usually underestimate the change in

6 Section 3.5 also discusses advantages and disadvantages of GCM based scenarios.

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climate in the first few decades beyond the present. More recently, a few “warm start”transient experiments have been successfully completed in which historical emissions ofgreenhouse gases back to the nineteenth century have been used to force the model (e.g.,Mitchell et al., 1995; Mitchell and Johns, 1997). Many impact assessment studies haveused GCMs as the basis for creating scenarios (e.g., Parry et al., 1988; Smith andTirpak, 1989; Rotmans et al., 1994; Strzepek and Smith, 1995). These studiescombined average monthly changes between 2HCO2 and 1HCO2 climates fromequilibrium GCM experiments with 30 years of observed climate data. The use of theobserved climate data provides greater spatial, and sometimes temporal, variability thancan be provided by the GCM (thus helping meet Condition 3), although it assumes thatthese aspects of climate do not change from current conditions.

Table 3.1 Sample of global, mixed-layer, atmosphere-ocean general2 simulations) used for impact

assessment studies.

Group Horizontal resolution(number of waves or

lat. × long.)

Global surfaceair temperature

change (°C)


GFDL 4.4° × 7.5° 3.2 Wetherald and Manabe, 1988GFDL 4.4° × 7.5° 4.0 Manabe and Wetherald, 1987GFDL 2.2° × 3.8° 4.0 Wetherald and Manabe, 1988OSU 4° × 5° 2.8 Schlesinger and Zhao, 1989MRI 4° × 5° ~4.3 Noda and Tokioka, 1989NCAR 4.4° × 7.5° 4.0 Washington and Meehl, 1990CSIRO4 3.2° × 5.6° 4.0 Gordon and Hunt, 1994CSIRO9 3.2° × 5.6° 4.8 Whetton et al., 1993;

Watterson et al., 1997GISS 8° × 10° 4.8 Hansen et al., 1984UKMO 5° × 7.5° 5.2 Wilson and Mitchell, 1987UKMO 5° × 7.5° 3.2 Mitchell and Warrilow, 1987UKMO 2.5° × 3.75° 3.5 Mitchell et al., 1989CCC 3.75° × 3.75° 3.5 Boer et al., 1992; McFarlane et

al., 1992MPI 1.25o x 1.25o a — Bengtsson et al., 1996

a Time-slice experiments with atmosphere-only ECHAM3 T 106 model.

Source: Watson et al., 1998

Until the last few years, equilibrium GCM experiments were more readily available.This is because it takes less computing time to run a static experiment than a transientexperiment. Many impacts studies have relied on static experiments and typicallyestimate the effects of CO2 doubling on a sector. Thus, they estimated the potentialeffects of climate change in the latter half of the twenty-first century. With increasedcomputing power it has become less expensive to run transient experiments. In recentyears, the output from transient experiments has been used more frequently in climatechange impacts studies. Thus, potential impacts over successive decades can also nowbe estimated.

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The major advantage of using GCMs as the basis for creating climate change scenariosis that they are the only tool that estimates changes in climate due to increasedgreenhouse gases for a large number of climate variables in a physically consistentmanner.7 The GCMs estimate changes in a host of meteorological variables, e.g.,temperature, precipitation, pressure, wind, humidity, solar radiation (Schlesinger et al.,1997), that are consistent with each other within a region and around the world, andthus they fully meet Conditions 1 and 2, and partially satisfy Condition 3.

7 Although the variables within a GCM are all determined using physical laws, or empiricalrelationships based on physical laws, validation studies show that the internalrelationships between these model variables may not necessarily be the same as therelationships observed in the real world. This is because of deficiencies in the GCM.

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Table 3.2 Sample of global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulationmodels (transient simulations) used for impact assessment studies.

Group Model namea Horizontalresolution(number of

wavesor lat. ×long.)




Globalsurface air

temperaturechange at




BMRC — 3.2° × 5.6° 1 1.35 Colman et al., 1995

GFDL — 4.4° × 7.5° 1 2.2 Manabe et al., 1991,1992

MRI — 4° × 5° 1 1.6 Tokioka et al., 1995

NCAR 5° Ocean 4.4° × 7.5° 1 2.3 Meehl et al., 1993

NCAR 1° Ocean 4.4° × 7.5° 1 3.8 Meehl, 1996;Washington andMeehl, 1996

UKMO UKTR1 2.5° × 3.75° 1 1.7 Murphy, 1995;Murphy and Mitchell,1995; Senior, 1995

UKMO HADCM2 2.5° × 3.75° 1 + aerosols ~2.5 Mitchell and Johns,1997

MPI ECHAM1+LSG 5.6° × 5.6° 1.3 1.3 Cubasch et al., 1992

MPI ECHAM3+LSG 5.6° × 5.6° 1.3 +aerosols

not available Hasselmann et al.,1993

CSIRO — 3.2° × 5.6° 1 2.0 Gordon andO’Farrell, 1997

CCC CGCM1 3.75° × 3.75° 1 2.6 Reader and Boer,1998 ; Flato et al.,1997

GISS — 4° × 5° 1 1.4 Russell et al., 1995

a If different from group name.b The greenhouse gas scenario refers to the rate of increase of CO2 used in the model experiments; most experiments use 1 percent per year, which gives a doubling of CO2 after 70 years (IS92a gives a doubling of equivalent CO2 after 95 years).

Source: Watson et al., 1998.

A major disadvantage of using GCMs is that, although they accurately represent globalclimate, their simulations of current regional climate are often inaccurate (Houghton etal., 1996). In many regions, GCMs may significantly underestimate or overestimatecurrent temperatures and precipitation (see Table 3.3). Another disadvantage of GCMsis that they do not produce output on a geographic and temporal scale fine enough formany impact assessments (Condition 3). GCMs estimate uniform climate changes ingrid boxes several hundred kilometres across, and although they estimate climate on adaily or even twice daily basis, results are generally archived and reported only asmonthly averages or monthly time series. An additional disadvantage of GCM-basedscenarios is that a single GCM, or even several GCMs, may not represent the full rangeof potential climate changes in a region (Condition 4).

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Climate Change Scenarios


Although GCMs have clear limitations for scenario construction, they do provide thebest information on how global and regional climate may change as a result of in-creasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. Some of the ways of creatingclimate change scenarios using GCM output are described in Section 3.5.

3.4.2 Synthetic scenarios

Synthetic scenarios, sometimes referred to as arbitrary scenarios, are based on incre-mental changes in such meteorological variables as temperature and precipitation. Forexample, temperature changes of +2EC and +4EC can be combined with precipitationchanges of "10 percent or 20 percent or no change in precipitation to create a syntheticscenario (e.g., Poiani and Johnson, 1993; Mendelsohn and Neumann, in press). Theseincremental changes are usually combined with a baseline daily climate database toyield an altered 30-year record of daily climate.

Synthetic scenarios usually assume a uniform annual change in temperature and othervariables over a study area, although some studies have introduced temporal and spatialvariability into synthetic scenarios. Robock et al. (1993) developed different syntheticscenarios for annual average change in temperature and precipitation in wet and dryyears in the Sahel and Venezuela. Kalvov< and NemeÓov< (1995) developed differentseasonal changes in temperature and precipitation patterns for the Czech Republic, butagain applied them uniformly across the region. Rosenthal et al. (1995) used differentuniform changes in winter and summer temperature across climate zones of the UnitedStates. Thus, they included some temporal and spatial variability. All three studiesbased the selection of synthetic scenarios on outputs from GCMs.

The main advantages of synthetic scenarios are their ease of use and transparency topolicy makers and other readers of impacts studies. In addition, synthetic scenarios cancapture a wide range of potential climate changes (Condition 4). One can examine smallchanges in climate (e.g., 1EC) up to large changes in climate (e.g., 5EC to 6EC), andone can examine increased and decreased precipitation scenarios. In addition, becauseindividual variables can be changed independently of each other, synthetic scenariosalso help identify the relative sensitivities of sectors to changes in specificmeteorological variables. A further advantage of synthetic scenarios is that differentstudies can use the same synthetic scenarios to compare sensitivities (although assum-ing the same synthetic scenario across different sites may well violate Condition 2,internal consistency). Synthetic scenarios are inexpensive, are quick and easy toconstruct, and generally require few computing resources.

A major disadvantage of synthetic scenarios is that they may not be physically plausible(Condition 2), particularly if uniform changes are applied over a very large area or ifassumed changes in variables are not physically consistent with each other. As notedabove, uniform changes in temperature, and particularly precipitation, are not plausibleover large areas. It is important to not arbitrarily select changes in variables such astemperature, precipitation, wind, clouds, and humidity that are not internally consistentwith each other. For example, increased precipitation would normally be associated

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with increased clouds and humidity.8 Synthetic scenarios may not be consistent withestimates of changes in average global climate (Condition 1). This last limitation can beovercome by using the outputs of GCMs to guide the development of syntheticscenarios, as was done in each of the three studies cited above.

3.4.3 Analogue scenarios

Analogue scenarios involve the use of past warm climates as a scenario of futureclimate (temporal analogue scenario), or the use of current climate in another (usuallywarmer) location as a scenario of future climate in the study area (spatial analoguescenario). Temporal analogue scenarios

Temporal analogue scenarios come from one of two sources: the instrumental record(weather observations) or the paleoclimatic record. A major study of climate changeimpacts in the United States, the Missouri-Iowa-Kansas-Nebraska (MINK) study(Rosenberg, 1993), used the instrumental record from the 1930s, a very dry and hotperiod in the upper Midwest (approximately 1EC warmer than 1951-1980), as ananalogue for climate change. An advantage of using the instrumental record as the basisfor a climate change scenario is that climate change data are available on a daily andlocal scale (Condition 3), which is a finer temporal and spatial resolution than thatusually provided or archived by GCMs.

Some researchers have suggested using warm periods from the paleoclimate record tocreate scenarios of climate change (e.g., Shabalova and K`nnen, 1995). The advantageof using paleoclimate data over instrumental data for climate change scenarioconstruction is that temperature differences in the distant past compared to currentclimate tend to be greater than those within the instrumental record, and may thereforebe more consistent with potential changes in average global temperature over the nextcentury (Condition 1). However, collecting or collating the relevant paleoclimate datafor the required region may be a costly and time-consuming exercise.

The major disadvantage of using temporal analogue climates for climate change sce-narios is that the changes in past climates were unlikely to have been caused byincreased greenhouse gas concentrations. It is more likely that these changes werecaused, for example, by changes in the Earth’s rotation around the sun. The reasons forthe warming in the 1930s are uncertain. Thus, these scenarios are not based onhuman-induced increases in greenhouse gas concentrations (Condition 1). A potential

8 The more meteorological variables being used in a scenario, the more care is needed whenrelying on synthetic scenarios. Arbitrarily assigning values to many variables risksselecting a set of outcomes that is not physically plausible. Climate models may be moreattractive to examine larger sets of climate variables.

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disadvantage of analogue scenarios based on instrumental records is that completeinstrumental records for the period in question may not exist in many countries. Afurther disadvantage of paleoclimate scenarios is that data are generally available onlyfor seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation. In addition, paleoclimate data arenot available in many locations, particularly in tropical areas. Furthermore, temporalanalogue scenarios (except those from millions of years ago, which have very lowresolution of data) tend to be at the low end or even below the range of potential futureclimate warming, thus violating Condition 4.9 Spatial analogue scenarios

Some studies used other regions with warmer climates than the area of study as aspatial analogue of climate change. For example, Parry et al. (1988) used Scotland as aspatial analogue for the potential future climate in Iceland and Kunkel et al (1998)transposed warmer climates from south and south-west of the Great Lakes over theGreat Lakes to investigate changes in runoff and lake thermal structure. An advantageof spatial analogues is that they can be used to examine how social and natural systemshave adapted to different climates (Parry et al., 1988; Mendelsohn et al., 1994). Suchscenarios can be particularly helpful in examining the potential for adaptation tominimise adverse effects of climate change. They also provide an often graphic meansof communicating the broad significance of climate change to the public. Spatialanalogues can also introduce changes in spatial and temporal variability (Kunkel et al.,1998). The disadvantage of spatial analogue scenarios is that, because of geographicaland other differences, the future climate in the study area is unlikely to be the same asthe current climate in another location (Carter et al., 1994), even if the average annualtemperature may be similar. Thus, the level of detail available from an analogue sitemay give a false sense of precision and may violate Conditions 1, 2, and 4.Furthermore, extensive continental or global climate data sets are necessary to searchfor an analogue region, and such data sets may not be easy to obtain. Final thoughts on analogue scenarios

Since temporal analogues of global warming were not caused by anthropogenic emis-sions of greenhouse gases and because spatial analogues are unlikely to be plausiblescenarios of future climate change, the climate change impacts assessment literature hasgenerally recommended that these types of scenarios not be used (IPCC, 1990; Carter etal., 1994). If they are used, they should be used only under two conditions. The first isthat the limitations of this approach should be clearly explained, pointing out thatanalogue scenarios may not be accurate representations of greenhouse gas inducedclimate change. The second is that other approaches such as synthetic or GCM based

9 Scenarios with relatively low levels of temperature change can be useful in identifyingpotential climate change impacts early in the next century.

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scenarios are also used in the same study. This will help ensure that a broader range ofclimate changes is included in the scenarios.

3.4.4 Combinations of options

None of the above options fully satisfies all four scenario selection conditions. Sulzmanet al. (1995) therefore recommend using a combination of scenarios based on outputsfrom GCMs and synthetic scenarios. They advocate using GCM-based scenariosbecause they are the only ones explicitly based on changes in greenhouse gas con-centrations. Synthetic scenarios complement GCM scenarios because they allow for awider range of potential climate change at the regional level and are easier to constructand apply. Harrison et al. (1995) also use both GCM and synthetic scenarios in theirassessment of climate change and agriculture in Europe, arguing that syntheticscenarios allow the sensitivity of the impact models (in their case crop models) toclimate change to be more clearly established than do GCM scenarios. GCM scenarioswere subsequently used in their study to determine a more plausible range of climatechange impacts.

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Table 3.3 Table of scenario construction methods and requirementsa .

Scenario method Assumptions Type of resulta Limitations Required data Costb Timedemand


Requiredanalyst skill

Non-model based

Synthetic A sensitivityscenario; resultmay beimplausible

Typically,uniform climatechange acrossa region andseasons

Climate will mostlikely not changeuniformly acrossregions andseasons

Need to obtainobserved data (min30 year)

Zero Low Zero Low

Analogue —spatial

Climate inanother locationcan serve as aplausible scenarioof future climate

Description ofmean M climate

Topography isunimportant inshaping climate

Extensivecontinental orglobal climate data

Low Low/medium PC Someunderstandingof climatediagnostics

Analogue —temporal

Historical orpaleoclimateperiods can serveas scenarios ofclimate change

Description ofclimate patternsand D or Mvariability

Past warmperiods notcaused byhuman activities,e.g., greenhousegas emissions

Extensive historicclimate data seriesfor the regionconcerned

High forcollectingpaleoclimatedata; low forhistoricalrecord

Low forhistoricaldata, can behigh forpaleoclimatedata


Simple climatemodels (SCMs)

Reduced-formmodels canmimic thebehaviour ofGCMs

Global-meantemperatureand sea-level

SCMs do notgive regionalvariation

Combine with 30years observeddata

Very low Low PC Low


The modelsimulates the


Grid boxes have Maybe some datafor validation

Low/medium Medium PC orworkstation


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models (GCMs)c important climateprocesses well

resolution; M orD data; meanor time series

low resolution purposes; combinewith 30 yearsobserved data

(maybe largedata storagerequirement)

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Table 3.3 Table of scenario construction methods and requirementsa (continued).

Scenario method Assumptions Type of resulta Limitations Required data Costb Timedemand


Requiredanalyst skill

Regional climatemodels (RCMs)d

— existing

The models havehigher resolutionthan GCMs sothey simulate theimportant climateprocesses well

25-100kilometresresolution; M orD data; meanor time series

RCMs useboundaryconditions fromGCMs, so maynot correct forerrors

May be some datafor validationpurposes; mayneed to combinewith 30 yearsobserved data

Low/medium Medium PC orworkstation(maybe largedata storagerequirement)


Regional climatemodels (RCMs)d

— new

The models havehigher resolutionthan GCMs sothey simulate theimportant climateprocesses well

25-100kilometresresolution; M orD data; meanor time series

RCMs useboundaryconditions fromGCMs, so maynot correct forerrors

Extensive data forinitialisation andvalidation; mayneed to combinewith 30 yearsobserved data

Very high Very high High;workstationormainframecomputer

Extensiveknowledge ofclimatemodelling


Use existingrelationships tocalculate small-scale climate

Site orcatchmentspecific timeseries; D or Mdata

Synoptic-scalerelationships areconstant overtime

Extensive D or Mseries of synopticand/or surfaceclimate variables

High, if datato bepurchased

High Substantial;PC orworkstation

Someunderstandingof climatedynamics


Weather can bedescribed as astochasticprocess

Site or gridspecific timeseries; D data

Extensive Dweather series forsites and/or grids

High, if datato bepurchased

Medium/high PC Someunderstandingof the statisticalproperties ofweather series

a D = daily data; M = monthly data.b Costs for obtaining observed data are generally low to medium.c It is assumed that people will use existing GCM results, and not run their own.d These methods must all be used in conjunction with GCM results.

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3.5 Issues in selecting and designing climatechange scenarios

A number of issues beyond the four conditions introduced in Section 3.3 should beconsidered when selecting or designing climate change scenarios. Consideration of theseissues may affect the selection of a generic option from the alternatives described in theprevious section. Table 3.3 summarises some of the advantages and disadvantages ofthese and other approaches.

3.5.1 Using GCMs for scenario construction Equilibrium experiments

Climate change scenarios obtained from equilibrium GCM experiments describe anaverage climate of the future. These scenarios assume an abrupt change in climateconditions between “now” and many decades in the future, often when 2HCO2 con-centrations are reached. In many cases, observations in the baseline climate data set areperturbed by adding to them, or multiplying them by, changes in monthly or annualtemperature and precipitation derived from the equilibrium GCM experiment (anequilibrium scenario can also include a change in interannual climate variability; seeSection 3.5.3). An example of where equilibrium climate change scenarios have beenused is provided in Section 3.6.1.

There are two distinct disadvantages of equilibrium scenarios, particularly those derivedfrom 2HCO2 experiments using GCMs. The first is that the equilibrium climate changecaused by CO2 doubling will probably not be realised for many decades (Kattenberg etal., 1996). Indeed, under some emissions scenarios such doubling may be delayed untilthe twenty-second century, or may never occur (Wigley et al., 1996). These scenarioswould only be realised well beyond the time horizon of most policy makers. The seconddisadvantage is that it is unlikely that atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations willever remain at a level constant enough to enable an equilibrium climate to be reached.Climate will always be adjusting to different forcing factors, and an equilibrium climatewill be the exception, not the norm. Indeed, if greenhouse gas emissions go unabated, itis probable that atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will eventuallysubstantially exceed 2HCO2 levels (Wigley et al., 1996). Transient experiments

These two problems with equilibrium scenarios may be addressed by using results fromtransient climate model experiments. Climate change scenarios derived from transientexperiments describe how climate may change over time. A transient scenario wouldtypically start with current (baseline) climate and estimate year-by-year changes inclimate for up to 100 years into the future. Again, observations in the baseline climate

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data set are perturbed by adding to them, or multiplying them by, changes in monthly orannual temperature and precipitation derived from the transient GCM experiment.Under transient scenarios, the climate is never assumed to be in equilibrium withgreenhouse gas concentrations, and the possible climate for each year through thetwenty-first century is described. Transient scenarios can therefore be used to examinethe potential effects of climate change over time and potential impacts within shorterplanning horizons.

Transient scenarios also have some disadvantages, however. If results are taken from a“cold start” transient experiment (see Section 3.4.1), then it is not realistic to attachspecific calendar years to the model years because such experiments underestimateclimate change in the first decades of the experiment. Some adjustment technique isnecessary to make this conversion (see Section for an example of such a tech-nique). Also, it is harder to define the “true” greenhouse gas signal from a transientclimate change experiment than from an equilibrium experiment. This is because thenatural variability of climate is better simulated in a transient GCM, and this canobscure the greenhouse gas signal for many decades (Santer et al., 1996; Mitchell et al.,in press). Whether or not this is important for climate change scenario purposesdepends on whether it is desired that the scenario contain both natural variability andgreenhouse signal. Attaching calendar years to GCM scenarios

An alternative approach to using the output from equilibrium or transient GCM expe-riments directly in a climate change scenario involves using the results from experi-ments performed with simple one-dimensional models, often called upwelling- diffusion(UD) or simple climate models (SCMs). This approach involves three stages (Hulme etal., 1995): defining the standardised pattern of change using a GCM experiment (i.e.,regional changes in meteorological variables such as temperature and precipitation aredivided by the global warming of that model experiment yielding a ratio); defining themagnitude of global warming from an SCM; and then scaling the pattern by this globalwarming value. An example of this approach to scenario construction is described inSection 3.6.3 and Box 3.1. The example shows how the scenario tool SCENGEN canbe used to create scenarios for the middle of the twenty-first century.

The advantage of this linked-model approach to scenario construction is its versatility.Any range of emissions scenarios can be entered into the SCM to yield a range ofglobal warming projections over the next 100 years or so, thus satisfying Conditions 1and 4. By selecting the required time horizon (e.g., 2050, or the average of the periodfrom 2030 to 2060), the transient global warming estimate or range of estimates can beextracted. This global warming value is then used to scale the standardised pattern ofregional climate change that has been extracted from a GCM experiment (or number ofGCM experiments to satisfy Condition 4) to yield a derived transient scenario ofclimate change for a given year or period. This scenario can then be added to the

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baseline climatology, ensuring that the global warming value has been calculated fromthe correct baseline (e.g., 1951-1980 or 1961-1990).

Box 3.1 Using SCENGEN to construct climate change scenarios forEstonia.

SCENGEN was used to construct climate scenarios for Estonia for the UNEP countryvulnerability study. The SCENGEN CD-ROM was prepared by the Climatic Research Unit atthe University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, and requires a Pentium PC running Windows95. The version of SCENGEN used contained results from a set of 14 GCMs and the one-dimensional integrated simple climate model MAGICC, which consists of a carbon cycle andother greenhouse gas modules, an UD climate module, and ice melt modules.

Estonia is situated between 57030’N and 59040’N and between 21046’E and 28013’E. The 250

meridian divides the country into two nearly equal parts that fall into different 50 × 50 gridboxes. Since the area of Estonia is only 45,215 square kilometres, climate change scenarioswere considered to be uniform over the whole country. They were obtained by averaging theSCENGEN estimates of the two grid boxes. When necessary, linear interpolation was used forspatial downscaling.

For hydrological and agricultural modelling, knowledge of the annual cycle of meteorologicalelements is essential, so all climate scenarios were constructed with a monthly resolution.From the eight meteorological elements offered by SCENGEN, mean temperature andprecipitation changes were chosen. All changes were given for 2085-2115 (i.e., 2100) withrespect to 1961-1990. For some scenario users, shorter time horizons (e.g., with a resolutionof 10 years) were also made available.

Once time horizons and spatial-temporal resolution are decided, SCENGEN offers the userthree choices: Which emissions scenario? Which MAGICC model parameters? Which GCMs?The first two choices together determine the global warming projections. Although a variety ofemissions scenarios with some measures of environmental regulation are available, only threeIPCC scenarios were used: IS92c as a low emissions scenario, IS92a as a central scenario,and IS92e as a high emissions scenario. MAGICC presents an uncertainty range for thefollowing parameters: CO2 emissions from land-use changes, indirect aerosol radiativeforcing, ocean upwelling rate, and climate sensitivity. By combining these ranges of inputparameters and the three emissions scenarios, a central estimate (2.1 K) and two extremes(0.8 and 5.5 K) of global mean annual warming by 2100 with respect to 1961-1990 areobtained. The extremes were rejected, however, and instead a minimum warming wasdetermined from a combination of low emissions (IS92c) and low climate sensitivity (1.5 K),and maximum warming was determined using the high emissions scenario (IS92e) and thehigh climate sensitivity (4.5 K). Other MAGICC parameters were kept at their default values,although only constant aerosol forcing was allowed. These emissions and parameter choicesgave a range of global warming of 0.9 to 4.7 K by 2100, a range that meets Condition 1. Thisrange differs from the 1.5 to 4.5 K range for the climate sensitivity because CO2 doublingoccurs at different times for different emissions scenarios. MAGICC also gives a range of CO2

concentrations and sea-level rise estimates for these emissions and parameter choices andthese values were used directly in the regional climate change assessments.

The selection of the GCMs was made with the help of the histogram shown here andconsidering the criteria for GCM selection discussed in Section 3.4.1. To construct thehistogram, the central global warming projection for 2050 was used (IS92a emissions and aclimate sensitivity of 2.5 K). As a result, two GCMs were selected: HADCM2, representing aless warm and less wet scenario, and ECHAM3TR, representing a warmer and wetter scenariofor Estonia (Condition 4). The seasonal changes of mean temperature and precipitation inEstonia by 2100 with respect to 1961-1990 are shown in the table.

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Most probable annual changes in Estonia by 2050 with respect to 1961-1990 according to 14 global climate models









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Temperature, K





, %


Best GCMs

Changes in annual mean temperature and precipitation by 2036-2065 (i.e., 2050) with respectto 1961-1990 for Estonia according to the 14 general circulation models used in SCENGEN.The two selected GCMs are marked in red as the ‘best’ GCMs Seasonal changes in mean temperature and precipitation for Estonia by 2100 with respect to1961-1990 according to the selections chosen in SCENGEN.

Season Temperature change (K) Precipitation change (percent) Minimum Central Maximum Minimum Central Maximum HADCM2 Winter 0.9 2.8 5.2 5 15 27 Spring 0.8 2.4 4.4 5 13 25 Summer 0.6 1.8 3.4 6 16 30 Autumn 0.9 2.4 4.5 5 14 26

ECHAM3TR Winter 1.9 5.2 9.8 12 35 65 Spring 1.3 3.8 7.0 14 39 73 Summer 0.9 2.6 4.9 2 6 12 Autumn 1.5 4.4 8.2 10 28 52

These scenarios show the climate of Estonia getting warmer and wetter. The warming isgreater than the global mean and strongest in winter and autumn. Little can be said about theannual cycle of precipitation change, since there is little agreement between the seasonalresults of the two GCMs.

It should be noted that this version of SCENGEN does not take into account the cooling effectof aerosols on regional climate. The projections in the table are therefore probablyoverestimated, since Estonia is situated in a region where anthropogenic aerosol emissions,and hence climatic effects, are likely to be significant.

This approach makes one or two assumptions about the nature of greenhouse-gas-induced climate signals. It assumes that the pattern of anthropogenic climate change canbe adequately defined from a 10- or 30-year period of a GCM experiment, whether

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equilibrium or transient; and it then assumes that this pattern remains constant overtime (i.e., the magnitude is scaled by the global warming but the pattern is constant).

This is an assumption that is difficult to test and may violate Condition 2. Furthermore,many transient experiments have not displayed a consistent pattern in change variablessuch as precipitation. The pattern of precipitation and temperature often changes overthe transient simulation. In some cases the sign of precipitation change may change overthe simulation. On the other hand, the assumption has formed the basis for recentclimate change fingerprint detection studies, which have yielded evidence thatanthropogenic forcing of climate can be detected in the observations (Santer et al.,1996). These issues of changing patterns over time have been explored by Mitchell etal. (in press).

3.5.2 Which GCMs to select?

Many climate change experiments have been performed using GCMs: between 25 and35 equilibrium experiments and about 10 transient experiments (see Gates et al., 1992;Kattenberg et al., 1996). If a GCM-based scenario is to be constructed, selecting whichGCMs to use from this population of experiments may be difficult. In some cases thechoice may be limited by which GCMs have archived their results in an accessible andpublic form and whether the required climate variables are included. But, assuming thatthe user is in a position to choose from this population, which GCMs should be chosen?A number of criteria can be used to make this decision. Vintage

Results from GCM climate change experiments performed as long ago as 1983 are stillin circulation. It may be argued that owing to developments in the science andmodelling of climate change, only the most recent experiments should be used. But thisis an arbitrary criterion to apply, and does not adequately reflect the nature anddevelopment history of different climate models. Resolution

As climate models have developed, there has been a general tendency toward increasedspatial resolution. Some of the early GCMs operated at a resolution of 800 kilometres,whereas some of the more recent GCMs are now operating at about 300 kilometres.Although higher resolution GCMs yield results that contain more spatial detail, they arenot necessarily always superior to the lower resolution versions. For example, in areasof complex topography, such as mountainous areas like the Himalayas or the Andes, orareas with large lakes, such as equatorial East Africa, even high resolution GCMs donot adequately simulate regional climate patterns.

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3-21 Validity

A stronger argument than either vintage or resolution may be to select the GCM thatsimulates the present climate of the study region most accurately, on the assumptionthat this GCM would also yield a more accurate representation of future regionalclimate. This approach has been used in a number of scenario construction exercises,e.g., Benioff et al. (1996); Box 3.2 describes how the Ethiopian country studies teamselected GCMs for their assessment of climate change impacts based on how well themodels simulate current climate patterns over Ethiopia. Note that the Ethiopians alsoused model resolution as a factor in their selection. The control climate of a number ofGCMs is compared with the observed baseline climate — means, climatic spatialpatterns, monthly variability — and the GCMs that are closest to reality are then usedto generate the scenario. One convenient measure of similarity between two climates(e.g., a model and an observed climate) is the spatial pattern correlation coefficient.

This provides an objective measure of how well a GCM can reproduce the regional orglobal observed pattern of climate (e.g., Smith and Pitts, 1997). Note, however, thatthis criterion does not guarantee that the GCMs selected will yield the most reliableresults. Representativeness of results

A further criterion that can be used when selecting GCMs is to consider the represen-tativeness of each GCM’s results. Thus, for example, if three GCMs are to be selectedfor a scenario construction exercise, one might choose a GCM that gives a magnitudeof change fairly typical of the population of GCM experiments, together with GCMsthat give results at the low and high end of the range of results (Box 3.1 describes howthe Estonian country studies team used SCENGEN to develop a range of climatechange scenarios). This may be particularly relevant when examining precipitationchanges, since the climate change patterns of this variable show the greatest differencesfrom model to model. Thus, a GCM that shows a drying pattern over the region,together with ones that show little change and a wetting pattern, may be chosen delib-erately to meet Condition 4. This combination of GCMs can be used even though theselected GCMs may not necessarily be the “best” models. This approach to choosingGCMs was adopted in the regional impacts assessment for southern Africa (Hulme etal., 1996). Here, the “core” scenario was based on the GCM that, out of the sample of11 GCMs examined, correlated best with the observed climate (i.e., using the validitycriterion), and two other GCMs were chosen to capture the extreme range of regionalprecipitation changes simulated by the 11 experiments (i.e., using the representativenesscriterion).

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Box 3.2 Climate change scenarios for Ethiopia.

Ethiopia participated in the U.S. Country Studies Program (Dixon et al., 1996) and conducteda study on vulnerability and adaptation of agriculture, water resources, and forests. Five GCMmodels were examined for use in the study: Canadian Climate Centre Model (CCCM; Boer et al.,1992); Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory R-30 model (GFDL-R30; Wetherald and Manabe,1988); Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory’s transient model (GFDL-transient; Stouffer et al.,1989); United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UK89; Mitchell et al., 1989); and GoddardInstitute for Space Since (GISS; Hansen et al., 1983). The baseline climate was developedusing 1961-1990 climate data. The climate variability study used computing averages,standard deviation, moving averages and identification of dry and wet years for rainfall, andaverages and moving averages for temperature.

Evaluating and Creating the GCM Scenarios

GCM output was evaluated on a seasonal basis. The 1961-1990 climatological data fromselected stations were organised to develop climatological maps in compatible units ofmeasurement. For example, a rainfall baseline map was prepared in mm/day. The evaluationinvolved comparison of the current model simulation with the observations to test performances.GCM outputs provided by the NCAR were analysed in a 0-20EN and 30-50EE window. Models thatbetter reflect the observed climate were then selected by adopting the following criteria.

Comparison of results of current simulation with average climate (temperature and rainfall). Gradssoftware (Doty, 1992) was used to produce 1xCO2 GCM output maps for the region beingstudied. Observed data and 1xCO2 outputs from the GCMs were compared based on thelocation, the magnitude (how significantly the GCM under or overestimates climate), and thenumbers of maxima and minima. The gradient and how accurately the model simulates themarginal areas (the boundary between the lowlands and the highlands) were also examined.

Model resolution. Most models have low resolution, do not parameterise the physiographic nature ofdifferent places well, and use a generalised topography. Since Ethiopia has different types of terrain,the low resolution models give exaggerated estimates.

Trend match. In addition, validation was done on a station-by-station basis. Interpolated GCMoutputs were used for selected stations. GCM outputs were compared to actual climate data.Trends and the trend match between the two results were studied (see figure).

Validation assessment was done for Kiremt (June-September), Belg (February-May), and Bega(October-January) on a seasonal basis.

General Observations:

• All models simulated only one rainfall maximum for the country whereas the actual shows threeto four high rainfall pocket area.

• None of the models could discriminate between the lowlands and the adjoining highlands. Thismay be because of the inherent problem of the models using smoothed topography.

• All models were weak in identifying the high rainfall zone in the eastern highlands andoverestimated the rainfall of the northern Rift Valley.

• All models overestimated the rainfall over the north-western and south-eastern lowlands,particularly for the Belg season.

• Most models could not discriminate the temperature gradient between the lowlands and theadjoining highlands.

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• Most models underestimated the simulations of the northern Rift Valley and the south-easternlowlands.

All model simulations show increasing temperature trends from the central highlands toward theeast.

Comparison of Observed and GCM Estimates of Current Climate Rainfall andTemperature for Addis Ababa
































































. IN


G. C





One transient and two equilibrium GCM models that best simulate the mean climate were selected:CCCM, GFDL-1989, and GFDL-transient. UK89 and GISS were not used.

In developing scenarios, the Gridpti program (developed by NCAR; interpolates between thefour nearest grid points in a GCM to develop an estimate for a specific location, and gridpoints are weighted based on the inverse of distance) was used to extract temperaturedifferences and rainfall ratios from the GCMs selected for all stations. Equilibrium GCMscenarios were then prepared by combining the difference between 2xCO2 and 1xCO2 andobserved data for temperature, and by combining the ratios of 2xCO2 to 1xCO2 and observeddata for rainfall. Transient GCM scenarios were also developed by combining the decadaldifferences with the observed data for both rainfall and temperature. Synthetic (incremental)

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scenarios were developed by assuming 2EC and 4EC increases to the observed mean fortemperature and by adding -20, -10, 0, +10, and +20 percent changes to the observed meanfor rainfall.

3.5.3 Changes in mean versus changes in variability

Most studies of potential climate change impacts have assumed changes in averageclimate conditions, but not in climate variability. These scenarios assume that onlyaverage annual or average monthly variables, such as temperature and precipitation,change. Each day within a month or year is assumed to have the same absolute changein temperature and the same percentage change in precipitation. Thus, the pattern ofdaily climate and the interannual variability of climate stays approximately the same.

These scenarios are commonly used for two main reasons. First, there is uncertaintyabout how climate change will affect the temporal variability of climate. Perhaps thebiggest source of interannual climate variability in the tropics and elsewhere is the ElNiZo/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. It is still unclear whether ENSOevents will change character in response to climate change (e.g., see Trenberth andHoar, 1996). Elsewhere, there are some advances in the scientific understanding aboutchanges in climate variability (see Kattenberg et al., 1996). Second, changes in averageclimate only are used in a scenario since they are relatively easy to apply (e.g., Benioffet al., 1996). The average temperature change for a particular month is added to all theobserved temperatures in that month in the climate baseline, and the change inprecipitation (e.g., 1.1 for a 10 percent increase) is multiplied by the days with observedprecipitation.

Although hard to specify, it is most likely that climate variability will change as aresponse to greenhouse gas forcing. For example, Whetton et al. (1993) examined anumber of GCM experiments and found that precipitation intensity and floodingincreased over most of Australia; Hulme et al. (1996), in their scenario for southernAfrica, included changes in interannual rainfall variability. Changes in climate varia-bility can have a more dramatic effect on many agriculture and water resource systemsthan changes in the mean alone. Mearns et al. (1996), for example, found that wheatyields in the Great Plains of the United States are very sensitive to changes in interdailytemperature and precipitation variability. Ideally, therefore, climate change impactsstudies should consider changes in both interannual and interdaily variability.

One way in which changes in daily climate variability can be incorporated into ascenario is through the use of a weather generator (e.g., Wilks, 1992). A weathergenerator is calibrated on the baseline climate data. The parameters of the generator,including the variability parameter, are then altered in a way that is consistent with theclimate scenario, whether it is derived from GCMs or from analogue or syntheticsources. Using the new, altered, parameters, a new sequence of daily scenario weatheris created in which the daily variability of climate is now changed. This approach hasbeen followed in a number of studies, including sem*nov and Barrow (1997) in theirassessment of climate change impacts on European agriculture. Weather generators

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require large historical daily weather data sets, which may be difficult to acquire, andconstructing scenarios using them can be quite time consuming.

One aspect of climate variability that weather generators cannot yet capture is changesin the interannual or interdecadal variability of climate. These low frequency aspects ofclimate are not well simulated by stochastic generators, and therefore changes in thesefrequencies are difficult to incorporate into climate scenarios. Mearns et al. (1992)examined the effect of changes in monthly variability on crop yields in Kansas. Theymodified interannual variability of a historical record (1951- 1980) of monthlytemperature and precipitation and developed a monthly time series with double,quadruple, one-half, and one-quarter the observed interannual variance. Daily changesin precipitation were adjusted to be consistent with the monthly changes.

3.5.4 Spatial variability

There are a number of options for manipulating the spatial variability of a climatechange scenario. Some scenarios contain only a uniform change in climate over an area.For example, Mendelsohn and Neumann (in press) used a synthetic scenario andassumed a uniform change in temperature and precipitation over the United States.Other studies use the regional changes in climate defined by GCM grid boxes, each ofwhich may be between 250 and 600 kilometres. Because of the lack of precision aboutregional climates in a GCM, Von Storch et al. (1993) advocate that in general theminimum effective spatial resolution should be defined by at least four GCM gridboxes. The skill of GCM simulations for an individual grid box will depend, however,on the spatial autocorrelation of the particular weather variable. Smith and Tirpak(1989) assumed uniform changes within each GCM grid box, whereas Smith et al.(1992) interpolated between the four nearest GCM grid points down to 0.5E latitude/longitude (about 50 kilometres) pixels. This latter technique is the simplest form ofdownscaling from a GCM resolution to the sort of spatial resolution more commonlyused in impacts studies.10 Downscaling

10 Smith et al., (1992) interpolated on the basis of linear averaging by the inverse ofdistances between the specific point and the GCM grid points. The basic formula fortemperature is


1 1


( / )

( / )

i Di



i i xT∑

∑⋅ ,


Di is the distance from the site to grid point i, and

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More sophisticated downscaling techniques calculate subgrid box scale changes inclimate as a function of larger-scale climate or circulation statistics. The two mainapproaches to downscaling have used either regression relationships between large- areaand site-specific climates (e.g., Wigley et al., 1990) or relationships betweenatmospheric circulation types and local weather (e.g., Von Storch et al., 1993). Whenapplied to daily GCM data, these techniques offer the prospect of generating dailyclimate change scenarios for specific sites or catchments and therefore meet Condition 3for a climate change scenario. The disadvantage of downscaling approaches is that theyrequire large amounts of observed data to calibrate the statistical relationships and canbe computationally very intensive. Such methods are also very time consuming sinceunique relationships need to be derived for each site or region. Downscaling methodsare also based on the fundamental assumption that the observed statistical relationshipswill continue to be valid in the future under conditions of climate change. Thisassumption may violate Condition 2 for a climate change scenario. Regional models

Downscaling techniques are statistical methods for generating greater spatial variabilityin a climate change scenario. An alternative approach involves the use of highresolution regional climate models (RCMs; also called limited area models, LAMs).Regional climate models are typically constructed at a much finer resolution thanGCMs (often 50 kilometres), but their domain is limited to continents or subcontinents.Although RCMs yield greater spatial detail about climate, they are still constrained attheir boundaries by the coarse-scale output from GCMs. To an extent, therefore, theperformance of an RCM can only be as good as that of the driving GCM. A number ofRCM climate change experiments have now been performed over North America (e.g.,Giorgi et al., 1994; Mearns et al., 1997), Europe (e.g., Jones et al., 1995), Australia(Walsh and McGregor, 1997), and parts of Asia (e.g., India; Bhaskaran et al., 1996),but their performance in relation to downscaling techniques has not yet been fullyevaluated. The costs of establishing a regional climate model for a new region andrunning a climate change experiment are extremely high, both computationally and interms of human resources. For the moment, it remains premature for regional modeloutput to be used extensively in climate impacts assessments, at least for most regions.

3.5.5 Simulations of greenhouse gas forcing alone and incombination with other factors

Until the last few years, GCMs did not consider the regional effects of sulphate aerosolsin their simulations of future climate. They modelled only the effect of increasedgreenhouse gas concentrations on global and regional climate. It has now becomeevident that aerosols from fossil fuel consumption and from biomass burning can have a

Ti 1x is the 1XCO2 value for the temperature at grid point i.

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significant cooling effect in some regions of the world (Charlson et al., 1992; Taylorand Penner, 1994).

A small number of climate change experiments have attempted to simulate the com-bined effect of greenhouse gas increases and aerosol changes on global climate. Forexample, Mitchell and Johns (1997) found that some regional climate changes, bothtemperature and precipitation, are considerably different when aerosol effects areincluded. This is an important new development in our understanding of climate change,but the full implications of this for climate change scenario construction have not yetbeen worked through.

Model experiments that incorporate other significant forcing factors such as aerosolsare likely to yield more plausible scenarios of climate change. Model development islikely to lead to further refinements in the simulation of future climate change, such asincluding the effects on climate of stratospheric ozone depletion or by treating eachgreenhouse gas separately rather than as CO2 equivalents, which has been the case untilnow. The first such GCM experiments will be completed during 1998.

3.5.6 Consistency in scenarios of CO2 concentrations,change in climate, and sea level rise

One of the conditions for selecting a climate change scenario is that it be internallyconsistent. This concerns not only the relationships between climate variables, but alsothe relationships between other important scenario variables such as sea level rise andatmospheric CO2 concentration. Ideally, a climate change scenario should also includeestimates of changes in these two variables since they are likely to have importantenvironmental impacts (e.g., on coastal regions and on vegetation).

Atmospheric CO2 concentration is one of the drivers of climate change. A climatechange scenario will therefore have assumed, either implicitly or explicitly, a CO2

concentration. Synthetic scenarios of CO2 concentration can be created (e.g., 600ppmv), but it can be difficult to make the CO2 concentration consistent with the syn-thetic climate and sea level changes. If a GCM-based scenario is being used, there isusually an explicit assumption of the CO2 concentration. For example, in an equilibriumexperiment, the CO2 concentration usually doubles from, say, 300 ppmv to 600 ppmv,or in a transient experiment, the concentration may increase by 1 percent per year. InGCM experiments, however, these are strictly speaking equivalent-CO2 concentrations(i.e., the combined forcing effect of all greenhouse gases); the actual CO2 concentrationwill be less than that stated. Many studies make the mistake of assuming that actualdoubling of CO2 concentrations and (equivalent) doubled CO2 climate are the same.

Since sea level rise is predominantly a result of global warming, the scenario of sealevel rise should be consistent with the scenario of global climate change. Warrick et al.(1996) predicts that eustatic sea level (i.e., without considering subsidence or uplift ofregional shorelines) will rise by between 15 and 95 cm by 2100. This range of values isbased on the same greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions scenarios used by the IPCC to

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estimate changes in global average temperatures (Warrick et al., 1996). Impactsresearchers should be careful to ensure that scenarios of sea level rise are consistentwith their scenarios of climate change.

One way of ensuring such consistency between CO2 concentration, climate change, andsea level rise in a scenario is to use a simple integrated climate model (Hulme et al.,1995). This type of model, widely used by the IPCC (IPCC, 1997), typically comprisesa UD climate model (see Section together with a carbon cycle model and icemelt models. Such a model allows an emissions scenario to be defined by the user andthen calculates, using reduced-form physical models of the climate system, the resultingCO2 concentration, global warming, and global sea level rise for each year from 1990to 2100. These estimates are fully consistent with each other and can subsequently formthe basis for a GCM-based scenario. An example of this approach to scenarioconstruction is described in Section 3.6.3 and Box 3.1. Alternatively, one could base theCO2 concentrations, climate change, and sea level rise scenarios on a single integratedsource such as Houghton et al. (1996).

3.6 Example approaches to scenario construction

In this section we summarise the approach taken to climate change scenario construc-tion by three high profile impacts research activities, the U.S. Country Studies Pro-gram, Working Group II of the IPCC, and the various international impacts studies inwhich the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have been involved.

3.6.1 US Country Studies Program

The US Country Studies Program (USCSP) provided financial and technical assistanceto 55 countries studying greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation of greenhouse gases, andimpacts and adaptation to climate change (Benioff et al., 1996). The USCSP suggestedspecific approaches for assessing impacts and adaptation. For the use of GCMs inconstructing climate change scenarios, the following steps were suggested (Box 3.2;Smith and Pitts, 1997):

• obtain the 1HCO2 results from the sample of GCM experiments held at the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research (e-mail address: [emailprotected]; home pageaddress: http://www.scd.ucar.edu/dss/);

• compare the GCM results with the observed regional climate;

• select the three (or more) GCMs that best reproduce observed climate;

• define the regional patterns of change from these GCM experiments as thedifference or ratio between the 2HCO2 and 1HCO2 simulations;

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• combine these changes with a 30-year baseline climate data set (1951-1980 or1961-1990);

• follow a simple interpolation procedure (based on the inverse of distance) todownscale the GCM results to individual sites using results from up to four GCMgrid boxes.

Synthetic scenarios were also recommended to complement the GCM scenarios. Thesuggested synthetic scenarios combined changes in mean temperature of 2EC, 4EC, and6EC with changes in precipitation of "10 percent, "20 percent, and no change. Thus,up to 15 synthetic scenarios could be applied to the baseline climate data set.

These USCSP scenario recommendations adequately addressed Condition 2 (the GCMscenarios were physically consistent); Condition 3 (GCM outputs for temperature,precipitation, and solar radiation were provided, and combining the outputs with thebaseline climate data provided high spatial and temporal resolution sufficient forimpacts models); and Condition 4 (three GCMs captured part of the range of potentialchanges and the synthetic scenarios captured the rest). The recommendations alsosuggested that particular applications might require the use of weather generators ormore sophisticated downscaling methods. Most of the GCM scenarios were equilibrium(2HCO2) scenarios, and under some emissions scenarios would not be realised duringthe twenty-first century. Some of the GCMs provided information that is consistentwith Condition 1. In some regions (e.g., low latitude), some of the synthetic scenarios(e.g., high temperature changes) may violate Condition 1.

3.6.2 IPCC Working Group II

As part of the IPCC Second Scientific Assessment in 1995, the Technical Services Unitof IPCC Working Group II commissioned a set of climate change scenarios for use bythe 31 Working Group II writing teams. The purpose of these scenarios was to providea common set of climate data to be used by these authors in their assessment of climatechange impacts (Greco et al., 1994).11

The scenarios were GCM-based and made use of results from three transient GCMexperiments: those performed at Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) inPrinceton, New Jersey, USA; the Max Plank Institute (MPI) in Hamburg, Germany;and the Hadley Centre at the UK Meteorological Office (UKMO). The baseline periodchosen was 1961-1990, and global maps of mean temperature and precipitation for thisperiod were generated. Two time horizons were chosen for the scenarios: 2020 and

11 For the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, due in 2001, a climate scenario and relatedinformation data centre has been established to provide a common set of scenarioinformation for impacts assessors. This Data Distribution Centre (DDC) is based jointly atUEA, Norwich, UK and at DKRZ, Hamburg, Germany. A web site with full informationcan be found at http://ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk/.

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2050. To overcome the “cold-start” problem of the GCM experiments and because thetransient GCM experiments used different forcing scenarios, the GCM results wererelated to 2020 and 2050 in the following way. A simple UD climate model was used tosimulate global warming from 1990 to 2100 assuming the IS92a emissions scenario(Leggett et al., 1992). This yielded global warmings of 0.53EC and 1.16EC by 2020and 2050, respectively. The GCM results were then searched to find the decades inwhich these increments of global warming occurred in each experiment, and the threeGCM patterns of climate change for these respective decades were extracted.

The WG II scenarios were consistent with the broad range of IPCC global warmingprojections and the patterns of change were physically consistent, being derived fromGCMs (Conditions 1 and 2 were met). No downscaling techniques or weather genera-tors were applied to the scenarios; the results were presented at the original GCMresolution. Only changes in mean temperature and precipitation were extracted, and novariability changes were defined, only changes in mean climate. Condition 3 was nottherefore satisfactorily addressed. For this reason the scenario may be regarded as onlyan “entry-level” scenario. By selecting patterns from three different GCM experiments,some attention was paid to Condition 4, but the range of the WG II scenario changesprobably did not reflect the full potential range of regional changes.

3.6.3 Scaling: A scenario generator from the ClimaticResearch Unit and COSMIC

The Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia has developed a climatechange scenario generator that runs on a desktop PC. This approach to scenario con-struction has been used in a large number of impacts assessments around the world.The software tool is called SCENGEN and is briefly summarised here (see also Hulmeet al., 1995; SCENGEN).

SCENGEN allows users to generate global and regional scenarios of climate changebased on GCM results of their own choosing. Options exist to select scenarios basedeither on single GCMs or on groups of GCMs,12 and the scenarios may be presentedsimply as change fields for a given global warming or given period, or added to abaseline climatology. As a stand-alone module, SCENGEN is driven by built-in globalwarming projections derived from two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. SCENGENhas been designed, however, to be used in conjunction with a UD climate model thatcontains a full set of climate and sea level models. SCENGEN therefore also generatesestimates of future CO2 concentration and sea level rise. When linked in this way,SCENGEN offers the user complete flexibility about the choice of emissions scenario, a

12 Combining GCMs averages the regional results of more than one model. It is notnecessarily clear that an average of several GCMs is more reliable than a single GCM. Anargument can be made that averaging GCMs voids the internal consistency withinindividual models (Condition 2). Note that SCENGEN does not advocate averaging ofGCMs.

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range of global warming projections, and a choice about the origin of the global orregional climate change scenario generated. See Box 3.1 for an example of such ascenario developed for Estonia.

SCENGEN displays scenarios at two spatial scales: a global resolution of 5E latitude/longitude and, for a series of predefined regional windows, 0.5E latitude/longituderesolution. At the global scale, change fields of mean monthly, seasonal, and annualprecipitation, mean surface air temperature, and mean cloudiness can be displayed at a5E latitude/longitude resolution. These change fields can be superimposed onto a globalbaseline climatology to generate “actual” climatologies for future periods. Scenarios forthe four regional windows are generated at a 0.5E latitude/longitude resolution usingnew 1961-1990 baseline climatologies constructed specifically for SCENGEN. Optionsare identical to those for the global scenarios above, except that a wider range ofclimate variables can be selected.

SCENGEN meets Conditions 1, 2, and 4 of the climate change scenario constructionconditions, but only partially meets Condition 3. It is not clear, however, whetherregional climate variables will change in constant proportion with average globalchanges in temperature. This approach can also be described as providing onlyentry-level scenarios. The use of downscaling techniques and weather generators wouldmake SCENGEN more useful for many impact analyses.

In addition, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Electric PowerResearch Institute developed a scenario generator that runs on a desk top PC, called theCountry Specific Model for Intertemporal Climate (COSMIC). It allows the user tochoose between 7 sulphate emissions scenarios, 10 greenhouse gas stabilisationscenarios (based on the IPCC (Schimel et al., 1996) and the “WRE” stabilisationscenarios (Wigley et al., 1996), outputs from 14 GCM models. The model uses aenergy-balance-climate/upwelling-diffusion-ocean model to calculate changes in meanglobal temperature and sea level on an annual basis out to 2200. COSMIC scales theGCM outputs to 0.5o cells and averages the changes in each 0.5° cell for each of 158countries (Williams et al., in press). The scaling of the GCMs is done in the samefashion as SCENGEN, although COSMIC scales the difference in precipitation ratherthan the ratio (Larry Williams, EPRI, personal communication, 1998). Results forchanges in temperature and precipitation are given for each month in up to the yearrequested by the user.

3.7 Conclusions

Table 3.3 summarises the options for creating climate change scenarios, and sources ofGCM data, observed data, and climate models are given in Table 3.4. The optionsrange from the rather simple one of using synthetic scenarios to more complicated onesof using analogue data or climate models. The choice should depend not only on theresources that are available, but also on how quickly impacts researchers need thescenarios. Whatever is done, the researchers selecting the scenarios should be sure to

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choose a set of plausible scenarios that reflect the range of potential climate changeconsistent with increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and give theclimate data necessary to carry out the impacts assessments.

The art of creating climate change scenarios is an evolving one. With improvements inGCMs and new techniques such as downscaling, RCMs, COSMIC, and SCENGEN,more sophisticated scenarios can be created. Nonetheless, there is fundamentaluncertainty about regional climate change. The magnitudes and even direction ofchange of many important meteorological variables are uncertain. And there is evengreater uncertainty about changes in variability and extreme events — changes thatmay be critical for climate impacts assessment. Users of this handbook should alwaysremember that climate change scenarios do not yield predictions of the future, they onlyhelp us to understand the potential implications of climate change and the vulnerabilityof human and natural systems to this change.

Table 3.4 Sources of scenario information.

GCM Data

IPCC Data DistributionCentre

Web: http://ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk/Dr. Mike HulmeClimatic Research Unit, University of East AngliaNorwich NR4 7TJ UKTel: 44-1603-593162, Fax: 44-1603-507784e-mail: [emailprotected]

Dr. Michael LautenschlagerDeutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ)55 Bundestrasse, Hamburg, GermanyTel: 49-404-1173297; Fax: 49-404-1173400e-mail: [emailprotected]

Hadley Centre model data Climate Impacts LINK ProjectClimatic Research UnitUniversity of East AngliaNorwich NR4 7TJWeb: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/linkTel: +44 1603 592089; fax: +44 1603 507784email: [emailprotected]

Assorted GCM data Roy Jenne/Dennis JosephNational Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)Data Support Section/SCDPO Box 3000Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000 USATel: 1-303-497-1215; fax: 1-303-497-1298email: [emailprotected]: http://www.scd.ucar.edu/dss/pub/index.html (see“Country Studies”)

MECCA model data Charles HakkarinenManager, Atmospheric Sciences Environment GroupElectric Power Research Institute3412 Hillview AvenuePalo Alto, CA 94304-1344 USAWeb: http://www.epri.com/ME2CA/about the CD.htmlTel: 1-415-855-2592; fax: 1-415-855-1069

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email: [emailprotected]

CSIRO model data Roger JonesCSIRO Division of Atmospheric ResearchPrivate Bag No. 1ASPENDALE VIC 3195AustraliaWeb: http://www.dar.csiro.au/pub/programs/climod/cml.htmTel: +61 3 9239 4555; fax: +61 3 9239 4444email: [emailprotected]

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Table 3.4 Sources of Scenario Information (continued).

GCM Data (continued)

ECHAM Model Data Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbHBundesstraße 55D-20146 HamburgGermanyWeb: http://www.dkrz.de/forschung/forschung.eng.htmlTel: +49 40 41173 - 275; fax: +49 40 41173 - 400

Weather generators

LARS weather generator Micha sem*novIACR Long Ashton Research StationDepartment of Agricultural SciencesUniversity of BristolLong Ashton, Bristol BS18 9AF, UKWeb: http://www.lars.bbsrc.ac.uk/model/larswg.htmlTel: +44 1275 392 181; fax: +44 1275 394 007email: [emailprotected]

Richardson WG Clarence RichardsonGrassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory808 E. Blackland RoadTemple, Texas 76502, USATel: 817-770-6500; fax: 817-770-6561email: [emailprotected]

Observed global climate data

NCAR Roy Jenne/Dennis JosephNational Center for Atmospheric ResearchObserved daily data can be obtained by contacting Roy Jenneor Dennis Joseph at the address listed above for “AssortedGCM Data” or through e-mail:Email: [emailprotected]: [emailprotected]

GHCN/CDIAC GHCN v2 temp consists of monthly means of daily maximum,minimum, and/or mean temperature from 7,280 land surfaceweather stations. The earliest record is from 1701 and thelatest record is from a few months ago. This release includes awide variety of station metadata such as population andvegetation indicators. It may be obtained free of charge throughanonymous ftp. See http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ghcn.html fordetails. GHCN is produced by the National Climatic DataCenter/NOAA, the Office of Climatology Arizona StateUniversity, and the Carbon Dioxide Information AnalysisCenter/ORNL/DOE.

Climatic Research Unit Mark NewClimatic Research UnitUniversity of East AngliaNorwich NR4 7TJWeb: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/~markn/carbon/ncrc.htmTel: +44 1603 592702; fax: +44 1603 507784email: [emailprotected]

Simple climate models

MAGICC Mike HulmeClimatic Research UnitUniversity of East AngliaNorwich NR4 7TJWeb: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/~mikeh/software/magicc.htmTel: +44 1603 593162; fax: +44 1603 507784

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email: [emailprotected]


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4 Integration

Lead Authors Contributing AuthorStewart J. Cohen 1 Antonio Magalhães, BrazilRichard S.J. Tol 2

4.1 What is integrated assessment of climatechange impacts?

Existing studies of the impact of climate change typically look at a certain system in acertain place in isolation from other systems and other places. This handbook addressesa different approach. It tries to include the interactions between the diversity of impactsof climate change, and to place these impacts in the context of other changes. Thisapproach is known as integrated assessment (IA), and the associated models are knownas integrated assessment models (IAMs). This chapter provides guidance on conductingan integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change and adaptation to climatechange.

Unlinked parallel studies may generate important information on the impacts of climatechange. However, such studies may well lead to inconsistencies. For example, water isused by nature, agriculture, industry, and households. A study of the impact of climatechange on agriculture alone, keeping the water usage of other sectors constant, maythus overestimate the supply of irrigation water. Land is another resource shared by

1 Sustainable Development Research Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada.

2 Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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many sectors and systems. Further interactions can take place through national andinternational markets for commodities and capital. Changes in crop yields can bemitigated or exacerbated, depending on changes in market prices determined by yieldselsewhere and yields of competing crops. An integrated impact study analyses the keyinteractions within and between sectors of a particular exposure unit, and between thisunit and the outside world. One aim of an integrated impact study is to generate acomprehensive assessment of the totality of impacts, which is greater than the sum ofthe separate sectoral impacts.

A second purpose of integrated impact research is to enable researchers to place climatechange impacts in a broader context such as natural resource management,sustainability of ecosystems, or economic development, and to consider the associatedbroader questions. Chapter 2, on socio-economic scenarios, provides a broad palette ofexamples of how changes in population, economy, technology, et cetera, would affectvulnerability to climate change. Similarly, Chapter 5 provides ample cases in whichadaptation to climate change interacts with other aims and strategies of decision makersat all levels, from local farmers to national governments.

IA is more ambitious than separate sectoral studies, and consequently is more difficultto achieve. One reason is that additional demands are placed on component studies.Another reason is insufficient knowledge of interactions. A third reason is that IA is atleast multi-disciplinary but in most cases interdisciplinary. Furthermore, IA almostalways requires co-operation, and often between types of people who are not used to co-operating with one another. These difficulties grow faster than the ambitions of the IA.Whilst ensuring consistency in water use between agricultural and industrial impactstudies is relatively easy (although seldom done in practice), a study of the impact ofclimate change on an entire river basin in the context of overall development is a majortask.

The next section briefly reviews current practices in integrated assessment, highlightingcrucial elements of IA. Possible approaches to IA for climate change impact andadaptation research are presented, and past applications of IA to climate change impactresearch are discussed.

4.2 Current practice in integrated assessment

Many researchers practice forms of integrated assessment of climate change, usingvarious modelling and non-modelling approaches (see Weyant et al., 1996; Rotmansand Dowlatabadi, 1998; Tol and Vellinga, forthcoming). Some researchers study thepractice of IA (Parson, 1995, 1996, 1997; Shackley and Wynne, 1995; Toth, 1995). Sofar, no single best method has been found, if there is any. Pragmatic approaches basedon common sense dominate the field. This chapter is therefore not a cookbook withproven recipes, but a guide with ingredients and considerations to conduct an integratedassessment of the impacts of climate change and the possibilities of adaptation.

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Linkages between climate-sensitive issues (e.g., water management, agriculture, for-estry, fish and wildlife, infrastructure planning, and economic development) are com-plex, so there is a need for multi-disciplinary collaboration in a holistic and pragmaticmanner that focuses on issues, not analytical tools. It is not an easy task, however,because of scientific uncertainties and the inherent difficulty of accurately describingthe various complexities behind any decision made by governments and other actors.There is an opportunity, however, to develop and communicate a broader appreciationof how climate change could affect a place or a sector.

Most of what is known as integrated assessment (modelling) is about trying to find aproper trade-off between the impacts of climate change and the impacts of greenhousegas emission abatement. This is a different subject than what this chapter and thishandbook are about.

Some integrated assessments pay considerable attention to the impacts of climatechange (Edmonds et al., 1993, 1994; Alcamo, 1994; Jacoby and Zang, 1994; Rotmanset al., 1994; Downing et al., 1995, 1996; Tol, 1996, 1997; Jacoby et al., 1997; Moritaet al., 1997; see Tol and Fankhauser, forthcoming, for an overview). These studies aretypically global. They often lack detail at regional and country levels. Models are notvalidated against national data.3 For application to country studies, results of thesemodels should therefore be interpreted with great care. Methodologies are not readilyapplied either. Each of the above studies required a continuous effort measured inyears, with funding that is a multiple of a typical budget for an entire country study.

More use for national studies can be found in the results of existing sectoral IAMs --again, trying to “replicate” this for other sectors would require a major investment intime and money. In sectoral IAMs, all interactions within a particular sector arerepresented in a model. This method has been applied to agriculture (Kane et al., 1992;Reilly et al., 1994; Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994; Darwin et al., 1995) and timber(Perez-Garcia et al., 1995), while an effort at the University of Kassel, Germany, isunder way for water resources (J. Alcamo, Center for Environmental Systems Re-search, University of Kassel, personal communication, 1997). For agriculture andtimber, models of agricultural productivity were coupled to models of national andinternational trade, together driven by scenarios for climate, population, technology,and economy. These studies provide some insights into national impacts. However, theoutcomes of these models can be used to provide an international context to a nationalstudy. For instance, results of the Basic Linked System (BLS), the model used byRosenzweig and Parry (1994), can be used as “boundary conditions” to a model of thenational food market (e.g., world market prices, demand and supply on import andexport markets). This was done for England and Wales by Parry et al. (1996), forEgypt by Strzepek et al. (1994, 1995, 1996; Yates and Strzepek, 1996), and for Indiaby Kumar and Parikh (1997).

3 The one exception is the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model, or AIM (Morita et al., 1997),which is described in Section 4.4.5.

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IAMs can also be developed for a particular region. An example is the work by Parry etal. (1996). It looks at changes in land use patterns in England and Wales. Alternativeapplications compete for land. Each is differently affected by climatic change. Parry etal. use simple rules to determine the trade-offs. Changing land use patterns emerge.Another example is the work by Strzepek et al. (1994, 1996; Yates and Strzepek,1996). The flow of the Nile is used as the all-important integrator of natural and humansystems in Egypt (see Section 4.4.2).

Integrated approaches are not restricted to building and applying integrated models. IArepresents an attempt to evaluate impacts, costs, benefits, and response options for asector or place. The latter context should be of particular importance for countrystudies. An IA of a place (e.g., a country) could consistently bring together informationon all climate sensitive activities, enabling the analysts to examine possible indirecteffects of climate change. This would indicate the total effect of a scenario on thecountry.

For example, the MINK study (Crosson and Rosenberg, 1993; Rosenberg, 1993) looksat the implications of the drought in the 1930s in the US Corn Belt as a historicalanalogue to climate change. This study combines models with historical reviews, addingambiguities and depth to a model-only study (see Section 4.4.1). The Mackenzie BasinImpact Study (MBIS) from Northwest Canada (Cohen, 1997a,b,c) similarly combinescommon analogue and GCM-based scenarios with sectoral and integrated models,interviews, and workshops, the latter to capture in particular human adaptation andcharacteristics of subsistence hunting and gathering (see Section 4.4.3).

4.3 Possible approaches to integrated impactassessment

Integrated assessment can be done at different levels of ambition. At the very least, IAshould be based on consistent data bases and scenarios (Section 4.3.2). A slightly moreambitious IA would seek to avoid overlap and would try to establish consistencybetween the analyses of the various sectors, systems, and regions affected by climatechange (Section 4.3.3). At the third level of ambition, models are linked so that im-portant feedbacks are taken into consideration (Section 4.3.4). Before starting an IA atwhichever level of ambition, a considerable amount of preparatory work needs to bedone (Section 4.3.1). Integrated assessment is more than consistency between impactstudies, at whichever level of ambition. It also involves outreach to and inputs frompeople affected by climate change. The role stakeholders can and need to play is dis-cussed in Section 4.3.5. Figure 4.1 illustrates the various elements of and options for anintegrated assessment of the impacts of climate change.

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4.3.1 Preparatory stages

A number of preparatory steps need to be taken before the actual integrated study cancommence: define the study area, issues, and aims; establish the integration core teamand the integrators; and find out what has been done to date. The steps need not betaken in this order. The best way perhaps is to iterate two or three times, letting theliterature review refine the issues and aims.

Literature review

Is there sufficient knowledge about climate change impacts and adaptation?

yes? adapt existing analysesto an integration framework

no? do sectoral impact analysesin an integration framework

Consistency in scenarios, data etc.

Consistency between sectors, systems and regions

Integratd impact analysis, fromsoft-linking to integrated modelling

Integrated impact assessment,involving policy makers and stakeholders

revisit existing studies

adjust and extend studies

redo and novel studies

policy scenarios andcommunication strategies

use a common basisuse compatible GIS etc.

avoid overlaps, use outputs ofone study as input to the other

build compatible modelsand sub-models

policy scenarios andcommunication strategies

Define study area, issues, and aims

Establish integration core team, define “integrators”

Figure 4.1 A framework for integration. Literature review

Integration exercises require information from the sectoral assessments, and areintended to address the indirect implications of climate change. These data requirementsare best articulated early in the research design phase of the country study. Therefore, itis important to find out what has been done so far in climate impact research in thecountry. An integrated assessment would best try to build on the findings of earlierimpact research, and attempt to draw on the acquired expertise. If little impact researchhas been conducted, it would be advisable to conduct sectoral studies, and place these inan integrative framework right from the start.

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4-6 Issue focus

In a climate impact assessment, the problems of interest are climate-sensitive aspects ofecosystems, resource management, resource extraction operations, or infrastructuremaintenance. It is helpful to make the issues clear to the IA’s participants, so that theyknow what questions they are trying to address. One aim of an IA may be to ensure thatclimate change is taken into consideration in areas in which policy is normally made orhas been made for some time without considering climate change as a factor. Thesecould include the implications of climate change for interjurisdictional watermanagement; sustainability of lifestyles; sustainability of ecosystems; economicdevelopment (primarily resource-based sectors such as energy, agriculture, forestry,tourism, fisheries); land use allocation/zoning; and maintenance of transportationfacilities and networks. If specific regional or national targets are identified for the IA,then it is better done as early as possible, so that more time is available to tailor thestudy to this aim. An IA may also more modestly aim at acquiring a coherentunderstanding of the impact of climate change, including the interactions between thevarious sectors and systems. Study area

The choice of boundaries may depend on the choice of policy targets. For a countrystudy, the choice of boundary is already defined (although, say, international com-modity markets or internationally shared water resources may also be of interest).Defining units within the country (e.g., grids, cells) is another matter, and there areseveral options. It is usually easier to divide a country by administrative units orcollections of units because of availability of economic data (e.g., counties, states/provinces, planning regions), and because decision making power is vested in suchunits. There are also advantages to selecting ecological zones (e.g., forest, grassland,coastal zone) or watersheds. The latter are particularly well suited as integrators ofvarious environmental and resource issues (e.g., navigation, water supply, hydroelectricpower production, freshwater habitat, tourism), and often include interjurisdictionalconcerns which may be a source of conflict between neighbouring jurisdictions. It maybe more appropriate to select watersheds rather than administrative units if watermanagement is identified as a policy target for the IA. Of course, the roles of differentadministrative units in the watershed should then be part of the study. The design of thestudy would have to be adapted to these non-administrative boundaries (e.g., using datafor census divisions instead of states/provinces to construct an economic model). Integration targets

Three levels of ambition are mentioned above: consistent scenarios and data bases,consistent sectoral studies, and integration, including feedbacks. In addition, an IA maywant to place the impacts of climate change in a broader context, for instance, byinvolving the relevant stakeholders in the analysis. Obviously, the goal determines the

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approach and the resources required for success, although available resources mayconstrain both goal and approach.

It is advisable to work from the more modest goals to the more ambitious ones. First,this allows for experience and capacity to be built up before addressing the moredifficult task of integrated assessment. Second, should things develop less well thanplanned (e.g., available funds are less than anticipated, or difficulties arise in theconduct of the analysis), at least some goals will have been achieved. However, whenstarting modestly, the ambitious end-goal should always be borne in mind, so thatpragmatic choices in the short term do not preclude the achievement of larger, long-termgoals. Integration core team

A project leader should be able to maintain a sufficiently long-term commitment to theIA. The project leader will be able to manage better if he or she has experience inclimate impacts or environmental impacts research, or is familiar with regional issueswhich may be sensitive to climate. Alternatively, a team of leaders can be established.

Leadership is important, because co-ordination is needed between people who are notused to working together, and do not necessarily want to work together. The integrationcore team will need to do more than just keeping people together. Much commongroundwork is needed, with regard to data, scenarios, software, and so on. Integrators

It is often useful to define one or more integrators. An integrator is a system or resourcethat acts as an organising or binding principle in an integrated analysis. Goodintegrators connect to a substantial number of other sectors and systems, and are ofprominent interest in their own right. Examples are the tourist sector on a tropicalisland, or a river in a watershed. The tourist sector is often a major income earner, andchanges in sea level, hurricane incidence or intensity, water resources, and local agri-culture would each affect the profitability of the sector. A river connects natural andmanaged ecosystems, industry, and households in their use of water and their use of theriver as a discharge channel of various substances. The idea is to establish a “family” ofintegrators in which various approaches become research targets (Section forthe sectoral activities within the program. It should be possible, for example, to set up aregional or country study in which a cost-benefit model, settlement development survey,and land assessment framework are all used, since each addresses different questionsand can actually complement one another. Regional or national development plans canalso serve as integrators, since they are expressions of the various trade-offs made bygovernments and other stakeholders, accounting for the domestic natural resource baseand external economic forces.

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An alternative type of integrator is a common unit of measuring impacts. Advantages ofcommon units are that impacts across sectors and systems can be aggregated, andperhaps compared to other issues (e.g., air pollution, greenhouse gas mitigation). Dis-advantages are that crucial information may get lost, and that sometimes crude anddebatable assumptions need to made to express impacts in the chosen unit. The mostusual metric for common units is money. Money is used to express trade-offs betweenvaluable goods and services that are traded on markets. There are techniques to esti-mate the monetary values of goods that are not traded, or are implicitly traded. Thesehave been applied to climate change impacts (Pearce et al., 1996). Because of the greatuncertainties and many assumptions, the results of such exercises should be interpretedwith great care, particularly in economies which are not full commercialised.

4.3.2 Consistency in scenarios and data

It is important to try to establish coherence and consistency between sectoral impactstudies. Comparability of results will be greater if studies investigate the same scenarios(for climate, population, economics, and so on) and use the same reference year, thesame units, and consistent data bases.

A set of climate and socio-economic scenarios should be identified as early as possible.The climate scenarios can be derived from climate model simulations, analogues, orhypothetical cases (see Chapter 3). The socio-economic scenarios should includepopulation growth, technological changes, and potential economic and political changesthat would be important to the region or country of interest over the time period of theclimate scenario (see Chapter 2). Scenario characteristics will be regionally unique (dueto landscape, history, cultural factors, etc.), providing the context that enables the IA todetermine whether or not the impacts of climate change could be significant.

Scenario data are usually needed in a quantitative form, particularly if they are used asinputs to models employed within sectoral and integration activities. In some studycomponents, scenario data will not be needed as direct input because the investigatorswill be interested in the estimated sectoral impact from a qualitative perspective (e.g.,community responses, legal dimensions). Qualitative scenarios would also suffice forimpact studies based on expert judgement.

Recall that consistent scenarios and data bases are the minimum requirements for inte-gration. In most country studies, this type of coherence was part of the overall studydesign. When starting a new study, it is readily enforced because this type of integrationalso saves work.

4.3.3 Consistency between sectors, systems, and regions

Sectoral impact studies would be somewhat consistent if the same resource is not as-sumed to be used by two sectors at the same time, and if climate-induced changes in onesector are included in the study of another sector. For example, water consumed or land

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occupied by a forest cannot also be consumed or occupied by agriculture. Climate-induced changes in vegetation upstream of a river would affect run-off downstream.Establishing such consistency requires that sector studies be conducted in a co-ordinated fashion. It is may be possible that a qualitative, expert amendment to lessstrictly co-ordinated results would suffice. It is advisable that this be accompanied byin-depth discussions between the sectoral experts. The reasons are that all the subtletiesof the interactions between the sectors should be brought to the fore, and that mutualunderstanding and appreciation need to be developed to make further steps a success.

Severe overlaps and inconsistencies between sector studies need to be prevented. Stand-alone sector studies would do too much or too little, or would deviate too much fromeach other. Examples of overlaps are agricultural/ecological and hydrological modelsboth calculating run-off; models of managed and unmanaged ecosystems including thesame biomes (e.g., semi-managed forests, extensively grazed grasslands); or studiesfocusing on different aspects of the same thing (e.g., wildlife versus game for sporthunting/tourism). Examples of possible inconsistencies between sector studies arevariables incorrectly held constant (e.g., quality of irrigation water, health status oflabour force) and resources that are an inherent part of the sectors (other than mereinput or outputs; examples are, again, land and water but also prices). As stated,overcoming such overlaps and inconsistencies requires co-ordination. The nature ofsuch co-ordination is that agricultural scientists and hydrologists do their analysistogether. Interdisciplinary co-operation implies that a mutual understanding is devel-oped, including long discussions about semantics and paradigms. It also implies thatadjustments, perhaps even concessions, need to be made. Therefore, integration requiresgood leadership.

Integration also implies considerable learning about other disciplines and novel chal-lenges for the own discipline. The latter arise from the fact that certain elements can nolonger be taken for granted, such as exogeneity of agricultural land use in watermanagement, or the seniority of agriculture’s water rights. In practice, avoiding overlapmeans that one sector needs to yield part of the analysis to another sector. In return,boundary conditions on that part are delivered by the other sector. For instance, whencoupling an ecosystem model with a hydrological model, only one of the two cancalculate run-off. Preference should be given to the sector that best represents theoverlapping part. “Best” could be interpreted as in closest accordance with obser-vations, the disciplinary state of the art, or the targets set for the IA. If, for instance,there is a strong interest in floods, and only one of the two models addresses floods,then the choice should be for that model. If, on the other hand, the two alternativemodels have similar output variables, but one has known deficiencies, then the choiceshould be for the other model. Avoiding inconsistencies may also require that part of thesectoral analysis be left to other disciplines, using other methods, models, or data.Ensuring consistency may also require that part of the original analyses be extended toinclude typically overlooked issues. Returning to the run-off example, a hydrologicalmodel may well have a better representation of water flows, but an ecosystem modelmay well have a better representation of water use by plants and how that reacts tochanging ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide. The extended hydrological model

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would then have the water supply and demand of a responsive ecosystem, in contrast tothe static representation in standard hydrological models.

4.3.4 Integrated impact assessment

The difference between integration of sectors and consistency between sectors is that, inthe former case, sectoral analyses are purportedly designed to feed into the integration,rather than adjusted. The aim is to establish a consistent and comprehensive overviewof the impact of climate change on a particular region (e.g., an island, the coastal zone,a watershed, or the whole country) or a particular system or sector (e.g., land use ortourism), inclusive of the most important feedbacks between sectors. This is a majorexercise. It can fail if a clear need or a firm commitment is lacking. It is best to startwith an analysis of the system. What are the components? What are the links? What arethe issues? With such ambitious goals, it is essential to have clearly and firmlyestablished a family of integrators. The purpose of integrators is to provide structure tothe analysis. A clear structure is important because, to most of those involved,integrated analysis is something new.

After the structure of the integrated analysis has been determined, a description isneeded of the components, of the interactions between the components, particularly theinputs and outputs of each components, and of the type of analysis or model that wouldget one from the given inputs to the required outputs. Such analyses or models may beavailable. If so, these can be applied. Otherwise, these will have to be developed as partof the integration. Note that only at this stage does the full scope of the integratedanalysis and the required resources become clear, so that only at this stage can the finalwork programme and budget be made.

Physical, biological, and socio-economic studies, focusing on one sector or discipline,provide important information in their own right. In an IA, however, these activitiesalso provide input to a new set of “clients”—the integrators. The information needs ofthe resource accounting model, land assessment framework, community developmentcomponent, or legal dimensions component are quite different from those of a colleaguewithin a discipline related to that of the investigator.

The integrated analysis can be done in several ways, ranging between two extremes. Atthe one extreme is soft-linking. At the other extreme is integrated modelling. Soft-linking means that all component analyses are stand-alone, linked through input andoutput variables, joint scenarios, and combined results. Note that soft-linking does notimply lack of structure or co-ordination. Rather, each component analysis performs itstask (whether modelling or stakeholder analysis) within strictly described (and enforced)boundary conditions. At the other extreme, integrated modelling combines allcomponents into a single computer code, describing the entire system. Hard-linking ofmodels lies between soft-linking and integration. Hard-linked models are part of a singlecomputer code, but are recognisable as separate models and could in principle run in astand-alone version. Integrated models, on the other hand, are no longer recognisable asseparate entities and cannot run without the whole model. Note that soft-linking is the

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only way to include methods other than computer models. Soft-linking may, forinstance, be done by linking expert judgements in an expert panel.

4.3.5 The role of stakeholders

The crucial difference between an integrated analysis and an integrated assessment isthat an assessment has a clear policy dimension. This difference comes to the fore in thedesign of the assessment, which should be done in a collaborative effort of scientists,policy-makers, and stakeholders. It also comes to the fore in the presentation of theresult, which should be to a scientific audience, a lay audience, and a policy audience. Itmay also come to the fore in the construction of scenarios, particularly those elementswhich involve decisions. An essential element of an integrated assessment is that light isshed on real-life questions (rather than academic problems) in a way that iscomprehensible and acceptable to those that have a stake in the issue to be addressed.

A key element to IA in its role to provide a broader context and perspective is thatscientists and stakeholders work together on a common set of issues. Complexitiesincrease as more questions are answered. A first goal of IA is to study the potentialimpacts of climate change on resources and resource uses, the “what-if” question: e.g.,How does climate change affect agriculture? This is primarily an activity ofresearchers, although lay people may also hold considerable knowledge about particularparts, e.g., water and land use management practices. A second goal of IA is to studythe policy implications of the estimated impacts, the “so-what” question: e.g., How dochanges in agriculture affect food security? This means evaluation; that is, the projectedoutcomes are compared with the aspirations of citizens, government, etc. Here,stakeholders (government agencies, non-government organisations, businesses) mayplay a dominant role: researchers should act only as informants and citizens.Alternatively, a specialist may try to measure human preferences, which are implicitlyrevealed in everyday decisions, and evaluate the implications based on that. A third goalof IA is to study policy responses, the “what should be done” question. Again, this canbe done through discussion among stakeholders or through an optimisation model. Inthe latter case, it is important to select the proper objective function, reflecting the realaims of the decision makers the model seeks to advise.

4.4 Case studies

IAs have followed different paths, but all have attempted to combine information fromvarious sources to address both direct and indirect implications of scenarios of climatechange for places, rather than just individual sectors.

4.4.1 The MINK study

This study focused on the states of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas (MINK)within the US Corn Belt region. The main objective was to assess the regional economic

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implications of climate change impacts on agriculture, water resources, forestry, andenergy use for both current and projected population and adaptation technologies. Theintegration tool was a regional input-output model, IMPLAN.

This project was initiated in 1988 by the US Department of Energy to develop amethodology for regional-scale climate impact assessment. Participants includedscientists from national laboratories (co-sponsored by government and the privatesector), a non-government research organisation (Resources for the Future, RFF), and ascientific research society (Sigma Xi). The research program was done primarily by ateam of scientists from RFF over a three-year period.

The research team began by choosing a study area, and describing its climate-sensitiveattributes and vulnerabilities. It then selected the integration tool, IMPLAN, which hadjust been developed by the US Forest Service for other purposes. A climate changescenario was constructed from the 1930s Dust Bowl. A series of sectoral studies wereperformed using this historical analogue, along with estimates of CO2 enrichment.

The results of the sectoral studies were used as input to the IMPLAN model. Economicimpacts were projected to be negative. Adaptation would offset much of these losses,but some locations within the study area would still experience harsh impacts. The keyhere is the assumption of proactive adaptation by agricultural producers combined withassumed CO2 enrichment effects.

This case study was the first attempt at integrated regional assessment of a climatechange scenario. It did not include extensive stakeholder consultation but it did point theway toward a process that would enable parallel assessments of key sectors to be usedas input to an integrating tool. The result of this process was an estimate, in economicterms, of direct and indirect impacts of climate change on an agricultural region of adeveloped country. There was acknowledgement, however, of the need to consider somesynergism among the various sectoral impacts, and to extend the water resourcesassessment so that it would include the entire watershed rather than just the MINKportion. It was also suggested that environmental implications should have beenincluded (Crosson and Rosenberg, 1993; Rosenberg, 1993).

4.4.2 Egypt

In 1989-1990, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) initiated a series ofstudies to assess the potential global implications of climate change. These were gen-erally sectoral assessments of 18 developing countries. Particular attention was directedto Egypt because of the potential for serious implications for agricultural productionresulting from a combination of several climate related stresses: reduced streamflow inthe Nile River, sea level rise along the coast of the Nile Delta, and changes inavailability of arable land.

The integrated assessment of impacts on Egypt was able to use outputs from sectoralassessments that were already completed. Within the USEPA programme, there had

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been assessments of crop yield, Nile River Basin water resources, sea level rise, humanhealth, and forests. All but the last were relevant to the case study of Egypt. Thesesectoral studies had been under way for three years before the integrated assessmentexercise was initiated. The model chosen for the integrated assessment was adapted toaccept available inputs. This particular exercise took place over a two-year period thatpartially overlapped the initial activities.

Participants in the sectoral assessments included academics from the United States andEgypt, government scientists from Egypt, and researchers at the International Institutefor Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. These same individuals were broughtinto the integrated assessment team. After the analysis was completed, a meeting washeld in Cairo with stakeholders to review and discuss the results.

The study area and impacts issues were identified near the end of the sectoral assess-ments. The choice of integration tool was a model of Egyptian agriculture, the EgyptianAgricultural Sector Model (EASM). It was modified to accept as inputs the resultsfrom the sectoral studies. This approach is different from MINK in that the sectoralstudies were essentially completed before the integrated assessment began.

In this case, there were four climate change scenarios, all based on outputs from climatemodels. The studies of Nile flow and crop yields were based on these same scenarios.The sea level rise projection was based on an arbitrary selection using information fromthe IPCC.

Proactive adaptations in water resources, irrigation and agricultural technology, andcoastal defences were assessed. The findings were that these would only partially offsetthe negative impacts of climate change, and at a very high cost. This analysisdemonstrated that the interactions of these various sectoral impacts led to a differentpicture of agricultural losses than the analysis of direct impacts on crop yields alone.Climate-induced changes on the world market for agricultural products proved parti-cularly important (Strzepek et al., 1994, 1995, 1996; Yates and Strzepek, 1996).

4.4.3 Mackenzie Basin Impact Study

MBIS was a case study that assessed several climate change scenarios for north-westCanada. This was a six-year effort (one year for organisation, five years for research)supported by Environment Canada and other sponsors. This was probably the mostambitious attempt to date to perform an IA using a scientist-stakeholder collaborativeapproach. In addition, several integration exercises were attempted, rather than relyingon one integration model.

Two integration workshops were held. The first focused on the “vertical” dimensions.What were the important policy issues that might be relevant to a climate change im-pact study of this region? The second concerned “horizontal” integration, or the chal-lenge of linking scientists from different disciplines in a common framework.

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The vertical integration workshop identified policy concerns related to global warming,in effect establishing targets for study participants. The workshop resulted in theidentification of six main policy issues: inter-jurisdictional water management, sus-tainability of ecosystems, economic development, maintenance of infrastructure,limitation (mitigation) strategies, and sustainability of aboriginal lifestyles. MBISparticipants felt that assessing limitation strategies would be beyond the scope of thestudy, so it was agreed to place the various MBIS activities only within the context ofthe five remaining policy issues, which represented concerns about adaptation. It isimportant to note, however, that more than half the MBIS projects had been selectedbefore this workshop took place.

The second integration workshop identified data requirements of study participants andlinkages between the various study activities. Each investigator was asked to indicatehis or her information needs, and this was displayed in a large matrix. MBISparticipants could also use this matrix to identify potential “clients” for their work.

Despite the workshops and other activities held during this exercise, several obstacles tointerdisciplinary research became significant challenges. This affected both the transferof data between investigators and the integration process. The problems related tomismatches in software, and availability and compatibility of data. The latter problemwas made worse because data assembling started well before data requirements wereestablished.

Communicating with stakeholders was a complex challenge. There were successes withprovincial and territorial government agencies and some aboriginal organisations, butsome potential partners did not join in. Climate change is an issue embraced by someand avoided by others, depending on their mandate, jurisdiction, and perception of theimportance (or lack of importance) of the climate change issue to their concerns.

Results of the IA showed that impacts would generally be negative, particularly forecosystems, forestry, and activities dependent on stable conditions for ice and perma-frost. However, agriculture could expand. This raised new questions regarding potentialland use and economic development conflicts, and the future of aboriginal communitiesas they attempt to maintain traditional non-wage lifestyles while increasing theirparticipation in the wage economy (Cohen, 1997a,b,c).

4.4.4 Aridas

The Aridas study was conducted by an alliance between the Brazilian federal govern-ment, the state governments of Northeast Brazil, universities and non-governmentalorganisations, and the World Bank. The area of the project was the semi-arid NortheastBrazil (NEB), in particular, the country-side.

