The Upside to Unexpected Explosions - GothRaven89 (2024)

Buggy hummed a light tune as he sat at one of the tables in his workshop, an intense look of focus on his face as he finished adding the final touches to the outer red exteriors to his latest batch of Muggy Balls. These tiny yet highly incendiary balls were among his signature weapons along with the various knives he loved to wield, and it was through much trial and error that he had finally perfected these demure but deadly devices.

It was early afternoon over the island and after a surprisingly productive morning meeting with Mihawk and Crocodile, the three of them had parted with plans to meet up later for lunch in the main dining tent. Crocodile had gone off towards the docks to look at some of the newest canons Cross Guild had commissioned for it's beach defenses, while Mihawk was either back in his dark and mysterious quarters, or tending to his garden. Buggy paused in his work for a moment as he felt his face warm up a little and a smile came to his lips at the mere thought of his lieutenants. They were by no means the best of friends, but he could honestly say that they were getting along splendidly. Triumphing over the Marines often and bringing in loads of trade and treasure had done wonders to ingratiate Buggy in the eyes of the two former Warlords.

Buggy felt his smile dim a little as his next thought made his heart twinge with an all too familiar ache.

Why did he have to be such a fool and go ahead and fall in love with the both of them while he was at it? His dreams always had a healthy dose of hungry golden yellow eyes and a deadly golden hook he wanted to feel against his own skin these days. Feeling his cheeks heat up further in private embarrassment, Buggy banished thoughts of his crushes and refocused his attention to his task.

Once he had his newest batch of red Muggy balls squared away in the special storage locker he had set up, Buggy turned his attention to the multicolored chemicals he had boiling away on the Bunsen burners. Buggy smiled a little as he saw that the chemicals were coming along nicely. These were the chemical parts to his latest iteration of his much larger Buggy balls which were the size of regular cannon balls.

These Buggy balls were gonna be a bright blue outer shell, and on top of an already impressive explosive core, these Buggy balls would have the added touch of being filled with a mild but no less irritating itching powder. Buggy's plan was to keep these blue Buggy balls on hand as a means of distraction as well as destruction. These things could take out whole ships, but also leave enemy combatants too busy scratching up a storm to try and give chase in a fight. Yup, these were his latest stroke of genius if he did say so himself.

Satisfied with the state of the chemicals, Buggy turned his focus to the powder elements that still needed to me mixed.

He donned a heavy apron, protective gloves that fell just short of his elbows, and a custom made face shield with a built in filtration mask over his bulbous nose and painted mouth before he retrieve a large metal mixing bowl and the heavy jars of various powders.

He carefully measured and poured specific amounts of each powdered element into the bowl until he was satisfied he had enough before he stepped over to another special metal locker that was high up and had him climbing a small steel ladder attached to it. Once he reached the doors of the locker he undid the special key-less lock and pulled them open to reveal its hidden contents. Inside this locker where several large glass jars filled with various, vibrantly bright colored powders. Each striking, each deadly or dastardly in their own way. These were the newest fillings for Buggy's Muggy and Buggy balls, powders that the blue haired Yonko himself had derived from all manner of poisonous or irritating substances found not only locally here on Karai Bari, but also some specialty ingredients he had ordered from all over the Grand Line.

Buggy wracked his bright blue eyes over the many jars with a bubbling sense of glee before they zeroed in on a large jar filled with a powder of the same shade, a smirk coming to his red pained lips as he reached out an carefully picked it up.

This bright blue powder was the fitting filling to the blue Buggy balls he would be setting to work on, the itching powder he had derived from several kinds of ivy and blue flowers found on Karai Bari itself, and the perfect kind of parting gift their island could give to enemies.

With the jar in hand Buggy began his descent from the ladder. He had gotten down just one step before a low whistling noise caught his ear. Buggy looked over his shoulder sharply towards his work station where he had his chemicals bubbling away.

A frown came over his painted face as he saw that nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the chemicals bubble sedately over the flames of the Bunsen burners which were on a low setting. The low whistle, much like that of a kettle signally that its contents were finally boiling, sounded again.

" What the Hell?" Buggy murmured as he wracked his eyes over his set up.