Two features were emphasised: first, how to organise an integrated process of planningfor the sustainable development of a marginal region like the NEB; and second, how to

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deal with the issues of climate variability and climate change from within the planningprocess.

The NEB is a large, underdeveloped region. The high vulnerability of the populationresults from their poverty and from the recurrent droughts that cause dramatic croplosses and unemployment crises. In regions like the NEB, decision makers are con-stantly facing pressing problems such as the need for poverty alleviation, economicgrowth, employment creation, and drought relief actions. It is difficult to call theirattention to possible future problems of climate change.

Therefore, Aridas placed climate change impacts in the context of overall developmentand present climate variability—the problem of droughts and their social, economic,and environmental impacts.

The general methodological framework was then devised in seven steps:

1. An assessment of the present state of sustainability of the region, in its social,economic, environmental, and political dimensions.

2. An assessment of present vulnerability of the region to climate variability, throughan integrated assessment of climate impact and possible societal responses.

3. A business-as-usual scenario of the sustainability of the region in the future; if thedevelopment process continues as is, the NEB will be more unsustainable in thefuture, though per capita incomes will be higher.

4. A scenario of regional climate change; the NEB will probably get more frequentand more severe droughts.

5. An assessment of vulnerability to climate variation in the future.

6. A desired scenario of sustainability in the future, based on comprehensive parti-cipation processes; the Northeasterners are looking for the establishment of a futuresociety that will be more just, equitable, and sustainable.

7. A strategy for the sustainable development of the region, including adaptation andmitigation strategies to address climate variability and change, to serve as a guide-line to future regional plans.

The Aridas recommendations have been used by several state governments in the NEB,and now in the Amazon region, to orient the preparation of sustainable developmentplans (Magalhães and Neto, 1989; Magalhães, 1992; Magalhães et al., 1994; Nobre,1994; Projeto Aridas, 1995).

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4.4.5 The Asian-Pacific Integrated Model

The Asian-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) has been developed in a collaborative effortof nine institutes in five countries in east Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Japan, SouthKorea), and the leading institute is the National Institute for Environmental Studies ofJapan. The Japanese government is the main financier in the form of research contractsand visiting fellowships to the non-Japanese institutes. The seven institutes outsideJapan have been responsible for national data collection, and jointly responsible fornational model development. In addition, all developed models and data bases have beentransferred to these institutes.

AIM integrates population, economy, emissions, concentrations, climate, and impacts.On the impact side, GCM-based climate scenarios serve as inputs to models of waterresources (Southeast Asia and Australia only), unmanaged ecosystems (whole world),malaria (whole world), and agriculture (Southeast Asia and Australia only). AIMfocuses on water supply and vegetation, malaria transmission, and crop yield potentials.The impact models are process-oriented and geographically explicit, often with greatdetail.

For example, model results for Indonesia indicate an increase from 75 to 108 millionpeople at high risk of malaria, a decrease in rice yields of 2%, and a worsening ofdrought conditions in 75% of the country. As another example, Thailand’s populationat risk of malaria is projected to remain unchanged, but rice and cassava yields couldfall by 2% and 24%, respectively, and 83% of the country may face more severedroughts (Morita et al., 1997).

The development of the AIM model has been a major research effort. It cannot berepeated with the limited funds available in a typical country study. Nevertheless, Asianinstitutes in particular should draw on the knowledge accumulated in the AIM project.

4.5 Advantages and constraints of integratedassessment

Organising and developing an integrated assessment of climate change impacts for aregion or country is a new process which has not been widely tested.

Integrated impact and adaptation assessments of long-term climate change involvemulti-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-jurisdictional collaborationand partnerships. A successful IA could lead to the establishment of new data bases anda broader network of informed scientists and stakeholders. These will have value longafter the completion of the regional or country studies. If the vertical (science-policy)and horizontal (science-science) integration components develop successfully, all partiesshould feel a sense of ownership in the results of this exercise. This would hopefullylead to a well-informed, regional- or country-scale research and policy response.

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Integrated assessments, with stakeholder collaboration, can be difficult to pursue, par-ticularly given the complex and uncertain nature of the climate change issue, the largesize of most study areas, and the lack of immediacy of climate change compared withother regional issues (e.g., deficient health care, poverty, soil degradation). It is alsoimportant to recognise that each region is unique because of its history and geography.Specific experience with that region is an important asset, and the success of this andother regional and country studies will be quite limited without collaboration outside ofinternational and federal government agencies.

Given the time and budgetary constraints which are often imposed on impacts research,researchers rarely have sufficient time to collect new data or develop new models.Research will depend on existing data bases and models for much of its work, and itwill be difficult to overcome gaps in basic information (e.g., climate, soils, vegetation,population, economic transactions). A second limitation is the difficulty in maintaininginternal consistency in a large, multi-disciplinary group (scales, assumptions, units ofmeasure) and in ensuring the compatibility of various sub-components. It may bedifficult to reach consensus on the choices of integrators, but there is no reason why acountry study should restrict itself to one particular integration exercise. Each onewould provide its own unique insights.

The following is a list of “lessons” which may be useful for those who are planning aregional or country IA of climate change impacts:

• The effort required to attract stakeholders and maintain scientist-stakeholder col-laboration cannot be underestimated. Time and resources will need to be allocatedspecifically for this purpose, but the IA will be richer for it. This will also increasethe probability of stakeholders becoming shareholders in the climate changeimpacts issue.

• The choice of study area will be influenced by political boundaries, but it is ad-vantageous to consider watersheds and other ecological boundaries as well.

• It is essential that all scenarios and assumptions are consistent across the sectoralanalyses, or integration will be hampered.

• A common data platform (e.g., for geographic information systems) should beidentified as early as possible. This may not be easy, because of previous invest-ments by participating agencies, institutions, etc., but incompatibility of dataformats may become an important obstacle to integration. A home page on WorldWide Web could be set up, but this would require additional resources, and therewould be questions of access, confidentiality, and security.

• There is no substitute for personal contact. Communication through newsletters andreports, etc., is not enough. Electronic mail will be an important asset in co-ordination and communication between personal meetings and visits, but directcontact is important, especially with stakeholders.

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• The choice of impact indicators (economic, environmental, social) should not bemade in isolation from the particular situation faced in the study region or country.The specific conditions of the study area should be taken into account whenchoosing such measures.

• There is no single best way to integrate knowledge from different disciplines.Modelling exercises should be complemented by non-model approaches, includingdirect interaction between scientists and stakeholders during all phases of theassessment. This interaction enables the study to draw on local knowledge as wellas on scientific research projects. A process that is determined by goals, not ana-lytical tools, will result in a more successful integrated assessment.


Alcamo, J. (ed). 1994. IMAGE 2.0: Integrated Modelling of Global Climate Change.Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Cohen, S.J. (ed).1997a. Mackenzie Basin Impact Study Final Report. EnvironmentCanada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.

Cohen, S.J. 1997b. Scientist-stakeholder collaboration in integrated assessment of climatechange: Lessons from a case study of Northwest Canada. Environmental Modeling andAssessment 2, 281-293.

Cohen, S.J. 1997c. What-if and so-what in Northwest Canada: Could climate change makea difference to the future of the Mackenzie Basin? Arctic 50 (4), 293-307.

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Jacoby, H.D., R.S. Eckaus, A.D. Ellerman, R.G. Prinn, D.M. Reiner, and Z. Yang. 1997.CO2 emission limits: Economic adjustments and the distribution of burdens. EnergyJournal 18 (3), 31-58.

Jacoby, H.D. and Z. Yang. 1994. Integrating scientific, economic, and ecological aspects ofglobal change. In Global Climate Change—Science, Policy, and Mitigation Strategies,C.V. Mathai, and G. Stensland (eds). Air & Waste Management Association, Boston,Massachusetts, USA, 645-653.

Kane, S., J.M. Reilly, and J. Tobey. 1992. An empirical study on the economic effects ofclimate change on world agriculture. Climatic Change 21, 17-35.

Kumar, K.S.K. and J. Parikh. 1997. Potential Impacts of Global Climate Change onIndian Agriculture (draft).

Magalhães, A.R. 1992. Understanding the implications of global warming in developingregions: The case of Northeast Brazil. In Regions and Global Warming, J. Schmandtand J. Clarkson (eds). Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 237-256.

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Magalhães, A.R., E.B. Neto, and S.S. Panegides. 1994. Projecto Aridas: Uma Estrategiade Desenvolvimento Sustentavel para o Nordeste – Documento Basico, Secretaria dePlanejamento, Orcamento e Coordenacao da Presidencia da Republica (SEPLAN),Brasilia, Brazil.

Morita, T., M. Kainuma, K. Masuda, H. Harasawa, K. Takahashi, Y. Matsuoka, J. Sun, Z.Li, F. Zhou, X. Hu, K. Jiang, P.R. Shukla, V.K. Sharma, T.Y. Jung, D.K. Lee, D.Hilman, M.F. Helmy, M. Yoshida, G. Hibino, and H. Ishii. 1997. Asian-PacificIntegrated Model (AIM). National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan.

Nobre, P. 1994. Climate and Climate Change in the Northeast. Aridas Project. Ministry ofPlanning and Budget, Brasilia, Brazil (unpublished paper).

Parry, M.L., J.E. Hossell, P.J. Jones, T. Rehman, R.B. Tranter, J.S. Marsh, C. Rosenzweig,G. Fischer, I.G. Carson, and R.G.H. Bunce. 1996. Integrating global and regionalanalyses of the effects of climate change: A case study of land use in England andWales. Climatic Change 32, 185-198.

Parson, E.A. 1995. Integrated assessment and environmental policy making. Energy Policy23 (4/5), 463-475.

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on Climate Change, J.P. Bruce, H. Lee and E.F. Haites (eds). Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 179-224.

Peres-Garcia, J., L.A. Joyce, C.S. Binkley, and A.D. McGuire. 1995. Economic impacts ofclimatic change on the global forest sector: An integrated ecological/economicassessment. In Proceedings of a Meeting on Economics of Carbon Sequestration inForestry, Bergendal, The Netherlands.

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Reilly, J.M., N. Hohmann, and S. Kane. 1994. Climate change and agricultural trade: Whobenefits, who loses? Global Environmental Change 4 (1), 24-36.

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Rosenzweig, C. and M.L. Parry. 1994. Potential impact of climate change on world foodsupply. Nature 367, 133-138.

Rotmans, J., and H. Dowlatabadi.1998. Integrated assessment of climate change:Evaluation of methods and strategies. In Human Choices and Climate Change: A Stateof the Art Report, S. Rayner and E.L. Malone (eds). Batelle Pacific NorthwestLaboratories, Washington, D.C.

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Strzepek, K.M., S.C. Onyeji, M. Saleh, and D.N. Yates. 1994. An Assessment of IntegratedClimate Change Impacts on Egypt. WP-94-48. International Institute for AppliedSystems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.

Strzepek, K.M., S.C. Onyeji, M. Saleh, and D.N. Yates. 1995. An assessment of integratedclimate change impacts on Egypt. In As Climate Changes: International Impacts andImplications, K.M. Strzepek and J.B. Smith (eds). Cambridge University Press, NewYork, pp. 180-200.

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Yates, D.N. and K.M. Strzepek. 1996. Modeling economy-wide climate change impacts onEgypt: A case for an integrated approach. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 1(3), 119-135.

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5Lead AuthorsIan Burton 1

Joel B. Smith 2

Stephanie Lenhart 2

5.1 Introduction

Adaptation refers to all those responses to climate change that may be used to reducevulnerability. (Vulnerability is susceptibility to harm or damage potential. It considerssuch factors as the ability of a system to cope or absorb stress or impacts and to“bounce back” or recover.) Adaptation can also refer to actions designed to takeadvantage of new opportunities that may arise as a result of climate change.

In assessing climate change impacts, it is imperative to take adaptation into account.Plants, animals, and humans will not simply continue on as they have without climatechange but are quite likely to modify their behaviour. Plants, animals, and ecosystemsmay migrate to new locations. Humans may change their behaviour to cope with adifferent climate (e.g., more heating/cooling, switch crops) or if necessary may migrate.To fully account for vulnerability to climate change, an assessment of impacts needs toaccount for those adaptations that are likely or even reasonable to assume to happen.Without assessment of such adaptations, the impacts researchers could well overstatethe potential negative effects of climate change. An additional reason for assessingadaptation is to inform policy makers about what they can do to reduce the risks ofclimate change.

1 Atmospheric Environment Science, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.2 Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder CO, USA.

Adaptation to ClimateChange: Theory andAssessment

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Adaptation is treated in three ways in this handbook. Section 5.2 of this chapter is atheoretical section, in which the concept of adaptation is explained in relation to both“normal” climate variability and climate change. A typology of adaptations is devel-oped at a broad generic level as an aid to the identification of adaptation measures, andthe idea of maladaptation is also introduced.

Section 5.3 provides some suggestions for the generic design of adaptation studies. Thisincludes reference to some specific techniques that have been developed and indicationwhere further information may be obtained. This is not comprehensive and willundoubtedly benefit from the practical experiences of those who seek to put thesemethods to the test, in country studies and elsewhere.

Specific adaptation measures relevant to particular economic sectors or areas of impactare discussed in each of the sectoral chapters in Part II. An attempt has been made tokeep the terminology of adaptation consistent between sectors, but the field ofadaptation to climate change is relatively new and there is at the moment no generallyaccepted consensus about the definition of terms. No doubt this will emerge as theresearch and policy debates continue.

5.2 Theoretical aspects of adaptation

The first part of this section describes the importance of adaptation as part of theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and suggestssome definitions of key concepts regarding adaptation . The remaining theoreticaldiscussion of adaptation to climate change is organised around a set of simple questionsdesigned to show what it is that is being adapted to; who or what is doing the adapting;and in what way, when, and how the adapting is being done. The section concludes witha discussion of the capacity to adapt.

5.2.1 Adaptation and maladaptation to climate change andvariability

The UNFCCC includes five clauses that specifically address adaptation as follows:

All Parties . . . shall . . . formulate, implement, publish and regularlyupdate national and . . . regional programmes containing measures tomitigate climate change . . . and measures to facilitate adequate adapt-ation to climate change (Article 4, Section 1 (b)).

The Parties should take precautionary measures to anticipate, preventor minimise the causes of climate change and mitigate its adverseeffects . . . To achieve this, such policies and measures should take intoaccount different socio-economic contexts, to be comprehensive, coverall relevant sources, sinks, and reservoirs of greenhouse gases, andadaptation (Article 4, Section 3).

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All Parties . . . shall co-operate in preparing for adaptation to the im-pacts of climate change (Article 4, Section (e)).

All Parties . . . shall . . . take climate change considerations intoaccount, to the extent feasible, their relevant social, economic andenvironmental policies and actions, and employ appropriate methods,for example impact assessment, formulated and determined nationally,with a view to minimising adverse effects on the economy on publichealth, and on quality of the environment, of projects or measuresundertaken by them to mitigate or adapt to climate change (Article 4,Section 1 (f)).

The developed country Parties and other developed Parties…shall alsoassist the developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable tothe adverse effects of climate change in meeting the costs of thoseadverse effects (Article 4, Section 4)

These references to adaptation constitute only a small part of the Framework Con-vention, which is primarily devoted to “stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations inthe atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference withthe climate system” (Article 2). It is now clear that the climate is already changing andthat the world is committed to more change before stabilisation can be reached.Adaptation is therefore of growing importance, and is likely to receive more attentionboth in the research community and in the ongoing negotiations under the Convention.

Under the Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention (negotiated at Kyoto,December 1997) a “clean development mechanism” is defined in Article 12 of theProtocol. The clean development mechanism is mainly concerned with international co-operation in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the so-called “certified projectactivities”, but the Article also provides in Clause 8 that:

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties tothis Protocol shall ensure that a share of the proceeds from certifiedproject activities is used to . . . assist developing country Parties thatare particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change tomeet the costs of adaptation.

Thus the financing of adaptation in some countries has been specifically linked to themeasures for reducing emissions.

Adaptation is a very broad concept, and as applied to climate change it can be used in avariety of ways. An impression of this variety can be sensed by reference to threedefinitions found in the recent literature. The following definitions are taken from therecent literature:

Adaptation to climate is the process through which people reduce theadverse effects of climate on their health and well-being, and takeadvantage of the opportunities that their climatic environment provides(Burton, 1992).

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. . . the term adaptation means any adjustment, whether passive, reac-tive or anticipatory, that is proposed as a means for ameliorating theanticipated adverse consequences associated with climate change(Stakhiv, 1993).

Adaptability refers to the degree to which adjustments are possible inpractices, processes, or structures of systems to projected or actualchanges of climate. Adaptation can be spontaneous or planned, and canbe carried out in response to or in anticipation of changes in conditions(IPCC, 1996).

These three definitions give a flavour of the range of ideas included under the termadaptation. It is also helpful sometimes to view complex concepts like adaptationthrough their opposites. For adaptation, this can mean its absence or something that iscontrary to it. The absence of adaptation means doing nothing to offset adverse impacts.It can mean, for example, that a particular threat has been considered together with thecosts of potential adaptive response, and that it has been considered better to do nothingand take the risk, rather than bear the costs of adaptation (cost-benefit analyses).

The notion of maladaptation refers to those actions which tend to increase vulnerabilityto climate change. It is possible to make development or investment decisions whileneglecting the actual or potential impacts of climate or climate change. Such decisionsare termed maladaptive. The concept of maladaptation applies not only to climatechange, but also to present or “normal” climate. Hence a first step in adapting toclimate change can be to stop or alter existing maladaptive processes or practices. Forexample, increased vulnerability to future climate change is being created whereproperties are being built in hazard zones such as flood plains or coastal areas that arenow subject to floods and storms.

5.2.2 What are adaptation measures?

There are potentially many adaptation measures that may be adopted in response toclimate change. The Second Assessment Report of IPCC Working Group II mentionedor described 228 different adaptation measures (IPCC, 1995).

It is useful therefore to classify adaptation measures using an overall framework. Acommonly used classification groups adaptation measures into eight categories (Burtonet al., 1993):

1. Bear losses. All other adaptation measures may be compared with the baselineresponse of “doing nothing” except bearing or accepting the losses. In theory,bearing loss occurs when those affected have no capacity to respond in any otherways (for example, in extremely poor communities) or where the costs of adapt-ation measures are considered to be high in relation to the risk or the expecteddamages.

2. Share losses. This type of adaptation response involves sharing the losses among awider community. Such actions take place in traditional societies and in the most

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complex, high-tech societies. In traditional societies, many mechanisms exist toshare losses among a wider community, such as extended families and village-levelor similar small-scale communities. At the other end of the spectrum, large-scalesocieties share losses through public relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction paidfor from public funds. Sharing losses can also be achieved through privateinsurance.

3. Modify the threat. For some risks, it is possible to exercise a degree of control overthe environmental threat itself. When this is a “natural” event such as a flood or adrought, possible measures include flood control works (dams, dikes, levees). Forclimate change, the major modification possibility is to slow the rate of climatechange by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and eventually stabilising greenhouseconcentrations in the atmosphere. In the language of the UNFCCC, such measuresare referred to as mitigation of climate change and are considered to be in adifferent category of response from adaptation measures.

4. Prevent effects. A frequently used set of adaptation measures involves steps toprevent the effects of climate change and variability. An example would be foragriculture: changes in crop management practices such as increased irrigationwater, additional fertiliser, and pest and disease control.

5. Change use. Where the threat of climate change makes the continuation of aneconomic activity impossible or extremely risky, consideration can be given tochanging the use. For example, a farmer may choose to substitute a more drought-tolerant crop or switch to varieties with lower moisture. Similarly, crop land maybe returned to pasture or forest, or other uses may be found such as recreation,wildlife refuges, or national parks.

6. Change location. A more extreme response is to change the location of economicactivities. There is considerable speculation, for example, about relocating majorcrops and farming regions away from areas of increased aridity and heat to areasthat are currently cooler and which may become more attractive for some crops inthe future (Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994).

7. Research. The process of adaptation can also be advanced by research into newtechnologies and new methods of adaptation.

8. Educate, inform, and encourage behavioural change. Another type of adaptationis the dissemination of knowledge through education and public information cam-paigns, leading to behavioural change. Such activities have been little recognisedand given little priority in the past, but are likely to assume increased importance asthe need to involve more communities, sectors, and regions in adaptation becomesapparent.

The IPCC Technical Guidelines (Carter et al., 1994) include another category ofadaptation called restoration. This is described as follows: “Restoration, which aims torestore a system to its original condition following damage or modification due toclimate”. From the perspective of adaptation as a continuous process, and as a learningprocess, the notion of restoration might even be considered as maladaptive, if by

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restoration is meant a return to a pre-existing state. Successful adaptation is more likelyto involve making changes after an event to reduce future vulnerability.

5.2.3 Adapt to what?

Knowledge of present and future climate is not by itself sufficient basis for the devel-opment of an adaptive response. Further information is needed on the likely or possibleimpacts of these changes. This in turn requires an understanding of the relationshipbetween climate (including many specific climate parameters) and socio-economicactivities, as described in Chapter 1, Getting Started.

The understanding of adaptation to climate change can be increased by investigatingadaptation to present climate as well as future climate. Adapting to present climate isnot the same as adapting to future climate change, but provided that allowances aremade for the differences, much can be learned about adaptation options and the processof their adoption. Studies of adaptation to current climate also make it clear that humanactivities are not now always as well adapted to climate as they might be. The mountinglosses from great natural disasters for example (Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1) are insubstantial part associated with extreme atmospheric events. It has been shown (Burtonet al., 1993) that these losses cannot be ascribed to the events alone but are also due tolack of appropriate human adaptation (also called human adjustment) and that lossesare in some cases being increased by maladaptation.

In the development context, therefore, a prudent adaptive response to the threat ofclimate change may be to improve adaptation to existing climate and its variability,including extreme events. Improving adaptation to current climate variability is not analternative to preparing for adaptation to longer term changes in climate. It is an ad-junct, a useful first and preparatory step that strengthens capacity now to deal withfuture circ*mstances.

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Figure 5.1 Economic and insured losses due to great natural disasters, 1960-1993, with trends extrapolated to 2000 (Source: Munich Reinsur-ance, 1994, as cited in McCulloch and Etkin, 1995).

Table 5.1. Decadal totals of economic and insured losses (billions of 1993US$) (Source: Munich Reinsurance (1994); cited in McCulloch andEtkin (1995).

Losses 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1984-1993 Last 10 years1

Economic 42.7 82.2 130.5 204.4 4.8

Insured 5.7 9.6 26.3 69.5 12.21 The losses of the last 10 years, i.e., 1984-1993 divided by the losses of the 1960s. There-

fore economic losses are 4.8 times greater and insured losses 12.2 times greater.

Source: Munich Reinsurance, 1994, as cited in McCulloch and Etkin, 1995.

5.2.4 Who and what is it that adapts?

Adaptation occurs in both natural and socio-economic systems. All species of plant andanimal life are adapted and adapting to climate, and may be expected to respondadaptively to future climate change to the extent that time allows. The more mobilespecies may be able to migrate fast enough, whereas the less mobile may be in dangerof severe impact, up to and including extinction. In some instances migration may beimpossible, as in island ecosystems or high mountain ecosystems, where the limits ofmigration are set by the height of the mountains. The adaptation of natural unmanagedecosystems does not have to be left entirely to chance. It is possible to adopt policiesand practices which assist species in adapting, for example, by designating and pro-tecting migration corridors.

By analogy, similar relationships exist in socio-economic systems. All socio-economicsectors (e.g., agriculture, forestry, water resources) are now adapted to some extent toclimate, and these adaptations have to be changed to fit the new conditions of achanging climate. This includes, for example, adaptation by farmers, by farm suppliers,by consumers of farm products, by agricultural policy makers, in short, by all thestakeholders in the agricultural system. Much the same can be said for all other socio-economic sectors. Each adapts as a whole and in its component or constituent parts.Each of these socio-economic sectors also adapt in association with other sectors.

Adaptation in socio-economic sectors is generally considered to be easier to implementwhen the investment of activity has a shorter product cycle. For example, a differentgrain crop can be planted every year, whereas tree crops require longer to replace, andforests have a life-cycle of decades to hundreds of years. Large-scale and long-termindivisible investments (such as dams, irrigation projects, coastal defences, bridges, andstorm drainage systems) can be costly to retrofit to meet new climate conditions, and soadaptation measures need to be considered in such investment decisions at an earlierstage. Long-term adaptation is therefore an ongoing process that involves ecosystems

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and socio-economic systems in their entirety. Adaptation is in effect the process ofsuccessful change or evolution. Studies of adaptation to future climate therefore need toconsider other changes as well. This is why scenarios of future climate should becomplemented with socio-economic scenarios, even though it is recognised that thissignificantly increases the uncertainty of projections (see Chapters 2 and 3).

Everything and everyone can in theory adapt. There are two purposes for impact andadaptation research. One is to provide possibilities, options, information, and under-standing that will facilitate successful adaptation; the other is to gain a better under-standing of vulnerability, i.e. the residual impacts after adaptation has been consideredand adopted where appropriate.

5.2.5 How does adaptation occur?

An important distinction is made between adaptation that may be expected to occur byitself — often called autonomous or spontaneous adaptation — and adaptation whichrequires conscious intervention or preparation, which is referred to as plannedadaptation, or adaptation strategy or policy. This distinction may be applied at differentlevels of decision making. For example, from the perspective of a Ministry ofa*griculture, autonomous adaptation may refer to those actions that farmers undertakethemselves without government intervention, such as a decision to plant a different cropor variety or to change the time of planting. From a farmer’s perspective, however, suchan action is not spontaneous but is likely to have involved some serious considerationand advance planning. Although considerable analysis can go into farm-level decisions,the main concern of this handbook is the identification and assessment of adaptationoptions at the governmental or sectoral level.

5.2.6 When does adaptation take place?

Adaptation can occur before, during, or after any external stimulus or threat. Thus it isquite possible to take adaptive measures in anticipation of climate change. Suchadaptation measures are called anticipatory or preventive adaptation (Smith, 1997).

Climate change may actually be experienced as a change in frequency or intensity ofextreme events. For example, a severe drought, flood, or windstorm may be associatedwith climate change. Measures can be taken in advance to reduce impacts or damage,including provision of additional water supplies or more economical use of remainingsupplies (in the case of drought), and steps to protect or remove vulnerable propertyfrom floods or windstorms. Hence disaster preparedness is an important component ofclimate change action plans.

Adaptation measures taken in anticipation of climate change can and usually should beharmonised with responses to current extreme events. Adaptation to extreme climaticevents in the present may or may not take account of future climate change. However,since such extreme events will be a feature of climate change in the future, it makessense to improve responses to similar events now occurring. In effect, improvingresponse to extreme climatic events in the present (reduce vulnerability, increase

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resilience, and strengthen adaptation capacity) provides a sort of training opportunityfor learning how to improve response to future climate change. The fact that manyregions now report increasing damage from climate events (extreme and not so extreme)demonstrates that current adaptation is not always as effective as it might be, and thatmaladaptive choices are being made.

Adaptation during climate change has been described as gradual, step-wise, and short-term.

Adaptation also takes place after the event. Provision of relief to the victims andmeasures to rehabilitate and reconstruct damaged property and communities are part ofthe adaptation process, not least because actions after one event may serve also aspreparation for the next occurrence. In bringing relief and rehabilitation to affectedpeople and settlements, it is important to take advantage of the opportunity to makethem less vulnerable, and to take care not to increase future vulnerability. A soundpolicy of reconstruction after extreme climatic events can thus be part of a progressiveadaptation strategy. Where the reverse occurs and greater vulnerability is created overtime, it is again appropriate to speak of maladaptation.

Adaptation after climate change impacts can be describe as reactive or corrective. Allthese terms are used at some point in the following chapters. The terminology is stillevolving and has not reached a steady state. As research proceeds and as the policydebates continue, it is possible that a more standardised terminology will emerge.

5.2.7 What capacity to adapt?

Adaptation capacity remains a large question in all discussions about the impact ofclimate change. At one end of the scale are confident assertions that human adaptivecapacity is very large and that a great deal can and will be done to reduce the impact ofclimate change by the adoption of adaptation measures (NAS, 1992; Goklany, 1995).In different climatic regions of the world, people have adapted to much greater extremesof climate, it is argued, than the scale of changes now anticipated. Since human beingshave managed to survive and prosper in such a wide range of climatic environments, itis sometimes claimed that coping with climate change will not present a difficultproblem, although it is recognised that adaptation could be costly and that the costsremain in large part unknown and unestimated.

At the other end of the scale it is argued that adaptation in socio-economic systemstakes time and might be extremely costly. Considerable expenditure could be involvedin making the necessary changes to reduce vulnerability to climate change, althoughthese costs have not been the subject of much research to date. Further, the fact thathuman communities are adapted to life across a wide range of climate conditions doesnot mean that such adaptations and the measures they involve can readily be transferredfrom region to region rapidly. The harmony of agriculture, forestry, water management,and so forth with climate conditions has been developed over decades, even centuries, ina slow, evolutionary process often involving much trial and error. Unless the projected

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pace of climate change can be slowed, there may not be enough time for many of theproposed adaptation measures to be implemented.

5.2.8 Increasing adaptive capacity

If adaptation of various kinds is to be used as an effective way of responding to climatechange, measures to increase adaptive capacity will be needed. What determinesadaptive capacity? Probably the strongest explanatory variable for adaptive capacity iswealth. The wealthier nations, as well as wealthier communities and individuals withinnations, have the resources at their disposal to seek out and pay for adaptation optionsto reduce vulnerability and to recover from adverse impacts.

Wealth by itself is not sufficient. Indeed there are circ*mstances when wealth canencourage decisions which are maladaptive in the long run, but can be profitable at theshort term. For example, the development of recreational amenities in high hazard zonessuch as exposed coastal areas or on sites subject to the risk of avalanche may increaseexposure, vulnerability, and damages. The added adaptive capacity that is theoreticallypossible with greater wealth must also be blended with scientific understanding andpublic knowledge and awareness. Scientific understanding is needed especially of thepotential impacts of climate change. Thus the answers to the question “adapt to what?”are important.

Other factors that can enhance adaptive capacity include access to information andespecially to technology and technological skills. The strengths of the institutions ofgovernment and of the private sector are also important. Another factor is the relativedistribution of health, education, and wealth. Where a society or community includes alarger number of poor, handicapped, elderly, very young, poorly educated, and diseasedor otherwise unhealthy people, then the more vulnerable it is likely to be to climatechange and the lower the adaptive capacity. Countries also differ widely in the extent towhich their economy is reliant upon climate-susceptible activities such as agriculture,forestry, or fisheries, or is poorly endowed with water resources. In general, the greaterthe degree of reliance on climate sensitive activities the greater the vulnerability toclimate change; conversely, the greater the portion of the economy in manufacturingand the service sector the lower the vulnerability.

A final, somewhat intangible, factor is the degree of flexibility in a society. Adaptationto climate change requires changes in how and where natural resources are managed.The ease with which changes can be made in management of natural resources is animportant factor in the ability of a society to adapt to climate change.

5.3 Assessment of adaptation measures

Assessment of adaptation options requires an understanding of what is meant byadaptation; what we mean by the term adaptation is described above. Assessment ofadaptation also requires evaluating how well different practices and technologies willavoid adverse climate change impacts by preventing or minimising them, by enabling a

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speedy and efficient recovery from their effects, or by taking advantage of positiveimpacts. This section addresses the evaluation of adaptation measures.

The methods described here provide a range of options that have been applied to theevaluation of climate change adaptation measures. Some options rely heavily on expertjudgement and have limited data needs, whereas others involve quantitative analysis andrequire more resources.

In general, an approach to estimate (in either qualitative or quantitative terms) both thecosts of implementing a measure and the potential benefits from doing so is needed.Benefits can be thought of as climate change impacts (or damages) avoided or positiveeffects taken advantage of. Thus, such an assessment relies heavily on the techniquesdescribed in the sectoral chapters of this handbook for assessing the impacts of climatechange. The impact assessment methods need to be applied in an iterative manner inwhich total potential impacts are estimated first and then, as adaptation options areidentified, the potential impacts under adaptation are estimated. This information canthen be used to estimate the damages avoided because of adaptation. For example,climate-crop models are commonly used to identify changes in crop yields underdifferent conditions of temperature, moisture availability, and so forth. Wheresignificant declines in yield are suggested by the models, it is possible to run the sameclimate scenario with different management options or substitute crops. It has beenfound in many such studies that farm-level adaptation (changing cultivars or varieties ofcrop) can significantly reduce the impact of projected climate change on crop yields,and in some cases can lead to an increase in yields over present values (e.g.,Rosenzweig and Iglesias, 1994). Such modelling exercises are useful in identifying thetechnical possibilities for adaptation and the potential damages avoided. They do not bythemselves give any information on the likelihood of such adaptation options being usedor adopted or on the relative benefits of various adaptation options. Nor do they tellwhat obstacles to their adoption may exist. Thus, for most purposes, these results needto be further evaluated using the techniques described in this section.

The costs of implementing adaptation measures and attempts to rank or monetisebenefits involve a number of important considerations, but the applicable tools aregenerally those that are used to evaluate other projects or policy questions. In addition,many sources provide guidance for conducting benefit-cost analysis in the context ofproject analysis (see, e.g., Ward and Derren, 1991; Winpenny, 1991; Pearce et al.,1994; Squire and van der Tak, 1995). Other sources provide detailed guidance on howto assess environmental impacts and incorporate them in benefit-cost analysis (WorldBank, 1991; Hassan and Hutchinson, 1992; Lutz, 1993; Munasinghe, 1993; Dixonet al., 1994; Weiss, 1994; ADB, 1996). To select the appropriate assessment methods,a country needs to consider the following criteria:

1. How well the method addresses the goals and objectives of the assessment (e.g., thelevel of precision needed for decision making, the usefulness of the tool for buildingconsensus).

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2. The ability of the method to address uncertainties (e.g., related to the magnitude ofimpacts, the timing and spatial pattern of impacts, the effectiveness of adaptationmeasures, and future socio-economic conditions).

3. The availability of inputs (e.g., data from impact assessments, socio-economic data,cost estimates).

4. The availability of resources (e.g., time, expertise, money).

This section reviews a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches for weighing thetrade-offs among adaptation measures. Many of these options can be used in com-bination. Each method is described and evaluated here against the four criteria listedabove, and the results of this evaluation are summarised in a matrix at the end of thissection.

5.3.1 Forecasting by analogy

Empirical investigations of adaptation to present-day climate variability or to climateevents in the past provide insights into the process of adaptation and the conditionsneeded for its successful promotion. Forecasting by analogy looks at events that havehad a similar effect in the recent past to the likely impact of future events associatedwith climate change. The assumption is that lessons can be learned from such pastexperience and applied to future situations (Glantz, 1988).The following is a broadoutline for the design of studies of current adaptation to climate variability or of pastanalogues for future climate changes.

• Identify from climate scenarios the climate changes which are likely to have a sig-nificant impact on the country or region. For example, this may be sea level rise (associated with coastal flooding, strong winds, and salt-water intrusion), or achange in the temperature/ precipitation regime (associated with an increase in thefrequency and intensity of droughts or storms).

• Review recent experience in managing responses to climatic/hydrometeorologicalevents that correspond to the changes under climate change scenarios. Where thereis no local experience of response to such changes or events, examples may besought in other, similar places.

• For the chosen events, examine the instrumental record to obtain an up-to-datepicture of the trends in occurrence, including any changes in magnitude, frequency,duration, or location. It is important to evaluate how the selected events compare toexpected events under climate change.

• For the chosen events, conduct a survey and analysis of the actions taken, drawingas appropriate upon the discussion of types of adaptation in this chapter. The ob-jective of assembling information on adaptation actions is to permit an analysis oftheir effectiveness in reducing impacts. Such an analysis could be directed to actualadaptation responses that have been tried, and also to other possible action which

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have been proposed but not used. The detailed design of any such study dependsupon local circ*mstances.

Level of Precision. This approach does not provide a method to weigh the trade-offsamong different adaptation options, rather it provides insights into how the adaptationprocess may work. The advantage of this approach is that it relies on actual humanresponses to past events. However, there are many uncertainties related to how econo-mic and social events may differ in the future, thus leading to potentially differentoutcomes.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. This approach requires the use of expert judgement tocarefully select analogue scenarios, assess how uncertainties may affect the findings,and interpret the results in a manner that will be useful to decision makers.

Input Needed. To apply this approach, the experts will need to access a wide range ofdata and expertise related to past events. Preparing this type of study usually involvesthe relevant research community of climatologists, meteorologists, hydrologists, ento-mologists, epidemiologists, and the like. The organisation of such a study often requiresthe co-operation of an interdisciplinary and multi-agency group or task force. Stepsmay be needed to bring such a group together and to involve them in the design of thestudy.

Resource Requirements. The resources needed to apply this approach will vary de-pending on the effort devoted to developing a sufficiently detailed understanding of pastevents to guide future planning and decision making. This effort is likely to be moreresource intensive than some of the other available methods, and usually would beconducted in conjunction with one or more of the methods that allow for a directcomparison of potential adaptation options.

5.3.2 Screening to identify anticipatory adaptation measures

A formal approach for applying expert judgement to screen adaptation measures isincluded in the US Country Studies Program’s Steps in Preparing Climate ChangeAction Plans: A Handbook (Benioff and Warren, 1996). The approach focuses onanticipatory adaptation measures (i.e., options that can be implemented now to addressclimate change). In this approach, each measure is evaluated against six suggestedcriteria; however, other criteria may be used.

This approach relies heavily on expert judgement. Expert judgement can be used todevelop a preliminary evaluation of various adaptation measures or to identify measuresfor further research. In addition, approaches that rely on expert judgement are oftenuseful for involving decision makers and key stakeholders and can be used to buildconsensus. However, it is important to recognise that in applying these approaches it ispossible to tailor a case to make a certain strategy appear to be better than others.Therefore, justification of each decision that relies on expert judgement should beprovided.

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Level of Precision. Given an adequate understanding of potential vulnerability, plan-ning and policy objectives, and the relative level of effort associated with variousadaptation options, experts can conduct a screening that will be useful for generalplanning or for establishing research priorities. However, it is likely that in many casesthis approach will not provide the level of detail needed to support the implementationof adaptation measures that involve investments in resources or political capital.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. This method does not include any formal provisionsto explicitly consider uncertainties in the assessment. It is left to the experts to weighuncertainties.

Input Needed. The experts will need to be familiar with the results of the impact as-sessment, potential changes in socio-economic conditions in the absence of climatechange, current planning or investment initiatives, relative costs and benefits of meas-ures, implementation barriers, and other adaptation or mitigation policies.

Resource Requirements. The resources need for this method are relatively modest. Thisis the simplest approach, the least time consuming, and the least costly. Depending onthe level of expertise available and the effort made to build consensus, this approachcould require an investment of as little as a few hours to a few days for one to severalindividuals.

5.3.3 Tool for environmental assessment and management

The Tool for Environmental Assessment and Management (TEAM) was developed byDecision Focus, Inc. (DFI, 1996) for the US Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) as a user-friendly software package to assist decision makers in evaluatingstrategies for adapting to climate change. TEAM uses a multi-criteria approach to helpplanners recognise a wide range of decision criteria and set priorities among objectives.This approach does not necessarily identify an “optimal” adaptation option, but ratherrequires the analyst to draw a conclusion by looking at the Awhole picture”. Theadvantage of TEAM is that it provides an interactive format to help structure and definethe decisions under consideration.

The TEAM software includes components on coastal resources, water resources, andagriculture, as well as a generic assessment component. The software asks the user toenter information through a guided question-and-answer sequence and then uses amenu-driven graphic presentation of results for the evaluation of adaptation options.The user selects specific “strategies” or adaptation options and criteria and then assignsa relative score (excellent, good, fair, and poor) for how each strategy meets eachcriterion. In addition to qualitative rankings, the user has the option to enter absolutedata for each strategy (e.g., dollar amounts).

The TEAM software requires an IBM-compatible 386 PC with a 3.5" disk drive and amouse. To run TEAM, the user also needs Microsoft Windows (Version 3.1 or higher)and Microsoft Excel (Version 5.0c).

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Level of Precision. The results provided by this method are relative and do not neces-sarily identify a single preferred option, but allow the user to consider multiple criteria.This method is very flexible in the level of effort required and, consequently, the level ofprecision provided by results. For example, this method can be used to quickly generateresults based on expert judgement or can be used in conjunction with detailed benefit-cost analyses to incorporate multiple criteria. In presenting results, it is important tohighlight the subjective nature of relative rankings to ensure that quantitative scoringdoes not imply a level of precision that is unwarranted.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. This method allows the analyst to quickly and easilyadjust relative scoring or to weight various criteria to test the sensitivity of the analysisto uncertainties, and thus to develop a range of potential results.

Input Needed. The experts will need to be able to develop relative rankings of howselected measures compare to selected criteria. This will require familiarity with theresults of the impact assessment, potential changes in socio-economic conditions in theabsence of climate change, current planning or investment initiatives, and relative costsand benefits of measures, implementation barriers, and other adaptation or mitigationpolicies.

Resource Requirements. The resources needed for this method can be relatively modest,but depend on the level of effort that goes into developing the relative rankings ofdifferent measures. The more effort that goes into evaluating how the options performagainst specific criteria the more precise the results will be. It may only take a fewhours to complete an initial analysis using the TEAM software. However, the effort toprovide necessary information to the experts involved, build consensus amongstakeholders, and develop a format for presenting the results of this analysis couldrequire an investment of a few days to several months.

5.3.4 Adaptation decision matrix

The Adaptation Decision Matrix (ADM) is presented in the US Country StudiesProgram’s Steps in Preparing Climate Change Action Plans: A Handbook (Benioffand Warren, 1996). This approach uses a decision matrix to analyse the cost-effec-tiveness of adaptation options by comparing costs measured in dollars with benefitsmeasured in a common metric, but not necessarily monetary units.3 This approach isuseful when many important aspects of a decision cannot be easily monetised.

Level of Precision. The advantage of this approach is that it provides a way to identifythe most preferred measure for reaching a goal and incorporates multiple criteria orobjectives. However, it does not obviate the need for detailed research and analysis to

3 This approach differs somewhat from the description of cost-effectiveness analysis inSection 5.3.6 because in the ADM method the estimate of benefits is usually subjective andcombines several different types of benefit attributes, whereas in cost-effectiveness analysiseither the benefits or the costs are fixed and a measure of effectiveness is developed ( suchas monetary units per lives saved).

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provide a basis for evaluating the adaptation measures against the criteria of interest.Without such detailed analysis, the scoring may be mainly subjective and thus notnecessarily reliable for policy making.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. Similar to the TEAM software, this method allowsthe analyst to quickly and easily adjust relative scoring or to weight various criteria toconduct sensitivity tests and develop a range of potential results.

Input Needed. The experts will need to be able to (1) develop either qualitative orquantitative estimates of how measures compare to selected criteria and (2) estimate thecost of implementing such measures. It is important to note that to evaluate relativecost-effectiveness the metric used to estimate benefits must be the same across allcriteria. Developing such estimates will require familiarity with the results of the impactassessment, potential changes in socio-economic conditions in the absence of climatechange, current planning or investment initiatives, and relative costs and benefits ofmeasures, implementation barriers, and other adaptation or mitigation policies.

Resource Requirements. Similar to the TEAM software, the resources needed for thismethod depend on the level of effort that goes into developing the benefit and costestimates for different measures. Depending on the level of expertise, informationavailable, and desire to build consensus, this approach could require an investment ofonly a few days to several months.

5.3.5 Benefit-cost analysis

Unlike cost-effectiveness analysis and multi-criteria assessment, benefit-cost analysiscan be used to determine whether an individual adaptation response is economicallyjustified (i.e., are its benefits greater than its costs?) The other evaluations can be usedto rank responses but not to determine whether they should be undertaken at all.

A benefit-cost analysis involves essentially two steps: identifying and screening benefitsand costs to be included in the analysis, and converting them to monetary units whenpossible. No economic analysis is able to account for every benefit and cost, butincluding all important benefits and costs is key to a valid analysis. The followingdescription of benefit-cost analysis is adapted from Smith et al. (1997).

A methodical identification and screening analysis is useful for ensuring that all po-tentially important types of benefits and costs have been considered. Using lists ofpotential climate change impacts and possible adaptation measures, applicable benefitor cost categories can be identified. The identification and screening process providesthe foundation for an economic evaluation of adaptation measures. Economic evalua-tion consists of quantifying and valuing the benefits and costs. Quantification entailsmeasuring the benefits and costs in terms of their physical effects on market systemsand non-market systems. Valuation entails converting the magnitude of each benefit orcost from physical units to monetary units.

Level of Precision. This method can be used to develop detailed and robust analyses ofadaptation measures. However, this approach can be highly resource intensive,

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particularly when primary research is undertaken. As an alternative, expedited evalua-tion methods when carefully applied are very useful, particularly within the context ofproject evaluation. However, expedited methods are not generally as precise or tech-nically defensible as primary research. In some cases, expedited evaluations will not beof sufficient technical quality or comprehensiveness to provide an accurate perspectiveof a measure’s overall merits and faults.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. This method is amenable to a variety of techniques toaddress uncertainties (see Section 5.3.7).

Input Needed. The analysts will need to be able to develop qualitative and quantitativeestimates of the costs and benefits associated with an adaptation measure. Developingsuch estimates involves having the right types of data, technical expertise, and profes-sional judgement about the use of prices or the development of more appropriatemeasures of welfare. It also will require familiarity with impact assessments, futuresocio-economic baselines, and similar measures that have already been implementedeither in the current areas of interest or in a comparable geographic region. Limitationsin available data can prevent the useful application of this method.

Resource Requirements. This method is relatively resource intensive and depends onthe availability of sufficient time, budget, and expertise to undertake a detailed analysis.Expedited evaluation methods include a range of techniques and practices that requirefewer resources; however, even these expedited techniques are generally more resourceintensive than methods that rely on expert judgement. Depending on the level ofexpertise and information available, this approach could require an investment ofseveral months to several years.

5.3.6 Cost-effectiveness analysis

Cost-effectiveness analysis is a variation of cost-benefit analysis in which eitherbenefits or costs are fixed. This method is applicable when it is difficult to quantify andmonetise benefits. In such cases, it may be possible to compare adaptation measures bydetermining their cost differences for achieving a fixed level of effectiveness.

Level of Precision. If the goals of the assessment are amenable to this type of analysis,this method can be used to develop results with sufficient precision for decision making.However, because benefits and costs are measured in different units, cost-effectivenessanalysis provides no direct guidance when it is unclear whether the total benefit from anadaptation measure justifies the total cost, or when the optimal budget level for anadaptation measure is unclear.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. The sensitivity of results generated using this methodcan be tested by varying the fixed value (benefits or costs). In addition, a variety oftechniques may be used to address uncertainties (see Section 5.3.7).

Input Needed. Because benefits will need to be quantified only in a common metric(rather than monetised), the input needs for this method are somewhat less burdensomethan those for benefit-cost analysis. However, as in benefit-cost analysis, developing

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quantitative estimates of benefits will require familiarity with impact assessments,future socio-economic baselines, and similar measures that have already beencompleted either in the current area of interest or in a comparable geographic region.

Resource Requirements. Although this method is somewhat less resource intensive thanbenefit-cost analysis, it still requires a considerable commitment of time and resources.Depending on the level of expertise and information available, this approach couldrequire an investment of several months to several years.

5.3.7 Approaches for addressing uncertainty and risk

Analysis of climate change adaptation measures involves a number of analytical chal-lenges, including scientific uncertainties, economic uncertainties, data limitations, andthe need to evaluate issues that may not readily be conceived of in monetary terms. Thefollowing approaches can be used, in conjunction with quantitative analyses ofadaptation measures, to address uncertainty and risk (adapted from Hurd et al., 1997,and Hobbs et al., 1997).

1. Sensitivity analysis. This is the process of determining whether varying inputvalues significantly alters the output value (net benefits). In other words, deter-mining whether the decision has characteristics that suggest that climate change (orother sources of uncertainty) could be relevant.

2. Use of scenarios. This approach is generally used for climate parameters, but it canalso be used for other areas of uncertainty. It involves generating a limited set ofplausible input values and their associated outcomes (net benefits). Evaluating ameasure under both “worst case” and “best case” scenarios can illustrate whetheruncertainty is important to the final decision.

3. Switch-point analysis. This approach is used to identify the conditions that wouldbe necessary to alter a decision regarding whether or not to implement an adapta-tion measure. For example, how much would climate need to change to make anadaptation measure the preferred alternative? Or, if a decision were made assumingno climate change, but global warming occurred anyway, would the potential lossof net benefits be significant enough to alter a choice of adaptation measures? Adecision maker can then evaluate this information against subjective probabilities(e.g., how likely is it that such a climate change will occur?).

4. Decision analysis under uncertainty. This approach applies decision criteria suchas maximising the payoff by selecting the adaptation with the largest potential gain(“maximax”) or minimising the maximum regret (“minimax”) by avoiding the mostdamaging outcome to evaluate alternative measures when the probabilitiesassociated with various inputs or outcomes are unknown.

5. Decision analysis under risk. This approach use a decision criterion (e.g., maxi-mise the expected payoff) in conjunction with subjective probabilities or probabilitydistributions for the inputs of the analysis (e.g., risks, values, costs) to evaluate thepayoffs from alternative measures. This approach can be presented in a payoff

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matrix or a decision tree. If delaying implementation of adaptation measures isfeasible, the benefits of waiting a decade or longer for better information could beevaluated using Bayesian analysis (for example, see Hobbs et al., 1997).

Each of these approaches provides insight into the relevance of uncertainty in a decisionabout whether or not to implement a specific adaptation measure. The analyst can beginwith the least resource-intensive approaches (e.g., meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis)and can use the results of these analyses to determine whether more sophisticatedapproaches (e.g., probabilistic approaches) are warranted. Examples of theseapproaches can be found in the literature on quantitative analysis (e.g., Stokey andZeckhauser, 1978; McKenna, 1980; Clemen, 1990; Finkle, 1990; Morgan and Henrion,1990; Perrings, 1991; Ready, 1995; Dakins et al., 1996; Schimmelpfennig, 1996;Hobbs et al., 1997).

5.3.8 Implementation analysis

Another method that relies on expert judgement and allows for consideration of multiplecriteria is implementation analysis. Rather than evaluating the relative benefits fromdifferent adaptation measures, this method focuses on identifying the least costlymeasure (in terms of money, time, political capital, etc.). This approach is useful whenit can be assumed that the benefits of different adaptation measures will be comparable.In applying this method, the analyst identifies any implementation barriers andevaluates how difficult or easy it will be to overcome these barriers. A matrix can beused to identify barriers, actions to overcome the barriers, what time and financialresources are required, and the degree of difficulty (i.e., a summary of the other criteria)in overcoming the barriers. A three-point rating system can be used in which one Xrepresents the barrier easiest to overcome and three Xs represent those most difficult toovercome. The results from the analysis of barriers can be used to adjust rankings ofmeasures developed from a benefit-cost analysis, an ADM analysis, or a TEAM multi-attribute analysis. However, if the barriers are only a matter of cost, the estimated costsof overcoming the barriers can be entered directly into the evaluation of adaptationoptions. The IPCC’s (1990) Report of the Coastal Zone Management Subgroup:Strategies for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise provides a description of potentialenvironmental, economic, social, legal, and institutional barriers to adapting to sea levelrise (this report also groups sea level rise adaptation options in three categories, retreat,accommodate, and protect, and describes how the potential barriers differ between thesegroups).

Level of Precision. This approach is useful when benefits can be assumed to be positiveand comparable among a set of adaptation measures. The level of precision provideddepends on the effort spent in estimating the requirements for overcoming barriers, andthis approach will not necessarily identify a single preferred measure.

Ability to Address Uncertainties. This method does not include any formal provisionsto explicitly consider uncertainties in the assessment. It is left to the experts to weighpotential uncertainties.

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Input Needed. The experts will need to be able to develop qualitative or quantitativeestimates of what it would take to overcome identified barriers to implementation.Developing such estimates will require familiarity with similar implementation effortsthat have already been completed either in the area of interest or in a comparablegeographic region.

Resource Requirements. The resources needed for this method depend on the level ofeffort that goes into developing the estimates for overcoming implementation barriersassociated with different measures. Depending on the level of expertise, informationavailable, and desire to build consensus, this approach could require an investment ofonly a few days to several months.

5.3.9 Summary of selected methods

A summary of selected methods, selection criteria, and references is provided in Table5.2.

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Table 5.2 Summary of selected methods

Method Level ofPrecision

Ability toAddressUncertainties

Inputs Needed ResourceRequire-ments


Forecasting byAnalogy

Low No formalprovisions.

Detailedhistorical orcontemporaryaccount

Moderate Glantz,1991

Screening Low No formalprovisions

Expertise tomake a yes/noevaluationagainst selectedcriteria

Low BenioffandWarren,1996

Tool forEnvironmentalAssessmentandManagement

Moderate Assumptionscan easily bemodified totest sensitivity

Expertise toestablish arelative rankingagainst selectedcriteria;computer andsoftware

Moderate DFI, 1996

AdaptationDecision Matrix

Moderate Assumptionscan easily bemodified totest sensitivity

Expertise toestablish arelative rankingagainst selectedcriteria, abilityto estimatecosts ofmeasures

Moderate BenioffandWarren,1996


High Variety ofapproaches

Data intensive High Smith etal., 1997


Useful wheneitherbenefits orcosts arefixed

Variety ofapproaches

Moderately dataintensive

High McKenna,1980


Useful whenbenefits canbe assumedto bepositive andcomparableamongmeasures

No formalprovisions

Expertise toestimaterequirementsfor overcomingbarriers

Low ADB,1996;IPCC,1990


ADB. 1996. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. Vol. 1 and II. AsianDevelopment Bank, Manila, Philippines.

Benioff, R. and J. Warren. 1996. Steps in Preparing Climate Change Action Plans: AHandbook. US Country Studies Program, Washington, DC.

Benioff, R., S. Guill, and J. Lee (eds). 1996. Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments:An International Guidebook. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, TheNetherlands.

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Burton, I., R.W. Kates and G.F. White. 1993. The Environment as Hazard. SecondEdition. Guilford Press, New York.

Burton, I. 1992. Adapt and Thrive. Canadian Climate Centre, Downsview, Ontario.Unpublished manuscript.

Carter T.R., M.L. Parry, H. Harasawa, and S. Nishioka (eds). 1994. IPCC TechnicalGuidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Department ofGeography, University College, London. U.K. and Centre for Global EnvironmentResearch, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan.

Clemen, R. 1990. Making Hard Decisions. Duxbury Press Belmont, California, USA.

Dakins, M.E., J.E. Toll, and M.J. Small. 1996. Risk-based environmental remediation:Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis and the expected value of sample information. RiskAnalysis 16(1), 67-79.

DFI. 1996. Tool for Environmental Assessment and Management: Quick ReferencePamphlet. Prepared by Decision Focus Incorporated in cooperation with V. Narayananof Technical Resources International and Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, USEnvironmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.

Dixon, J.A., L. Scura, R.A. Carpenter, and P.B. Sherman. 1994. Economic Analysis ofEnvironmental Impacts (2nd Edition). Published in association with ADB and theWorld Bank. Earthscan, London.

Finkle, A.M. 1990. Confronting Uncertainty in Risk Management: A Guide for Decision-Makers. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.

Glantz, M.H. 1991. The use of analogies in forecasting ecological and societal responses toglobal warming. Environment 33 (5), 10-15 and 27-33.

Glantz, M.H. (ed). 1988. Societal Responses to Regional Climate Change: Forecasting byAnalogy. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Goklany, I.M. 1995. Strategies to enhance adaptability: Technological change, sustainablegrowth and free trade. Climatic Change 30, 427-449.

Hassan, H.M. and C. Hutchinson. (eds). 1992. Natural Resource and EnvironmentalInformation for Decisionmaking. The World Bank, Washington, DC.

Hobbs, B.J., P.T. Chao, and B.N. Venkatesh. 1997. Using decision analysis to includeclimate change in water resources decision making. Climatic Change 37, 177-202.

Hurd, B., R.S. Raucher, G. Pitts, T. Ottem, R. Bishop, M. Hanemann, and D. Burmaster.1997. White Paper: Analysis of Uncertain Regulatory Benefits and Costs: Assessingthe Conceptual and Empirical Issues. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Office of Economy and Environment, Washington, DC.

IPCC. 1990. Report of the Coastal Zone Management Subgroup: Strategies forAdaptation to Sea Level Rise. Prepared by the Response Strategies Working Group ofthe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva.

IPPC. 1995. Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-TechnicalAnalyses. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. R.T. Watson, M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H.Moss (eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

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IPCC. 1966. Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change. Contribution of theWGI to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange. J.T. Houghton et al. (eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UnitedKingdom.

Lutz, E. (ed). 1993. Toward Improved Accounting for the Environment. The World Bank,Washington, DC.

McCulloch, J. and D. Etkin (eds). 1995. Proceedings of a Workshop on ImprovingResponses to Atmospheric Extremes: The Role of Insurance and Compensation. HeldOctober 3-4, 1944. Environment Canada, The Climate Institute, and the InsurersAdvisory Organization, Toronto.

McKenna C. K. 1980. Quantitative Methods for Public Decision Making. QuantitativeMethods for Management Series. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Morgan, W.G. and M. Henrion. 1990. Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertaintyin Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,United Kingdom.

Munasinghe, M. 1993. Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management inDeveloping Countries. The World Bank/CIDIE (Committee of InternationalDevelopment Institutions on the Environment), Washington, DC.

NAS, 1992. Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. National Academy of Sciences.National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Pearce, D.W. et al. 1994. Project and Policy Appraisal: Integrating Economics and theEnvironment. OECD, Paris.

Perrings, C. 1991. Reserved rationality and the precautionary principle: Technologicalchange, time, and uncertainty in environmental decision making. In EcologicalEconomics, R. Costanza (ed.), Columbia University Press, New York.

Ready, R.C. 1995. Environmental valuation under uncertainty. In Handbook ofEnvironmental Economics, D.W. Bromley (ed), Blackwell, Cambridge, Massachusetts,USA.

Rosenzweig, C. and Iglesias, A. (eds.) 1994. Implications of Climate Change forInternational Agriculture: Crop Modeling Study. EPA 230-B-94-003. USEnvironmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.

Rosenzweig, C. and M.L. Parry, 1994. Potential impact of climate change on world foodsupply. Nature 367, 133-138.

Schimmelpfennig, D. 1996. Uncertainty in economic models of climate change impacts.Climatic Change 33, 213-234.

Smit, B. 1993. Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change. Report of the Task Forceon Climate Adaptation. Canadian Climate Program Board Department of Geography,University of Guelph, Occasional Paper No. 19. Environment Canada, Downsview,Ontario.

Smith, J.B. 1997. Setting priorities for adapting to climate change. Global EnvironmentalChange 7, 251-264.

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Smith, J.B, S.E. Ragland, R.S. Raucher, and I. Burton. 1997. An Overview of Methods forAssessing Benefits and Costs of Adaptation Measures. Report to the GlobalEnvironment Facility. Hagler Bailly Services, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Squire, L. and H.G. van der Tak. 1995. Economic Analysis of Projects. The World Bank,Washington, DC.

Stakhiv, E. 1993. Evaluation of IPCC Adaptation Strategies. Draft Report. Institute forWater Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Fort Belvoir VA, USA.

Stokey E. and R. Zeckhauser. 1978. A Primer for Policy Analysis. W.W. Norton &Company, New York.

Ward, W.A. and B.J. Deren. 1991. The Economics of Project Analysis: A Practitioner’sGuide. Prepared for the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank,Washington, DC.

Weiss, J. 1994. The Economics of Project Appraisal and the Environment. Edward ElgarPublishing Company, Brookfield, Vermont, USA.

Winpenny, J.T. 1991. Values for the Environment: A Guide to Economic Appraisal.Overseas Development Institute, London.

World Bank. 1991. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook: Volumes I-III. World BankTechnical Papers 139, 140, and 154. The World Bank, Washington, DC.

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6 Water Resources

Principal Lead Author Contributing AuthorsKenneth M. Strzepek 1 J. Carmichael, USA

G.M.S. Chavula, MalawiLead Authors A.B. Chirwa, MalawiMax Campos, Costa Rica M. Mirza, BangledeshZdzislaw Kaczmarek, Poland B. Minarik, SlovakiaArturo Sanchez, Costa Rica R. Warrick, New ZealandDavid N. Yates, USA

6.1 Nature of the problem

In the water resources sector, technology, economics, and institutions interact to makewater supply meet water demand. In managing water resource systems, water managersask, “Can we modify the management of current systems to adapt to climate change?”,“How might climate change impact the design of new water resource infrastructure?”,and “Should climate change be included in our current planning?”.

The water resources sector by its nature is very adaptive, on various time and spatialscales. Also, water managers have a wealth of knowledge and experience managingunder changing hydrologic and socio-economic conditions. This experience places themin a good situation to be able to adapt the operation of their systems to a change inclimate, if that change is not too great or too rapid.

This chapter takes a comprehensive view of climate change impacts on water resources;it includes water demand and water resources management as well as water supply.Water resources management (i.e., the water supply infrastructure and operatingprocedures) is an important aspect of a climate change assessment because it is used toredistribute water supply both spatially and temporally to meet water demand. Insightscan be gained and conclusions drawn from analysing only the physical impacts on watersupply and water demand, but the focus of the approach presented here is to provide

1 Civil, Environmental and Arch Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.

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insights for decision and policy makers as to the potential impacts of climate change onthe water resources sector and the options for adaptation.

This chapter familiarises the user with the range of methods that are appropriate for (1)estimating the biophysical impacts of climate change on hydrologic resources in termsof water quantity (annual and seasonal distribution) and quality, and aquatic ecosystemeffects; and (2) estimating the socio-economic impacts of climate change on both waterdemand (including direct impacts on hydrologic resources and indirect impacts via otherbiophysical impacts) and water resources management parameters (including, but notlimited to, river runoff, reservoir yields, supply reliability, hydropower production,water use, supply/demand balances, effects and costs of adaptation, and economicimpacts with and without adaptations). The potential climate change impacts to variouscomponents of the water resources sector are summarised below.

Biophysical impacts

Hydrologic resources. The main components of the hydrologic cycle are precipitation,evaporation, and transpiration. Changes in the climate parameters – solar radiation,wind, temperature, humidity, and cloudiness – will affect evaporation and transpiration.Changes in evapotranspiration and precipitation will affect the amount and thedistribution, spatially and temporally, of surface runoff. Changes in runoff in combi-nation with sea level rise will affect streamflow and groundwater flow. Streamflow andgroundwater are considered natural water or hydrologic resources.

Water quality. All offstream water withdrawals change the chemical, biological, orthermal quality of the water during use, and when that water is released back to thestream, it can affect the water quality of the receiving water body. For water qualityand environmental protection needs, the water management system can be designed toprovide either dilution flows or wastewater treatment. Climate change can affect thewater quality aspect of the water management system in three ways. First, reducedhydrologic resources may leave less dilution flow in the stream, leading to degradedwater quality or increased investments in wastewater treatment. Second, higher tem-peratures reduce the dissolved oxygen content in water bodies. Third, in response toclimate change, water uses, especially those for agriculture, may increase the concen-tration of pollution being released to the streams. Together, these pose a threat to thewater quality and the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem.

Aquatic ecosystem. {tc "Aquatic ecosystem (natural water demands) " \l 2.} There aremany complex interactions among the elements of the aquatic ecosystem, whichcomprises natural water demands. Climate is a direct input to the energy source andchemical variables of the system, and an indirect input to the flow regime, habitatstructure, and biotic factors. These elements are in a sensitive balance. Even a slightchange to just a few of the key elements can greatly affect the integrity of the eco-system.

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Socio-economic impacts

Water demand. Water use is generally divided into non-market and market uses. Non-market water uses are aesthetic uses, certain recreational uses, and aquatic ecosystemintegrity.

Market water uses can be aggregated into five major water use sectors:

• Agriculture: Irrigation and livestock;

• Industry: Industrial, mining, navigation, recreation;

• Energy: Thermoelectric cooling and hydroelectric power;

• Municipal: Public supply, domestic, and commercial;

• Reservoir.

An additional market use is dilution water for pollution abatement. It is typicallyconsidered a market use because it can be valued at the cost savings of additional wastetreatment to meet water quality standards.

Water management system. The water management system (i.e., water supply system)is made of two parts: surface water and groundwater. Although they are linked at theriver basin water balance level, they are distinct in the water supply infrastructure.Climate change can affect the surface water supply via reduced flows into the storagereservoir or increased variability in inflow, which will affect firm yields from existingstorage facilities. An additional impact in arid and semi-arid regions could be increasedreservoir evaporative losses. The groundwater supply will be affected by increased ordecreased percolation of water due to changes in the amount and distribution ofprecipitation and streamflow. This can lead to increased pumping costs if percolationdecreases because of decreased precipitation or losses of soil moisture from increasedevapotranspiration.

6.1.1 Components of a water resources assessment

With great uncertainties about the local and regional impacts of climate change onhydrologic resources and uncertain future water demands driven by socio-economicchange, an assessment of climate change impacts on water resources is a complexprocess. In addressing the sensitivity of water resources to changes in climate, thebiophysical and socio-economic conditions must be considered.

To help policy and decision makers focus on the issues of climate change and waterresources, it is recommended to divide the assessment process into five main com-ponents:

• Assessment of biophysical impacts on:− hydrologic resources,

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− water quality, and− aquatic ecosystem integrity.

• Assessment of socio-economic impacts on:− demand from market water use sectors, and− water resources management systems.

The assessment of climate change impacts on the hydrologic resources of a country isthe first and most important assessment to be carried out because a wide range ofmodelling tools allows for a quantitative analysis of climate change impacts, andhydrologic resources are the key component of the entire water resources sector (i.e.,aquatic ecosystems, water quality, water use, and water management are all based onthe hydrologic resources of a country).

For national assessments with limited budgets, it may be possible to analyse only asingle component of the water resources sector. If so, it is recommended that the im-pacts on the hydrologic resources be assessed. Expert judgement could then be used toassess impacts on the other sector components. For example, under increased tempe-ratures, wetlands will experience increased potential evapotranspiration, as well asreduced streamflows to the wetlands. Thus, the wetlands would experience bothincreased demand for water and reduced supply of water, which would decreasewetland area. This type of analysis can be attempted at a quantitative or qualitativelevel, depending on data and expertise.

If there are sufficient resources to perform a quantitative assessment of additionalcomponents, priority should be based on the relative social, ecological, and economicimportance of each component to the country. For example, a country highly dependentupon irrigated agriculture should assess impacts on water use and the water man-agement system. A country dependent upon wildlife, sport fishing, or eco-tourismshould analyse the impacts on aquatic ecosystems.

There are no formal guidelines for determining priorities. Local experts in consultationwith international impact assessment experts should be able to develop a country studyplan that fits within the given budget constraints. Alternatively, a reasonable budgetshould be developed which allows for a comprehensive analysis of impacts at thecountry level.

6.1.2 Key considerations in defining the scope

The steps below highlight key considerations in defining the scope of a water resourcesassessment.

Select the exposure unit

The river basin would generally be the most appropriate primary exposure unit forassessing impacts on hydrologic resources. The relationship between a river basinimpact assessment and a country level assessment can take four different forms:

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1. The river basin assessed covers only a portion of the total watershed and thecountry's hydroclimatic characteristics are hom*ogeneous (e.g., the Nitra River inSlovakia is part of the Danube Basin, but representative of most of Slovakia).

2. The river basin assessed covers only a portion of the total watershed and thecountry has two or more distinct hydroclimatic zones (e.g., Kazakhstan’s easternriver, the Ulba Ula).

3. The watershed is encompassed in a large regional or international river basin and isin an upper basin location (e.g., Uganda and Sudan are completely within the upperportion of the Nile Basin).

4. The watershed is encompassed in a large regional or international river basin and isin a lower basin location (e.g., Bangladesh is in the lower part of the Ganges andBrahmaputra systems; Vietnam is in the lower part of the Mekong Basin).

Define the study area

The study area should be selected according to the hydrology and the specific goals ofthe assessment. Two general types of study areas, representative basin or sub-area, canbe used.

If the river basin assessed covers only a portion of the total watershed, then the riverbasin can be used as a representative basin. A country located in a single hydroclimaticzone can be represented by a single basin. A country made up of two or more distincthydroclimatic zones can be represented by a river basin from each zone.

If the watershed lies completely within a large regional or international river basin, thentwo sub-area approaches can be used. Countries located in the headwaters of the basin(upper basin location) can use a single upstream sub-area basin. Countries located inthe middle or downstream of the basin (lower basin location) should assess both theupstream portion of the basin as well as the country’s portion.

Select a time horizon

The temporal and spatial scales of an assessment are linked in hydrologic modelling anddepend on the type of impact to be assessed. For floods, a small time step of hours ordays is needed, whereas for droughts, months to years are needed. Yates and Strzepek(1994) have shown that, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, an annual time stepdoes not capture climate change impacts well and a seasonal or monthly model isneeded.

For countries with limited streamflow data, an annual time step is recommended for thehydrologic assessment. Only mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperatureare used to predict basin runoff. Although not extremely accurate for modelling currentrunoff, use of an annual time step is adequate to predict the change in the basin runoff

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associated with changes in temperature and precipitation. Thus, it provides an adequateindication of a river basin's sensitivity to climate change.

For countries with sufficient streamflow and climate data, a monthly lumped integralmodel or water balance approach is recommended for the hydrologic assessment.However, monthly models might not capture the true response of the basin to precipit-ation events distributed throughout the month, so it is important to understand whatkind of error is introduced when aggregating temporally. As an example, if data aregiven daily and aggregated uniformly over the month, information that gives insight intoa basin's response to storm events can be lost. The total monthly precipitation couldoccur during one storm, but when applied uniformly over the month, true soil moisturedynamics might not be captured.

In hydrologic modelling, the temporal scale determines the spatial scale. For example,flash floods that last 1 to 12 hours occur in basins on a scale of 1 to 200 square miles.A larger lumped spatial scale will not capture the dynamics of this event. Thus, thespatial scale should be sufficiently small so that the flood wave can travel one spatialstep in less than a single time step. Although the primary exposure unit for assessinghydrologic climate impacts suggested in this chapter is a river basin, in some cases,river basins will need to be divided into sub-basins to ensure that the spatial scalematches the selected temporal scale.

The other components of a water resources assessment require longer time steps andlarger spatial scales. For these components, it is better to aggregate the hydrologicassessment over time and space than to increase the temporal and spatial scales of thehydrologic analyses to match the socio-economic and water management systemsanalyses.

Identify a preliminary range of adaptations

Identifying preliminary adaptation measures allows the user to ensure that the selectedmethods will be useful for evaluating adaptation and that assessments of related sectorsthat may affect adaptation possibilities will be undertaken (e.g., if one of the adaptationmeasures considered is implementation of more efficient irrigation practices, anagriculture assessment should also be performed).

The first step in identifying preliminary adaptation options is to determine whether thecountry (or river basin of interest) has a dominant water use such as thermoelectriccooling or irrigation. If a dominant water use is identified, then this activity should beexamined for adaptation opportunities. For example, where irrigation is important, cropwater use and yield could be modelled as a function of temperature and precipitation.Alternatively, areas of large municipal demand could be examined using a tool to modelpossible water saving via various demand management schemes. Thus, identifyingpreliminary adaptation options can help direct and focus the assessment process.

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Determine general data availability

The data required for a water resources assessment are a mixture of hydrometeorolo-gical and socio-economic data. In general, a water resources assessment requiressubstantial amounts of reliable data to lend credence to the results being generated. Thekey is to find a study site (i.e., a river basin) that has a sufficiently long runoff record,no less than 10 years of data. Ideally, this basin will also have a corresponding climaterecord of the same or longer period.

Much of the needed data can be found in published sources, whereas estimates such aschanges in technology and future water use require educated guesses of experts. Listedin the tables in Section 6.2 are the data needs for each of the assessment components.Section 6.3 provides sources for these data. The issues of providing spatially averagedvalues and generating mean monthly values are discussed in detail in the references andsuggested readings are provided at the end of this chapter.

Determine the need for integration across sectors

The water resources sector does not function in isolation. Water resources are a com-mon link to several sectors. The human health, fisheries, coastal zone, and agriculturesectors typically will need specific information about water resources impacts for theirimpact assessments. Water resources researchers should have strong linkages to othersectors being assessed so that selected methods and approaches satisfy the needs ofother sectors and data are shared across sectors. Water resources needs to be con-ceptualised as an integrated sector and not as an independent one.

6.2 An array of methods

The user should critically review the methods available to assess the biophysical andsocio-economic impacts of climate change before selecting and testing one or more thatwill be used. This section provides an overview of available methods for the biophysicalcomponents of a water resources assessment: hydrologic resources, water quality, andaquatic ecosystem integrity; and the socio-economic components: demand from wateruse sectors and the water management system. Each subsection presents a brieftheoretical background of techniques and methods and discusses the application of thetechniques in assessing climate change impacts. To assist the user, the strengths andweaknesses of each method are also described. Countries with extensive hydrologicmodelling experience and existing distributed integral and distributed differentialmodels should continue to use these models.

As a general caution, when choosing a method for analysing climate change impacts onwater resources, it is important to keep in mind the difference between precision andaccuracy in analysis, particularly in quantitative modelling. Models with very detailedspatial and temporal representations of biophysical processes require much data but canpredict, precisely, the impact of climate change on the state of the system at a particularlocation and time. However, models that describe the potential change in the drivingclimate variables provide very coarse and uncertain outputs both in space and time.

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These models are not very precise. If the results from the climate models are used todrive precise process models, the results may be precise but will not be accurate,because the exact changes in climate parameters at the level of detail of the processmodel are not known.

An example would be trying to assess the impact of climate change on flash floodsusing standard general circulation models (GCM) estimates of monthly precipitation.Flash floods usually occur on catchments of less than 500 square kilometres withrainfall events of less than 6 hours. Hydrologic methods to model this process are verydetailed and precise. Standard GCM precipitation output is often on a spatial scale of50,000 square kilometres and a time scale of one month. The GCM results typicallyprovide very little information about the small-scale weather systems responsible forflash floods. Using imprecise GCM output with a precise hydrologic model will provideprecise streamflows that are not very accurate. Three approaches that can be used toaddress this problem are estimates of climate change that account for spatial variability,techniques to account for uncertainty in estimates, and careful presentation of theresults to appropriately reflect their true accuracy.

6.2.1 Criteria for selecting methods to assess biophysicalimpacts

The methodologies and modelling approaches presented here span a wide range ofspatial and temporal scales. The choices to be made in method selection depend on thehydroclimatic conditions, water resource modelling expertise, data availability, and theresources (time and funding) dedicated to the water resources assessment. If resourcesare limited, the scope of the analysis can be limited and a detailed analysis can beconducted on a few study sites or sector components, rather than a simple analysis witha comprehensive scope. The relative performance of recommended models against thesecriteria is shown in Tables 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4, which summarise available models. Assessment of hydrologic resources impacts

Techniques to assess impacts on hydrologic resources are available for all spatial andtemporal scales of analysis and for all levels of local data availability. Four methods forassessing impacts on hydrologic resources are described: expert judgement, analoguemethods, predictive models, and process-based models.

Expert judgement

In terms of assessing climate change impacts on hydrologic resources, expert judgementhas a very limited role. Given the data availability and expertise in water resources, it islikely that for all but the smallest budgets some quantitative modelling of hydrologicresources could be performed. However, if additional modelling is infeasible, expertjudgement is a valuable tool in assessing impacts on water quality, aquatic ecosystems,water demand, and water management systems. In applying expert judgement, the user

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should be aware that experts may have difficulty estimating the consequences of eventsthat have not been experienced and may not be able to provide estimates with sufficientaccuracy for decision making.

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Table 6.1 Lumped integral models and requirements.

Models Time Scale Spatial Scale Processes Modelled Data Needs Cost Time Expertise Advantages/Disadvantages

CLIRUN Day, month Catchment to largebasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

PET, precipitation, runoff Low Low Medium Limited data needs;runoff data needed

HBV Hour, day Catchment to riverbasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data, runoff

Medium Medium Medium Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled;large data requirements

NAM Hour, day Catchment to riverbasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data, runoff

Medium Medium Medium Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled;large data requirements

SHE Day Catchment to riverbasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data, runoff

Medium High Medium Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled;large data requirements

TANK Day Catchment to riverbasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,runoff

Medium Medium Medium Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled; limiteddata requirements

WATBAL Day, month Catchment to largebasin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,runoff

Low Low Medium Limited data needs; PET andsnowmelt modelled;runoff data needed

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Table 6.2 Distributed integral models and requirements.

Models Time Scale Spatial Scale Processes Modelled Data Needs Cost Time Expertise Advantages/


HEC-1 Rainfallevent

Catchment Flooding Rainfall, land cover, soildata

Medium Medium Medium Flash flood modelling,ungauged catchments;event model not continuoussimulation

HSPF Hour, day Catchment toriver basin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data, runoff

High High High Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled;large data requirements

PRMS Day Catchment toriver basin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data, runoff

High High High Wide range of temporal andspatial scales modelled;detailed andlarge data requirements

IDRO-1 Rainfallevent

Catchment Flooding Rainfall, land cover, soildata

Medium Medium Medium Flash flood modelling,ungauged catchments;event model not continuoussimulation

SWRRB Day Small to largeriver basin

Drought, annual yields,large-scale flooding

Temperature, precipitation,land cover, soil data

High High Medium Ungauged basins, largescale, water quality anderosion; detailed and largedata requirements

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Analogue methods

Examination of past extreme events is useful for showing how systems actually wereaffected by climate variation and how they responded. For example, Campos andSanchez (1995), used past El Niño events as an analogue climate change scenario forCosta Rica and Panama. This study found important decreases in reservoir storage,reduction of firm power generation, and an increase in fossil fuel burning for electricitygeneration. The problem with analogue scenarios is that greenhouse gas induced climatechange is likely to differ from past events, and care should be taken in finding and usingappropriate analogues. Nonetheless, analogues can be useful for analysing thevulnerability of the water resources sector to extreme events.

Predictive models

Predictive models which are based on empirical and statistical relationships can be usedfor quick and low cost assessments. However, because these models do not account forphysical thresholds, the process-based models described below generally are mostappropriate for water resources impact assessments. Many of the predictive models arebased on a fundamental theorem in hydrologic theory that was first developed by Dooge(1992). This theorem suggests that when looking at the long-term water balance of alarge catchment or region, an appropriate assumption is that the change in storage iszero. Dooge (1992) points out that any estimate of the impact of climate change onwater resources depends on the ability to relate change in actual evapotranspiration toestimated changes in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. Thus, annualaverage statistical values of a watershed have been used to develop models that canestimate impacts to water resources. Two annual models are a model developed by Turc(1954), which relates precipitation and temperature to runoff, and a model developed byOl?dekop (as cited in Yates, 1996), which relates precipitation, evapotranspiration, andpotential evapotranspiration to runoff.

Process-based models

Process-based hydrologic models are a class of numerical models used to describe theresponse of watersheds to climatic inputs. Although the available models vary in pre-cision, they all fall within the acceptable level of accuracy for estimating climate changeimpacts. Yates et al. (1997) compared hydrologic assessment techniques ranging fromsimple to complex and found that they estimate the same magnitude and direction ofimpacts.

Four classifications or methodologies for modelling hydrologic processes were identi-fied by Todini (1988). In increasing order of data needs, these classifications arestochastic, lumped integral, distributed integral, and distributed differential models.

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The stochastic modelling approach centers on developing relationships that describe anoutput variable like runoff in terms of input variables such as precipitation andtemperature, without prescribing the physical processes that occur.

Lumped integral models are physically based models that normally use the fewestnumber of parameters that can describe a basin’s response to climatological events.These models are designed to look at medium-to-large watershed areas (100 to 30,000square kilometres; Z. Kaczmarek, Polish Institute of Geophysics, personal communi-cation, 1997) and are often referred to as water balance models. These models are notusually applicable to event-scale processes (daily or hourly precipitation events), butare used after uniformly lumping a sequence of events (precipitation and runoff) tomonthly mean values. The catchment or sub-catchment is modelled as a single, hom*o-genous unit subject to uniform events and parameters. Parameters for this model typeusually are not meant to represent physical catchment characteristics. These models canincorporate interannual variability by accounting for changes in catchment storage. Thecommon link in most water balance approaches is the computation of a mass balancewithin the soil moisture zone. There are many ways of representing the infiltration,discharge, and storage behaviour of the soil moisture zone (Shaw, 1983; Chow et al.,1988; Rawls et al., 1993). However, it has been shown that some basins are quitesensitive to the estimation of potential evapotranspiration, so an accurate representationof this variable is important (Dooge, 1992; Yates and Strzepek, 1994).

CLIRUN (Kaczmarek, 1991) is a water balance runoff model that has been applied inmany climate change assessments. The approach from this model was adapted andintegrated into WATBAL, a climate impact assessment tool for studying river basinresponse to climate change (Yates, 1996) (see Box 6.1).

There are two major sources of water pollution: non-point sources (e.g., agriculturerunoff) and point sources (e.g., municipal and industrial discharges). Climate changecould have significant impacts on non-point source pollution from agriculture. Inaddition, cooling water discharges could be affected by changes in temperature andstreamflow. However, climate change should have little impact on per capita or perindustrial unit pollution from municipal and industrial sources.

A wide variety of water quality models, in terms of both water quality constituents andlevel of detail, are available. Some of these models include simple conservative dilutionmodels, simple dissolved oxygen models, detailed dissolved oxygen models (with thenitrogen and phosphorus cycles modelled), toxics models, and advective diffusionmodels for temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus),algae/periphyton/macrophytes, and pH.

For non-point source pollutants, there are area- and model-based methods for esti-mating pollutant loadings to receiving waters. Simple area-based loadings can be usedas inputs to river and lake/reservoir water quality models. Where data and resourcesexist, models of non-point source loadings can be used, and adaptations can also beevaluated. Chapra (1996) provides a detailed background of water quality modelling

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and simplified tools of analysis. See Box 6.2 for an example of how a water qualitymodel has been used to analyse climate change impacts.

Box 6.1 Example: Modelling the effects of climate change on flooding inBangladesh (Mirza and Warrick, 1997).

Problem: To estimate climate change impacts on flooding.

Methods: Using an empirical model of precipitation and temperature to the streamflow for theGanges, Brahmaputra and Meghna River basins. These results are input to the hydraulicmodel MIKE11 to determine water surface elevation. Then a GIS with DEM data was used toestimate flood inundation.



River System Flood Simulation Flood Maps

Time h 0.00 5.35 6.00 5.7512.00 5.9018.00 6.2024.00 5.80



Box 6.1, Figure 1 Schematic of methodology for water quality assessment.

Testing of methods/sensitivity: MIKE 11 and the empirical runoff models were calibrated andvalidated for the three basins.

Scenarios: Four GCM scenarios were developed for the catchments. The CISCRO9, GFDL,UKTR, and LLNL GCMs were scaled for three different global mean temperatures using theSYNGEN system.


Area (in million hectares) of Bangladesh inundated under 2, 4 and 6°C temperaturesfor the precipitation changes from four GCMs

Model Mean 20-year 0°C 2°C 4°C 6°C O°C 2°C 4°C 6°C

CSIR09 3.77 4.65 4.68 4.71 5.18 5.18 5.20 5.22UKTR 3.77 4.87 5.08 5.24 5.18 5.35 5.50 5.61GFDL 3.77 4.84 5.02 5.17 5.18 5.33 5.36 5.48LLNL 3.77 4.68 4.73 4.78 5.18 5.20 5.25 5.29

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The results show that for a 2°C global warming all scenarios estimate approximately a 30%increase in mean flooding, but less than a 5 % increase for the 20-year flood (P>Q =0.05).

Box 6.2 Example: Impact of climate change on water quality andwastewater treatment costs on the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia(Carmichael et al., 1996).

Background: Climate change is expected to lead to increased river and lake temperatures,due to the interaction of these bodies with air, by mixing and surface interaction. Changes inwater temperature affect water quality. For example, the saturation concentration of dissolvedoxygen and the reaction rates of BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus with dissolved oxygen andwith phytoplankton all will change in response to water temperature changes

Problem: To estimate climate change impacts on water quality and waste water treatmentcosts on the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia.

Methods The meteorological relationship between air temperature and river temperature isestimated using regression analysis. River water temperature is regressed on air temperature,using a 29-year time series for the region. This yields the necessary coefficients for estimatinghow great the climate change impact will be on the hydrologic system.

The hydrological system is modelled using Qual2e, which was developed by USEPA and theEnvironmental Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia, USA (Brown and Barnwell, 1987).The effects of changes in river water temperature and river flows on river water quality maythen be analysed. The economic model incorporates two processes. First, the impacts ofpollutant emissions from each polluting site on dissolved oxygen quality levels downstreamare included. Second, the economic costs of choosing different treatment options (primary,secondary, tertiary, etc.) at each polluting site are included. The model is then able to choosethe least-cost combination of treatment plants, across all polluting sites, that will improvedissolved oxygen concentrations to predetermined levels.












25 2.5

2.75 3

3.25 3.


75 44.

25 4.5

4.75 5

5.25 5.


75 66.

25 6.5

6.75 7

7.25 7.


75 8

Dissolved Oxygen Standard (mg/liter)


st (



Aug low flow: before

Aug low flow: after

Aug ave flow: before

Aug ave flow: after

Aug high flow: before

Aug high flow: after

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Box 6.2, Figure 1 Impact of Climate Change on Least Cost Water Quality Solution forthe Nitra River

Testing of methods/sensitivity: the models are calibrated for existing conditions andobserved DO levels are compared.

Scenarios: Two synthetic local scenarios were developed by researchers in the Hydro-Meteorological Service.

Impacts: The results indicate that costs required to reach generally acceptable quality levelsrise exponentially, particularly in August and October. Extremely expensive wastewater treat-ment technologies may be partially avoided under the present situation, while significant im-provements in water quality are still accomplished. Under the climate change scenario, theseexpensive technologies are forced into use at a much lower water quality standard. Only smallquality improvements may be accomplished before costs rise dramatically.

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Table 6.3 presents a summary of available water quality assessment models and des-cribes the general requirements for each model. Data requirements for these models areburdensome, and the choice of model will depend on data availability. The user shouldchoose the surface water quality model (streams and reservoirs) that has appropriatetemporal and spatial scales for the chosen scope of analysis and the data available.

Table 6.3 Water quality assessment models and requirements.

Model TimeScale



Cost Time Expertise Advantages

Qual2E Multiple Nitrogen,phosphorus,dissolvedoxygen

No Medium High High Widely used

DESERT Multiple Nitrogen,phosphorus,dissolvedoxygen

Yes Medium High High Optimisation


Multiple Simpleground-water

Yes Medium High Medium Economicmodelling oftreatmentoptions

WEAP Month Groundwaterand waterquality

Yes Medium High Medium Quality andquantitymodelling Assessment of aquatic ecosystem integrity impacts

The aquatic ecosystem is complex, and assessment of this system will most likelydepend on the construction of predictive models. Freshwater ecosystems contain floraand fauna such as algae, periphyton, and macrophytes residing directly in the water,and these are affected by water quantity and quality. Models of these systems aresometimes considered water quality models (see above), and many exist.

Assessing impacts on other aspects of the aquatic ecosystem (such as fish, waterfowl,and wildlife that depend on water quality and quantity) requires integration with bio-logical assessment methods that have been developed for other sectors such as biodi-versity and fisheries. The results of a hydrologic assessment are often required as inputsfor these other sectoral assessments. For example, fish are sensitive to watertemperature and dissolved oxygen contents. Thus, modelling the climate change impactson these parameters provides the necessary information for assessing impacts tofisheries.

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6.2.2 Criteria for selecting methods to assess socio-economic impacts

The methodologies and modelling approaches presented here span a wide range ofspatial and temporal scales. There is no single model or approach appropriate for allsocio-economic assessments of climate change impacts. Different approaches providedifferent insights. Care must be taken to understand the strengths and weaknesses of theapproach being used and to identify the appropriate policy questions that it will be usedto answer. The selection of an approach will depend on the particular impact of concern(e.g., job losses, changes in economic growth, relative growth of different sectors overtime) and the particular question being addressed (e.g., are there any significantinteractions between sectors as climate changes?). The approach should always beselected based on the question of interest.

As with the biophysical methods, the choices to be made in method selection depends onthe hydroclimatic conditions, the water resource modelling expertise, data availability,and the resources (time and funding) dedicated to the water resources assessment. Therelative performance of recommended models against these criteria is shown in Tables6.4 and 6.5, which summarise available models. Assessment of water demand impacts

When addressing climate change impacts on water demand, one is faced with two majorquestions:

• What will the water demand be under future baseline conditions?

• How will climate change affect that baseline scenario?

In many respects, determining the impact of warmer temperatures and changes in pre-cipitation on water demand is more straightforward than ?estimating? water demand 50to 100 years in the future. Water demand is a function of population growth, economicgrowth, and technological change. Techniques for developing future socio-economicscenarios for these variables are described in Chapter 2. As part of the water resourcesassessment, the socio-economic scenarios are used to estimate water demand in thefuture and the expected change in water demand as a result of climate change.

Demand under future conditions

It will be very difficult within the scope of a climate change assessment to do more thana simple ?statistical? approach to estimate water use:

Water UseRY= [ActivityRY] H [Water Use/Activity]RY ,

where RY is a reference year (year of interest for the assessment).

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The ActivityRY will be developed as part of the future socio-economic baseline scenario.However, the [Water Use/Activity]RY must also be estimated. The user should beextremely careful when estimating this number and avoid the temptation of simplyapplying the average water use per activity as obtained from historical data. It may bethat there are no data to justify changing this number. However, a reasonable alterna-tive estimate should be developed based on an assessment of the factors that can affectwater demand (and on available reference documents).

What is the amount of water use by an industry, a municipality, or irrigated croplands?Water demand is sometime confused with water requirements. Water requirement is theminimum amount of water needed for social or economic activities. A waterrequirement does not respond to the price of water supply. Although some social oreconomic activities such as human daily water consumption or low-flow conditions fornavigation exhibit minimum needs or requirements, they are usually only a small part oftotal water use in the activity.

Demand is a function of price as well as other factors, including the price of substitutegoods, institutional requirements or opportunities (e.g., environmental legislation), andincome. The user should consider all these factors when estimating demand for waterunder climate change. For example, Kindler and Russell (1984) point out that percapita domestic or municipal water use is positively correlated to per capita income andinversely correlated to household size. Climate impact analyses for economies that arelikely to undergo large changes in per capita income and household sizes over the next25 to 100 years need to address this issue.

In addition to estimating future water use, the user should also ensure that sensitivityanalyses are performed on the [Water Use/Activity]RY coefficient to examine the effectof different demand levels on water resource vulnerability.

Demand under climate change conditions

Climate change may affect water use in five water use sectors: agricultural, industrial,energy, municipal, and reservoir losses.

• Agricultural. Water use for agriculture includes irrigation and livestock water.Changes in irrigation and livestock water use due to changes in temperature andprecipitation can be estimated using climate change impact assessment methods forthese sectors (see Chapters 6 and 9). Alternatively, irrigation water use can beestimated by using the appropriate reference crop or crops and a potential evapo-transpiration model. Irrigation water is used to make up the difference between cropwater requirements and precipitation. Thus, irrigation water use will be thedifference between actual evapotranspiration and the new precipitation estimates.Livestock water use can best be estimated from the literature for livestock wateruse versus climate data. If direct statistical relationships do not exist, then a spatialanalogue approach is suggested (i.e., find a location with current hydroclimatic

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conditions that are analogous to those forecast for the river basin of interest underclimate change and use the per head water use values).

• Industrial. Temperature and precipitation have little direct impact on the water useof most industries. Reduction of flow in rivers due to climate change may put in-creased pressure on waste treatment processes, leading to increased water recyclingand a decline in industrial water use, as seen in Sweden (Falkenmark, 1997).

• Energy. Water use for energy production takes two forms: hydroelectric and ther-moelectric. Reduced flow will reduce hydropower reservoir storage and thus reducepotential energy production. Warmer temperatures will increase evaporation fromreservoirs, so more streamflow will be required to maintain the same hydropowerenergy production. Increased temperature has little direct effect on thermalefficiency; however, increased river temperature and reduced flow can causecooling discharges to violate environmental standards (see Chapter 11).

• Municipal. Kindler and Russell (1984) observed that residential water use isinversely correlated with rainfall and positively correlated with average tempera-ture. Little work has been completed on the impact of long-term climate change ondomestic water use. Most analyses to date have drawn information from theresponse of domestic water users to short-term droughts or warm periods. How-ever, the user must be careful when selecting an analogue approach for domesticwater use because climate alone is not sufficient to determine an analogue. Similarsocio-economic indicators (income and household size) as well as climatic variablesmust be used in selecting analogues since, as stated above, domestic water use iscorrelated with these socio-economic indicators. In addition, short-term responsesof water use could be much different than responses to the prospect of permanentwater restrictions and possible lifestyle changes.

• Reservoir losses. Increased temperatures lead to increased evaporation, with allother meteorological variables held constant. The increase in reservoir losses toevaporation can be estimated using standard depth evaporation estimates, which arebased on estimates of lake or reservoir surface areas. Surface area is a function ofreservoir geometry and volume. The volume is a function of inflow (runoff) andoutflow (releases); therefore, demand and supply for reservoir water must beanalysed to quantitatively measure the impact of climate change on reservoir lossesto evaporation.

Total water demand is the summation over all water use sectors. The estimate of totaldemand will reflect potential increases or decreases caused by climate change withoutany adaptation. In assessing impacts, it is important to clearly identify the level of im-pact associated with three alternatives: no adaptation, an assumed level of autonomousadaptation, and planned adaptations.

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6-21 Assessment of water management system impacts

Water management system impacts can be analysed using two different approaches.First, water resource system modelling can be used to analyse reservoir systems anddetermine how design and management assumptions might need to be changed. Second,economic analyses can be used to assess how water demand and supply might be shiftedamong water uses.

Water resource system modelling

Water resource infrastructure has been developed to protect socio-economic systemsfrom climate variability. The most important component in the water resource infra-structure is the reservoir. This technological element is designed to adjust the temporaldistribution of water supply to the demands of the socio-economic system. This entailsstoring water in wet periods of the year for release in dry periods; storing damagingfloodwater for slow, non-damaging release; and providing storage of highly variableyearly flows.

Large capital expenses have been incurred to build water systems whose designs werebased on hydrologic regimes assumed to be driven by historical climate conditions.However, if climate change reduces or increases river flow, the design assumptions willneed to change. The system may be able to adapt, but at what cost? Reduced flow willmean less supply and potential economic damages. Increased flow may mean an under-designed reservoir or spillway with potential flood risk, which may be reduced byadditional capital investment.

Two classes of river basin management models can be used to assess climate changeimpacts: optimisation and simulation models. A monthly simulation approach would bebest if limited data are available. Table 6.4 presents a summary of available river basinsimulation models and describes the general requirements for each model. As in thehydrologic assessment, any country with capabilities more advanced than thoserecommended are encourage to use them as well as the recommended methodologies.Box 6.3 provides an example of an assessment of climate change effects in Malawi.

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Table 6.4 River basin simulation models and requirements.

Model Timescale



Cost Time Expertise Advantages

HEC-5 10 day,month


No Medium Medium Medium Detailedmultiplereservoiroperation

IRIS/IRAS 10 day,month

Groundwaterand waterquality

No Low Medium Medium Groundwater,natural aquaticsystems andwater quality

MITSIM 10 day,month


Yes Low Medium Medium Economicmodelling

WEAP 10 day,month

Groundwaterand waterquality

Yes Medium Medium Medium Detaileddemandmodelling

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Box 6.3 Example: Impact of climate change on water resources ofMalawi (Chavula and Chirwa, 1996).

Problem: To estimate climate change impacts on the national water resources of Malawi andto develop a national management strategy in light of the possible changes.

Methods: 1) Selection of the representative basin throughout the hydro-climatic zones ofMalawi, 2) hydro-meteorologic data analysis, 3) calibration and validation of the WATBALhydrologic model for the representative basins, 4) modelling of the climate change impacts onthe representative basins.

Testing of methods/sensitivity: The hydrologic model was calibrated and validated for threebasins using 10 years of climate and runoff data sets.

Scenarios: Synthetic sensitivity scenarios.

Impacts: Climate change impacts on water resources show an increase in annual runoff for theGISS scenario and a decrease of runoff for the GFDL scenarios.

Sensitivity of river runoff to changes in precipitation and temperature P0 P+10 P+20 P-10 P-20

South T0 0% 32.4% 73.7% -24.0% -41.2%

Rukuru T2 -15.9% 9.4% 42.7% -34.4% -47.9%T4 -31.1% -13.4% 10.6% -44.2% -54.1%

Bua T0 0% 25.5% 55.8% -21.6% -39.6%T2 -21.1% -1.2% 22.7% -38.0% -52.3%T4 -42.6% -28.1% -11.3% -54.6% -64.9%

Linthipe T0 0% 27.8% 60.3% -22.7% -40.1%T2 -13.9% 10.0% 38.1% -32.9% -48.0%

T4 -29.0% -10.3% 12.2% -44.0% -55.7%

Adaptive response: Recommended adaptive responses to climate change for Malawi are to 1)implement water conservation measures, 2) reduce the current variability of runoff by meansof increased storage capacity, and 3) enhance measurement, monitoring and knowledge of thehydrologic system.

WEAP (Raskin et al., 1998) is a comprehensive river basin tool that is easy to use andhas been employed in a number of climate change impact assessments (e.g., Strzepek,1997). This tool models reservoirs and their operation, hydropower generation, andwater demand for agricultural, municipal, industrial, environmental, and recreationaluses. A monthly time step is used in this model, and the results of a hydrologic assess-ment of runoff changes can be used directly as input to the model.

The list of models presented in Table 6.4 is by no means complete, but it includemodels that have all been used in climate change assessment and are publicly availablefor assessments. A more detailed list of hydrologic and systems management softwaretools can be found in the Handbook of Hydrology (Maidment, 1993) and Handbook ofWater Resources (Mays, 1996).

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Economic assessment methods

Strzepek et al. (1996) discusses economic tools for use in climate change assessment.The following is a summary of the key elements of this publication. A variety ofanalytical methods can be used to assess the economic impacts of climate change (seeChapter 2). Each method has strengths and weaknesses, and each provides differentinsights useful to decision makers. Any single impact assessment may contain elementsof one or more of these methods. Most available models can be categorised as eithermacroeconomic or sectoral models.

A number of studies have examined the economic consequences of climate impacts asrelated to water resources (e.g., Vaux and Howitt, 1984; Hurd et al., 1998). Typically,the studies have taken a partial equilibrium sectoral approach, examining the effects ina single market or a group of closely related markets. However, because of complexinterdependencies among even seemingly unrelated markets, partial equilibrium anal-yses can yield potentially misleading results for evaluating broad, economy-wideeffects. The potential for error is exacerbated when there are direct impacts on multiplesectors. For example, changes in temperature and precipitation may have a directimpact on the availability of water and on water markets. This direct impact can haveindirect effects on markets that rely on the availability of water ? and are themselvesdirectly affected by climate change ? such as agriculture, forestry, and electricitysupply. A partial equilibrium analysis will typically not account for all of the potentialindirect effects. An aggregation of results from partial equilibrium analyses of theseparate effects will neglect potentially important interdependencies. In contrast, amacroeconomic analysis is internally consistent. The consistency of sectoral forecastswith realistic projections of economic growth is ensured since they are estimated withinthe context of a single model. However, the ability to model an entire economy isaccomplished at the sacrifice of potentially valuable sectoral detail. For many riverbasin-level analyses of water resources impacts, partial equilibrium approaches are themost appropriate.

Table 6.5 presents a summary of available economic models for water resource as-sessments and describes the general requirements for each model.

Table 6.5 Summary of water resources economic methods and requirements.

MODEL Time Scale Model Scope Cost Time Expertise Advantages

Sectoral Monthly Overall watersupply anddemand

Medium Medium Medium Transparent;lower costs


Monthly Watershed High High High Regions ofwater supplyand use

Macroeconomic Annual Water andgeneraleconomy

High High High Capturessectoralinteractions

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6.2.3 Tools for assessment

In Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, a wide variety of methodologies were presented. Many ofthese methods and techniques have been coded into computer software. Table 6.6 liststhe contacts for obtaining these tools. In addition, one of the main clearinghouses fortested and proven software for water resources analysis is the Hydrological OperationalMultipurpose System (HOMS) established by the World Meteorological Organizationfor the transfer of technology in operational hydrology. General Information on HOMScan be obtained via the internet (http://www.wmo.ch/web/homs/homsp1. html) or bycontacting:

HOMS OfficeHydrology and Water Resources DepartmentWorld Meteorological OrganizationP.O. Box 23001211 Geneva 2SwitzerlandTel: +(41 22) 730 8407Fax: +(41 22) 734 8250

A large number of world wide web sites with data on water resource software andmodels are now available. Analysts can search for specific modelling needs via a websearch tool. Three sites are very comprehensive:

• Internet Software Guide for Engineers Software(http://www.100folhas.pt/software/). This site from Portugal provides freeware,shareware, and demos. Categories of interest include hydraulics and hydrology.

• USGS Water Resources Applications Software (http://water.usgs.gov/software/).This software and related material (data and documentation) are made available bythe US Geological Survey (USGS) to be used in the public interest and theadvancement of science. Includes geochemical, groundwater, surface water, andwater quality codes.

• IRRISOFT (http://www.wiz.uni-kassel.de/kww/irrisoft/irrisoft_i.html ). Databaseon irrigation and hydrology software, Department of Rural Engineering and NaturalResource Protection, University of Kassel, Germany.

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Table 6.6 Software tools for climate change assessment: Contacts forobtaining softwarea.

Hydrologic Models (Lumped Integral)

CURUN Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, PolandHBV Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute 601 76 Norrköping, SwedenNAM The Danish Hydraulic Institute, Agern Alle 5, DK-2970SHE The Danish Hydraulic Institute, Agern Alle 5, DK-2970TANK National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Tokyo, Japan.WATBAL Research Application Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research,

Boulder, Colorado, USA 80301

Hydrologic Models (Distributed Integral)

HEC-1 Hydrologic Engineering Center; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 609 SecondStreet; Davis, CA, USA 95616-4687; (916) 756-1104

HSPF (Stanford Watershed Model) Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling, U.S.EPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, Georgia, 30613 USA

PRMS Office of Surface Water, U.S. Geological Survey, WRD 415, National Center,Reston, Virginia, USA 22092

IDRO-2 Citta? Studi scrl, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 7, 20133 Milano, ItalySWRRB Grassland, Soil, and Water Research Laboratory, ARS, U.S. Dept of

Agriculture, 808 East Blackland Rd. Temple, Texas, 76502 USA

Water Quality Assessment Models

QUAL2E Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling, U.S. EPA Environmental ResearchLaboratory, Athens, Georgia, 30613 USA

DESERT Water Project ? International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis A-2361-Laxenburg, Austria


Water Project ? International Insatiate for Applied Systems Analysis A-2361-Laxenburg, Austria

WEAP Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

River Basin Simulation Models

HEC-5 Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Davis, California,USA

IRIS/IRAS Water Project ? International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis A-2361-Laxenburg, Austria

MITSIM Prof. Kenneth M. Strzepek; Campus Box 428; University of Colorado; Boulder,CO 80309-0428 USA

WEAP Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

a. For advise on selecting and obtaining economic models, contact local (e.g., university,research institute) economists.

6.3 Scenarios

Once an assessment method has been selected and tested and the necessary data havebeen collected, the key inputs and assumptions need to be formulated. Before applying amethod it is necessary to develop climatic and socio-economic baseline scenarios,climate change scenarios, and assumptions about the potential for autonomousadaptation.

• Climate baseline conditions. The climate baseline for the natural system andbiophysical impacts needs to be developed (e.g., temperature, precipitation, relativehumidity, sunshine hours, wind speed, solar radiation, albedo). Ideally these data

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are daily, with maximum, minimum, and average temperatures. Monthly is themaximum time scale that is useable. The data should be a time-series with as manyyears of data as possible, and should be provided for as many stations as possiblein each river basin being analysed and surrounding areas. Chapter 3 addressesdevelopment of climate scenarios.

• Future socio-economic baseline conditions. The socio-economic baseline is crucialto estimating the magnitude of the impacts of climate change on the watermanagement system and its ability to adapt. Chapter 2 provides a discussion of keyconsiderations in developing these baselines.

• Future climate change conditions. Since the impacts on hydrologic resources aredriven by the same climate variables as for many other sectors (e.g., temperature,precipitation, solar radiation), the user is referred to Chapter 3 for this material. Forthe water resources assessment, incremental scenarios and multiple GCMs arerecommended (it is also important that the results from different GCM runs not beaveraged for the water resources assessment).

• Autonomous adjustment. The technological, economic, and policy adaptations toclimate change that each user may analyse will differ greatly, depending on thehydroclimatic zone, the level of economic development, and the relative sensitivityof the water resources system to potential climate change. An impact assessmentshould examine potential impacts assuming no autonomous adjustment, but alsoshould examine impacts under one or more scenarios about the level of autonomousadjustments that would occur. River basin simulation models can be used to assessautonomous adaptations (as well as planned adaptations). For example, operationaladaptations such as changed allocation priorities and pricing structures can beevaluated. The recommended WEAP model is well suited for this task. This is avery powerful model, focused mainly on the technological aspects of waterresources adaptation.

6.4 Assessment of autonomous and plannedadaptation

The methods described above can be used to assess how impacts would change as aresult of adaptation. For example, river basin simulation models can be used to assessadaptation. Structural adaptations such as new reservoirs, canals linings, and ground-water extraction can be analysed with the simulation model. In addition, operationaladaptation, changed allocation priorities, and pricing structures can be evaluated.Methods for assessing the trade-offs associated with implementing planned adaptationare described in Chapter 5 of this handbook.

This section highlights the types of adaptation measures that may be applicable to thewater resources sector. When addressing adaptation in the water resources sector, it is

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important to recognise that most adaptation will take place at the project or river basinscale. Water resources adaptations can be divided into two major classes:

• Supply adaptation, which can take three forms:− modification of existing physical infrastructure;− construction of new infrastructure; and− alternative management of the existing water supply systems.

• Demand adaptation, which can take three forms:− conservation and improved efficiency;− technological change; and− market/price-driven transfers to other activities.

6.4.1 Water supply adaptations

Since one of the major impacts of climate change is changes in the temporal and spatialdistribution of precipitation and temperature, the resulting river flow (or hydrologicresources) may be shifted in time and space. A change in the spatial and temporaldistribution of river flow could greatly affect the efficiency of the existing water supplyinfrastructure.

Modification of existing physical infrastructure

In many countries, extensive capital investment in water supply infrastructure has beenmade. However, with climate change impacts, the systems may not perform asdesigned. Adaptation to climate change may be achieved by modifying this existinginvestment. In some river basins, no suitable projects exist for new development, andthus adaptation utilising existing investment is most economical. Possible adaptations toaddress decreased flows as a result of climate change include:

• changing location or height of water intakes;

• installing canal linings;

• using closed conduits instead of open channels;

• integrating separate reservoirs into a single system; and

• using artificial recharge to reduce evaporation.

Possible adaptations to address increased flows as a result of climate change include:

• raising dam height;

• adding more turbines;

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• increasing canal size; and

• removing sediment from reservoirs for more storage.

Construction of new infrastructure

In river basins where full development has not been realised, new projects could be builtto adapt to the changed runoff and water demand conditions. These projects couldinclude the following:

• reservoirs;

• hydroplants;

• delivery systems;

• well fields; and

• inter-basin water transfers.

Alternative management of the existing water supply systems

In some river basins, the nature of the climate change or physical, environmental, orinstitutional constraints do not warrant or allow new infrastructure projects. Thus, theadaptations to be considered would involve changes to the management of the existingsystem. Possible adaptations include the following:

• change operating rules;

• use conjunctive surface/groundwater supply;

• change the priority of release;

• physically integrate reservoir operation system;

• co-ordinate supply/demand.

6.4.2 Water demand adaptations

Water demand adaptation can be achieved through conservation and improved effi-ciency, technological change, or transfers to other activities.

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Conservation and improved efficiency

There are a variety of measures that can be taken to promote conservation and im-proved water use efficiency, including those listed in Table 6.7 by type of water use.

Table 6.7 Adaptation measures to promote conservation and improve wateruse efficiency.

Type ofWater Usea


Domestic Low-flow toiletsLow-flow showersRe-use of cooking waterMore efficient appliance useLeak repairCommercial car washing where recycling takes placeRainwater collection for non-potable uses

Agricultural Night time irrigationLining of canalsIntroduction of closed conduitsImprovement in measurements to find losses and apply water more efficientlyDrainage re-useUse of wastewater effluentBetter control and management of supply network

Industrial Re-use of acceptable quality waterRecycling

Energy Keeping reservoirs at lower head to reduce evaporationChanging releases to match other water usesTaking plants off-line in low flow timesCo-generation (beneficial use of waste heat)

a Reservoir losses is not listed because physical measures to reduce surface evaporation on large-scale reservoirs have not proven successful. The only effective measure is to reduce surface area by changing operating policies and or storing water as groundwater.

Technological change

A variety of changes in the production process can reduce water use, and these arecategorised as technology change. Measures that can be taken to promote technologychange are listed in Table 6.8 by type of water use.

Market- or price-driven transfers to other activities

Another adaptation approach is to use price to shift water between sectors. An exampleof this would be water transfers from agriculture to municipal uses. In the westernUnited States, where the value of water in municipal use is as much as 20 times thevalue for some irrigated crops, water rights have been transferred from agriculture tomunicipal uses. Sometimes this is undertaken on a partial basis (e.g., just one or two

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farmers on a canal); in other cases an entire canal’s water rights are sold and the area isno longer farmed or is transformed to dry-land farming.

Table 6.8 Adaptation measures to promote technology change.

Type of Water Usea Measure

Domestic Water efficient toiletsWater efficient appliancesLandscape changesDual supply systems (potable and non-potable)Recycled water for non-potable uses

Agricultural Low water use cropsHigh value per water use cropsDrip, micro-spray, low-energy, precision application irrigation systemsSalt-tolerant crops that can use drain waterDrainage water mixing stations

Industrial ?Dry? cleaning technologiesClosed cycle and/or air-coolingPlant design with reuse and recycling of water imbeddedShift products manufactured

Energy Additional reservoirs and hydropower stationsLow head run of the river hydropowerMore efficient hydropower turbinesAlternative thermal cooling systemsCooling ponds, wet tower, and dry towers

a. Reservoir losses is not listed because physical measures to reduce surface evaporationon large-scale reservoirs have not proven successful. The only effective measure is toreduce surface area by changing operating policies and or storing water as groundwater.

6.5 Summary and implications

The methodologies and modelling approaches presented in this chapter span a widerange of spatial and temporal scales within the scope of assessing climate changeimpacts on a nation's water resources system. The choices to be made in model selec-tion and the scope of analyses depend on the hydroclimatic conditions, the waterresource modelling expertise, data availability, and the time and financial resourcesdedicated to the national assessment. The exact nature of potential climate change at thespatial scale of a study site is impossible to predict at this time. GCMs provideplausible scenarios of what ?could? be. In performing a climate change assessment, thegoal should be to gain insights into how vulnerable a country’s water resources are tothe range of climate changes and what adaptation measures (if any) should beimplemented. Therefore, it is more important to analyse more scenarios with simplemodels than to spend effort collecting detailed data and conducting few model runs. Inaddition, it is more important to look at multiple assessment components than toconduct many evaluations of few components. The reason for this ?simple? approach isthat first order impacts on each of the components can be identified with simpleapproaches; however, some of the more intriguing and non-intuitive impacts come fromthe integrated impacts of two or more components. Climate change impacts on one

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component may either mitigate or exacerbate impacts on another component. The goalin applying the methodologies presented in this chapter is to develop insight andunderstanding into water resources vulnerability and adaptation, not to developpredictions.


Campos, M., A. Sanchez, and D. Espinoza. 1995. Adaptation of hydropower generation inCosta Rica and Panama to climate change. In Adapting to Climate Change: AnInternational Perspective. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 232-242.

Chapra, S. 1996. Surface Water Quality Modelling. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Chow, V.T. et al. 1988. Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Kaczmarek, Z. 1991. Sensitivity of Water Balance to Climate Change and Variability,IIASA Working Paper WP-91-047. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Kindler, J., and C. Russell (eds). 1984. Modeling Water Demand. Academic Press, NewYork.

Maidment, D. (ed). 1993. Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Mays, L.W. (ed). 1996. Handbook of Water Resources. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Shaw, E.M. 1983. Hydrology in Practice. Van Nostrand Reinhold, United Kingdom.

Todini, E. 1988. Rainfall-runoff modeling: Past, present, and future. Journal of Hydrology100, 341-352.

Yates, D. and K.M. Strzepek. 1994. Comparison of water balance models for climatechange assessment runoff. Working paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Suggested readings

Abbott, M.B. et al. 1986a. An introduction to the European Hydrological System, SystemeHydrologique Europeen, SHE: 1. History and philosophy of a physically-based,distribution modelling system. Journal of Hydrology 87, 45-59.

Abbott, M.B. et al. 1986b. An introduction to the European Hydrological System, SystemeHydrologique Europeen, SHE: 2. Structure of physically-based distributed modellingsystem. Journal of Hydrology 87, 61-77.

Anderson, E.A. 1971. FORTRAN-IV Program for the Stanford Watershed Model IV. U.S.Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NationalWeather Service, Office of Hydrology, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

Arnell, N. 1996. Global Warming, River Flows, and Water Resources. John Wiley, NewYork..

Berndtsson, R., and J. Niemczynowicz. 1988. Spatial and temporal scales in rainfallanalysis: Some aspects and future perspectives. Journal of Hydrology 100, 293-313.

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Brown, L.C., and T.O. Barnwell. 1987. The Enhanced Stream Water Quality ModelsQUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Manual. EPA/600/3-87/007. USEnvironmental Protection Agency, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Burnach, J.C. et al. 1973. A Generalized Streamflow Simulation System: ConceptualModeling for Digital Computers. Report by the Joint-Federal State River ForecastingCenter. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration, National Weather Service, and State of California Department of WaterResources.

Carmichael, J., and K. Strzepek. 1987. Industrial Water Use and Treatment Practice.Published for the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation by CassellTycooley, Philadelphia and London.

Carmichael, J.J., K.M. Strzepek, and B. Minarik. 1996. Impacts of climate change andseasonal variability on economic treatment costs: A case study of the Nitra River Basin,Slovakia. Water Resources Development 12, 209-227.

Carter, T.R., M.L. Parry, H. Harasawa, and S. Nishioka. 1994. IPCC Technical Guidelinesfor Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Department of Geography,University College, London

Chang, L., C. Hunsaker, and J. Draves, 1992. Recent research on effects of climate changeon water resources. Water Resources Bulletin, 28(2), 273-286.

Chavula, G.M.S. and A.B. Chirwa. 1996. Effects of climate change on water resources ofMalawi: Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies. Chapter 4 in U.S.A.Country Studies Program to Address Climate Change: Support to Malawi forVulnerability and Adaptation Studies. Preliminary report. Republic of Malawi Ministryof Research and Environmental Affairs, Lilongwe, Malawi, pp. 38-77.

Crawford, N.H., and R.K. Linsley, Jr. 1966. Digital Simulation in Hydrology: StanfordWatershed Model IV. Technical Report 39. Department of Civil Engineering, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California, USA.

Dooge, J.C.I. 1992. Hydrologic models and climate change. Journal of GeophysicalResearch 97(D3), 2677-2688.

Dunne, T., and L.B. Leopold. 1978. Water in Environmental Planning. W.H. Freeman andCo., New York.

Falkenmark, M. 1977. Reduced water demand — Results of the Swedish anti-pollutionprogram, Ambio 6, 2.

Franchini, M., and M. Pacciani. 1991. Comparative analysis of several conceptual rainfall-runoff models. Journal of Hydrology 122, 161-219.

Gates, W.L. 1985. The use of general circulation models in the analysis of ecosystemimpacts of climatic change. Climatic Change 7, 267-84.

Gleick, P. (ed.). 1993. Water in Crisis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Goodman, A. 1984. Principles of Water Resources Planning. Prentice-Hall, New York.

Gray, D.M., and T.D. Prowse. 1993. Snow and floating ice. In Handbook of Hydrology,D. Maidment (ed). McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 7.1-7.53.

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Grotch, S.L., and M.C. MacCracken. 1990. The use of general circulation models to predictregional climatic change. Journal of Climate 4, 286-303.

Hazel, P.B.R., and R.D. Norton. 1986. Mathematical Programming for Economic Analysisin Agriculture. Macmillan Publishing, New York.

Hurd, B.H., J.M. Callaway, J.B. Smith, and P. Kirshen. 1998. Economic effects of climatechange on U.S. water resources. In The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on theU.S. Economy, R. Mendelsohn and J.E. Neumann (eds). Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Jensen, M. et al. 1990. Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. ASCEManual 70, 132.

Kaczmarek, Z. 1990. On the Sensitivity of Runoff to Climate Change and Variability.IIASA Working Paper WP-90-058. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Kaczmarek, Z. 1993. Water balance model for climate impact analysis. ACTA GeophysicaPolonica 41(4), 1-16.

Kaczmarek, Z, and J. Kindler. 1996. National Assessment: Poland. In Water ResourcesManagement in the Face of Climatic/Hydrologic Uncertainties, Z. Kaczmarek, K.Strzepek, Somlyody, and Priazhinskaya (eds). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp.224-248.

Kaczmarek, Z., K. Strzepek, L. Somlyody, and V. Priazhinskaya (eds). 1996. WaterResources Management in the Face of Climatic/Hydrologic Uncertainties, Kluwer,Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Kovalesky, V.S. 1993. The Impact of Predicted Climatic Changes on Groundwater.Unpublished manuscript. Water Problems Institute, Russia Academy of Science,Moscow.

Kulshreshtha, S. 1993. World Water Resources and Regional Vulnerability: Impact ofFuture Changes. IIASA Research Report RR93-10. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Lettenmaier, D.P., and T.Y. Gan. 1990. Hydrologic sensitivities of the Sacramento-SanJoaquin River Basin, California, to global warming. Water Resources Research 26,69-86.

Lettenmaier, D.P., and D.P. Sheer. 1991. Climatic sensitivity of California water resources.Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 117(1), 108-125.

Linsley, R.K., Jr. et al. 1982. Hydrology for Engineers. Third edition. McGraw-Hill, NewYork.

Loucks, D., J. Stedinger, and D. Haith. 1981. Water Resource System Analysis andPlanning. Prentice-Hall, New York.

Mays, L.W., and Y.-K. Tung. 1992. Hydrosystems Engineering and Management.McGraw-Hill, New York.

Mirza, M. and R. Warrick. 1997. Climate Change Impacts on Flooding in Bangladesh.Unpublished manuscript.

Niemann, J.D. et al. 1994. Impacts of spatial and temporal data on a climate changeassessment of Blue Nile Runoff. Draft working paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

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Ozga-Zielinska, M., and J. Brzenzinski. 1993. Basin Conceptual Model (BCM): TheSimulation Model of the Monthly Runoff, Institute of Environmental Engineering,Warsaw University of Technology.

Raskin, P., J. Sieger, and T. Votta, 1998. WEAP Water Evaluation and Planning System:User Guide for Version 97.0. Stockholm Environment Institute - Boston.

Rawls, W.J., D.L. Brakensiek, and S.D. Logsdon. 1993. Predicting saturated hydraulicconductivity utilizing fractal principles. Soil Science Society of America Journal 57,1193-1197.

Riebsame, W. et al. 1995. Complex river basins. In As Climate Changes: InternationalImpacts and Implication, K.M. Strzepek and J.B. Smith (eds). Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 57-91.

Samuelson, P., and W. Nordhaus. 1989. Microeconomics. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Shuttleworth, W.J. 1993. Evaporation. Chapter 4 of Handbook of Hydrology, D. Maidment(ed). McGraw-Hill, New York.

Singh, V.P. (ed). 1995. Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology. Water ResourcesPublications, Englewood, Colorado, USA.

Shiklomanov, I. H. Lins, E. Stakhiv, and K. Mostefa-Kara. 1990. Hydrology and waterresources. Chapter 4 in Climate Change: The IPCC Impacts Assessment, W.J.McG.Tegart, G.W. Sheldon, and D.C. Griffith (eds). Australian Government PublishingService, Canberra, Australia, pp. 4-1 to 4-42.

Starosolszky, O. 1987. Applied Surface Hydrology. Water Resources Publications,Littleton, Colorado, USA.

Strzepek, K. 1997. Use of WEAP for climate change analysis. Working paper. Universityof Colorado, Boulder, USA.

Strzepek, K.M. and J.B. Smith (eds). 1995. As Climate Changes: International Impactsand Implication. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Strzepek, K., L. Sembled, and V. Prishnikya (eds). 1996. Water Resources Management inthe Face of Climatic/Hydrologic Uncertainties. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Sugarwara, M. et al. 1983. Reference Manual for the TANK Model. National ResearchCenter for Disaster Prevention, Tokyo, Japan.

Turc, P. 1954. Water balance of soils: Relationship between precipitation,evapotranspiration, and runoff (in French). Annales Agronomique 5, 49-595 and 6, 5-131.

US Army Corps of Engineers. 1972. Program Description and User Manual for SSARRModel Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation: Program 724-K5-G0010. USArmy Corp of Engineers, Washington, DC.

Vaux, H.J. and R.E. Howitt. 1984. Managing water scarcity: An evaluation of interregionaltransfers. Water Resources Research 20, 785-792.

Viessman, W., Jr. et al. 1977. Introduction to Hydrology. Harper and Row, New York.

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Von Storch, H. et al. 1993. Downscaling of global climate change estimates of regionalscales: An application to Iberian rainfall in wintertime. Journal of Climate 6,1161-1171.

Waggoner, P. (ed). 1990. Climate Change & U.S. Water Resources. John Wiley & Sons,New York.

Wolock, D.M., and G.M. Hornberger. 1991. Hydrological effects of changes in levels ofatmospheric carbon dioxide. Journal of Forecasting 10, 105-116.

Yates, D.N. 1996. WatBal: An integrated water balance model. International Journal ofWater Resources Development 12(2), 121-139.

Yates, D.N., K. Strzepek, and O. Bowling. 1997. Comparison of hydrologic modelsUnpublished manuscript. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

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7 Coastal Zones

Lead Authors Contributing AuthorsRichard J.T. Klein 1 Gualbert H.P. Oude Essink,Robert J. Nicholls 2 The Netherlands

Nobuo Minura, JapanRichard A. Warrick,New Zealand

7.1 Nature and scope of the problem

One of the more certain consequences of global climate change is accelerated globalsea-level rise, which will intensify the stress on many coastal zones, particularly thosewhere human activities have diminished natural and socio-economic adaptive capaci-ties. As suggested by Bijlsma et al. (1996), sea-level rise can lead to increased hazardpotential for coastal populations, infrastructure, and investment. However, owing to thegreat diversity of both natural and socio-economic coastal systems and their dynamicresponse to anticipated changes, future impacts are not always easy to predict. Further,appropriate adaptation will vary with site, depending on environmental and socio-economic circ*mstances. Thus, careful studies are required to assess possible impactsas well as to identify suitable adaptation options.

In 1992, the former Coastal Zone Management Subgroup of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the so-called Common Methodology forassessing the vulnerability of coastal areas to sea-level rise (IPCC CZMS, 1992a). The

1 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research, Potsdam, Germany.2 Flood Hazard Research Centre, School of Social Science, Middlesex University, Enfield,


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Common Methodology has been widely applied to identify populations and resources atrisk, and the costs and feasibility of possible responses to adverse impacts. This chapterprovides an elaboration of the IPCC Technical Guidelines (Carter et al., 1994) for thespecific situation of assessing the impacts of sea-level rise on coastal zones. It is basedon a combination of widespread experience using the Common Methodology and othermethods for coastal vulnerability assessment, which have been developed in response oraddition to the Common Methodology (e.g., Kay and Hay, 1993; Gornitz et al., 1994;Nicholls et al., 1995; Yamada et al., 1995; Leatherman and Yohe, 1996; Otter et al.,1996).

This chapter should not be regarded as an update or revision of the Common Method-ology, but as a new initiative to present a range of methods and techniques applicable tovulnerability assessment rather than a single approach. It is not intended to be pres-criptive as to the use of scenarios or methods to be applied for the assessment of im-pacts and adaptation options. Instead, it encourages users to select those scenarios andmethods that — within the objectives of the country study —are most appropriate totheir specific situation.

Sea-level rise, which is the focus of this chapter, is expected to interact with changes inother climatic variables such as temperature, wind regime, precipitation, and soilmoisture. Consideration of this interaction is encouraged where relevant and possible,as it will allow for more comprehensive appraisal of possible impacts and adaptationfor specific socio-economic sectors. Methods to assess sectoral impacts and adaptationoptions in coastal zones can be found in other chapters in this handbook, includingWater Resources (Chapter 6), Agriculture (Chapter 8), Human Health (Chapter 10),and Fisheries (Chapter 14).

The response of coastal zones to sea-level rise can be highly variable and is greatlyinfluenced by the local geomorphic and ecological coastal configuration. Naturalcoastal processes interact with and dynamically respond to regional and global changessuch as sea-level rise, and thus determine the susceptibility, resilience, and resistance ofthe coastal zone to these changes.

7.1.1 Delineation of the study area

At a minimum, the study area needs to be defined so that it encompasses all areas thatcould be physically affected by sea-level rise. It is advisable not to delineate the area toonarrowly so as to account for the broad range of uncertainty that is involved in impactassessment. The Common Methodology suggests consideration of all the land areabelow the contour line that corresponds with the height of a once-every-1,000 yearsstorm surge, given projected sea-level rise by 2100. This and other risk contours arepresented in Section, and first-order global estimates of storm-surge regimes ata national resolution are provided by Hoozemans et al. (1993). In addition, the studyarea should consider saltwater intrusion and increased river flooding. In deltaic andestuarine areas, sea-level rise could cause these effects to extend tens of kilometresinland.

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In the absence of the required data or other clear criteria to delineate the study area, it isrecommended to use the contour line 2 metres above extreme high tide as the landwarddemarcation, unless the physiography or socio-economic structure of the area suggeststhat this arbitrary boundary will not suffice. This would be the case when impacts mayalso be expected to occur farther inland (e.g., as a result of saltwater intrusion, extremestorm surges, or increased river flooding) or, conversely, only close to the coast. Theseaward extension of the study area should be based on the area that is likely to besubject to biogeophysical effects of sea-level rise, such as coral reefs, intertidal areas,and wetlands, but may also include coastal waters containing valuable living resources.

7.1.2 Absolute and relative sea-level change

Over the last 100 years, the global sea level rose by 1.0-2.5 mm/yr (Warrick et al.,1996; see also Douglas, 1995; Gornitz, 1995). Estimates of future sea-level rise, aspresented in the IPCC Second Assessment Report and shown in Figure 7.1, range from20 to 86 centimetres for 2100 for the IS92a greenhouse-gas emission scenario, with abest estimate of 49 centimetres (including the cooling effect of aerosols; Warrick et al.,1996). This rate of sea-level rise is about 2-5 times the rate experienced over the lastcentury.

It should be noted that in hindcasting exercises, current models under-predict theobserved sea-level rise of the past 100 years, for reasons that are not well understood(Titus and Narayanan, 1996). Future rises may therefore be somewhat higher thanpredicted by Warrick et al. (1996). Moreover, model projections show that sea levelwill continue to rise beyond 2100, owing to lags in climate response, even if globalgreenhouse-gas emissions were stabilised now (Wigley, 1995).



























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Figure 7.1 Projected global mean sea-level rise for 1990-2100 (low, medium,high estimate), using the IS92a scenario and including the coolingeffect of aerosols (Warrick et al., 1996).

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In spite of the importance of global sea-level rise scenarios, when assessing impacts it isthe local change in relative sea level that matters, not the global average. Relative —orobserved —sea level is the level of the sea relative to the land. Subsidence of the landresults in a relative sea-level rise that is higher than the global rise, whereas uplift of theland leads to a relative rise that is less than the global average. In extreme cases (e.g.,Scandinavia), uplift is causing a relative fall of sea level because the rate of upliftexceeds the present rate of global sea-level rise.

Subsidence and uplift are mostly natural phenomena, associated with long-term geo-logical processes. However, human activities, such as water and hydrocarbon extrac-tion, can also cause subsidence of sedimentary coastal lowlands. Locally, this human-induced subsidence can equal or exceed the projected climate-induced sea-level rise.Examples of cities that have subsided as a result of groundwater exploitation includeVenice (Italy), Jakarta (Indonesia), Bangkok (Thailand), Shanghai (China), and Tokyo(Japan). In many deltaic areas, combined natural and human-induced subsidence ismade even more apparent by the removal or reduction of sediment supplies, whichreduces or stops compensating accretion. In reclaimed coastal lowlands, oxidation ofpeat can lead to large declines in land level, as can consolidation and loading.

7.1.3 Biogeophysical effects and socio-economic impacts

Irrespective of the primary causes (climate change, natural or human-induced subsi-dence, dynamic ocean effects), natural coastal systems that experience sea-level rise canbe affected in a variety of ways. It is not the aim of this chapter to discuss the details ofeach type of response and explain how these can be identified. Rather, the six mostimportant (from a societal perspective) biogeophysical effects are dealt with in a moregeneral manner. These six effects are:

• increasing flood-frequency probabilities;

• erosion;

• inundation;

• rising water tables;

• saltwater intrusion; and

• biological effects.

Owing to the great diversity and variation of natural coastal systems and to the localand regional differences in relative sea-level rise, the occurrence and response to theseeffects will not be uniform around the globe. Therefore, impact studies first need toanalyse the extent to which the above effects will occur in the study area before thepotential socio-economic impacts can be assessed. The potential socio-economicimpacts of sea-level rise can be categorised as follows:

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• direct loss of economic, ecological, cultural, and subsistence values through loss ofland, infrastructure, and coastal habitats;

• increased flood risk of people, land, and infrastructure and the above-mentionedvalues; and

• other impacts related to changes in water management, salinity, and biologicalactivity.

The last category of impacts is not considered in this chapter but in the relevant sectoralchapters (Water Resources, Agriculture, Human Health, and Fisheries). However, thischapter does discuss the possibilities and limitations to assess the extent of rising watertables and saltwater intrusion. Clearly, when conducting a comprehensive coastal study,the consequent socio-economic impacts should also be considered, using methodsoutlined in the appropriate chapters of this Handbook.

Table 7.1 lists the most important socio-economic sectors in coastal zones, and indi-cates from which biogeophysical effects they are expected to suffer direct socio-eco-nomic impacts. Indirect impacts (e.g., human-health impacts resulting from deterior-ating water quality) could also be important to many sectors, but these are not shown inthe table.

Table 7.1 Qualitative synthesis of direct socio-economic impacts of climatechange and sea-level rise on a number of sectors in coastal zones.

Sector Biogeophysical Effect


Erosion Inundation Changein




Water Resources 3 3 3 3

Agriculture 3 3 3 3

Human Health 3 3 3

Fisheries 3 3 3 3 3

Tourism 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3

Note: Methods for vulnerability assessment for the first four sectors are presented in Chapters6, 8, 10, and 14 of this handbook, respectively. Methods to assess biological effects of climatechange in coastal zones are provided in Chapters 10 and 14.

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7.2 An array of methods

This section presents and discusses a range of tools and techniques that are availablefor coastal impact assessment. First, methods for data acquisition and management arediscussed, followed by a review of an index-based approach to coastal impact assess-ment. Indices, which to a greater or lesser extent rely on expert judgement, may be usedwhen data are scarce. When data are available or can be collected, a two-step approachcan be followed to assess natural and socio-economic vulnerability to sea-level rise. Thetwo steps involved are the assessment of biogeophysical effects, and the assessment ofpotential socio-economic impacts.

7.2.1 Acquisition and management of data

The fundamental starting point for any assessment study is the acquisition of basic dataon a number of important parameters that characterise the study area. Relevantcharacteristics of the natural coastal system include the following:

• coastal geomorphology and topography;

• historical relative sea-level changes;

• trends in sediment supply and erosion/accretion patterns;

• hydrological and meteorological characteristics;

• meteorological-oceanographic characteristics; and

• ecosystem characteristics.

Additionally, it is necessary to collect data on the important socio-economic charac-teristics of the study area, and to develop scenarios of their future development (seeChapter 2). These include:

• demographic developments;

• trends in resource use and economic development;

• land use and ownership;

• infrastructural and other economic assets;

• cultural assets; and

• institutional arrangements.

First and foremost, it is essential to review critically any available material (maps,aerial photographs, satellite images) and previous studies that may have yielded results

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or contain background information relevant to impact assessment. Various national andinternational organisations have developed sites on the World Wide Web that containcoastal bibliographies, databases, and tools as well as numerous links to other relevantinformation and organisations on the Internet. Examples include the Dutch CoastalZone Management Centre (http://www.minvenw.nl/projects/netcoast), the CoastalServices Center of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(http://www.csc.noaa.gov), and the core-project Land-Ocean Interactions in the CoastalZone of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (http://www. nioz.nl/loicz). Global sea-level changes

There are a number of databases that may provide useful information on sea-levelchanges. For example, the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (Bidston Obser-vatory, United Kingdom) holds a large number of tide-gauge records showing relativesea-level changes around the world (reviewed by Emery and Aubrey, 1991; Spencerand Woodworth, 1993). A guide to tide-gauge networks and global and regional sea-level data sets can be accessed at http://www.nbi.ac.uk/psmsl/ sea_level.html. Also theWorld Atlas of Holocene Sea-Level Changes (Pirazzoli, 1991) could provide anindication of long-term, regional, relative sea-level changes. However, the limitations ofthese data sets need to be appreciated. Hence, it is recommended to use this type ofinformation with caution, especially because the small spatial and temporal scales of thedata reduce the reliability of its application at larger scales. For example, see Douglas(1995) for a discussion of sea-level trend analysis.

New data sources are becoming available, including satellite observations of sea-surface elevations using the TOPEX/POSEIDON platform (Fu et al., 1996). Globalpositioning systems are used to decouple absolute sea-level changes and vertical landmovements in some regions (e.g., Zerbini et al., 1996). Some of these data may beuseful for impact analysis. Coastal topography and land use

For many countries where information on coastal elevations is lacking, ordinary sur-veying can be conducted to provide these most basic and essential data for coastalvulnerability assessment. In combination with elevation data derived from satellitemeasurements (e.g., SPOT) or vertical aerial photography, surveying can yield topo-graphical maps that have utility beyond impact assessment. However, surveying is alaborious and time-intensive process, and therefore relatively expensive. Nonetheless,satellite measurements alone are not yet sufficiently accurate to serve as the only sourceof contour information.

A rapid and low-cost reconnaissance technique that has been developed to overcomesome natural-system data deficiencies is called “aerial videotape-assisted vulnerabilityanalysis” (AVVA) (IPCC CZMS, 1992b; Nicholls et al., 1993; Leatherman et al.,1995). The combination of a video record of the coastline and ground-truth information

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can be used to characterise the coastal topography and, with the use of an appropriatemodel (see Section 7.2.3), allows for estimates of the biogeophysical effects fordifferent sea-level rise scenarios. The video record further provides information on thetypes of coastal environments, land-use practices, infrastructure, and populationindicators.

A major limitation of the AVVA method is that coastal elevations are not estimatedquantitatively, but are subjectively interpolated between occasional ground-truth data.Therefore, AVVA does not provide information that is sufficiently accurate to assesswhether a particular parcel of land would be inundated as a result of sea-level rise. Onthe other hand, validation experiments have demonstrated that AVVA is unbiased andreasonably accurate when estimating land loss at a larger scale (Leatherman et al.,1995). Another important limitation is that in extensive low-lying areas such as deltas,AVVA does not provide sufficiently detailed information to allow for an accurateestimate of elevation (Nicholls et al., 1995; Leatherman and Yohe, 1996). Thus, otherdata sources are essential. Box 7.1 presents results from an impact study of Senegal,which was conducted based on data obtained with AVVA.

Box 7.1 Example: Use of AVVA in coastal impact assessment forSenegal.

Senegal is a West African country with a varied coast that comprises long stretches of sandycoastline, the Senegal Delta, the sheltered shorelines of the Saloum and Casamanceestuaries, and a small length of rocky shoreline. An impact study of Senegal was conductedfrom 1990 to 1993, under sponsorship of the US Environmental Protection Agency. It is one ofa number of country studies that have used AVVA as the main source for elevation and land-use data. Other sources of information included published reports, maps, and computerdatabases .

In following a similar approach to the IPCC Common Methodology, the study aimed to analysethe implications of land loss, including a range of potential human responses and their costs. Itdid not consider changes other than sea-level rise. The study applied four scenarios of relativesea-level rise: 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 metres by 2100, with most attention being focused on the1-metre scenario. Socio-economic consequences were assessed using three response scenar-ios: no protection, important areas protection, and total protection (of areas with a populationof more than 10 people per square kilometre).

Erosion from sea-level rise was estimated using the Bruun rule, and the simple inundationconcept was used to assess most of the area vulnerable to inundation. For mangroves, thedynamic inundation concept was applied (see Section 7.2.3 for a discussion of thesemethods). Based on the area of land potentially at loss, an inventory of the market value ofbuildings was made. The number of buildings also gave an indication of the population at risk.Agricultural land at risk was not evaluated because of a lack of information concerning thetotal area involved and the market value of agricultural land. For the same reason coastalinfrastructure other than buildings was excluded from the analysis. Market and non-marketvalues related to the many functions of coastal wetlands were not considered either, owingagain to a lack of suitable information.

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The study found that a 1-metre rise in sea level could inundate and erode more than 6,000square kilometres of land, most of which are wetlands. Erosion on the open coast couldthreaten buildings valued at more than US$500-700 million (or 12-17 percent of Senegal’s1990 GNP) and displace at least 110,000 to 180,000 people from their homes. Protecting theareas that currently have medium to high development would cost US$255-845 million, mainlyfor beach nourishment at tourist resorts. Assuming that this investment would be made from2051 to 2100, it would represent an annual cost of 0.7-2.2 percent of the national grossinvestment in 1990. Nonetheless, most of the coastline (86 percent) remains undeveloped,even though the population of the Senegalese coastal zone is growing rapidly. Therefore, thereis an opportunity to plan for the impacts of sea-level rise as new coastal areas are developed.

Source: Dennis et al. (1995a).

A new technique that does provide detailed absolute coastal-elevation data is calledairborne laser scanning (ALS). This operational remote-sensing technique for digitalelevation mapping is based on a laser beam scanning the earth’s surface from anaircraft. The precise position of the aircraft is determined by a ground-control pointoperating a global positioning system receiver, allowing the plane to attain high verticalaccuracy (10 to 15 cm). ALS is currently used to survey the coastal zone of TheNetherlands, providing more than 80,000 measurements per square kilometre.

Remotely-sensed data from satellites (e.g., Landsat, SPOT) can also be used to deline-ate land use (e.g., IPCC CZMS, 1992b; Frederic R. Harris BV et al., 1992; O’Regan,1996). This type of information is easily incorporated and analysed within a geographicinformation system (GIS). As stated above, satellite data cannot yet provide high-accuracy contour information, so this must be obtained from other sources to allow forquantitative analysis. Box 7.2 presents some results that have been obtained usingsatellite data in an impact study of the Polish coast. Note that subsequent studies (e.g.,Zeidler, 1997) have provided revised and updated figures, reflecting the rapidlychanging patterns of the Polish economy and inclusion of new boundary conditions. Socio-economic data

Socio-economic data (e.g., population, gross regional product) can often be derivedfrom local or national authorities, and from institutions such as a census bureau and astatistical office. Further, international organisations may possess valuable information.Potential sources include the World Bank (http://www.worldbank.org), WorldResources Institute (http://www.wri.org), and the United Nations Development andEnvironment Programmes and Food and Agricultural Organisation (UNDP, UNEP andFAO; http://www.undp.org, http://www.unep.org, and http://www.fao.org). In view ofthe often obsolescent nature of socio-economic data, it is always important to verify thereliability of any data with appropriate experts. Management of data

Computerised GIS provides an increasingly powerful means of not only managing butalso analysing spatial data. Once created, a GIS database may have further utility inother aspects of coastal zone management.

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In principle, most of the analytical methods outlined in this chapter can be incorporatedwithin a GIS, and such an approach is preferred if feasible. As such, the analysis ofimpacts of sea-level rise can be integrated with the analysis of sectoral impacts, asoutlined in other chapters of this Handbook. It is, however, important to realise that anyanalysis performed using a GIS relies heavily on the accuracy of the data that the GIScontains. The study in Box 7.2 presents some results that have been obtained using aGIS.

Box 7.2 Example: Use of satellite data and GIS in a coastal impactassessment for Poland.

Poland is situated on the Baltic Sea. Eighty percent of its coastline is occupied by dunes, andthe remainder is fronted by cliffs. The two main rivers that flow into the Polish part of the BalticSea are the Vistula and the Odra. In 1991 and 1992 an impact study was conducted withfinancial support from The Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs. The study followed theIPCC Common Methodology, which was facilitated by the large amount of well-documentedand high-quality data available from various sources in Poland. In addition, satellite imagerywas used to identify land use.

The study aimed to establish a vulnerability profile, including ecological and socio-economicvalues at risk, as well as response costs. Sea-level rise was the only climate change variableconsidered, using scenarios of 0.3 and 1.0 metre by 2100. Socio-economic development wasconsidered over a time span of 30 years. This included extrapolating historical trends of popu-lation and economic growth, and using current capital values from The Netherlands under theassumption that in 30 years Poland would develop to a situation comparable to that of TheNetherlands today. Response costs were based on protection; no analysis was made of thecosts and consequences of other adaptation options.

In combination with a GIS, the use of satellite images enabled a rapid quantitative assessmentof the consequences of sea-level rise in terms of loss of land and property. Also the effects ofdike failure could be clearly demonstrated. Under a 1-meter sea-level rise scenario, taking intoaccount socio-economic development and assuming no protection, 1101.2 square kilometresof agricultural land would be lost, as well as 223.0 square kilometres of forests, 140.0 squarekilometres of recreational area, 35.7 square kilometres of nature reserve, 23.4 square kilo-metres of urban area, and 105.4 square kilometres of industrial area.

In terms of the vulnerability profile, the Common Methodology defined four vulnerabilityclasses for different parameters: low, medium, high, and critical (IPCC CZMS, 1992a). Theseclasses are used in the description of the Polish results. It was found that for a projected sea-level rise of 1.0 metre, losses of land and property are expected to be critical (>10 percent of1992 GNP) if no protective measures are taken. For the same scenario, the number of peoplewho would experience storm-surge flooding in a typical year is about 200,000 (highvulnerability). Most of these people (146,000) would experience flooding more than once ayear, suggesting a response would be necessary (i.e., protection or relocation). Full protectioncan reduce the number of people at risk to about 10,000 (a low to medium vulnerability). Theimplementation costs are estimated at US$1.5 billion, which is equivalent to 0.02 percent of1992 GNP, assuming that these costs will occur uniformly over 100 years.

Source: Frederic R. Harris BV et al. (1992)

Examples of the use of GIS in coastal vulnerability assessment include Shennan andSproxton (1991), IPCC CZMS (1992b), Machida et al. (1993), Nunn et al. (1994a,b),and Sem et al. (1996); Jones (1995) and O’Regan (1996) review the use of GIS in

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coastal zone management. More general information can be found in numerous texts,such as Maguire et al. (1991) (See also Chapter 1.)

7.2.2 Index-based approaches

An important constraint that faced many past coastal impact studies was the limitedavailability of data on both the natural and socio-economic coastal systems. When dataare scarce, coastal vulnerability may be assessed using indices that, to a greater orlesser extent, rely on expert judgement. It should be noted, however, that existingstudies using index-based methods often lack the level of detail required to draw firmconclusions, and should therefore be seen as a first-order assessment only. Quantitativeimpact assessment would require at least some of the above data to form the basis ofthe study. In particular, there needs to be some basic knowledge of coastal elevationsand of natural coastal processes and trends to assess the natural coastal response to sea-level rise.

Box 7.3 Example: An index-based approach to coastal impactassessment in Fiji.

Fiji is situated in the Pacific Ocean and comprises two large and 330 small to very smallislands. In two phases an impact study was conducted that applied and further developed themethod outlined by Kay and Hay (1993). The study was sponsored by the Japanese Environ-ment Agency. In the first phase, the method was tested at four sites on Viti Levu, the largestisland, after which it was refined on the peripheral Yasawa islands of Nacula and Viwa duringthe second phase. Also during the second phase, the vulnerability of the port facilities of thetwo most important urban centres of Fiji (Suva and Lautoka, both on Viti Levu) was assessed,and a 25-layer GIS database of Viti Levu was constructed so as to allow for island-wide vul-nerability analysis. This example summarises the methodology and results of the studies onNacula and Viwa.

Nacula and Viwa are very small islands with populations of 1200 and 400, respectively. Thesepopulations depend strongly on the natural environment for subsistence fishing andagriculture. There are few opportunities for cash employment. As an impact analysis based onmonetary valuation was considered to be of little use for subsistence economies, the methodthat was applied was based on qualitative evaluation of six interacting coastal systems(natural, human, infrastructural, institutional, economic, and cultural). Based primarily onexpert judgement, the vulnerability and resilience to sea-level rise of each of these systemswere scored on a scale from -3 to 3, for the present and for the future (up to 2100). For thefuture, two response scenarios were used: no management and optimal management. Theoverall vulnerability was expressed as an index obtained from aggregating the vulnerability andresilience components.

In the method, areas with higher concentrations of assets were judged to be more vulnerable,whereas areas with diversity and flexibility in the system —whether natural or managerial —were viewed as more resilient. It was found that Nacula can sustain its present populationwithout undue difficulty, although problems could arise after a “direct-hit” cyclone. With sea-level rise inundating some low-lying areas and rendering other areas unsuitable for agriculture,it will become more difficult to sustain the present population. However, the strength of theindigenous culture with its communal support mechanisms is expected to be useful in findingsolutions. Viwa is more isolated and more resource-poor than Nacula. Being low-lying, it ismore affected by storm surges associated with tropical cyclones than Nacula. The problem of

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providing sufficient freshwater supplies is already acute. The island is far less capable ofsustaining existing population levels both now and in the future. However, it is anticipated thatsea-level rise will not constitute a significant additional stress over the next century.

Source: Nunn et al. (1994a).

One example of an index-based approach has been developed for the Asia-Pacificregion by Kay and Hay (1993). It has been applied by Nunn et al. (1994a,b) andYamada et al. (1995). Box 7.3 summarises the impact study conducted for two islandsof Fiji. In the framework used in this approach, the coastal zone is viewed as a set ofsix interacting systems: the natural, human, and infrastructural systems (the so-called“hard” systems), and the institutional, economic, and cultural systems (the “soft” sys-tems). Kay and Hay (1993) have stressed the importance of determining not only thevulnerability but also the resilience of each of these systems. The qualitative scorings ofvulnerability and resilience — largely determined by expert judgement —togetherdetermine the coastal Sustainable Capacity Index.

The framework of Kay and Hay (1993), which has been developed to account for thespecific situation of subsistence economies in the Asia-Pacific region, does providesome useful guidance for impact assessment, especially in areas with limited dataavailability or accessibility. However, as stated above, a more comprehensive andquantitative assessment of impacts and adaptation options can only be based on quan-titative data.

7.2.3 Methods for assessing biogeophysical effects

This section briefly discusses five of the six coastal biogeophysical effects of sea-levelrise that were identified in Section 7.1.3, and outlines which methods are available fortheir assessment. The application of each method is described in some detail, but it isbeyond the scope of this chapter to present all the peculiarities involved in each method.Therefore, the reader is recommended to consult the original references for moredetailed descriptions. Biological effects of climate change in coastal zones are discussedin Chapters 10 and 14. Increasing flood-frequency probabilities

One of the first consequences of a rise in sea level on low-lying coastal zones is an in-creased flood risk associated with storm surges and extreme precipitation and runoffevents. In fact, low-lying coastal areas that face permanent inundation under a certainscenario of sea-level rise will first experience increased risk of flooding. In this chapter,only flooding as a result of coastal storm surges is considered, although increases inriver flooding could be important locally (see also Chapter 6).

The degree to which coastal land is at risk of flooding from storm surges is determinedby a number of morphological and meteorological factors, including coastal slope and

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wind and wave characteristics. Together these factors determine a coastal zone’s flood-frequency probability curve (also referred to as flood-exceedance curve). Theinformation provided by flood-frequency probability curves can be used to plot designwater levels on a topographical map. Design water levels are contour lines that indicatewith which probability a particular area could be flooded.

Hoozemans et al. (1993) defined the risk zone as the land area between the coastlineand the “maximum” design water level, which is defined as a flood-frequency proba-bility of once per 1,000 years, taking into account global sea-level rise and regional andlocal aspects such as subsidence, tidal range, and storm characteristics (wind and waveset-up and minimum barometric pressure). Hence, the delineation of the risk zonerequires the calculation of the maximum design water level (see Hoozemans et al.,1993). Erosion and inundation

Sea-level rise can activate two important mechanisms that result in the loss of land:erosion and inundation. Erosion represents the physical removal of sediment by waveand current action, and inundation is the permanent submergence of low-lying land. Theprimary mechanism at any location depends on the geomorphology of the coast. Manyother factors than sea-level rise can play a part in determining land loss (e.g.,vegetation, sediment supply), yet at the intended level of analysis it is justified not toconsider them. More sophisticated analyses would require considerably more data onthe coastal sediment budget, and the development of more site-specific models. Suchanalyses are therefore likely to face severe time and funding constraints in many coastalareas.

Sea-level rise contributes to the erosion of erodible cliffs, coral-reef islands, and gravel-ly, sandy, and muddy coasts by promoting the offshore transport of sedimentarymaterial. The best known and most widely applied model to estimate erosion has beendeveloped by Bruun (1962) for application on straight sandy shores (see also Dean,1991; SCOR Working Group 89, 1991; Healy, 1991, 1996; Mimura and Nobuoka,1995). In other erodible coastal environments alternative erosion models have to beused, which, however, are often based on the Bruun rule.

Low-lying coastal areas such as deltas, coastal wetlands, and coral atolls may faceinundation as a result of sea-level rise. Land loss resulting from inundation is simply afunction of slope: the lower the slope, the greater the land loss. In addition, the survivalof coastal wetlands is dependent upon sediment availability and local biomass pro-duction, as well as the potential for these ecosystems to migrate inland. Flood em-bankments can inhibit this natural adaptation of wetlands to sea-level rise. Healthy,unobstructed wetlands in settings with continuing sedimentation are expected to be ableto cope with projected global sea-level rise, although ecosystem characteristics maychange.

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Healthy coral-reef systems are also believed to be able to keep up with projected sea-level rise (Bijlsma et al., 1996), although some doubt whether maximum accretion ratesof 10 mm/yr achieved during the early Holocene can be considered realistic undercurrent ecological and sea-level conditions (Nunn, personal communication, Universityof the South Pacific, Fiji,1997) Moreover, other climatic and non-climatic stress factorsmay have diminished the natural resilience and resistance of reefs.

Figure 7.2 summarises the above discussion and indicates how it can be decided what isthe appropriate land-loss model for which coastal environment.



















Figure 7.2 Flow-diagram to determine the appropriate method to determineland at risk from erosion or inundation (Nicholls et al., 1995).Wetlands embrace marshes, mangroves, and coral atolls/keys. Rising water tables

Sea-level rise could be associated with a rise in coastal groundwater tables. The dis-tance inland that a water table will be affected by sea-level rise depends on a range offactors, including elevation and subsurface permeability. In some locations, particularlydeltas, rising water tables can occur as far as several tens of kilometres inland. Theneed to assess rising water tables depends on the potential for saltwater intrusion ingroundwater (see Section as well as impacts on foundations, drainage systems,and underground services. For semi-confined aquifers, the Mazure equation (Mazure,1936) can be applied as a first approximation of the water-table rise. Because theseimpacts occur almost exclusively in urban areas, this is where attention should befocused.

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7-15 Saltwater intrusion

As sea level rises, fresh groundwater and surface water could be displaced by salinewater, which could have substantial adverse impacts on drinking-water supply andagriculture. To assess these impacts, knowledge of the spatial and temporal extent ofsaltwater intrusion is needed. It is important to note that saltwater intrusion is alreadyoccurring in many coastal regions, owing to overexploitation of surface water andgroundwater (e.g., Han et al., 1995). With growing populations in coastal regions,saltwater intrusion due to this problem is expected to occur more widely, and mayenhance the rate of saltwater infiltration. Therefore, it is likely that sea-level rise willexacerbate an already adverse situation.

Assessing the extent of saltwater intrusion in groundwater is difficult because it de-pends on many factors that are locally variable and often poorly understood. Thesefactors include subsoil characteristics such as porosity and conductivity of the aquifer,hydraulic resistance of the aquitard, and hydraulic variables such as groundwater flowand recharge. Also the geohydrology is important, because this determines whether afreshwater aquifer is confined, semi-confined, or unconfined; sea-level rise will notresult in saltwater intrusion in confined aquifers.

Saltwater intrusion in groundwater can be assessed using analytical methods or math-ematical modelling. One commonality of the analytical methods is that they are allbased on the Badon Ghijben-Herzberg principle, which describes the equilibrium of twostationary immiscible fluids of different density (Badon Ghijben, 1889; Herzberg,1901). Thus, these methods assume that a sharp interface exists between fresh andsaline groundwater. A full discussion of the coastal type-dependent methods that havebeen derived from the Badon Ghijben-Herzberg principle can be found in Custodio(1987) and Oude Essink (1996).

Owing to the complexity of intrusion processes in groundwater, reliable estimates of theextent of saltwater intrusion in groundwater can in fact be made only by means ofmathematical modelling. By using density-dependent solute transport models, spatialand temporal changes in salinity in coastal groundwater can be assessed. A number ofsuch models are available, mostly based on either the finite different method or the finiteelement method. The US Geological Survey is the leading institute in developing andpurchasing public-domain, two-dimensional and three-dimensional groundwater-flowmodels (http://water.usgs.gov/software/ground_water.html). Important distributors ofaffordable computer codes are, among others, the International Ground Water ModelingCenter (http://magma.mines.edu/igwmc/ software/igwmcsoft/ ground_water.html) andthe Scientific Software Group (http://www/scisoftware.com).

Saltwater intrusion in surface water (rivers and estuaries) is a function of the followingparameters (Oude Essink, 1996):

• density differences between freshwater and saltwater;

• tidal range;

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• river discharge;

• cross-sectional area; and

• vertical mixing of water.

Based on the last parameter, three distinct estuarine conditions can be identified: amixed estuary, a partially mixed estuary, and a stratified estuary. Stratified estuariesare most susceptible to saltwater intrusion because a saltwater wedge is formed that canreach far upstream. Summary

The above four sections discussed methods to assess the extent and magnitude of fivebiogeophysical effects of sea-level rise on coastal systems. Table 7.2 lists these meth-ods, indicates for which level of assessment they can be applied, shows the requirementsfor application —in terms of data, time, skill, and resources —and gives an indicationof the reliability and validity of results.

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Table 7.2 Summary of the available methods to assess biogeophysicaleffects of sea-level rise. Scores from 1 to 5 indicate increasingrequirements and reliability/validity.


Assessment method Requirements Reliabilityand


Data Time Skill Money


Use of currentflood-frequency data

3 2 3 2 2

Probabilities Individual-componentmethod

3 3 3 2 2

Erosion Bruun rule of thumb 2 1 1 1 1

Bruun rule 3 3 3 2 2


5 5 5 4 3

Inundation Simple inundationconcept

1 1 1 1 1

Dynamic inundationconcept

2 2 3 2 2

Landscape modelling 5 5 5 5 3

Rising watertables

Mazure equation 3 3 3 3 1


Analytical methods(sharp-interfaceapproach)

3 2 3 2 1


5 5 5 5 3

7.2.4 Methods for assessing potential socio-economicimpacts

For each area potentially affected by sea-level rise, analysis following the methodsoutlined in Section 7.2.3 will identify the relevant biogeophysical effects, including thearea that will be at increased risk from coastal flooding and the area that is potentiallylost as a result of erosion or inundation.

This section presents methods to assess the socio-economic implications of increasedflood risk and potential land loss. This is done using a distinction between three fun-damental socio-economic impact categories:

• (human) population;

• marketed goods and services; and

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• non-marketed goods and services.

For the last two categories, this section outlines techniques that are aimed at expressingthese impacts in economic terms, recognising that this may be impossible or undesirablefor all values at stake. The first category applies a risk-based approach, using thedesign water levels described in Section Population

Sea level rise would obviously affect those people living near the coast, because theirhouses or businesses would be inundated, eroded, or more frequently flooded. A crudeway of estimating the number of people affected is to multiply population density by thearea affected. The national average population density could be used, but it ispreferable to use the population density of coastal counties, provinces, or similarregions. The area affected by sea level rise, and thus the population affected, dependson the extent of protective adaptation. The population density depends on the socio-economic scenarios used.

People are not affected by sea level rise in the same manner. Some would experience aflood of minor inconvenience once in every 15 years instead of once in every 20 years.Others would be forced to migrate. Some would drown. Unfortunately, no classificationhas been established of the various ways in which people can be affected by sea levelrise, let alone methods to estimate their numbers.

Two categories can be estimated, however. Hoozemans et al. (1993) present a methodto estimate the number of people affected3 by coastal floods each year, and how thispopulation-at-risk would change with sea level rise. Their report contains such esti-mates for all coastal countries. Their databases are, not highly reliable however, andprobably include considerable errors of overestimation and underestimation. Peopleliving in places that would get permanently inundated or eroded would need to seek alivelihood elsewhere. Thus, an estimate of the people forced to migrate results. Marketed goods and services

Assessment of the increased risk to or potential loss of marketed goods and services is acomplicated exercise. First, an inventory is needed of all economic assets and activitiesin the coastal area affected. Examples of such inventories can be found in Yohe (1990),Mimura et al. (1994), Yohe et al. (1995), Dennis et al. (1995a,b), and Volonté andNicholls (1995). This inventory needs to be projected into the future, as part of thesocio-economic scenarios (see Chapter 2). Further, a quantitative assessment needs tobe made of the degree to which these assets and activities will be subject to damage as aresult of sea-level rise. Sea-level rise may also lead to costs that are not related directly

3 Note that ‘affected’ does not distinguish between more and less severe effects of floods.

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to the economic assets and activities identified (e.g., evacuation). Further, benefitsaccruing from new opportunities, if any, should also be taken into account.

A report by Turner and Adger (1996), written for the core project Land-Ocean Inter-actions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Pro-gramme (IGBP), provides specific guidance for the application of economic valuationmethods in coastal zones, as does a report by Lipton et al. (1995). Even more detailed,and originally written for application in the United Kingdom, is the manual by Penning-Rowsell et al. (1992).

The most important goods and services that could be at risk of sea-level rise, and whichare readily quantifiable in monetary terms, include:

• land;

• physical structures (e.g., houses, roads); and

• agricultural and industrial productivity.

These goods and services can either be irreversibly lost as a result of erosion or inun-ation, or be exposed to a higher risk of flooding, which can cause temporal losses. Also,rising water tables may result in increased likelihood of foundation failure, existingdrainage services may be made obsolete (Titus et al., 1987), and underground servicesin urban areas would be affected (Yim, 1995). In certain low-lying areas, hazards suchas liquefaction during earthquakes may be exacerbated.

Potential losses in capital assets such as land, property, and infrastructure cannot beestimated accurately. The problem is that people’s anticipation of erosion and inunda-tion will affect the extent, nature, and value of capital assets in the coastal zone, andrealistic modelling of people’s anticipation has proved exceedingly difficult. However, itis possible to give upper and lower bounds of the potential losses; the methods areassociated with Titus (1992) and Yohe (1991), respectively. The upper bound lossassumes that X acres of land will get inundated and eroded, and values this land at its(current or future) market price. The market price supposedly reflects the value of theagricultural and industrial activities the piece of land can support. The properties andinfrastructure on this land are assumed to be lost as well. These are valued at their(current or future) market or replacement values. The lower bound loss assumes alsothat X acres of land will get lost; however, this land is valued not at its market price,but at the market price of similar land farther from the coast. Because of access to thesea and natural beauty, coastal land is often expensive. With sea level rise, the strip ofcoastal property will not disappear, but move inland. The properties and infrastructurethat would be lost with the land are not counted, on the assumption that their ownersanticipate sea level rise and depreciate their houses (say) to zero value just before thesea enters the front. Thus, in practice the true loss probably lies somewhere between theupper and lower bounds.

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7-20 Non-marketed goods and services

As the term implies, non-marketed goods and services are not traded on markets. In theabsence of a market, these goods and services cannot be readily expressed in monetaryterms, because there is no pricing mechanism. This does not suggest, however, that theydo not possess economic value. Examples of non-marketed goods and services includerecreational values, cultural and subsistence values (e.g., community structures), andnatural values (e.g., a wetland’s capacity to buffer wave energy and assimilate waste).

Thus, it is important to realise that the total economic value of a coastal system is morethan simply the market value of its resources. There are methods to express non-marketvalues in money. These methods are based on revealed and expressed preferences, usingimplicit markets (people’s expenditures on safety or landscape beauty containsinformation about its value) or hypothetical markets (through interviews andexperiments). To date, economic assessment of non-marketed goods and services hasbeen directed primarily at quantifying the value of coastal recreation and indirect-usevalues such as storm protection and waste assimilation. Empirical studies confirm thatthese values may be significant in monetary terms (e.g., Dixon, 1989; Costanza et al.,1989; De Groot, 1992; Barbier, 1994; Bateman et al., 1995). More guidance and refer-ences on the valuation of non-marketed coastal goods and services can be found inTurner and Adger (1996).

7.3 Scenarios

Scenarios for impact assessment reflect plausible future conditions of all environmentaland socio-economic parameters of interest. Some parameters can be considered to beuniversally important, whereas others are more site-specific. In addition to differ-entiating between environmental and socio-economic parameters, a distinction can alsobe made based on whether or not changes in these parameters will be climate-related.

7.3.1 Relative sea-level rise

Since relative sea-level rise is the sum of global sea-level rise, regional oceanic effects,and vertical land movements, it follows that scenarios for relative sea-level rise can beexpressed as:

tVSSS totgtr ⋅++= ,,, (7.1)

where: trS , = relative sea-level rise in year t (m),

tgS , = global sea-level rise in year t,

toS , = regional sea-level change induced by oceanic changes in year t (m),

V = vertical land movement (m/yr), and

t = number of years in the future (base year 1990).

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The US National Research Council has suggested expressing global sea-level risescenarios as a quadratic equation (NRC, 1987):

S a t b tg t, = ⋅ + ⋅ 2 (7.2)

where: a = incremental sea-level rise (m/yr), and

b = acceleration factor (m/yr) 2.

The most recent IPCC sea-level rise scenarios shown in Figure 7.1 can be approximatedby the values for a and b shown in Table 7.3, using 1990 as the base year. Hence, Sg,t

can be computed for any year using equation (7.2). The coefficients can be easilyadjusted to reflect new scientific knowledge (Nicholls and Leatherman, 1996).

Table 7.3 Values for a and b in equation (7.2) for three IPCC sea-level risescenarios (Nicholls and Leatherman, 1996).

IPCC Scenario Coefficients for equation (7.2) Sea-level rise

(Warrick et al., 1996) a (m/yr) b (m/yr) 2 2050 (m) 2100 (m)

Low (no acceleration) 0.0018 0 0.11 0.2

Best 0.0018 0.000025 0.2 0.5

High 0.005 0.000029 0.4 0.9

Alternatively, Sg,t can be obtained directly from scenario generators that link simpleclimate models with sea-level models. Examples of scenario generators includeMAGICC and SCENGEN, both developed by the Climatic Research Unit of the Uni-versity of East Anglia (see Chapter 3).

Given the uncertainties surrounding Sg,t, it is important that scenarios are selected suchthat they encompass the likely change (see Figure 7.1). Therefore, a maximum scenarioin which Sg,t equals 1 metre in 2100 is quite appropriate for such analysis.

As indicated by Warrick et al. (1996), local values for So,t are highly uncertain andcould therefore best be considered zero until more concrete guidance emerges. Valuesfor V can be assessed from a number of different sources, including geological analysis,geodetic surveys, and the analysis of long-term tide-gauge records. Note that equation(7.1) assumes that vertical land movement is responsible for all the deviation of relativesea-level rise from global sea-level rise, and that vertical land movement is linear andwill continue unchanged in the future. In areas subject to human-induced subsidence,future vertical land movements may be uncertain as they will depend on human action,necessitating scenarios for subsidence. For instance, Wang et al. (1995) estimate thatsubsidence in the Shanghai area could vary from 0 to 1 metre by 2100.

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7.3.2 Other scenarios

For some coastal areas it could be worthwhile also to consider climatic changes otherthan sea-level rise (Bijlsma et al., 1996). In mid- to high-latitude regions, a decrease inthe return period of extreme rainfall events appears likely. This will be especiallyrelevant for low-lying coastal areas prone to flooding. Cross-referencing with Chapter 6is desirable to ensure consistency in the analysis. For coral reefs and atolls, increasingseawater temperature could be important because this could adversely affect the growthpotential of the coral, which will reduce or remove its ability to keep pace with sea-levelrise. Information on both changing rainfall patterns and seawater temperatures may beobtained from general circulation models (see Chapter 3).

Other climatic changes that could have significant consequences for coastal zones, suchas changes in wind direction and intensity, remain highly uncertain. The construction ofplausible scenarios using the output of general circulation models is not yet possible.However, sensitivity analyses using trend analysis (e.g., Zeidler et al., 1997) orarbitrary scenarios (e.g., Peerbolte et al., 1991) could be helpful in providing insightinto the possible consequences.

In addition to climatic scenarios, other types of scenarios may be required for a coastalimpacts assessment. Table 7.4 summarises and structures some possible scenarios.

Table 7.4 Examples of the four different types of scenarios that can be usedin coastal impact assessment (Klein and Nicholls, 1998).

Environmental Changes Socio-Economic Developments


• Accelerated sea-level rise• Changes in rainfall patterns• Changes in sea-surface temperature• Changes in wind and wave patterns• El-Niño-related changes• Sediment-budget changes

• Autonomous adaptation• Planned adaptation

Not Climate-Induced

• Vertical land movement• Sediment-budget changes

• Population changes• Land-use changes• Changes in gross domestic


7.4 Autonomous adaptation

As indicated earlier, natural coastal systems have a capacity to respond autonomouslyto external pressures such as climate change. This capacity largely determines thesystem’s resilience and resistance to such pressures. Resilient and resistant coastalsystems are less vulnerable to sea-level rise because —up to a certain threshold —theycan cope with the rise by “growing with the sea”. For example, a healthy unobstructedwetland would respond by depositing more sediment, and a coral reef by increasing its

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accretion rate. This autonomous adaptation is implicit in the dynamic inundationconcept discussed in Section The best way to assess the potential ofautonomous adaptation is by looking at historical or geological analogues (e.g., Ellisonand Stoddart, 1991; Parkinson et al., 1994; Hopley and Kinsey, 1988).

In many places, however, human activities have reduced the natural coastal system’sresilience to sea-level rise such that the potential for autonomous adaptation has de-creased. These activities could include infrastructural developments or pollution thatprevent natural processes from taking place. Such activities have been termed “mal-adaptation” by Burton (1996), and it is often beneficial for reasons other than climatechange to reverse maladaptive trends. Planned adaptation to sea-level rise (see Section7.5) should therefore include consideration of options that address maladaptation so asto increase natural coastal resilience and resistance and thus facilitate autonomousadaptation.

Socio-economic systems in coastal zones also have a capacity to respond autonomouslyto external pressures such as climate change, analogous to natural systems. Landowners could respond to increasing flooding probabilities by building seawalls, farmersmay switch to salt-tolerant crops, households may move out of the affected area. Suchautonomous adaptation is likely to become more important as sea level rises, but itsoccurrence will be difficult to assess. It will depend on the timing and effectiveness ofplanned-adaptation schemes as well as on local culture and traditions. Moreover,protection options that can occur as autonomous adjustments will often be small-scale,and generally sectoral by nature. This could possibly lead to undesirable effects onadjacent coastal areas. For example, protection of eroding cliffs could remove sedimentsources of neighbouring beaches.

7.5 Planned adaptation

Given the potential socio-economic impacts they face in spite of autonomous adapt-ation, countries may wish to plan further measures to prevent, reduce, or cope withthese impacts. In addition to doing nothing and reversing maladaptive trends, threedistinct response strategies to sea-level rise can be identified (IPCC CZMS, 1990):

• managed retreat;

• accommodation; and

• protection.

The first strategy involves progressively giving up threatened land by strategic retreatfrom or prevention of future major developments in coastal areas that may be affectedby sea-level rise. The second involves continued but altered usage of the land, includingadaptive responses such as elevation of buildings above flood levels, modification ofdrainage systems, and land-use changes. These two strategies are based on the premisethat increases in land loss and coastal flooding will be allowed to occur and that some

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coastal functions and values will change or be lost. On the other hand, these strategieshelp to maintain the dynamic nature of coastal ecosystems and thus allow them to adaptnaturally. The third strategy involves defensive measures and seeks to maintainshorelines in their present position either by building or strengthening protectivestructures or by artificially nourishing or maintaining beaches and dunes. This strategy,which has been widely applied to protect human settlements and productive land againstexisting coastal hazards, often involves the loss of natural functions and values,including resilience and resistance. Therefore, the selection of appropriate adaptationoptions involves important trade-offs, which need to be evaluated carefully.

7.5.1 Identification of adaptation options

Table 7.5 provides an extensive list of possible adaptation options within the threegeneric response strategies. The optimal option or mix of options for a given coastalzone strongly depends on the local biogeophysical and socio-economic circ*mstances,including the anticipated impacts of sea-level rise. For each option it is indicatedwhether it can occur as an autonomous adjustment or whether it requires strategicaction, and whether implementation is effective in a reactive or pro-active manner. Notethat Table 7.5 represents a preliminary assessment, to be reviewed and updated asexperience grows. See Bijlsma et al. (1996) for more discussion on the differentresponse strategies.

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Table 7.5 Response strategies to sea-level rise.

Response strategy Type of adaptation Timing of adaptation

Autonomous Planned Reactive Pro-active

Managed Retreat

Emphasis on progressiveabandonment of land and structuresin highly vulnerable areas andresettlement of inhabitants

• no development in susceptibleareas

3 3 3

• conditional phased-outdevelopment

3 3 3

• withdrawal of governmentsubsidies

3 3 3

• presumed mobility 3 3

• Accommodation

Emphasis on the conservation ofecosystems harmonised with thecontinued occupancy and use ofvulnerable areas and adaptivemanagement responses

• advanced planning to avoidworst impacts

3 3 3

• modification of land use 3 3 3 3

• modification of building stylesand codes

3 3 3

• protect threatened ecosystems 3 3

• strict regulation of hazard zones 3 3 (?) 3

• hazard insurance to reinforceregulation

3 3 (?) 3


Emphasis on the defence ofvulnerable areas, population centres,economic activities, and naturalresources

• hard structural options• dikes, levees, and floodwalls 3 3 3 3

• seawalls, revetments, andbulkheads

3 3 3 3

• groynes 3 3 3 3

• detached breakwaters 3 3 3

• floodgates and tidal barriers 3 3 3

• saltwater intrusion barriers 3 3 3

• soft structural options• periodic beach nourishment

(beach fill)3 3 3

• dune restoration and creation 3 3 3

• wetland restoration and creation 3 3 3

• afforestation 3 3 3

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Table 7.5 does not explicitly consider adaptation options to saltwater intrusion ingroundwater. However, a number of options have been suggested by Oude Essink(1996):

• reclaiming land in front of the coast to allow new freshwater lenses to develop;

• extracting saline groundwater to reduce inflow and seepage;

• infiltrating fresh surface water;

• inundating low-lying areas;

• widening existing dune areas where natural groundwater recharge occurs; and

• creating physical barriers.

Most of the adaptation options listed in Table 7.5 appear to require strategic action; fewwill occur autonomously. However, the precise distinction between autonomousadjustments and strategic action can be difficult to make (Carter et al., 1994). Further,options to protect against sea-level rise can be implemented both pro-actively andreactively, whereas most retreat and accommodation options are best implemented in apro-active manner. However, when implementing protection options, it is important torealise that large time lags are involved, so timely planning is generally essential to bemost effective (Vellinga and Leatherman, 1989). Moreover, a pro-active approach toreducing vulnerability would be beneficial from both an environmental and an economicperspective (Tol et al., 1996).

Until recently, the assessment of possible response strategies focused mainly on pro-tection, or “fossilising” the coast in its present location. For environmental and econo-mic reasons, this may not be prudent in many locations. Therefore, there is a need toidentify the full range of possible options within the adaptive response strategies. It isenvisaged that the most suitable range of options will vary among and within countries(Bijlsma et al., 1996). To begin this analysis, three simple options might be considered:no protection; protection of the entire coast, unless uninhabited/unused; and anintermediate option of protecting “important areas”, as defined within the study (seeNicholls et al., 1995). It is appreciated that none of these responses is likely to beoptimal, yet their assessment can be performed relatively quickly and the results mightbe used to stimulate more innovative ideas.