Then a small rattling sound cracked through the air and everything that was when stark white. Buggy let out a sharp cry as he was suddenly blown back, his ears filling with the roar of the explosion that was happening in the center of his workshop and radiating outward, catching him in it's blast radius and sending he flying. Buggy distantly heard the sound of glass shattering and something powdery covering him before that back of his head impacted with the metal locker he had just closed and he knew nothing more but the blackness of unconsciousness.

He careened onto the hard floor of his workshop with a dull thud, covered in a moderate dusting of bright blue powder from head to toe, the protective gear he was wearing serving him well enough to shield him from some of the powder, his Chop Chop abilities sparing him from being torn up by the shattered glass. He lay unmoving while his workshop smoked and sizzled but oddly did not fully go up in flames despite all of the highly dangerous and incendiary elements he kept.

Elsewhere on the island, just at the outskirts to the side of Buggy Town right before a patch of woodlands started, a pair of golden yellow eyes looked up sharply as their owner's acute sense of hearing caught the distant but no less distinct sound of an explosion go off somewhere in the general direction of the main big top tent.

Dracule Mihawk frowned lightly as he slowly stood up to full height, still clutching the shovel he had been using to dig a new row of holes in his vegetable patch in is gloved hands. Cannons going off was one thing, but neither were they under attack nor scheduled to run practice drills with dummy cannon balls. As his sharp ears caught the sound of distant shouts and yells of alarm, his ever instinct flared and told him he needed to get to the main tent with all due haste. Mihawk stabbed the shovel into the soft soil and then grabbed up his black cloak and Yoru where he had left them against the log railings set up around the perimeter of his garden. Swiftly donning his cloak and setting Yoru to her customary place at his back, all in one smooth and practiced motion, Mihawk took off running with all speed.

Many of the denizens of Cross Guild startled and yelped as Mihawk literally blew past them with inhuman speed, while others running in the same direction towards the main big top were left in the dust. Mihawk felt a small jolt of alarm go through him when his finally laid eyes on the giant red and white striped tent crowned with a clown skull and crossed swords when he could see the billowing plume of dark grey smoke that was lazily rising up, not from within the main tent, but behind it.

Mihawk clenched his jaw as he perceived the ongoing situation. Behind the main big top were the private residences of himself, Crocodile, and Buggy. While Mihawk and Crocodile had plenty of weapons in their own residences, it was Cross Guild's intrepid and innovative chairman who had an entire workshop brimming with all manner of dangerous and highly flammable chemicals and mixture for his bomb making specialty.

If that red nosed buffoon had somehow blown himself to bits, then Mihawk was going to collect all of his pieces, but him back together, and then kill the clown himself for his absolute stupidity. Mihawk stubbornly refused to acknowledge the pure, cold hard worry for the blue haired imbecile that was settling like an unforgiving stone in his gut as he continued to close in on the main big top. Once Mihawk was within full sight, he veered sharply to the side so that he could run around to the back. Cross Guilders, including members of Buggy's immediate crew like Mohji, Cabaji, and Richie all wisely got the hell out of the swordsman's way as he charged past them.

When Mihawk finally rounded to the back of the main big top and hurtled past his own private tent, he was greeted by a sight that could only be described as pure bedlam.

Buggy's personal quarters were located right between Mihawk and Crocodile's own residences, with his special workshop as a smaller version of the blue and white start covered square tent and stone hybrid dwelling the clown called home.

Scores of people were gathered around the smaller structure that was smoking heavily but thankfully not fully engulfed in flames, no doubt due to the fact that all of the tents on the island were made from fabric treated with a special flame retardant substance meant to protect against exactly this kind of misfortune. Mihawk to a split second to be glad of this forethought before he turned his attention fully towards assessing the chaos. Buggy's workshop had just suffered some kind of calamity, the Clown was most likely inside and incapacitated, and for some reason everyone that was gathering to try and help Cross Guild's chairman were all standing several feet away, as though held at bay by some unseen force.

" M-Mihawk Sam-ma!" A female voice yelled out, the crowd parting as a flushed and harried looking Alvida came rushing forward to meet him.