Adaptation can and will exploit the fact that coastal infrastructure is not static. There isa turnover of many coastal facilities through major rehabilitation, construction, andtechnological changes in harbour, industrial, and urbanised areas, averaging roughly25-30 years. Therefore, there will be recurring opportunities to adapt to sea-level rise,and construction and maintenance plans can take this into account in land-use planning,management, and engineering design criteria (Stakhiv et al., 1991; Yim, 1995, 1996).Moreover, experience with pro-active allowances for accelerated sea-level rise is

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growing in terms of protection, accommodation, and retreat, as discussed by Bijlsma etal. (1996).

In view of the uncertainties involved, it is important to identify low-cost, no-regretresponses that maintain or enhance the choices available in the future (i.e., maximiseflexibility), and sectors where reactive adaptation would have particularly high costsand allowance for future sea-level rise can be considered a worthwhile “insurancepolicy” (Downing et al., 1996; Nicholls and Leatherman, 1996).

It is important for policy-makers to recognise that although a particular adaptationoption may initially appear to be appropriate, there are many constraining factors thatdetermine how successfully that option can be implemented. The applicability of anyoption must be evaluated against, among other things, a background of a country’stechnological and human resource capability, financial resources, cultural and socialacceptability, and political and legal framework. This does not suggest that these con-straints are insurmountable, but that policy-makers must be realistic when consideringthe range of options available to them (Bijlsma et al., 1996).

7.5.2 Evaluation of adaptation options

It has been noted by the World Coast Conference ’93 (WCC’93, 1994) that the selec-tion of adaptation options requires making trade-offs among all the stakeholders in thecoastal zone. These trade-offs include environmental, economic, social, and culturalvalues. Therefore, adaptation options need to be evaluated in the context of a country’sor region’s coastal management or development objectives, which could determine theevaluation technique to be applied (see Table 7.6). For example, economic cost-benefitanalysis —which could include environmental values —would suffice if decisions aremade primarily based on economic efficiency. If, however, sustainable development is aleading policy objective, adaptation options would also have to be evaluated based ontheir effects on intergenerational and intragenerational equity, and should includeconsideration of environmental impacts.

Table 7.6 Adaptation evaluation methods —showing from left to rightincreasing complexity and scale of analysis (adapted from Pearceand Turner, 1992).




Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis

Extended Cost-Benefit Analysis



• financialprofitabilitycriterion

• private costsand

• economicefficiencycriterion

• social costsand benefits

• sustainabledevelopmentprinciples

• economicefficiency and

• quantificationof a diverseset of effectson a commonscale, but noevaluation

• multipledecisioncriteria

• monetaryand non-

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• monetaryvaluation

• monetaryvaluation

equity trade-offenvironmentalstandards asconstraints

• partialmonetaryvaluation


A practical application that combines cost-effectiveness analysis with multi-criteriaanalysis is the decision matrix developed by Smith (1996a) in the context of the USCountry Studies Programme (see also Chapter 5). It is generically applicable for eval-uating climate-change adaptation options for a range of socio-economic sectors, andcould also be used for coastal zones. Published examples of its application includewater-resources management (Smith, 1996b) and forestry (Smith et al., 1996).

Computer-based decision-support systems are increasingly being developed to assistpolicy-makers in selecting adaptation options. Examples include the Adaptation Stra-tegy Evaluator (ASE), developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (seeChapter 5) and the Coastal Zone Simulation Model (COSMO), developed for theWorld Coast Conference (Noordwijk, 1-5 November 1993) by the Dutch Coastal ZoneManagement Centre, The Hague , Netherlands. However, these generic softwarepackages have limited utility to site-specific application (CZMC, 1993), although theydo have educational value. One of the major drawbacks is the fact that, owing to theincomplete understanding of adaptation options, many aspects cannot yet be modelledsatisfactorily, including social, cultural, and subsistence values.

7.6 Summary and implications

When conducting vulnerability assessment in coastal zones, it is important to recognisethat climate change and sea-level rise will impact an evolving coastal landscape, whichis experiencing a range of other pressures. Therefore, to be most effective, responses tosea-level rise need to be integrated with all the other planning taking place in the coastalzone.

At both the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED,Rio de Janeiro, 3-16 June 1992) and the World Coast Conference, integrated coastalzone management (ICZM) has been recognised as the most appropriate process to dealwith current and long-term coastal problems. There are many approaches as well asdiverse institutional arrangements that can be tailored to the particular culture and styleof governance (WCC’93, 1994; Bijlsma et al., 1996).

ICZM involves the comprehensive assessment, setting of objectives, planning andmanagement of coastal systems and resources, while taking into account traditional,cultural, and historical perspectives and conflicting interests and uses. It is an iterativeand evolutionary process, which includes adaptation to climate change and sea-levelrise by developing and implementing a continuous management capability that canrespond to changing conditions.

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none limited comprehensive

ICZM status

Figure 7.3 Knowledge base versus ICZM status, showing an evolution from alow knowledge base with no ICZM to a high knowledge base andcomprehensive ICZM.

As shown in Figure 7.3, assessment of impacts of and adaptation to climate change andsea-level rise in coastal zones can be conducted in areas with low, medium, or highknowledge bases, and with no, limited, or comprehensive ICZM in place. Impactassessment is often described as one possible trigger for ICZM (WCC’93, 1994). Viceversa, ICZM will increase the need for more sophisticated and detailed assessment ofthe implications of climate change. Thus, an iterative evolution of such assessmentwithin ICZM can be envisaged, progressively drawing from and also contributing to animproved knowledge base for decision making. As part of this evolution, climate-change impact and adaptation assessment will become embedded in wider issues, andwith more focus on detailed responses, but it will remain an important element of theanalysis for ICZM. Such an evolution can be seen for Egypt (the Nile delta) andBangladesh (the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta), where initial studies raised significantconcerns (Milliman et al., 1989). Numerous, more detailed and sophisticated studieshave followed, combined with increasing emphasis on ICZM.


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8 Agriculture

Lead Authors Contributing AuthorMartin L. Parry 1 Lin Erda, ChinaCynthia Rosenzweig 2

Ana Iglesias 3

8.1 Nature of the problem

8.1.1 Background to the problem

Providing sufficient food for the world’s people is becoming more challenging as ournumbers are increasing and as land, water, and vegetative resources are progressivelydegraded through prolonged overuse. There is now concern that the challenge will beexacerbated in the future by the process of global warming, with its potential for af-fecting the climate regimes of entire regions.

The Second Assessment Report of the IPCC concluded that “global agricultural pro-duction could be maintained relative to baseline production in the face of climatechange . . . but focusing on global agricultural production does not address the poten-tially serious consequences of large differences at local and regional scales . . . many ofthe world’s poorest people – particularly those living in subtropical and tropical areas –are most at risk of increased hunger” (IPCC, 1996). The effects of climate change on

1 Jackson Environment Institute, University College, London, UK.2 NASA/GISS, New York, NY, USA.3 Intesca, Madrid, Spain.

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agriculture are thus likely to vary between different regions and different scales (global,regional, and local).

The purpose of this chapter is to describe a set of approaches for evaluating climateimpacts on arable agriculture and crop production. The overall goals of climate changeimpact research are to define more clearly the ranges of possible impacts, to determinewhich locations and farming systems may be most vulnerable, to identify their criticalthresholds, and to explore adaptation strategies. An overall survey of the methods ofclimate impact and adaptation assessment is provided by Parry and Carter (1988).

8.1.2 Why is climate change of concern in agriculture?

World food production varies by several percent from year to year, largely as a result ofweather conditions such as the El Niño phenomenon and inter-annual climaticvariability in many regions. But agriculture in some regions is more sensitive to weatherthan in others. Typically, sensitivity to weather is greatest firstly in developingcountries, where technological buffering to droughts and floods is less advanced, andsecondly in those regions where the main physical factors affecting production (soils,terrain, and climate) are less suited to farming. A key task facing those concerned withconducting impact assessments is to identify those regions likely to be most vulnerableto climate change, so that impacts can be avoided (or at least reduced) throughimplementation of appropriate measures of adaptation.

8.1.3 Defining the objectives of the impact assessment

The first step is to clearly define both the objectives and the targeted users of theassessment. The general objectives of impact assessment may be concerned with one orseveral targets, such as evaluation of output, management, or adaptation options;identification of gaps in knowledge; or increased public awareness. The targeted usersof the results determine the scope and the focus of the objectives. Users of impactassessment in the agricultural sector are varied and include the farmer, the agriculturalextension or training expert, the scientist, the national agricultural policy maker, and thenational climate change negotiator.

The emphasis here is on the choice of assessment methods which inform the nationalagricultural policy maker (although the methods suggested will be relevant to otherusers). With the national policy maker in mind, the key questions are likely to be:

• Will climate change significantly affect domestic agricultural production?

• Will climate change cause food shortages and lead to an increase in hunger?

• Will climate change threaten exports?

• Will climate change affect key government policies such as agricultural pricing,support, and research and development?

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• Will climate change increase food prices to consumers?

• Will climate change, acting through agriculture, place greater stress on naturalresources or contribute to environmental degradation (e.g., through land usechange, soil degradation, changes in water supply and water quality, pesticide use)?

The nature of the assessment is likely to be shaped by key questions in the minds of theusers. These may not be clearly articulated, particularly if relatively little is known(before the assessment) about the possible effects of climate change, and a pilot surveyof literature (see below) may be needed to clarify them. For the national policy maker,the primary questions are likely to include:

• What components of the farming system are particularly vulnerable, and may thusrequire special attention?

• Can the water/irrigation systems meet the stress of changes in watersupply/demand?

• What policies and programmes exist to protect populations from hunger/financialdistress and how will they operate under climate change?

• Is the agricultural research/extension system capable of providing adaptation adviceto farmers? What technological options should be investigated? Does the countryhave access to potentially useful options developed in other countries?

• Should domestic agricultural policies be reformed?

• Are the natural resource management programmes adequate?

• If domestic production is threatened, will the country be able to import food, and (ifso) at what cost?

The last of these questions is of especial significance to the impact assessor because itprovides a guide to the types of farming, the regions, and the communities that maydeserve to be the focus of study. This is expanded upon in the next section.

8.1.4 What impacts are likely to be important?

Focus on priorities

Because of constraints of time and money, it will be unlikely that all agriculturalactivities in a country or region can be studied, or all parts of the country or region.Priority will need to be given to the most important activities and areas. This can beachieved by studying national production data to identify those:

• types of farming which involve or support the majority of the rural population;

• types of agricultural land use that account for most of the farmed area;

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• crops which contribute most of national agricultural GDP; and

• crops which contribute most to national export earnings.

While the above assumes a focus on what type of agriculture is most important to acountry, it may not identify those activities or populations which could be mostvulnerable to climate change. This would require study of:

• rural populations with lowest income, or dependency on subsistence farming;

• farming characterised by greatest year-to-year variability in output; and

• regions with a history of stress from extreme weather conditions such as drought orflooding.

Whether the focus of study should be on the most important or the most vulnerableagriculture will depend upon the objectives of the study. It may be that multiple foci canbe adopted, with the aim of assessing the major effects likely at the national level aswell as on local vulnerable areas.

A pilot survey of the literature

Several hundred studies have now been completed of impacts of climate change onagriculture, and these can provide an indication of both the types and the magnitude ofclimate change likely to be most important. A survey of such studies can provide anapproximate and initial indication of the types of impact to expect and, thus, the likelymethods of analysis that will be most effective. The survey is important becausedifferent methods of impact assessment will yield information on some, but probablynot all, types of impact. For example, analysis of large-area shifts of cropping zoneswill require broad-scale use of simple agro-climatic indices, whilst analysis of yieldscan best be achieved through the use of process-based crop growth models. Effects onincome and employment can be assessed only using economic and social forms ofanalysis. A summary of the impacts of climate change on agriculture, drawn from thisliterature, is given in Table 8.1. More detailed surveys of existing research can serve toprovide an information base for subsequent formal assessments based on expertjudgement (see below).

Most pilot studies will serve only to identify the types of impact that may occur, andthus deserve further evaluation. Some regions have been thoroughly studied already,and their published studies provide suggestions of how an assessment can be developedand reported. By far, the largest effort in past evaluations has been the assessment ofchanges in optimal growing areas and final production. For example, in Europe, a largeeffort has been made in understanding the location of optimal growing areas fordifferent crops (Saarikko and Carter, 1996; studies reported by Butterfield et al., 1997).These studies combine evaluations for impact assessment at different spatial scalesranging from the site to the continental scale.

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Table 8.1 Types of climate change impacts likely in the agriculture sector.

1. Changes in the location of optimal growing areas for given crops, resulting in the shift ofcropping zones.

2. Changes in crop yields.3. Changes in the type, location, and intensity of pests and diseases.

As a consequence of one or more of the above there are:1. Changes in the mix of crops grown and hence in the type of farming, and rural land use.2. Changes in production, farm income, and rural employment.3. Changes in rural income, contribution to national GDP, and agricultural export earnings.

In regions where current inter-annual climate variability is a major factor determiningagricultural output, there is an additional challenge for projecting climate change im-pacts on crop patterns. For example, the effects of the El Niño/Southern Oscillationphenomenon in Southeast Asia have to be considered in climate assessment on agri-cultural production in that region (Iglesias et al., 1996). In Canada, the adaptability ofa*gricultural systems to climate changes has been also evaluated from a geographicalperspective with the aim of defining the options for future regional sustainability(Brklacich et al., 1997). In the United States, there have been efforts to evaluatechanges in crops yields and their economic implications (Dracup et al., 1992; Adams etal., 1995a and b).

Fewer studies address changes in the interactions of crops with pests and diseases,although those are estimated to be responsible for about one-third of crop losses everyyear. Changes in the interaction of crops with weeds under CO2 enriched environmentsshow relative advantages of weeds over many important agricultural crops (Bazzaz andMcConnaughay, 1992). Insect pests are often also favoured in CO2 enrichedenvironments (Fajer et al., 1989) and with changes in climatic variables (Sutherst et al.,1995).

The survey of available information is also useful to indicate the key aspects of climateand atmospheric variables that are likely to be most significant for the type ofa*griculture to be studied. Table 8.2 outlines the key environmental variables whichrecent research has shown to be important in affecting crop yields in most agriculturalregions. The relative importance of a particular variable is bound to vary greatly be-tween different crops and farming environments, and the choice of the most appropriatemethodology will depend on good knowledge of the locally important variables (seeSection 8.2).

General relationships between crop development and growth and meteorologicalvariables are reviewed by Fitter and Hay (1987), Ellis et al. (1990), and Hodges(1991), among others. Several studies document crop responses to variations onatmospheric CO2 levels (see, for example, Aco*ck and Allen, 1985; Goudriaan andUnsworth, 1990). Some studies also consider the interaction of CO2 with other cropenvironmental factors such as water stress or nutrients (Kraalingen, 1990; Diaz et al.,1993; Fredeen et al., 1995; Körner, 1995). A few studies report crop response to theincrement of other gases in the atmosphere (Ashom*ore, 1988; Bosac et al., 1993;Manning and Tiedemann, 1995).

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Table 8.2 Climatic and atmospheric variables which previous studies haveshown to affect crop yields.


monthly means and variabilitydaily maximum and minimum air temperature and variabilityfrequency with which temperatures fall above or below critical levels, such as35oC or 0oCaccumulated degree-days through the growing season

Precipitationdaily amounts and variability

Solar radiationdaily amounts and variability

AtmosphereMean annual CO2 concentrationDuration of exceedance of toxic levels of O3

Duration of exceedance of toxic levels of SO2

Climate variability is emerging as an important issue to be considered in the impactstudies, especially when evaluating associated risks of spatial agricultural production(see Katz and Brown, 1992; Karl et al., 1995). Recent studies consider explicitly theimpact of climatic variability in addition to climate change in the evaluations of cropresponses (see, for example, Mearns et al., 1996).

8.1.5 The definition of the study

Choice of the unit

The pilot study should provide information regarding the appropriate unit for study. Itmay, for example, be maize yields in high-input commercial farming or rice yieldsunder subsistence conditions (indeed it could be both, if an assessment were required ofeffects on contrasting commercial and non-commercial farming both occurring withinthe study area); or an assessment may need to be taken further, starting with anindication of effects on yields and continuing to impacts on production and income. Inany case, it is necessary to be clear about the units of study, because their selection willdetermine the research methods that can be employed and the data requirements.

Choice of study area

Selection of the study area is also likely to be affected by the goals of the study. Mostanalyses of climate impacts on crop yields are demanding of data and analyst time, andconsequently may need to be based on a sample area of the exposure unit. If so, thesample needs to be representative of the key features of the area, so that results can beextrapolated appropriately. If, for example, the object is to provide a national-levelassessment, it is probable that certain regions (or even local sites) will need to beselected as representative units for in-depth study.

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Choice of time frame

The selection of a time horizon for the study is likely to be governed by both the goalsof the assessment and the data available. Many climate projections rely on outputs fromgeneral circulation models (GCMs), and the time frame of the projections is thereforerelated to that of available GCM experiments. Up to 1990 these experiments werelargely based upon a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, assuming a timeframe of 2050 to 2100 (see Chapter 3). Recently, transient climate projections derivedfrom GCMs have become available, and these provide more specific (decadal) timeframes that can be incorporated into studies of the effect on agriculture.

It is difficult to make accurate projections of rates of changes in agricultural factors(such as technological change or changes in crop varieties) or in related socio-economicfactors (such as population or economic development) beyond 15-20 years into thefuture. Therefore, assessment of economic impacts over the larger time frame of theclimate projections is subject to great uncertainty. As the time horizon increases, so theability to project future trends declines rapidly. With these caveats in mind, the timeframe of climate impact assessments most likely to be required and valued at presentare for decade “slices” (e.g., 2020-2030) for each decade from 2000 to 2050 (seeChapters 2 and 3 for details).

Data needs

Which data are available or not can frequently affect the type of impact assessment that ismade, particularly if time and money are limited. Studies of the impact of climate change onagriculture require a quantitative description of the exposure unit and the current (baseline)agricultural conditions in the study area. Data are also needed for projecting future (referencecase) conditions in the absence of climate change (e.g., projected increases in agriculturaltechnology or fertiliser use). Although specific data requirements will vary with the scope ofthe study and the methodology selected (these are discussed in more detail later), thefollowing groups of data will generally be required:

• yields for the crops to be studied, both mean and time series (to evaluate naturalyield variability);

• production (both regional and national statistics);

• crop management at the local and regional level (for example, crop sowing dates,crop varieties, labour, fertiliser and irrigation inputs);

• land use (to enable spatial extrapolation from sample sites across the study area);and

• general socio-economic data (e.g., the contribution of sample sites' agriculturalproduction to total output of the study area, percentage of working labour in theagricultural sector).

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Additional data may be needed for specific studies (for example, water irrigation re-quirements, rates of soil degradation and erosion).

The emphasis in this chapter is on a sound quantitative assessment of first-order effectsas a basis for subsequent (quantitative or qualitative) second-order estimations. Thereason for this is that robust first-order assessments are a prerequisite for higher orderassessments (such as for production, employment, risk of hunger), and therefore arequirement common to almost all impact studies.

8.1.6 The design of the study

Impacts on agriculture can be assessed at various levels, depending on the requirementsof the assessment. Four general levels can be identified:

• effects on crop yield;

• effects on farm and village level output and income;

• effects on regional and national production; and

• effects on global production and prices.

Each level requires a different set of research methods, which are discussed in thischapter. In general, there are advantages in moving from the first-order crop levelimpacts to the second-order farm level and so on, because the outputs of the first-orderanalyses are frequently required as inputs to the second. At the farm and regional levelsof assessment, various forms of adaptation can be analysed. Although the sequence ofstages may vary according to the study’s requirements, a general stepwise sequence thathas been found useful is as follows:

• Identify vulnerable regions and sub-sectors of agriculture that should be the focusfor study.

• Analyse the yield-climate relationships for these selected exposure units, to deter-mine the climate variables of importance.

• Consider the changes in these variables that are likely to be most significant.

• Analyse the effect of these on crop yields (and other first-order effects).

• Analyse the effect of altered yield on second-order aspects, e.g., farm output andincome.

• Evaluate farm-level responses.

• Analyse the effect of farm-level output on regional production, employment, eco-nomic activity, etc.

• Evaluate regional-level responses.

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• Analyse national- and global-level effects and responses.

A schematic representation of this step-wise approach is given in Figure 8.1, whichdistinguishes between three types of analysis that are threaded through the researchsequence: the analysis of impacts, the selection of scenarios, and the evaluation ofresponses.





Adjustment experiments Impact experiments Scenario development





L / R










e.g., Farm simulations


e.g., input-output models

Simulation Emperical














STEP 7 Evaluateadjustments at farmlevel

STEP 8 Evaluatepolicy responses

STEP 1 Identifyvulnerable regions,sectors, etc.

STEP 2 Analyze yield-climate relationship

STEP 4 Analyze effectof climate variation onyield

STEP 5 Analyze effectof change in yield, etc.on farm output, etc.

STEP 6 Analyze effectof farm etc. levelchanges on regionalnational production

STEP 3 Developscenario of climatevariation

Figure 8.1. Types of model and stages of analysis in assessing the potentialeffects of climate change on agriculture. The approach adoptedhere was developed in the IIASA/UNEP study of effects of climatevariations on marginal agriculture (from Parry and Carter, 1988).

8.2 An Array of Methods

This section provides a survey of the methods that can be used as basic tools for theanalysis, and how these basic tools can be used at different scales of analysis. The basictools for climate assessment fall into two broad categories: biophysical tools and socio-

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economic tools. Because of the nature of the problem to be assessed, modelling hasbeen and continues to be included in many of the studies. Nevertheless, there are othermethodological approaches that can be very useful, and these range from experi-mentation (for some biophysical evaluations) to expert judgement.

8.2.1 Biophysical tools


In the physical sciences, a standard method of testing hypotheses or of evaluating pro-cesses of cause and effect is direct experimentation. In the context of climate impactassessment, however, experimentation has only a limited application. Clearly it is notpossible physically to simulate large-scale systems such as the global climate, nor is itfeasible to conduct controlled experiments to observe interactions involving climate andhuman-related activities. Only where the scale of impact is manageable, the exposureunit measurable, and the environment controllable can experiments be usefullyconducted.

Up to now most attention in this area has been on observing the behaviour of agricul-tural plant species under controlled conditions of climate and atmospheric composition(e.g., see Strain and Cure, 1985; Geign et al., 1993). In the field, such experiments havemainly comprised gas enrichment studies, employing gas releases in the open air or inopen or closed chambers, including greenhouses. The former experiments are morerealistic, but are less amenable to control. The chamber experiments allow for climaticas well as gas control, but the chambers may introduce a new set of limiting conditionsthat would not occur in reality. The greatest level of control is achievable in thelaboratory, where processes can be studied in more detail and can employ moresophisticated analyses.

The primary gases studied have been carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and ozone, all ofwhich are expected to play an interactive role with climate in future plant growth andproductivity. Both temperature and water relations have also been regulated, to simulatepossible future climatic conditions. To date, there have been experiments withagricultural plants (both annual and perennial crops) and on crop pests and diseases(often in conjunction with host plants). For an example of the effective combination ofexperimental and other approaches in western Europe and a technical explanation of themethods employed and the resources required, see Harrison et al. (1995) and Butterfieldet al. (1997).

Few climate impact assessments, particularly those at national level, have the time orother resources sufficient to conduct worthwhile yield-climate experiments. A prag-matic approach is to survey the literature on experimentation and, with this as an in-formation background, concentrate on the use of analogue or modelling approaches.

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Agro-climatic indices

The agro-climatic indices are based on simple relationships of crop suitability orpotential to climate (e.g., identifying the temperature thresholds of a given crop or usingaccumulated temperature over the growing season to predict crop yields). This type ofempirically-derived coefficients is especially useful for broad-scale mapping of areas ofpotential impact.

The indices are derived variables that are defined either by manipulating values of ameteorological variable into a different form or by combining variables with empiri-cally-defined coefficients into a composite term. The most common derived variable todescribe the thermal agro-climate is the Effective Temperature Sum (ETS), usuallymeasured in growing degree days. It is calculated as the excess of temperature above afixed datum (base temperature) over a period required for a specific phase of cropdevelopment. Indices frequently used to measure moisture include Thornthwaite’sPrecipitation Effectiveness Index, the Palmer Drought Index, and the Relative DrynessIndex. For a description of these, see Palmer (1965). Simple agro-climatic indicescombined with geographical information systems have been used to provide an initialevaluation of the global agricultural climate change impacts (Leemans and Solomon,1993) or shifts in agricultural suitable areas in particular regions. A large regionaleffort in the assessment of agro-climatic suitability and potential has been made inseveral African countries (see, for example, Fischer and van Velthuizen, 1996, for areview of the methodology and report of the results of studies in Kenya).

When combined with a spatially comprehensive data base and a geographic informationsystem (GIS), simple agro-climatic indices enable the mapping of altered crop potentialfor quite large areas at relatively low cost. An example is given in Figure 8.2, wherethermal requirements for commercial varieties of grain maize were identified from asurvey of previous research and validated through comparison with actual land use.This enabled the identification of minimum levels of ETS required for maturation ofgrain maize. Present-day ETS limits were mapped, to define the current area suitablefor production. Altered areas of suitability were then mapped for +1ºC increments inmean annual temperature. This combination of agro-climatic index, GIS, and asynthetic climatic scenario offers a rapid and inexpensive means of mapping the effectsof climatic change on crop suitability.

Statistical models

Complex multivariate models attempt to provide a statistical explanation of observedphenomena by accounting for the most important factors (e.g., predicting crop yields onthe basis of temperature, rainfall, sowing date, and fertiliser application). Statisticalmodels are usually developed on the basis of present-day climatic variations. Thus, oneof their major weaknesses in considering future climate change is their limited ability topredict effects of climatic events that lie outside the range of present-day variability.They may also be criticised for being based on statistical relationships between factorsrather than on an understanding of the important causal mechanisms. However, wheremodels are founded on a good knowledge of the determining processes and where there

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are good grounds for extrapolation, they can still be useful predictive tools in climateimpact assessment.


Suitability for baselinetemperatures -1 oC

Extension of suitability forbaseling temperatures

Extension for baselinetemperatures +1 oC

Extension for baseline +2 oC

Extension for baseline +3 oC

Extension for baseline +4 oC

Figure 8.2 Sensitivity of grain maize to incremental changes in mean annualtemperature (Carter et al., 1991).

While agro-climatic indices provide information on crop suitability and how this may bealtered by climate change, statistical models can also be developed to describe howclimate change may affect crop yields. These are developed by taking a sample ofannual crop yield data together with a sample of weather data for the same area andtime period, and relating them through statistical techniques such as multiple regressionanalysis. With well-informed selection of suitable explanatory variables, based on goodunderstanding of basic crop physiology and careful model validation, this approach canprovide a useful preliminary insight into climate change impacts. This is particularlythe case because statistical models are often simple to apply and less demanding ofinput data than process-based models.

An example of their use is the effect of drought on wheat yield on the US Great Plains.This was estimated for each of 53 crop reporting districts, using a regression equationwhich expressed the relationship between actual yield and the weather experienced ineach district in the 1930s (Warrick, 1984). Assuming a recurrence of 1930s conditions

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and current technology, expected yields were thus mapped, relatively quickly, for amajor wheat-producing region of the world (Figure 8.3).

Per cent of expected yields

Predicted yields in CRD(bushels/planted acre)

Figure 8.3 Simulated wheat yields on the US Great Plains assuming 1936climate conditions and 1975 technology. CRD = crop reportingdistrict (from Warrick, 1984).

The obvious drawback to this approach is the assumption of fixed technology and theuse of the 1930s drought as an analogue of climate change. The latter, however, has theadvantage of being based on a credible scenario (the climate conditions actuallyoccurred in the past), while the former can be improved upon by allowing for devel-opments in agricultural technology. A more recent study of climate change in the GreatPlains (the MINK study) has combined process-based impact models with the 1930sanalogue climate scenario (for a description of this, see Box 8.1).

Processed-based models

Process-based models employ simplified functions to express the interactions betweenthe growth of crops and the major environmental factors that affect them (i.e., climate,soils, and management). Many have been used in climate impact assessments but some

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are poorly documented and lack validation, and there are many different types of suchmodels.

Box 8.1 Example: Agricultural impacts in the US Midwest.

Background: Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas (the MINK region) are four adjacent statesin the central United States which are dependent on resource sectors known to be sensitive toclimate change: agriculture, forestry, water resources, and energy.

Problem: To study how climate change might affect the current and future functioning ofregional-scale economies. This example summarises only the assessment of impacts on theagricultural sector. For the economy-wide assessment, see Chapter 4.

Method: A number of models were used to evaluate impacts of climate on individual sectors.For agriculture, a semi-empirical process model (EPIC) was adopted that simulates cropbiomass and yield production, evapotranspiration, and irrigation requirements. The economy-wide effects of changes in productivity were studied using IMPLAN; see also Chapter 4.

Testing of methods/sensitivity: EPIC was validated against national agricultural statistics(county level) and observed seasonal yields in agronomic experiments for seven crops in theregion. Evapotranspiration terms were compared with field observations. The modelcoefficients relating inputs and output flows between industries in IMPLAN were computedfrom regional data for 1982.

Scenarios: A temporal analogue was employed as the climate scenario, specifically thedecade 1931–1940 in the MINK region. Overall, this period was one of severe drought—bothdrier and warmer than average in the region, consistent in sign with GCM projections. Theseconditions were assumed to occur in the present and also in 2030, along with an increase inCO2 concentration of 100 ppm (to 450 ppm).

Impacts: In the MINK region of 2030 with a climate like that of the 1930s the main results ofthe study are as follows. Crop production would decrease in all crops except wheat and alfalfa,even accounting for CO2 effects. However, impacts on agriculture overall would be small givenadaptation, though at the margins losses could be considerable (e.g., a shift in irrigation fromwest to east). Rising costs of water extraction would make agriculture less competitive forsurface water and groundwater supplies and would hasten the abandonment of irrigation in thewestern portions of the region. Unless the climate-induced decline in feedgrain production fallsentirely on animal producers in MINK (which would lead to an overall loss to the regionaleconomy of 10 percent), the regional economic impacts of the climate change would be small.This is because agriculture, while important relative to other regions of the United States, isstill only a small (and diminishing) part of the MINK economy.

Adaptation: Most of the work on adaptation dealt with responses to impacts on cropproduction. Simulated adjustments included changed planting dates, altered varieties, andchanged tillage practices. In addition, technological advances were assumed in irrigationefficiency and crop drought resistance as well as improvements in a number of crop-specificcharacteristics, including harvest index, photosynthetic efficiency, and pest management. Ineconomic terms, in the absence of on-farm adjustments and CO2 enrichment, the analogueclimate would reduce the value of 1984–1987 crop production in MINK by 17 percent. The CO2

effect would reduce the loss to 8 percent, and on-farm adjustments would reduce it further to 3percent.

Source: Rosenberg, 1993.

Most of the models have been developed for purposes other than climate impact as-sessment. Most frequently they have been developed as tools in agricultural manage-ment, particularly for providing information on the optimal amounts of input (such as

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fertilisers, pesticides, and irrigation) and their optimal timing. To achieve this they needto be based on information on the amount and timing of important crop requirementsfor water, heat, and nutrients. Such requirements vary between different crops andbetween different environments in which they are grown, and it is important that theassessor be familiar with these with respect to crops and environments.

One means of achieving this familiarity is to develop a schematic crop calendar to showthe significant stages of crop growth and their requirements, thus indicating importantvariables affecting growth to be modelled. An example of one such crop calendar, forspring wheat, is given in Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4. A crop calendar for spring wheat. The timing of important crop re-quirements (listed in the left hand column) and the farmer’s activitiesto help meet these requirements (listed to the right of the diagram) areindicated within the accompanying horizontal bars (unshaded bars forplant requirements; shaded bars for management activities) as verticallines. The closer the lines in the bars, the more important the require-ments or activities. The optimum range of temperatures and the sen-sitivity of a crop to extreme weather events are depicted in the lowerpart of the diagram (from Carter et al., 1988).

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In this case, where temperature is an important limiting factor on yield formation, theoptimum range of temperatures is determined for different stages of crop development,and would feature prominently in the model functions that express the interactionsbetween climate and yield.

Dynamic crop models are now available for most of the major crops; a selected list isgiven in Table 8.3. In each case, the aim is to predict the response of a given crop tospecific climate and soils, and management factors governing production. Severalpublished reviews describe the models and provide a full list of references, includingreferences on model documentation (see, for example, Jones and Ritchie, 1990; USCountry Studies Program, 1994; Rosenzweig and Iglesias, 1998). Comparisons be-tween models for the same climate and soil data sets have given results that sometimesdiffer (GCTE, 1996), largely as a result of differences in complexity, structure, andparameterisation conditions.

Table 8.3 Selected crop models (adapted from Jones and Ritchie, 1990; USCountry Study Program, 1994).

Crop(s) Model name

Maize, wheat, sorghum, millet, barley,soybeans, peanuts, dry beans

ICASA/IBSANT (including all CERES and GROmodels)

General model EPICWater irrigation requirements for allcrops





The ICASA/IBSNAT dynamic crop growth models (International Consortium forApplication of Systems Approaches to Agriculture - International Benchmark SitesNetwork for Agrotechnology Transfer) are structured as a decision support system tofacilitate simulations of crop responses to management. The ICASA/IBSNAT modelshave been used widely for evaluating climate impacts in agriculture at different levels,ranging from sites to wide geographic areas (see Rosenzweig and Iglesias, 1994, 1998,for a full description of the methodology). This type of model structure is particularlyuseful in the evaluation of the adaptation of agricultural management to climate change.An outline of ICASA/IBSNAT models is given in Table 8.4.

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The EPIC model (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator; Sharpley and Williams,1990) incorporates simplified crop growth functions that respond to climate, envi-ronment, and management; it has been used in some climate impact assessments (seeBox 8.1).

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Table 8.4 Description of the ICASA/IBSNAT crop models.

Description: The IBSNAT/ICASA models employ simplified functions to predict the growth ofcrops as influenced by the major factors that affect yields, i.e., genetics; climate (daily solarradiation, maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation); soils; and management.Models are available for many crops (see Table 8.3); these have been validated over a widerange of environments and are not specific to any particular location or soil type. Modelledprocesses include phenological development, growth of vegetative and reproductive plantparts, extension growth of leaves and stems, senescence of leaves, biomass production andpartitioning among plant parts, and root system dynamics. The models include subroutinesto simulate the soil and crop water balance and the nitrogen balance.

Variables: The primary variable influencing each phase of plant development is temperature.Potential dry matter production is a function of intercepted radiation, the interception by thecanopy being determined by leaf area. The dry matter allocation to different parts of the plant(grain, leaves, stem, roots, etc.) is determined by phenological stage and degree of waterstress. Final grain yield is the product of plant population, kernels per plant, and kernelweight. To account for the effect of elevated carbon dioxide on stomatal closure andincreased leaf area index, a ratio of transpiration under elevated CO2 conditions to that underambient conditions is added.


Type of data Requirements Source of data

Current climate Daily maximum and minimumtemperatures, and solar radiation forat least a 20-year period.

National meteorologicalor research institutions.Daily data may besimulated from monthlyaverages when notavailable.

Modified climate(climate changescenarios)

Modified daily maximum andminimum temperatures,precipitation and solar radiation fora period of the same length as thecurrent climate.

National meteorologicalor research institutions.

Crop management Crop variety, sowing date anddensity, fertiliser and irrigationinputs (dates and amounts).

Agricultural researchinstitutions.

Soils Soil albedo and drainage, and adescription of the different layers ofthe soil profile (texture, waterholding capacity, organic matter,and nitrogen).

Agricultural orhydrological researchinstitutions.

Economics (optional) Cost of labour and price of unitproduction.

Agricultural statistics.

Outputs: Variables included in the summary output file are the main phenological events,yield, and yield components.

For more information, see Rosenzweig and Iglesias, 1994 and 1998.

Advances in the interpretation of remotely sensed information and the combination ofthis information with crop models offer an important tool for evaluating spatial cropresponses (see, for example, Maass, 1988a, 1988b, 1992).

Crop models provide some clear advantages in the assessment of climate impacts:

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• Models are based on an understanding of how plants respond to weather.

• Direct physiological effects of CO2 on crop growth and water use are included.

• Rainfed and irrigated cropping is included, validated over a wide range ofenvironments.

• Improvements in crop varieties, irrigation scheduling, etc., can be tested.

• Although large amounts of weather data (e.g., daily variables) are needed, soil andmanagement data can be substituted.

• Models can be linked to a decision support system which enables adaptation to betested.

Among the sources of uncertainty derived from the use of crop models for impactassessment are the following:

• Simple, empirically-derived relationships do not completely mimic actual plantrelationships.

• Conditions under climate change may be outside those data for which model wasdeveloped.

• Weeds, pests, and disease are assumed to be controlled.

• Not all future improvements in technology are included.

• There remain serious uncertainties about the effects of elevated CO2 on crop plants.

As an example, Box 8.2 shows the approach for estimating climate change impacts onChina’s agriculture.

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Box 8.2 Estimating climate change impacts on China’s agriculture.

Problem: Recent studies have confirmed the conclusion of the IPCC 1990 and 1995 assess-ment that the aggregate effects of climate change on global agricultural production are likely tobe small to moderate. This conclusion rests on the assumption that without climate change,future agricultural production will rise at a rate that will keep pace with population growth, thuscontinuing a long-term historical trend of declining world food prices. An alternative view isthat resource degradation and the failure of technology to keep up with population growth willreverse the historical trend of generally improving food supply. Simplifying the problem as oneof global food supply and demand is partly misleading because of the high variation in localand regional studies which tend to show more negative impacts for some areas in East Asia.So the China Country Study Program identified different impacts of different locations in Chinathrough simulation methods.

Methodology: The simulation was conducted using monthly GCM scenarios and daily data for1955-1985 and for a changed climate from the Chinese Weather Generator developed by theAgrometeorology Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). Twohundred sample years were simulated for each crop and grass to allow probability distributionsto be derived for the production potential of each crop and grass. Three different variabilityscenarios were used as a sensitive analysis. Three crop models and a grass-cattle model wereadjusted where necessary to ensure that they could be applied to China (e.g., soil and geneticcharacteristics are incorporated into the models). The three crop models are a rice model(IRRI, 1993), a CERES-wheat model (Ritchie and Otter, 1985), and a CERES-maize model(Jones and Kinir, 1986). The grass-cattle model is the SPUR2 model (Hanson et al., 1992).

Scenarios: In China’s country xtudy analyses, the results of three equilibrium GCMs and aregional climatic model (developed by the project) were used as the scenarios of climatechange: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics laboratory (GFDL) (Mitchell et al., 1990), Max PlanckInstitute for Meteorology (MPI) (Cubasch et al., 1992) in Hamburg, Federal Republic ofGermany, and United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMOH) (Mitchell et al., 1990). De-pending on the scenarios, temperatures were estimated to increase 0.4-1.9°C and rainfall wasestimated to change by -12.9% to +24.6% in China across different GCMs, and sites andseasons. The direct effects of CO2 were not included in the simulations.

Impacts: The ranges of simulated changes in wheat and maize crop production under 2xCO2

and across GCM climate change scenarios and two types of water use are given in the tablebelow.

Changes in average yield of wheat and maize compared to base (%) under different

climate change scenarios in China 2030 2050

Crop GFDL UKMOH MPI RCM Wheat Irrigated -15 ~ +52% -20 ~ +50% -18 ~ +55% -28 ~ +6%

Rainfed -10 ~ +35% -21 ~ +32% -15 ~ +42% -40 ~ +19%Spring maize Irrigated -8 ~ +3% -9 ~ +1% -6 ~ +4% -21 ~ +4%

Rainfed -18 ~ +1% -19 ~ 0% -18 ~ +5% -22 ~ +1%Summer maize Irrigated -7 ~ -1% -11 ~ -5% -9 ~ +2% -26 ~ -6% Rainfed -8 ~ -2% -12 ~ -6% -10 ~ +1% -26 ~ -6%

Changes in 90% cumulative frequency of rice yield (e.g., a year with good harvest) fromsimulation samples of 200 years compared to base under GCM climate change scenarios withincremental climate variability at three sites in southern China are given below.

Rice yield changes with incremental climatic variability at three sites Site GCM in 2030 RCM in 2050 GFDL UKMOH MPI Var. +0% Var. +10% Var. +20% Guangzhou -6.27% -8.05% -8.09% -7.44% -7.78% -8.12%Changsha -4.21% -5.23% -5.37% -4.51% -4.87% -5.11%Nanjing -10.62% -11.86% -12.38% -11.90% -12.08% -13.78%

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The results of the current and past analyses show that with rises in temperature and changesin precipitation (mostly decreases, but some increases), the maximum gain production wouldprobably drop at most about 10% due to the shortened growing period and the shortage ofmoisture. To meet the needs of the population and the need to improve the living standards, itis estimated that the average yield of grain production of China in 2030 –2050 will change toabout 6 tons per hectare through improved technology and increased inputs. But, climatechange could increase the barriers to this objective. The increased annual cost of governmentinvestment only (excluding farmers’ additional costs) in agriculture due to climate changethrough 2050 has been estimated at US$3.48 billion (17% of the cost of governmentinvestment in agriculture in 1990).


Two types of analogue study have been used for assessing impacts of climate change onagriculture: analogues of time and analogues of space.

Temporal analogues. In some cases, past time periods with adequate climatic andagricultural data have been used as analogues of possible future changes of climate dueto greenhouse gas emissions. These periods can provide a useful insight both into thepossible first-order effects of altered weather on (for example) crop yields and intosecond-order effects such as on production, profitability, food supply, and rural income.The approach can be illustrated from a study in northern Japan (Yoshino et al., 1988).An analysis of the climatic record for the island of Hokkaido indicated that the regionhad experienced a range of both warm and cool summers that had had a measurableeffect on rice yields. A warm-type year (such as 1980) was taken as an analogue ofweather that could be characteristic of a warmer climate. The average July-Augusttemperature in 1980 was 3.5° C above normal and rice yields were 5 percent aboveaverage. District rice supply was 17 percent greater than normal. Warm periods havesimilarly been adopted as temporal analogues of warming in studies in Finland(Kettunen et al., 1988) and in Iceland (Bergthorrson et al., 1988). In each of thesestudies the existence of a comprehensive set of climate and yield data enabled alteredsuitabilities to be mapped. In a similar manner, the warm and dry period of the 1930s inthe US Great Plains has been used as an analogue of the conditions that may resultunder climate change (Warrick, 1984).

Spatial analogues. Spatial analogues of future climate work on the same principle asanalogues for present-day climate, except that here the analyst attempts to identifyregions having a climate today which is similar to that projected for the future climateof the study region. The analogue region cannot be expected to exhibit complete simi-larity to the present study region, because many features may themselves change as aresult of climatic change (e.g., soils, land use, vegetation). The overall characteristicsshould, however, provide indicators of how the landscape and human activities mightchange in the study region in the future. This principle has proved valuable in extendingthe range of applicability of some impact models. For example, a model of grass growthin Iceland was tested for species currently found in northern Britain, which is an

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analogue region for Iceland under a climate some 4°C warmer than present(Bergthorsson et al., 1988).

Other aspects of the analogue region, however, would need to be assumed to be similarto the study region (e.g., daylength, topography, level of development, and economicsystem). Where these conditions cannot be met (e.g., daylength for grass growth inIceland differs from that in northern Britain), the implications need to be considered ona case by case basis. One method of circumventing these problems is to consideraltitudinal differences in the same region.

The twin advantages of the analogues are firstly that they incorporate observed climaticdata (which thus have a greater degree of reality than those derived from scenarios), andsecondly that they enable assessment of the responses in agriculture that may actuallyhave occurred as a result of climatic events. Of course, the relevance of the event andthe response depends on the appropriateness of the analogue of possible future climatechange.

8.2.2 Economic tools

Economic considerations inevitably enter into the evaluation of climate changes im-pacts. Economic analysis considers both producers and consumers of agriculturalgoods. Economic considerations include the likely effect of changing conditions uponinput and output market prices and the opportunities available individuals to minimiselosses or maximise gains. Because climate change affects the costs of production, italso affects the price and quality of products, which, in turn, can lead to further market-induced output changes.

Economic models are designed to estimate the potential impacts of climate change onproduction, consumption, income, gross domestic product (GDP), employment, andfarm value. These may be only partial indicators of social welfare, however. Not allsocial systems, households, and individuals (for example, subsistence farmers) may beappropriately represented in models that are based on producer and consumer theory.Furthermore, many of the economic models used in impact analyses to date do notaccount for the climate-induced alterations in the availability of land and water forirrigation, though such non-market aspects of a changing climate may be critical(Rosenzweig and Hillel, 1998).

Studies and models based on market-oriented economies assume profit and utilitymaximising behaviour. These models are data intensive and are relatively expensive toconstruct since they depend on access to detailed data regarding time series of price,quantities, resource use, and other economic information. Several different types ofeconomic models have been used for climate change studies, including mathematicalprogramming models at farm, regional, and national levels and econometric models atregional, national, and international levels. Because of the expense of modeldevelopment, many climate change impact studies have utilised currently availablemodels, which are relatively accessible and inexpensive to use. Such models havealready been calibrated and validated to economic conditions in the present or recent

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past, and have been subject to review. Constructing new models to specifically addressclimate change is desirable, but is an exacting and time-consuming process. A summaryof the types of economic approaches that have been used for agricultural impactassessment is outlined on Table 8.5.

Table 8.5 Summary of economic approaches used in the assessment ofclimate impacts in agriculture (based on Rosenzweig and Hillel,1998).

Method References/Observations

Simple economicapproaches

US Country Studies Program, 1994Forecast based on a structured framework of available economic(production, consumption, and governing policies) and agricultural(production techniques and alternative crops) information to addressvulnerability issues.Simple technique that can be used for the analysis and interpretationof most climate impact studies.

Economic regressionmodels

Mendelson et al., 1994Statistical relationships between climate variables and economicindicators.Farmer adaptation to local climate conditions is implicitly considered.World food prices and domestic farm output prices are consideredconstant.

Microeconomic models Kaiser et al., 1993Models based on the goal of maximising economic returns to inputs.Designed to simulate the decision-making process of arepresentative farmer in regards to methods of production andallocation of land, labour, existing infrastructure, and new capital.


Adams et al., 1990Equilibrium models that include price-responsive behaviour of bothconsumers and producers. For climate change purposes, the modelsallocate domestic and foreign consumption and regional productionbased on given perturbations of crop production, water supply, anddemand for irrigation derived from biophysical techniques.Population growth and improvements in technology are setexogenously.These models measure the potential magnitude of climate changeimpacts on the economic welfare of both producers and consumersof agricultural goods. The predicted changes in production and pricesfrom agricultural sectoral models can then be used in generalequilibrium models of the larger economy.

8.2.3 Scales of analysis

There is a wide range of applications of the methods for impact assessment at differentlevels: farms and villages, regional and national, and global. The methods of analysis offield crop responses are derived from the basic tools described above, and constitute, inmany cases, a first step in the evaluation of responses at other spatial levels.

The merits of each approach vary according to the level of impact being studied, andthey may frequently be mutually supportive. For example, experiments often providethe necessary information on how crops respond to varying weather, and this can be

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used to develop models to predict responses to future climate, that can in turn be usedas a component for an economic model that analyses regional vulnerability or nationalproduction risks. Therefore, a mix of approaches is often the most rewarding.

Assessment of farm and village effects

In most impact assessments, it will be necessary to translate changes in crop yield intochanges in output and income. In some cases the objectives may require further trans-lation, for example, into changes in employment and activity rates. This can best beachieved, first, by assessment of effects at the farm and village level. Aggregation ofthese effects to the regional level can then be made if required.

Two broad types of approach can be used, their appropriateness depending very muchon the economic character of the agriculture under study. In regions of commercialfarming, where agriculture is characterised by farms under single ownership, farmmodels may be used to analyse the effect of altered crop productivity on output andincome. In less developed areas that are characterised by a pooling of resources or somecommon ownership and where the village is the dominant unit of enterprise, villagemodels will be more appropriate.

Farm models. These have most often been developed as tools for rural planning andagricultural extension, being used to simulate the effect of changes in inputs (e.g.,fertilisers, irrigation, credit, management skills) on farm strategy (e.g., cropping mix,employment). They tend to be optimising economic models using linear programmingand requiring quite specific data and advanced analytic skills. Many take a range offarm types that are representative of those existing in a region and, for each type,simulate the mix of crops and inputs that would maximise farm income under givenconditions. These conditions may be varied (such as through variation of weather,prices of crops, and fertilisers) and the appropriate farm response modelled. Changes ofclimate, instead of variations of weather, can be input, and the farm-level response inoutput and income then simulated.

Models of this kind have been used in climate impact studies in Saskatchewan (Canada)(Williams et al., 1988), Minnesota (USA) (Kaiser et al., 1993), and for a multi-statestudy in the United States (the MINK study; Easterling et al., 1993; Rosenberg, 1993).The MINK study makes use of a farm-response component in the EPIC model, thuscombining crop and farm-level response in a single model. Further discussion of thisapproach is given below and in Box 8.1.

Given their specific data requirements, it is unusual for farm models to be developedspecifically for climate impact studies. Most of those used have been developed forother purposes and have been taken “off the shelf” for use in climate impact assess-ment. An alternative to such models is to convene groups of experts in agronomy,agricultural economics, and agricultural extension to provide advice on the likely farm-level response to climate-induced changes in crop yields. Expert judgement of this kind,particularly where it is based on careful formatting of prepared information, canprovide useful information on farm response to climate.

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Household and village models. In semi-commercial economies, it may be more appro-priate to focus on the household or village as the unit of response. Here the objectivemay be to secure a minimum level of income rather than to maximise it, and the focusof analysis should be on the strategies developed to reduce the negative effects of cropyield changes rather than on those to increase the positive ones. Frequently referred toas coping strategies, these have been analysed in particular detail in the context of riskof hunger (often related to drought). As with farm models, those climate impactassessments which included successful analyses on responses at the household andvillage level tended to borrow from existing studies, adapting them to consider changesin climate rather than variations of weather. For specific examples of their use inclimate impact assessment in Kenya and India, see Akong’a et al. (1988) and in Gadgilet al. (1988) in Parry et al. (1988). For a more general discussion, see Downing et al.(1993).

Assessment of regional and national effects

Regional assessments. Scaling up the impact assessment to a regional level is, as inmost scaling exercises, not an easy task. Ideally one might use information from farmsthat are representative of agriculture in the region; and the degree of their representa-tiveness would need to be established. More frequently, regional assessments haverelied upon the judgement of regional planners and economists as to regional-scaleeffects, based upon local data supplied to them and discussed in workshops with local-level analysts (see, for example, the UNEP South-East Asia study in Parry et al.,1992). Where, however, representative farm data are available in addition to economicdata for each of the main sectors of the regional economy, then the farm data can beused as altered inputs.

Two studies that have use input-output (I-O) models in agricultural impact assessmentare those for Saskatchewan (Canada) and the MINK study (USA) (Williams et al.,1988; Rosenberg, 1993). In the Saskatchewan study, the I-O model served as a bridgebetween representative farm models and a province-level employment model. In theMINK study, it was linked to an analysis of parallel climate-induced effects in othersectors (e.g., energy) (see Box 8.1). For many studies, however, the data requirementsof I-O modelling will be too onerous. Carefully developed expert judgement of theregional-level implications of climate change may be more practicable.

National assessments. National assessments of impacts on agriculture have moregenerally been based on a synthesis of knowledge, leading to reviews that describe(largely qualitatively) the likely points of greatest impact, their implications for policy,and the research required to improve understanding. Examples are the national impactassessments of the United Kingdom (UK Department of the Environment, 1996) andJapan (Nishioka et al., 1993). This approach may be rapid and inexpensive, but maylack quantitative detail.

A more formal and quantitative approach is the use of national agricultural or land usemodels. These are generally economic optimising models developed to assist nationaland regional planning by “allocating” land or other resources in the national agricul-

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tural sector to their highest value use, in order to match demand and supply. Usingestimates of climate-affected changes in yield, they can be used to re-allocate land tomeet demand. The altered sectoral activity or land use is the modelled impact. A recentdevelopment is the input of global climate-change effects as altered food prices, and theuse of the models to optimise land allocations by matching altered supply (reflectingclimate-related yield changes) to altered demand (reflected in price). These approachesare analytically complex and require comprehensive national data on agricultural landuse and production. Thus far they have largely been limited to developed countries, e.g.,the United Kingdom (Parry et al., 1996a and b) and the United States (Adams et al.,1995a). However, a similar study has been successfully completed in Egypt, and itindicates the value of attempting to upscale impact assessment to the national level.This is described in Box 8.3.

Box 8.3 Example: Agricultural impacts in Egypt.

Background: Agriculture in Egypt is restricted to the fertile lands of the narrow Nile valley fromAswan to Cairo and the flat Nile Delta north of Cairo. Together this comprises only 3 percentof the country’s land area. Egypt’s entire agricultural water supply comes from irrigation, solelyfrom the Nile River. In 1990, agriculture (crops and livestock) accounted for 17 percent ofEgypt’s gross domestic product.

Problem: The study sought to assess the potential impact of a change in climate and sea levelon Egypt’s agricultural sector, accounting for changes in land area, water resources, cropproduction, and world agricultural trade. The aim was not to predict Egypt’s future under achanged climate, but rather to examine the combined effects on agriculture of different naturalfactors and the adaptability of the economic system. This example summarises only theagricultural component of the study (for the economy-wide assessment, see Chapter 4).

Methods: A physically-based water balance model of the Nile Basin was used to evaluate river runoffand thus enable inferences to be drawn concerning water supply for agriculture. Process-basedagronomic models were used to estimate crop yields and crop water requirements.

External factors such as world food prices were introduced from a study of climate change whichused a global food model to assess climate change impacts on world food supply and demand(Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994). Supply and demand at the national level were then input to anational agricultural sector model to determine effects on land use, water use, agriculturalemployment, etc.

Testing of methods: Each of the submodels used in the study was validated against local data.

Scenarios: The current baseline adopted for the socio-economic projections was 1990 and theclimatological baseline was 1951-1980. The time horizon of the study, 1990-2060, was largelydictated by the climate change projections.

Impacts: An agricultural water productivity index was used to measure impacts on agriculture:total agricultural production (tonnes) divided by total agricultural water use (cubic metres).Under these 2 x CO2 GCM-derived scenarios the index declined between 13 and 45 percent.

Adaptive responses: Adaptations in water resources (major river diversion schemes), irrigation(improved water delivery systems), agriculture (altered crop varieties and crop management),and coastal protection against sea-level rise were all tested. They achieve a modest 7–8percent increase in agricultural sector performance compared to no adaptation, but togetherwould be extremely expensive to implement. However, investment in improving irrigationefficiency appears to be a robust, “no regrets” policy that would be beneficial whether or notthe climate changes.

Source: Strzepek and Smith (1996).

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Many studies are beginning to consider the interactions and feedbacks between cropresponse to climate and the factors that determine final agricultural output, such asagrarian policies (FAO, 1993; Rowntree, 1993; Brklacich et al., 1996; Binswanger andDeininger, 1997) and other economic issues (Martin et al., 1990; Kaiser et al., 1993;Reilly and Hohmann, 1993), especially when considering the importance of predictingpossible adaptation (Darwin et al., 1995; Darwin, 1997). Water availability and qualityand soil limitations are additional biophysical factors essential for a comprehensive andmeaningful agricultural climate impact evaluation (Gleick, 1993; Rosenzweig andHillel, 1998).

Methods have recently been developed that enable the analyst to incorporate the effectof farm, village, and national level responses in the impact assessment. Mendelsohn etal. (1994), for example, use a statistical approach to analyse cross-sectional data ofcurrent agricultural production across both warmer and cooler regions. They examinethe relationship between agricultural land values and climate using county-level data inthe United States. This approach is often called the Ricardian (or duality) approachbecause of its focus on land values. It side-steps the problems of understanding explicitcrop and farmer responses to climate by implicitly assuming that the biophysical andeconomic adjustments imposed by climate change will be made automatically (anassumption that can be confirmed today by examining crops and behaviours in warmerclimates). In other words, farmers adapt to new environmental conditions by alteringinput choices, production technologies, and crop mixes. The approach is based on thetheory that in competitive market economies, land value is measured by the presentvalue of expected net revenues that are derived from the most economically efficientmanagement and use of land.

Specifically, the Ricardian approach uses regression techniques to estimate the marginaleffects of various climate, economic, and other factors on farmland values. Datarequirements include farmland values, climate variables such as mean monthly tem-peratures and precipitation, data on soil and land conditions, e.g., salinity, permeability,moisture capacity, erodability, and any other factors (e.g., socio-economic and culturalcharacteristics) that would help explain farming practices and land values.

In contrast, Darwin et al. (1995) develop and combine a global computable generalequilibrium (CGE) model with a GIS model to analyse potential climate change impactson US agriculture, taking into account both interactions with both non-agriculturalsectors and other global regions. The GIS component describes regional characteristicsof land, climate, water, and agricultural suitability. In this approach, climate change isassumed to shift the regional land class and water characteristics, thus altering theproduction possibilities for a given region. The CGE component then estimates theresulting economic changes and the effects on regional and global production and price.

The strength of spatial-analogue approaches is that structural changes and farmerresponses are implicit in the analysis, freeing the analyst from the burden of estimatingthe effects of climate change on particular region-specific crops and farmer responses.Mendelsohn et al. (1994) argue that these approaches account for changes in productionpossibilities better, by implicitly capturing substitution and adaptation more than is

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possible in structural models (because the analyst cannot imagine and account for allthe adaptations farmers can make).

The weakness, however, is that these approaches assume a long-run equilibrium thatignores short- and medium-run adjustment costs. For example, the spatial-analoguemodel abstracts from the issues and costs of changes in structural characteristics suchas irrigation systems that may be necessary to mimic warmer climate practices —presuming also that the necessary surface- or groundwater is available to service thesystem. The CGE/GIS approach of Darwin et al. (1995) provides linkages withprojected global changes, which Mendelsohn et al. (1994) do not; however, thesemodels are data intensive at a global scale and sacrifice some of the spatial richnessafforded by country-level data. The Ricardian approach, however, does not account forlikely changes in output and input prices that result from global changes in production,and which affect farm-level adaptation decisions. These approaches also assume thatfarmers will automatically know how and when to respond to climate changes.

Assessment of global effects

Climate change may alter the competitive position of countries with respect, forexample, to exports of agricultural products. This may result from yields increasing asa result of altered climate in one country, whilst being reduced in another. The alteredcompetitive position may affect not only exports, but also regional and farm-level in-come, rural employment, and the type of crops grown in a region. While most studiesare unlikely to include an analysis of competitiveness itself, it is possible to evaluate therelative position of a country by studying the few analyses of climate change effects onglobal food trade. Indeed, some data on country-level output are available as part of theglobal studies (the Egypt example in Box 8.2 shows how such data can be used).

Two general equilibrium models have also been used to evaluate effects on global foodsupply: the Basic Linked System (BLS) (Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994) and SWOPSM(Reilly et al., 1994). Both derive their information on climate-change inducedalterations of supply from ICASA/IBSNAT crop yield studies. The estimates of yieldchanges were interpolated from 112 sites in 18 countries across the geographical areaof all countries and from the modelled crops to crops (such as cassava, oil palm) andlivestock not modelled. The BLS model used these inputs, in combination with assumedchanges over time in demand (due to population growth and per capita consumptionresulting from economic growth) and in supply (due to technological change leading toincreased yields), to estimate changes in food prices and risk of hunger that might resultfrom climate change (examples of the altered yield levels are shown in Figure 8.7).Once a global estimate of impact of this kind has been made, this information can serveas an exogenous control in regional impact studies.

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8.2.4 A summary of the advantages and disadvantages ofdifferent approaches

The approaches described above each have their merits and their limitations. Frequentlythey are suited to some purposes and not to others, and they vary greatly in relation to(1) the temporal and spatial scales they address; (2) the time, data, and analytic skillsthey require; and (3) their cost. Table 8.6 summarises these characteristics.

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Table 8.6 List of methods and characteristics for selecting an appropriate analytic approach (Adams et al., 1990).

Method/approach Temporal scale ofresults

Spatial scale ofresults

Time to conductanalysis

Data needs Skill or trainingrequired



Experimental Season to decades Site high low high high high



Nation to regionSite to nation






Agro-climatic indicesCrop yield models

Season to decadesSeason to decades

Nation to globeSite to nation







Daily to centuriesDaily to centuries

Site to globeSite to region






Regional models Years to decades Sub-national high high high medium medium

National models Years to decades Nation high high high medium medium

National models,integrated into globalfood models

Years to decades Nation to globe high high high medium medium

Expert judgement Years to decades Site to region low low high low low

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8.2.5 Impact estimates

In this section we consider the different ways in which assessments of impacts due toclimate change can best be presented. In general, such estimates are calculated as thedifferences between those conditions that are projected with climate change and thoseconditions projected to exist under the future baseline (i.e., without climate change). Awide array of adaptations is likely in anticipation of such impacts, and those need to beincorporated in the impact assessment in order for sufficient reality to be maintained. Inpractice, however, it is sometimes easier first to conduct impact assessments assuminga limited range of adaptation in order to reduce the degree of complexity of the problem.Subsequently different forms of adaptation can be introduced to the analysis in order toassess their effectiveness in modifying the magnitude and rate of impact.

The impact models which have been selected as most appropriate for use should be runfirst for observed (current) conditions, then for projected reference conditions (withoutclimate change), and finally for future conditions under climate change. Comparison ofresults under current and future reference conditions allows analysis of the extent ofimpact due to non-climate factors such as technological change. The series of analyticalsteps is given in Figure 8.5.

Soil, Crop, andManagement Inputs

Crop Model

Predicted Base Yield,Irrigation, Evapotranspiration,

Season Length...

Predicted Change in Yield,Irrigation, Evapotranspiration,

Season Length...

Observed Climate Climate Change Scenarios

Calibrate/Validate ModelUsing Experimental Data


Farmer Adaptations

Figure 8.5 Flow diagram for the agriculture sector assessment in the USCountry Studies Program (Smith et al., 1996). Quantitative analysis

Effects at site scale. Most model-based impact assessments provide quantitativemeasures of impact that express changes from the reference case. Because impactmodels often require considerable amounts of input data for testing and calibration,their use may be restricted to only a limited number of point locations or sites. Figure

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8.6 illustrates tabulated changes in yields of maize in Zimbabwe for three sites undercurrent climate (i.e., the base case), under three scenarios of altered weather due toclimate change and under the same scenarios of altered weather together with the directeffects of higher levels of ambient atmospheric CO2 on plant photosynthesis and wateruse. The sites have been selected to represent a range of different agro-climaticenvironments in Zimbabwe and assume, unrealistically, no adaptation. At the bottom ofFigure 8.6 is a tabulated representation of the effects of two forms of adaptation(fertilising and irrigation) in reducing the negative effects of the most extreme of thethree climate change scenarios.

Figure 8.6 Effects of climate change on maize yields in Zimbabwe (fromMuchena and Iglesias, 1995).

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Changes in geographical distribution. Since climate varies over space, its effect onagriculture also varies spatially and its spatial pattern is likely to change as the climatechanges. By mapping these altered distributions, it is possible to provide place-specificinformation for policy makers concerning altered levels of resource availability due toclimate change. Our ability to conduct such analyses has been improved with thedevelopment of computer-based GIS, which can be used to store, analyse, and depictspatial information.

For example, where several compatible regional studies have been completed it ispossible to expand the scale of estimates from a regional to a global level. For example,the estimates of impact on maize yields in Zimbabwe were one of a set of estimatesderived as part of the international study of global yield changes described above. Theglobal pattern of results is shown in Figure 8.7. Under all three scenarios of climatechange considered in this study, effects on yield levels of food grains are generallynegative at lower latitudes (where higher temperatures and changes in precipitationexacerbate existing problems of water limitation on crop plants) and are generallypositive at middle and high-middle latitudes (where high temperatures are eitherbeneficial for crops through a lengthened growing season, or if they are not beneficial,their negative effect on yield is more than compensated by the direct effects of CO2). Itshould be noted, however, that no forms of adaptation (such as changes in crop cultivar,irrigation, or cropping patterns) were incorporated in the foregoing analysis.

Changes in risk. Since many impacts from climate change are expected to occurthrough the incidence of extreme weather (such as droughts, floods, hurricanes), aneffective way of characterising a change in climate is as a change in the level of risk ofsuch damaging effects. An important point emerging from such analyses is thatprobabilities of exceedance of given values frequently alter non-linearly, indeed quasi-exponentially, with changes in the mean value due to climate change.

An alternative to portraying altered risk values at a point is to map the spatial shift ofgiven risk values due to climate change. For example, where there is a linear decrease inthermal resources either upslope due to the lapse rate of temperature or poleward inmid-latitude areas due to shorter and less intense growing seasons, the risk of therebeing insufficient warmth to permit crops to reach maturity increases quasi-exponen-tially. Lines of equal value of probability of crop failure can be mapped, and the shift oflocation of these due to climate change can be plotted (see, for example, Parry andCarter, 1985).

Costs and benefits. One of the most valuable forms in which results of impact assess-ments can be provided is as costs or benefits. Methods of evaluating these range fromformal economic techniques such as cost-benefit analysis to descriptive or qualitativeassessments.

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Figure 8.7 Estimated change in average grain yield (wheat, rice, coarse grains,and protein feed) for GISS, GFDL and UKMO climate change sce-narios within direct CO2 effects (from Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994).

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Cost-benefit analysis is often employed to assess the most efficient allocation of re-sources. This is achieved by balancing or optimising various costs and benefits anti-cipated in undertaking a new project or implementing a new policy, accounting for thereallocation of resources likely to be brought about by external influences such as cli-mate change. The approach makes explicit the expectation that a change in resourceallocation is likely to yield benefits as well as costs, a useful counterpoint to manyclimate impact studies, where negative impacts have tended to receive the greatestattention.

Whatever measures are employed to assess costs and benefits, they should employcommon units of value. Thus, for example, where monetary values are ascribed, this isusually calculated in terms of net present value, i.e., the discounted sum of future costsand benefits. The choice of discount rate used to calculate present value will vary fromnation to nation depending on factors such as the level of economic development, debtstock and social provision. Moreover, the depreciation of capital assets with time,which varies from country to country, should be explicitly considered in thecalculations. For a discussion of these issues and of methods for evaluating costs andbenefits, see Pearce (1993). Qualitative analysis

Some assessments need to be conducted rapidly and at little expense, perhaps to give apreliminary indication of impacts for more detailed subsequent study. In such casesthere is frequently resort to expert judgement. The success of such evaluations usuallyrests on the experience and interpretative skills of the analysts, particularly concerningprojections of possible future impacts of climate. The disadvantages of subjectivityhave to be weighed against the ability to consider all factors thought to be of im-portance (something that is not always possible using more objective methods such asmodelling). The most successful qualitative analyses are those which integrate what isknown (as a result of formal research) with what is unknown, and such a mixture ofinformation can assist in this integration. Those are techniques of analysis that canserve to integrate quantitative and qualitative information, such as cross impactsanalysis. For information on this, see Martin and Lefebvre (1993).

8.3 Adaptation strategies

Historically agriculture has shown a considerable ability to adapt to changing con-ditions, whether these have stemmed from alterations in resource availability, tech-nology, or economics. If climate change is gradual, it may be that adjustment goeslargely unnoticed as part of responses to more profound changes due to technology andpolicy and that the process is one largely of autonomous adjustment. Many adaptationswill thus occur autonomously and without the need for conscious response by farmersand agricultural planners. For example, as crop yields are affected by climate, differentareas of land will be allocated to new, highest-value, uses. As far as possible theseadjustments should be incorporated in the assessments of impact.

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However, it is likely at least in some or most parts of the world that the rate and magnitudeof climate change will exceed that of normal change in agriculture and that specifictechnologies and management styles will need to be adopted to avoid the most serious ofeffects. There is therefore much to be gained from evaluating the capability that exists incurrently available technology and the potential capability that can developed in the future.

8.3.1 On-farm adaptation

There is a very wide array of methods in crop husbandry that have been developed both tomake the most of what climate offers and to minimise the adversity that it sometimes brings.The most relevant of these are methods designed to “weather-proof” agriculture and thesecan often be adapted to afford some protection against climate change. We can considerthese in three categories: (1) altered choice of crops, (2) altered tillage and crop management,and (3) altered inputs. Table 8.7 lists the options within these categories, along with theaction to be taken and the impacts avoided.

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Table 8.7 On-farm adaptation choices.

Adaptation by cropchoice

Action Impact avoidance

All seasonal crops Plant quicker (or slower)maturing varieties

Ensure maturation in growing seasonshortened by reduced moisture orthermal resources; or maximise yieldsunder longer growing seasons

All crops Plant drought (or heat)resistant crops

Reduce crop loss or yield reductionsunder reduced moisture conditions; orreduce irrigation requirement

All crops Plant pest resistant crops Reduce yield reduction where alteredclimatic conditions have encouragedincreases in weeds or insect pests

All seasonal crops Use altered mix of crops Reduce overall yield variability due toclimate change

Adaptation by alteredtillage andhusbandry

Action Impact avoidance

Altered tillage Use minimum or reducedtillage

Reduce loss of soil organic matter,reduce soil erosion, reduce nutrientloss

Use terracing, ridging Increase moisture availability to plantsLevel land Spread water and increase infiltrationUse deep ploughing Break up impervious layers or

hardpan, to increase infiltrationChange fallow andmulching practices

Retain moisture and organic matter

Alter cultivations Reduce weed infestationAltered timing ofoperations

Switch seasons forcropping

For example, change from spring towinter crops to avoid increasedsummer drought

Alter times of sowing,etc.

For example, to match alteredprecipitation pattern

Altered crophusbandry

Alter row and plantspacing

Increase root extension to soil water

Intercropping Reduce yield variability, maximise useof moisture

Adaptation byalteration of inputs

Action Impact avoidance

Altered irrigation Introduce new schemesto dryland areas

Avoid losses due to drought

Improve irrigationefficiency, e.g., drip-feedirrigation

Avoid moisture stress

Use water harvesting Increase moisture availabilityAltered use offertilisers

Vary amounts ofapplication

For example, increase nitrogen to takefull advantage of CO2 effects; ordecrease to minimise input costs

Alter timing ofapplication

Match applications to, for example,altered pattern of precipitation

Altered use ofchemical control

Vary timing and amountsof application

Avoid pest, weed, and disease damage

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8.3.2 Household and village adaptation

There is a wide range of coping strategies used by semi-commercial farmers in all partsof the world to mitigate the effects of weather. The best developed of these, andprobably the best understood, are those coping strategies for drought in India andAfrica. These are generally characterised by a mix of technological, economic andsocial responses which can operate best for a short period (perhaps a few months).

Table 8.8 illustrates the range of coping strategies adopted by smallholders in centraland eastern Kenya. It includes many of the farm-level adaptations considered above butmost noticeably adds to these an array of strategies to maintain income through re-deployment of assets and labour.

8.3.3 National level adaptation

While most agricultural adaptation to climate change will ultimately be characterised byresponses at the local level, the encouragement of response by national policymakerswill affect their speed and extent of adoption. Response at the national level will also benecessary to encourage research, training, and communication concerning the mostappropriate adaptive measures. The most important of these, summarised by the IPCC(1996), are as follows:

• Improved training and general education of populations dependent on agriculture,particularly in countries where education of rural workers is currently limited.

• Identification of the present vulnerabilities of agricultural systems.

• Agricultural research to test the robustness of new farming strategies and developnew crop varieties.

• Education and communication to bring research results to farmers.

• Food programs and other social security programs to provide insurance againstlocal supply changes.

• Transportation, distribution, and market integration to provide the infrastructure tosupply food during crop shortfalls.

• Removal of subsidies, which can, by limiting changes in prices, mask the climatechange signal in the marketplace.

Evaluating the effectiveness of these and other national responses requires informationof their costs and benefits and a comparison of their efficacy toward meeting nationalobjectives. A formal method of conducting such an assessment is multi-criteria analysis,in which each strategy is evaluated with respect to maximising the level of achievementof some objectives.

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Table 8.8 Characteristics of selected coping strategies in central and eastern Kenyaa (from: Akong’a et al., 1988).

Effectiveness ConstraintsDrought

Response/coping strategy

Prevalence Normal Moderate Severe Recovery Labor Capital Technology Education/information


Subsistence productionSoil conservation M-H M M L 0 - - - + -Water conservation L M H L 0 - - - + -Irrigation L H H H? + - + + + +Multiple farms L M M L 0 - + - - +Inter/relay cropping H H H-L L + - - - + -Dry planting M H H L 0 - - + - -Mixed livestock herds M-H H H M + + - - - +Dispersed grazing H H H M + + - - - +Fodder productionb M H H M + + - + + +Drought-resistant crops H M H M + - - + + -Monetary activityLocal wage labor M-H H H H + + - - + -Migrant wage labor M H H H - + - - + -Permanent employment M H H H + + - - + -Local business L M M L 0 + + - + -Cash cropc M M LM L + + + + + +Sell capital assets M M LM L - - - - - +Livestock sales H M-H M-H M-L - - - - + =Remittances/donationsRelatives/friends M-H M H H + - - - - -Government and othersd M-H ? H H ? - - - + -Loans/credit L H H H + - + - + -Key Effectiveness Prevalence Constraints

H = High >50% - = negative, i.e., impedes recovery, is a constraintM-H = Mod. high 30-50 + = positive, i.e., aids recovery, is not a constraintM = Moderate 15-30 0 = neutral, i.e., no effect on recoveryL = Low 0-15 ? = uncertain or variable

a Consensus agreement by case study authors based on available data. Ratings are intended to be qualitative and relative as no systematic survey data are available. In many cases, these are hypotheses tobe verified. b Very common in the upper zones, almost non-existent in the lower zones. c Does not include food crops. Very common in upper zones, rare in lower zones. d High in the lower zones, low in theupper zones.

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The upper half of Figure 8.8 portrays a multi-criteria analysis. Each row represents adifferent management measurement and each column a different management objective.The shaded areas show the most effective measures for satisfying the objective incolumn 1, and the solid areas show the most effective measures for satisfying theobjective in column 2. The lower half of the figure shows how these managementmeasures might be organised into alternative strategies.


Goal A Goal B

Objective Objective

Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria














Low Risk


Management Measures

Strategy C

Strategy D

Strategy B

Strategy A

Figure 8.8 Some procedures for formulating adaptation strategies (top: multi-criteria analysis; bottom: multi-objective strategy formulation) (fromParry and Carter, 1988).

Selecting preferred strategies will almost always involve trade-offs between meetingdifferent objectives. One possible method of evaluating these trade-offs is the policyexercise. This combines elements of a modelling approach with expert judgement.Policy makers in government and agriculture are encouraged to participate with seniorscientists in exercises (often based on the principle of gaming), where they are asked tojudge appropriate policy responses to a number of given impacts which may result from

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climate change. Their decisions are then evaluated using impact models. A descriptionof the procedure is given in Toth (1989), and an example can be found in the climateimpact assessment conducted in South-East Asia (Parry et al., 1992).

8.4 Summary and implications

In this chapter we have reviewed a number of approaches that are useful in analysingimpacts and adaptations in agriculture. No single approach should be considered op-timal, because research objectives and data availability differ from one study to an-other. Indeed, it is quite likely that a mix of approaches will be the most effective insome circ*mstances; for example, using detailed models for a limited number of sites(these models are often data-hungry) and then extrapolating their outputs across largerareas which have been characterised by more simple agro-climatic indices. This willgenerate estimates of climate-change induced yield effects, and is generally the first stepin agricultural impact studies.

A frequent second step is to evaluate these yield changes in terms of their economic andsocial implications such as farm income, rural employment, and contribution to nationalincome. This requires the use of economic models and other techniques with which theclimatologist and agronomist are often unfamiliar. There are, therefore, greatadvantages to be gained from the creation of a research team with experts from anumber of disciplines, including agricultural economists and rural planners.

As the results of the research are scaled up from effects on yields to those on incomeand employment, the uncertainties become greater. It is important that these are ade-quately described, so that the policy maker can weigh what is known against what isnot.

Finally, it is important to provide an estimate (perhaps through expert judgement,although preferably by some of the formal methods that have been described) of therelative roles of climate and non-climate factors in affecting agriculture in the studyover the period in question. In most parts of the world, changes in government policy, prices,and technology will be just as important as climate change in affecting agriculture in thefuture. The effects of climate change should be placed in the context of these.


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9Lead Author Contributing AuthorBarry Baker 1 Ernesto F. Viglizzo, Argentina

9.1 Nature and scope of the problem

Rangeland and livestock ecosystems are complex, with myriad interactions among thebiotic and abiotic components of the system as well as the economic and social com-ponents. Consequently, the effects of a changing climate will have direct (first order)and indirect (second or higher order) impacts at many different spatial and temporalscales. Examples of these impacts include changes in forage yield, changes in livestockproductivity, changes in ecological processes, alterations in farm level profitability,changes in regional farm incomes, and possibly modification of regional and nationalfood production and incomes. Therefore, understanding lower order impacts are crucialfor anticipating and predicting higher order effects (Parry and Carter, 1989).

The goals of the rangeland and livestock assessment are to (1) identify rangeland pro-duction areas that are sociologically, economically, and ecologically vulnerable tochanges in climate; (2) evaluate how climate affects management practices and eco-logical processes of rangeland and livestock systems; and (3) identify possible adapt-ation strategies to minimise adverse effects and, where possible, optimise positivebenefits of climate change. The methods described in this chapter are meant to providethe means for accomplishing these goals.

1 Ecosystems Research International, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

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Rangelands, which can be defined as unimproved grasslands, savannahs, shrublands,hot and cold deserts, and tundra, cover approximately one-fifth of the world’s landsurface and provide food for approximately 50 percent of the world’s ruminate live-stock and countless numbers of wild herbivores (WRI, 1996). Billions of people aroundthe world either directly or indirectly derive food or income from livestock that graze orbrowse on these lands.

Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) can raise plant productivity and causechanges in temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, and wind patterns that could haveimportant effects, either positive or negative, on animal and plant production inrangeland ecosystems. Consequently, climate driven changes in the sustainability andproductivity of rangeland and livestock systems could have profound direct and indirecteffects on human populations, local, regional, and national food supplies, and economicsecurity for most nations in the world.

9.1.1 Impacts on livestock

The IPCC (1996) summarised research on the potential impacts of climate change forlivestock and listed four possible effects: (1) changes in livestock feedgrain availabilityand price; (2) direct effects of climate on animal health, growth, and reproduction; (3)impacts on pasture and forage crops; and (4) changes in distribution of disease andparasites.

Although the primary focus of this chapter is concerned with rangeland and livestocksystems, some mention should be given to the possible effects of climate change onmore intensively managed livestock production schemes. A review of available researchsuggests that direct impacts may be minor for intensively managed livestock productionsystems such as confined poultry, swine, and beef operations (IPCC, 1996). Thesesystems already have a great deal of built-in climate control through the use of shade,misting devices, and mechanical heat regulation. However, there are important indirecteffects on these systems, for example, costs and availability of feedgrain, water qualityand quantity, and cost, availability, and type of energy sources.

The well being and productivity of livestock in natural conditions depend on the ani-mal’s ability to cope with environmental challenges such as nutritional and thermalenvironments and exposure to disease and parasites. The direct effects from heat andwater stress on grazing or browsing livestock are most likely to be manifested as de-creases in feed intake, milk production, and rates of reproduction.

The indirect effects of climate driven changes on animal performance result fromalteration in the animal’s nutritional environment. Research suggests that changes inclimate are most likely to influence the quality and quantity of forage produced(Walker, 1994; Van den Pol van Dasselaar and Lantinga, 1995; De-Xing Chen et al.,1996; Fuller and Prince, 1996; Topp and Doyle, 1996a; Thornley and Cannell, 1996).Consequently, these changes in forage may alter the productivity of grazing livestock(Baker et al., 1993; Eckert et al., 1995; Topp and Doyle, 1996b).

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Climatic restrictions on vectors, environmental habitats, and disease causing agents areimportant for keeping many animal diseases in check (Stem et al., 1989). Alterations oftemperature and precipitation regimes may result in a spread of disease and parasitesinto new regions or produce an increase in the incidence of disease. Changes in theincidence and spread of disease and parasites would reduce animal productivity andpossibly increase animal mortality.

9.1.2 Impacts on rangelands

Climatic changes such as increased atmospheric concentration of CO2, changes intemperature, and changes in precipitation patterns have the potential to affect rangelandecosystems. An in-depth description and literature review of the current state ofknowledge regarding the effects of these driving forces on plant and ecosystem physi-ology and biogeochemistry are beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, a summary ofdirect and indirect impacts and feedbacks of climate change is provided here. Detailedreviews and studies regarding these processes can be found in IPCC (1996) andBreymeyer et al. (1996).

The direct effects of climate and climate change on rangeland ecosystem processes arefairly well described, have relatively short response times, and are somewhat easier topredict than the indirect effects. The direct effects of climate change on rangelandecosystems from alterations in precipitation regimes, temperature, and atmosphericconcentrations of CO2 include (1) changes in decomposition rates; (2) changes inaboveground net primary production (ANPP); (3) shifts in C3/C4 species of grasslands;(4) changes in fluxes of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane(CH4), ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrous oxide (N2O); (5) changes inevapotranspiration and runoff; and (6) changes in forage quality (Ojima et al., 1991;Breymeyer et al., 1996; IPCC, 1996).

The indirect effects are less well understood. Because of lags in the response time of thesystem and the complexity of the feedbacks that are involved, the impacts of climatechange take longer to identify. Also human activities, including burning, cropping, andmanagement of grazing animals, have the potential to modify indirect effects by eitheraccelerating or slowing these processes. Thus predicting the direction and magnitude ofthe impact is more difficult. Examples of the indirect effects of climate change onrangeland ecosystems include (1) changes in the structure of vegetation communities;(2) changes in vegetation cover that could alter surface albedo, humidity, and groundlevel wind patterns; (3) changes in the C:N ratios or lignification of vegetation that alterlitter quality and affect soil nutrients; (4) alterations in soil characteristics; (5) changesin biogeochemical cycles that lead to the invasion of exotic species of plants; and (6)possible influence on frequency of wildfires in some areas (Ojima et al., 1991; IPCC,1996).

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9.1.3 Socio-economic impacts

Climate induced changes on rangelands and livestock production would have effects oneconomies and societies at farm, national, and international levels. These impacts arelikely to be seen as changes in income and prices, and hence changes in livelihood,employment, and investment. Analysing such impacts would require an economicmodel, more specifically a (recursive) applied (or computable) general equilibriummodel. Such models have been applied to climate change impacts on agriculture, thoughnot on livestock, and are discussed in Chapter 8, Agriculture.

Social systems in some parts of the world may be stressed beyond their ability to copewith any further changes in climate. In areas where livestock are forced to graze onmarginal lands (either by social structure, economic conditions, or governmentalregulations), further degradation or reductions in forage productivity could result inpolitical unrest, famine, or other social disturbances.

9.1.4 Areas and extent of impacts

The rangeland and livestock sector is most likely to be vulnerable in countries in thepoorer regions of the world and least capable of adapting to change in climate or otherenvironmental perturbations (Antle, 1995). Many of the countries in these regions areexperiencing high population growth that forces expansion of grazing into areas ofmarginal productivity, which places extreme pressures on an already stressed ecosystem(Parry et al., 1988).

The potential negative impacts of climate change on livestock production are likely tobe greater in those areas of the world where production is already operating at themargins. Traditional pastoralist systems that are seen in many regions of the developingworld are less likely to have the flexibility built into the system for adapting to extremeclimatic events (such as changing the type or mix of grazing livestock, cross-breeding,relocating), whereas modern industrialised livestock production systems in the westernregions of the United States, Canada, and parts of South America are more likely tomake adjustments to mitigate many of the potential negative effects of climate change.

Changes in precipitation are especially important in regions where lack of rainfall isalready a limiting factor (Parry et al., 1990). At a regional level, alterations in rainfallpatterns are likely to have a greater ecological and socio-economic impact than thedirect effects of small increases in mean annual temperature (IGBP, 1992). Although, inthose areas of world where daytime temperatures are at the limits or approach the upperlimits for livestock production, higher temperatures at night may cause heat stress inanimals.

The negative effects of increases in concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are most likelyto be experienced in tropical and sub-tropical rangelands. The IPCC Working Group II(IPCC, 1996) listed the extent of known regional impacts of altered climate regimes andthe relative degree of confidence in their prediction. They predicted with medium

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confidence that increased atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are likely to alter thecarbon and nitrogen ratios of some forage plants. The result of this phenomenon wouldbe manifested in a decreased palatability and nutritional quality of the forage. This ismost likely to occur in lower latitude rangelands where forage quality is already low.

The IPCC also predicted with a high degree of confidence that small changes in thefrequency of extreme climatic events may have disproportionate effects on whatmanagers and herders have to cope with in rangeland systems. Changes in climate arelikely to produce alterations in the boundaries between rangelands and other biomes,such as deserts and forests, directly through shifts in species composition and indirectlythrough changes in wildfire regimes, opportunistic cultivation, or agricultural release ofthe less arid margins of the rangeland territory (IPCC, 1996). They predicted that theseeffects will be more common in temperate rangelands.

9.1.5 Identification of impacts and adaptations options

To keep the task of impact assessment manageable, the range of climatic impacts to beincluded in the assessment should be listed and prioritised within the goals of theassessment. Table 9.1 contains a list of the possible types climate driven impacts thatare likely to occur in the rangeland and livestock sector.

Table 9.1 Likely impacts in rangeland and livestock sector.

Livestock impacts Shifts in rangeland vegetation structure or boundariesChanges in forage quality and quantityChanges in length of growing seasonChanges in livestock productivityChanges in water quality and quantity.

Ecological impacts Alteration in carbon storage capacity of the ecosystemAlterations in greenhouse gas emissionsDisturbances in ecosystem functions (e.g., alterations inbiogeochemical cycling, incidence of wild fires, etc.)Change in soil quality and productivityChanges in biodiversityChanges in habitat suitability for wildlife.

Socio-economic impacts Changes in food production and security (locally, regionally,and nationally)Changes to incomes derived from livestock production, wildlife,and other rangeland outputsChanges in land useChanges in recreational use of rangelandsAlteration in scenic quality.

As can be seen from Table 9.1, there are many potential cross-sectoral impacts to beconsidered in the assessment. The team designing the assessment for this section isstrongly urged to co-ordinate their effort with the water resources (Chapter 6), agri-culture (Chapter 8), energy (Chapter 11), forests (Chapter 12), and biodiversity(Chapter 13) sectors.

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Once the impacts to be included in the assessment are identified, a list of indicatorvariables, those variables used to evaluate change in the system (see Table 9.2), andadaptation options should be identified. Some of the methods presented in the nextsection are better than others at producing outputs that can be used for adaptationassessments or incorporation into policy assessments. Therefore, a particular method orsuite of methods should be chosen based on impacts and adaptation strategies to beused in the assessment.

9.2 An array of methods

This section presents an array of methods for conducting climate change impactassessments for rangeland and livestock systems.

9.2.1 Description of methods Experimentation

A wealth of data and knowledge has been gleaned from experiments on the effects ofenvironmental stresses on the physiology and production of plants and animals. Alsothere is a growing amount of information available on the effects of atmospheric con-centrations of CO2 on plant production (Gonzàlez-Meler et al., 1996; IPCC, 1996;Long et al., 1996; Shaver and Aber, 1996), plant quality and decomposition (Melillo,1996), and soil carbon storage (Paustian et al., 1995; Tate et al., 1995). Because of thelong time delays in response, complex interactions, and lack of feedbacks, experimen-tation has limited application with regard to impact assessment. But the data producedand understanding gained in the workings of individual components of the system areextremely useful for other assessment methods.

Even though the usefulness of experimentation is limited and may be considered im-practical in the context of programs or projects with limited funding, like climatechange country studies, the establishment of long-term field experiment sites isextremely valuable, and usually needs to be budgeted for separately. This type ofresearch program could be considered as a future research priority should funding orcollaborative arrangements with other national or international agencies becomeavailable. For example, since the establishment of the first six sites in the United Statesduring the early 1980s, the National Science Foundation’s Long Term EcologicalResearch program has been conducting research on long-term ecological phenomena inthe United States and developing a network of sites in other countries throughout Asia,Australia, South America, Africa, and Europe. These long-term field experimental sitesrepresent a unique source of information on long-term ecological processes and are aprincipal component necessary for regional assessments of the effects of climate onthose processes (Hall et al., 1995; Paustian et al., 1995).

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Table 9.2 Possible climate induced changes, indictor variables, controlling climatic factors, rangeland and livestock, ecological, andsocio-economic impacts.

Category Indicator variables Controlling climaticfactors

Rangeland and livestockimpacts

Ecological impacts Socio-economic impacts

Below groundnutrient pools

Soil carbon,nitrogen, andphosphorus

Temperature andprecipitation

Changes in forageresources, shifts invegetation structure orboundaries

Changes soil quality andproductivity, alteration in plantproductivity, cover, and shifts inspecies.

No first order impacts but manysecond order impacts because ofalterations in plant structure andfunction. Impacts listed in followingrows.

Plant or foragequantity

Peak standing crop,annual production,length of growingseason

CO2, temperature,and patterns ofprecipitation

Reduced feed intake andlivestock productivity,reduction in harvestedforage

Changes in carbon storage,community structure, changes inwater storage, alteration inbiodiversity, and changes in habitatsuitability.

Changes in land-use, and changeincome. Second order impactssuch as changes in foodproduction and security.

Plant or foragequality

Carbon to nitrogenratio or digestibility

CO2 andtemperature

Changes in livestockproduction, such as milkproduction, growth rates,reproduction, etc.

Changes in carbon storage,greenhouse gas emission, soilquality and productivity, habitatsuitability and biodiversity.

Changes in food production andsecurity.

Plant adaptabilityor shifts inspecies

Water useefficiency

Temperature,precipitation, andCO2

Changes in livestockproduction and utilisation,shift in type of herbivores

Changes in community structureand function, biodiversity, habitatsuitability.

Changes to food production,incomes, land-use, and maybescenic quality.

Livestock heatstress

Cow weight atweaning, bodycondition scores

Temperature,humidity, and nighttime cooling

Changes in mortality, milkproduction, decreasedanimal intake, and weightgain

Changes to ecosystem structuredue to increased grazing shouldconditions be positive.

Alteration in food production, foodsecurity, and incomes.

Voluntary feedintake

Diet quality, intakeof grazed forage,and forage tosupplement ratios

Temperature Changes in growth rates,milk production,reproduction, and mortality

Changes to ecosystem structuredue to increased grazing shouldconditions be positive.

Alteration in food production, foodsecurity, and incomes.

Young nursinganimal production

Mother’s milkproduction, weightsat weaning, andgrowth rate

Temperature Changes in growth rateand mortality

Changes to ecosystem structuredue to increased grazing shouldconditions be positive.

Alteration in food production, foodsecurity, and incomes.

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9-8 Screening techniques

The purpose of preliminary screening is to identify those areas where more detailedanalysis may be needed or to develop some initial quantitative assessments of an area’svulnerability and response to climatic change. Regions of vulnerability may be spatiallydefined by administrative, geographic, or ecological boundaries. Methods used in ascreening analysis include the construction and utilisation of simple indicators orindices, geographical analyses, the use of remotely sensed data, or a combination of thethree methods.

Indicators or indices

Two basic characteristics can be used to define indicators (Hammond et al., 1995).First, they must quantify information so that the significance of the data is more readilyapparent. Second, they must improve communication by simplifying information aboutcomplex phenomena.

In the development of indices, administrative or geographic boundaries can be used todelineate areas that are economically or sociologically dependent on livestock produc-tion from rangelands (Baker et al. 1993; Eckert et al., 1995). Clearly, areas that areeconomically dependent on rangelands for livestock production are susceptible to thepositive as well as the negative effects of changes in climatic conditions.

Ecological boundaries can also be used to define areas that are ecologically at risk fromchanges in climate. These areas can be defined by their susceptibility to degradation,loss of biodiversity, desertification, and so on. Economic and demographic data can becombined with ecological data to develop a socio-ecological risk index (Baker andHanson, 1993). However, the construction of this type of index is not an end in and ofitself. Careful analyses must be conducted to determine the nature and degree of therisk. For example, rangelands at the northern or wetter edge of an ecological boundarymay not be at risk or at much less risk than rangelands at the southern or drier edge ofthe boundary.

Geographic analysis

Another approach that can be used to determine and analyse areas that are sensitive tochanges in climate is the use of GIS (Du Preez et al., 1990; Baker and Hanson, 1993;Baker et al., 1993). It allows for the integration and summarisation of environmentalinformation using natural units such as watersheds, rangeland areas, and soil units.Indices can be included in a GIS to demonstrate spatially where the impacts of climatechange such as degradation of rangeland resources are most likely to occur and wheredegradation would have economically significant societal impacts.

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Satellite remote sensing enables scientists to make direct observations of the land sur-face at frequent and repetitive intervals, hence allowing for the mapping and monitoringof changes in land use and cover at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Otherapplications of remotely sensed data include inventory of pasture and rangeland vege-tation, changes in forage condition, monitoring soil erosion and soil moisture, anddetection of episodic events on rangelands.

There is an extensive body of literature within many natural science disciplines thatdocument the development and potential for satellite sensor data analysis techniques foruse in climate change research. A partial and very abbreviated list of related papers onthis topic is provided in Table 9.3.

Not all remotely sensed data come from satellites. Aerial photography is also a veryuseful method for collecting information regarding rangeland systems. The SystematicReconnaissance Flight (SRF) is the best known and most widely used method. Itemploys a combination of photographs or video imagery with visual observations toestimate the numbers and spatial distribution of human settlements, livestock, wildlife,land use, and land cover types (Norton-Griffiths, 1988). The SRF method provides arapid and relatively inexpensive means for gathering a systematic sample of remotelysensed imagery and field observations (Hassan and Hutchinson, 1992).

Table 9.3 A partial bibliography of the application of satellite sensor datafor vegetation analysis and monitoring.

Author1 Title

Hobbs and Mooney, 1990 Remote sensing of biosphere functioning.

Wylie et al., 1991 Satellite and ground-based pasture production assessment inNiger: 1986-1988.

Prince, 1991 A model of regional primary production for use with coarseresolution satellite data.

Tucker et al., 1991 Expansion and contraction of the Sahara Desert from 1980 to1990.

Ehrlich et at., 1994 Applications of NOAA AVHRR 1-km data for environmentalmonitoring.

Goward et al., 1995 Transient effects of climate change on vegetation dynamics:satellite observations.

Fuller and Prince, 1996 Rainfall and foliar dynamics in tropical Southern Africa:Potential impacts of global change on savannah vegetation.

1 Published sources may be found in the reference list. Expert judgement

There is no more simple or inexpensive method for rapid assessment of the state ofknowledge of the effects of climate change on rangeland and livestock systems thanasking the opinion of experts. Experts on animal science, range science, agriculturaleconomics, soil science, climatology or meteorology, and social sciences may besolicited for their opinions on possible impacts.

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The use of indigenous knowledge may be valuable for filling information gaps in dataand understanding as well. There are three global centres, the US based Center forIndigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development (CIKARD) at IowaState University; LEAD in The Netherlands; and CIRAN; two regional centres inNigeria and the Philippines, and several national centres in, Mexico, Indonesia, Ghana,Kenya, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, Burkina Faso, and Germany thatprovide training, data, and establish lines of communication between citizens and thedevelopment community. CIKARD is currently in the process of compiling a methodfor the use of indigenous knowledge in a training manual.

In many data poor areas, expert judgement from resource experts may be used as databy utilising the Delphi method. Clearly, the success of the Delphi and other methods ofutilising expert judgement depends greatly on the proper selection of the group ofexperts, who should have access to the best available information and most recentresearch in their respective fields of study. The usefulness of expert opinion also de-pends on the scope and depth of the expert’s experiences and understanding of theproblem. Analogue scenarios

Another way to examine the possible effects of climate change on rangeland and live-stock production systems is to use an analogous scenario from either another place oranother time. There are four types of analogies, historical event, historical trend, re-gional analogies of present climate, and regional analogies of future climate.

Little research has been conducted using analogue scenarios to examine the potentialeffects of climate change on rangeland and livestock systems. Easterling et al. (1992)constructed a historical analogue climate scenario from climate records during the DustBowl era (1930-1940) in the Great Plains of the United States to determine the effectsof climate change on agricultural production in the Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, andKansas region. Although this study did not analyse the effects of climate change onrangeland livestock, the team did examine the indirect effects of a changing climate onfeed sources for animal production. An overview of this study can be found in Chapter4, Integration.

An example of an analogue scenario would be examining rangeland livestock produc-tion practices in a region that has a current climate similar to the projected change inclimate, in the region under study. Alternatively, the impact of historical events such asprotracted drought or monsoons on livestock production could also be incorporated intothe analysis, as described above. In each of these examples, the analysis would providea basis for creating a qualitative or even a semi-quantitative description of potentialimpacts.

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9-11 Empirical-statistical models

An empirical-statistical model can be used to explain system dynamics by empiricallyanalysing the relationships between some defined input and output variable such as aparticular climate variable and forage yield on livestock production. This type of modelis relatively simple to develop and can have a very high accuracy of prediction over therange of data for which it was developed. However, these models do have limitations.Statistical models are descriptive and not mechanistic in nature. Thus they provide onlylimited insight into the mechanisms underlying the particular patterns of interest. Theyare also unsuited for predicting responses to novel situations for which no data areavailable.

The statistical model lends itself quite nicely, however, to predicting first-order effectsof climate change on forage and livestock production. Bergthorsson (1985) developed amodel from climate and livestock data to compute the potential of livestock productionin Iceland. The computational accuracy of the model was tested against historical data.He then used temperature deviations from historical records to determine the potentialimpacts of climate change, with regard to temperature, on livestock production. Foranother application of the empirical-statistical method, see Box 9.1. Life zone, bioclimatic, or eco-classification models

Life zone, bioclimatic, or eco-classification models are actually another type of empi-rical-statistical model. These models range from very simple models such as theHoldridge Life Zone model (Holdridge, 1967) to the more complex models as presentedin Prendergast and Hattersley (1985), Rizzo and Wiken (1992), Wang Futang and ZhaoZong-Ci (1995), and Li Xia (1995). This modelling approach is useful for examiningimpacts of climate on regional vegetation. However, because bioclimatic models arebased on correlation they are subject to all of the limitations of empirical-statisticalmodels as discussed above. Processed based simulation models

Over the past 20 to 25 years many simulation models have been constructed to simulaterangelands and livestock production. These models can be divided into three majorcategories: biophysical models, decision support systems, and integrated models. Inkeeping the discussion within the context of the goals of this Chapter, the group ofmodels under the heading of ecosystem or biophysical models can be further subdividedinto rangeland process models and rangeland livestock ecosystem models. This lastgroup also includes pastoral livestock production systems.

The intent of this discussion is not prescriptive in nature nor is the list of modelspresented all inclusive. Rather, the discussion is meant to provide an overview of themodels and methods that have been used and cited in the literature for the assessment of

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climate change in rangeland and livestock production systems. More informationregarding model requirements and source contacts is listed in table 9.10.

Box 9.1 Example: Adaptation to climate change in the ArgentinePampas.

The region and the problem: The Argentine Pampas is a wide plain with approximately 60 millionhectares of land mainly suited for cattle rearing and crop production. Based on its rainfall and soil qualitypatterns, the region may be divided in humid, sub-humid, and semi-arid zones. During the last century,various crop and cattle production activities were combined in different ways in each zone in response tothe permanent environmental constraints and the cyclical climate variability. However, land-use optionswere also sensitive to economic conditions and technological factors. In this case, the problem was toassess how the rural sector has adapted to varying climate conditions by adjusting land-use strategiesand other technological tactics.

Methods: Following a scheme suggested by Steffen and Ingram (1995) to integrate information,geographical and historical data were displayed along three intersecting axes: space, time, and adaptationresponse (Viglizzo et al., 1995, Viglizzo et al. 1997). The last one was not quantifiable, but it wasnecessary to identify different land use options that arose when a multilevel approach was utilised.Therefore, to understand the adaptive response of land-use to climate change, geographical data setswere analysed by scaling down along the space axis from the whole region to agro-ecological zones andspecific sites. Similarly, historical sets of data were manipulated following a scale-dependent analysiswhich involved the last century as well as shorter periods of no more than three decades. Consideringthat rainfall was the climate variable which provided the greatest statistical variability both in space andtime, a broad transect was displayed in the study region to cut across a wide rainfall gradient. Differentsites were analysed along different periods of time. Thus different geographical and historical scales werecombined in a multilevel approach. Long-term data sets on land use were compared with long-term dataon climate (rainfall), economic (price of products), and technological (yield trend) factors. Comparisonswere made within the transect for the whole region, the main agro-ecological zones (humid, sub-humidand semi-arid), and specific sites (political districts). Because price and production level of differentfarming activities were not comparable in absolute terms, relative indices were utilised for statisticalanalysis. Simple linear and quadratic regression analysis were used to associate the climate, economic,and technological factors with land-use change.

Adaptation assessment: The formal hypothesis was that climate might be the main force explainingchanges in land use at the wider geographical space and the longer term, but factors other than climate(e.g., price and yield) would be explaining most of the land-use variance at the lower scales of time (fewdecades) and space (specific sites). But the results suggested that the hypothesis was partially wrong.Land-use variability tended to respond to climate variability only in the long term, but not to the variabilityof climate across the whole region. Thus the adaptive response of land use to climate change appeared tobe a site-specific and a time-dependent function, mainly in the humid environments. As the environmentalconditions turn drier in the western zones, the technology to improve water utilisation in soil appears tohave more weight than land use in the adaptation process.

Policy options: Considering that the adaptation to climate change seems to be a site-specific and a time-dependent function, adaptive policies in the Pampas should be oriented to long-term strategies on specificsites instead of a generalised strategy for the whole region. Given that climate can drive both therelocation and translocation of the farming activities, a better climate scenario may show a negativeimpact on soil conservation, mainly in the fragile lands of the semi-arid zone, due to the uncontrolledexpansion of crops at the expense of pastures and natural areas. A dramatic agro-ecological collapse ofthis kind occurred in the region during the 1930s and the 1940s. Since the natural reaction of farmers isto grow more annual crops when rainfall increases, a long-term land preservation strategy should beencouraged to counteract the potential undesirable effects of improved climate conditions.

The importance of this kind of historical assessments is that they can help to understand the autonomousadaptive behaviour of farmers to different climate conditions. This human dimension of the adaptive

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response would complement other options that can be assessed through the use of GIS, mathematicalmodelling, expert systems, and decision-support tools.

Sources: Steffen and Ingram (1995); Viglizzo et al. (1995); Viglizzo et al. (1997).

Where possible, the use of validated simulation models developed in or near the regionof interest is highly recommended. These models are more likely to use data that areavailable for the region and incorporate system processes that are unique to the area ofinterest.

Biophysical models

Biophysical simulation models mechanistically simulate ecological and physiologicalprocesses. Because these models are process driven, they can be applied to many dif-ferent environments and can also be used to test the sensitivity and stability of thesystem to a range of changes in climatic conditions. Box 9.2 is an example of theapplication of the process-based vegetation model BIOME to an analysis of rangelandsin Southern Africa.

Box 9.2 Example: Rangelands and climate change in Southern Africa.

Hulme (1996) discusses the potential impacts of climate change on the 12 countries of theSouthern African Development Community (SADC). Substantial attention is paid torangelands, as pastoralism and ecotourism are major income earners in these countries.

Three climate scenarios were evaluated, one with reduced precipitation, one with unchangedprecipitation, and one with increased precipitation. The scenarios are based on differentGCMs. All three have higher temperatures. The climate scenarios were used as input to ageneric model of potential vegetation (BIOME). Two of the three scenarios show a tendencytowards more arid vegetation. Increased temperatures outweigh the enhanced water useefficiency due to higher ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide. Only the scenario withincreased precipitation shows a modest tendency towards more moist vegetation.

The distribution of 44 wildlife species was assessed using regression models developed spe-cifically for this project. The models consider only direct climatic influences on species distri-bution. For all three scenarios, an increase in species diversity was found, possibly furtheringopportunities for tourism. The models also indicate that species are likely to move to differentlocations than where they can now be found. A similar exercise was undertaken for tsetse flies,mosquitoes and ticks. The spread of tsetse flies – a limiting factor to cattle – was found todecrease under all three scenarios.

The impact of these changes on livestock and pastoralists was assessed based on expertjudgement. Two of the three scenarios were concluded to worsen production and developmentpotentials for the regions as a whole, and perhaps substantially so in certain areas. The wetscenario was found to lead to little change or perhaps a slight improvement. Climate changethus seems to enhance current problems of population growth, weather variability, and soildegradation.

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However, these models are very data intensive, and their major disadvantage is thatcomplete data sets for parameterising and validating them rarely exist. Also, the modelstend to be extremely complex, and a certain level of training and expertise is required touse the model effectively. Lastly, many of the models that have been used in thisapproach are point models, which require making simplifying assumptions when resultsare aggregated to the regional level.

Rangeland ecosystem

Currently, there are four well recognised models that have been used under a variety ofenvironmental conditions and geographical locations to simulate the potential effects ofclimate change, including the effects of atmospheric concentrations of CO2, onrangeland or pasture ecosystems (Table 9.4). The models either do not have an animalcomponent or the herbivore model has been simplified, thus limiting livestockmanagement options and the analysis of indirect effects of impacts on animal pro-ductivity.

Rangeland and livestock

The three models presented in Table 9.5 all contain a pasture or grassland model at thesame level of detail as the animal model. As above, these models also simulate theeffects of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and climate change impacts on therangelands. The direct effects of climate change on animal production are simulatedonly by SPUR2. The indirect effects of climate change, reduction in performance due tochanges in forage quality and quantity, are simulated by all three models. Only theHurley pasture model simulates or considers carbon as contributed by methane.

One of the major limitations to all of the animal models listed in Table 9.5 is that theywere developed in countries that have a livestock management system vastly differentthan the nomadic pastoralist systems often found elsewhere in the world. Therefore,adapting these models to this type of situation may be a daunting if not impossible task.

Decision support systems

Decision support system (DSS) models allow the user to examine the potential effectsof management decisions in a given system based on a set of decision rules that havebeen formulated in the model. One such DSS, GRASSMAN, has been used to evaluatethe effects of climate on livestock and pasture production as well as to predict changesin emissions and productivity (McKeon et al., 1993; Howden et al., 1994).GRASSMAN is an agricultural decision support model that allows users to investigatethe effect and interactions between tree clearing, livestock and pasture management, andclimate on pasture condition, animal performance, and paddock financial returns(Scanlan and McKeon, 1990). The model has been modified to include sources, sinks,

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and storage of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, and NO) in tropical and sub-tropical savannah woodlands of northern Australia (Howden et al., 1994).

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Table 9.4 Rangeland ecosystem models that have been used for climate change impact assessment.

Model Objective Managementoptions

Country oforigin




CCGRASS Evaluate the long-termeffects of managementand variousenvironmental conditionof soil carbonsequestration

Effects of grazingand mowingincorporated fromexperimental data.


Unknown at thetime ofpublishing

Well suited formanagement and climateinteraction on soil andplant dynamics. Does notinclude the effects ofherbivores.

Van den Pol van Dasselaarand Lantinga, 1995

CENTURY Simulate C, N, P, and Sdynamics for the plant-soil system for grasslandand agriculturalproduction

Seasonal effects ofburning andgrazing simulated.

United States Africa, Asia,Europe, NorthAmerica, andSouth America

Well suited for studyingthe long term effects ofclimate change onbiogeochemical cycling;Seems to be verytransportable to differentregions of the world.Only simplified herbivoreroutine

Parton et al., 1987. Thismodel has been widelyused and cited.

Recent review of model inBreymeyer et al., 1996

GEM Explore the interactionsof elevated CO2 andchanges in climate ongrassland production,decomposition, andnutrient cycling.

Effects of grazingnot simulated asthe model iswritten.

United States Not at the timeof publishing(Personalcommunication,W. Hunt, NREL,1997)

Well suited for studyingthe effects of climate onbiogeochemical cycling.Model suited fortemperate grasslands.Only simplified herbivoremodel

Hunt et al., 1991; De-XingChen et al., 1996

GRASS Simulate shoot number,C, and N budget, energybalance, and waterbudget.

Original modeldesign to assessimpact of grazingon Africangrassland systems

Kenya andUnited States

Africa and NorthAmerica

Well suited to Africansavannahs and grazing.Improved below groundmodel. Veryphysiologically based.

Coughenour, 1984 andBreymeyer et al., 1996

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Table 9.5 Rangeland livestock production models that have been used for climate change impact assessment.

Model Objectives Management Animal model Country oforigin


Advantages/Disadvantagesa Citation


Simulate the fluxes of C,N, and water in linked soil,plant, and animal systems

Grazing issimulated

Mature, non-lactating sheep

England andScotland

Unknown atthe time ofpublishing

Allows for the study of soil-grass-animal interactions.The only model reviewedthat has a sheep model.

Like all the other models,many parameters areneeded.

Thornley andCannell, 1997

SPUR2 Simulate C and Ndynamics for plant-soilsystem, simulate beefcattle production, andsimulates plant herbivoreinteractions

Simulatessimple tocomplexgrazingmanagementschemes.Multi-site orpastures

Contains 2 beefcattle models. Acomplex life cycleindividual cow-calf model and asimple singleyearling beefcattle model.

The UnitedStates

Asia, NorthAmerica, andSouth America

Allows for the simulation ofmultiple sites, rotational typegrazing, and simulates herddynamics. However, herdmodel is complicated. Notsuited for tropical orphosphorous limited soils.

Hanson et al.,1992

Topp andDoyle Model

Simulate changes aboveand below ground plantproduction, simulategrazing and dairy cowproduction.

Application offertiliser,mowing, andgrazing

Dairy cowproduction modelthat simulatesgrowth, milkproduction, andgrazing

Scotland Unknown atthe time ofpublishing

Allows for the simulation ofdairy type cattle. Grassmodel is well suited fortemperate conditions.Unsure of modelperformance in tropicalconditions.

Topp andDoyle,1996a&b

a The authors recommend that the steward of the model be consulted before deciding on the suitability of a particular model.

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Integrated models

Integrated models can be considered to be a special case of process-based models inthat they usually incorporate some type of process based simulation model with othermethods such as GIS or databases or economic models. The objectives of these modelsare usually to attempt to model regional biophysical and socio-economic processes andinteractions simultaneously (Rosenberg, 1993). The site or regional impacts can then beaggregated, where appropriate to regional or global impacts. Examples of this methodincluded the integration of a site specific grassland ecosystem model, CENTURY, and aGIS (Burke et al., 1990); two regional models, CLIMPACTS (New Zealand focus) theUS effort VEMAP (Kenny et al., 1995; Kittel et al., 1995); and a global model TEM(Melillo et al., 1993). The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme’s terrestrialtransect program provides an excellent example of how many methods may becombined to examine climate driven impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. The transectsare a set of integrated global change studies consisting of distributed observationalstudies and manipulative experiments coupled with modelling and synthesis activitiesorganised along existing gradients of underlying global change parameters, such astemperature, precipitation, and land-use. The transects are 1000 kilometres long and arewide enough to encompass the dimensions of remote sensing images. They will be usedto determine changes in terrestrial biogeochemical cycling, study the effects of globalchange on ecosystem composition and structure, and serve as a platform for studyingthe impacts of global change on various aspects of terrestrial ecosystems, such asproduction systems, soil processes, and ecological complexity. The initial set oftransects are located in four key regions: (1) the humid tropics of the Amazon basin,central Africa, and Southeast Asia; (2) the semi-arid tropics in savannahs of westAfrica, Kalahari (southern Africa), and northern Australia; and (3) the mid-latitudesemi-arid grasslands of the US Great Plains, the Patagonia of Argentina; and north-eastern China; and (4) the high latitude boreal forest-tundra of Alaska, Canada,Scandinavia, and Siberia (IGBP, 1995). Economic models

Several types of models can be used to evaluate the economic implications of the directeffects (first order impacts) of climate change on rangeland and livestock productionsystems for local and regional economies. Some of these models use outputs that arecollected from the methods describe above as inputs for stand-alone economic models,and others are linked or integrated into biophysical simulation models. Chapter 8describes relevant economic models in detail.

9.2.2 Selection of the method

Selection of the appropriate method to be used in the analysis is an extremely importantstep in conducting a meaningful impact analysis. The first and most important step inthis process is defining a clear and concise statement of the problem and setting

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quantifiable goals and objectives for the assessment. Other issues that need to beconsidered are:

• Defining the scale, scope, and time horizon of the assessment;

• Assessing the availability, resolution, and quality of the data;

• Assessing the availability of human, technological, and financial resources.

It is important to think about method selection as an iterative process that is based onlimiting factors. For example, goals and objectives may be set that require data that areunavailable or the institutional infrastructure may be unable to support computerintensive analyses.

Selection of the appropriate method may also be determined in context of the temporaland spatial resolution of results and time frame for conducting the analysis. The matrixpresented in Table 9.6 combines these criteria with a ranking of data and resource needspresented above. Where a range of scores are provided, it is assumed that techniquesmay range from the very simple to the extremely complex.

9.3 Scenarios

Discussions of socio-economic and climate change scenario development are covered indetail in Chapters 2 and 3, respectively. Regardless of what future climates have instore for the world, establishing climatological and socio-economic baselines is essentialfor detecting and measuring change.

9.3.1 Climatological baseline

Rangeland ecosystems are event driven systems in that the amount and timing of pre-cipitation, fire, and grazing, as well as other activities, have the capacity to alter thestructure and function of the ecosystem. Extreme climatic events such as prolongeddroughts or monsoons also have the potential to alter the trajectory of these systems.Therefore, baseline climate data should be from as long a period as possible to capturethe frequency of extreme events. The usual climate variables needed for rangelandlivestock production systems include temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, windrun, and in some cases humidity. The resolution of the data, maximums and minimums,daily, monthly, seasonal, or yearly averages, will depend on the method or modelemployed.

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Table 9.6 Summary of methods.

Method Temporalscale ofresults

Spatialscale ofresults

Time to conductanalysis

Data needs Skill or trainingrequireda

Technological resources Financial resources

$ -Low; $$-Moderate; $$$-High

Experimental Season todecades

Site Months to years Needs little data. The data aregenerated.

Specialised trainingin the discipline ofstudy.

Depends on the complexity of thestudy. Farming Systems orientedresearch to long term ecologicalstudies.

Dependent on the scope of theproject. Can vary from farmingsystems research to long-termecological studies.

$ to $$$

Screeningtechniques(including GIS& remotesensing)

Snapshotat aparticulartime

Site tonational

Several week tomonths. Ifmonitoringchanges insystems thenpossibly years.

Simple screening processescan be accomplished with littledata. The purpose is to identifynot only risk but also gaps inknowledge and data.

Training required inarea of study. GISand remote sensingtechniques requirespecialised training.

Complexity of the analysis willdetermine. Simple map, tabulardata, personal computers. Evensatellite data may be utilised onPC’s if technically expertise isavailable.

Dependent on the complexity ofthe analysis, techniques beingutilised and if equipment isneeded.

$ to $$


Years todecades

Site toregion

Days, weeks, ora few months

Very little data needed. Requires wideexperience in field ofstudy and goodunderstanding ofprocesses involved.

Little technology is needed. Depends on the number ofconsultants being employed andfees being paid for local andinternational consultants.

$ to $$

Analogue Decades Site tonational

Weeks tomonths.Depends on theavailability of data

Data dependent. The qualityand quantity of data must besufficient to construct ameaningful analogy.

Training required inarea of data analysis.

Very little technical resources areneeded. Most can be accomplishedon a personal computer.

Depends on data availability,personnel, and if additionalequipment is needed for theanalysis.



Season todecades

Site tonational

Weeks tomonths.Dependent onthe availability ofdata.

Requires enough data toconstruct a meaningfulstatistical model. For example,data of several decades wouldbe required to capture normalfluctuations in climate data.

Requires specialisedtraining in statisticalanalyses.

Very little technical resources areneeded. Most can be accomplishedon a personal computer.Sophistication of necessarysoftware is model dependent.

Depends on data availability,personnel, and if additionalequipment is needed for theanalysis.


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9.3.2 Socio-economic baseline

The socio-economic baseline describes the present state of non-climatic factors thataffect rangeland livestock production systems. Information needed to establish thisbaseline may include the following variables: vegetation cover (type and extent); soilcharacteristics (depth, texture, properties, etc.); estimations of soil organic matter,topography, and mean atmospheric concentration of CO2 or other trace gases; and othernon-climatic environmental variables. Socio-economic factors include land use, wateruse, management practices (e.g., grazing management schemes), economic factors (e.g.,contribution to GNP, price of market outputs such as meat, milk, hide, wool, etc.), fooddemand, social variables (employment, settlements), structure or land tenure. Socio-economic factors are not likely to remain static; therefore, it is important that baselineconditions of the most important and relevant factors are considered in the assessment.

9.4 Autonomous adaptation

Adaptations may be classified as either autonomous, which usually refers to adjust-ments made within the system, or planned, which refers to adjustments that are externalto the system such as adjustments that are initiated or prompted by public policy (Smit,1993; Carter et al., 1994). Clearly, rangelands and the people who derive theirlivelihood from these systems have some degree of inherent adaptability. The degree towhich these systems can adapt and remain productive for their defined use depends onthe magnitude, timing, frequency, and duration of the disturbance.

Autonomous adaptation in rangeland livestock production systems can be defined interms of ecological processes and human management decisions. From an ecologicalstandpoint the limit of the system’s ability to adapt depends on the rate of change of thedisturbance relative to the inherent rate of change in the system and to changes thathave occurred during the evolution of the system. The sustainability of the system as aproductive source of food for livestock and wildlife is directly related to how humanmanagement practices adjust to the disturbance as well.

In terms of human adaptation, the nature and processes of adaptation to climate arepoorly understood and rarely directly investigated (Smithers and Smit, 1997). Althoughthe process and nature of adaptation may be elusive given the current state ofknowledge, evidence does exist, through the persistence of agricultural practices, thatcattle farmers make autonomous changes, both tactically and strategically, to offset theeffects of disruptions in the system (Table 9.7).

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Table 9.7 Possible types of climate induced autonomous adaptations inrangeland livestock production systems.

Rangeland ecosystems Shifts in biological diversityShifts in species compositionShifts in species distribution

Livestock farmers Change in grazing management (timing, duration, and location)Change in mix of grazers or browsersChange in supplemental feedingChange in location of watering pointsChange in breeding managementChanges in rangeland management practicesChange in operation production strategiesChange in market strategies

The selection of impact method will determine the type of adaptation analysis that canbe performed. Some of the methods will allow for conducting the assessment directlywhereas in other cases, the adaptation assessment will have to conducted by usingoutput generated from the impact assessment (Table 9.8).

Table 9.8 Suitability and scale of impact method for adaptation assessment.

Impact analysis method Suitability for adaptationassessment

Scale of assessment

Expert judgement Information used to conductseparate assessment

Farm level to national(possibly global)

Analogue Output used to conduct separateassessment

Regional to national

Empirical-statistical Output used to conduct separateassessment

Farm level to national

Life zone or bioclimatic model Output used to conduct separateassessment

Regional to global

Biophysical models, decisionsupport systems, integratedmodels

Assessment may be conductedwithin the context of the model

Farm level to global

Economic models Assessment may be conductedwithin the context of the model

Farm level to global

In the discussion on the usefulness of experimentation for impact assessment, thestatement was made that this method had limited application. However, if improvementsare to be made on the estimates of potential impacts of climate change on agriculture,there is a need to know more about the processes in which ranchers perceive andrespond to changes in climate (Smit et al., 1996). Perhaps an empirical analysis ofautonomous adaptation, such as the method used by Smit et al. (1996), should beincluded into the impact and adaptation assessment or conducted as a corollary.

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9.5 Planned adaptation

Smit et al. (1996) state that a distinction can be made between effects that are direct,short-term changes made in response to climate change, and responses and adaptationsthat are purposeful and conscious decisions made in reaction to the effects, which alterthe nature of farming and regional agricultural systems. The focus of this section is onthose strategic adaptations that would change the face of rangeland livestock productionfor a given region. Adaptations such as these are usually a result of governmental orpublic policy actions. (However, some of the measures mentioned here could beclassified as autonomous agriculturist adaptations as well.) The following lists werecompiled from recommendations made by IPCC WG II (1996).

Adaptations that facilitate production under a changing climate. The actions would beundertake by individual ranchers, but incentives, information, and assistance may beprovided by governmental agencies.

• use vegetative barriers or snow fences to catch snow and increase soil moisture;

• use windbreaks to protect soil from erosion;

• reduce stocking rates;

• use feed conservation techniques and fodder banks;

• improve nutritional plane by using protein, vitamin, and mineral supplements;

• change in mix of grazing or browsing animals;

• alter animal distribution by the use of mineral blocks, watering points, and fences;

• start weed management program;

• restore degraded areas;

• increase native rangeland vegetation or plant adapted species.

Adaptations that are undertaken by government and are purposeful and strategic,although, they can be either short or long in duration.

• modify price supports and other governmental programs to encourage cattlefarmers to respond quickly to climate change such as commodity co-operatives andmarketing boards, stabilisation programs and subsidies, and tariffs and other tradebarriers;

• develop large-scale watershed projects;

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• encourage production in the most efficient area by discouraging the use of marginallands and protecting areas that are degraded;

• if shifts in location occur, establish new farm to market links if necessary; purchaserights of way before land appreciates;

• prepare for veterinary animal health services for the spread of diseases andparasites;

• develop breeding programs;

• develop agroforestry systems;

• if production is declining, allow for more importation;

• if climate change seriously undermines the viability of the animal production sector,develop support measures to fulfil other social objectives such as food security andpreservation of the rural community, induce a movement out of agriculture throughmacroeconomic policies to assure that employment will be available outside ofa*griculture, develop policies and institutions that facilitate movement betweensectors, create positive incentives for people to leave agriculture, stable economicgrowth, and provide education.

All adaptive responses to climate change have associated pros and cons that will beexperienced biophysically, socially or culturally, and economically. The IPCC WG IIon rangelands developed a matrix of possible practices to mitigate the impacts onclimate change in rangeland production systems. A modified version of the matrix ispresented in Table 9.9.

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Table 9.9 Pros and cons of selected adaptation strategies.

Strategy Biophysical Social or cultural Economic Comment

Reducestocking rates

Increase in plantcover, soil organicmatter, and improveproductivity onunhealthy rangelands

Country dependentand the value ofanimals as a socialresource

Depends on thevalue of livestockproducts to localand nationaleconomies

May requirechanges in regionalor national foodproduction policies

Change themix of grazingor browsinganimals

Potential shift in plantspecies composition

Country dependentand the culturalvalue of specifictypes of animals

Depends on thevalue of livestockproducts

In general wouldproduce positiveeffect through moreefficient use ofresources

Changeanimaldistribution viamineralsupplementblocks

Depends on mineralspresent in therangeland

Not appropriatewhere animals areherded

Cost of purchaseand distribution

Generally positivebut not applicable toherding systems

Changeanimaldistribution bywater points

Developed watersource may not besustainable

May affect territoryand propertyboundaries

Motorised sourcestoo costly

Negative impacts ifused to increasestocking rate

Use fences Benefit to controldomestic animals

Country dependentandlivestock/wildlifesystem

Varies dependingon country,source, and kind ofmaterial used forconstruction

Potential to interferewith wildlifemigration

Use feedsupplements

May reduce extensivegrazing

Possible whereanimals are herded

Cost are oftenlarge but mayincreaseproduction mayoffset cost

Potentially difficult todistribute to localareas

Increasenativevegetation orplant adaptedspecies

Benefit in retention ofnative species forgene conservation

Local people mayrely on nativespecies formedicines, etc.

Depends on thevalue of livestockand wildlifeproducts, and thevalue of herbalmedicine

Potential unknownbenefits from nativespecies; adaptedspecies survive overthe long term


Cost if non-targetspecies affectedwater pollution,damage to food chain

Same asbiophysical pluspossible removalof firewoodsources

Varies dependingon country andsource of herbicide

Costs or benefitsdepend on meetingmanagement goals


Possible benefit withincreased plant cover,diversity, andproductivity

Potential benefitwith change ingrass/browseforage mix forlivestock andwildlife

Cost of plantingand maintaining

Increases carbonstorage in trees;benefit in diversityand productivity ifadapted speciesused

Develop large-scalewatersheds

Potential for large landdisturbances. Benefitto human and animalpopulations becauseof regulated andregular water supply.Harm to aquaticecosystems

Potential forimproved foodproduction for bothplants and animals

Costs of dam, etc.;benefit ofhydroelectricpower

Potential forincreased humanand animalpopulations becauseof increased wateravailability

Source: IPCC (1996)

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9.6 Summary and implications

A variety of methods and modelling approaches have been presented in this chapter toassess the impacts of climate change on rangeland and livestock production systems.The choice of method to be used depends on the goals and objectives of the assessment,the quality and quantity of data available, and the availability of human, technological,and financial resources for the assessment. The scope of the analysis should be limitedto those areas where impacts are likely to be the greatest and where the mostmeaningful analysis can be performed.

Often in climate change impact assessments more time and capital is spent investigatingfirst order biophysical responses to climate driven impacts. The authors wish to stressthe importance of spreading resources evenly among the assessment of second orderresponses to impacts and conducting thorough and meaningful adaptation assessments.Only by carefully assessment and reporting of these higher order effects can theimportance of the potential impacts be conveyed to policy makers.

A spatial or geographical dimension is a feature common to most of the outputs orvariables that indicate change in the impact analysis. Consequently, a quick andpowerful way to display the results of the analysis is through the use of maps. Thesemaps may be created by sophisticated computer GIS software or by hand. Other moreconventional methods such as clear and concise charts or table are also useful for pre-sentation of results.

What lies in the future for rangeland and livestock impact analyses? Many studies havebeen conducted on the potential effects of climate change on rangeland ecosystems.Most of this work has been directed toward examining climate driven impacts onecological processes in rangelands. As a result, several models have been developed andvalidated for predicting changes in rangeland ecosystem processes.

However, by comparison, little work has been done to assess the effects of climatechange on livestock production in rangeland ecosystems. The majority of the studiesthat have included livestock have been conducted in developed countries. Consequently,the models used in these studies tend to reflect the conditions and assumptions that existin these more intensively managed production schemes. There is a definite need for thedevelopment of a robust model or suite of models that can be used to examine climateimpacts on livestock and rangelands over a wide range of environments andmanagement practices. These models should be developed in such a manner that outputvariables would be meaningful and useful as inputs to economic, socio-economic, andadaptation assessment analyses. The development of such methods will improve ourability to assess the future of the people whose livelihoods depend on the sustainabilityof rangelands.

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Table 9.10 Documentation and source for grassland and grassland/livestockmodels.

Model name CCGRASS Carbon Cycle of GrasslandsModel type Mechanistic simulation modelModel purpose To simulate the carbon cycle of grassland soils. Simulates the

effect of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 on biogeochemicalprocesses

Citation information Van den Pol van Dasselaar and Lantinga, 1995Model developer A. Van den Pol van DasselaarModel validated YesModel input datarequirements

Site specific data (above and below ground C, N application,mowing and grazing regimes) and climate data

Model output data Carbon fluxesTemporal scale annual to several decadesSpatial scale SiteProgramming languageComputer requirementsAgency Wageningen Agricultural UniversityOffice location Wageningen, The NetherlandsOffice name Dept. of Theoretical Production EcologyContact A. Van den Pol van DasselaarTitleAddress P.O. Box 430, NL-6700 AK Wageningen, The NetherlandsTelephoneFaxE-mail

Model name CenturyModel type Predictive, simulation, process, deterministicModel purpose Analysis of soil organic matter dynamics in response to changes

in management and climateCitation information Parton, et. al., 1987Model developer W.J. Parton et al. Agricultural Research Service and CSU

support through NRELModel validated YesModel input datarequirements

Driving variables: monthly mean max. and min. air temperatures,mean precipitation. State variables: soil texture, soil depth,vegetation types, management system type (e.g., grasslands,agroecosystems, forest), CO2 levels, and C14 enrichment.

Model output data Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous fluxes, net primaryproduction, seasonal organic matter

Temporal scale One month to thousands of yearsSpatial scale point model (1 square meter)Programming language FORTRAN 77, possibly recoding to C, DOS, and UNIX versionsComputer requirements Information available from Bill PartonAgency Colorado State UniversityOffice location Fort Collins, CO, USAOffice name Natural Resource Ecology LaboratoryName Bill PartonTitle Senior EcologistAddress NREL, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USATelephone 970-491-1987

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Table 9.10 Documentation and source for grassland and grassland/livestockmodels - continued.

Model name GEM and GEM2 Grassland Ecosystem ModelModel type Predictive, simulation, process, deterministicModel purpose Interprets the results of field experiments on two different

grassland ecosystems (native shortgrass prairie C4 and old standof introduced perennial C3). Explores interactions of elevatedCO2, and elevation of temperature on grassland production,decomposition, and nutrient cycling.

Citation information Hunt et al., 1991 (GEM); De-Xing et al., 1996 (GEM2)Model developer H.W. HuntModel validated YesModel input datarequirements

Driving variables: daily precipitation, weekly max. and min. airtemperatures, wind speed, relative humidity, monthly mean soiltemperatures. State variables: soil and inorganic ammoniumnitrate data. Other data requirements for other situations, e.g.,growth parameters

Model output data State variables versus time (can be short-term weekly, or long-term). Main focus is seasonal

Temporal scaleSpatial scale Point modelProgramming language FORTRAN 77 6600 lines of codeComputer requirements Sun SPARC1Agency Colorado State UniversityOffice location Fort Collins, Colorado, USAOffice name Natural Resource Ecology LaboratoryName H. William HuntTitle

Model name GRASSModel type Ecophysiologically processed based simulation modelModel purpose Simulates physiological and morphological traits of plants,

tillering and C and N budgets, light penetration, and soil waterand heat budgets. Originally developed to simulate the effects ofgrazing on African grasslands. Effects of atmospheric CO2

simulatedCitation information Coughenour, 1984Model developer M.B. CoughenourModel validated YesModel input datarequirements

driven daily weather data and initial conditions for state variables

Model output data C and N fluxes, net primary production, seasonal organic matterTemporal scale time step of two hours for diurnal processes and two days for

other plant growth processes. One month to decadesSpatial scale Point or site modelProgramming language FORTRANComputer requirements Personal computerAgency Colorado State UniversityOffice location Fort Collins, CO USAOffice name Natural Resource Ecology LaboratoryName Michael CoughenourTitle Senior Research ScientistAddress NREL, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USATelephone 970-491-5572Fax 970-491-1965

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Table 9.10 Documentation and source for grassland and grassland/livestockmodels - continued.

Model name Hurley Pasture ModelModel type A generic ecophysiologically processed based simulation modelModel purpose To simulate the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and water in a grazed

soil-pasture-atmosphere system, coupling the C an N fluxes, andmodulating the fluxes by the plant and soil water status.

Citation information Thornley and Cannell, 1997Model developer J.H.M. ThornleyModel validated yesModel input datarequirements

Latitude, N input, windspeed, relative humidity, photosyntheticallyactive radiation, air temp, soil temp, precip., stocking rate forsheep. [Plant submodel: 21 state variables and 60 parameters;Soil and Litter submodel: 15 state variables and 68 parameters;Animal submodel: 2 state variables and 9 parameters; Watersubmodel: 3 state variables and 40 parameters]

Model output data C and N fluxes and state variables versus time:Temporal scale yearly to decadesSpatial scale siteProgramming language unknown at time of publishingComputer requirements unknown at time of publishingAgency Institute of Terrestrial EcologyOffice locationOffice nameName Dr. J.H.M. ThornleyTitleAddress Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 0QB, UK

Model name SPUR — Simulating Production and Utilization of Rangelands(version 2.0)

Model type Predictive, simulation, process, deterministicModel purpose To determine and analyse management scenarios as they affect

rangeland sustainability. Examines the effect of climate changeon livestock production and grassland productivity.

Citation Information Hanson et al., 1992Model developer Jon HansonModel validated YesModel input datarequirements

Driving variables: daily precipitation, max. and min. airtemperatures, wind run and solar radiation. State variables: soiland plant data, CO2 levels, animal performance data. Seesimulation set-up handbook

Model output data State variables versus time plant and soil carbon and nitrogen,animal production data

Temporal scale Daily time step; 1 to 80 yearsSpatial scale Point model applied up to 36 sitesProgramming language FORTRAN 77 (enhanced) 20,000 lines of codeComputer requirements minimum requirements 486 CPU and 8 MB RAMAgency Agricultural Research ServiceOffice location Fort Collins, Colorado USAOffice name Great Plain Systems Research UnitName Jon HansonTitle Supervisory Range ScientistAddress USDA, ARS, NPA P.O. Box E , Fort Collins, CO 80522 USA

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Table 9.10 Documentation and source for grassland and grassland/livestockmodels - continued.

Model name Topp and Doyle ModelModel type Predictive, simulation, process, deterministicModel purpose Simulate pure grass and grass-white clover swards. Examine the

effects of changes in temperature and precipitation regimes andCO2 on herbage production. Simulate grazing by dairy cattle.Examine the effects that changes in temperature and precipitationregimes and CO2 may have on milk production and silageconservation.

Citation information Topp and Doyle (1996a &b)Model developer Cairistiona Topp and Christopher DoyleModel validated yesModel input datarequirements

Five driving variables, mean daily temperature, photosyntheticallyactive radiation, atmospheric [CO2], available moisture, andavailable nitrogen. Initial conditions for 5 plant model statevariables. For the animal model there are 8 state variables.

Model output data State variables versus time plant and animal production dataTemporal scale DailySpatial scale SiteProgramming language Unknown at the time of publishingComputer requirements Unknown at the time of publishingAgency The Scottish Agricultural CollegeOffice locationOffice nameName Cairistiona Topp and Christopher DoyleTitleAddress Auchincruive, Ayr KA6 5HW, UK


Antle, J.M. 1995. Climate change and agriculture in developing countries. AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics 77, 741-746.

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10 Human Health

Lead Author Contributing AuthorsJohn M. Balbus 1 Menno Bouma, UK

Sari Kovats, UKDavid LeSueur, South AfricaW.C. Martens, The NetherlandsJonathan Patz, USA

10.1 Nature of the problem

Health is defined by the constitution of the World Health Organization as “a state ofcomplete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of diseaseor infirmity” (WHO, 1946). The sustainable health of human populations is anintegrating measure of our long-term environmental and ecological stewardship. Envi-ronmental degradation, whether from chemical contamination or other forms of eco-system disruption, can affect both acute and chronic human health problems. Thus,human health should be considered one essential criterion of the “dangerous inter-ference” with the climate system that is described in Article 2 of the UNFCCC. Theability to assess the human health impacts of climate change, however, is still at a veryearly stage of development.

There are a number of reasons for this relative scarcity of well-developed methods forthe assessment of health impacts from climate change. Since the germ theory of medi-cine acquired dominance in Western thought in the nineteenth century, the focus ofhealth research has been on specific agents of disease and methods of combating them.Understanding the relations between environmental factors such as climate and humandiseases has received less emphasis than understanding in exquisite detail thebiochemical workings of pathogens and the drugs created to control them. As a

1 George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA.

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consequence, our ability to describe and simulate the interactions between climate andother environmental factors and human diseases is very limited.

Research methods in human health differ from those in the physical sciences. Much ofthe data required for other sectors are measurements of physical states such as waterflow rates or chemical composition. Even where data types are similar, significant dif-ferences remain: one example is that acquisition of data in health research depends onhuman behaviours and co-operation. Consider the following: determining the level ofdisease in an agricultural product or in a human population involves sampling. In ahuman population, however, that sampling requires extensive co-operation of manyindividuals, whether they are subjects who must co-operate with an interview or medi-cal test, or health providers who must accumulate and submit measurements of diseasesduring their work day. Sampling an agricultural product either in the field or duringproduction is comparatively simpler. This makes the acquisition of similar types of datamuch more expensive, difficult to do, and inherently uncertain for health as compared tothe other sectors. This barrier alone impedes the progress of high quality research inhealth-environment interactions.

Lastly, human health is arguably more complex than most of the outcomes of othersectors. In most cases, health outcomes cannot be simply correlated with climate fac-tors. Numerous other factors such as the level of economic development, state of sani-tation and public health systems, and group and individual behaviour have a significanteffect on human health. Understanding the interactions among these factors, climatevariables, and human health in the present day is a difficult task. Being able to predicthow these interrelated factors will change in the future and then analysing their effectson future climate changes and human health is a daunting task. This difficulty iscompounded by the fact that anticipated climate changes are beyond the range ofobservable events for most areas (McMichael, 1993)

As a result, this chapter differs from other sectoral chapters. It is not possible to placebefore the reader an array of methods that have already been developed and applied forpredicting impacts. Rather, a suggested approach to performing a comprehensiveimpact assessment for human health is offered and some general principles of climateimpacts on health are explained. Next, methods that are being used to gain insight intorelations between climate and human health are described. These methods should not beconsidered capable of providing predictions of human health under conditions of climatechange. This chapter is intended to assist the handbook user in two different tasks: first,to provide a short-term answer to what the health impacts of climate change might befor a particular country or region, and second, to begin laying the foundation for greaterunderstanding of climate-health interactions through acquisition of relevant data anddevelopment of research capability.

At the outset, two points must be emphasised. Because of the uncertainty regardingpredictions of human health, resources should be devoted to understanding currentserious human health problems and how they may be affected by climate change.Similarly, adaptation measures should be relevant to the current situation, and not bebased solely on predictions of future events. Second, the past two decades have de-monstrated the suddenness with which health problems may emerge. Diseases such as

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AIDS, the Central and South American cholera outbreak, and the hantavirus pulmonarysyndrome could not have been predicted prior to their emergence. While it is essential toensure that public health measures for climate change have relevance for currentproblems, it is equally essential that countries enhance their ability to detect and react tounforeseen health problems. Public health and biological surveillance and monitoringwill be a critical element of any national plan for human health impacts of climatechange (see Levins et al., 1994).

Recent articles and monographs have described the range of human health problemsthat may be affected by climate change (McMichael et al, 1996a; McMichael et al.,1996b; Patz et al., 1996) and these effects are summarised in Table 10.1. Some coun-tries have also undertaken national reviews of potential health impacts (e.g., Longstreth,1989; NHMRC, 1991; CCIRG, 1996). One of the major impacts of climate change onhealth may be changes in the transmission of vector-borne diseases. A comparison ofthe public health impact and likely climate sensitivity of the major vector-borne diseasesappears in Table 10.2.

Table 10.1 Summary of anticipated direct and ecosystem-mediated effects ofglobal climate change.


Direct health effects Ecosystem-mediated healtheffects

Higher temperaturesand altered precipitationpatterns

Increased heat -relatedmortality and morbidity.

Increase in photochemical andpossibly other forms of airpollution, with resultingincrease in respiratory illness.

Increased frequency of floods,storms, and natural disasters.

Changes in distribution andseasonal transmission of vector-borne diseases.

Increase in toxic algal blooms andpossibly in transmission of water-borne diseases.

Decreased agricultural productionand food shortages.

Sea level rise Loss of habitable land,contaminated freshwatersupplies, damage to publichealth infrastructure.

Decreased fish stocks due to lossof coastal wetlands.

Tables 10.1 and 10.2 do not represent all possible climate-related health problems. Forexample, moulds producing food spoilage or direct toxicity may become moreprevalent, and respiratory illness caused by plant pollens may shift in geographicdistribution or seasonality because of climate change. Country teams should rely ontheir internal expertise, and consider Tables 10.1 and 10.2 to be guidelines in assessingthe possible health impacts of climate change.

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Table 10.2 Estimated impacts of climate change on major vector-bornediseases around the world (after McMichael et al., 1996b).

Disease Populationat risk(millions)

Number infectedor new cases peryear

Present distribution Possible changeof distribution asa result of climatechange

Malaria 2400 300-500 million tropics/subtropics +++Schistosomiasis 600 200 million tropics/subtropics ++Lymphaticfiliariases

1094 117 million tropics/subtropics +


55 250-300 000cases/year

tropical Africa +

Dracunculiasis 100 100 000cases/year

tropics (Africa/Asia) ?

Leishmaniasis 350 12 millioninfected, 500,000new cases/year

Asia/SouthernEurope/ Africa/South America


Onchocerciasis 123 17.5 million Africa/LatinAmerica



100 18-20 million Central and SouthAmerica


Dengue 2500 50 million tropics/subtropics +Yellow fever 450 <5000 cases/year Africa/Latin



10.2 Selection of health impacts

The WHO definition emphasises that assessing health impacts requires more thanmerely predicting future incidence of specific diseases. Deleterious effects of alteredclimate on the foundations of public health (i.e., nourishing food, safe and adequatedrinking water, and secure shelter) need to be considered in addition to changes inspecific diseases. This will require input from other sectors performing parallel impactanalyses, such as agriculture (Chapter 8), coastal zones (Chapter 7), and waterresources (Chapter 6). Changes in these fundamental public health factors may dras-tically alter a population's susceptibility to a number of diseases, both climate sensitiveand climate insensitive. While such comprehensiveness of analysis makes the processmore difficult, it is essential to integrate these fundamental health factors into theoverall assessment to be able to formulate relevant responses.

The following is a possible sequence of initial steps in a comprehensive health impactassessment.

1. Review major national or regional causes of morbidity and mortality, especiallyinfectious diseases. For infectious diseases, any geographic boundaries (such asthose between areas of endemic and epidemic transmission, or between areas ofepidemic transmission and no known disease) should be noted. National experts inpublic health should be consulted for opinions on reasons for such boundaries (i.e.,

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is disease transmission limited by climate factors such as temperature orprecipitation?).

2. Identify populations at risk. This would include refugee and migrant populations,populations with marginal nutritional reserves or safe water supplies, populationswith poor sanitation infrastructure, populations in low-lying coastal areas, and non-immune populations bordering zones of infectious diseases.

3. Review results of other sectoral climate change impact assessments. Specifically,results from water resources, agriculture, forestry, coastal zones, and economicassessments should be assessed for impacts on:a. supplies of food and water;b. habitability of low-lying areas; andc. economic future of currently vulnerable or impoverished regions and


4. Integrate the information gathered thus far. From this information, the existence ofcritical areas can be proposed. Similarly, the potential for populations fleeinguninhabitable or economically non-viable areas, with attendant health problems,can be assessed. Conversely, positive impacts on health (such as might be seenbecause of a decrease in seasonal rainfall in an area in which malaria is dependenton such rainfall) may also be assessed at this point.

10.2.1 Selection of health impacts, populations, and regions

Once the initial assessment is completed, the need for further study should be addressed.The direction of further study will be determined by the types of health problemsidentified in the initial assessment and the current status of understanding and datacollection for a specific disease system and a specific area. For example, further studyof health problems related to heat mortality and morbidity, if this is identified as an areaof concern, may involve the application of existing models to region-specific data in arelatively straightforward way. Further study to quantify impacts on malaria or denguefever, however, should be directed by the level of analysis already performed on thosediseases in a specific area. For example, the ability to apply quantitative models tomalaria in Africa has been limited by the lack of geographically referenced(georeferenced) data on disease incidence or even vector density (see Box 10.1). Beforeaccurate quantitative estimates of the future can be made, accurate quantitation ofhistorical and current disease dynamics is essential. Therefore, collection of such datamay be the most useful form of further study for those regions. Where baseline data andvalidated models of the current situation exist, further study may involve extrapolationof the existing models or application of integrated models. Because of the time, money,and expertise required for such studies, decision makers should consider alternativescarefully before embarking on a specific direction for further study.

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Box 10.1 Example: Building a georeferenced data base for Africa: TheMARA/ARMA Collaborative

One of the greatest weaknesses with the current status of climate change research is that thebuilding blocks are not in place for it to move beyond the scenario stage. The lack ofadequate, spatially georeferenced, disease data sets means that existing models attempting todefine current distribution remain invalidated. Following on from this is the conclusion thatclimate change impacts in the future will not be assessed because no baseline of existingconditions against which to quantify impacts is available. Similarly, the resolution andtemporal detail of spatial climate data sets suitable for accurately defining existing conditionsremain a limitation.

To overcome the limitations of adequate surveillance systems for malaria in Africa, theMapping Malaria Risk in Africa/Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en Afrique (MARA/ARMA)collaboration has used the parasite ratio (percent infected) in surveys of children as a markerof intensity of transmission. The entire initiative has to date been operating on only 50 percentof the originally proposed budget. Only $235 000 has been secured (InternationalDevelopment and Research Centre, Canada; South African Medical Research Council; andWellcome Trust). Thus activities have restricted country visits by regional data co-ordinators.Visit are essential as initial activities indicate that up to 71 percent of data is unpublished (LeSueur, 1997; Omumbo et al., in press,).

To establish MARA/ARMA, the continent was sub-divided to establish five regional centres. Anumber of steps were taken to ensure uniformity of activities of the geographically dispersedcentres:

A standardised 11 page pro forma and a set of operating procedures were compiled to guidethe data co-ordinators.

Different regional centres were using different database applications (Dbase, MSAccess,Foxpro); thus, to ensure standardisation, a stand-alone application conforming to the proforma was created with MSAccess/Visual Basic. A users guide was also developed.

Central to MARA/ARMA is the ability to geo-reference collected data within a completed proforma. To facilitate this, two steps had to be carried out:

The data co-ordinators were brought to Durban and trained in the use of a vector GIS package(Mapinfo). This was done using a customised manual compiled by the co-ordinating centre inDurban, which uses local malaria data sets for the training exercises.

Continental digital data sets which were capable of supporting the geo-referencing procedureswithin Mapinfo were acquired. These then were converted into Mapinfo format for use by thedata co-ordinators. These include data sets such as the African Data Sampler, which includesadministrative boundaries, populated centres, rivers, roads, etc., and GeoName, an electronicgazetteer of place names.

A copy of all completed pro formas and a digital copy were then forwarded to the co-ordinatingcentre in Durban.

To date, over 2000 independent parasite surveys in children aged 1-9 have been collated. Inaddition, incidence data and other associated data (drug resistance, vector distribution,agricultural practice, etc.) have been collected. These data as well as data defining historicaldistribution are being used to define the boundaries of malaria transmission within Africa.Current models are based upon long-term mean interpolations (Hutchinson, 1995) and use theraster GIS package IDRISI. However, recently, new annual surfaces have been commissionedby MARA/ARMA which allow the periphery of distribution to be more accurately defined interms of spatio-temporal (inter-annual) variation (New and Hulme, 1997). Inherent in theabove is the fact that the numerical-eco-physiological models defining the limits of distributionare validated. The figure illustrates the validation of such a model derived from climatic data(Craig et al, in preparation) and in terms of existing country level maps of distribution.

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Thus the MARA/ARMA collaboration has demonstrated that despite geographic dispersion, amethodology for creating a database can be successfully instituted; in the future, this will allowthe issue of the impact of climate change on malaria in Africa to be moved beyond thescenario level. The MARA/ARMA collaboration with its existing skills and methodology alsohas the potential to serve as a vehicle for collecting data important to other African diseases.

Box 10.1, Figure 1 Comparison of climate based numeric distribution model andexisting country specific malaria maps.

Further study of other health problems such as water-borne diseases or diseases relatedto environmental refugeeism may be limited by complexity or lack of currentunderstanding. Additional analysis may be limited to comparison with historical andgeographical analogues. In general, it is suggested that the decision to perform furtheranalysis be guided by an estimation of the overall public health impact of the problemto be studied as well as the usefulness of the additional information obtained by quan-titative study over and above the initial qualitative assessment.

The selection of populations and areas to be studied further will be driven by twofactors: the vulnerability of that population or area to climate change and the avail-ability of relevant data. Ideally, data will be available for the population or area deter-mined in the initial assessment to be most at risk from specific impacts of climatechange. If not, a decision must be made of whether to invest resources in developingdata for the most vulnerable population or area or in conducting the analysis on apopulation or other health problem that may not be the most critical.

An example of a critical geographic area would be the land at the edge of an endemiczone for vector-borne diseases. In this area, small changes in temperature or rainfallmay promote disease transmission to the extent that the disease becomes endemic. Forexample, in East Africa, there are regions where malaria is endemic in the lowlands.

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The highlands surrounding these endemic zones experience unstable epidemic malariawhen small local environmental or climate changes allow disease transmission withinvulnerable, non-immune populations. These highlands are thus critical areas, wherefurther studies (as well as surveillance and monitoring efforts) will need to be focused.

10.2.2 Selection of time scales

It is unlikely that one time frame will be appropriate for the entire health impact as-sessment. Rather, a variety of time frames may be more useful. Because of the in-creasing uncertainty inherent in long time frames (i.e., 2050 scenarios), short-term,incremental analyses (i.e., 5 year steps) may be of more use to policy makers.

For many human disease systems, a threshold exists, such that once a given mean orminimum temperature is reached, a significant change in disease transmission occurs.Thresholds may exist for precipitation levels as well. The time it takes to reach athreshold will depend on a number of factors, including the inertia of the climate systemand the response times of different levels of ecosystems. In some cases, it may be moreappropriate to determine the threshold for changes in disease transmission, and thendetermine a range of time frames for that threshold to be reached.

Health impacts may occur rapidly with small climate changes if the relevant climatefactor is the only limitation on the range of disease transmission. For example, thetransmission of dengue at higher altitudes with increases in temperature is an effect seenwithin months of extreme climate variability (Herrera-Basto et al., 1992). Alternatively,changes in the incidence of diseases related to sea water temperature (toxic algalblooms, shellfish poisoning) may lag changes in air temperatures by years because ofslower warming of the oceans.

The time scale of data collected for the analysis of regional sensitivity of diseases toclimate change will also vary depending on the data available and the health impactstudied. For example, assessment of heat mortality requires daily data. The study ofinfectious diseases, however, will usually require weekly or monthly incidence andclimate data.

10.3 Methods

This section describes the variety of methods by which climate-health interactions havebeen studied. For certain health problems such as weather-related mortality (whetherdue to heat or extreme weather events), these methods may be useful to estimateimpacts of future climate changes. For other health problems, especially the vector-borne diseases, these methods may be more useful to understand relations betweenclimate and health in a specific region in the present day. An attempt is made to discussthe general advantages and disadvantages of the different methods in this section, and asummary appears in Table 10.3. Section 10.5 discusses the details of these variousmethods in the context of specific health problems.

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Table 10.3 Summary of approaches to assess human health impacts of global climate change.

Method Personnel required Timerequired

Data needs Advantages Disadvantages Applications

Expert judgement Interdisciplinary teamincluding publichealth experts

Minimal Current morbidity and mortalitydata, region-specific climateprojections

Inexpensive, rapid,able to integratemultiple factors

Imprecise, may besubjective

Initial assessment; allproblems

Simple mapping


Ecologically basedrisk assessment

Cartographers, GISspecialists

Minimal tomoderate

Current areas of endemicity andsporadic disease, case oroutbreak data. Georeferencedclimate projections. GIS requiresspatially indexed data, layersneed compatible resolution

Inexpensive, rapid,able to visuallyrepresent importantinformation for policymakers

Unable to integratenumerous factorsand modeldynamicinteractions.

Vector-borne diseases;health problems due tosea level rise

Regression modellinghistorical analogues



Minimal tomoderate

Must have appropriate historicaldata to validate models.

Simpler computationthan numericmodels; may be ableto apply publishedmethods.

Limitedapplications,decreasing validityout of range ofobservations.

Heat stress, extremeevent-related healthproblems; vector-bornediseases; respiratorydisease due to airpollution

Numerical modelling Generally requiresservices of modelauthor, computerspecialists

Requiresgreater timeand money

Baseline disease, vector ecologyand socio-economic data. Musthave appropriate historical datato validate models.

Able to integratemultiple factors,explore interactionsamong factors.

More expensive,time consuming,large uncertainties.

Vector-borne diseases,water-borne diseases;heat stress

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10.3.1 Conceptual model

For the major current health problems, especially infectious diseases, a conceptualmodel should be developed that describes the interactions among the various factorscontributing to the severity of the problem. Such a model assists in three processes: 1)the initial qualitative assessment of climate impacts on health, 2) the quantitativeanalysis of regional relations between climate factors and disease, and 3) the identi-fication of possible intermediate endpoints (for example, changes in critical host speciesfor vector-borne diseases) that can be used for monitoring and surveillance. Onepossible paradigm for approaching the development of such conceptual models has beendescribed by the USEPA in a 1992 report entitled "Framework for Ecological RiskAssessment" (Risk Assessment Forum, 1992). This framework emphasises theimportance of integrating input from multiple scientific disciplines, including healthprofessionals, biologists, entomologists, and agriculture and forestry experts, in thedevelopment of conceptual models of disease systems.

The process of ecologically-based risk assessment is divided into three phases: problemformulation, analysis, and impact characterisation. The initial phase requires amultidisciplinary team to identify critical interactions among climate factors andecosystem mediators of the disease system as well as specific human health endpoints.Following the identification of these critical interactions, intermediate ecosystemindicators which will aid in both the monitoring of ecosystems for climate changeeffects and further quantitative analysis can be selected. For example, dengue feveroutbreaks are thought to be dependent on high temperatures and moisture availability(influencing mosquito and viral life cycles), human behaviour (regarding water storagepractices), human migration, demographics and urbanisation patterns, and humanhabitation (i.e., screened windows). Thus, analysis of climate impacts on dengue willneed to include not only mosquito survival and viral replication rates, but also forecastsof human settlements and water provision systems. Key indicators to be monitoredcould include mosquito larval populations in selected water storage utensils.

Along with the development of conceptual disease system models, the initial phaseinvolves characterising the essential elements of the system stressors. For climatestressors, care must be given to account for the complexity of climate-ecosysteminteractions. Rate of change, frequency of events, and climate variability may be moredetrimental to ecosystems than magnitude of change (Mearns, 1993). This introduces alevel of complexity to the analysis which is beyond the capacity of current GCMmodels, which agree on average temperature projections but differ greatly on estimatesof regional precipitation and extreme weather events. For now, addressing issues ofvariability will require simplifying assumptions and use of fixed estimates of certainparameters.

Intermediate ecosystem changes due to climatic stress may also be conceived of asstressors in a human disease system, since many of the human health impacts fromclimate change are anticipated to be ecologically mediated. Thus, changes in insectvector habitats or marine vegetation may be considered both an outcome of climatechange and an intermediate stressor for human disease.

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The analysis phase applies the conceptual model developed in the problem formulationphase to the particular area and time frame being analysed. The first stage, ecosystemcharacterisation, builds on the ecosystem description of the first phase, and involveschoosing specific geographic borders and time scales. Because elements within anecosystem can be both responders and stressors, it is essential in ecosystemcharacterisation to identify potential areas where this bi-directional dynamic interactionmay occur. For example, land use changes may affect micro-climates, which in turnmay alter the effects of climate change on mosquitoes, or irrigation of agricultural landmay alter a drought's impact on crops (while simultaneously providing potentialbreeding sites for insect or snail vectors). Exposure analysis then superimposes thespatial and temporal distribution of stressors developed in the first phase on relevantecological components identified in the ecosystem characterisation to determine pointsof contact between stressors and responding species (or abiotic elements such as waterlevels) within an ecosystem.

The responsiveness of ecosystem indicators to climate stressors is assessed in thestressor-response analysis. For each of the endpoints identified in the first phase, themagnitude and nature of the response to the aggregate stresses are estimated. By the endof this stage in the analysis, those human health endpoints that are likely to be affectedby climate change should be apparent, and the final stage of risk characterisation willbegin actual impact assessment. Understanding of climate-related sensitivity and theexistence of threshold values for each given endpoint are critical in this central step.The term sensitivity as used here refers to the amount a given endpoint is affected by agiven amount of change in a climate variable. This is analogous to the slope of the dose-response curve in conventional risk assessment. In an ecological risk assessment, theultimate "sensitivity" of a human disease to climate change may reside in the life cycleof an organism in the disease system which displays marked alterations in reproductiveor other types of behaviour in response to changes in climate variables. For example,cold-blooded insect vectors are quite sensitive to small changes in temperature andmoisture. Diseases whose infectious agents (viral or protozoal) must reproduce withininsect vectors are thus susceptible to subtle climate variations (Dobson and Carper,1993) .

A concept related to sensitivity is that of threshold. For relatively simple systems, athreshold refers to a sudden change in the slope of the dose-response curve. For exam-ple, human sensitivity to temperature extremes varies on a physiologic basis. Heat-related mortality occurs at different temperatures, depending on the latitude and typicaltemperatures for that area. For example, data from Montreal, Canada, show anexponential increase in heat-related mortality at 29°C, whereas data from Dallas,Texas, USA, do not show a similar increase until 39°C (Kalkstein and Smoyer, 1993).Thus, Montreal may be said to have a temperature threshold at 29°C, and Dallasexhibits a threshold at 39°C.

When considering ecological risk assessment, the threshold may be better conceptua-lised as a point of non-linear behaviour of an ecosystem endpoint in response to acombination of stressors. Multiple effects of different aspects of climate make it dif-ficult to think of thresholds in relation to a single parameter. For example, elevatedtemperatures decrease the survival of dengue-carrying mosquitoes. At the same time,

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other parameters in the dengue disease system include biting rates (related to adultinsect size) and infectivity of mosquitoes (related to maturation time of the virus in themosquito), both of which increase with temperature. Thus, at temperatures increasingwithin the range of mosquito viability, the effect of a decreasing survival rate may bemore than offset by the combined effects of increased biting rates and infectivity,resulting in an exponential rise in disease transmission (Focks, 1995). Further increasesin temperature outside of the range of mosquito viability would then be expected toresult in decreased disease activity. Thresholds may occur temporally, as changingclimate within a given geographic area alters the behaviour of an already-present humandisease. They may also manifest geographically, as changing climate conditions allowmigration of human disease into a previously unaffected area.

The final stage, impact characterisation, attempts to translate changes in diseaseintensity or distribution into terms useful for decision makers, such as demand forhealth care services or loss of productivity. The result may be qualitative or quan-titative. Essential parts of this final phase are assessments of the uncertainty of theresults and integration of the results for a given disease system with other analyses.

10.3.2 Empirical studies Historical analogues

Analysis of damage produced, societal responses, and attendant health problems frompast events and trends can allow some prediction of impacts of similar severe weatherevents and trends in the future. Similarly, analysis of anomalous historical climateperiods can give considerable insight into the relations between climate and infectiousdisease. For example, Leovinsohn (1994) found that malaria incidence increased duringan atypically warm and wet period in Rwanda in 1987. Several studies have alsoexamined the relationship between malaria outbreaks and temperature and precipitationchanges due to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (e.g., Bouma et al., 1994;Bouma and van der Kaay, 1996). Boxes 10.2 and 10.3 give details on two examples ofempirical studies of historical analogues.

An advantage of the use of historical analogues is the regional specificity that comesfrom analysing the area of interest. The difficulty of accounting for the complexity ofconfounding factors, as would be required of a free-standing mathematical model, canbe avoided to some degree in the creation of empirical models. A disadvantage ofmodels based on historical analogues includes their limited ability to be extrapolated toother regions or to climate changes out of the range of observed data. It should beemphasised, however, that understanding historical climate-disease relations is a pre-requisite for being able to develop models that can address changes out of the range ofhistorical data. Moreover, empirical models which have been developed and validatedbased on historical data should have relevance for short-term changes. Box 10.1 des-cribes the development of a georeferenced historical data base to support future climatepredictions.

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Box 10.2 Example: Heat-related mortality in US cities (Kalkstein andGreene, 1997).

Daily mortality associated with heat episodes can be assessed with several differentapproaches to characterising climate. For example, in a study by Kalkstein and Smoyer(1993), six meteorological variables were entered into a stepwise regression procedure toselect those with the most explanatory power. In addition, variables relating to the number ofdays of heat and the timing of a given heat wave during the summer season were included toconsider the impact of acclimatisation. Other studies have used standard compositemeteorological indices such as the temperature-humidity index (e.g., Karacostas andDowning, 1996). The most sophisticated approach, developed by Kalkstein and colleagues, isthe characterisation of air masses for a given locality (Kalkstein, 1991; Kalkstein et al., 1996a).This “synoptic” approach uses statistical methods to separate air masses into area-specificcategories based on a large number of meteorological parameters, and is believed to providea more meaningful tool to assess the health impacts of the specific climatic conditions on agiven day. Daily mortality in 44 US cities with populations greater than 1 million were analysedin relation to the frequency of particular air masses. Two air masses associated withparticularly high mortality were identified. This method has also been used to develop aweather watch/warning system in Philadelphia to prevent heat-related deaths (Kalkstein et al.,1996b).

Box 10.3 Example: Climate and malaria incidence in Rwanda(Loevinsohn, 1994).

Monthly malaria incidence in catchment centres in Rwanda was modelled with monthlyprecipitation and mean, minimum, and maximum monthly temperatures. A least-squarestechnique was used to select the best fitting model, and separate models were also developedfor each of three altitude zones. The best-fitting equation for the study area as a whole was:

ln Im = -4.32 + 1.64 Tnm-1 + 0.83Tnm-2 + 5.34 x 10-4

Rm-2 + 7.7 x 10-4


where Im is the monthly incidence, Tnm the minimum monthly temperature, and Rm themonthly rainfall. This equation demonstrates the importance of lagging the climate variables,as the rainfall from three months previous was more highly associated with incidence thanmore recent rainfall. This study also demonstrated that at low altitudes, the amount of rainfallwas the most important predictor of disease incidence, whereas at high altitudes, minimumtemperature was the most important independent variable. Spatial analogues

In establishing empirical relations between climate and disease, areas which displaymore interannual climate variability are more likely to yield results than areas with lessvariability. Areas affected by meso-scale climate systems are particularly useful. Onesuch meso-scale system, the ENSO, affects rainfall and temperature every 4 to 5 yearsin certain areas around the world. The ENSO may be seen as a valuable naturalexperiment (Bradley, 1997): variations in excess of 1°C have been associated withENSO, providing a temperature signal comparable with decades of anticipated globalwarming. These areas (such as western South America or South Asia) where ENSOstrongly affects local climate are therefore promising study locations (Bouma et al.,1994).

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Reeves et al. (1994) used a geographical analogue situation to assess the potentialimpact of climate change on arbovirus transmission. Field and laboratory studies haveshown that temperature is an important factor in determining the transmission of a viralagent by its mosquito vector. Reeves took advantage of a 5°C temperature differentialbetween two nearby valleys to compare seasonal transmission and vector abundance inthe two areas. Techniques and tools for empirical studies

Geographical analysis/mapping

Health problems which have special associations to local geography, such as thoseassociated with coastal flooding and especially vector-borne disease, can be effectivelyanalysed through mapping techniques. In simplest form, these techniques start byplotting the current boundaries of a health problem (e.g., flood areas, intensities ofdisease transmission or incidence). The factors responsible for the geographic bound-aries (e.g., altitude in the case of flooding, or temperature or rainfall in the case ofvector-borne diseases) are similarly plotted. Projected changes in those factors, eitherfrom fixed projections or predictive models (e.g., GCMs), are then plotted, and thechanges in the boundary of the health problem are noted with respect to populationcentres. An example of such an approach to malaria in Sri Lanka is shown in Box 10.4.

Geographic information systems

Box 10.1 describes the use of GIS for both current and future analysis of malaria inAfrica. A discussion of GIS is given in Chapter 1, Getting Started. Other GIS-basedstudies include changes in vector distributions mapped by Rogers and colleagues insouthern Africa (Hulme, 1996). The use of GIS systems as data platforms to assist inpredicting disease incidence is still under development, but especially in combinationwith satellite remote sensing (see below), there appears to be promise in using eco-system parameters such as vegetation types to help predict locations of disease out-breaks or changes in disease vector distribution (Washino and Wood, 1994).

Use of remotely-sensed images

For many parts of the world, it is very difficult to acquire high quality, geographicallyreferenced data on ecological factors related to disease transmission (such as types ofvegetation or temperature and composition of surface waters). Political or geographicobstacles may impede the collection of such data through traditional field methods.Technological advances have enabled the use of remote sensing devices to assist inproviding these data. Using low-flying aircraft or satellites, these devices are able tomeasure either directly or indirectly water and air temperatures, vegetative cover, andeven water flows. Those entities measured indirectly often require significant initialfield work to establish the relations between factors which can be measured directly,such as light absorption, and the desired entity, such as vegetative cover.

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Box 10.4 Example: Malaria transmission in Sri Lanka.

Dhanapala (1998) used mapping used to study potential malaria transmission in Sri Lanka.Zones of perennial and seasonal malaria transmission and malaria-free zones were definedunder present climate conditions. These zones were then correlated with a moisture indexusing historical temperature and precipitation data, and the threshold moisture indices whichdefined the three zones were determined. Temperature outputs from two global circulationmodels were combined with assumptions of either increased or decreased total precipitation(due to uncertainty) and moisture indices were calculated for each pixel of GCM output. TheIDRISI GIS was used to store and display this geographically-based data. Threshold moistureindices between current malaria transmission zones were applied to the new map and newborders of malaria transmission zones were estimated. It was estimated that the area ofmalaria-free zone might decrease by 45.6% to 55.1% and the area of the perennialtransmission zone would increase by 45.1% to 65.1%. Further analyses could assess theimplications of the shifts in transmission zones for specific population centres, and begin toformulate possible adaptive strategies.

Clear limitations to this method include the fact that other geographic and anthropogenicfactors affect malaria transmission, for example, pesticide use. It is not possible to account forthese other factors either in the present situation or in the projections. Nonetheless, thisexercise provides a number of benefits. First, the relation between areas potentially vulnerableto increases in malaria transmission can be estimated and compared to existing populationcentres. Second, areas which may have decreases in malaria transmission can be noted aswell.

Present (1xCO2) Climate CFDL-R30 (2xCO2)

CCCm (2xCO2)

Rare or freeSeasonalPerennial

Box 10.3, Figure 1 Annual malaria potential transmission.

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An example of the use of remote sensing for vector-borne disease is the study on humanAfrican trypanosomiasis by Rogers and colleagues. Vegetation indices (specifically theNDVI, normalised vegetation index) obtained from satellite images and tsetse flyabundance have been correlated for regions in Central and East Africa (Rogers andRandolph, 1991; Hay et al., 1996). Two important points are evident. First, the abilityto use remote sensing for a given area is dependent on sufficient ground-based study inthat area. The linkage of remotely sensed vegetation indices and vector populations wasmade possible by previous studies associating climate factors such as saturation deficitwith vector survival. By associating both vector survival and vegetation indices to thesame climate variables, the remotely sensed data could then be applied to humandisease prediction. The second point is that different local species of vector may havevery different responses to changes in climate. In this study, it was shown that thepopulation of the species Glossina palpalis increased with increasing vegetation index(indicative of greater moisture), while the species G. tachinoides decreased in numberwith increasing vegetation index. This emphasises the need for regional modelsdeveloped along with expert judgement.

10.3.3 Numerical models

Although numerical modelling is often used by epidemiologists – to gain insights into theobserved dynamics of infectious disease epidemics, for example, or to estimate future timetrends in diseases – the complex task of estimating future trends and outcomes in relation toglobal climate change and human health may ultimately require the use of integrated,systems-based numerical models (Rotmans et al., 1990; McMichael and Martens, 1995).Once empirical studies have clarified current relations between climate factors and humandiseases, numerical models can be used to highlight the effects of a wide variety of scenarioson those relations. For example, the impacts of changes in demographics, health careinvestment, immunisations, and nutrition can be better assessed with numerical models thanwith standard empirical models. The information gathered from such analysis can be of greatimportance to policy makers.

One example of numerical modelling is MIASMA (Modelling framework for the healthImpact Assessment of Man-induced Atmospheric changes), developed by MaastrichtUniversity (Martens, 1997). MIASMA is an acronym devised to refer to severalmodels: a vector-borne disease model, a thermal stress model, and a skin cancer model.This modelling framework is designed to describe the major cause and effectrelationships between atmospheric changes and human population health. The modelsare driven by scenarios of population figures and atmospheric changes, superimposedon baseline data regarding disease incidence, climatic conditions, and ozone-layerthickness. Global atmospheric changes directly influence the exposure to health risksvia changes in ambient temperature and received UV-B radiation, as well as indirectly,in influencing the dynamics and distribution of vector-borne diseases. Changes in thepattern of health risks demarcate the changes in the levels of incidence of the diseasesinfluenced by the determinants. The mortality rates associated with cardiovasculardiseases are directly influenced by thermal stress, mainly in urban areas.

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The modelling approach is orientated toward a vertical integration of global atmos-pheric disturbances and their respective health effects. The models try to cover as muchas possible of the cause-effect relationship with respect to global atmospheric changesand human health. In the vector-borne disease model, the dynamics of malaria,schistosomiasis, and dengue are simulated in relation to climate changes. Relationshipsbetween temperature, precipitation, and vector characteristics are based on a variety offield and laboratory data. Changes in transmission dynamics of malaria andschistosomiasis are modelled using the basic infectious disease models described inAnderson and May (1991); for dengue a well-validated, dynamic life-history model ofdengue transmission (Focks et al., 1993a,b) is used. Recognising the need for continu-ing cross-validation of large-scale and small-scale studies (Root and Schneider, 1995),simulations have been performed of the transmission potential of malaria in Zimbabweand dengue in five cities (Bangkok, San Juan, Mexico City, Athens, and Philadelphia)(Focks, 1993 a and b; Jetten and Focks, 1997; Patz et al., 1998). The historical dataavailable for these locations are used for validation, i.e., testing the performance of themodel.

To represent a wide range of climatic conditions and levels of socio-economic developments,effects of thermal stress on cardiovascular, respiratory, and total mortality have beensimulated for 20 cities throughout the world. The association between winter and summertemperatures and mortality rates has been estimated by means of a metanalysis, aggregatingthe results of several epidemiological studies on the subject. Projections of future risks arethen simulated by simple extrapolation of this calculated relationship. Effects ofacclimatisation to increasing temperatures, physiological as well as technological, aresimulated.

10.4 Selecting scenarios

Chapters 2 and 3 describe in detail the use and development of socio-economic andclimate change scenarios.

Scenarios specific to health impact studies include demographic and socio-economicprojections. In the study of vector-borne diseases, vector resistance to pesticides andparasite resistance to drugs are also included in numerical models. In general, baselinedata are obtainable from WHO and World Bank sources (e.g., WHO, 1992; WorldBank, 1993).

10.5 Impact assessment

10.5.1 General considerations

This section is meant to provide more specific information on impact assessment forparticular human health problems. Because the best method of assessing impacts willdiffer for different health problems, this section cites examples of analysis and discusssome of the issues particular to specific health problems.

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The optimal method of expressing human health impacts is not clear. In addition to thetraditional public health parameters of disease incidence and prevalence, there has beenincreasing use of terms that express the economic burden of human diseases. Becausedifferent countries may have different costs associated with addressing the sameincidence or prevalence of disease, and because analysis of human health impacts willbe reported next to analyses of sectors with clearer economic ties, the use of economicterms may be desirable. Measuring the economic impact of climate-related changes inhuman health, however, is clearly a complex task. Unlike other sectors whose productsare inherently economic in nature, such as agriculture and water resources, humanhealth is historically difficult to quantify and associate with economic value. Changes indisease incidence for different diseases can be compared by attempting to measure lostproductivity due to the disease. This requires knowing the average age of onset of thedisease, case fatality rates, and the average extent and duration of disability due to thedisease. These data are likely to be very difficult to obtain, and the levels and types ofstudies from which the data come need to be examined and found comparable (Aronand Davis, 1993). Should these data be obtainable, an estimate of healthy years ofeconomically productive life lost can be made. The further valuation of this measure ineconomic terms is quite problematic. Regional differences in wages, employment, andeven gender roles will complicate the comparison of disease impacts.

Uncertainty analysis must accompany the overall integrated assessment. Uncertaintywill be present at all levels of the risk assessment (McMichael and Martens, 1995).During the conceptual model phase, incorrect assumptions may prove difficult toresolve. The inevitability of incomplete data must be addressed throughout the analysis,and errors in measurement and sampling will need to be transparent throughout theassessment process. Finally, the natural variability, or "stochasticity", within climateand ecological systems must be adequately represented (Risk Assessment Forum,1992). Communication regarding uncertainties must take place between scientists andpolicy makers early on in the process to ensure that the results of the risk assessmentare accurately represented to constituencies at risk.

10.5.2 Impact assessment of public health infrastructuredamage

Although it is not currently possible to predict the frequency and severity of extremeweather events for a given region, historical data on the impact of severe storms for agiven region can be used to extrapolate the impact of climate change on public healthinfrastructure damage. Until severe weather predictions are available, a range of pos-sible conditions based on expert judgement can be used, and infrastructure damageextrapolated from past experience. Local experts will also need to consider the rangeand extent of possible adaptive responses. An additional important element for assess-ing the impact of climate change on infrastructure damage will be the quality of socio-economic and demographic predictions of vulnerable populations.

Projections of future water supply are available for many countries (e.g., World Bank,1992). These projections in general do not account for alterations in demand due toclimate change, and can therefore serve as the baseline for impact assessments. Esti-

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mates of alterations in water supply and demand should be either obtained from or co-ordinated with results from the water resources sector assessment (Chapter 6).

Impaired agricultural food production and distribution could have substantial adversehealth effects, through mortality from starvation and through increased susceptibility toinfectious diseases from malnutrition. One study examining this issue on an inter-national scale estimated 40 to 300 million additional people at risk from hunger becauseof climate-related decreases in food production (Parry and Rosenzweig, 1993). Thisstudy accounted for projected improvements in world-wide food distribution as a resultof decreased trade barriers as well as potential beneficial effects of increased carbondioxide on food crops. Smaller scale impact assessments should account for theseeffects as well.

10.5.3 Impact assessment of vector-borne diseases

The assessment of the impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases can beperformed with a variety of methods, including mapping and integrated modelling.Some vector-borne diseases have been well-characterised in terms of the effects oftemperature and precipitation on the life cycles of the vector and disease agent based onlaboratory studies. Data from field studies are less common. Establishing currentgeographic boundaries on the basis of current climate conditions, applying climateprojections, and estimating changes in geographic boundaries and transmission rates arethe essential steps in the assessment.

The eradication campaigns of malaria in the mid-1950s resulted in dramatic changes inthe ecology of many vector-borne diseases. Variations in the quantity and type ofinsecticide used and the level of resistance in the vectors are difficult to estimate andincorporate into models. These factors, however, may have a greater local impact ondisease transmission than climate factors. Therefore, historical disease data from beforethe mid-1950s, where available, may allow the study of climate-disease relations withfewer potentially confounding variables (Bouma and Van der Kaay, 1996).

Sometimes data are limited to the distribution of the vector rather than human casedata, and often this means merely presence or absence of the vector. More rarely,historical information about vector density is available. However, this would have to bespecifically collected and therefore is less likely to available, or less likely to be freelyaccessible. Since presence of the vector is not sufficient for disease activity, theadditional factors either facilitating or preventing disease transmission will have to beanalysed. Factors important for the transmission of many vector-borne diseases includegeographic and climatic features such as altitude. If possible, other relevant informationsuch as pesticide use, surface water distribution, and vegetative cover should beincluded in the analysis as these are related to vector habitats.

Integrated models offer the additional feature of exploring the effects of changes inother diseases and socio-economic parameters on a given vector-borne disease. Exam-ples of the use of integrated models for malaria on a global scale can be found inMartens et al. (1995, 1997) and Martens (1995) and for dengue in Focks et al.

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(1993a,b). To date, there have been no published quantitative assessments of vector-borne diseases on a local or regional basis using integrated models.

10.5.4 Impact assessment of heat mortality and pollution-related respiratory disease

Current studies of heat mortality indicate that acclimatisation plays a critical role indetermining the level and extent of sensitivity to temperature. It is not clear how longpopulations would take to acclimatise to an increased frequency and severity of extremeheat events, if at all (McMichael et al., 1996b). In addition, GCMs cannot predict thefrequency of extreme events with accuracy, so quantitative assessment must rely on thesuperposition of assumed variability parameters on average temperature projections.

In extrapolating historical data to future predictions, attention should be paid to thecharacterisation of climate as well as the case definition of heat-related illness andmortality. Synoptic analysis (Kalkstein, 1991; Kalkstein et al., 1996), which charac-terises air masses on the basis of multiple parameters such as maximum temperature,humidity, and wind speed, is one method for organising climate model outputs. Thefrequency and severity of certain offensive air masses, specifically those appearingearly in the summer season, can then be used to extrapolate future mortality from heatwaves.

Usually urban populations are studied for heat-related mortality and morbidity, largelybecause a dense population is required to be able to observe a significant number ofheat-related deaths (e.g., Kalkstein and Greene, 1997). Urban areas also tend to absorband retain heat more than rural areas. Studies show that within the urban population (aswith most health problems), the most vulnerable are the elderly, the very young, and thepoorly housed.

There are no published estimations of health impacts of air pollution in the setting ofclimate change; studies are under way to attempt to model the interactions betweenclimate and air pollution. Because increased air temperatures will accelerate the for-mation of tropospheric ozone from increased reactions between ultraviolet radiation andprimary pollutants (i.e., NOx), potential worsening of urban air pollution in association

with climate change should be considered. Current impact assessment will need to bequalitative until these interactions are better understood.

10.5.5 Impact assessment for water-related diseases

Climate change may affect water-borne diseases via several mechanisms. One mecha-nism will be alterations in precipitation leading to flooding and biological contaminationof water supplies, or leading to possibly drought and a shortage of safe drinking water.Linking climate prediction models with water budget or runoff models can provide anassessment of potential changes in precipitation effects from climate change. Bothbacterial water-borne illnesses such as cholera and parasitic diseases such ascryptosporidiosis may be approached in these ways.

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The relation between algal blooms in nutrient-rich warming coastal water and choleraoutbreaks is still under investigation. There is growing evidence that in areas of endemiccholera, coastal waters provide an aquatic reservoir for Vibrio cholerae bacteria (Islamet al., 1993). What is not understood is exactly how the bacteria reproduce in theenvironment, and what factors cause the return to an infectious state. Thus, thepresence of Vibrio bacteria in nutrient-rich coastal waters and sporadic cholera out-breaks may indicate a sensitivity to climate change, but the quantitative prediction ofimpacts would be very difficult. Some quantitative estimates of algal blooms and den-sities may be available to assist with projections, but the linkage between that data andactual cholera incidence remains to be determined. One study has shown a link betweensea surface temperatures and cholera cases in Bangladesh (Colwell, 1996).

10.6 Autonomous adaptation

Given the complexity of most human disease systems, attempts to account for autono-mous adaptation within the impact analysis will be prohibitively difficult in many cases.

For problems related to direct physiological stress, such as heat-related mortality,physiological acclimatisation may already be accounted for in the use of historicalhuman data to project future mortality, although this is not clear from all studies. Non-physiological adaptations, e.g., building design, behaviour, and use of air conditioning,need to be addressed.

For infectious diseases, the development of immunity can be considered an inbuiltautonomous adaptation. Malaria is an important example because the loss of immunityin a population (i.e., when a population shifts from stable to unstable malaria) can leadto significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates (e.g., Martin and Lefebvre, 1995).Repeated infection with dengue, however, may lead to the serious complication ofdengue haemorrhagic fever rather than immunity if the infections are with differentserotypes of the dengue virus.

In the methods discussed above, autonomous adaptation is not considered because ofthe lack of data. However, changes in population immunity have been considered inmalaria integrated models (Martens, 1997). For simpler assessment exercises, however,the range of uncertainty of future estimates will most likely be far greater than thepotential impact of immunity or other autonomous adaptation within the population.

Many autonomous adaptations are behavioural, such as wearing protective clothing,reducing exertion levels, or obtaining drinking water from different sources. Because ofthe difficulty of predicting human behaviour, it may be reasonable to use a set ofscenarios with different levels of behavioural changes in the impact assessment stage,and thereby investigate the possible impact of such autonomous adaptations.

For certain problems, what might be considered autonomous adaptations may haveconsiderable public health or societal consequences of their own. For example, migra-tion in response to local changes in climatic and environmental conditions could beconsidered an autonomous adaptation, but will by itself cause considerable societalstrain and possibly lead to outbreaks of disease due to crowding, malnutrition, etc.

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Similarly, widespread use of pesticides to combat new vector-borne disease outbreaksmay contribute to both pesticide-related toxicity and further ecosystem disruption. Ifsuch adaptations are considered in an impact assessment, both the positive and negativeimplications need to be included.

10.7 Planned adaptation

10.7.1 General considerations

Just as the differing conditions among countries necessitate different approaches tohealth sensitivity and impact assessments, so too will the approaches to adaptationdiffer by region. For many developing countries, the health problems that are likely tobe exacerbated by climate change are significant current problems. Thus, adaptivestrategies developed in anticipation of future climate conditions may have substantialutility for the present situation. Many of the adaptations discussed here are not specificto climate change and, in fact, should not be viewed in isolation from the moregeneralised problem of global environmental degradation and compromised publichealth infrastructure in much of the developing and developed world. Levels of prevention and hierarchy of controls

While cost and feasibility are clearly important considerations in evaluating adaptationoptions, two sets of concepts borrowed from preventive medicine and occupationalhealth can also be applied to prioritise different adaptation options (Patz, 1995). Thefirst set of concepts involves levels of prevention. Primary prevention consists of thosemeasures that reduce or prevent the risk of developing a disease. This may involveprotection from an infectious or harmful agent (e.g., immunisation or use of bed nets) orthe removal of the harmful agent or exposure from the environment (e.g., eradication ofdisease vectors or replacement of a dangerous chemical in an industrial process).Secondary prevention involves the detection and treatment of a disease at a stage earlyenough to prevent serious clinical illness. Examples would be screening for malnutritionor asymptomatic parasitic infections. Tertiary prevention involves limiting long-termhealth deterioration from disease. Examples would include treatment of infectiousdiseases and rehydration therapy for diarrhoea. Primary prevention measures are oftenmore cost-effective than higher level interventions, and clearly reduce the burden ofhuman disease and suffering. There may, however, be instances where primaryprevention measures are either unfeasible or have unacceptable financial or ecologicalcosts (e.g., pesticide use in large areas), and secondary prevention measures will need tobe considered. It should be noted that greenhouse gas mitigation represents an evenearlier level of prevention. Mitigating the process of global warming might be viewed,therefore, as "pre-primary" public health prevention. Clearly, the discussion in thischapter addresses the results of the failure to adequately mitigate the ecosystem andhuman health effects of greenhouse gas emissions, and does not in any way intend todistract attention from the need to address the root cause of the problem.

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The second set of concepts, called the hierarchy of controls, is derived from occupa-tional health. Among primary prevention options, some may involve individual mo-tivation and behaviour to a greater extent than others. For example, asking people towear long sleeves and apply insect repellent requires significant individual co-operation,unlike using measures to decrease the insect vector population. In general, measuresthat require less individual behavioural change will be more efficacious than those thatrequire significant individual co-operation. Because individual responses to healththreats are highly variable and misperceptions of relative health risks are common in thepublic, only selected groups within a population are likely to take appropriatepreventive steps. Among measures that do not involve personal behaviour, those thatreduce or eliminate the potential for exposure to harmful situations are preferable tomeasures that merely reduce the duration or intensity of exposure.

Thus, in the hierarchy of controls, the first level of attention is given to measures thateliminate the harmful exposure, either by eliminating the agent (e.g., killing of insectvectors or substitution of less harmful chemicals) or by constructing a mechanism toprotect the individual from exposure (e.g., engineering controls such as enclosure ofindustrial exposures or construction of architecturally heat-resistant housing). Thesecond level of attention is given to administrative controls which reduce the amount ofexposure, such as limiting work hours for outdoor workers in a situation of potentialheat stress. It should be noted that in applying these industrial concepts to country-wideadaptation strategies, measures that correspond to engineering controls, such as housingor infrastructure construction, may require administrative action such as local ornational legislation. The third level of attention is given to the individual use ofprotective measures, such as respirators for harmful air-borne chemicals or insectrepellent for vector-borne diseases. Again, first level adaptation options may not alwaysbe available or feasible. These concepts can be used, however, along with consi-derations of cost, to help prioritise among a list of available options. Expecting the unexpected

As stated above, it is likely that there will be unforeseen consequences of climatechange for human health. It is essential that adaptation policies reflect this uncertaintyand do not focus only on the specific anticipated changes in existing human diseases.Thus, in addition to disease-specific measures, improving surveillance and monitoringsystems will be highly valuable. Furthermore, since our understanding of the linkagesbetween climate and health is poorly developed, the commitment to fund and facilitateongoing research is an essential part of adaptation. Surveillance and monitoring

Ongoing monitoring, both of human diseases and of critical ecosystem indicators, willbe essential to the timely institution of interventions as disease systems change. To theextent possible, the early indicators that have been identified during the development ofconceptual models should be used rather than the incidence of actual diseases. Becauseof the inertia of large ecosystems, and the fact that changes in human diseases due to

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climate factors generally represent the end result of ecosystem changes, substantialecosystem changes will have occurred by the time an increase in disease incidence isdetected, and intervention will be far more difficult. Where feasible, monitoring effortsshould be integrated with existing surveillance systems established for certain infectiousdisease categories.

Long-term field data gathering and surveillance of vector-borne disease are essential.Such data not only allow the study of seasonal and inter-annual variations in diseaseassociated with climate variability but also provide information of early climate-relatedchanges in incidence (Haines et al., 1994). Unfortunately, institutional changes and theapparent success of vector control methods (before widespread resistance emerged) ledto a decline in the long-term prospective observations necessary to understand themechanisms by which environmental impacts influence infectious disease risk. Forexample, local surveillance of vector species has been employed in the United States totry to predict outbreaks of St. Louis encephalitis and eastern equine encephalitis(MMWR, 1990). Domestic chickens and wild sparrows have been tried as sentinelindicators of increased viral transmission, but the focal nature of arboviral outbreaksand the inability to survey a broad enough area have limited the usefulness of thisapplication for certain arboviral diseases (Monath and Tsai, 1987).

A strategy for global monitoring of health effects of climate change has been proposedinvolving remote sensing and extensive telecommunications networks of environmentaland health professionals (Haines et al., 1994). Such an effort is strongly needed on aglobal scale, but smaller efforts on a regional scale, targeted at the critical geographicareas identified in the sensitivity analysis, will be important for regional adaptationstrategies as well. An example of large-scale physical and ecological monitoring is thenew United Nations interagency Global Observing System. This consists of the GlobalClimate Observing System (GCOS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS),and the Global Oceans Observing System (GOOS) (Patz, 1995). While such an effort isbeyond the capacity of a single country, participation in such international efforts willhave benefits not only on a global scale but also on a regional scale. Infrastructure development

Water treatment facilities and shelter, already in short supply in many areas, may befurther threatened by severe storms and sea level rise. For these threatened areas, in-vestment in expanded facilities may have substantial current benefit, and attention paidto safe location of the facilities with respect to sea level rise and extreme weather eventswill be of use in adapting to future conditions. Consideration should also be given toimproving the efficiency of existing water systems as well as reducing demand for waterwhere possible. The involvement of local communities in planning and developing watersystems is essential (World Bank, 1992). This is another area in which present-dayinvestment will have public health benefits with or without impacts of climate change.

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10-25 Public education

Human behaviour has a considerable influence on disease incidence. Some behaviourssuch as the storage of open water containers or the improper disposal of human wastescreate favourable environmental conditions for disease-causing agents to reproduce.Other behaviours such as the type of clothing worn and the filtering of drinking wateraffect exposure to disease-causing agents. Public education efforts will be needed, bothto inform about the causes of disease and human impacts on disease and to instruct onways to minimise the health impacts of climate change. The need may be greatest in thecritical areas where experience with disease is limited but the risk of the spread ofdisease is high.

Educating diverse groups of people in a way that does not conflict or negate presentbelief systems can be quite difficult. Experience with public education efforts in Tan-zania on malaria has shown that educational methods need to be adapted to the localethnic belief systems. Without the education and involvement of local communities,regional adaptation efforts will not succeed (C. Schiff, Johns Hopkins School ofHygiene and Public Health, personal communication, 1996). Conversely, when publiceducation is presented in a culturally appropriate and creative manner, the effort can befar more successful. An example of such an effort resulting in widespread behaviouralchange is the “slip, slap, slop” campaign in Australia to convince the population of theneed to use clothing, hats, and sunscreen lotion to protect against ultraviolet radiation. Technological or engineering strategies

In certain cases, technological controls such as genetic or biological pest managementsystems may be useful. For certain diseases such as dengue and malaria, modificationof the environment by engineering methods may reduce breeding sites and thereforereduce vector populations. In all cases, consideration must be given to potential nega-tive consequences of the use of technological adaptation methods. For example, in-creased use of air conditioning to combat heat stress may have unacceptable costs interms of increased energy use, and draining of wetlands may reduce fish production. Medical interventions

Where possible, primary preventive medical interventions such as vaccinations shouldbe used. Unfortunately, at present, the only disease anticipated to be sensitive to climatechange for which a vaccine is available is yellow fever. It has not been possible todevelop a vaccine for dengue. Work is continuing on the development of a malariavaccine; however, it is recognised that an integrated approach is needed to combat thedisease, involving local initiatives for vector surveillance and control.

Medical interventions for water-borne diseases or respiratory diseases may play a roleas further research determines the potential for increases in those diseases from climatechange.

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10.7.2 Specific adaptation strategies

In addition to the general adaptive strategies discussed above, a variety of impact-specific options are available (Table 10.4). In general, these are measures that havebeen employed for present-day problems. The list of options in Table 10.4 is notintended to be complete, but rather to initiate discussion and evaluation of a variety ofoptions that will be decided upon by local and regional health experts and policymakers. Furthermore, it should be emphasised that many of these measures will only betemporary in their effects; this list should not be viewed as an alternative to addressingthe root causes of global warming through policy initiatives.

10.8 Summary and implications

As an integrator of ecosystem changes, human health is influenced by many of thefactors that will be analysed in other sectors of global climate change impact assess-ments. Assessments of nutritional health will depend on the outputs of the followingsectors: agriculture, fisheries, water resources, coastal zones, and biodiversity. Projec-tions of the adequacy of shelter and water supplies will require the outputs of coastalzones and water resources. Since disruption of ecosystems through deforestation, waterre-distribution, and other land uses can be associated with alterations in human diseasesystems, particularly vector-borne diseases, the future projections of these factorsshould be provided to those performing human health assessments by the forestry,agriculture, and water resources sector assessments. It should be noted that impacts onprimary factors in public health, i.e., food, water and shelter, will have secondaryimpacts on sensitive disease systems for both vector- and water-borne diseases.

Impaired or improved human health will affect most other sectors via changes inproductivity and resource allocation. As discussed in the section on impact assessment,however, the quantification of changes in productivity is very problematic, as is theprediction of medical and public health resource allocation into the future. Qualitativechanges in diseases (e.g., the appearance or spread of diseases to new areas) may be ofprimary importance to trade and tourism.

As has been demonstrated, the health impacts of global climate change are likely to bemultiple for any given region and highly variable between different regions. A countryby country approach is warranted to ensure applicability of any health impactassessment. While there is likely to be difficulty obtaining the data, resources, and timenecessary for a fully comprehensive quantitative impact assessment, a qualitative initialapproach, as outlined in this chapter, may be of significant benefit to policy makers.Continuing surveillance and research activities will enable more accurate assessments inthe future.

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Table 10.4 Matrix of possible adaptation strategies for specific health impacts of climate change.

Adaptation measures Heat-related mortality Extreme weather events Vector-borne diseases Water-borne diseases

Public education Publicise precautions to takeduring heat waves

Educate public to encourageelimination of artificial breeding sites

Educate public on sourcesof infection

Surveillance andmonitoring

Establish new weatherwatch/warning systems thatfocus on health-relatedadverse conditions such asoppressive air masses

Maintain disaster preparednessprograms, including tools for localpublic health facilities to conductrapid health needs assessments

Institute surveillance for both diseaseincidence and vector populations orother intermediate hosts

Create early warningsystems based on algalblooms to predict cholera

Ecosystem intervention Plant trees within cities toreduce the urban heat-islandeffect

Adopt land-use planning tominimise erosion, flash-flooding,precarious residential placements;restore wetlands

Release sterilised male insects toreduce reproductive capacity of vectorpopulations

Infrastructure development Site intakes for water facilities farenough upstream to tolerate salineintrusion from storm surges andsea level rise

Anticipate effects of irrigation projectson vector breeding sites

Construct water treatmentfacilities, waste treatmentmeasures (privies, sewers,etc.)

Technological/engineering Design buildings to be moreheat resistant

Strengthen sea-walls; requirebuilding contractors to followhurricane standards in coastalareas

Promote the use of pyrethroidimpregnated mosquito bed-nets; installwindow screens in areas endemic toinsect-borne diseases

Distribute low-technologywater filtration systems(e.g., nylon mesh, cloths)

Medical interventions Schedule work to avoid peakdaytime temperatures foroutdoor labourers

Sensitise health care givers ingeographically vulnerable regions

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11 Energy

Lead AuthorFrank Stern 1

11.1 Nature and scope of the problem

Climate change could have significant effects on the energy sector in many countries.Rising temperatures, changes the amount of precipitation, and variation in humidity,wind patterns, and the number of sunny days per year could affect both consumptionand production of energy. In some countries, these impacts could be profound. Thenature and magnitude of impacts may not be easy to predict, owing to counteractingeffects and uncertainty surrounding both climate change and baseline projections ofenergy use.

While substantial work has been conducted to link changes in the global climate to theuse of energy, specifically fossil fuels, less work (particularly related to developingcountries) has been conducted on the reverse effect — that of climate change on theenergy sector. The several studies that have been conducted provide some indication ofthe types of impacts that can be expected. For example, in the United Kingdom, whichcurrently has a cool climate, projected higher temperatures would decrease overallenergy demand, since demand for space heating would decline with global warming.This effect would outweigh the higher demand for air conditioning and the net increasein the amount of electricity demanded (United Kingdom Climate Changes Impacts

1 Hagler Bailly Consulting, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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Review Group, 1991). Yet, according to Linder and Inglis (1989), global warmingcould increase annual electricity generation and generation fuel use in the United Statesby 4 to 6 percent by 2055.

Because many components of the energy sector are capital intensive and require long-term planning, there could be significant financial implications stemming from climate-induced changes to the consumption and production of energy. Estimates of changes inenergy use to climate change are needed to help ensure energy demand is met, and toallow the development of adaptation policies that may prevent, reduce, or moreequitably share losses brought about by climate change.

One of the most significant impacts of climate change on the energy sector could be anypolicies developed to ameliorate climate change, particularly in the next few decades.The proposed targets for greenhouse gas emissions, and the policies proposed to bringabout those limitations, will profoundly affect the consumption and production ofenergy. The topic of climate change policy and its effects on the energy sector isdiscussed in detail elsewhere (e.g., IPCC, 1995).

11.1.1 Effects on energy consumption

The most significant impacts of climate change on energy consumption are likely to bethe effects of higher temperatures on the use of electricity and on the direct use of fossilfuels for heating. Increases in extreme weather might result in some regional changes inconsumption if such weather changes result in population shifts. Effects on electricity consumption

Climate change is likely to affect the following major electric end uses:

• air conditioning;

• space heating;

• water pumping;

• refrigeration;

• water heating.

Of these end uses, air conditioning and space heating are those most likely to be sig-nificantly affected by climate change, since both are functions of the indoor-outdoortemperature difference. A temperature increase would increase air conditioning use andsaturation (the fraction of buildings having air-conditioning equipment). In countries inlow latitudes, which generally already have warmer climates, such an increase couldsignificantly affect overall energy demand. Linden and Inglis (1989) found that in thesouthern United States, electricity demand would increase by 10 to 15 percent. In high

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latitude areas, which generally have cooler climates, the increase in the demand for airconditioning would be relatively small. Linden and Inglis found that electricity demandin the northern United States would change slightly in a positive or negative direction.Further, electric space heating use would decrease with increased temperatures, but thisimpact would probably not be significant in low latitudes. This could be a significanteffect in those high latitude areas where electric space heating is used.

Looking briefly at the other end uses, water pumping requirements can be significant ifthe climate becomes warmer but not wetter, because of increased water needs forirrigation and residential, commercial, and municipal watering. Refrigeration require-ments would increase and water heating requirements would decrease, although thedirect effects are likely to be significantly less than the effects on space conditioning.Refrigeration and water-heating equipment is often located in conditioned spaces (i.e.,spaces that are heated or cooled to a relatively constant level), and thus are not affectedby outdoor temperature changes. Refrigeration equipment evaporator coil temperatures(which are in contact with the air inside the cooled space) are significantly lower thanthose of air conditioning equipment, and water heaters heat to temperatures significantlyhotter than room temperatures. Consequently, the temperature differences that thesetypes of equipment operate with are greater than those with which space heatingequipment operates. So these uses would be less sensitive to changes in outdoortemperature even when the equipment is in unconditioned spaces.

The impacts on an electricity system also depend on the mix of resources used forheating and cooling. For example, if air conditioning is produced using electricity, butspace heating is provided by gas furnaces or boilers, then global warming will increasethe use of electricity, even in a cool climate. Total energy demand, however, could bereduced even though demand for electricity increases.

The magnitude of the impacts depends on the electricity usage patterns in the absence ofclimate change (i.e., baseline demand). Increases in electricity demand caused byeconomic development and increased standards of living are likely to occur along withclimate change. For example, air conditioning is more prevalent in developed countries.As developing countries increase their standard of living, their use of air conditioningincreases, as will their sensitivity to climate change. An accurate determination of thebaseline demand for electricity, or the demand before global warming, is important inreliably estimating the effects of climate change. Any estimates of baseline demandshould take into account substantial uncertainty over long periods. Direct use of fossil fuels

The use of natural gas, oil, and fuel wood to provide space heat in residences andbuildings will be the type of direct use of fossil fuels most affected by climate change.Natural gas is used to a limited extent for cooling and this use is likely to increase, butthis use is substantially smaller than the use for heating. If climate change shortens thecold season and reduces the severity of cold weather events, energy demand for heating

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will be less. Consequently, the direction of effects of climate change on the direct use offossil fuels is easier to identify — this use is likely to decrease.

11.1.2 Effects on energy production

Changes in energy consumption as a result of climate change will lead to changes inenergy production. Climate change itself could also have direct effects on the produc-tion of energy. These effects may be seen primarily in electric generation, includinghydropower, thermal electric generation, solar and wind power. Hydroelectric generation

The effects of climate change on river flows are uncertain, but any significant changeswould have implications for hydroelectric generation. Climate change could affect theamount and seasonality of flow in most rivers (see Chapter 6, Water Resources), whichcould affect the amount of electricity produced annually by hydroelectric and the timingof power production.

Hydroelectric generation may be much more sensitive to changes in river flows thanother types of water systems. This would be the case when the water rights of irrigationand municipal water systems are senior to those of hydroelectric generation. In a lowwater year, water may be drawn off upriver from the turbines to meet these needs.Consequently the reduction in hydroelectric generation may be substantially greaterthan the reduction in river flow. If river flows increase, the increase in electric genera-tion may be greater than the river flow increase, if upriver senior water rights are rela-tively fixed. Such an increase in generation would be constrained by reservoir andturbine capacity. Hydroelectric generation in the Colorado River Basin has been foundto be extremely sensitive to changes in climate (Nash and Gleick, 1993). A 20%reduction in natural water runoff was projected to cause a reduction in powergeneration of 60%, whereas a 20% increase was projected to cause an increase ingeneration of 40%. This study was not able to say with certainty whether runoff wouldincrease or decrease.

In areas dominated by snow melt, flow and consequently hydroelectric generation couldincrease in the winter and decrease in the summer (e.g., see Lettenmaier et al., 1992). Ina region with a summer peak demand for electricity, the net effect could be substantiallyincreased costs for electricity. This has been projected for Pacific Gas & Electric, aCalifornia utility that owns 3,903 MW of hydroelectric generation (Hanemann andMcCann, 1993). Its variable cost would increase by 12-32 percent, or US$145-370million.

In areas where it becomes hotter and drier, hydroelectric power generation could bereduced virtually year-round. A reduction in hydropower generation would have to bemade up by more thermal electric generation.

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An example of the potential effects of climate change in a hot and dry climate is pro-vided by the recent drought in Ghana (French, 1998). Ghana is heavily reliant onhydropower for electricity production and has no other indigenous sources of power.While hydropower is inexpensive, it is also vulnerable to climate variability. A severedrought in the spring of 1998 resulted in hydropower dams producing less electricity.Total power production in the country has fallen by 40%, threatening the economy.Businesses from tuna canneries to clothing manufacturers are reducing output andshortening the work week. Thus, a heavy reliance on hydropower may be good forreducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, but can increase vul-nerability to climate change. Thermal electric generation

Thermal electric generation from fossil fuels and nuclear power could also be affectedby climate change. Higher ambient air temperatures will decrease the efficiency andcapacity ratings of natural gas or oil fired combustion turbines. Increases in ambienttemperatures and humidity will also be detrimental to electricity generation from gas,oil, or nuclear steam cycles, which rely on cooling towers for the condensing process.The overall effect of global warming on thermal electric power production is likely tobe small, however. The efficiency of a plant is a function of the ratio of the high andlow temperatures in the power cycle. Since the difference in high and low temperaturesis typically over 500EC, the temperatures changes projected from climate change arelikely to have an impact of significantly less than 1 percent. One US utility estimatedthat the maximum impacts of climate change on both efficiency and capacity arebetween 0.1 and 0.2 percent (Linder et al., 1987).

Nuclear power plants are designed for operation within certain temperature ranges.Some plants have been forced to close down on extremely hot days. Climate changemight require modifications to allow such plants to continue to operate in warmertemperatures.

Plants located along a river or in a coastal zone could be at risk. Increased river flowscould lead to flooding problems, and decreases could require a plant to shut down ifinadequate water is available for cooling purposes. Power plants in coastal zones couldbe at risk of inundation from sea level rise. An increase in severe storms such ascyclones and monsoons could damage plants in coastal zones.

Thermal electric generation may also be affected indirectly by shifts in consumptionpatterns. In cool climates, the use of natural gas for heating is likely to be reduced,making gas less expensive and more available for power generation. This could result ingas being substituted for coal, which would result in the emission of less carbondioxide. Reduced emissions of this greenhouse gas would tend to help prevent climatechange.

In warm climates, increased demand for cooling resulting from climate change mayrequire significant increases in new generation capacity. Reduced hydroelectric gener-

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ation would exacerbate this problem. Additional US investments in new capacity by2055 have been estimated as between US$170 billion and US$330 billion (Linder andInglis, 1989).2 In cooler regions, climate change may defer new capacity needs. Solar and wind power

Climate change may also affect the supply of energy from solar and wind power.Changes in the number of sunny days per year could affect a region’s ability to use thesun as a source of energy. Climate change may also lead to changing wind patterns,which may increase or decrease the availability of wind as a source of energy. It isunclear whether the effects on solar and wind power will increase or decrease thepotential supply from these sources. Other energy production effects

Electric transmission lines have greater resistance in warmer temperatures, and thusclimate change will result in increased line losses. Resistance of aluminium and copperwires increases by approximately 0.4 percent with every degree centigrade of tem-perature increase between 0EC and 100EC. For a country with 8 percent line losses, a3EC temperature increase will cause line losses to increase to almost 9 percent, causingan increased need for generation of about 1 percent.

Fuel wood supply may also be susceptible to the impacts of climate change. The supplyof this primary source of energy in large regions in Africa and south-eastern Asia maychange significantly with changes in temperatures. The impacts of climate change onfuel wood supply are not conclusive; however, if woody plants cannot respond to rapidtemperature changes, many regions may experience a shortage in the supply of energy(Riebsame, 1989).

Costs for oil and gas exploration, development, and transportation in polar regions maybe affected. A study of the Mackenzie Basin (Cohen, 1997) found both positive andnegative impacts on all aspects of production. Pipelines built on permafrost may requirestructural retrofitting if the permafrost melts because of climate change. This cost maybe counterbalanced by reduced operation and maintenance costs. New pipeline costs arelikely to be greater, because they must be designed for a range of conditions. Areduction in ice levels is likely to reduce costs of marine transportation, although higherwaves and coastal erosion near ports would increase costs. Costs of offshoreexploration may be reduced because of longer seasons and less need to withstand iceloads, but these effects may be counterbalanced by costs of withstanding higher wavesand costs of the increased difficulty in containing spills.

2 This study assumed about a 3EC warming and no improvement in technology.

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Any type of energy production facilities located near or in the ocean, such as powerplants and oil and gas production facilities, could be subject to damage from sea levelrise. Also, virtually all energy production facilities, including electric transmission lines,thermal power plants, wind and solar generating stations, and oil and gas productionfacilities, are subject to damage by extreme weather, which could increase in intensityand frequency under climate change. If increases in extreme weather result inpopulation shifts, some existing production facilities may lose utility, causing areduction in production or closure, if the demand they were designed to serve is re-duced. This could result in financial losses to the owners of the plant and increasedcosts to remaining customers.

11.1.3 What impacts are important?

The overall impacts on the energy sector in a country are difficult to determine withoutanalysis: they depend on the mix of types of energy uses and production. In general,however, the most significant effects are likely to be on use in the residential,commercial, and institutional sectors, because of the use of space heating and cooling,and in the electric generation sector because of changes in demand from the residentialand commercial sectors and changes in hydroelectric generation. Because it is highlycapital intensive and has a long planning horizon,3 the generation sector may be most atrisk in terms of financial impacts. Because of the sensitivity of hydroelectric generationto changes in precipitation, and the uncertainty associated with changes in precipitation,climate change could have dramatic effects on countries dependent on hydroelectricgeneration and subject to significant changes in precipitation. Increases in extremeweather events could significantly disrupt energy production (including transportation)in some countries.

If a country is large enough to have significantly different climates, it will be necessaryto examine impacts within different climate zones. Generally speaking, the greatestimpact is likely to be seen in the hottest and coldest climates, where the changes in useare likely to be all in the same direction (e.g., in a cold climate, there would be nosignificant air conditioning needs, so there would be no significant cancellation of theeffects of reduction in space heating use). The fuel most affected depends on the mix offuel used. In hot climates, the fuels used for generation of electricity will be mostaffected. In most cold climates, fossil fuels used directly for space heating will be thefuel use most affected, although this may not be the case in regions with abundanthydroelectric, nuclear, or geothermal resources.

The baseline energy intensity, or energy use per capita, of different regions of a countryis a key factor in the relative effects of climate change. Regions with a low level ofenergy use are likely to see little impact on an absolute basis, although the effects could

3 This planning horizon has been growing shorter in recent years, as discussed in Section11.3.2.

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still have a significant impact in terms of welfare. The rate of economic development isa key factor in projecting the baseline energy intensity.

The effects of climate change on energy use could have an impact on environmentalpolicies, including policies to prevent climate change. For example, increased com-bustion of fossil fuels to meet increased demand of electricity or due to direct use offossil fuels could make compliance with existing or proposed NOx, SO2, O3, CO2, orother emission requirements more difficult.

11.2 An array of methods

Several methods can be employed to assess the potential impact of climate change onthe energy sector. The methods discussed in this section delineate a selected range ofoptions available to countries. Some of the methods will produce detailed estimates ofthe impacts. These methods may require greater expertise, more money, and more time.Other methods will yield simpler and rougher estimates, but they may require fewerresources.

A country in the process of selecting a method will first need to assess its priorities(e.g., the level of detail desired for outputs from the method); its available assets forestimating climate change impacts on the energy sector (e.g., time, money, expertise);the availability of other inputs (e.g., data, computers, models); its estimated vulnera-bility to climate change (based on existing knowledge); and its potential risks associatedwith inaccurately assessing the impacts of climate change on the energy sector. Bydoing so, countries can select the method that falls within its time and resourceconstraints and whose results best meets its specific needs.

This section addresses the use of the following types of methods:

• expert judgement;

• analogue approaches;

• quantitative models, including econometric/statistical, engineering, and hybrid.

For each method, the resolution of results, data needs, time requirements to use, andskill or training requirements are discussed.

11.2.1 Expert judgement

The expert judgement method is the simplest, least time consuming, and least costlymethod discussed in this chapter. A detailed understanding of energy use in a countryand the relationship between climate and energy use may suffice to make preliminaryestimates regarding the impacts of climate change on the energy sector. This method isprobably best suited to determining the need and establishing hypotheses for future,

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more sophisticated analysis. Expert judgement may be useful in identifying the sub-sectors in which impacts are most likely to be significant. Experts on residential andcommercial building energy use and hydropower generation might be consulted todevelop a preliminary understanding of where research resources should be focused.

Expert judgement should be able to indicate the direction of change in energy use thatcountries with the warmest and coolest climates could reasonably expect to stem fromclimate change. In warmer countries such as Egypt, it is likely that energy use willincrease because of the lack of heating needs and the presence of air conditioning. Thegreater the presence of air conditioning in the baseline projection, the greater the impactis likely to be. In colder countries, detailed analysis is probably not necessary toestablish that energy use is likely to decline. Care must be taken, of course, to includecomplicating factors such as changes in the Gulf Stream flow. Expert judgement wouldprobably not yield reliable results for the potential magnitude of these impacts.

Expert judgement may be unreliable in establishing even the direction of overall impactsin temperate climates. Because the combined impacts from increasing energy use tocool buildings and decreasing energy use to heat buildings may be problematic,ascertaining the directional change of energy use may be impossible without a moresophisticated method. Resolution of results

Residential and commercial building experts might be able to project whether impactswithin a specific residential and commercial end uses, and within broad climate zones,are likely to be significant or not. Given an appropriate understanding of climate andenergy use, an expert could provide judgement on impacts on specific cities. Ahydroelectric generation expert could offer an opinion on the relative magnitude ofchange in generation, given a specific change in precipitation. Further resolution ofresults would probably not be reliable. Data requirements

Data requirements are relatively low, although the use of expert judgement does requirean understanding of the distribution of projected energy use by:

• primary fuel coal− oil− natural gas− nuclear− hydropower− solar− wind− geothermal− biomass.

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• subsector− residential− commercial− industrial− electric utility− other.

• end use− space heating− air conditioning− water pumping− refrigeration− water heating− other.

Because energy use is likely to change substantially in developing countries in the ab-sence of climate change, an understanding of projected energy use over the time ofinterest (which can be several decades for climate change assessments) is essential. Abaseline estimate of increasing electricity use is not sufficient basis for developing anexpert judgement on the effects of climate change. The expert must know to whetherthis increase is due to the increased purchase and use of air conditioners, the use ofwhich would be strongly affected by climate change, or personal computers and refri-gerators, the use of which would not be strongly affected by climate change.

The expert must also have an understanding of the likely effects of climate changes.The types of effects to be considered include the average change in temperature,changes in precipitation, and changes in stream and river flows. Time requirements

The time requirements to use expert judgement are relatively modest — a matter of adays, assuming that an expert is available. The time required would be inversely pro-portional to the expert’s knowledge of a country’s energy use. Skill or training requirements

Expert judgement presumes expertise. Achieving a level of expertise to make an expertjudgement on the effects on energy use of climate change requires years of specialisedtraining in physics, engineering, statistics, or economics. Little additional training orstudy would be required.

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11.2.2 Analogue methods

When an analysis with greater detail than the expert judgement method is desired, butnot enough country-specific information on energy use is available for quantitativeapproaches, it may be appropriate to use the analogue method. In the analogue method,climate change impact estimates for another country for which more information isavailable are adapted for use in another country. The basis of this approach is anassumption that the country of interest will have an energy use response to climatechange which is similar to that of another country or region.

This approach can also be used to capture baseline changes in the energy sector due toa country’s economic development. A country undergoing rapid growth is likely to havesubstantially different use patterns over the periods involved in many climate changescenarios. It may be more appropriate to assume that a developing country 50 years inthe future might have usage patterns similar to those found in a developed countrytoday, rather than attempt to project today’s usage patterns. An example of this isshown in Box 11.1.

This approach is most likely to be successful if the projected energy use of a subsector(e.g., residential and commercial building energy use) is expected to be reasonablysimilar in the region of interest and in the analogous region. Resolution of results

The results will, at best, be only as good as the original study, and will depend on theappropriateness of the analogy between the region or country of interest and the regionor country that was the subject of the study. The spatial resolution depends on thenumber of analogies made — in a country with generally similar climate, one analogymay be sufficient. In a large country with many different climates, several analogiesmust be made. The temporal resolution depends on the resolution of the study on theanalogous region. Data requirements

Climate and energy use indices in the region of interest and the analogue region must beavailable to establish whether the analogy is appropriate. A typical climate index isdegree days. Degree days reflect the difference between some reference temperature andoutdoor ambient temperatures over a year. Both heating and cooling degree days areused. A relatively high number of heating degree days indicates a cold climate, and ahigh number of cooling degree days indicates a hot climate.

Energy use should also be similar between the two regions. Where energy use in adeveloped country is used as an analogy for future energy use in a developing country,it is not necessary to compare current use. It is important, however, to establish whetherfuel availability would allow use in the developing country to become similar to use in

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the developed country. For example, if the developed country has abundant natural gasand uses significant quantities of it, but the developing country is an island country withno indigenous gas, the two countries are probably not analogous.

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Box 11.1 Example of the use of the analogue method in two countriesin transition.

A study sponsored by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Smith et al.,1994) was the first analysis of climate change and its potential effects on the thermoelectricpower sector in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and in Egyptand Poland in particular. The study addressed how economic development in the twocountries may affect sensitivity to climate change. The countries represent different economicsituations: Poland currently has a higher standard of living than Egypt. They also representdifferent climatic sensitivities to thermoelectric power use and production: Poland has a high-latitude climate and Egypt has a desert climate. The goal of this study was to take a “first cut”at the sensitivities of these sectors to climate change and to develop bounds for possibleimpacts. Using different regions in the United States as analogues, the authors developedquantitative estimates of changes in demand for electricity in Egypt and Poland in 2060 underdifferent assumptions of climate change and change in baseline economic conditions.

Two sets of assumptions were made about baseline electricity demand. The first assumed thatthe per capita standard of living in Egypt and Poland in 2060 does not change from their 1990levels. This is unlikely over such a long period of time, but sets a lower boundary for standardof living. The second assumed the standard of living in both countries in 2060 is the same asthe 1990 standard of living in the United States. This assumption is also unlikely, givenprojected economic growth rates, but serves as an upper boundary for standard of living.Under the second assumption, the authors used electricity consumption patterns from statesin the United States with climates most similar to Egypt or Poland. They then used anengineering approach to project the effects of climate change in both countries under the twodifferent standard of living assumptions.

The analysis found that the effects of climate change on energy use in Egypt may bepronounced, but only if significant economic development takes place, resulting in increaseduse of air conditioning. The effects in Poland are likely to be minor — a small increase in airconditioning electricity demand is cancelled by a decrease in space heating electricity demand.In these two countries, development and growth may actually affect thermoelectric industriesand the demand for electricity to a much greater extent than will climate change. For areasmost sensitive to climate change effects on the thermoelectric power sector (i.e., lowlatitudes), the estimated impacts on electricity demand are greatly influenced by differingassumptions about baseline demand, which are largely driven by expectations about economicgrowth and standards of living. For long-term planners, accurately estimating baseline energyuse is integral to the reliable estimation of the change in electricity demand as a result ofclimate change. This study shows that long-term forecasts of electric power needs for lowlatitude countries should also consider the effects of climate change because it could add asmuch as one-seventh to potential increases in demand from population and economic growth.






Change in Annual

Use (TWh)

Egypt Poland

Current Use, + 2 C Current Use, + 4 C U.S. Use, + 2 C U.S. Use, + 4 C

Box 11.1, Figure 1 Estimates of effects on electricity demand using the analogue approach.

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11-14 Time requirements

The primary reasons for using the analogue method are its expediency and economy. Ifa completed study for an analogue country is available, and climate data are availablefor the country of interest, the analogue method may be completed in a matter of weeks.The precise time requirement depends on the level of resolution required. If the analysisrequires conducting a study on a analogue country for which more detailed data areavailable but a completed study is not, the time requirement would be much greater. Skill or training required

Using the analogue method requires an understanding of the nature of energy use in thecountry of interest and the analogue country, and a good understanding of the rela-tionship between climate change and energy use. Training in physics, engineering,statistics, or economics would be useful.

11.2.3 Quantitative methods

Quantitative methods can be broadly categorised within two basic approaches: econo-metric/statistical methods and engineering end-use methods. The first approach,sometimes called “top-down,” infers demand relationships using statistical modelsbased primarily on economic theory, whereas the second approach, sometimes called“bottom-up,” relies more heavily on engineering principles. The distinction betweenthese two approaches becomes blurred in hybrid approaches, which use both methods. Econometric/statistical methods

Econometric and statistical approaches use statistical models to attempt to draw infer-ences about the relationship between energy use and climate based on historical data.Econometric models are derived using economic theories of purchasing behaviour.Simple engineering principles such as degree day variables may be incorporated in thespecifications of the models.

Because the models typically use income and prices as variables, these models are wellsuited for analysing tax and subsidy policies. They are not well suited, however, tomodelling policies that mandate efficiency levels, such as building standards(Braithwait and Gelling, 1992).

Econometric models can use data over a wide range of aggregation. At the most ag-gregated level, an analysis might use, as an independent variable, energy use for anentire country. At the most disaggregated level, energy use in individual buildings mightbe modelled. The example in Box 11.2 presents the use of a highly disaggregated dataset. Linder et al. (1989) present an example of such analysis conducted at a utility level.

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Box 11.2 Example of the use of econometric models.

Morrison and Mendelsohn (in press) developed econometric models of US energy demand andused them to simulate the effects of climate change on US energy expenditures by theresidential and commercial sectors. They used ordinary least squares regression analysis toestimate total expenditures on electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, liquid petroleum gas, districtheat, and kerosene.

They developed two types of models: a long-run model and a short-run model. In the shortrun, people will not make significant changes to their buildings in response to climate change— they will tend to make behavioural adjustments that will reduce energy expenditures. In thelong run, people will modify buildings and build new buildings to be better adapted to theclimate. The short-run model included consideration of climate sensitive buildingcharacteristics, effectively holding them constant; the long-run model did not explicitly considerthese variables, thereby allowing them to adjust with climate. The terms “long run” and “shortrun” do not reflect the period of analysis that the models consider.

Within these two types of models, they developed residential and commercial models. Fortheir data sources, they used the results of detailed surveys of the two sectors conducted bythe US government. These surveys provided detailed data on fuel consumption, climatevariables, demographic and business enterprise information, and building characteristics foreach building in the sample. Demographic data used for the residential model includedaverage fuel prices, use of alternative fuels, average income range, family size, age ofhousehold head, race, and receipt of government assistance. Data on firms used for thecommercial model included average fuel prices, use of alternative fuels, months open peryear, and types and percentages of various building characteristics. Nonclimate sensitivebuilding characteristics included square meters, number of floors, and building age. Climatesensitive building characteristics included building material, conservation efforts, heating andcooling equipment, and high energy-consuming appliances.

The authors analysed the effects of three climate change scenarios (1.5E, 2.5E, and 5ECincreases) for a 1990 and a 2060 economy. Accounting for a 2060 economy includedconsideration of GDP, per capita growth, population growth, fuel price changes, and buildingstock age.

The results showed that the residential sector was more sensitive to climate change than thecommercial sector, and that the residential sector was likely to realise a net increase in energyexpenditures, while the commercial sectors were likely to see a net decrease. Results variedby climate zone — both sectors are expected to realise benefits in the colder regions andincreased costs in the warmer regions. For the United States overall, the study projected arange of effects. For a 2.5EC increase, the range of effects is projected to be from a US$ 2billion gain (short-run model) to US$ 4 billion in costs (long-run model). If temperaturesincreases by 5EC, the impacts are projected to be costs ranging from $ 1 billion (short-runmodel) to $ 13 billion (long-run model). Costs estimated by the long-run model are higher thanthose estimated by the short-run model because of increased saturation of cooling equipmentin response to warming. Since the long-run model allows more flexibility, it may be surprisingthat it finds higher costs. The estimates, however, relate to energy expenditures only, ignoringcomfort levels. Costs and savings of building characteristics adjustments have not beenaccounted for, so both total costs on the cooling side and benefits on the heating side areexpected to be above the estimates produced, particularly in the long-run model.

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$ B







2.5 0C Increase

5 0C Increase

Box 11.2, Figure 1 Estimates of damages using econometric approach. Source:Morrison and Mendelsohn, in press.

Statistical models can be used as the basis for projecting the effects of variations inriver and stream flows as a result of climate change on hydroelectric generation, if flowhistories and projections are available. Linder et al. (1989) used ordinary least squaresregression analysis with a logistic, single variable model to project hydroelectricgeneration.

Resolution of results

Resolution of results depends on the level of detail and the number of observations ofthe dependent variables. If data are available for a large sample at the building and end-use level, across several climate zones, estimates of end-use impacts by building typeand climate zone may be possible.

Data requirements

Data requirements vary. Simple, aggregated data analysis requires only historical na-tional or regional estimates of energy use and historical and projected average temper-atures. The most disaggregated analysis requires detailed data on samples of buildingsand residences at a regional level, and also historical and projected average tempera-tures.

Time requirements to use

Time requirements are roughly proportional to the level of disaggregation of the databeing analysed, but are on the order of weeks or months.

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Skill or training required

A statistical or econometrics background is most useful for applying this type ofmethod. An understanding of physics and engineering principles is essential to developreasonable specifications. Engineering end-use methods

Engineering models for analysis of the impacts of climate change typically involve theanalysis of demand by end use (e.g., space heating, space cooling) using engineeringprinciples. To assess climate change impacts, only a few end uses need to be addressed,which simplifies the analysis. Usually only space heating and space cooling aremodelled, since the effects of climate change on other end uses are likely to be relativelysmall. The engineering methods used are typically either some type of degree dayalgorithm or a building simulation model. The degree day method is much simpler thanthe building simulation model approach, but offers less resolution and accuracy.Engineering methods also can encompass hydrological models of the effects onhydroelectric generation of river flows. An example of an engineering approach thatmodelled heating, cooling, and water pumping energy use is shown in Box 11.3.

Both the degree day approach and the building simulation approach require some typeof exogenous projection, either baseline end-use energy for the degree day approach ornumbers of buildings and building characteristics for the building simulation approach.Accurate projections are likely to require consideration of econometric principles.

Such models can have a greater appeal than econometric approaches because of theclear association between energy-using equipment and use. Because of this clear asso-ciation and because of the detail involved, the more detailed models are well suited tomodelling mandatory efficiency standards or other types of policies that involve thesubstitution of capital for energy.

The principal shortcoming of engineering end-use methods is their lack of considerationof price elasticity response and their dependence on exogenous projection of number ofunits. They are, consequently, not well suited to modelling effects of changes in energyprices and income levels. They do also not implicitly account for voluntary substitutionof capital for energy, which would tend to reduce energy use. These shortcomings canbe overcome through the incorporation of econometric principles into the models, theresult being the hybrid approaches discussed below.

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11-18 Degree day approach

The degree day approach (ASHRAE, 1997) assumes that fuel use for heating andcooling is proportional to the number of heating and cooling degree days, respectively.This assumption is generally quite accurate for modelling heating using fossil fuelcombustion. It is less accurate for modelling heat pumps and air conditioners using arefrigeration cycle, because efficiency of the system is a function of outside tempera-ture. In modelling the effects of warming, the approach tends to understate savings fromheat pump heating and understate increased energy from heat pump and air conditionercooling. The degree day approach does not consider changes in humidity — changes

Box 11.3 Example of an engineering approach.

Baxter and Calandri (1992) used an engineering end-use approach to model the effects ofclimate change on annual energy use and peak demand in 2010 in California. Theyfocused on heating and cooling of buildings, and pumping of water for farms and cities.The study used engineering simulation techniques for the baseline projection of heatingand cooling use and econometric techniques for the projection of municipal pumpingrequirements, but relied primarily on the degree day method.

Impacts were projected by end use, using data on population and economic growth,building and appliance stocks, and the operation of appliances. Four separate models wereused: a residential buildings model, a commercial buildings model, an agricultural andwater pumping model, and a peak demand model. The peak demand model translatedprojections of energy use from the first three models into estimates of peak demand, usinga response surface model derived from building simulation analysis to translate coolingimpacts to each hour of the peak day.

The residential and commercial models used building simulation-derived estimates ofbaseline energy use for prototypical buildings. The residential model includes data on21 residential end uses in three building types for each of the 13 climate zones modelled.The commercial model includes data on eight end uses in 11 building types for each of theclimate zones. The authors modified the projections of usage rate in each building typeusing the ratios of degree days in the climate change and baseline scenarios.

The agricultural and water pumping model took into account both changes in waterdemand and changes in electricity needed to meet this demand. Changes in water demandresult from changes in crop choice and increased evapotranspiration. Changes in cropchoice were modelled using a linear program algorithm. Increased demand for urban waterwas modelled with an econometric model of water demand as function of price, income,summer temperature, and household formation rates. The modelling of electricity requiredto meet this demand took into account the likely changes in the source of water fromsurface water to groundwater, and the increased pumping requirements as groundwaterlevels drop.

The results showed that with their worst scenario, a 1.9EC increase in temperatures, state-wide electric energy use would increase by 2.6% and peak demand would increase by3.7%. Peak demand increased at a higher rate than energy use because California utilitiestend to be summer peaking. The increased need for water pumping contributed 34% of theincreased energy requirement and 20% of the increased peak demand.

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that may be significant as a result of climate change. Humidity changes would be bestaccounted for with a building simulation model.

The key to accurate assessment with the degree day method is selecting appropriateaverage balance points for the base used to calculate the degree days. The balance pointrepresents the temperature at which a building requires no space heating or cooling. Abase of 18EC has been traditionally used for measuring degree days, but this base maynot be appropriate for most buildings because typical balance temperatures aredifferent. Solar heat gains and internal heat gains from lights, people, and electricequipment decrease the balance point of a building, as does thermal insulation. Balancepoints tend to be lower for commercial buildings than residential buildings because ofthe higher level of internal gains and the greater significance of core areas, which tendto require cooling at all times. Balance temperatures decline as insulation levels andinternal gains increase. In the United States, a typical balance point for commercialcooling and heating is 10EC, whereas a typical balance temperature for residentialheating is 15.5EC. Balance temperatures for cooling can vary considerably, dependingon the use of natural ventilation, and can range from 18EC to 27EC. It is best toconduct a study of the balance points for a specific country. Examples of degree dayapproaches include Baxter and Calandri (1992; see Box 11.3) and Rosenthal et al.(1995). Building simulation models

Building simulation models can offer an improvement in precision relative to degree dayapproaches and eliminate the need for assumptions about balance temperatures. Suchmodels typically calculate a building’s heat gains and losses on an hourly basis.Changes in humidity and the effect on cooling requirements can be accounted for bythese models. Scott et al. (1994) found that the non-linear relationship of humidity andtemperature is a key factor in the tendency for simple degree day approaches tounderestimate cooling at higher temperatures. Sophisticated representations of buildingheating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems can be developed in the more detailedmodels. A list of such detailed models is presented in Table 11.1.

Simulation approaches use building prototypes to represent average constructioncharacteristics for a building segment. Simulation models may also be used incombination with degree day approaches, as illustrated in Baxter and Calandri (1992).

Resolution of results

The resolution of results depends on the disaggregation of the data used. The bestresolution is achieved through the use of many building segments and climate zones.

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Table 11.1 Detailed building simulation models.

Model Authoring Organisation

BLAST 3.0 US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, USA

DOE-2.1d Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, USA

ESP-RV8 Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK

SERIRES/SUNCODE 5.7 National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Ecotope, USA

SERIRES 1.2 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA Building ResearchEstablishment, UK

S3PAS University of Seville, Spain

TASE Tampere University, Finland

TRYNSYS University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

Source: Judkoff and Neymark, 1995.

Data requirements

The degree day approach requires substantially less data than the building simulationapproach. Simpler degree day approaches require only a projection of fuel use by enduse and estimates of degree days. Rosenthal et al. (1995) derived this projection for USresidential and commercial end uses, by building type from a nation-wide projection ofspace conditioning energy use. More detailed degree day and simulation models, whichcould be used to assess policy effects, would require more detailed data on number ofbuildings and equipment capacity. Simulation approaches require detailed data onconstruction characteristics of buildings.

The degree day approach requires estimates of degree days, using an appropriatebalance temperature as the base. Thom (1966) provides a method for computing degreedays as a function of average temperature and the standard deviation of temperature,which is useful if hourly data are not available.

Simulation modelling requires detailed, hourly information on temperature, solarradiation, cloud cover, and wind speed and direction. Some models use standardisedformats such as Typical Meteorological Year, whereas other models use customisedformats. Developing data for a climate change scenario could require significant dataprocessing time.

Time requirements

Time requirements are relatively modest for simpler degree day approaches, if neededdata are readily available. Simulation modelling approaches can be the most timeintensive of any approaches.

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Skill and training requirements

An understanding of the engineering principles of heating, ventilating, and air condi-tioning of buildings is required for degree day approaches. Modelling of water pumpingrequires understanding of both hydrology and agriculture, and may require econometrictraining for the modelling of urban water use. Use of building simulation modelsrequires advanced engineering training. Hybrid approaches

Hybrid approaches are combinations of econometric and structural approaches. Theytypically involve separate models for each end use, like structural approaches, butinclude econometric analysis in an effort to better incorporate behavioural response.These models are typically used for utility-specific demand forecasting. As such, theyprovide more resolution of results, but require more data. Hybrid models have seenlimited use in the analysis of the effects of climate change

Two commonly used energy forecasting models, REEPS (EPRI, 1991), a residentialenergy demand model, and COMMEND (EPRI, 1986), a commercial energy demandmodel, are examples of hybrid econometric-engineering models that use separate sub-models for each end use. Both models forecast electricity, natural gas, and fuel oildemand.

REEPS forecasts residential energy sales by end use, and models appliance purchasedecisions, efficiencies, and utilisation patterns for 10 end uses. The key variablesaffecting purchase decisions are household and dwelling characteristics, fuel prices andavailability, climate (heating and cooling degree days), and appliance attributes.

COMMEND disaggregates the commercial sector into building type, end use, and fueltype. The model uses a combination of econometrically derived elasticities, statisticaland engineering simulation techniques, and life-cycle costing to address the penetrationof efficient technologies and interfuel substitution.

Resolution of results

The resolution of results is high — data are available at the building and end-use levels.Separate analyses usually must be conducted if separate climate zones are involved.

Data requirements

Hybrid models are data intensive. They require the following types of data:

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• end use (by building type)− saturation− energy intensity (use per unit, e.g., houses, floor area)− projection of number of units;

• fuel prices;

• climate data;

• personal income;

• efficiency standards;

• price response data.

Time requirements to use

Because of the intensive data requirements, the time requirements can be substantial (onthe order of months), particularly if many climate zones must be modelled. Estimatingprice elasticities can be a significant task in and of itself.

Skill or training required

It is essential to have an understanding of both the economic and engineering principlesinvolved in modelling of energy demand.

11.2.4 Summary of methods

A summary of methods is presented in Table 11.2. This table summarises resourcerequirements and selection considerations.

11.3 Autonomous adaptation

Autonomous adaptation of energy use to climate change can be divided between short-run and long-run adaptation. Short-run adaptations differ from long-run adaptations inthat they involve no significant investment of capital. Most autonomous adaptations canbe assessed using one or more of the methods described above.

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Table 11.2 Summary of methods.Resource Requirements Selection Considerations

Method Data Time/Cost Skills/Training Advantages Disadvantages


Low, althoughunderstandingof energy useis necessary

Low Specialised training inphysics, engineering,statistics, oreconomics

Least time consuming and leastcostly technique. Useful forestablishing research priorities.

Least accurate, likely to beparticularly unreliable in temperateclimates.

Analogue Low Low Physics, engineering,statistics, oreconomics

Low cost and quick. Likely to bemore reliable and provide greaterresolution than expert judgement.

Results only as good as originalstudy and appropriateness ofanalogue.


Low tomoderate

Low tomoderate


Empirical basis, relatively lowcost.

Does not consider long-runadaptation, efficiency improvementpolicies, lack of transparency.


Moderate tohigh

Moderateto high


Empirical basis, consideration oflong-run adaptations.

Does not allow consideration ofefficiency improvement policies,data intensive, lack of transparency.

Engineering enduse: degree day

Low tomoderate

Low tomoderate

Engineering Relatively low cost, transparencyof analysis.

Inappropriate for analysis of tax andsubsidy policies, requiresexogenous projections.

Engineering enduse: computersimulation

Moderate tohigh

Moderateto high

Advanced engineering Analysis of efficiency policies,consideration of humidity effects.

Inappropriate for analysis of tax andsubsidy policies, requiresexogenous projections.

Hybrid High High Economics/engineering

Treatment of both behaviouraland engineering principles, highresolution.

Resource intensive, limitedapplications in climate changeanalysis to date.

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11.3.1 Short-run adaptation

In the short run, buildings and generation systems will remain the same. Adaptation willconsist of using more or less energy for heating, cooling, and electricity generation. Thistype of adaptation is what is modelled by most degree day or building simulationengineering models without changes in exogenous projections and byeconometric/statistical models estimated using time series data or using specificationsfor building characteristics. As temperatures increase, more energy will be used forheating and less for cooling.

This energy use response, usually based on the assumption that thermostat settingsremain the same, may be modulated by behavioural responses. For example, if peopleare spending less money on heating, they may choose to maintain their homes at warmertemperatures in the heating season, reducing energy savings. If people begin spendingmore of their income on space cooling, they may choose to retain some of that incomeby maintaining their homes at warmer temperatures, reducing the increased use forcooling.

Cooling equipment capacity will also constrain short-run response. Most people in mostcountries do not have air conditioners and those that do have air conditioning havesystems with a capacity sized for specific conditions. Although larger, central systems,particularly older units, are often oversized, smaller ones will reach their capacities inwarmer climates. They may operate for longer times over the course of a year, but theiroperation during peak periods may not change. Detailed engineering models andeconometric models based on disaggregated data may capture this effect.

Prices for energy in a deregulated environment are likely to increase in warm monthsand decrease in cold months relative to baseline conditions. These price changes arealso likely to modulate short-run responses. Only the most sophisticated models willcapture this type of feedback effect.

The dispatch of electric generation plants will change in the short run. The three factorsaffecting this type of change will be changes in demand, in river flows, and in naturalgas prices. Change in demand will require more use of power plants during hot periodsand less during cold periods. Overall, capacity factors may increase or decrease.Increases or decreases in river flows will require decreases or increases in fossil fuelgeneration. Natural gas prices may decline because of reduced use for heating. Thismay lead to a displacement of coal use by natural gas use.

11.3.2 Long-run adaptation

In the long run, people and enterprises will most likely substitute capital for energy, tothe extent that energy is valued more than capital, and energy for capital to the extentthat capital is valued more than energy. Substitution of capital for energy is likely totake place in warmer climates, where people will have to invest more to remain com-

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fortable. Substitution of energy for capital will take place in cooler climates, wherepeople can invest less and remain as comfortable. These substitutions will be seen ininvestments in heating and cooling equipment, thermal shells of buildings, and electricgeneration capacity.

Energy technology has been continually improving and is likely to continue to improvein the absence of climate change. Any modelling of the effects of climate change shouldtake this type of autonomous adaptation into account to avoid overestimating adaptationcosts. Heating and cooling equipment adaptation

In warm climates, people with air conditioning will most likely invest in more efficientair conditioning systems to reduce air conditioning costs. Counteracting this effectwould be capital investments to improve welfare, i.e., the purchase of air conditionerswhere none existed, or the purchase of higher capacity air conditioners. In coolerclimates, heating systems may become less efficient as heating costs become lessimportant. Electric heating systems may become more common, replacing natural gasheating. Electric heating systems cost more to operate than natural gas systems, buthave a lower capital cost. Most residential and commercial heating and coolingequipment has lifetimes of 10 to 20 years (ASHRAE, 1995), so there will be severalopportunities for adaptation over the time scale of climate change.

These adaptations may be affected by lack of information, separation of purchasing andoperating parties, and government standards. Lack of information at the time of initialinvestment on the future costs of inefficiency may reduce the adaptation of coolingequipment in the absence of government standards. In some situations (e.g., rentalproperties), the party purchasing the energy using equipment is not the same as theparty operating it and paying the energy bills. In such situations, the purchasing partymay have little motivation to purchase more efficient cooling equipment. In the case ofheating equipment, government standards may set a minimum below which efficienciescannot fall without legislation.

Cooling equipment adaptation will take place in the context of increasing use of airconditioning in most warm climates, as standards of living increase. This change willincrease the impacts of climate change. It is vitally important to consider this baselinechange, particularly in developing countries.

Heating and cooling system adaptation will not be implicitly accounted for by engi-neering models or by time series econometric models. Econometric models using cross-sectional data that include several climates and hybrid models may account for suchadaptation.

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11-26 Thermal shell adaptation

People may adapt building exterior surfaces (known as the shell) in both cooler andwarmer climates. In cooler climates, where heating requirements are more significantthan cooling requirements, insulation, weatherisation, and glazing resistance willbecome less important. In warmer climates, shell improvements that reduce coolingloads will become more important. Such improvements are not necessarily the same asimprovements that reduce heating loads. Common cost-effective improvements toreduce cooling loads are ceiling insulation and glass that transmits less solar radiation.

The most cost-effective time to modify residential and commercial building thermalenvelopes is during design, and these buildings have long lifetimes (30 or more years),so this adaptation will take place more slowly than equipment adaptation. Furtherreducing the effects of this adaptation are the lack of information, separation of parties,and minimum standards issues mentioned previously. Electricity generation adaptation

The electricity generation subsector is likely to see three types of adaptation:

1. response to changing demand for electricity;

2. response to changing fuel prices;

3. response to changing hydroelectric generation capability.

These changes will take place within the context of restructuring and technologicalchange.

The electricity demand response to climate change will create a need for generators tomodify their capacity portfolios. In cool climates, decreased use of electric heating andincreased air conditioning will result in a flatter load shape. These changes in demandare likely to reduce the need for peak utilisation power plants and increase the need forbase load power. In warm climates, increased air conditioning loads will create a loadshape with a more pronounced peak and will increase the need for more peak andintermediate utilisation power plants. In hot climates where air conditioning is requiredyear-round, more capacity of all utilisation levels is likely to be required.

Fuel prices are likely to change in response to changes in energy demand and alsochanges in generation patterns. These price changes will further modulate generationpatterns. In cool climates where natural gas is used for heating, decreased heatingrequirements will depress prices and make natural gas a more cost-effective generationfuel. In warmer climates that rely on natural gas as a peaking and intermediateutilisation generation fuel, other fuels may become relatively more attractive.

Significant changes in the availability of hydroelectricity could have profound effects onthe capacity requirements of many countries. As discussed previously, the effects could

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go in either direction, depending on the changes in river and stream flow. If flows areincreased, some countries may be able to defer generation expansion. If flows aredecreased, major generation expansion may be necessary.

The electric generation subsector is undergoing restructuring in many countries, in partbecause of improvements in generation technology. These changes must be taken intoaccount in any assessment of the effects on this subsector. Natural gas-fired systems,particularly combined cycle systems used on an intermediate and base load basis, havebecome substantially more efficient, less expensive, and faster to build in recent years.The optimal size has also become smaller. As a result, natural gas has become the fuelof choice for generation in most places where natural gas is available. Also, thesechanges have helped to erode the justification for regulated-monopoly and government-owned utilities, which developed in an era when massive coal and nuclear plants withlong construction periods were perceived as the most cost-effective systems.Privatisation or deregulation is happening in many countries. This shift will result inmuch of the adaptation in generation being autonomous rather than planned. The timehorizon for generation planning has shrunk because of both technology changes andrestructuring, providing this subsector with greater flexibility in climate changeadaptation. Autonomous adaptation in the absence of climate change

Technological improvements will change energy use and production in the absence ofclimate change. These changes include efficiency improvements and the introduction ofnew technologies. Any accounting for the effects of climate change on energy must takethese types of autonomous adaptations into account.

Currently, most of the energy-economy models represent technological change throughan exogenous parameter commonly referred to as the Autonomous Energy EfficiencyImprovement (AEEI) parameter (Edmonds and Reilly, 1983; Edmonds et al., 1991;Manne and Richels, 1992; Peck and Tiesberg, 1992; Nordhaus, 1994). This parameteris influenced by many factors such changes in the economy’s product mix, shifts inconsumer preferences, and true technical change (Faruqui et al., 1997). Unmodifiedmodelling of the effects of climate change on energy will tend to overestimate changesin energy usage, since systems would be more efficient anyway. Over the periods ofanalysis commonly used in gauging the effects of climate change, energy productionand consumption could change substantially.

Energy modellers have commonly assumed a constant rate of improvement in theenergy intensity of the economy. The assumed annual rates of improvement in the AEEIhave typically varied between 0.5 and 1.0 percent for the aggregate of all possibletechnologies (Dowlatabadi and Oravetz, 1996). This assumption may not be correctover long periods of time. One study that backcast the models over the period from1954 through 1994 indicates that the AEEI is not constant and changes sign before andafter 1974 (Dowlatabadi and Oravetz, 1996).

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11.4 Planned adaptation

Governments can play a key role in preventing and reducing negative impacts fromclimate change in the energy sector. A country can develop adaptation measures byassessing impacts (through the methods presented in this chapter), identifying andevaluating adaptation options, and selecting and implementing options (Benioff andWarren, 1996). Adaptation policies will be most useful in those subsectors likely toincur the greatest negative impacts: space cooling and electric generation. Table 11.3presents a list of adaptation measures. Classifications of adaptation types are asfollows:

• Threat modifications would help reduce certain types of impacts.

• Effect prevention policies, if designed correctly, would eliminate certain types ofimpacts.

• Loss sharing would involve the spreading of impact costs across different groups.

• Use change would involve a shift in inputs or outputs of a process.

Most of the adaptation measures in the energy sector involve requiring or encouragingpeople and enterprises to bear additional initial capital costs. If the policies are designedproperly and assumptions about climate change impacts turn out to be reasonablycorrect, bearing these initial capital costs will result in lower overall costs. For example,energy efficiency standards for air conditioners will result in higher initial costs forcooling. The overall life cycle costs, however, should be less than if there were nostandards. Such policies are probably best assessed using engineering models, sincethey involve efficiency improvements.

Some adaptation measures involve a more equitable sharing of costs. For example,residential electricity subsidies would tend to hide the true costs of producing electricity.If subsidies are substantial enough, people would have no incentive to restrain their useof electricity for cooling, since other sectors of society are paying for it. Elimination orreduction of subsidies will result in the costs being borne by those responsible forincurring them. Another result of this policy is likely to be greater efficiency. Other,more efficient methods of achieving comfort, such as better building design, use ofnatural ventilation, and more efficient air conditioners, may be more cost-effective ifprices reflect true costs. Subsidies serve to distort markets and eliminate considerationof such options. Pricing and subsidy policies are best analysed using econometricmodels.

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Table 11.3 Energy sector adaptation measures.

Measure ImpactAddressed

Type ofAdaptation


Air conditioningefficiency standards



Increased air conditioning efficiency will re-duce electricity expenditures, but will makeinitial costs higher. Standards will also reducegreenhouse gas emissions.

Thermal shellstandards



Increased ceiling insulation and reducedshading coefficient requirements are often themost cost-effective measures. Standards willalso reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

River-front powerplant sitingregulation

Power plantflooding andcooling systemproblems


Approval for permits for power plants alongriver fronts should consider effects ofreduction or increase in river flow.

Coastal productionfacility sitingregulation

Plant floodingand extremeweatherdamage


Approval for permits for coastal power plantsand oil and gas production plants shouldconsider effects of sea level rise and increasein extreme weather.

Change approach towater managementvis-à-vishydroelectricgeneration

Loss ofhydroelectricgenerationcapability

Loss sharing/use change

Reductions in or changes in patterns of riverand stream flows may require changes inapproach to water management. (Nash andGleick, 1993). There is a potential for inter-regional conflicts.

Consider demandand hydroelectricgeneration changesin integratedresource planning

Changes ingenerationcapacityrequirements


Changes in electricity demand and hydro-electric generation may require a change inthe generation capacity portfolio.


Increasedspace coolingcosts


Government agencies can provide informationabout energy efficiency measures that canreduce energy costs (e.g., appliance labellingprograms).

Reduce/eliminateenergy subsidies


Loss sharing Subsidies to energy prices distort marketsignals and can result in wasteful consum-ption. Impacts on low-income groups can beameliorated through targeted programs.

11.5 Summary and implications

The energy sector is sensitive to climate change. The nature and magnitude of theimpacts are likely to vary widely, depending on climatic conditions and projected energyuse. The subsectors most likely to be significantly affected are space heating, spacecooling, and hydroelectric generation. Economic development is a key factor inprojecting energy use and consequential effects of climate change, particularly theeffects on space cooling.

The effects of climate change on energy use could have implications in other sectors.The effects on hydroelectric generation are likely to have implications on other aspectsof water management, particularly in situations where overall stream and river flowsare reduced. Increased use of electricity for space conditioning is likely to lead to anincrease in various types of emissions, which may cause health problems and problems

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in achieving emissions targets, including greenhouse gas emission targets. Decreaseduse of energy for space conditioning may ease problems associated with meeting suchtargets.

This chapter has presented an array of methods, ranging from judgement-based methodsto data intensive quantitative methods, with different applicability and varying levels ofprecision. Judgement-based methods are appropriate for establishing initial researchpriorities, but are the least precise. They may suffice in cold climates where the effectsof climate change on energy use are likely to be beneficial. Analogue methods may offeran opportunity for developing better preliminary estimates at a small increment in cost,if an appropriate analogy can be made. Econometric/statistical methods offer the bestmeans of evaluating tax and subsidy policies. Engineering end-use methods offer thebest means of evaluating energy efficiency policies. Hybrid approaches offer the best ofboth quantitative worlds, but have seen limited application in climate change analysis.In any quantitative approach, the better resolution can be achieved through the use ofmore disaggregated data.

Addressing long-run adaptation, i.e., modification of buildings and equipment, is thegreatest challenge in estimating these effects. Econometric models using highlydisaggregated cross-sectional data are a good means of dealing with this issue. The useof hybrid models may offer the best approach in the long run, but more applications areneeded before a judgement can be made on their effectiveness.


ASHRAE. 1995. Handbook of Applications. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,and Air Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

ASHRAE. 1997. Handbook of Fundamentals. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,and Air Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Baxter, L. and K. Calandri. 1992. Global warming and electricity demand. In: EnergyPolicy. Butterworth-Heinemann, Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. 233-244.

Benioff, R. and J. Warren. 1996. Steps in Preparing Climate Change Action Plans: AHandbook. US Country Studies Program, Washington, DC, USA.

Braithwait, S. and C. Gelling. 1992. Residential forecasting. In Demand Forecasting, C.Gelling (ed). The Fairmont Press, Lilburn, Georgia, USA.

Cohen, S. (ed). 1997. Mackenzie Basin Impact Study. Environment Canada, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada.

Crocker, T. 1976. Electricity demand in all-electric commercial buildings: The effects ofclimate. In The Urban Cost of Climate Modification, T. Ferrar (ed). John Wiley &Sons, New York.

Dowlatabadi, H. and M. Oravetz. 1996. Understanding Trends in Energy Intensity: ASimple Model of Technical Change. Center for Integrated Study of the Human

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Dimensions of Global Change, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,USA.

EPRI. 1986. Commercial End-Use Planning System (COMMEND). Electric PowerResearch Institute. Palo Alto, California, USA.

EPRI. 1991. Residential End-Use Energy Planning System (REEPS), Version 2.0. ElectricPower Research Institute. Palo Alto, California, USA.

EPRI. 1995. Potential Effects of Climate Change on Electric Utilities. EPRI TR-105005.Research Project 2141-11. Electric Power Research Institute. Palo Alto, California,USA.

Edmonds, J.A. and J.M. Reilly. 1983. A long-term global energy-economic model of carbondioxide release. Energy 52, 74-88.

Edmonds, J.A., H.M. Pitcher, D. Barns, R. Baron, and M.A. Wise. 1991. Modeling futuregreenhouse gas emissions: the second generation model description. In Proceedings ofthe United Nations University Conference on Global Change and Modeling, Tokyo,Japan.

Faruqui, A., B. Kick, K. Meadows, S. Burnow, I. Peters, B. Dougherty, M. Duckworth, H.Dowlatabadi, A. Smith, and M. Shealy. 1997. Implications of Technological Changefor Climate Change Modeling: Interim Draft Report. US Environmental ProtectionAgency. Washington, DC, USA.

French, H.W. 1998. A drought halts Ghana on its road to success. The New York Times.March 15.

Hanemann, W. and R. McCann. 1993. Economic impacts on the Northern Californiahydropower system. In Integrated Modeling of Drought and Global Warming: Impactson Selected California Resources, N. Dowling, co-ordinator. National Institute forGlobal Environmental Changes, University of California, Davis, USA.

IPCC. 1995. Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of ClimateChange: Scientific-Technical Analysis. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Cambridge University Press, New York.

Judkoff, R. and J. Neymark. 1995. International Energy Agency Building EnergySimulation Test and Diagnostic. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden,Colorado, USA.

Lettenmaier, D.P., K.L. Brettman, L.W. Vail, S.B. Yabusaki, and M.J. Scott. 1992.Sensitivity of Pacific Northwest water resources to global warming. The NorthwestEnvironmental Journal 8, 265-283.

Linder, K. and M. Inglis. 1989. The potential effects of climate change on regional andnational demands for electricity. Appendix H: Infrastructure. In The Potential Effects ofGlobal Climate Change on the United States, J. Smith and D. Tirpak (eds). USEnvironmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 1-1 to 1-38.

Linder, K.P., M.J. Gibbs, and M.R. Inglis. 1987. Potential Impacts of Climate Change onElectric Utilities. Report 88-2. New York State Research and Development Authority,Albany, New York, USA.

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Manne, A.S. and R.G. Richels. 1992. Buying Greenhouse Insurance: The Economic Costsof Carbon Dioxide Emission Limits. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Morrison, W. and R. Mendelsohn. (in press). The impact of global warming on U.S. energyexpenditures. In The Impacts of Climate Change on the U.S. Economy, R. Mendelsohnand J. Neumann (eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Nash, L. and P. Gleick. 1993. The Colorado River Basin and Climatic Change: TheSensitivity of Streamflow and Water Supply to Variations in Temperature andPrecipitation. EPA 230-R-93-009. US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,DC, USA.

Nordhaus, W.D. 1994. Managing the Global Commons: The Economics of ClimateChange. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Peck, S.C. and T.J. Tiesberg. 1992. CETA: A model for carbon emissions trajectoryassessment. The Energy Journal 13, 55-77.

Riebsame, W.E. 1989. Assessing the Social Implications of Climate Change Fluctuations:A Guide to Climate Impact Studies. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi,Kenya.

Rosenthal, D.H., H.K. Gruenspecht, and E.A. Moran. 1995. Effects of global warming onenergy use for space heating and cooling in the United States. The Energy Journal16(1), 41-54.

Scott, M, L. Wrench, and D. Hadley. 1994. Effects of climate change on commercialbuilding energy demand. Energy Sources 16, 317-332.

Smith, J., F. Stern, C. Yermoli, and W. Breffle. 1994. The Impact of Climate Change onThermoelectric Power Use in Egypt and Poland. Report prepared by RCG/Hagler,Bailly, Boulder, Colorado, USA, for the International Institute for Applied SystemsAnalysis, Laxenburg, Austria.

Stern, F., B. Neal, and J. Smith. 1993. Air Conditioning Saturation in Selected MajorUrban Areas. Report prepared by RCG/Hagler, Bailly, Boulder, Colorado, USA, for theCenter for Climatic Research, University of Delaware, Newark, USA.

Thom, H. 1966. Normal degree days above any point by the universal truncation coefficient.Monthly Weather Review 94(7), 461-465.

United Kingdom Climate Changes Impacts Review Group. 1991. The Potential Impact ofClimate Change in the United Kingdom. London, UK.

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12 Forest

Lead Authors Contributing AuthorRobert J. Scholes 1 Khalid M. Siddiqui,Sune Linder 2 Pakistan

12.1 Nature and scope of the problem

Forests and woodlands, whether intensively managed or not, are the main source oftimber for construction, energy, and pulp for a large part of the world’s population.They are the basis for a significant economic sector in many countries. Further, they arealso a key habitat for many species and the focus of much of the world’s biodiversity.Forests play a key role in either taking up and storing carbon or releasing it to theatmosphere, which adds to the greenhouse effect.

The geographical distribution, composition, and productivity of forests are controlled,overall, by climate. Within the climatic envelope, human actions and land use practicesstrongly determine the type and performance of forests. Since the pattern and intensityof human activity are changing all around the world, and the climate is expected tochange in the next century, it is logical to expect impacts on the ability of forests tosupply goods and ecosystem services.

1 Division of Water, Environment and Forest Technology CSIR, South Africa.

2 Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Swedish University of AgriculturalSciences, Uppsala, Sweden.

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The forest sector encompasses all tree-dominated systems such as forests (Innes, 1994),woodlands, savannahs (Scholes and van der Merwe, 1996), and mangroves (Davis etal., 1994), ranging from completely unmanaged to totally managed forms such asplantation forests. It can also include trees grown on farmlands (agroforestry andwoodlots) and trees in urban areas. The biodiversity and ecosystem services aspects offorests are dealt with in Chapter 13, Biodiversity. Trees which yield both timber andfruit can be dealt with in either the agriculture sector or the forest sector; it is necessaryto be consistent and make clear what has been included where. Many of the methodsand models used in the forest sector analysis can be applied to non-woody terrestrialecosystems and agroecosystems as well.

Forest-based activities include the harvesting of trees for timber, pulp, other wood-based products, or fuelwood, and industries based on these primary products, such asfurniture making, construction, and paper. They also include many other non-woodforest ecosystem products such as the harvesting of fruits, fungi, birds, and animals,and the use of the services that the forest ecosystem delivers, such as clean water, cleanair, and recreational opportunities. Many forest-based goods and services are notreflected in the formal economy, but nevertheless have a high value.

12.1.1 The study area

The study area will typically include all the terrestrial parts of the national territory. Insome cases it may be possible, right from the start, to exclude some areas as being toodry or too cold to support trees under any plausible climate change scenario. Reducingthe area of the study could help reduce the amount of data to be collected. Within thestudy area the focus will be on those areas currently or potentially occupied by econo-mically, biologically, or culturally important forest ecosystems. The smallest patch size(minimum mapping unit) which can be addressed will to some extent depend on the sizeof the national territory, the funds available for the assessment, the detail of theavailable data, and the importance of forests to the nation. In most countries, 1:5million vegetation maps (or better) are available, which translates to an absolute mini-mum map unit of about 5x5 kilometres, which also corresponds to the minimum scaleat which interpolated climate data are typically available regionally. Global vegetationand climate maps are available at 0.5° resolution (about 30x30 kilometres), which is thecoarsest scale at which an assessment should be done. It should be possible to work at amore detailed scale.

12.1.2 The time frame

The period selected for the projections should satisfy the following conditions (see alsoChapters 2 and 3, where socio-economic and climate scenarios are discussed).

1. Compatible with the time periods selected for assessments in other sectors.

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2. Short enough to allow plausible scenarios to be constructed. It is virtuallyimpossible to predict what might happen more than 100 years from the present.

3. Long enough to allow forest processes such as growth and species composition tobe significantly affected. Most forests change quite slowly because of the longevityof the trees. Hence it is unlikely that change will be detectable in less than 20 years.

12.1.3 Expected climate impacts

A change in climate can be expected to lead to (see Table 12.1):

• a shift in the geographical area which will support forests;

• a change in the species composition of mixed-species forests;

• a change in the output of forest products per unit area of forest.

These changes will have effects on the economic and social systems which depend onforestry (loss or gain of sector turnover, export earnings, jobs, access to fuelwood,construction materials, and forest products). They will also have consequences for thespecies dependent on forests and for ecosystem services such as the maintenance ofsteady and clean water supplies.

Forests are influenced by climate and influence climate in return. The effect of forestson the climate occurs directly at the local to regional scale, through their characteristicpattern of absorption of solar radiation, evaporation of water, and surface roughness,and also indirectly at the global scale through the carbon which they store or release.An assessment needs to take note of these feedback loops, but at this stage theintegrated modelling technology is not widely available to treat them explicitly in anational study.

Table 12.1 Types of climate change impacts likely in the forest sector.

• Changes in the location of optimal growing areas for given species, resulting in shifts inspecies composition and changes in the size of the forest estate

• Increases of decreases in the production of wood or non-timber forest products per unitarea

• Changes in the type, location, or intensity of pest and disease outbreaks and fires

• Increase or decrease in the amount of carbon stored by the forest ecosystem

• Disturbances of ecosystem function− increased or decreased nutrient retention and litter decay rate− bud-break, flowering or leaf-fall out of phase with climate or pollinators

• Changes in biodiversity− due to unfavourable climates− due to changes in disturbance or disease regimes− due to breakdowns of symbioses (e.g., pollinators; see Giannini and Magnani, 1994)

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• Shift in the location, type, or number of forest sector jobs

• Change in forest amenity value; for instance, the length of the winter-sport season

• Afforestation or deforestation as a result of land competition with agriculture

Forests compete with agriculture for land. When adaptation models are tested, theforest sector analysis and the agriculture sector analysis need to be co-ordinated toensure that they are not both planning to occupy the same land in the future.

12.1.4 Impacts other than climate

Changes in forests are only partly driven by climate. In many parts of the world, socio-economic and policy factors are the main drivers of land use change. Assessment of theimpacts of climate change must take place within the framework of changes inenvironmental and socio-economic factors which may occur at the same time, and theadaptations which they may cause. In particular, forests are likely to be affected bycompetition for land for other uses, changing demand for forest products, risingatmospheric CO2, and increased deposition of pollutants such as acid rain and ozone atthe same time as they are being exposed to climate change.

Forests downwind of major industrial or intensive agricultural areas are likely to beexposed to additional inputs of nitrogen from the atmosphere in the form of wet and drydeposition. Since most forest ecosystems are nitrogen limited, this leads to increasedproductivity, up to the point where the forests become nitrogen saturated (Dise andWright, 1995).

12.2 An array of methods

12.2.1 Experimentation

The ideal data for assessing the impacts of climate change come from direct measure-ments in replicated, representative experiments (Landsberg et al., 1995). These areseldom available for forests in relation to climate change. Irrigation experiments can beused to extrapolate the possible effects of increases in precipitation (Linder, 1987).Several soil-warming experiments currently under way in forests will be useful forunderstanding the effects of higher temperature (Peterjohn et al., 1993, 1994).

There is a wealth of experimental data on forests which are useful for an impact as-sessment, although they were not collected for that purpose. For instance, any coutrywith significant forest activity is likely to have handbooks of forest yield tables, whichare based on experimental data. These tables estimate the amount of timber that can beextracted from given forest stands. There are also likely to be forest inventory data onthe number, size, and species of trees in given forest stands. Forest inventory data canbe used to quantify current biomass and species composition, and forest yield tables canbe used to estimate current and future productivity (Matyas, 1994). If inventories andyield tables are not available for the study area, they probably are for similar regions

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and species in neighbouring countries. Forest yield tables and inventories are foruseable timber only; the numbers must be increased, often by a factor of two, to gettotal biomass and production.

12.2.2 Analogue methods Historical analogues

In the absence of planned experiments, natural experiments can be used as a substitute.The climate has changed dramatically in the past, so if there is information on what thepast climate was and what forest state it supported at the time, it can be used to makeprojections for the future. One weakness of this approach is that climate data have beenrecorded for a few centuries at best and a few years at worst. The climate before theperiod of record must be inferred from surrogate data, which introduces a furthersource of potential error. Second, historical analogues are a type of correlative study,and therefore are reliable only if future climates are within the range experienced in thepast, and as long as all other factors remain constant (which is unlikely). Historicalanalogues provide a way of performing independent checks on the models. If a modelconstructed and calibrated with modern data is able to represent the past successfully, itcan be applied to the task of projecting the future with greater confidence. Historicalanalogues are also the main source of information about the rate at which slowprocesses, for example, the migration of species, can occur (Chambers, 1993).

The two main sources of historical forest data are palynological (pollen) studies, whichcan tell what species occurred in a given location over long periods of time and providecoarse-resolution prehistoric climate data (Branchu et al., 1993, Servant et al., 1993),and dendrochronological (tree-ring) studies, which supply annual-resolution climate andgrowth-rate data stretching back several centuries (D’Arrigo et al., 1992). Both types ofstudies require painstaking, specialist work over many years. Palynology requires asuitable location for pollen to accumulate and be preserved, usually a quiet pond orbog. Dendrochronology is generally not possible in the tropics, since few tropical treesshow clear and reliable ring structures. Regional analogues

Regional analogues use regional variations in present-day climates as an indication ofwhat might happen under future climates. This method assumes that if a given climatesupports a particular type of forest at present, then a similar climate will support asimilar forest in the future, although perhaps at a different location. It can be appliedqualitatively (without sophisticated statistics) or quantitatively, in which case it isessentially the same as the empirical-statistical bioclimatic models described below andsuffers the same problems (particularly the problem of not being able to describetransients). The main weakness of regional analogues is the assumption that all factors

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other than climate remain constant. This is clearly violated where the location of thefuture has completely different soils.

12.2.3 Expert judgement

The judgement of experts, who may include people with a lifetime of experience butlittle formal education, may be quite accurate, but its use is hard to justify in terms ofthe scientific methodology since it is difficult to test. Some degree of expert opinion isinvolved in all methods. The guidelines for the use of expert judgement are as follows:

• use it where there is no better alternative;

• choose the expert such that he or she is operating within his or her area ofexpertise;

• when a finding was based on expert judgement, note it as such and acknowledge thesource;

• ask the expert for a likely range of values as well as a best guess; and

• use more than one expert where possible.

12.2.4 Quantitative models Biophysical models

Biophysical models predict the consequences of changes in their driving variables (forexample, precipitation, temperature, soil type, and plant species) on ecosystem attri-butes such as the survival and growth of various species or the productivity of the entireecosystem. Discussions of the use of biophysical forest models for climate changeresearch are given in Shugart et al. (1988), Smith et al. (1992), Dale and Rauscher(1994), and Joyce (1995). Recent reviews are by Agren et al. (1991) and Ryan et al.(1996). Biophysical models fall on a continuum from those based entirely on statisticalrelationships to those built on detailed mathematical representations of the processesthought to be occurring in the forests.


These models rely on statistical relationships between the input and output variables.They are relatively simple and can have a high predictive power within the range forwhich they are valid. Their drawback is that the existence of a correlation only suggeststhe possibility of a causal link, it does not prove it. It is therefore extremely risky toextrapolate these models beyond the range of data used to construct them, or to apply

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them in conditions other than those under which they were derived. The further thedeviation from their zone of validity, the greater the risk of error.

Most forest industry growth and yield models (or tables) are empirical. Where theyinclude some way of varying the growth potential (often through a site index) which canbe linked to climate, they can be used to estimate forest production under a moderatelyaltered climate. They cannot be expected to estimate growth under elevated CO2

concentrations or nitrogen deposition.

Bioclimatic models are generally empirical-statistical. They establish relationships be-tween the presence or absence of a given species (or vegetation type) and one or moreclimatic variables. Typically the climatic variables include some measure of moisture(such as mean annual precipitation, or the precipitation to evaporation ratio); tempera-ture (such as the annual minimum and maximum), and seasonality (such as the rangebetween summer and winter or the fraction of precipitation in a given set of months).The models range from very simple (Holdridge, 1967) to complex (Box, 1980). Thesimple ones are easy to apply, but do not have high predictive power. The complex oneshave high predictive power, but need more detailed data and should not be extrapolatedto parts of the world other than where they were developed (see also Chapter 13,Biodiversity). For an application of a simple global bioclimatic model within a country,see Box 12.1.

Box 12.1 Using a simple bioclimate model to estimate forest shifts inVenezuela.

The Holdridge model is a well-known scheme for relating the equilibrium distribution of broadvegetation types to moisture and temperature conditions (Holdridge, 1967). It was appliedunder current and future climate scenarios to estimate the distribution of vegetation types inVenezuela. The doubled CO2 climate scenario used was from the United Kingdom Meteorolo-gical Office (UKMO) model. The model passed the first test, which was to estimate the presentdistribution of vegetation types with acceptable accuracy. Under doubled CO2, assuming along-term equilibrium, the area covered by dry tropical and subtropical forests and thornwoodlands expanded by nearly 500 000 square kilometres, at the expense of the moist tropicaland subtropical forests.

Like all equilibrium models, the Holdridge model does not project how fast the change willoccur. However, it can be adapted for use in a transient scenario by making some assumptionsabout the feasible rates of change (Smith and Shugart, 1993). The Holdridge model is given asan example only; it is not recommended. In almost all cases more sophisticated and powerfulmodels are available, and should be used in preference (Prentice et al., 1992; Carpenter et al.,1993).

Bioclimatic models can be thought of as a formal approach to regional analogues. Theysuffer from the problems inherent in all correlative models. They are likely to fail if thefuture climate combination has no current analogues or if the bioclimatic relationshipsare altered by a changing environment (for instance, if elevated CO2 concentrationchanges the water requirements of plants). Bioclimatic models have two furtherweaknesses. First, they project the vegetation distribution under steady-state conditions

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and say nothing about the rate at which the new state will be approached. For forests,this is a serious problem, since the turnover of species and the rate of dispersal are veryslow. If the scenario time frame is only 100 years, then it is unlikely that a newequilibrium will have been reached by its end. Second, when they are applied to wholevegetation types (sometimes also called biomes), they assume that the type acts as aunit rather than as individual species. Despite these reservations, statistical bioclimaticmodels remain among the most useful tools currently available for estimating thedistribution of forests under future climates, especially where they include someprocess-based elements (see process-based models below).

It is preferable to use a regionally-optimised and calibrated bioclimatic model ratherthan a general global model. Dedicated software is available for establishing the cli-matic relationships (e.g., BIOCLIM from the Australian National University, orDOMAIN from the Centre for International Forestry Research; see Carpenter et al.,1993), or it can be done using a combination of GIS software (such as IDRISI fromClark University) and spreadsheets. Previous studies can be used as a guide to thecombination of variables which is likely to be successful in predicting species limits.Typically they will include upper and lower moisture and temperature indicators. Thefollowing steps lay out a procedure for applying bioclimatic models (Box, 1980;Woodward, 1987; Prentice et al., 1992, 1993; Carpenter et al., 1993).

1. Establish the climatic thresholds which correspond to the distribution limits of aforest type or species. This is done by constructing a data file with each row cor-responding to a grid point on the gridded climate surface for the study area, and thecolumns to important climate variables. Add a column in which the presence (1) orabsence (0) of the forest type at that grid point (from the vegetation map) can benoted. Plot the presence or absence on a graph with one climatic variable on the x-axis and another on the y-axis, and look for the thresholds which separate presencefrom absence. Try all pairs of climatic indices. A more sophisticated approach usesmultivariate statistical techniques such as discriminant function analysis or neuralnetworks. Clear discrimination requires that the study area include a climate rangegreater than the limits for the forest type. If bioclimatic relationships already existfrom an appropriate study, this step can be skipped. Use half of the data toestablish the climatic relationships, and keep the rest for checking them.

2. Test the model by using the other half of the data to calculate whether forest shouldbe present or absent at a given point as predicted by the thresholds developedabove. Compare the predicted distribution to the actual distribution. Chi-squaretests can be used to calculate the statistical significance of the model.

3. Generate a climate surface for a given change scenario. This is usually done byadding a given amount to all the current temperature values, and adding or sub-tracting a given amount or proportion to the current precipitation values. Theclimate relationships can be used to predict the new forest distribution.

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4. Overlay the current and predicted forest distribution and calculate the areas of nochange, areas of forest loss, and areas of forest gain.

The principles underlying empirical bioclimatic modelling are not restricted to pre-dicting the presence and absence of forest types. They can also be used to predictvarious aspects of forest structure and function, such as biomass and productivity(Kellomäki and Kolström, 1994; Peterson and Peterson, 1994). Box 12.2 presents anapplication of an empirical bioclimatic model in Pakistan.

Box 12.2 Example: Application of BIOME3 in Pakistan.

Pakistan has a forest area of only 4.22 million hectares (4.8% of total area) for its populationof 130 million. A UNEP/GEF assisted study was carried out to determine potential impacts ofclimate change on natural forest ecosystems in Pakistan, especially on mountain forests inthe northern regions of the country, whose altitudinal pattern of vegetation follows latitudinalpatterns of vegetation found globally. The periods of the study were 1990-2020, 2020-2050,and 2050-2080, with a climatic change rate of 0.3oC rise in temperature and precipitationchanges of 0 %, +/-1 % per decade; 1990 was the base year. In addition, the current atmos-pheric CO2 concentration of 350 ppmv was assumed to increase to 425 ppmv in 2020, 500ppmv in 2050, and 575 ppmv in 2080. The BIOME3 model was used for computer simulationof climate change impacts. The model inputs consisted of latitude, soil texture class, andmonthly climate data on a 0.5o grid. Current and future potential area and net primaryproductivity (NPP) of nine forest types or biomes were simulated with the help of the model. Ofthese, three biomes (alpine tundra, grassland/arid woodlands, and deserts) showed reductionsin their area and five biomes (cold conifer/mixed woodland, cold conifer /mixed forests,temperate conifer/ mixed forests, warm conifer/mixed forests, and steppe/arid shrublands)showed increases in their area as a result of climate change.

Enhanced CO2 concentration in the atmosphere appeared to have a pronounced positive effecton the potential area of all forest biomes except xerophytic woods and scrubs. NPP wasincreased in all scenarios and in all biomes. However, there is a possibility of forest diebackoccurring before the dominant forest types have enough time to adjust to changed climate bythemselves. There would also be a time lag before forests could migrate to new sites. In theintervening period, they would be vulnerable to environmental and socio-economic disturb-ances, e.g., erosion, deforestation, and land-use changes, as a result of increase in humanand livestock population and enhanced demand for forest goods and services.

Thus, the overall impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems of Pakistan could be nega-tive, and a number of adaptation strategies would be needed to cope with these impacts.These include planting of more tolerant tree species, increased forest fire control, increasedforest products processing efficiency, use of wood substitute materials, provision of financialassistance to forest communities affected by climate change, provision of subsidy onsubstitute fuels and building materials for people of hilly regions, change from productive toprotective functions of forests, and establishment of forest corridors to assist in forestmigration. These strategies would also improve the forest deficient situation in Pakistan evenin the absence of climate change, and therefore would constitute win-win or no-regret options.

Process-based models

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Process-based models are also known as mechanistic models, since they strive to re-present what is known about the mechanisms which link their inputs to their outputs.They are usually more complex (and therefore more data-intensive) than empiricalmodels, and do not necessarily give more accurate estimates for the current climate.However, they have the advantage of being more reliable when extrapolating smallamounts beyond the data range for which they were developed. In most cases they areable to predict the time course of the change as well as the steady-state solution (andthus they are referred to as dynamic or transient models).

Bioclimatic models increasingly include some process-based relationships. For instance,many of the vegetation distribution models are based on the water and energy balanceof plants rather than simply on annual precipitation, and use physiological limits ratherthan arbitrary climatological limits (Friend et al., 1993).

There are some highly detailed physiologically-based growth models for monospecific,even-aged plantation forestry stands. An example is the model developed by McMurtrieet al. (1990) for Pinus radiata in Australia.

There is an important class of forest models which simulate the establishment, growth,and death of a large number of individual trees within an area. They are typicallyapplied to mixed-species forests, since they can project the outcome, over time, of theinteraction of many different species. These are known as succession, patch, or gapmodels (Shugart and West, 1980; Shugart, 1984). They are based on information aboutthe longevity, growth rate, and environmental requirements (such as shade tolerance) ofindividual species. This information can be obtained from forest handbooks or expertjudgement in well-researched parts of the world, but may be hard to obtain for species-rich forests in less well-studied countries. Succession models are especially useful forestimating changes in species composition under altered disturbance regimes (such asmore or less frequent storms or fires). Since they explicitly follow the demography ofthe trees, they are well-suited to transient analyses over a period of a few decades to acentury.

The theory underlying succession models is so fundamental that they can in principle beapplied to any forest; however, finding realistic parameter values to calibrate them for anew situation, and data sets on species composition changes over long periods of timefor validating their output, is a major research task which can take several years.Therefore, unless this information is already available, it is unlikely that successionmodels can be used with confidence. Succession models, because they track thousandsof trees in thousands of forest stands, require powerful computing resources. Runningthem for an entire country would require a supercomputer. In general, a stratified sub-sample of plots is simulated, which can be achieved on a desktop computer. For anexample of a gap model applied in a country study, see Box 12.3.

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Box 12.3 Using a gap model to estimate the rate of species compositionchange in the forests of Estonia.

Two study sites were chosen in central and western Estonia, representing different climate andforest types. The FORET model (Shugart, 1984) was set up for the two sites using locally-determined parameters for 13 tree species, and run to simulate 500 years of forest develop-ment under three climate scenarios. Under the current climate, the model reproduced theobserved patterns of succession at the sites, and projected a long-term composition similar tothat which occurred at the sites. Under warmer, drier conditions, Scots pine became dominantafter a period of 50 to 100 years. Under warmer, wetter conditions, Norway spruce dominatedafter about 200 years. In both cases other species were prominent during the transition period.

Although succession models can predict forest productivity under current conditions, intheir simplest form they are unlikely to do so reliably for conditions which differmarkedly from the stands where the calibration data were collected. This is becausethey are based on plant demography rather than on ecosystem energetics or nutrientcycling. Biogeochemical models are probably more robust for projecting changes inproduction and the carbon cycle of the forest under a changed environment, especiallywhere that change involves inadvertent fertilisation with CO2. Most biogeochemicalmodels simulate the water and nitrogen cycles to some degree, and use these cycles toconstrain a carbon budget derived from some representation of photosynthesis.

Biogeochemical models range greatly in complexity and focus. Models such asMAESTRO (Wang and Jarvis, 1990; Jarvis, 1993) or BIOMASS (McMurtrie et al.,1990) simulate the radiation regime in the forest canopy in great detail, and use it todrive transpiration and photosynthesis. CENTURY (Parton et al., 1988) has very sim-ple photosynthetic and transpiration routines, but models the transformation of nutrients(especially nitrogen and phosphorus) in the soil in relatively great detail. TEM (Melilloet al., 1993) treats the carbon and water cycle very simply, and as a consequence can beapplied almost everywhere; but the output includes little detail on forest products.Forest-BGC (Running and Coughlan, 1988) is somewhere in between.

Most biogeochemical models include some way of varying the atmospheric CO2 con-centration and nitrogen deposition rate (Martin, 1992; McGuire et al., 1993), and so areessential for studying these aspects of global change, which occur simultaneously withclimate change. They can be used as transient models, but where the main time lags aredue to demographic processes rather than the slow turnover of nutrient pools, they willnot capture the dynamic response very accurately. The data requirements vary in bothtype and amount with the complexity of the model. In general, biogeochemical modelsare intermediate between bioclimatic models and succession models in terms of dataneeds. Most require monthly precipitation and temperature and some information aboutplant types (initial biomass and nutrient content) and soil type (texture, carbon andnitrogen content). These data are obtainable for most sites with a modest researcheffort. The more sophisticated models also require details of the canopy architecture,photosynthetic parameters, and allocation patterns between leaves, wood, and roots,which can be obtained only after an intensive research effort.

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There is an emerging class of hybrid model which attempts to marry the best features ofthe bioclimatic, succession, and biogeochemical models (Comins and McMurtrie, 1993;Friend et al., 1993). They are still under development, and consequently are not yetwidely available. When they do become available they will inevitably be relatively data-intensive. Economic models

Most economic models of the forest sector, or which include the forest sector, areknown as input-output models (Arthur and van Kooten, 1989; Rosenberg, 1993). Thesedivide the forest sector into a number of subsectors, each of which requires inputs ingiven ratios from other subsectors or from sources outside the model, and producesoutputs for use in other subsectors or as model outputs. Examples of inputs are variousraw materials, capital, and labour. Outputs include products and wastes. Intransforming inputs into outputs, the subsector adds value to the product.

Dynamic economic models can also be applied to the forest sector. These models allowthe price of forest products to vary according to supply and demand, given certainassumptions about the elasticity of the price curve. As a result of the changing relativeprices, different subsectors or resources are favoured over others. Examples of suchmodels are TAMM (Joyce et al., 1995) and GCTM (Peres-Garcia et al., 1995). Wherethe biophysical changes in the forest sector are predicted to be large, it would beadvisable to use a dynamic economic model rather than an input-output model, giventhat the quantity of timber reaching the market is likely to alter substantially, and thuschange the nature of the market. Integrated models

Integrated models attempt to deal with biophysical processes and socio-economicprocesses, and their interactions, simultaneously (Rosenberg, 1993). For instance, ifforest productivity goes down, the price of forest products will increase in compensa-tion. A further meaning of integration is across sectors, preventing, for instance, theagricultural and forest sectors from both occupying the same piece of land in a futurescenario. Although integrated modelling is obviously ideal, it is currently achieved bysacrificing detail within the sub-modules. The IMAGE 2.0 model is an example(Alcamo, 1994). It runs at a global scale, and therefore has little national-level resolu-tion, but tries to capture some of the main interactions between the biological, socio-economic, climate, and ocean systems. It does not explicitly handle forests as a sector,but does model the distribution of forests.

Fully-integrated models are currently beyond the reach of most national assessments,but some of the advantages can be had by applying stand-alone models within anintegrated, systematic framework where the outputs of one model become inputs toanother. An overall strategy for applying models systematically to the issue of globalchange assessment in the forest sector is suggested:

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1. Use a bioclimatic model to predict future steady-state forest distributions under arange of plausible climate change scenarios.

2. Use historical analogues and life-history information to estimate how long it mighttake for the forest boundary to migrate that distance, and use this information tospeculate about what may happen during the transition period and to modify thesteady-state prediction if it is unlikely to be reached in the assessment period.

3. Use a gap model, applied at the edge and middle of the current distribution of eachforest type, to predict species composition changes and the transient biomassresponse under a change in the disturbance regime.

4. Use a biogeochemistry model to predict changes in productivity and carbon stocksin each forest type, with and without the effects of elevated CO2 concentration (and,where appropriate, nitrogen deposition).

5. Use an economic and demographic model to project the demand for forest productsand the land area which is likely to be available to satisfy the demand.

12.2.5 Testing the method Feasibility studies

The first step in a feasibility study is a thorough synthesis of what is already knownabout forest and climate in the study area, and in related areas. A recent review of thetopic will provide an entry point; this can be followed up by browsing recent editions ofjournals which regularly publish on this topic. A search conducted on a CD-ROMdatabase such as the TREE-CD (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International) forthe keywords “forest” and “climate” is an efficient way of locating recent research. AnInternet search engine can be used with similar keywords to locate recent assessments.Recent review articles provide an overview of the subject (e.g., see Gates, 1993). Localor regional journals and local forest experts can provide a list of relevant work; much ofit may be in unpublished reports. Government offices and research institutes often havea great deal of useful information, for example, a central statistical office, departmentsof forestry and agriculture, and the meteorological service.

The next step is to define the forest types which occur in the study area, and then stra-tify the study area by forest types and by zones of similar climate. A series of simpleclimate change scenarios based on the regional output of GCMs could be used, forinstance, an increase in temperature of 1-4°C and an appropriate increase and decreasein precipitation (15-20 percent is a realistic order). See Chapter 3 for details on climatechange scenarios. Simple bioclimatic models, regional analogies, and expert judgementcan provide qualitative statements about what might happen to forest extent andproductivity in each of the forest type/climate zone combinations. This is often mosteffectively done by convening a workshop of four to eight experts drawn from a variety

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of relevant fields such as forestry, ecology, and climatology. One way of summarisingthe results is to record the estimated severity of impacts (rated on a scale of 1 to 3) in amatrix. Table 12.2 gives an example. The row and column sums of the matrix give anindication of which forest types and which impacts deserve most of the attention in themain study; they do not constitute reliable estimates in their own right.

Table 12.2 An example of a qualitative assessment matrixa.

A. Foresttype/climate

B. Areaoccupied

For a scenario of X°C temperature increase and Y%change in precipitation


zone oreconomicimportance

C. Changein extent

D. Changein species

E. Changein woodproduction

F. Impacton otherforestproducts


Type 1 3 large 3 high 1 low 3 high 3 high 30Type 2 1 small 3 high 2 medium 2 medium 2 medium 9Type 3 2 medium 1 low 1 low 1 low 2 medium 10

Column totalof types1+2+3

7 4 6 7

a In this example Type 1 forests need the most attention, and all the major change factorsother than species change are equally important. Data acquisition and compilation

The minimum data needed are listed in Table 12.3, and Table 12.4 lists the key varia-bles driving forest impacts. If the minimum data set is not available for the study area,then one of the coarse-resolution global data sets may be needed (for example, theGlobal Ecosystems Database on CD-ROM from the National Geophysical Data Centerin Boulder, Colorado, USA). Sometimes the data exist, but are not in a form which canbe easily used. In this case a data collation or conversion project is needed before themain assessment can begin. Where the data do not exist, and a long time series is notnecessary, it may be possible to collect new data in time to satisfy the needs of theassessment. Model testing

Once the main issues have been defined and the available data have been located, it ispossible to identify the types of models than can be used. Obtain an example of thechosen models by writing to the owners of the model (a fee may be required to obtain acopy), and attempt to calibrate and test it for a few sites. This will rapidly reveal whatdata are needed, whether the model is appropriate or not, and the resources needed to doa full analysis. Use the model to perform a sensitivity analysis. In its simplest form, thisis done by adjusting the values of the driving variables and site-specific parameters upand down by small amounts (1, 2, 5, and 10 percent) to see what impact an error in the

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data or assumptions has on the conclusions reached. This will act as a guide to thequality of data needed (Frischlin et al., 1995).

Table 12.3 Minimum data needs.

Core data: needed for a basicassessment and in severaladvanced assessments

• A map of the current location of forests (broadly definedto include all tree-rich ecosystems), by type, at 1:5Mscale, or finer.

• Current climate data for the forested and non-forestedarea, expressed as gridded monthly surfaces ofprecipitation, maximum and minimum temperature andpotential evaporation, at a grid scale of 0.5° or finer (arough guide to the appropriate resolution would be thelongitudinal and/or latitudinal range of the study areadivided by 100).

• The current output of the forest sector, in terms of thevalue of wood products (in both the commercial and non-commercial sectors) and other forest goods and services.These data should preferably be at the scale of less thanthe whole country — for instance, by district.

• Projections of population growth and economicdevelopment for the study period.

• Estimates of the production of the various forest typesunder the current climate.

Additional data: needed foradvanced assessments

For biogeochemical modelling

• Soil data, including at least texture, percent carbon,percent nitrogen for all sites

• Time-series of production or standing crop data for a fewsites for model validation

For succession modelling

• Demographic data (establishment rate, growth rate,longevity) for all major tree species

• Stand inventories for model initialisation

• Information on long-term succession patterns for modelvalidation

For economic modelling

• Data on the inputs needed for every sub-component ofthe forest sector, the outputs generated, and the valueadded at each stage

For integrated biophysical and socio-economic modelling

• Data on the feedback between climate, humandemography, and resource needs.

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Table 12.4. Key variables which drive forest impacts.

1. Climate1.1 Temperature

1.1.1 monthly means1.1.2 extremes of maximum and minimum temperatures1.1.3 with which temperatures fall below (or above) key biological limits such as 0°

and 35°C1.1.4 accumulated degree-days in spring1.1.5 the rate at which the mean temperature changes (°C/decade)

1.2 Evapotranspiration (from radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind)1.2.1 monthly means

1.3 Precipitation (rain, snow and mist)1.3.1 monthly means1.3.2 frequency of droughts (water balance modelling, using 1.2.1 and 1.3.1)1.3.3 fire climate (related to 1.3.2, 1.1.1)

1.4 Wind1.4.1 frequency of extreme events (hurricanes, cyclones)

2. Atmosphere2.1 mean annual CO2 concentration2.2 duration of exceedence of phytotoxic levels of ozone2.3 duration of exceedence of phytotoxic levels of SO2

3. Nutrients3.1 wet and dry deposition of nitrogen3.2 wet and dry deposition of sulphur

4. Land use4.1 rate of deforestation or afforestation4.2 rotation length (average period between harvests) Indicators of change

Indicators of change which can be predicted from models and verified in the fieldconstitute a powerful model test and are an important way of building confidence inyour predictions. The problem lies in selecting indicators which are sensitive, easilydefined, observed, and interpreted, and have a high signal-to-noise ratio. Early andunequivocal warning of change may be given by focusing on locations and processeswhich are particularly sensitive to the climate. An example is the location of the treeline, either on an altitudinal gradient or on a latitudinal gradient (Bonan and Sirois,1992; Hogg, 1994). The same principle can be applied to looking at the location of thelimit of distribution of an individual species. Tree phenology (the dates on which keyphysiological events occur, such as bud-break, flowering, fruit-set, and leaf-fall) istypically co-ordinated in temperate plants by a combination of temperature and lightsignals (Kramer, 1994; Sparks and Carey, 1995). Phenology is easily recorded, even byvolunteer networks, and in some cases may be amenable to remote sensing. The point isnot to use the plant as a surrogate thermometer (rather just use a thermometer), but tounderstand and illustrate the biologically-integrated consequences of a set of linked

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changes. Litter accumulation integrates several climatic and environmental effects(Meentemeyer, 1978).

The location, spread, and intensity of tree diseases or pest outbreaks may be climate-sensitive, but they are also sensitive to many other factors, including air pollution andstand management, which complicate the interpretation of observations. Tree growthrate, as recorded by annual growth rings, is a long-term indicator of growth conditions,including climate.

12.2.6 Summary of methods

A brief overview of the methods which can be used is provided in Table 12.5.

12.3 Scenarios

The topic of scenarios in general is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. There will typicallybe a team developing scenarios for use by all the sector assessments. They will need toknow what the input data requirements are, in order to provide scenarios which arespecific for the forest sector, such as the projected future per capita timber use or theplanned growth in wood exports.

Even in the absence of climate change, the future of the forest sector is unlikely to beexactly the same as the current state, due to changes in socio-economic factors and non-climate variables such as acid deposition.

12.3.1 Climatological baseline

The dynamics of forest ecosystems are especially dependent on rare extreme eventssuch as wind storms and droughts, which are difficult to quantify accurately using ashort-term climate record. The record from which their frequency is estimated should beas long as possible.

12.3.2 Socio-economic baseline

The socio-economic baseline includes documentation of the current extent and locationof the various forest types. Land cover maps are the most suitable source of thisinformation, since vegetation maps usually depict the “potential” vegetation (that whichis postulated to occur in the absence of human disturbance) rather than the “actual”vegetation. Where land cover maps are not available, high resolution satellite imagesand aerial photographs are the most reliable way of constructing them. Unverified landcover statistics based on district- or national-level expert judgements are oftenunreliable. A number of international and regional land cover exercises currently inprogress may provide data for the study area. The IGBP-DIS global 1 km land cover

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project (Townshend, 1992) and the European Union TREES project (JRC, 1996) areexamples.

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Table 12.5 Summary of methods suggested for assessing the impacts of climate change on forests.

Method Dataneeds

Cost Assumptions Timeneeds


Skills Output Validation

Experimentation High High Low High Experimentstations

Foresters,ecologists,research scientists

Detailed butlocation specific

Not needed exceptfor extrapolation


Low Medium Many Medium Microscopes,labs


Qualitative,spatially patchy

Not possible


Low Low Many Medium Maps, GIS Bio-geographers Maps, bioclimaticmodels

Reserve some data


Low Low Many Lows Scenarios Mix of disciplines,experience

Broad, qualitativeand general

Not possible


Medium Low Many Low Calculator, PC Bioclimatologists,statisticians

Quantitative, butuncertain for largeextrapolations

Reserve some data


High Medium Few Medium PC Modellers,ecophysiologists

Maps, time-series.Quantitative anddetailed

Essential. Tryhistorical orregional validation


Mediumto high

Medium Many Medium PC Forest/agricultural/resourceeconomists


Necessary butdifficult


High High Medium Medium Work station Modelling plusother disciplines

Spatial,quantitative,moderatelydetailed, timeseries

Necessary butdifficult

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Many herbaria keep accurate records on the distribution of individual species. Addi-tional information about the forest types, such as the soil (particularly the depth andtexture) or topographical situations under which they occur, may be useful in inter-preting their distribution and predicting where the forests may occur in the future.

Other than climate and land use, the most important changes are the effects of thesteadily-increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and the consequences of air-borne pollutionin areas downwind of industrial and urban centres. Elevated CO2 concentration isexpected to increase photosynthesis and water use efficiency within forests (by up to 30percent for doubled CO2), which may be manifest as an increase in growth rates ifsufficient nutrients are available (Wang and Polglase, 1995). Since the global atmos-phere is relatively well-mixed, CO2 data from any of the global monitoring stations canbe used, as well as scenarios of increasing CO2 from the IPCC (see Chapter 3).

The deposition of nitrogen, which results mainly from the burning of fossil fuels and thevolatilisation of nitrogen from fertilised fields, also tends to increase net primaryproduction in a large region downwind of major source areas (Townsend et al., 1995).In nitrogen-limited systems, this increase could be large. Globally, the growth-enhanc-ing effect of nitrogen deposition is believed to be about one-half that of elevated CO2

(Schimel, 1995). If the deposition continues at high rates for long periods, and is ac-companied by the deposition of sulphur (acid rain), it may eventually lead to ecosystemdegradation, tree death, and loss of carbon (Schulze et al., 1989). Nitrogen depositionrates can be obtained from acid rain measuring networks, or they can be estimated bycombining knowledge of the nitrogen gas emission sources with dispersion anddeposition models. There are global estimated deposition fields of this sort (Galloway etal., 1994).

High concentrations of O3 and SO2 can be detrimental to forest growth (McLaughlinand Downing, 1995). These usually occur close to major urban and industrial centres,especially where the regional topography and climatology allow pollutants to accumu-late and be exposed to bright sunlight.

The long-term effects of nutrient depletion due to repeated wood harvest need to beconsidered where harvests are frequent and constitute a large fraction of the biomass.This is especially important in tropical countries, where the tree rotation is short and thesoils are inherently infertile.

Trends in the spread and severity of forest pests, diseases, weeds, and fires must also beconsidered. Bear in mind that if such trends exist, they may be linked to subtle climatechanges.

The socio-economic baseline should contain a description of how the forests arecurrently used and managed. How many people are currently engaged in forest enter-prises, or depend on the forests for a living? Where do they live? What is the ownershippattern (communal, leasehold, or freehold)? What is the location of roads, railways, andother infrastructure which allow access to the forest resource? Information on otherland uses may also be relevant where they result in the clearing of forests or the creation

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of new forests. An example of the former is the clearing of forests to create pastures orcroplands; an example of the latter is the set-aside policy in developed countries whereland is removed from agriculture and allowed to revert to forest.

Forest management includes the harvest policy (clear-felling or selective extraction),rotation length, species planted, regulations governing where forests may be planted orharvested, and the use of fertilisers and pesticides.

The current demand for forest products must be quantified, in both the informal andformal sectors. The latter typically includes a within-country and export component.Historical data showing the trend in demand and in demand-influencing factors such aspopulation and economic growth help to guide socio-economic scenario generation.

A socio-economic baseline study is very useful, but should not be allowed to consume adisproportionate fraction of the resources at the expense of producing well-considered,coherent scenarios.

12.3.4 Limits of predictability

The forest sector is characterised by a relatively long planning horizon, imposed by thefact that trees require many years between germination and harvest. Substantial changesin the location or species composition of natural and semi-natural forests will probablyrequire several centuries. Changes in the location and species composition of short-rotation plantation forests, on the other hand, can take place within as little as a decadeor two. It is not possible to develop reliable climate and socio-economic scenarios for aperiod of several centuries. Predictions of changes in these factors should not be basedon a single run of a very sophisticated model, since the long-range input data arespeculative. A more robust strategy would be to use a relatively simple model whichallows multiple runs with a variety of scenarios. Historical analogues can provide apicture of the magnitude and type of change that can be expected.

Changes in forest productivity can occur within months or years in response to climate,environment, or management changes. The formal forest sector relies on large fixedinvestments such as roads, sawmills, and pulp mills, which have an investment lifetimeof several decades. Scenarios spanning 20 to 100 years are reasonable for assessmentsof forest productivity.

12.3.5 Point-in-time or continuous scenarios

Given the relatively slow response rate of many forest processes, continuous (transient)scenarios should be used rather than point-in-time (equilibrium) scenarios whereverpossible (Solomon, 1986). When continuous scenarios are used, it may nevertheless behelpful to express the results at a few discrete points in time.

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12.4 Autonomous adaptation

Autonomous adaptations are the responses to climate change that will happen withoutpolicy interventions. All ecological, social, and economic systems have some degree ofinherent adaptability, or they would not survive. The chances of autonomous ad-justment are good if the climate change is very gradual relative to the inherent rate ofchange in the system and to changes which have occurred during the evolution of thesystem. The climate change which is anticipated to occur in the coming century isconsiderably more rapid than climate changes which have occurred in the past. Thepotential for autonomous change in the ecological aspects of the forest sector istherefore limited.

Forestry enterprises routinely adjust the species, cultivars, and areas which they plantand harvest in response to market supply and demand signals. In tropical countries,where the rotation length is short, these decisions may be able to keep up with a rapidly-changing climate. In temperate and boreal forests, where trees may take a hundred yearsor more to reach harvest size, the current market may not send useful information aboutfuture supply and demand.

Tactical decisions are required to follow shifts in the optimum growing areas forforests, because this requires the building of expensive infrastructure such as mills androads. This infrastructure would be expected to have an economic life of severaldecades, and would not be expected to be moved as a matter of routine.

The forest assessment should examine each of the impacts resulting from climatechange and pose the question of to what degree would the ecosystem, social, or eco-nomic system be able to adjust to this impact without assistance from the outside. Onlyimpacts where the capacity for autonomous adjustment is thought to be inadequate tomatch the rate of change should be carried forward to the next section.

12.5 Planned adaptation

Planned adaptation is defined here as those responses which require deliberate policydecisions. Note that policy is made not only by governments, but at many other levelsas well, including supra-national (such as the United Nations) and sub-national levels(such as the management teams of forest-industry corporations).

Adaptation strategies will usually be suggested by the analysis of impacts. Eachadaptation strategy can be assessed by following these steps.

12.5.1 Define the objectives of adaptation

The forest sector could have a variety of objectives in undertaking an adaptationstrategy. To name a few, they could be to maintain a given level or value of production,to provide a certain number of livelihoods, or to preserve a particular set of species.

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The sector will frequently have several simultaneous objectives, or different sub-sectorsmay have different objectives. It is unlikely that all these objectives will be perfectlycompatible: some degree of prioritisation of trade-off is inevitable. National objectivesmay override forest-sector objectives; for instance, a loss of forestry jobs may in somecountries be more than compensated by an increase in agricultural employment.

For objectives to be useful it must be possible to measure their success. This is done bydefining one or more evaluation criteria. For instance, if the objective is to maintainbiodiversity, the criterion might be the fraction of the area contained in formallyconserved areas.

12.5.2 Specify the climatic impacts and locations of greatestimportance

The scope of the analysis can be reduced if it can be restricted to the climatic impactsand locations most in need of adaptation. The impact assessment will have indicatedwhich components of the forest sector are most at risk, or where the greatest beneficialimpacts are likely. For instance, it may be a particular forest type, or a particulargeographical area, or an industry based on a particular forest product. The adaptationstrategy should focus on these subsectors.

12.5.3 Identify adaptation options

The purpose of the climate change impacts assessment is not only to provide warning ofpotential threats but also to offer constructive options which will minimise the costs andmaximise the benefits of change. This list of options needs to be as comprehensive anddetailed as is practical. The following five general types of adaptation may act as aguide to what to look for.

1. Change the species or varieties planted and harvested.

2. Allow the size of the sector to decrease or increase, for instance by shifting landinto or out of agriculture or other uses.

3. Increase the efficiency with which forest raw materials are converted to forestproducts.

4. Shift the geographical location of the industry to match the area of optimumpotential.

5. Change the product mix to utilise new species or size classes; for instance, byproducing particle boards instead of sawn timber.

Forest examples could include the planting of tree cultivars which are more tolerant tochanges in temperature or drought, increased investment in fire prevention, and controlof the spread of new diseases.

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Small decreases in forest productivity may be tolerable to the sector, especially if thereis advance warning. The industry could adapt by downsizing, by increasing itsprocessing efficiency to compensate for the loss, or by substituting raw material inputsgrown locally with those from elsewhere.

This includes all measures to share the loss beyond the sector or region where it hasoccurred. For instance, financial assistance from governments to assist in the relocationof forestry enterprises shares the cost across all taxpayers.

A shift in the species harvested represents a within-sector change of activity. Replace-ment of forest by agriculture would be a change of activities between sectors.

The location of forest sector activities may need to move to follow the areas of optimumtree production. This has implications for the location of costly fixed infrastructuresuch as sawmills and pulp mills. The cost of transporting timber products from thepoint of growth to the market is usually a significant component of forest enterpriseviability.

12.5.4 Examine the constraints

Forestry is a relatively long-term activity because of the fundamental biological con-straints imposed by the growth rate of the trees and the economic constraints imposedby large fixed investments. There are ecological constraints on where forests can grow,determined principally by the interaction of climate and soil. Within the area ofecological potential, it may not be feasible to establish forests everywhere because ofthe presence of competing land uses such as agriculture, conserved land, and urbansettlement. Some forest sector workers have specialised skills which cannot be appliedin other sectors without retraining. Some human communities in forested regions have aculture which is deeply embedded in their location and activity, and cannot be movedwithout great social disruption.

12.5.5 Quantify measures and formulate alternate strategies

Each proposed action must be measured against the objectives set for adaptation, usingthe evaluation criteria defined for the objective. It is important to assess the actionsaccording to several criteria and to keep in mind the uncertainty associated with theimpact scenarios. The minimum criteria should be cost, robustness, and effectiveness.The robustness of an action is its ability to remain beneficial under a wide range ofscenarios, and its effectiveness is the probability of achieving the objective.

The method of evaluation will almost always involve models of some kind. Usually theywill be the same models that were used in impact assessment, but now applied assimulation games to search for an optimal solution. For example, forest gap modelscould be run for existing forest areas using different species to estimate future pro-ductivity if the adaptation option is to change the species planted or harvested. If the

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adaptation is to shift the location, forest productivity models could be run with the samespecies, but in new locations. Where the adaptation involves changing the land use,economic models may be needed to understand the costs and benefits as well asproduction models specific to the future land use.

12.6 Summary and implications

Forests and the human activities which depend on them are sensitive to climate changefor two main reasons: the biological processes which underlie their distribution,composition, and productivity are under strong climatic control; and the time scale ofadjustment of both the biological and socio-economic systems involved in forestry is ofthe order of decades. The changes imposed by rapid land use and land cover changes inforest regions, and by the rising carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere, arefactors which act additively and interactively with climate change to increase pressureon forest resources, but make the analysis more difficult.

The state of knowledge of the response of forest ecosystems to climate change is farfrom perfect, but a basic toolkit of techniques can be applied anywhere in the world toget at least an indication of the direction and probable magnitude of change for a givenclimate scenario. At this stage the uncertainties in assessing the impacts of climatechange on forests are not substantially greater than the uncertainties in the climatechange scenarios themselves, and in particular in the estimates of changes inprecipitation, which is critical for forestry function. At a local or regional scale, themodels and information available in some parts of the world are relatively sophisticated.It is important to understand and communicate both the inherent natural variability offorests and the uncertainty of predictions, as well as the model estimates, while notunnecessarily obscuring the main issues in the mind of the reader.

The basic analytic toolkit consists of bioclimatic models for defining the climatic en-velope of forest types, and thus potential shifts in distribution and composition, andproductivity models for estimating their performance under different climates. Coupledto these are models of the economic dependencies within the forest sector and betweenthe forest and other sectors. All the models can range from the purely statistical to thosewith a high level of process detail. As yet there are few truly integrated models offorestry within the context of global change, including its human dimensions; those thatexist either are regional or have insufficient detail on forests to be helpful. Pragmatismwill drive the decision on which models to use. Several different approaches to the sameproblem are recommended. Ancillary data and insights can be had from regional inter-comparisons (i.e., look to a region which currently has a climate similar to thatpredicted for the target region, and see what happens there) and from paleo-ecologicaldata.

It is a good strategy to undertake an impact study in two phases, spending a fifth to athird of the effort and resources in a “scoping” phase, based on simple models, expert

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judgement, and readily-available information, which serves to define the handful of keyissues which require more intensive study.

There are strong two-way links between forest impacts and several other sectors, sum-marised in Table 12.6. This alone necessitates a two-phase approach, to allow the feed-forward and feedback processes to be taken into account.

Table 12.6 Linkages between forest and other sector impacts.

Sector Impact from Forest Impact on Forest

Wildlife and biodiversity Change in habitat area or quality Change in non-timberproducts

Agriculture Shared bioclimatic and production modellingapproaches, therefore similar data and analysis needs

Land use Loss or gain of non-forest area Loss or gain of forest area

Water resources Change in the afforested area ofthe catchment

Water availability for saw andpulp mills and log transport

Energy Supply of fuelwood and charcoal Demand for biomass energy,cost of harvesting andprocessing timber, aciddeposition


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Ryan, M.G., E.R. Hunt, R.E. McMurtrie, G.I. Agren, J.D. Aber, A.D. Friend, E.B.Rastetter, W.M. Puliam, R.J. Raison, and S. Linder. 1996. Comparing models ofecosystem function for temperate conifer forests: I. Model description and validation. InGlobal Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands, A.I. Breymeyer, D.O.Hall, J.M. Melillo, and G.I. Agren (eds). SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems ofthe Environment) 56. John Wiley, Chichester, United Kingdom, pp. 313-362.

Schimel, D.S. 1995. Terrestrial ecosystems and the carbon cycle. Global Change Biology1: 77-91.

Scholes, R.J. and M.R. van der Merwe. 1996. Sequestration of carbon in savannas andwoodlands. The Environmental Professional 18, 96-103.

Schulze, E.-D., W. De Vries, M. Hauhs, K. Rosén, L. Rasmussen, C.-O. Tamm, and J.Nilsson. 1989. Critical loads for nitrogen deposition in forest ecosystems. Water Air andSoil Pollution 48, 451-456.

Shugart, H.H. 1984. A Theory of Forest Dynamics. Springer Verlag, New York.

Shugart, H.H. and D.C. West. 1980. Forest succession models. Bioscience 30, 308-313.

Shugart, H.H., P.J. Michaels, T.M. Smith, D.A. Weinstein, and E.B. Rastetter. 1988.Simulation models of forest succession. In Scales and Global Change: Spatial andTemporal Variability in Biospheric and Geospheric Processes, T. Rosswall, R.G.Woodmansee, P.G. Risser (eds). SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of theEnvironment) 35. John Wiley, Chichester, United Kingdom, pp. 125-150.

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Smith, T.M. and H.H. Shugart. 1993. The transient response of terrestrial carbon storage toa perturbed climate. Nature 361, 523-526.

Smith, T.M., H.H. Shugart, G.B. Bonan, J.B. Smith, and F.I. Woodward. 1992. Modelingthe potential response of vegetation to global climate change: The ecologicalconsequences of global climate change. Advances in Ecological Research 22, 93-116.

Solomon, A.M. 1986. Transient responses of forests to CO2 induced climate change:Simulation modeling experiments in eastern north America. Oecologia 68, 567-569.

Sparks, T.H. and P.D. Carey. 1995. The responses of species to climate over two centuries:An analysis of the Marsham phenological record, 1736-1947. Journal of Ecology 83,321-329.

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13Lead Author Contributing AuthorsJay R. Malcolm 1 Antony W. Diamond, Canada

Adam Markham, USAFrancis X. Mkanda, MalawiAnthony M. Starfield, USA

13.1 Nature of the problem

Biodiversity is short for biological diversity, the variety of life and its associated pro-cesses. As defined by Hunter (1996, p. 19), it is "the diversity of life in all of its forms,and at all levels of organisation." The term has been criticised as too all-inclusive, but itdoes succinctly embody the idea of the extraordinary diversity and complexity of life onearth. It includes all organisms, their genetic variation, and the diversity of ways inwhich they interact with each other and their physical environment

As summarised in the Convention on Biological Diversity, biodiversity has intrinsicvalue. It also provides many direct and indirect benefits to human populations:

• Maintenance of life-sustaining systems.

• Possibilities for future evolution of the biosphere.

• Ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational,and aesthetic services for human populations. These services range from harvesting

1 Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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of individual wildlife species, to production of clean water and air, to aestheticwilderness values, to global biogeochemical cycling.

• Genetic resources of critical importance for meeting food, health and other needs ofthe world population.

• Biological resources that support traditional activities of many indigenous and localcommunities.

13.1.1 Important climate change impacts in the biodiversitysector

Recent reviews on the impacts of a changing climate on biodiversity include Malcolmand Markham (1997) and Walker and Steffen (1997). Conclusions from these studiesinclude the following:

• Species will respond differently to climate change because of differences in com-petitive abilities, migration rates, and responses to disturbance, and in other ways.Thus, new combinations of species will arise. This “reorganisation” in speciescomposition has as yet unknown consequences for ecosystem functioning.

• Many species may be able to disperse fast enough to keep up with projected climatechange provided they can disperse through continuous, relatively undisturbed,natural ecosystems. This emphasises the important consequences of fragmentationof natural ecosystems.

• Depending on the rate of climate change, other niche parameters may not change atsame rate as climate, resulting in novel habitat combinations that species have notexperienced before.

• Changes in the relative timing of seasonal events during the yearly cycle may havestrong negative impacts for many species, especially migratory ones.

• Invasion of alien species into natural ecosystems is an increasing problem world-wide which is likely to be exacerbated by climate change. Disturbance and diebackwill probably increase as more long-lived organisms (trees) are farther from theiroptimal environmental envelopes and subject to increasing pressure from land usechange. An increase in disturbance will lead to more ecosystems in earlysuccessional states, resulting in a generally “weedier”, structurally simpler bio-sphere with fewer systems in a more ecologically complex, old-growth state.

• Markedly different effects of climate change on species composition will occurwithin individual landscapes because of local effects of soil, land use, and topo-graphic variation.

• Reductions in the area of “cold-adapted” ecosystems such as arctic and alpineecosystems are expected, with negative impacts for arctic and alpine species.

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13.1.2 Goals of an assessment

The goal of a biodiversity assessment is to evaluate the potential impact of climatechange on biodiversity attributes, including structural attributes such as species andgenetic diversity, and functional attributes such as ecosystem properties and processes.The chapter outlines management options that can be used to adapt to climate changeand (if possible) avoid some of its negative impacts. A comprehensive assessment willinclude both structural and functional approaches.

13.1.3 The study area

The study area typically consists of the lands of the national territory. However,because species and ecosystems frequently extend beyond national borders, a sub-continental, continental, or even inter-continental approach is sometimes necessary. Thespatial and temporal resolution of the assessment will in many cases be determined bythe resolution of the required data sets. The ultimate utility and acceptability of theresults may be influenced by levels of co-operation at national, regional, andinternational levels.

13.2 An array of methods

Because of the diverse scope for climate change impact and adaptation assessment inthe biodiversity sector, this section follows a hierarchical approach that allows theassessment to be tailored to the specific needs of the user. The classic species-community-ecosystem hierarchy is followed, and the emphasis shifts from the structuralto the functional attributes of biodiversity. For some users, the impacts on a singlespecies may be of interest, perhaps because of its special economic or ecological value.Section 13.2.1 focuses on methods that can be applied to individual species. Theseinclude techniques to assess vulnerability to environmental change in general, as well asmethods that can be used to examine the implications of particular climate changescenarios. Approaches include the use of expert judgement, climate “envelope”modelling, dynamic population modelling, and analogue and monitoring studies. Forother users, a group of species might form the focus of the analysis, as for example inassessing the potential impacts of climate change on wildlife species richness. Section13.2.2 outlines methods that can be applied to groups of species, defined eitheraccording to species composition or based on community characteristics such as speciesrichness. At the highest level in the hierarchy, the purpose of the analysis may be toexamine the potential impacts of climate change on ecosystem properties and processessuch as biogeochemical cycling. Section 13.2.3 describes several techniques that can beused to assess climate change impacts on ecosystems and to model possible changes intheir distributions, properties, and processes.

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13.2.1 Impacts on species Vulnerability to change

The rate of climate change in the next 100 years is expected to be higher than duringmany periods in the past (Crowley and North, 1988; Crowley, 1990; Hinckley andTierney, 1992; Crowley and Kim, 1995), hence a major threat to species and ecosys-tems may be the change itself (Peters and Darling, 1985; Peters and Lovejoy, 1992).One approach to impact assessment, therefore, is to try and determine beforehand whichspecies are sensitive to change in the broadest sense. For example, Dennis (1993)assumed that species with narrow resource/habitat requirements and inflexible biologywere most vulnerable to change and hence would be most threatened by climate change.A second approach similarly avoids uncertainty about climate change and focuses onspecies or ecosystems already in danger. The reasoning here is that organisms andecosystems already threatened by human activities may be more vulnerable to theadditional stress of a changing climate (Peters, 1990; Markham and Malcolm, 1996).Millsap et al. (1990) provided an example of this type of analysis. They conducted aranking of species vulnerability based on criteria such as biological vulnerability, gapsin knowledge about population status, and current management investments. Mkanda(1996) applied the Millsap et al. (1990) technique to assess potential vulnerability toclimate change of several ungulates in Lengwe National Park, Malawi.


Dennis (1993) designed his method with butterflies in mind. If required, expert judge-ment can be used to the rework the categories so that they can be applied to other taxa.In both this and the Millsap et al. (1990) method, each species is assigned a score foreach variable and the scores are summed across groupings of the variables. Sums cansubsequently be ranked, grouped, or mapped to prioritise adaptation and managementinvestments (e.g., Millsap et al., 1990; Figure 13.1). The scores are meaningful only ina relative sense, i.e., in comparison to scores from other species. Therefore, it issuggested that several taxa be scored simultaneously.

Data and computational requirements

Because the Dennis (1993) and Millsap et al. (1990) methods require information ongeographic distributions, they are implicitly sub-continental or continental in scope.Additional requirements include information on population numbers, habitat and dietaryrequirements, and reproductive characteristics and seasons. In a few cases, data frommanipulative or analogue experiments are desired. Ultimately, the methods are veryflexible with regards to data requirements. Variables can be added or modified, and ifneeded, dropped from the analysis.

These techniques do not incorporate climate scenarios. Instead, they attempt to assessoverall vulnerability regardless of the direction of climate change.

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% Maximum Score






Figure 13.1. Geographic patterns in the vulnerability of bird species in Floridaas determined by Millsap et al. (1990). Range maps of taxa withbiological scores ≥≥24 were overlaid and scores were summedwhere ranges overlapped.

Advantages and limitations

The techniques are relatively easy to perform; they require relatively unsophisticatedinput information, and potential impacts can be assessed regardless of the exact natureof future climate change. However, generality is achieved at the expense of realism. Allvariables are assumed to be equally important and any interaction among variables isignored. Also, the vulnerability scores are themselves relative measures and are usefulonly when compared with other scores. On the positive side, these screening techniquesare of value irrespective of the eventual course of climate change because they help toidentify species that are already in trouble, or are likely to be trouble in the face ofadditional negative human influences. Independent of climate change assessment, theyare a useful addition to local conservation efforts. Expert judgement

This common approach is a relatively simple way to generate ideas and discussionabout potential climate change impacts. Typically, a climate change scenario is as-sumed, the opinion of experts as to impacts on the species of interest is solicited, and aworkshop or other forum is organised to present and discuss results. Sometimes, expertjudgement is collated or organised in some predetermined fashion. For example,Herman and Scott (1993) assessed the potential impacts of climate change on selectedvertebrate groups in eastern Canada by adopting a specific climate change scenario,enumerating resultant changes in the physical environment that were of potentialimportance to the organisms, and soliciting expert judgement to score the importance ofthe changes.

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An example of an even more quantitative setting for incorporating expert knowledge isprovided by the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) technique developed by the US Fish andWildlife Service (1981). A software package enables an expert or group of experts tocreate a simple model that describes how features in the environment act together indetermining overall habitat suitability for a wildlife species. Future scenarios ofenvironmental change subsequently can be used as input to investigate changes inhabitat quality (see also Chapter 14).


Prior to soliciting expert opinion, several choices must be made: the taxa of interest, theclimate change scenarios to be used, and the methods to be used to organise or presentthe resulting information. In the HSI system, specific steps are undertaken to create amodel: (1) taxa and cover types are chosen, (2) important life requisites and otherlimiting factors of the species are identified, (3) single-variable models betweenenvironmental characteristics and habitat suitability are developed, and (4) relationshipsamong the single-parameter models are established. Once an HSI model has beenconstructed, various types of analyses are possible: habitat conditions under baselineand future climate can be compared, sensitivity analyses can be used to identifyimportant habitat features, impacts of management and adaptation strategies can beassessed, etc. Brody et al. (1989) gave an example of an HSI model that is integratedwith forest succession models, and Laymon and Barrett (1986) provided guidelines formodel development and testing.

The principal tasks for the co-ordinator of an expert judgement study are to identify andrecruit the experts, specify the climate change scenarios and make them available to theexperts, establish goals and directives for the experts, and decide on methods toorganise the resulting information.

Data and computational requirements

From the point of view of the assessment co-ordinator, this is the least data-intensivemethod. Often, the most computationally-intensive task is to provide climate scenarios.

The HSI model is available as shareware written in BASIC (available from ComputerSpecialist, National Ecology Research Center, National Biological Service, 4512McMurry Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80535-3400 USA, 303-226-9263), and will run onvirtually any microcomputer. Requirements for input data will vary from species tospecies.

In the HSI approach, climate variables may number among the environmental parame-ters used to model habitat suitability, hence integrating HSI simulations and quantita-tive climate models will be straightforward. In many cases, however, climate willdetermine habitat suitability indirectly through its action on other environmental para-meters. For example, island area is an important measure of nesting and roosting habi-tat suitability for the roseate spoonbill (Lewis, 1983) and climate may indirectly influ-ence island area through its effects on sea levels. Several approaches are available in

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these cases. One is to model the relationship between climate and the parameter ofinterest. For example, based on sea level and shore type, island area can be estimatedfor different scenarios of sea level rise. Another is to use expert judgement to enumeratepossible climate change effects on the environmental parameters, and use HSIsensitivity analyses to identify which of the possibilities might seriously affect habitatsuitability.


Herpetofauna in eastern Canada

Herman and Scott (1992) focused on eastern Canadian vertebrates thought to be highlysusceptible to climate change (salamanders, shrews, and turtles). A regional climatechange scenario based on consensus from global circulation models was developed; itassumed that summer precipitation would decrease and winter temperature and pre-cipitation (especially rainfall) would increase. To assess climatic sensitivity, a list oflife history characteristics was developed and experts scored the sensitivity of eachcharacteristic to the hypothesised climate changes. The analysis suggested that shrewswould be very sensitive to changes in winter conditions, such as increased winterflooding and reduced snow and ice cover.

Ungulate populations in Malawi

Mkanda (1996) used the HSI approach to evaluate nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) habitatin Lengwe National Park, Malawi, under three climate change scenarios. The threegeneral circulation models (GCMs) used were the Canadian Climate Centre (CCC)model (Boer et al., 1992), the GFD3 model from the Geophysical Fluid DynamicLaboratory (Manabe and Wetherald, 1987), and the United Kingdom MeteorologicalOffice UK89 model (Mitchell et al., 1989). The importance of several variables (in-cluding total annual precipitation, number of preferred browse/grass species, meanannual temperature, and distance to water) in determining habitat suitability wasdeveloped based on expert judgement, and an overall measure of habitat suitability wasbased on the geometric mean of the individual relationships. To estimate changes inhabitat suitability under the climate change scenarios, the effects of changes in annualprecipitation and mean temperature on the individual habitat variables were modelled.Habitat suitability declined under every climate change scenario, sugges-ting thatclimate change would further endanger populations of this rare antelope.

Advantages and limitations

The compilation of expert judgement can be very useful if the biology of the species iswell known. Additionally, the mere act of bringing together specialists from diversedisciplines can stimulate new approaches and ideas. Of course, if a particular scenariois assumed from the start and it later becomes necessary to consider a different sce-nario, expert judgement must be solicited again. Also, the expert judgement method

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suffers from a lack of objectivity: different experts will give different judgements as toclimate impacts.

Although HSI model creation is very flexible, the models are descriptive of complexrelationships. Interactions among habitat variables and dynamic responses to change areexcluded (for example, feedback relationships between environmental variables andabundance are ruled out). The focus is on pattern instead of process. The utility of themodels in predicting species-habitat relationships is thus seriously compromised, andperhaps as a result, the models are rarely tested or refined. In many cases, habitatrelationships measured in one part of a species range do not hold true in other parts, andas a result HSI models may give erroneous predictions when applied to new geographicareas. From a climate change perspective, the HSI models suffer an additionaldrawback. Variation in climate may directly affect abundance, but in many cases theinfluence is indirect, through its effect on other habitat parameters. For example, achange in climate may influence habitat indirectly through its effect on browse qualityand quantity. Typically, HSI models ignore these underlying indirect causes. In thesecases, climate change scenarios can be incorporated only by making additional as-sumptions about the way in which climate interacts with the habitat parameters ofinterest. On the positive side, HSI assumptions are explicit and the simplicity of thesoftware allows users to easily create models that may capture important elements ofhabitat suitability. As usual, simplicity is both an asset and a liability. Climate envelopes and profiles

The use of climate envelopes and profiles capitalises on the fact that the geographicdistributions of many species are highly correlated with climate. In some cases, thecorrelation may reflect physiological limits: the species’ fundamental niche(Hutchinson, 1957). In others, climate variables may be correlates of other causativefactors (MacArthur, 1972; Root, 1988a, 1988b; Sykes et al., 1996). The potentialimpacts of a changing climate are investigated by comparing the current geographicdistribution with future distributions under one or more climate change scenarios.


The concept is similar to the HSI approach in that environmental variables are used tomodel the suitability of a site for a species. In this case, however, only climate data areused. Two basic approaches can be distinguished, reflecting the distinction between aspecies’ fundamental and realised niches (physiological limits to growth andreproduction versus observed niches). In the first approach, climate-based physiologicallimits are measured and modelled in the laboratory or field. Once empiricalrelationships have been established, potential geographic shifts in the physiologicalrange can be compared between baseline and future climate scenarios (e.g., Johnstonand Schmitz, 1997). In the second approach, a statistical model is created that estimatesthe geographic range based on the climate variables. Several techniques may be used todevelop the model, including simple tabulation of climate statistics (Bennett et al.,1991; Morse et al., 1993), logistic regression (Price 1995), and discriminant analysis

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(Rogers and Williams, 1994; Rogers, 1996; Malcolm, 1996). The statistical model issubsequently re-applied to the data to define the current climate envelope, which canthen be compared with future envelopes under changed climatic conditions. A thirdhybrid technique has also been developed: equations that relate plant physiology toclimate are defined a priori and distributional information subsequently is used toparameterise the equations (e.g., Huntley et al., 1995; Sykes et al., 1996).

In all these approaches, future distributions are after conditions have equilibrated. Thespecies is assumed to have somehow reached its new location. Thus, the analysis doesnot provide information on how far or fast it can move in reality. Instead, the approachis useful in assessing the amount and potential distribution of change (Huntley et al.,1995). For example, Huntley et al. (1995) suggested that the species most affected byclimate change would be those whose current and future distributions showed nooverlap.

It should be kept in mind that the statistical and hybrid techniques are correlative andnot causative. The usual caveat of statistical modelling applies: as more variables areincluded in the model, the fit of the model improves (that is, the geographic distributionis better described), but the model increasingly relies on spurious relationships. To takethe extreme case, if one has as many climate variables as localities, it is possible todevise a model that perfectly distinguishes sites where a species does and does notoccur, even if there is no correlation between the species' distribution and climate in thefirst place. A climate scenario might project extinction across the entire species rangesimply because of the new combination of climate values at each locality. For thesereasons, models should be based on some "best" subset of the original climate variables(one of the rationales for the hybrid approach). As a rule of thumb, several statisticalmodels should be constructed, including a simple one that uses only a few of the bestpredictors. The inclusion of extraneous, non-predictive variables may lead to spuriousresults and is not recommended. An additional refinement is to use multivariatetechniques to identify discrete "climate subspecies" (should they exist) and createseparate profiles for each.

Because distributional boundaries are required to derive the statistical and hybridmodels, the entire geographic range of the species should be used. Thus, althoughanalysis of final results may be at a national level, determination of the predictive modelin most cases must be at a sub-continental or even continental scale.

Data and computational requirements

In the first approach, physiological relationships and current and future climate sce-narios are required. In the second, in addition to the climate scenarios, the geographicdistribution of the species is required. As a rule of thumb, climate information from aminimum of 30 sites within the species’ range should be contrasted with data from atleast as many points outside of the range. Primary data from meteorological stationswithin the region of interest are preferred; however, global grids of mean monthlytemperature and precipitation can be used. Conveniently, baseline and GCM scenarioshave been made available at the same scale of resolution for large regions (see Chapter

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3). The collection and compilation of numerous climate variables and statistics isencouraged because it increases the chances of finding a strong association betweenclimate and the geographic distribution of interest.

Because the predictive models make direct use of climate data, climate scenarios can beeasily incorporated. Of course, baseline and climate change scenarios must include thesame set of climate variables.


An example of the use of discriminant analysis is presented in Box 13.1.

Advantages and limitations

Provided that the required data sets and software are available, climate envelope anal-yses are relatively easy to perform. They can be a useful tool in several types of anal-ysis:

• Model projections under baseline conditions can be mapped to test for corres-pondence with observed distributions. This technique can locate previouslyunknown populations of a species (e.g., Bennett et al., 1991).

• Potential distributions under climate change scenarios can be overlaid with land-usemaps to identify potential areas of resource conflict.

• Models can be created for several species in a region to investigate possiblechanges in biodiversity (Section

• Knowledge about climate associations can provide insight into the biology of aspecies and can be incorporated in habitat suitability analyses (Section

• Historical range shifts can be used to validate models.

A key assumption of the statistical method is that the current distribution of the speciesis in equilibrium with climate. Thus, species that are not at equilibrium with climatemust be modelled with caution (see Sykes et al., 1996). Examples include species thatare currently expanding their geographic ranges, species whose distributions arecritically influenced by non-ecological factors (for example, mountain ranges or othergeographic barriers), and species whose geographic distributions have beensignificantly modified by human activities. Whenever possible, historical distributionsshould be used, i.e., distributions that pre-date important human impacts. Ideally,geographic distributions should be from the same period as the climate baselinescenario.

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Box 13.1 Example: Use of discriminant analysis in climate envelopemodelling

Rogers (1996) used discriminant analysis to model the current and potential future geographicdistribution of a widespread species of tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans) in southern Africa.Tsetse flies transmit human and animal trypanosomiasis, causing sleeping sickness inhumans and nagana in domestic animals, both of which are generally fatal unless treated.Large areas in Africa are threatened by one or other of these diseases, which drasticallyreduce agricultural productivity and critically influence the dynamics between human andwildlife populations.

Distributional data were digitised from published maps and climate data layers included mean,maximum, minimum, and standard deviation of monthly averages of eight variables (meantemperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, potential evapo-transpiration, vapour pressure, cloud cover, and windspeed). A series of reliable training sitesof 200 sites of vector absence and 400 of vector presence were chosen to calculate thediscriminant function. Of the full set of climate variables (i.e., 32), 10 were selected in order ofimportance in distinguishing between presence and absence centroids. This was decided bychoosing each variable in turn on the basis of the increase it provided in Mahalanobis distance(D2) between the two centroids.

New maps were created using three climate change scenarios: UKMO (Murphy and Mitchell,1995), OSU (Schlesinger and Zhao 1989), and CCC (McFarlene et al., 1992).

The climate change scenarios showed losses in the north-western part of the range, with fewerand more scattered gains, sometimes to the east and west (see figure). The change wasattributed to the overriding importance of changes in temperature and evapotranspiration indetermining the distribution of the species. Rogers (1996) noted that although the model relieson correlation instead of causation, given our weak understanding of vector population dyna-mics, most predictions must be based on this sort of analysis. He also noted that it is anover-simplification to conclude that the maps show future distributions, because of the lack ofconsideration of the relationship between the pace of climate change and the dispersal abilityof the vector.



Box 13.1, Figure 1 Changes in the simulated distribution of G. morsitans in southernAfrica between the 1961-90 climate baseline and the OSU (wet)climate change scenario.

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The statistical techniques rely entirely on patterns of correlation and as such may notidentify key processes that drive responses to climate change (Davis et al., 1998).Under both approaches, a host of potentially important limiting factors are ignored,such as species interactions (competition, predation, and parasitism) and soil para-meters. Also, baseline and future climate data sets often do not include information onextreme climatic events, which can be fundamentally important in limiting distributions.Sykes et al. (1996) call for increased use of field experiments to determine physiologicallimits, so that hybrid models can more closely approximate physiological models, andso that differences between fundamental and realised niches can be empiricallyinvestigated.

These models are equilibrium descriptions of a very dynamic process. They do notprovide information on the ability of a species to move with climate change. As a finallimitation of the approach, accurate geographic distributions are available for feworganisms, especially tropical ones. Dynamic models

Several models have been developed that model tree community dynamics within foreststands (e.g., Shugart, 1984; see Chapter 12); unfortunately, they usually do notincorporate the spatial component required to model changes in species distributions.Outside of this literature, models that explicitly model the dynamics of individualspecies in response to climate change are rare.

There are, however, a number of dynamic models that address issues associated withclimate change, such as habitat destruction, dispersal, and cycles of drought or othershort-term weather patterns. These models provide an indication of both the difficultiesand rewards of future modelling efforts. For example, Tilman et al. (1997) explore theeffects of habitat destruction on plant communities and suggest that the most abundantspecies (which are also the poorest dispersers) may be among the first species to bedriven extinct by habitat destruction. McKelvey et al. (1993) use the case of thenorthern spotted owl in North America to investigate conservation planning for speciesin fragmented landscapes. Dunning et al. (1995) review spatially explicit populationmodels and their potential uses, and Ruskelshaus et al. (1997) caution how sensitivesuch models can be to poor data on dispersal characteristics. Starfield and Bleloch(1991) show how an animal species at the limits of its range might struggle to persistunder adverse weather conditions and hypothesise that behaviours that benefit a speciesin prime habitat might actually be debilitating at the margin.

Forest gap models (Chapter 12) and other forest stand models can be used to modelforested habitats (see Section for an example). However, habitat quality andquantity are increasingly being determined by direct human management. Thus, futurechanges in habitat will be dictated in part by human responses to climate change. Theseresponses may significantly alter existing management regimes (whether by design ornot) and lead to the emergence of new zones or types of wildlife/human conflicts(Dublin et al., 1995). Therefore, in addition to the direct and indirect effects of climatechange on species and their habitat, a comprehensive assessment must consider likely

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human responses to climate change, and consequent changes in management regimesand conflicts. Monitoring

Monitoring is an important research priority, both for biodiversity conservation (Article7, United Nations Convention on Biodiversity) and because plant and animalpopulations serve as barometers of ecosystem integrity. Extinctions of species in manycases reduce the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to additional changes and thusmay jeopardise the future ability of the system to provide useful services to humanpopulations. In the final analysis, losses of species indicate inappropriate and, quitelikely, dangerous management practices. From a climate change perspective, monitoringis required to establish current population levels and distributional limits, and to detectclimate-induced change that is already under way.

Techniques for monitoring populations and their habitats vary greatly from one groupof organisms to another. A few examples of the many field studies that have increasedour understanding of the role of climate in natural systems are listed in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1 Examples of long-term monitoring studies and of research onresponses of natural communities to spatial and temporalvariation in climate.

Study Primary taxa Biome

Aebischer et al. (1990) Various Marine ecosystemBethke and Nudds (1995) Waterfowl Temperate grasslandFoster (1982) Vertebrates Tropical forestLaurie and Brown (1990) Marine iguanas Oceanic islandOverpeck et al. (1991) Trees Temperate forestParmesan (1996) Butterfly Temperate ?Pounds and Crump (1994) Anurans Cloud forestSchreiber and Schreiber (1984) Seabirds Oceanic islandStiles (1992) Hummingbirds Tropical forest Analogue studies

Understanding the past responses of natural populations to spatial and temporal climatevariability provides important insights into the possible effects of future climate change.These analogue studies provide information on the kinds of climate changes that haveinfluenced resources of interest in the past. Our ability to detect and respond to globalclimate change is improved with an increased understanding of the present- day role ofclimate in natural systems.

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Deer-caribou winter distributions in Nova Scotia

Winter snow depth affects the distribution of many mammals at both local and regionalscales (Formozov, 1946; Telfer and Kelsall, 1984). Ungulates differ in theirmorphological and behavioural adaptations to snow, and current distributions ofungulate communities in North America correspond well with their adaptations to typeand depth of snow in the regions in which they occur (Telfer and Kelsall, 1984).Changes in winter climate will likely change the suitability of winter habitat, and hencethe ranges of these species. Such changes occurred between the Little Ice Age (1300-1850), when moose and caribou occupied Nova Scotia, and the period after 1850 whenwhite-tailed deer re-colonised the province at the expense of caribou, probably becauseof milder winters and the associated decrease in snow depth (Telfer, 1967).Predator-prey relations also may shift with changing distributions of snow types;wolves flounder in deep snow that caribou can cross, but can follow moose, which arelittle better suited to travel through soft snow (Telfer and Kelsall 1984).

Tree swallows and other aerial insectivores.

Birds that feed on insects in flight — aerial insectivores — are particularly vulnerableto weather conditions in the spring and early summer. Mortality of adults from coldsnaps in April and May are relatively common, and growing young are vulnerable inJune when adults must spend most time catching food rather than brooding the chicks.Unusual cold and rain at this time, such as occurred in June 1993 in southernSaskatchewan, can lead to mass mortality of chicks because the adults have to spendmore time trying to find food and cannot keep the young warm (Hoyt in litt.). Increasedfrequencies of such extreme events may cause enough mortality to lead to a shift indistribution away from regions experiencing such weather patterns. Some other aerialinsectivores, particularly swifts (family Apodidae), are metabolically better adapted tocold wet summer weather: the chicks have variable growth rates and can go into torporto conserve energy through lean periods (Lack, 1973).

African wildlife

Magadza (1994) used the impacts of previous droughts in southern Africa as an ana-logue for predicting the possible impacts of climatic change on wildlife. Recordedimpacts of previous droughts on mammalian populations showed shifts in geographicranges and shifts in community structure. Because the rates of response were slowerthan rates postulated to occur under global warming, and because the GCMs predictedhigher temperatures than those found during the droughts, Magadza (1994) concludedthat large mammals were likely to be threatened by climate change.

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13.2.2 Impacts on communities Species as independent entities

A common approach for assessing the impacts of climate change on communities is toconduct individual species-level assessments and subsequently combine the results.Comparisons among species can be used as a screening technique to help identify thosespecies or species groups at greatest risk from climate change and in need of furtherdetailed analysis. The community approach is implicit in some of the species screeningtechniques (Section because vulnerability scores for one species must beinterpreted relative to those for other species.

A second approach is to assess possible climate-induced changes in communitycharacteristics such as species richness. Baseline species richness can be obtained fromfield studies or by overlaying species-specific distributional maps. Statistical methodscan subsequently be used to model species richness as a function of climate, andchanges in species richness can be mapped under current and future climate scenarios.However, an important requirement is to distinguish between alpha (site- specific) andgamma (regional) diversity.


Several of the species-level approaches outlined above have been applied across groupsof species. For example, Herman and Scott (1992) applied expert judgement inassessing climate change impacts on eastern Canadian salamanders, shrews, and turtles.Dennis (1993) assessed potential impacts of climate change on butterflies of the UnitedKingdom. Millsap et al. (1990) analysed present-day vulnerability of vertebrate groupsin Florida (e.g., Figure 13.1). Examples of climate envelope modelling as applied tospecies richness are in Price (1995) and Malcolm (1996). Western (1991) speculated onthe potential impacts of climate change on the abundance and diversity of Africansavannah ungulates mammals using observed relationships between climate andbiomass, productivity, diversity, and average body size.

Advantages and limitations

Climate envelope modelling of species richness can be a misleading technique because itfocuses on the sheer numbers of species in an area rather than qualitative aspects ofdiversity, such as species composition, distribution, and relative abundance. Underclimate change, species numbers may increase if species adapted to the new climateregime invade an area. Thus, even though sensitive species might be lost, and regionaldiversity decrease, species richness at a site may increase. It is at the largest spatialscale - the turnover in species composition across a region (gamma diversity) - thatbiodiversity impacts must ultimately be judged (Noss, 1983).

A simple thought experiment illustrates the danger of equating species diversity with thenumbers of species at a site. Because of the increase in species richness as one proceeds

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from the poles to the tropics, average annual temperature and species richness arehighly correlated. Making use of this relationship, a scenario of consistent greenhousewarming might be expected to result in increased species richness in the Antarctic andArctic (provided that southern taxa were able to move pole-ward). At the same timehowever, Arctic and Antarctic species would be going extinct because the cold polarconditions they require no longer exist. Thus, even though local diversity might beincreasing, global biodiversity would be decreasing.

A more quantitative example of the dangers implicit in using alpha diversity to repre-sent diversity is presented by Malcolm (1996). Based on a regression model betweenclimate and species richness, total species richness of ungulates was consistently pro-jected to increase throughout southern Africa. However, species richness of a subset ofthe community, the highland savannah community of South Africa, decreased underevery scenario. Species assemblages

With respect to overall community and ecosystem properties, not all species are equal.Some play a disproportionate role in determining community composition and func-tional properties of the ecosystem. Nor are all species equal from a conservation pers-pective: some may be good indicators of certain kinds of ecological impacts, others mayhave a high public profile. Given limited resources and knowledge, a valuable approachto impact assessment is to preferentially devote efforts to just a few species, perhapsbecause of their overall importance in the ecosystem or their value from a conservationviewpoint (Table 13.2).

Table 13.2 Species classification from a conservation viewpoint (after Meffeet al., 1997).

Keystone species Species that play a disproportionate role in determining majorecosystem functions/properties (trophic relationships, communitystructure, hydrological flow, successional patterns, disturbancecycles, etc.).

Indicator species Species that:• have highly specific niche or narrow ecological tolerance;• are characteristic of a specific biotic community,

successional stage, or substrate;• are reliably found under a certain set of circ*mstances, but

not others.

Umbrella species Species that require large blocks of relatively natural or unalteredhabitat to maintain viable populations.

Flagship species Species that elicit a strong and positive emotional response.

Vulnerable species Species that:• have small populations;• exist in highly fragmented habitats and are poor dispersers;• have narrow or highly specialised niches;• are vulnerable to human activities.

Economicallyimportant species

Species that are harvested species or incur economic losses orbenefits.

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In an example of the use of species distributions to analyse species assemblages,Malcolm (1996) used ordination to group ungulate species according to the similarity oftheir geographic distributions (Box 13.2). The analysis identified four more-or-lessdistinct ungulate assemblages that showed contrasting responses to climate change.Presumably, species in the same assemblage have faced similar selective pressuresthrough time, and hence will show similar responses to climate change.

Box 13.2 Example: Use of climate envelope modelling in investigatingchanges in ungulate diversity in southern Africa.

The climate envelope approach was used to model the potential impact of climate change onthe diversity of hoofed mammals in southern Africa (Hulme et al., 1996). Distributions of 44taxa from Smithers (1983) were digitised at 0.5° resolution, including the elephant andungulates from two orders: Artiodactyla (even-toed animals such as pigs, hippopotamuses,giraffes, and antelopes and their kin) and Perissodactyla (odd-toed species such as zebrasand rhinoceroses). Multiple regression was used to model total diversity and diversity in fourzoogeographic groupings identified by ordination (see figure 1). Discriminant analysis wasused to model the distributions of individual taxa.

Box 13.2, Figure 1. Observed species richness in four species groups identified from aprincipal components analysis. A: highland savannah group (7 spe-cies); B: arid highlands group (7 species); C: woodland savannahgroup (25 species); D: arid lowlands group (5 species). In each part,six sizes of diamonds represent six classes of species richness. (Aand D = ≤≤0.5, 0.5-1.5, 1.5-2.5, 2.5-3.5, 3.5-4.5, >4.5; B = ≤≤1.5, 1.5-2.5,2.5-3.5, 3.5-4.5, 4.5-5.5, >5.5; C = 0.5, 0.5-1.5, 1.5-7.5, 7.5-11.5,11.5-14.5, >14.5).

The IIASA data set (Leemans and Cramer, 1990) was used to calibrate the models. Predictedbaseline values were subsequently calculated using a 1961-1990 baseline data set, andserved as a reference for judging the impacts of three doubled CO2 GCMs: a core scenario

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(UKMO: Murphy and Mitchell, 1995), a wet scenario (OSU: Schlesinger and Zhao, 1989), anda dry scenario (CCC: McFarlene et al., 1992).

Diversity was predicted to increase over much of the region, but separate zoogeographicgroupings showed contrasting responses. Richness in the savannah woodland and aridlowlands groups increased in most grid cells, especially under the core and dry scenarios. Incontrast, species richness in the highland savannah group demonstrated a consistent patternof regional decrease. For the arid highlands group, predicted changes in richness varied fromscenario to scenario (see figure 2).

UKTR (core)

CCC (dry)

OSU (wet)





-0.5 0.0

-1 0 1

0 3 6

-1 0 1

Box 13.2, Figure 2. Box plots summarising changes in species richness across gridcells for the four species groups identified in Figure 1. Boxes re-present the 25th and 75th percentiles, capped bars represent the10th and 90th percentiles, and circles represent the 5th and 95thpercentiles. Upper (filled) bars are for two-variable multiple regres-sions; lower (open) bars are for many-variable multiple regressions.Results are shown for three climate change scenarios (UKTR, CCC,and OSU).

Success of the discriminant analysis approach in predicting individual distributions variedgreatly from species to species. The analysis was least successful for species with restrictedor patchy distributions. Among taxa that exhibited a consistent change in geographicdistributions in response to climate change, decreases in distributions were more prevalentthan increases. Such taxa included three in the savannah woodland group (elephant, buffalo,nyala) and two in the arid lowlands group (blue wildebeest, eland). Every species (blackwildebeest, bontebok, blesbok, Cape mountain zebra, grey rhebok, grysbok, mountainreedbuck) in the highland savannah group showed a consistent decrease in distribution size,

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as did three species in the arid highlands group (Hartmann's mountain zebra, springbok,steenbok) and one in the savannah woodland group (klipspringer).

13.2.3 Impacts on ecosystems Ecosystem screening

As summarised in Table 13.3, research has identified several biomes and ecosystemtypes that are thought to be at special risk from climate change (Houghton et al., 1990;Leemans and Halpin, 1992; Peters and Lovejoy, 1992; Markham et al., 1993). Thesebiomes can be mapped at national or regional scales to identify priority areas forresearch, monitoring, and management.

Table 13.3 Examples of ecosystem types sensitive to climatic change (afterMarkham and Malcolm, 1996).

Ecosystem/Biome Key Climate Sensitivities Reference

Coastal wetlands Sea level rise, storms Reid and Trexler (1992)Mangrove forest Sea level rise, storms Ellison and Stoddart (1991)Island ecosystems Sea level rise, temperature, storms Rose and Hurst (1991)Coral reefs Sea surface temperature, storms Smith and Buddemeier (1992),

Agardy (1994)Arctic ecosystems Temperature Alexander (1990), Chapin et al.


Temperature, precipitation Halpin (1997), Beniston (1994)

Boreal forest Temperature, fire regime, soilmoisture

Shugart et al. (1992)

Tropical forest Drought, seasonality, fire regime,hurricanes

Hartshorn (1992)

Data and computational requirements

Ecosystem screening requires that biomes or ecosystems be mapped at a national orregional scale. Creation of these maps will be easiest if remote-sensing information orbiophysical/biogeophysical classifications are available. These data and the softwarerequired to process them are becoming increasingly available.

A priori classification of biomes according to climate change sensitivity involves im-plicit assumptions about the likelihood of particular climate change scenarios. Often,assumptions are also made about the way that climate interacts with organisms in abiome. Depending on current scientific understanding, certain climate change scenariosmay be deemed more likely than others; hence, if desired, more attention can be devotedto subsets of the biomes listed in Table 13.3.

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13-20 Biome modelling

Over the years, a number of biogeographic models have been developed that predict thedominance of various plant life forms in different environments. Biogeochemical modelsgo another step and, based on plant life-form types, simulate cycling of carbon andother nutrients. The VEMAP project (VEMAP Members, 1995) provides a usefulintroduction to both types of models. The project was designed to provide spatiallyexplicit information on the sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems in the conterminousUnited States to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and associated climate change.A standardised methodology was created whereby climatic, biogeographic, andbiogeochemical models were linked and compared. In the Phase I analysis, threemixed-layer ocean GCMs were selected to span a range of possible equilibrium climatechanges, from the relatively insensitive Oregon State University model (3.0oC averageUS temperature increase under doubled CO2) to the more sensitive UKMO model (+6.7oC) (the GFDL model was intermediate at +4.3oC). The resulting climate scenarios,plus baseline controls and information on soils, served as input for three biogeographicmodels (BIOME2, DOLY, and MAPSS) that simulated major vegetation types acrossthe lower 48 US states. In turn, these data (climate, soils, and plant life forms) servedas input for three biogeochemical models, BIOME-BGC, CENTURY, and TEM(VEMAP Members, 1995).

These biogeographic models show similarities with the climate envelope modellingtechniques described in Section All three biogeographic models in VEMAPshow characteristics of species-level physiological models in that they rely on ecophy-siological constraints and resource limitations. DOLY additionally makes use of astatistically defined vegetation classification model. Dynamic components are alsoincluded; for example, MAPSS includes a simple fire model. The biogeochemicalmodels incorporate general algorithms that describe plant and soil processes such ascarbon capture by plants, decomposition, and waterflux.


Typically, the models are run under baseline conditions and under one or more climatechange scenarios. Useful outputs include maps and tabulations of biome distributions,properties (such as net primary productivity and carbon change), and changes in biomedistributions. These analyses are especially useful when overlaid with land- use patternsand maps of protected areas and when used in concert with other species- andcommunity-level analyses (e.g., Hulme et al., 1996; Box 13.3). For example, Malcolmand Markham (1997) used results from the VEMAP Phase I analysis to examine twoaspects of potential ecosystem change. In one analysis, they overlaid the pixel (grid cell)change maps from the nine combinations of climate scenarios and vegetation models.Areas that showed consistent change among the nine combinations were judged to beparticularly affected by climate change. In a second analysis (Figure 13.2), theyexamined change in the regions surrounding pixels, arguing that possibilities forreestablishment and movement in the surrounding landscape would critically influencespecies' chances of survival in a changing climate. Interestingly, this second analysis

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showed more consistent change (and hence greater impacts on ecosystems) than thefirst.

Data and computational requirements

Because the models are complex, users must rely on data sets generated by the model-ling teams. Fortunately, these are often available. For example, all the input and outputdata sets in the VEMAP Phase I project were made available electronically. In somecases, the data sets are large and hence considerable computer storage space andprocessing power are required.

Typically, the baseline and climate change scenarios are based on GCM runs, which aremade available along with the vegetation outputs.

Landscape Decline



1200 700



Vulnerability of National Wildlife Refuges

Figure 13.3 Malcolm and Markham (1997) used results from the VEMAPexperiment (VEMAP Members 1995) to examine representation ofvegetation types in the regions surrounding grid cells. In part A,the number of nine models that showed declines in representa-tion in the surrounding region is represented by the size of thediamond (largest diamond=all 9 models; smallest diamond = nomodels). Locations of National Wildlife Regions are shown inpart B, with the most vulnerable (declines in ≥≥5 models)symbolised with open circles. The analysis identifies greatestvulnerability to climate change in the central grasslands.

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In an illustrative example (Box 13.3), the geographic distributions of biomes insouthern Africa were modelled by Hulme et al. (1996). In another example,Boonpragob and Santisirisomboon (1996) used the Holdridge Life Zone Classification(Holdridge, 1947) to model potential changes of forest area in Thailand under threeGCM scenarios.

Box 13.3 Example: Use of eco-climatic classification to screen thevulnerability of protected areas in southern Africa.

Hulme et al. (1996) used the BIOME model (Prentice et al., 1992) to investigate potentialvegetation changes in the protected areas of southern Africa. They argued that biome shiftscan indicate significant threats to the ecosystems that reserves were established to protect.

The current distribution of natural vegetation in the region was reasonably well simulated usingbaseline (1961-1990) climate and the BIOME model (see figure 1), although several significantdifferences were found. The actual border between the savannah and grassland biomes [asillustrated in White (1983)] was in poor agreement with the predicted one and modelledsavannah areas were too extensive. In addition, swamplands and salt pans, which coversignificant areas in the region, were not defined by the BIOME model. Recent attempts toimprove the model by incorporating interannual climate variability and soil nutrients mayimprove performance.



Thron Scrubs Savanna

Tree and Scrub Savanna

Dry Forest

Seasonal Forest

Rain Forest

Box 13.3, Figure 1. The distribution of modelled biomes for southern Africa using the1961-1990 climate and 350 ppmv carbon dioxide concentration.After Hulme et al. (1996).

The authors ran the BIOME model for three GCMs scenarios for the region, including a corescenario (UKMO: Murphy and Mitchell, 1995), a wet scenario (OSU: Schlesinger and Zhao1989), and a dry scenario (CCC: McFarlene et al., 1992). Recognising that plants mayincrease their water use efficiency (WUE) under the increased carbon dioxide concentrations,the authors ran two versions of the BIOME model: one in which only climate determined thechanges in distributions of biomes, and a second in which a WUE response was simulated bysetting a lower limit for the moisture index of each modelled biome (=Plant Functional Type).Under all scenarios, there were significant shifts in most biomes. Without a WUE response,

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the most significant shift was a loss of grassland. About 20% of the region showed a shift inbiome type. With a WUE response, grassland was much less affected, but even larger shifts inbiome types were predicted.

The IUCN national reserve and national parks database compiled by the World ConservationMonitoring Centre in the United Kingdom contained 349 reserves in the southern Africa regionthat were larger than 1000 hectares. For each reserve, it was determined whether its currentvegetation would change. Climate change alone impacted some 17 percent of reserves. Undergreater WUE, some 25 to nearly 40 percent of the reserves were affected (see table). Thus,the analysis identified the importance of considering climate change in developing long-termplanning strategies for protected areas. A more detailed analysis would includecountry-specific and reserve-specific analyses.

Box 13.3, Table 1.Percentage of the nature reserves in Southern Africa in which abiome shift occurs under the different climate change scenarios.

After Hulme et al. (1996).

Scenario Impacted nature reserves

dry without WUE 16.7wet without WUE 15.8core without WUE 18.71961-1990 climate with WUE at 560 ppmv CO2 24.4dry climate with WUE at 560 ppmv CO2 25.0wet climate with WUE at 560 ppmv CO2 37.9core climate with WUE at 560 ppmv CO2 27.9

Advantages and limitations

These methods are valuable because they explicitly incorporate climate variables. Also,because species and other structural and functional system properties are oftencharacteristic of a biome, biome distributions provide information applicable to manyaspects of biodiversity assessment. In essence, the biogeographic models combine cli-mate variables in a biologically meaningful way. For example, water availability to aplant will depend not only on precipitation, but also on the rate of water loss via eva-poration, which is partly a function of ambient temperature. Thus, a map that alreadycombines these two variables in a biologically realistic way will be of greater value toan ecologist than maps of one or the other.

It was recognised by the VEMAP members that current understanding of ecosystemstructure and functioning, or for that matter of global climate, does not yet allow theidentification of "best" models or acceptance of correct predictions. However, by pro-viding information from a suite of models, the results can be used to provide prelimi-nary information on the overall sensitivity of natural ecosystems to greenhouse warming(VEMAP Members, 1995).

Just as in the climate envelope techniques, the biogeographic models assume thatvegetation is in equilibrium with climatic conditions. For the moment, the modelsprovide no information on rates of change, although dynamic models are being created(e.g., Kirilenko and Solomon, 1998). They are thus static and non-interactivedescriptions of a very dynamic process.

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13-24 Dynamic ecosystem models

Process-based models of the causative agents in an ecosystem are very diverse in theirapproach. It is useful to distinguish two general types of models: tactical and strategic.The former are very detailed models of specific systems, and their objective is to mimicthe behaviour of the system as closely as possible. These models are probably the mostcommon type in the climate change literature and can provide very detailed predictionsas to vulnerability and climate change impacts. Strategic models, on the other hand,sacrifice detail for generality, and attempt to incorporate the essences of a broader classof systems.

Tactical models face two problems. First, they may be strong in some details, but weakin others (for example, the effects of disturbances such as large fires and insectoutbreaks). Second, they may be difficult to scale up from detailed patches to extensivelandscapes. Starfield and Chapin (1996) attempt to overcome these problems by using aparsimonious, frame-based modelling paradigm.

It is difficult to validate the predictive powers of these models. However, investment inmodelling effort can pay off in a number of ways: identifying data needs for boostingconfidence in model projections, helping to sharpen hypotheses, exploring alternativescenarios, and generating new possibilities and ideas.


Some examples of dynamic models are listed in Table 13.4.

Table 13.4 Examples of processed-based models in climate change research.

Model Type Examples

Forest gap model Botkin and Nisbet (1992)Shugart and Smith (1992)Shugart (1990)Botkin et al. (1991)Cambell and McAndrews (1993)

Plant physiological models Running and Coughlan (1988)Running and Nemani (1991)

Arctic plants Reviewed in Reynolds and Leadley (1992)Temperate grasslands Hunt et al. (1991)Bird populations Rodenhouse (1992)Prairie wetlands Poiani and Johnson (1991)Coastal ecosystems Costanza et al. (1990)

Advantages and limitations

Tactical models are especially useful in concrete problems of resource management, buta detailed understanding of the system is required. Also, they are often so specific that itis difficult to extract general insight and the calculations are so detailed that the model

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behaviour is not transparent. Of course, there is a continuum of approaches betweentactical and strategic models that reflect attempts to balance thoroughness and realismon the one hand and generality and workability on the other.

13.3 Autonomous adaptation

All multicellular organisms are able to sense and respond to abiotic factors, and haveevolved various mechanisms to track the set of the environmental conditions underwhich they are able to exist and reproduce. Thus, in response to climate change, orga-nisms and the ecosystems in which they occur will adapt autonomously. In a sense,impact assessment is the task of identifying those species and or ecosystems that areleast likely to adjust to a changing climate. Note however, that in the absence ofsignificant evolutionary change, species are dependent on their inbuilt phenotypicplasticity and capabilities in order to respond to climate change. Thus, their ability toautonomously respond to climate change is inherently limited. If suitable habitatconditions disappear entirely, or shift in position faster than a population can react,extinctions will occur and ecosystem simplification will result.

13.4 Planned adaptation

It is possible to adopt policies and practices which assist species in adjusting to climatechange, for example by designating and protecting migration corridors. However, ourability to manage ecosystems is very limited because of our inability to predictecosystem responses. The analogy that ecosystems can be "managed" in the same waythat much simpler human-designed industrial systems can is misleading and dangerous(Walker and Steffen, 1997). In a changing climate, one must expect the unexpected(and unpredictable) and keep open as many response options as possible (Walker andSteffen, 1997). In the face of these uncertainties, a key adaptation strategy is tomaintain ecological structure and processes at all levels and reduce existing pressureson natural ecosystems (Markham and Malcolm, 1996). Perhaps the most significantchallenge is to incorporate biodiversity conservation into adaptation strategies in othersectors, so that societal responses to climate change do not further jeopardisebiodiversity.

Adaptation strategies should be developed within the context of global, regional, andnational biodiversity conservation plans and according to the articles of the UnitedNations Convention on Biodiversity. Various strategies are available to aid efforts toconserve biodiversity in the face of climate change, including the establishment andmaintenance of protected areas (in situ preservation), the active management of wildpopulations outside of protected areas (inter situ management), and the maintenance ofcaptive populations (ex situ methods) (see Table 13.5). Of these, highest priority shouldbe placed on in situ and inter situ conservation (Markham and Malcolm, 1996). Aprotected areas review is a logical first step in defining conservation objectives andgoals and in assigning adaptation priorities.

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Various habitat management and intervention techniques can be used as part of anoverall adaptation strategy. Many of these are already in use in protected areas andmanaged reserves throughout the world, and the techniques can be adapted to respondto a change in climatic conditions (Table 13.6).

Table 13.5 Typology of biodiversity conservation strategies (after Soulé,1991).

Strategy Types of activity

In situ Protected areas

Inter situ Conservation outside protected areas. e.g., habitat conservation,development restrictions, buffer zonesExtractive reservesResource harvesting on a sustainable basisEcological restorationIntensive management to restore degraded habitats and landscapesZooparksMaintenance of artificial mixes of species under semi-natural conditions.e.g., game farmsAgroecosystems and agroforestryHigh management production oriented systems. e.g., plantation forests,forest gardens.

Living ex situ Zoos, botanical gardens, aquaria.

Suspended ex situ Germplasm storage, e.g., seed banks

• The ability of natural habitats to withstand climatic change depends on their abilityto both absorb change and bounce back from change. These abilities can be im-proved by:− conserving biological diversity;− reducing fragmentation and degradation of habitat;− increasing functional connectivity among habitat blocks and fragments; and− reducing anthropogenic environmental stresses. Threatened and endangered

species and ecosystems already under stress from environmental degradationand human pressures are likely to be vulnerable to the added stress of climaticchange.

• Reducing population and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change is likely to havestrong additional benefits through the simultaneous reduction of vulnerability toother environmental and anthropogenic stresses.

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Table 13.6 Intervention strategies (adapted from Markham and Malcolm,1996).

Strategy Examples of current use Potential use in a changing climate


Restoration of watermeadows and riparianhabitat along the Rhine inthe Netherlands

Restore degraded land to provideconnectivity between existingreserves

Prescribed fire andfire exclusion

Use of fire to maintainage-suitability of jack pinehabitat for Kirtlands warblerbreeding in Michigan, USA

Prevent conversion of savannah toshrub-dominated communities

Species relocation Removal of elephants fromZimbabwe to South Africa torelieve population pressurein parks

Remove species from newlyunsuitable habitat and relocatethem in new areas to which naturalmigration would be impossible

Removal ofimpediments tomigration andcolonisation

Closure of logging roads inwestern USA

Prepare land for colonisation ofdesired species - e.g., by removalof scrub to allow forest recruitment.Remove dike or road systemspreventing inland migration ofcoastal wetlands. Remove fencesor provide bridges/tunnels

Assisted migration orreintroduction

Reintroduction of wolves toYellowstone National Park,USA.

Capture and move animal speciespast obstacles to migration (e.g.,agriculture, industrialdevelopments) in direction ofclimatically forced populationmigration. Plant seeds, move soil

Control of alien orinvasive species

Eradication programs innative forest in HaleakalaNational Park, Hawaii

Monitor for new invasive speciesand prevent their spread. Minimisedisturbance (e.g., canopy openingsin tropical forest) to reducesusceptibility to invasion

Control of disease Tsetse fly control programsin southern Africa

Monitor for changes in diseasedistribution and expansion of rangeof disease vectors. Plan diseasecontrol strategies

Irrigation or drainage Creation of shallow,brackish coastal lakes atMinsmere Reserve (UK ) toprovide shorebird habitat

Use water managementtechnologies to reduce impacts ofdrought or sea-level rise. Createnew wetlands

Food and waterprovision

Provision of water in gameareas during droughts inBotswana

Plan or expand programs aimed atameliorating impacts of drought orfamine

Population reduction Culling of elephants inKruger National Park (SouthAfrica) and in Zimbabwe.

To relieve population pressure onhabitats or competitors whererelocation is impossible and wheremortality due to lack of interventioncould lead to even greater losses ofgenetic variability

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In addition to these general principles, several adaptation principles apply specificallyto protected areas (Markham and Malcolm 1996):

• Adaptation strategies should emphasise redundancy of populations and protectedareas. Just as poorly enforced regulation or political instability can be argumentsfor increased number of reserves and therefore, greater redundancy (Soulé, 1991),so too can the uncertainty of climate change impacts.

• Design considerations that promote the evolutionary potential of species withinprotected areas include maximisation of reserve connectivity, size, and number.

• A protected areas network must balance preservation of ecological complexity withpreservation of landscape diversity. Altitudinal range within reserves is importantbecause species may be able to migrate upslope to avoid the consequences ofwarming (Peters and Darling, 1985; McNeely, 1990). Heterogeneity of topography,habitat, and microclimate in reserves allows for greater flexibility of organismalresponses to climate change. Gap analysis (see below), based on representativeecosystem and enduring landscape features, will have to become more dynamic(Halpin, 1997). Reserve planning in a changing climate must examine future needsin areas where present-day conservation needs are few, but where migration anddispersal of valued species may make protection necessary or desirable.

• Flexible zoning of reserve boundaries, development of more effective buffer zonemanagement, and inter situ management will play an increasing role as climatechange forces changes in species distributions and migration patterns (Peters andDarling, 1985; Bennett et al., 1991; Parsons, 1991).

• Fragmentation itself may be the single biggest barrier to ecosystem adaptation in achanging climate. Even where paleoecological studies suggest that species havebeen able to adapt to rapid climatic changes in the past, current habitat fragmenta-tion patterns and human barriers may prevent range shifts. Edge effects that ac-company fragmentation expose complex habitats to climatic extremes in adjacentsimple habitats (e.g., Malcolm, in press). Thus, reduction of fragmentation rates isa critical climate mitigation strategy and increases in connectivity are a high pri-ority adaptation response. Because range shifts are a likely response to climatechange, corridors will need to function as habitat rather than as mere transit lanes(Simberloff et al., 1992).

13.4.1 Assessing the vulnerability of protected areas

One goal of adaptation is to ensure that the existing network of protected areas will besuccessful in conserving biodiversity into the future. Given that existing problems willmost likely only worsen under climate change, a logical first step is to identify andcorrect existing weaknesses in the protected areas network. A powerful tool forconducting such analyses are gap analyses that identify taxa and ecosystems which areunderrepresented in the network (these are not to be confused with gap models used inforest simulation; see Chapter 12). A full discussion of these techniques is beyond the

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scope of this chapter, but several components are usually involved, including 1) landcover and land use change maps, 2) species distributions, 3) predicted speciesdistributions based on climate envelope or habitat suitability modelling, 4) landstewardship patterns, and 5) existing protected areas. These techniques can be used toassign priorities for land acquisition and to provide information that is useful for avariety of land planning exercises, quite independent of climate change per se (Scott andCsuti, 1997). A gap analysis is a useful addition to attempts to establish national orregional priorities and action plans. Screening techniques

An additional approach is to attempt to assess the vulnerability of an existing protectedareas network under a changing climate. A number of characteristics that predisposeprotected areas to climate change impacts have been suggested (Table 13.7) and can beused to rank protected areas. Malcolm and Markham (1997) undertook a morequantitative analysis and overlaid protected areas onto maps of pixel or landscapechange as determined from the VEMAP results (Figure 13.2). Protected area vulnera-bility was assessed based on the consistency of change among nine vegetation modelsand scenarios.

Table 13.7 Some characteristics of protected areas that predispose them toclimate change vulnerability.

• Presence of sensitive ecosystem types (see Table 13.3)• Presence of species and/or ecosystems near the edges of their historical distributions• Presence of species and ecosystems that have geographically limited distributions• Topographic and geomorphological uniformity• Small size and high perimeter:area ratio• Isolation from other examples of component communities• Human-induced fragmentation of populations and ecosystems• Existing anthropogenic pressures within and close to borders• Presence of natural communities that depend on one or a few key processes or species


One procedure is to rank each protected area for each of the characteristics in Table13.7 and sum the rankings to obtain an overall vulnerability index for each protectedarea. Alternatively, different characteristics can be differentially weighed to assignsome higher importance.

The vulnerability characteristics listed in Table 13.7 are guidelines only and in somecases will require refinement in order to form the basis for a quantitative, or evenqualitative, ranking scheme. For example, to score protected areas according to “pres-ence of taxa with geographically limited distributions”, decisions must be made as towhich floral or faunal groups are to be considered and how limited distributional will bescored. For the final analysis, additional decisions must be made as to the relativeimportance of each of the various characteristics.

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Data and computational requirements

Various sets of information are required for each protected area and the area sur-rounding it, including ecosystem types, land-use patterns, and species distributions.Ultimately, the screening technique is very flexible with regards to data requirements.Variables can be added or modified, and, if needed, dropped from the analysis. Acomprehensive analysis requires the amassing of considerable amounts of data. Someare already available on a global basis, albeit at low resolution. The required data setswill be of immediate use in other efforts to conserve natural resources and to achievethe goals of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (Articles 8(a) and 8(b)).

Some of the characteristics listed in Table 13.7 require that assumptions about futureclimatic conditions be made, others provide measures of vulnerability to change irres-pective of the direction of change, and some measure vulnerability irrespective ofchange. Thus, the user can adjust the final set of characteristics to reflect knowledgeabout future conditions or, if desired, to make as few assumptions as possible.


An example of the use of biome-level modelling in assessing protected area vulnera-bility is provided in Box 13.3.

Advantages and limitations

The screening technique outlined here is easy to perform; it may require relativelyunsophisticated input information, and vulnerability in some cases can be assessedregardless of the exact nature of future climate change. However, generality is some-times achieved at the expense of realism; for example, all variables are assumed to beequally important and any interaction or feedback among variables is ignored. Also, thevulnerability scores are themselves relative measures and are useful only whencompared with other scores. On the positive side, the screening techniques are of valueirrespective of the eventual course of climate change because they help to identifyprotected areas that are already in trouble, or are likely to be because of additionalnegative human impacts. The use of biome models to assess protected area vulnerabilityis only as reliable as the biome models themselves.

13.5 Integrating the methods

The assessment involves not only the selection of an appropriate suite of techniques, butalso specification of the manner in which the various inputs and outputs will beintegrated. Careful integration of methods during the assessment offers many benefits:input data sets (especially climate scenarios) can be shared, results from one techniquecan be used to validate those from others, and comparisons among methods can providenew insights. The identification of vulnerable populations and ecosystems providesimportant guidance as to where adaptation efforts should be devoted.

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Several general strategies are available for conducting an integrated method assessment:

• Preferentially devote research and conservation efforts to species and areas iden-tified as being under particular threat from climate change.

• Couple preliminary screening with detailed investigation of selected taxa andcommunities using quantitative modelling techniques (Table 13.8).

• Use screening techniques to identify potential indicator species and subsequentlyuse process-based models to determine which species might be affected first ormost.

• Test predictions from one model against those from others. For example, siteswhere a species is predicted to go extinct based on climate envelopes should alsoshow a decrease in habitat suitability using HSI.

• Achieve different levels of detail, depending on data availability. For species withpoorly-known habitat requirements and geographic distributions, use qualitativescreening. Build detailed models for those species or systems that are well under-stood and are the subject of active research.

• Preferentially devote monitoring to species where their changes in distributionallimits are predicted. Use dynamic models and analogue information to estimate thetime-frame of any predicted change.

• Overlay maps of overall species and ecosystem vulnerability with the geographicboundaries of reserves and protected areas to assess the strength of the reservesystem in protecting threatened organisms.

• Overlay maps of distributional changes in biome distributions (e.g., Hulme et al.,1996; Malcolm and Markham, 1997), climate envelopes, or habitat suitability (e.g.,Lancia et al., 1986) with the geographic boundaries of reserves and protected areasto examine the extent to which taxa and communities will be represented inprotected areas in the future. Use these analyses also to identify protected areaswhere climate change might be manifested first.

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Table 13.8 Integration of screening techniques, climate envelope analyses, and habitat suitability in assessing the vulnerability ofprotected areas.

Protected area 1

Occurrence in the Future

Vulnerability Scores Based on Climate Envelopes Future Habitat Suitability



Species Biological Action Climate Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Suitability Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3







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13.6 Economic analyses

Some examples of the potential integration of the assessment with economic analysesare as follows:

• When species can be assigned direct market values, for example, based on theirharvest value, the techniques can provide an estimate of the economic costs as-sociated with climate change. A comprehensive economic analysis must considerimpacts on the supply of the resource and secondary impacts on values and pricingthat result from changes in supply.

• Given relationships between harvest rates, productivity, and habitat suitability, theinfluence of climate change on economic returns from harvests can be investigatedusing habitat suitability indices.

• Changes in species and habitat distributions can be overlaid with maps of regionalresource utilisation to identify regions of high impact and areas of likely shifts inresource utilisation patterns.

• In the case of non-marketed environmental resources, attempts can be made toutilise non-market valuation techniques (Thresher, 1981; Smith, 1993).

Unfortunately, quantifying the value of biodiversity resources is, at best, a difficult task(Krutilla, 1967; Kellert, 1984; McNeely, 1988). These attempts need to made, however.Kellert (1984) argued that in the face of an inherent societal bias toward considerationof only those factors that can be measured and quantified, attempts need to be made toquantify all environmental values, including recreational, ecological, moralistic,scientific, aesthetic, utilitarian, and cultural ones. If natural resources are valued basedsolely on their contribution to monetary gain, a steady erosion in environmental qualitycan be expected (Krutilla, 1967).

13.7 Summary and implications

Ecosystems, with their myriad plant and animal species, are complex systems whosestructure and function are intimately influenced by climate. Responses to climatechange involve patterns and processes over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales,from the nearly instantaneous physiological responses of individual organisms, to shiftsin species distributions from one year to the next, to large-scale shifts in biomes overdecades and centuries, to shifts in the genetic makeup of populations over millennia. Asyet, our understanding of the role of climate in ecosystems, or for that matter in thebiology of individual species, is incomplete, and our ability to predict future responsesis rudimentary. Much work remains to be done in furthering the science of climatechange assessment, particularly in developing realistic dynamic models, inunderstanding interactions of species with their environment and with each other, inamassing baseline data on species distributions, and in making baseline and climatechange scenario data sets widely available in the scientific community.

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Impact assessment in the biodiversity sector has broad scope. Techniques are availableat several levels of biological organisation, including populations, species, communities,ecosystems, and biomes. Depending on the resources available, many techniques areavailable within each level, from simple screening based on data in the literature, to thecollation of expert judgement, to statistical descriptions of existing climaterelationships, to the creation of dynamic simulation models. Most of these techniquesare undergoing active development, and steady improvement is expected in the comingyears.

Even more rudimentary than our understanding of the role of climate in natural eco-systems is our ability to manage natural ecosystems. Natural ecosystems are muchmore complex than human systems, and possibilities for emergent and unexpectedbehaviour are manifest. Our history of interactions with natural systems provides manymore examples of mismanagement than of successful management.

The primary goal of adaptation in the biodiversity sector is to ensure that naturalsystems are able to respond to climate change to the limits of their capabilities. Aneffective strategy for achieving this is to reduce or remove existing pressures. Many ofthe same principles that are currently used to minimise negative impacts of developmenton natural systems find direct application in avoiding the potential negative impacts ofclimate change, such as the designation of interconnected and comprehensive reservenetworks and the development of ecologically-benign production systems. A significantchallenge is to incorporate biodiversity thinking into adaptive responses in other sectors,to ensure that future development activities do not further jeopardise the world’sbiological resources.

Because the potential responses of natural systems to human-induced climate changeare inherently limited, the best overall strategy is to minimise the amount of change.


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14 Fisheries

Lead AuthorsMichael Brody 1

Ihor Hlohowskyj 2

14.1 Problem definition and scope

Evidence has been accumulating in recent years that suggests climate change may drivechanges in fish stocks, although global fisheries production may not changesubstantially (particularly in marine systems). Rather, the relative abundance and dis-tribution of individual species as well as distributions of centres of fish production maybe significantly altered (IPCC, 1996). There are considerable uncertainties as to howmuch, how fast, and where the climate will change, and this creates considerableuncertainty in predicting changes in fisheries. But as average air temperature increasesand precipitation patterns change, we can expect changes in water temperature, waterquality, and hydrology, which will in turn affect fish populations. Thus, the goal for afisheries assessment will be to evaluate the impact of climate change on the fisheries ofinterest or concern in a particular location. Specific aspects of the fisheries of concernto be evaluated may include biodiversity, total catch (biomass), species changes in catchcomposition, and displacement of fishing grounds.

1 US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.2 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA.

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The ways that aquatic habitats may be affected by climate change will depend in largepart on the specific geographic region where the fisheries are found, the type of aquaticsystem potentially affected (such as marine upwelling zones and freshwater lacustrineor riverine habitats), and the nature and magnitude of the climate change. Ultimately,many species of fish could be affected. Some climate-related changes are likely to bebeneficial to local or regional fish stocks, whereas other stocks may be negativelyaffected. There is some agreement that, at the least, significant redistribution of bothmarine and freshwater fisheries will occur (see Beamish, 1995). Poleward migrationsmay be the most likely change (IPCC, 1996) as waters generally warm, but manyspecific estimates will have to wait for more certainty in regional estimates of climatechange.

14.1.1 Fisheries resources affected

Some of the fisheries resources that may be most affected by climate change include 1)fisheries stocks that are currently heavily or over-exploited, 2) species with narrowlydefined physiological tolerances to environmental conditions such as high watertemperatures or low levels of dissolved oxygen (Stefan et al., 1995; Jobling, 1997;Magnuson and DeStasio, 1997), 3) threatened and endangered anadromous specieswhose complex life cycles are currently affected by artificial structures such as dams,4) coastal species dependent on nearshore wetland nursery areas that are already sub-siding and likely to be vulnerable to sea level rise, 5) species that currently occur onlyin physically isolated habitats for which there are no emigration pathways to otherhabitats, 6) species dependent on coastal upwelling zones, 7) species dependent onhabitats that will be lost because public infrastructure impedes or blocks migration ofhabitat, and 8) heavily managed high-density aquaculture stocks.

14.1.2 Climate change impacts on fisheries

Fisheries resources provide a considerable amount of protein in diets around the world,and in some countries provide the majority of the animal protein consumed by localhuman populations. In addition, fisheries resources may support significant recreationaland tourism economies at a local or regional scale, and the export of fisheries productscontributes considerably to the economies of a number of countries. Thus, maintaininghealthy and sustainable fisheries resources is of major importance. Regardless of thenature of the stress (e.g., overfishing, pollution, climate change), fisheries will continueto be important to subsistence, recreational, and commercial fishers on both a local andregional scale.

Today, many of the world’s fisheries are already under considerable stress. For exam-ple, many of the world’s major marine commercial fish stocks are currently fully orover-exploited (IPCC, 1996). Most of the anadromous salmonid fish stocks in thePacific Northwest of the United States are threatened or endangered because of barriersto upstream spawning migrations, extensive habitat alterations associated withimpoundments, and water quality deterioration associated with sedimentation or urban

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pollution. For marine fisheries, perhaps the greatest concern is that 70 percent of theglobal fish resources depend on nearshore and estuarine ecosystems (IPCC, 1996) thatare being threatened by physical loss and pollution. Growing human settlement anddevelopment in the coastal zone is rapidly eliminating many important nursery habitatsas these areas are converted into agricultural lands or residential or commercialdevelopment, and domestic and industrial sewage from coastal population centres isdegrading water quality. In addition to the effects of human activities, native andendemic fisheries are under stress from introductions of other species. For example, theintroduction of the Nile perch into Lake Victoria has been associated with a declinethere in the native cichlid fish populations.

14.1.3 What fisheries impacts are important?

World-wide fisheries resources can be placed into three principal categories, marine,coastal and estuarine, and freshwater, and each of these may be affected differently byclimate change (Beamish, 1995). For example, marine fisheries may be most affectedby changes in the magnitude, duration, and location of upwelling zones and major oceancurrents. These changes may directly affect distributions of fish stocks by shiftinglocations of larval, juvenile, and adult habitats; they may also have secondary effectsassociated with reduced food resources and altered food webs and community structure.Coastal and estuarine fisheries may be most affected by the loss of nearshore coastalwetland nursery habitats, resulting in major declines in recruitment and standing stocks.Freshwater fisheries may be affected by changes in water temperatures affecting habitatquality, and changes in precipitation could affect habitat availability, leading toisolation of some habitats, as well as timing of hydrograph-driven life-cycle events.Additionally, changes in overall water availability may affect the extent of both adultand juvenile nursery habitats. Table 14.1 identifies some categories of potential climatechange impacts to fisheries resources.

14.2 An array of methods

14.2.1 Current approaches

Three general approaches have been used to evaluate potential impacts to fisheriesresources from climate change: 1) estimating changes in the availability of thermalhabitat by evaluating changes in the thermal structure of lakes and streams; 2) esti-mating impacts of changes in physical habitat features (i.e., water temperatures, flowrates, water levels, water quality, and wetland nursery areas) to important life cyclestages (such as migration periods and spawning times), to species distributions, or tooverall productivity; and 3) estimating effects of temperature changes on fish physio-logical processes, particularly growth and feeding, using process-based bioenergeticsmodels. Some researchers have identified these general approaches as the basicframework for evaluating climate change impacts on fisheries resources

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Table 14.1 Potential climate change impacts in the fisheries resourcessector.

• Potential loss of coastal wetlands and estuarine habitats due to altered currents, limnologyand sea level.

• Changes in the quality and/or availability of suitable habitat.- Loss of thermal habitat due to increased water temperatures.- Change in habitat availability due to shifts in major ocean currents and disruption of

areas of upwelling.- Reduction in habitat quality due to changes in water quality parameters such as

nutrients, dissolved oxygen or pollutant levels.- Loss of habitat due to changes in the duration, magnitude and distribution of total

precipitation affecting water availability and volume (annual or seasonal).

• Changes in the distribution of habitats for particular species, resulting in shifts in the fishcommunity structure and function.

• Alteration of food webs resulting in shifts in species composition.

• Inflow of other species resulting in altered competition and/or predation.

• Increased habitat fragmentation due to changes in water quality and availability.

• Loss or shifts in location of fishing grounds with direct consequences on jobs.

• Loss or shifts in location of fishing grounds with direct consequences on jobs.- Loss of jobs due to collapse of fishery.- Establishment or expansion of fishery industry with development of new fishing

grounds.- Increased expenses related to migration of fishing grounds to more distant locations.

(Regier and Meisner, 1990; Shuter and Meisner, 1992). Data needs associated withthese approaches include historical environmental and biological data (including catchor yield data), species-specific physiological information, and species-specific lifehistory data.

Studies that evaluated potential impacts of climate change on fisheries in temperate andnorthern latitudes (see Beamish, 1995) largely followed the first two approaches, inparticular evaluating potential responses of fisheries to the thermal aspects of climatechange (see Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 1990, Volume 119). Manyof these studies estimated changes in the production or distribution of fisheriesresources within particular habitats such as individual lakes of the North AmericanGreat Lakes (Hill and Magnuson, 1990), or in the distribution of suitable thermalhabitats across large geographic regions such as the interior of Canada (Minns andMoore, 1992) or the Pacific coast of North America (see Beamish, 1995).

In contrast, evaluations of fisheries resources in tropical latitudes focus on estimatedchanges in seasonal water availability rather than on estimated temperature changes.The magnitude of temperature changes in tropical areas of the world is expected to berelatively minor in comparison to the magnitude of those changes in more temperate andnorthern latitudes. However, water availability in tropical regions is expected to beaffected to a greater extent by potential climate changes (Meisner and Shuter, 1992).Seasonal water availability affects lake levels, stage and flow in rivers, extent andtiming of floodplain inundation, and sea level, and thus plays an important role in

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maintaining the life history of tropical fish species (Welcomme, 1976, 1985; Lowe-McConnell, 1987; Shuter and Meisner, 1992). Because of the importance of wateravailability and seasonal flooding to the life history of many fish species, changes inwater availability due to changes in precipitation may affect tropical fisheries resourcesmore than will changes in temperature (Meisner and Shuter, 1992).

In addition to these approaches, a number of studies have attempted to assess potentialfuture responses of fisheries resources by examining past fisheries’ responses tohistorical climate changes (Beamish, 1993; Murawski, 1993; also see Beamish, 1995).These studies examined how actual changes in environmental parameters such as watertemperature affected species distribution and abundance, community structure, anddistribution of fishing grounds. The observed responses are considered representative ofhow the fishery resource will respond in the future under similar climate-relatedenvironmental changes.

In all cases, the spatial scale of the assessment is directly related to the nature of theclimatic change and the fisheries resource of interest. The effects of climate change onfreshwater fisheries are more likely to be associated with localised climate conditionsthan will be effects on marine environments. In marine systems, major shifts inproductivity and species distributions can be the product of changes in currents andupwelling zones that are driven by the aggregate of climate changes (e.g., ENSO, theNorth Atlantic oscillation) over very broad geographic regions (Mann and Lazier,1996). Thus, assessments for freshwater resources are typically performed at a water-shed level that may or may not extend beyond a country’s boundaries (e.g., Meisner,1990; Minns and Moore, 1992). In contrast, assessments of marine fisheries are done atgeographic scales that extend well beyond that of an average country (e.g., Brander,1997).

14.2.2 Applicability of methods to specific fisheries resources

The assessment methods described in this chapter address freshwater (riverine andlacustrine) and marine (coastal, estuarine, and pelagic) habitats and evaluate potentialimpacts to fisheries resources from climate-induced changes in water temperature,water quality, and hydrology. The methods focus primarily on growth, feeding, andmortality of individual taxa; fish yield or catch for entire fishery resources; species-specific habitat suitability; and habitat availability. Because of the diversity of fisheriesresources and aquatic habitats that must be addressed, no single method or approach islikely to adequately evaluate potential impacts to all the resources and habitats. In manycases, the assessment for evaluating potential climate change impacts on fisheriesresources may require the use of a weight-of-evidence approach (USEPA, 1992) toadequately evaluate the vulnerability of a particular fishery resource to climate change.The weight-of-evidence approach uses multiple lines of evidence to identify potentialimpacts and evaluate the significance of any estimated impacts. Thus, any number ofthe following assessment methods may be used to relate climate change to biologicalresponses.

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Four basic approaches are presented: 1) using empirical models and historical envi-ronmental and ecological data to estimate changes in catch, yield, natural mortality, andother ecological parameters; 2) evaluating historical climate, limnological, andhydrological data together with species- or fishery-specific data to estimate changes inhabitat quality, availability or distribution; 3) comparing species-specific physiologicalparameters to projected climate conditions to identify changes in growth and biomassproduction and shifts in distributions; and 4) forecasting future fisheries’ responses byanalogy with past responses to historical climate events. These four approaches are oftwo major types: species-specific methods that permit evaluation of potential impacts totarget species and non-species-specific methods that focus on potential impacts to entirefish communities.

Because of the importance of the fisheries resources to the diet of many nations, anumber of the methods focus primarily on estimation of yield or catch, and largely donot address or consider the effects of climate change on species diversity, predator-preyrelationships, or other ecological issues. Many of the methods do not directly addresssuch factors as community structure and function, nutrient cycling, or predator-preyrelationships, although some methods are amenable to evaluating these aspects of thefishery resource. No stock assessment methods are described here. Although some stockassessment models include environmental variables, most do not; they do require longtime series of data on the size of the fish stock and the annual recruitment, which maynot be available for the fishery of concern. Most stock assessment models do, however,include a natural mortality parameter, which can be related to changes in temperature(see Pauly, 1983) and thus may be amenable to evaluating the effects of climate change(Edwards and Megrey, 1989). For information on one computerised fish stockassessment model that includes climate variables (CLIMPROD), see Freon et al.(1993).

Many of the assessment methods were initially developed to investigate ecologicalproblems other than climate change, such as to predict potential fish yield in planned ornewly constructed reservoirs (Marshall, 1984) or to conduct general fisheries stockassessments (Sparre and Venema, 1992). However, each of these methods is based onat least some parameters that are expected to change with climate, and thus are appro-priate for consideration for use for assessing climate change impacts and the responsesof fisheries resources. In addition, many of the methods can also be used to assess theimpacts of other human activities at the same time.

The choice of approaches to evaluate the impacts of climate change on fisheriesresources in any particular place or region will depend on the habitats and fisheriespresent and on the availability of climate, hydrology, limnology, ecology, and fisheriesdata, as well as the expected nature of the change in climate. In general, the approachesfocus on changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea level, and evaluate potentialeffects at either the species or the total fishery (yield) level. The approaches are notrestricted to specific geographic regions. However, some of the specific methodsdiscussed under the various approaches are restricted to a basic habitat type (e.g.,coastal, lake, or river) or a particular geographic region (e.g., African lakes). A number

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of methods recommend the use of mapped data, and the use of geographic informationsystems (GIS) is particularly applicable to these methods (see Chapter 1 for a fullerdiscussion of GIS). Some methods where expert opinion can be especially useful arementioned. The approaches and methods are summarised in Tables 14.2, 14.3, and14.4.

14.2.3 Description of assessment methods Empirical modelling using historical environmental and fisherydata

In this approach, models are developed by regression and correlation from historicaldata. The principle is to identify a sufficiently accurate quantitative relationship be-tween yield (or abundance) and a climatological parameter (temperature or precipita-tion) to estimate future yields under different climate scenarios. The overall approach issimilar between freshwater and marine systems, differing primarily in the species ofinterest (e.g., pollock, king crab, walleye) and the climate variable of interest (tem-perature or precipitation or both).

The largest obstacle for using this approach is the availability of sufficient historicalclimatological and fisheries data to permit development of acceptable models. Dataneeds for these models may include historical time-series precipitation, temperature,surface water area, surface water runoff, floodplain area, stream flow and discharge,and catch data, as well as water depth, dissolved solids, and estimated precipitation andtemperature data. Potential impacts are assessed by comparing recorded yield or catchunder historical climate conditions with the yield or catch estimated for future climateconditions. This approach also does not consider potential impacts associated withchanges in water temperature, water quality, biotic interactions, or fishing effort, gear,or success.

Assessing the effects of precipitation changes on fish yields inlacustrine systems

Changes in local or regional precipitation patterns or precipitation magnitude are likelyto affect inflows to lakes and reservoirs, thereby affecting surface water area or waterdepth. Empirical models that estimate potential annual fish yield from lakes andreservoirs as a function of the surface area of the water body may be developed whichpermit estimation of fish yield as a function of precipitation-related limnological orhydrological parameters. For example, Crul (1992) employed regression analysis todevelop an empirical model for estimating total annual fish yield as a function of sur-face water area for lakes and reservoirs in Africa. If appropriate limnological and fishyield data are available, similar empirical models could be developed using regressionanalyses for lakes and reservoirs of interest. Regression analyses using historical and

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estimated limnological and climate data can be used to develop lake- and reservoir-specific models for estimating surface water area under different

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Table 14.2 Suggested approaches for evaluating impacts of climate change using empirical modelling and historical data.



Method Output Climate-aquaticenvironmentlinkage

Data needs Advantages anddisadvantages

Precipitation Total annualyield in lacustrinesystems

Estimate yield using regressionanalyses to develop empiricalmodels relating annual yield tolake surface area

Impact assessed ondifferences in yield betweenhistorical and predictedprecipitation scenarios

Precipitation tosurface runoffinflow to lakesurface area

Historical and predictedprecipitation, surfacewater runoff, and surfacewater area; historicalannual yield

Easy approach.Sufficient data may not beavailable; does not considerindividual taxa, speciesinteractions, water quality, orfishing effort, gear, orsuccess

Precipitation Total annualyield in riverinesystems

Estimate yield using regressionanalyses to develop empiricalmodels relating annual yield toareal extent of floodplaininundation or river discharge

Same as above Precipitation tosurface runoff tostream flow andfloodplaininundation

Historical and predictedprecipitation, surfacewater runoff, stream flow,areal extent of floodplaininundation; historicalannual yield.

Same as above

Precipitation Yield orabundance inmarine systems

Estimate yield or abundanceusing regression analyses todevelop empirical modelsrelating yield or abundance toprecipitation.

Same as above Precipitation useddirectly

Historical and predictedprecipitation; historicalyield or abundance

Same as above

Temperature Total maximumannualsustainable yieldin lacustrinesystems

Estimate maximum annualsustainable yield using empiricalmodels relating sustainable yieldto mean annual air temperatureand morphoedaphic index

Impact assessed ondifferences in estimatedmaximum sustainable yieldbetween historical andpredicted temperaturescenarios

Air temperatureused directly

Mean annual airtemperatures,morphoedaphic indicesfor lakes of concern,estimated fishingintensity; no biologicaldata needed.

Same as above

Temperature Yield in marinesystems

Estimate yield as a function ofair temperature using regressionmodels developed from empiricaldata

Impact assessed ondifferences in yield betweenhistorical and predictedtemperature scenarios

Air temperatureused directly

Mean annual airtemperature, yield data

Same as above

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Table 14.3 Suggested approaches for evaluating impacts of climate change on habitat quality, availability, and distribution.

Climatevariable to beevaluated

Habitat andparameterevaluated

Method approach Impact assessment andmethod output


Physical and biological dataneeds


Precipitation Availability(as surfacearea) inlacustrineand riverinesystems

Use map or remote sensingimagery analyses to quantifyhabitat availability underdifferent water regimes;regression analyses to developpredictive models relatinghabitat availability toprecipitation

Impact assessed ondifference in habitatavailability betweenhistorical and predictedprecipitation scenarios

Precipitation tosurface runoff toinflow lakes andrivers to surfacewater area

Historical and predictedprecipitation, runoff, lake levelsand stream flows; bathymetricand topographic maps, remotesensing imagery; no directbiological data other thanknowledge of specific habitatsof concern

Permits quantification of habitatavailability on the basis of site-specific data.

Sufficient data may not beavailable; collection of imagerymay be expensive and difficult toprocess; does not considerhabitat quality.

Sea level Availability inshallowmarinesystems

Use map or remote sensingimagery analyses to quantifyhabitat availability underdifferent sea levels; regressionanalyses to develop predictivemodels relating habitatavailability to sea level;comparison of rates of changein sea level and habitat quantity

Impact assessed ondifference in habitatavailability betweenhistorical and predictedsea levels; also indifference between rateof sea level change andgrowth rates of somehabitat types (e.g., coralreefs)

Sea level to waterdepth

Historical and predicted sealevels; bathymetric andtopographic maps, remotesensing imagery; accretionrates of coastal wetlands andgrowth rates of corals if theserepresent habitats of concern

Same as above.

Temperature Quality,availability,anddistribution

Develop thermal profiles,including temperature minima,maxima, and distributions, forhabitats of concern and identifychanges in thermal habitat forspecies of concern

Impact assessed bycomparing availability ofthermal habitat underhistorical and predictedtemperature scenarios

Air temperature towater temperature

Historical air and watertemperatures for habitats ofconcern; predicted air andwater temperatures; thermalbiology data for species ofconcern

Easy approach.

Thermal data for habitats andspecies of concern may not beavailable


Suitability Develop species-specifichabitat suitability models (HSI)that incorporate climate-relatedparameters

Impact assessed ondifferences in estimatedhabitat suitability betweenhistorical and predictedclimate scenarios

Air temperature towater temperature;precipitation towater depth,stream flow

Species-specific requirementsfor climate related parameters;historical parameter values forhabitats of concern

Easy approach; permits use ofexpert opinion to develop models

Species data may not beavailable

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Table 14.4 Suggested approaches for evaluating impacts of climate change through evaluations of species-specific physiology.

Climatevariable to beevaluated


Method approach Impact assessment andmethod output


Physical and biologicaldata needs

Advantages /disadvantages

Temperature Natural mortalityrate

Use empirical models usinglength, weight, and watertemperature to predict naturalmortality as a function of meanannual water temperature; themortality estimates can also serveas input to quantitative stockassessment models

Impact assessed byevaluating the difference innatural mortality, andstanding stock or yield,between historical andpredicted temperaturescenarios

Air temperatureto watertemperature

Historical and predicted airand water temperatures;species-specificasymptotic length andweight

Easy approach requiring minimalbiological data

Only addresses fish; does notconsider changes in water quality,biotic interactions, or changes infishing gear, effort, or success

Temperature Growth Use fish bio-energetics models toestimate species-specific growthrates

Impact assessed ondifferences in growth ratesbetween historical andpredicted temperaturescenarios

Air temperatureto watertemperature

Historical and predicted airand water temperatures;species-specificconsumption, digestion,excretion, and respirationrates; diet composition ofspecies of concern

Easy approach

Bioenergetics and diet data maynot be readily available; onlyaddresses fish; does not considerchanges in water quality or bioticinteractions

Temperature Temperature-dependentphysiologicalprocesses

Predict species-specific rates ofimportant physiological processes(such as metabolic rate, eggincubation rate, and growth rate)using models based on theArrhenius rate equation

Impact assessed byevaluating the difference inpredicted process ratesbetween historical andpredicted temperaturescenarios

Air temperatureto watertemperature

Historical and predicted airand water temperatures;species-specificphysiological parameters(dependent on the processof interest)

Applicable for variety ofphysiological processes; may beused for plankton, invertebrates,and fish

Physiological data may not beavailable; does not considerspecies interaction or waterquality

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climate scenarios. These models can then be linked with fishery yield models to estimatehow fishery yield will respond to estimated changes in precipitation.

Assessing the effects of precipitation changes on catch in riverinesystems

Welcomme (1976) and others have reported on the relationships between catch anddischarge or floodplain area, and discharge and floodplain area are directly related toprecipitation. As described for lacustrine systems, empirical models for estimating catchas a function of discharge or floodplain area can be developed using regression analysesand historical catch, discharge, and floodplain data. Discharge and floodplain area canbe estimated for various precipitation scenarios. Total annual catch is estimated byinputting the estimated floodplain area or discharge to the appropriate empirical model.For example, Welcomme (1976, 1980) developed empirical models estimating annualcatch per kilometre of river reach as a function of floodplain area per kilometre of riverreach for African rivers, and Sagua (1993) developed an empirical model relating meantotal catch and mean river discharge for the Niger River at Mopti. Similar models canbe developed using flood area or discharge data and total annual catch data.

Assessing the effects of temperature changes on fish yield in lacustrinesystems

This method employs empirical models to estimate maximum sustainable yield in lakesas a function of mean annual air temperature and morphoedaphic index (MEI). TheMEI is calculated as the total dissolved solids divided by the mean depth. A similarapproach was used by Schlesinger and Regier (1983) to evaluate effects ofenvironmental temperatures on the yields of subarctic and temperate fishes in NorthAmerica. These authors developed a number of models of the form log10 MSY =aTEMP + blog10 MEI + c , where MSY is the maximum sustainable yield, TEMP is themean annual air temperature, MEI is calculated as above, and a, b, and c are constants.Similar relationships could be developed for other areas of the world, including lakeswithin a particular country or a particular region. Such models are not suited for usewith lakes that 1) exhibit wide fluctuations in depth, 2) do not conform to a typicalcarbonate-bicarbonate chemical type, or 3) contain a large area of swamp. Box 14.1describes an example of using environmental data, fish yield regression equations, andtemperature increase estimates to assess the impact of climate change on easternCanadian lake fish yields.

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Box 14.1 Example: Assessing the impact of climate change on thespatial pattern of freshwater fish yield capability in easternCanadian lakes

Minns and Moore (1992) used existing environmental data, fish yield regression equationsdeveloped by Schlesinger and Regier (1983), and climate model estimates of air temperatureincrease to estimate the effects of climate change on the spatial distribution of fish yieldcapability in eastern Canada.

A total of 406 watersheds were selected in eastern Canada (excluding the Great Lakes), rang-ing in size from 100 to 45,000 square kilometres. Watershed boundaries were then put into aGIS. Climatological data for 1951-1980 from 179 stations in eastern Canada were used toconstruct a mean annual temperature map of eastern Canada which, in turn, was used toestimate the average water temperature for each watershed unit. Output data from three differ-ent general circulation models were then used to produce maps of estimated mean annual airtemperatures for eastern Canada and to estimate an average temperature increase for eachwatershed. These results were then used to develop a 1 ºC isotherm map for eastern Canada.Species distributions were also developed for each watershed.

The fish yield regression equations of Schlesinger and Regier (1983) for lake whitefish, north-ern pike, and walleye were used to estimate yields of these species for current and estimatedtemperature regimes by watershed. The yield and species distribution maps were then com-bined to form a regional model estimating the spatial distribution of yield capability in easternCanada with and without climate change. For a mean temperature increase of 4.5 ºC, themodel estimated a substantial redistribution of fishery capabilities. Areas currently supportinghigh yields became marginal, and areas at the margin or outside the current species rangesbecame optimal. Yield capabilities were estimated to be unchanged in only 12 to 19 percent ofthe three species’ ranges, and the overall effect was a decline in yield capability.

Assessing the effects of precipitation changes on yield in marinesystems

As in studies for freshwater systems, numerous studies have investigated potentialclimate effects on marine fisheries using time-series data and regression analysis, andthese studies show good correlations between fishery yield and environmental condi-tions. For example, Megrey et al. (1995) used time-series data to develop models re-lating age-0 pollock abundance in the Gulf of Alaska to precipitation. Studies con-ducted in the United States, Senegal, the Gulf of Mexico, and Australia have demon-strated the influence of rainfall on shrimp production (see Garcia and Le Reste, 1981).Particularly good correlations between total annual shrimp catch and the previous twoyears of total annual rainfall have been identified; both positive and negative relation-ships have been found, depending on the specific area or the species. This approachonly indirectly assesses the effects of continental discharge or variability in salinity.

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Assessing the effects of temperature changes on yield in marinesystems

Most studies evaluating climate impacts in marine systems have focused on the effectsof temperature change (see Beamish, 1995). Many have evaluated time-series yield andclimate data to develop empirical models that permit estimation of yield as a function ofenvironmental temperature. For example, Regier et al. (1990) used empirical data fromseveral sources to develop a model of the Arrhenius form for estimating the stabilisedcommercial penaeid shrimp yield (kilogram/hectare of intertidal vegetation) as afunction of mean annual air temperature. The Arrhenius form of an exponentialrelationship may be given as loge k = a – b (1/T), where k is the rate constant, T is theabsolute temperature (K), and a and b are coefficients estimated by regression analysis.This same approach could be used to develop models for other fisheries. For example,Muter et al. (1995) evaluated North Pacific sea-surface temperatures (SST) andidentified significant correlations between catches of pollock (large catches associatedwith warm temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska) and red king crab (decreased crab catch10 years after a low SST anomaly) and SST. Estimating changes in habitat quality, availability, anddistribution

This approach draws qualitative evaluations of impacts to fisheries (species-specific oroverall) from quantitative estimates of habitat suitability, availability, and distribution.The individual approaches discussed below include methods that 1) evaluate totalhabitat availability as a function of precipitation or sea level, 2) evaluate habitat qualityas a function of temperature, or 3) evaluate habitat suitability as a function of multipleenvironmental parameters, including temperature and precipitation. Data needs mayinclude bathymetric and topographic maps, aerial photographs, or satellite imagery forthe surface waters for the habitats of concern; historical data on sea levels, lake levels,surface water area, streamflow, or river stage; species-specific physico-chemical habitatrequirements; historical precipitation and temperature data; and future precipitation andtemperature scenarios. Impacts are assessed by comparing habitat quality, availability,or distribution under historical and projected future climate conditions.

Assessing the effects of precipitation changes on habitat availability inlacustrine and riverine systems

River and stream hydrographs are graphical representations of changes in streamflowover time (e.g., minimum flows in late summer, maximum flows during spring). Theshape of the yearly hydrograph and the magnitude, timing, and duration of flood eventshave been shown to play an important role in the maintenance of riverine fish stocks(Welcomme, 1976, 1985; Lowe-McConnell, 1987; Poff and Allan, 1995; Galat andFrazier 1996). Similar importance has been attributed to seasonal changes in lacustrineconditions (such as depth and shoreline inundation). In this approach, regressionanalyses are used to develop models for estimating aquatic habitat availability as a

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function of lake level, surface water area, streamflow, or river stage. This type ofapproach is widely used in North America to monitor fish and wildlife (includingsubmerged aquatic vegetation) habitat and to identify rates and trends of habitat loss(see Orth et al., 1991; Neale, 1994; Galat and Frazier, 1996). The regression modelsare developed for estimating lake level, river stage, streamflow, or surface water area atimportant fisheries habitats (such as nursery habitats and spawning areas) as a functionof precipitation. These models can then be used to estimate habitat availability underdifferent precipitation scenarios. The development and use of these models will requireclose interactions with water resource specialists to assist in estimating precipitationeffects on water resources (see Chapter 6). Estimates can then be applied to the mapsand photographs of the fisheries habitats to infer impacts from changes in water depthand inundation.

Assessing the effects of sea level rise on habitat availability in shallowwater marine areas

A number of studies have shown positive relationships between habitat availability andthe growth, recruitment, or annual yield of a fishery (for example, see Turner, 1977,1992; Turner and Boesch, 1988). For habitats that are directly linked to sea level, suchas coastal and estuarine areas and coral reefs, the loss or gain of habitat due to changesin sea level should reflect similar changes in the fishery resource. For some habitats, therate of sea level rise may also be important. For example, if sea level rises at a rate thatexceeds the capacity of coral to grow upward and remain in the photic zone, the coralsmay die.

The suggested approach uses regression analysis to develop models of the relationshipbetween habitat availability and sea level. Depending on the fishery of concern, thesehabitats could include submerged aquatic vegetation, coral reefs, mangrove stands, mudflats, and others. The changes in habitat availability that could result from changes insea level are estimated using map and image analyses together with the approach usedto evaluate biogeophysical effects of sea level rise presented in the Coastal Zoneschapter (Chapter 7). The rate of sea level rise may also be compared to data on theaccretion rates of marshes or growth rates of corals to infer possible impacts associatedwith the rate of sea level rise. The rate of sea level rise may be estimated following themethodology discussed in the Coastal Zone chapter (Chapter 7).

If suitable yield and habitat data are available, it may be possible to develop models ofthe relationship between fishery yield and habitat availability (see Boesch, 1988;Turner, 1992). Habitat availability can then be input to the models to provide estimatesof yield under different sea level scenarios, and impacts are assessed by comparingcurrent yields with estimated yields under the different sea level scenarios.

Assessing the effects of temperature on habitat suitability – thermalhabitat

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This species-specific approach compares projected water temperatures to species-specific thermal habitat (i.e., thermal limits and preferences), and can be applied to aparticular habitat or for multiple habitats within a large geographic area. For example,Meisner (1990) estimated loss of thermal habitat in two southern Ontario streams, andEaton and Scheller (1996) estimated thermal habitat loss for the continental UnitedStates.

In this approach, maximum temperature profiles can be developed for selected aquatichabitats. Water temperatures for different climate scenarios can be obtained directlyfrom climate models, or estimated from historical and projected air temperatures [seeStefan and Preud’homme (1993) for an approach to estimate stream temperatures, andHill and Magnuson (1990) for an approach to estimate lake temperatures] or from ex-pert opinion. The estimated temperatures are then compared to species-specific pre-ferred temperatures and temperature limits to infer potential impacts. This procedurequantifies the amount of suitable thermal habitat within a particular water body, or thethermally suitable water bodies within a region, for a particular species on the basis ofits thermal biology.

Assessing the effects of multiple stressors on habitat suitability usinghabitat suitability models

This species-specific approach includes the development of habitat suitability index(HSI) models for individual species of concern. Habitat suitability modelling wasdeveloped by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to aid in impact assessment and habitatmanagement, and HSI models have been developed for more than 100 species of NorthAmerican terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biota (Hays, 1987). The modelsincorporate environmental variables such as water temperature, water depth, dissolvedoxygen (DO) concentrations, and substrate composition. These variables are measuredon continuous scales, and individual suitability curves are developed for each variable.These individual variable curves are then combined to produce an index of habitatsuitability that is also continuous, ranging from 0 (unsuitable habitat) to 1.0 (optimallysuitable habitat). Because of the flexibility in incorporating variables, these models canbe useful for species with complex life cycles, such as anadromous species.

The specific variables to be included will depend on the known habitat requirements ofthe target species and the availability of appropriate data. Estimated changes in watertemperature can be directly put in the models and also used to estimate DO levels formodel input. Estimated precipitation must be converted to changes in streamflow.

The strength of any HSI model is a direct function of the availability of the ecologicaland physiological data for each species of concern as well as the availability of habitatdata. In the absence of such data, professional judgement may be used to develop somecomponents of the models, although this will lessen the strength of the suitabilityestimation. If species interactions (competition, predation) are known, these parameterscan be incorporated into the models. Following construction of species-specific HSImodels, habitat suitability can be estimated for specific habitats using historical (or

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current) climatic, hydrological and ecological data. Suitability values can then becalculated for climatic and hydrological conditions associated with future climatescenarios. Box 14.2 presents an example of the application of an HSI model in theevaluation of the effects of climate change.

Procedures for developing HSI models are presented in Hays (1987), and these proce-dures are amenable for developing spread-sheet based models. Alternately, Micro-HSIis an existing DOS-based software package used to calculate existing HSI models anddevelop new models.3

Box 14.2 Example: Habitat suitability model for white and brown shrimpand application to evaluating effects of climate change

Turner and Brody (1983) developed HSI models for white and brown shrimp inhabiting thenorthern Gulf of Mexico. The model parameters included water temperature, sea level, salinity,substrate composition, and amount of estuarine and intertidal vegetation. A mean watertemperature between 20 ºC and 30 ºC was considered optimal for growth, and temperaturesbelow or above this range were considered less than optimal. The percentage of marsh andsubmerged grassbeds in or near a bay or estuary was considered the most important variablein the shrimp HSI models. A 100 percent coverage of vegetation was considered to be optimal.To evaluate potential effects of climate change on habitat suitability, estimated changes intemperature can be directly put in the models; the effects of sea level rise must first be relatedto impacts on estuarine and intertidal vegetation. With all other parameters being optimal, withan increase in mean spring water temperature from 30 ºC to 35 ºC, the HSI models wouldestimate a 50 percent reduction in habitat suitability. Evaluating physiological and life history constraints on growthand reproduction

This approach considers the potential effects of climate change on the growth andreproduction of target fish species as a function of species-specific physiologicalconstraints. Specifically, the methods link climate parameters with specific physio-logical (thermal tolerance, growth rates, mortality rates) parameters to infer species-specific responses to estimated changes in climate. Data requirements may includehistorical and estimated climatic parameters and species-specific physiological data.Impacts to the fishery are assessed by comparing species-specific physiological res-ponses under historical and estimated climate conditions. The greater the difference inthe physiological response (such as in mortality or growth rates) between historical andestimated climate conditions, the greater the potential for impacts to the fishery.

3 Johnson Controls World Services, Inc., NERC Operation, Post Office Box 270308, FortCollins, Colorado 80527 USA, 1+303-226-9493 (tel.). The software package costs $35 US.It requires the use of early versions of the BASIC programming language.

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Assessing the effects of temperature changes on mortality

This species-specific method used the empirical relationships between natural mortality,asymptotic length or weight, a species-specific growth coefficient, and mean annualwater temperature developed by Pauly (1980) to estimate the exponential coefficient ofnatural mortality under historical and estimated air temperatures. All else being equal,the higher the estimated coefficient of natural mortality, the greater the mortality of aparticular fish stock. The empirical models were developed using data from 175 fishstocks from 84 species, including marine and freshwater species from tropical to polarhabitats.

Use of these models will permit estimation of the natural mortality for particular fishstocks under various annual temperature scenarios. These models overestimate naturalmortality for strongly schooling pelagic fishes such as herrings (Clupeidae) (Pauly,1983). To address this, Pauly suggests reducing estimates of natural mortality for suchspecies by 20 percent. The natural mortality estimates can also serve as input to stockassessment models to estimate changes in standing stock or annual yield.

Assessing the effects of temperature change on growth usingbioenergetics modelling

This species-specific method uses a bioenergetics simulation model originally developedby Kitchell et al. (1977) and commercially available from the University of WisconsinSea Grant program as the Bioenergetics Model 3 (Hanson et al., 1997). The model isavailable in an IBM-compatible format.4 It is applicable to riverine and lacustrinesystems and may be especially useful for well-controlled aquaculture systems. Themodel processes data on fish physiology, diet composition, energy density and watertemperature and generates consumption and growth estimates. The model includes adatabase containing specific information for 33 taxa, including 5 marine and 6 salmonidtaxa. Species not included in this database can be added and modelled using species-specific parameter values. Climate change impacts on fisheries resources are inferredby putting historical and projected water temperatures into the model and estimatinggrowth and feeding rates under those temperature conditions.

This model is data intensive. Data requirements include historical and projected watertemperatures for the habitats of concern and species-specific physiological data for eachspecies of interest, including consumption, respiration, and digestion/excretion data.The Bioenergetics 3 species database can be used to provide surrogate-species data inthe absence of species-specific data.

4 University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program, Communications Office, 1800 UniversityAvenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53705-4094 USA, +1-608-263-3259 (tel.), +1-608-263-2063(fax).

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For a given temperature scenario, the bioenergetics model estimates growth and feedingrates for an individual of a species, and biomass production for the entire cohort.Results for individuals may be extrapolated to the resource as a whole.

Assessing the effects of temperature change on physiological processes

Because fish are poikilotherms, the rates of all their physiological functions are directlydependent on environmental temperature, and any climate-related changes intemperature may dramatically affect the biological processes controlling growth,reproduction, development and other physiological parameters. Wood and McDonald(1997) offer a review of the effects of temperature on the physiology of marine andfreshwater fishes.

Regier et al. (1990) (also see Lin and Regier, 1995) used the Arrhenius equation, whichdescribes the effect of temperature on the specific rate constant k in chemical reactions,to examine the effects of temperature on various aspects of fish physiology. Regier etal., (1990) used this relationship to relate standard metabolic rate, egg incubationperiod, and mortality rate to absolute temperature for a number of freshwater andmarine fish; growth rates for marine and freshwater algae; and crustacean planktonbiomass. Lin and Regier (1995) fitted appropriate versions of the Arrhenius equation todata for standard and active metabolic rates, hatching rate, growth rate, and criticalswimming speed of sockeye salmon and largemouth bass. Similar models may bedeveloped to examine the potential effects of climate-related temperature changes onother aquatic biota of interest. Using historical analogy

Historical analogy can be used to estimate potential impacts to fisheries resources forareas for which extensive fisheries and oceanographic time-series data are available(Glantz, 1990). In this approach, the status and the response of fisheries resources topast environmental conditions are assessed and used to estimate the nature and directionof responses to future climate conditions. Many of the studies presented in Beamish(1995) follow this approach in evaluating potential climate effects on northern marinefish populations. Data needs include time-series data for any number of environmentalparameters such as water temperature, hydrology, water chemistry, oceanic conditions,and atmospheric conditions, together with corresponding biological data (such asbiomass, catch, primary productivity, and recruitment). These data can then be used toobtain qualitative or quantitative estimations of the resource in question. Theavailability of long-term time series of environmental and biological data sets representsthe most significant limitation of this approach, and these types of data may be verylimited or absent for specific fisheries resources. Box 14.3 presents an example of usinghistorical analogy.

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Box 14.3 Example: Using historical analogy to examine climate changeand marine fish distributions

Murawski (1993) evaluated time-series data sets for 36 fish and squid species sampled instandardised bottom-trawl surveys of the north-west Atlantic Ocean from 1967 to 1991. Anal-yses of these data revealed a continuum of distributional responses associated with seasonaland annual variations in water temperature. Mean and maximum latitudes of occurrence of thespecies were regressed against average surface and bottom water temperatures and indicesof relative abundance from spring and autumn trawl surveys, and significant regressions weredeveloped for 17 of 36 species. Variations in water temperature were significant in explainingchanges in mean latitude of occurrence for 12 of 36 species. For pelagic species, meancatches shifted poleward by 0.5-0.8º latitude for each 1 ºC increase in average water tempera-ture. Species exhibiting the greatest poleward range extension in relation to water temperaturewere primarily temperate-water migrants.

Murawski postulated that variations in the functional responses of distributions to temperaturechange due to environmental warming may alter trophic relationships among fishes of theecosystem, including species that are important prey for a variety of fish and marine birds andmammals. Changes in mean shelf temperatures may alter distributional overlap among someprey and their predators and thus may change the balance of predation mortality rates amongcompeting predator species. Furthermore, the quantity, species composition, and geographicdistribution of fisheries yields in marine ecosystems such as the North Atlantic are apt to shiftconsiderably in response to climate warming.

14.3 Testing the method

Before proceeding with a full-scale assessment, it is critical to look at the feasibility ofusing any particular methods. Figure 14.1 presents a framework for identifying andevaluating methods and developing an appropriate assessment approach. The selectionof appropriate methods will consider, in part, a number of factors, including:

1. the specific fishery resource of concern;

2. the nature of the estimated climate change;

3. the specific data needs of each method;

4. the availability of existing data;

5. the availability of time and resources to collect new data; and

6. the capability to integrate analyses with other sectors, mainly water resources andcoastal resources.

The species-specific approaches may be the most difficult to accurately use, largelybecause of the relative absence of data on life history and physiology for species insome regions of the world. In some cases, data from other taxa, i.e., species of the samegenera, family, or guild (Jobling 1981; Lin and Regier, 1995), may be used in place ofspecies-specific data. In the absence of species-specific or other data, professionaljudgement may be used to estimate life history and bioenergetics variables. In contrast,

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difficulties associated with the overall catch and yield approaches will be largelyassociated not with the lack of biological data but rather with the absence ofhydrological and environmental information. Certain methods lend themselves better touse of expert judgement. For example, in the absence of suitable data, a Delphi ap-proach can be used to develop HSI models based solely on expert judgement (Crance,1987).

Identify Aspect of Fishery of Most Concern

• In-Country Food Production• Recreational Economy

• Export Economy• Biodiversity Concerns

Identify Fishery Resource of Concern

• Marine Pelagic• Freshwater Riverine

• Marine Coastal• Freshwater Lacustrine

Identify Aspect of Fishery Expected to be Most Affectedby Climate Change Scenario

• Habitat Quality/Quantity• Species and Habitat Distribution• Growht, Mortality, Reproduction Community Composition

Identify ClimateChange Scenario

• Altered Temperature• Altered Precipitation

Select Appropriate Methods

Forecasting byHistoricalAnalogy




Evaluate and Select Final Methods

• Availability of Existing Data• Potential to Collect New Data• Implementation and Analysis Costs• Confidence in Method Results

Conduct Assessment andIdentify Impacts

Develop Adaptation Measures

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Figure 14.1 Process framework for selecting methods for assessing potentialclimate impacts to target fishery resources.

It is important to note that not all of the cited methods must be used. The methodsshould be selected to address the goals of the assessment, the expected changes inclimate, and the best use of the available data. It may be true that a single method willbe sufficient. Alternately, a weight-of-evidence approach employing multiple, inde-pendent assessment methods may be deemed appropriate, and in most cases will providea more robust evaluation of potential climate effects. In situations where little dataexist, expert judgement can be sufficient, although this will increase the level ofuncertainty of, and decrease confidence in, the assessment results.

The descriptions of data requirements provided with the methods discussions above arethe basis for screening background information and sources of data. Since the methodsalso tend to focus on a particular climate variable (or set thereof), those methods can bescreened for their sensitivity to the appropriate climate factor (e.g., precipitation,temperature, water level). Specific geographic regions can be considered for theirvulnerabilities to climate change. Particular species of fish or entire fisheries can bescreened for their ecological and economic importance and for their potentialvulnerabilities to climate change.

Models can be tested if sufficient data are available (Carter et al., 1994). Validationstudies look at how closely estimations of a particular fisheries model track real-worldobservations. However, it is important to note that oftentimes sufficient data are lackingto carry out detailed validation studies. Nonetheless, a given fisheries model may beperfectly suitable to use for a climate change assessment. Sensitivity analysis examineshow the output of a particular fisheries model changes with changes in its structure orthe actual values that are input into the model. This kind of analysis is helpful to see ifthe model will respond reasonably to the likely changes in climate variables. In the end,the experts carrying out the assessment will need to make a judgement about the overallvalidity, applicability, and usefulness of any specific fisheries model and to what levelof uncertainty will the results be considered acceptable.

14.4 Scenarios

14.4.1 Climate change considerations

Chapter 3 discusses climate change scenarios in detail. Of critical importance to thefisheries assessment is the conversion of the climate scenario data into useable input forthe fisheries methods. For example, the output of climate models typically includesestimates of changes in air temperatures and in the magnitude, duration, anddistribution of precipitation. These models do not, however, provide direct informationon potential changes in water quality or hydrologic parameters that directly affectfreshwater and marine coastal fisheries resources, or on potential changes in ocean

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currents and the distribution of upwelling zones that are important to pelagic marinespecies.

To assess the vulnerability of the fisheries to climate change, estimated atmosphericclimate changes must be translated into changes in environmental variables that aredirectly important to fisheries resources, such as lake and sea levels, ocean currents,streamflow and water temperatures (Meisner et al., 1987; Christie and Regier, 1988;Kennedy, 1990; see Figure 14.2). Only when these climate-induced hydrologic changesare estimated can the responses of the fishery resource (e.g., reduced growth rates orreproductive success, increased mortality, and altered distribution) be identified andevaluated. The assessment of fisheries impacts will depend critically on the analysesfrom the water resource and coastal resource sectors and their associated hydrologicmodels. Multisectoral, multidisciplinary teams will be necessary, and fisheriesspecialists will have to interact with technical specialists from other resource areaswhen developing riverine hydrographs; estimating sea and lake levels, watertemperatures, and salinity; estimating the timing and extent of floodplain inundation andthe fate of wetlands; and estimating the distribution of oceanic currents and upwellingzones under different climate change scenarios.

14.4.2 Socio-economic considerations

Changes in abundance of specific fisheries will have direct social and economic effects.Changes in commercial fisheries will have very direct economic impacts, eitherbeneficial or negative. These economic impacts can be measured directly throughchanges in total monetary value of the catch and can be used in a cost-benefit analysis.

Changes to recreational fisheries may also incur socio-economic impacts. Decreases orincreases in abundance of key recreational species will affect the likelihood of peopletravelling to a specific place to fish and thus directly affect the livelihood of that sectorof the population employed supporting the recreational fishery. This in turn can affectlocal or regional economies (USEPA, 1995).

These same impacts to fisheries can affect subsistence activities. Areas that are highlydependent on fish as a daily food source may be significantly affected by climatechange impacts to fisheries resources. Reduced subsistence catches may result in directlocal or regional impacts on human health. In extreme cases the drying of a tropicalwater body could lead to entire villages having to move. In other cases it may requirepeople to migrate on at least a seasonal basis to other fishing grounds. So it is importantto look at socio-economic impacts outside of the formal economy. Chapter 2 discussessocio-economic scenarios in detail.

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Link climate changes to marine and freshwaterenvironmental conditions

• Estimate surface water temperature from air temperature• Develop thermal profiles• Estimate sea and leke levens and river hydrographs• Quantify physical changes inhabitats due to changes in sea

and lake levels using topographis information• Estimate changes in ocean currents and upwelling zones

Identify habitat parameters vulnerableto estimated changes in marine and freshwater

conditions and collect appropritate biological andfisheries data

• Physiological parameters (thermal niche and tolerance)• Habitat requirements (flow, substrate, depth) and other life

history information• Individual process rates (growth and mortality rates)• Historical fish yield or catch estimates• Develop temperature-process relationships

Implement assessment approaches

• Develop empirical models to estimate fish yields fromhistorical data and climate estimations

• Develop habitat suitability models and estimate fisheriesresponse to changes in habitat quality

• Evaluate changes in growth using bio-energetics modeland temperature-process relationships

• Estimate changes in habitat abundance and thermalsuitability

Climate scenarios

Altered air temperature, precipitation,solar radiation, wind speed

Figure 14.2 Conceptual framework for linking estimated climate changes toenvironmental conditions in aquatic habitats and estimatingbiological responses of target fish resources (Hlohowskyj et al.,1996).

14.5 Autonomous adaptation

Given any set of effects of climate change, certain changes in fishery populations and inthe human social and economic systems that depend on them will happen withoutpurposeful intervention. One of the more obvious examples will be the likely polewardredistribution of marine fisheries. There will not be significant barriers to this processoccurring naturally. Other changes in fish distributions, including freshwater fisheries,

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are also likely without human management and intervention. The changes estimated inthe assessments will provide a guide for these adjustments, and monitoring programscan confirm these changes.

Some social and economic responses to climate change are likely to be virtuallyautonomous also. It would be expected that subsistence fishers will switch to otheravailable species, and some groups may migrate to stay with favoured fish species or tofind new fishing grounds. Stocking of at least some species better adapted to thechanged conditions is likely, even without major public programs.

14.6 Planned adaptation

As previously discussed, global warming is expected to lead (on average) to higher airtemperatures and changes in the geographic distribution, temporal pattern, and magni-tude of precipitation. These changes in temperature and precipitation in turn affectmarine and freshwater habitats and eventually lead to changes in the distribution,composition, and abundance of fisheries species around the world. However, specificestimations of effects to habitats and fisheries resources are difficult to develop giventhe uncertainty associated with the overall accuracy of estimations of climate change,and the very difficult problem of providing regional- or finer-scale estimations ofclimate changes. Nonetheless, the development of preliminary cost-effective adaptationmeasures is warranted and should be initiated if a potential for adverse impacts isindicated by the impact assessments. The adaptation measures may then be revised asconfidence in the climate and impact projections increases and as technology improves.

The development of adaptation policies and strategies to address problems that mayarise as a result of climate-induced impacts to fisheries will depend on a number ofphysical, ecological and socio-economic conditions. These conditions include 1) thenature of the climate change impact on the fisheries resource (changes in thermalhabitat, habitat dewatering, alteration in timing of flood flows, etc.); 2) whether thefisheries resource of concern is marine, estuarine, or freshwater based; 3) the location(latitude) of the fishery resource; 4) whether the resource of concern comprises cold-water or warmwater species; 5) the current status or condition of the fishery of concern;6) whether the fishery is commercial or subsistence (or some combination thereof); and7) the overall importance of the fishery of concern to a local, national, or regionaleconomy. Equally important, the development of adaptation responses specific to thefishery resource will be dependent on and interrelated with the adaptation activities inother sectors, particularly water resources, coastal zone resources, and agriculture andland use.

Adaptation responses (Table 14.5) specific to fishery resources may address issues ofwater management strategies; habitat construction, modification, and protection; man-agement of catch levels, development of new fishing techniques and equipment; de-velopment of new processing infrastructure; development of new species strains forstocking; and management of land use within important watersheds. In many countries,

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the development and implementation of appropriate adaptation strategies will bestrongly dependent on the availability of financing. Adaptation can become increasinglyimportant, relative to autonomous adjustments, for scenarios that lead to a net reductionin available fishery resources. This net reduction may come about either from actualreductions in productivity or from significant geographic redistribution of the resources.

Table 14.5 Summary of adaptation measures (some measures from IPCC,1996).

Marine and estuarine fisheries

• negotiate allocation of EEZ and international catches• implement coastal zone and land use management/restrictions on development areas• develop coastal wetland mitigation banks• identify substitute or develop new fisheries• develop financing for shifting to new fisheries• reduce current catch on fully and overexploited fisheries to restore health of fisheries

(e.g. implement limited entry schemes, reduction of subsidies)• build capacity — training/education for use of new equipment• construct/restore wetlands• educate coastal populations on the economic value for supporting sustainability of

coastal environments

Freshwater and anadromous fisheries

• implement land use policies that protect critical habitats (particularly seasonallyflooded spawning areas and endangered species habitats)

• revise catch allocations among commercial, recreational and subsistence fishers• ensure that markets can supply equipment for recreational fishers• develop capacity to manage for fisheries in reservoirs/impoundments developed for

other sectors (e.g. agriculture, drinking water, hydroelectric power)• develop capacity for fish stocking (hatcheries, technicians, distribution mechanisms)• create training/extension service/financing options for assistance to commercial and

subsistence fishers• minimise new physical barriers to fish migration from dams/other uses of water• remove/modify existing physical barriers to migration• educate floodplain populations on the economic value of supporting sustainability of

floodplain environments


• co-ordinate/plan with water resources sector for water conservation in arid regions• construct new aquaculture facilities to offset loss of natural habitats• change to more environmentally tolerant species as necessary• develop faster growing strains

14.6.1 Marine fisheries

Impacts to marine fishery resources will most likely result from climate-inducedchanges in ocean currents (IPCC, 1996) and upwelling zones (Glantz, 1994). Fisheryresponses to these changes may include shifts in the locations of major fishing grounds,reductions in overall fish production (biomass), and changes in species compositions.Potential changes to the physical environment may be among the most difficult changes

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to estimate with any reliability, and technical options to directly modify climate effectson the open ocean environment, in contrast to estuarine and freshwater habitats, arelimited or non-existent.

In general, measures for adapting to potentially major redistributions of fisheries stocksmay include 1) developing fishing fleets capable of travelling greater distances to newfishing grounds or 2) building coastal and ocean-going processing facilities to expeditedelivery of catch to customers. It is likely that countries with modern fishing fleets andthe most refrigeration and processing capability will be willing to pursue relocatedfisheries even at the cost of travel to more distant and different locations. Because of theheavy capital investment and debt in many of the marine fishing fleets of wealthiernations, there will be a real need to locate new or substitute fisheries to pay for thisinvestment (Glantz and Feingold, 1992).

Land use may also be an important factor in this process of change. Fish processingplants may have to locate to new areas along with the fishing fleets. Available land inthe coastal zone for new processing facilities may be scarce, and in some countries toovaluable for this use (Feingold, 1992). Alternately, ocean-going processing capabilitieswill need to be developed.

As difficult, if not more so, will be establishing new catch limits or geographic res-trictions. This may require international negotiations and fishing treaties or imple-mentation of limited entry schemes. This type of fisheries management has beendifficult in the past, and is not likely to be easier in the future (IPCC, 1996). Forexample, shifts to substitute fish stocks may add stress to stocks currently undersignificant fishing pressure (Regier and Goodier, 1992). Nevertheless, reducing fishingpressure now on overexploited species may increase their resilience to the direct effectsof climate change and to the possible effects of redistributed fishing pressure.

14.6.2 Estuarine fisheries

Estuarine fisheries are anticipated to be most at risk to climate change as a result of sealevel rise and its effects on coastal habitats such as wetlands. In contrast to theuncertainty associated with estimates of precipitation and temperature change, there is agreater capacity for estimating sea level rise and anticipating its expected impacts onfisheries. There is some certainty to the estimated current and future rate and magnitudeof sea level change (Douglas 1991; Titus and Narayanan, 1995), and the importance ofsea level to some critical estuarine fisheries (e.g., shrimp) is at least partiallyunderstood. For example, the world-wide catch of shrimp is directly related to theacreage of wetland nursery habitat (Turner, 1977, 1992). Shrimp are frequently majorexports and sources for hard currency. Furthermore, in some developing countries thebycatch from fishing for shrimp is saved, rather than disposed overboard, and used fordomestic consumption. Oftentimes, the fish that comprise the bycatch are too expensiveto gather directly even though they serve as an important domestic protein source.

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In addition to the greater confidence in estimates of sea level rise, present day tech-nology provides an opportunity to design and if necessary implement adaptationstrategies for addressing anticipated impacts to estuarine fisheries resources. Estimatesof sea level rise provide some capability to estimate the fate of specific coastal wetlandsand other nearshore nursery areas that are important for specific fisheries resources.This capability thus gives coastal and island countries some ability to plan for theimpacts of sea level rise on these nursery areas and therefore the long-term health oftheir fisheries. Countries that are committed to maintaining their coastal fisheries willhave to maintain undeveloped inshore areas to which coastal wetlands (like mangroves)can retreat (Kjerfve et al., 1994). For example, mangroves, an abundant and importantcoastal nursery habitat, are quite vulnerable to sea level rise (Ellison, 1993). Thesehabitats may be lost as sea level rises. However, if inland areas estimated to beinundated as a result of sea level rise are protected from development, they will beavailable for mangrove colonisation and establishment. Thus, government policiesrelated to development in the coastal zone will be critical to maintaining wetlandnursery areas and thus fisheries. Fisheries adaptation will be potentially competing withvarious parts of the public and commercial land use/development sector.

14.6.3 Freshwater fisheries

Climate impacts to freshwater fisheries will be more directly related to changes in watertemperature (at higher latitudes) and to changes in water availability (lower latitudes).In northern latitudes, inland freshwaters are estimated to become warmer, and somecoldwater species are likely to be replaced by warmer water species (Meisner et al.,1987; Shuter and Post, 1990). The warmwater species may naturally expand theirranges into newer, thermally suitable habitats if invasion routes are available, or may bestocked into isolated water bodies. These warmer water habitats are also likely to showincreases in fisheries production if nutrients are present and if prey are present forhigher order species. However, the rates of environmental change (mainly temperatureextremes as well as thermal structure) and the availability of replacement species willgreatly affect a system’s intrinsic ability to adapt to different climate conditions.

Countries are likely to have more technical capabilities to address freshwater impactswhen compared to marine or estuarine impacts. Stocking with new species may be themost feasible technical solution where there are natural or human-made barriers to mi-gration into newly warmer habitats. Some countries already have the hatcheries andassociated infrastructure for stocking major aquatic systems like the Great Lakes in theUSA, and aquaculture is practised at least on a small scale in most countries throughoutthe world. For freshwater habitats with human-made obstacles to fish passage,removing or modifying obstructions may represent the most straightforward andeffective adaptation measure. This approach may be necessary to maintain and restorethreatened and endangered stocks of anadromous fisheries.

Perhaps the greater impacts that may occur to fishery resources will be to the existingdrought- prone regions that may become even drier, such as Southern Africa (Hulme,

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1996) Changes in the magnitude, timing, and duration of precipitation events could leadto significant regional or local reductions of aquatic habitat. Reduced precipitation withresultant declines in lake or stream levels could reduce or eliminate critical habitatssuch as spawning areas. Alternately, changes in the timing of precipitation events couldlead to a lack of water during key stages of the life cycle and thus threaten the healthand diversity of fisheries populations. Temperature changes in drought-prone regionscould also affect runoff and therefore affect hydrological changes.

Maintaining productive fisheries in the face of changes such as these will be difficult.Some countries may lack sufficient technical or monetary capability to respond toaltered climatic conditions. In addition, current droughts in some regions are alreadyputting increasing pressure to use diminishing water supplies for irrigation and hydro-power generation, and these needs are likely to conflict with the need for protectingfisheries resources.

14.6.4 Aquaculture

Aquaculture may become a major area for freshwater fisheries resource adaptation.With climate warming, aquaculture is likely to become more productive (IPCC, 1996).Fish production rates will be higher, other things being equal, in warmer water. Theaquaculture practised throughout the world includes both marine and freshwaterfisheries. As a consequence, technical knowledge for fisheries production using aqua-culture methods is well developed and widely available. The use of aquaculture may bemost appropriate for areas (i.e., equatorial latitudes) which will experience alteredprecipitation regimes that result in reduced water availability. In these areas, the de-velopment of large-scale aquaculture facilities could be used to increase fish productionto offset losses in natural fish production.

Although aquaculture may represent a major area for adaptation, the suitability ofaquaculture will be highly dependent on the availability of water, and the implementa-tion of aquaculture measures will most likely require co-ordination with the water de-mands for agriculture, industry, and domestic use. Additionally, a number of aspectscurrently associated with aquaculture practises world-wide may affect the suitabilityand acceptability of aquaculture as an adaptation activity. For example, current prob-lems associated with aquaculture include 1) accidental introduction of non-native spe-cies to the wild; 2) water quality and habitat degradation due to discharge of operationalwastes, 3) direct conversion of natural fish habitat to aquacultural facilities; and 4) theabuse of additives in aquaculture stocks.

Use of aquaculture to offset losses in the marine environment may be more problematic.Species raised in sea pens may be just as vulnerable to major changes in currents as arewild stocks.

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14.7 Summary and implications

As the world’s fisheries shift in distribution and abundance and the human populationcontinues to grow, the demand for fish in the diet is likely to continue growing. Wherefishing remains profitable, commercial fishers will respond with the necessary changesin gear. An even more motivated group will be people around the world who depend onfish for subsistence or for the major part of protein in their diet. These people will adaptto the extent feasible out of sheer necessity. They will fish new species and makefeasible modifications to their gear. Yet adapting for the long run in fisheries willrequire shifting attitudes away from a short-term economic and social focus. Productivefisheries collapse from the economic pressures that lead to overfishing, particularly incombination with environmental variability (Glantz and Feingold, 1992). As mostfisheries are currently fully exploited or overexploited (IPCC, 1996), there is littleevidence that people have yet learned to manage fisheries resources for the long term.Yet this is critically important. The countries whose people are most dependent onnatural resources like fish are typically those with the least capacity to cope with thecoming changes. These countries need sustainable development strategies that relievecurrent levels of pressure on their resources and increase their resilience to climatechange (Secrett, 1992).

Adaptation planning must begin with the results of the impact analysis and the bestestimate of which fishery resources are at risk. Adaptation policies and techniques mustbe screened (Benioff and Warren, 1996) for their effectiveness in reducing vulnerabilityof fishery resources. One can map an iterative process of performing a impactassessment, screening for high priority adaptation options, and then again examining thevulnerabilities. High priority adaptations to climate change (Smith et al., 1997) mayaddress (also see Chapter 5, Adaptation):

• irreversible consequences;

• habitat loss/extinction;

• decisions, such as coastal land use, that keep options open for the long term; and

• reversing unfavourable trends such as declining fish stocks.

Given the uncertainties of the impacts of climate change, it is important to begin withfeasible, cost-effective adaptations and those adaptations that may provide benefits evenwithout significant climate change effects. An example of this might be the preservationand restoration of wetlands. Wetlands are often important spawning areas for fish andcritical nursery areas for early life stages. But wetlands also are known to providebenefits such as flood control and improved water quality. Another example might bethe reduction of fishing pressure on overexploited stocks. This would improve thecondition of a fish stock even without climate change, and should make those stocksmore resilient in the face of this new stress. A step like this may not be costly; however,if more than one country is involved, it may still be difficult to accomplish. This

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example shows, however, that there may be steps that will provide value to societyregardless of the extent of climate change.

If quantitative methods such as cost-effectiveness analysis or benefit-cost analysis toselect adaptation options are not appropriate to a specific situation, other qualitativemethods may work. Multicriteria analysis can use qualitative approaches that do notrely on quantifying benefits in dollars or other metrics. Decision makers are asked toidentify policy objectives and subjectively determine how well the adaptation measuresmay meet the objectives (Benioff and Warren, 1996).

The management of water resources is frequently a result of a mix of governmentpolicies and market forces that promote conflicting activities such as navigation, floodcontrol, agricultural irrigation, and hydroelectric power production. This conflict amongwater use sectors has affected fisheries for decades in many countries. Rarely arefisheries the primary consideration in large-scale management of water resources.Indeed, the growing world population is likely to increase demand for all these otheruses of water, in addition to the fisheries, even without climate warming. Thus asvarious water management practices become increasingly necessary for irrigation,hydroelectric power, and drinking water supplies, policies for fisheries management willhave to evolve to fit within those constraints. These policies can be modified to supportfisheries if sufficient consensus within a society exists that there are key fisheriesresources worth preserving. Thus, adaptation measures for fisheries must be consistentwith adaptation measures in other sectors. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that fisherieswould ever take precedence in direct competition with these other sectors. Promotingintegrated water management should become a high level policy goal if societies are togive fisheries their greatest opportunity to prosper under a new climate regime.

One of the most important considerations in assessing potential impacts and developingadaptation strategies is the understanding of the relationships among fisheries and theother sectors. The fisheries analysis must be built primarily on the analyses of wateravailability within the water resources sector and, for coastal marine fisheriesresources, also on the analyses of the loss of coastal wetland areas performed for thecoastal zone sector. In addition, the management of other resource sectors must beconsidered when developing any fisheries adaptation strategies. For example, the pre-servation of wetlands is as much an issue of land use and water management as it is offisheries production. Water availability is also a major issue for agriculture and must beconsidered in the development of fisheries adaptation strategies. This thread ofinteraction and integration of the water-dependent fisheries sector with other sectors willneed to be considered throughout any specific impact and adaptation assessment for anyparticular fisheries resource.

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