The green eyed woman stumbled just as she came to stop before the yellow eyes swordsman, Mihawk's sharp reflexes serving her well as he reached out and grabbed her before she could fall. He steadied her before releasing her, just as she started to basically cough up a lung.

" Breathe Alvida, catch your breath and tell me what's going on." Mihawk ordered sternly but not unkindly.

Alvida nodded rapidly and coughed a few more times before she finally caught her breath and spoke.

" M-Mihawk Sama, Chairman Buggy's in there but we can't get to him because there's something in the air besides the smoke, it got to the first few men who tried reach him. They started coughing and said that everything started itching inside and out. The wind picked up and some of it blew towards us and we started coughing and itching all over and had to pull back!" The Smooth Smooth fruit wielder explained urgently.

Mihawk nodded grimly before he turned his yellow eyes to the crowd.

" Everybody fall back now!" He roared.

The crowd didn't need to be told twice as everyone drew back further from Buggy's singed workshop and the contaminated air near it.

Mihawk found himself surrounded by Buggy's immediate crew, all of them gazing at the smoking workshop and wondering if Buggy was even alive at this point if he hadn't come out on his own.

" Oi, Hawk, what the f*ck's goin' on here?" A deep voice sounded from behind them, all of them turning to see Sir Crocodile striding towards them flanked by and ever neutral Daz Bones and deeply worried Galdino.

Alvida, Cabaji, and Mohji were all about to start talking all at once, but Mihawk cowed them with a single look before wordlessly gesturing for Alvida to go ahead and explain since she was among the first to arrive on scene right after the explosion that had sounded.

Once Crocodile was appraised of the situation, he pulled the cigar out of his mouth and dropped it to the ground to snub it out, his bright violet eyes hard with determination as he looked to Mihawk. The pair, so in-tune with each other after forming a solid relationship that had already spanned a full year, had a silent conversation and came to an agreement.

They would work together to get the Clown out, one way or another.

" Get everybody out of the way, now." Crocodile rumbled as he turned his violet eyes to Alvida and the others of their shared core crew.

Alvida, Cabaji, Mohji, Richie, Daz, and Galdino all rushed off to herd the crowd out of the way as fast as they could before Crocodile and Mihawk both stepped forward towards Buggy's workshop.

" There's definitely something foul in the air." Mihawk said as he used his observation haki to get a better look at what they were up against. He frowned lightly when he could see the blue particulates that were wafting about the air.

" Blue powder of some sort." He conveyed to Crocodile.

" No doubt one of that imbecile's concoctions that went and blew up in his face." Crocodile grumbled in annoyance, while quietly hiding his worry for that damned clown as he raised his bejeweled hand and looked to Mihawk.

" Shield me well my love." Mihawk said as he unsheathed Yoru from his back.

" With everything I've got Hawk." Crocodile rumbled before he turned his attention to the offending dust cloud and summoned a tiny swirling tornado of sand in the palm of his ring covered hand.

" Sables!" Crocodile roared as he let the sandstorm in his hand loose, controlling it's size and focusing it on Buggy's workshop and the surrounding area, blowing away and absorbing the blue itching powder that had become airborne.

Just as Crocodile unleashed his sand, Mihawk ran full tilt into the storm, the sand parting in a path for the swordsman towards the door to the workshop, which the yellow eyes swordsman wasted no time slicing clean through.

Mihawk crashed into the smoke filled workshop.

" Buggy!" Mihawk called, an let out a small cough when he got a lung-full of the blue dust filled air that Crocodile's sand had not been able to get to.

Mihawk spared a moment to wave Yoru around, sending waves of air about the space to lessen the dust before he headed in further.

Several pieces of furniture were smoking and inflame, and there was broken glass everywhere as Mihawk made his way into the center of the workshop.

" Buggy where are you? Can you hear me? Call out!" Mihawk shouted.

He received no reply, only the sound of furniture sizzling as it burned and the crackling of broken glass beneath his own boots.

Mihawk's heart pounded hard against his sternum despite his outwardly calm appearance. Mihawk reached the center of the workshop and saw the shambled where Buggy's main work tables were in, surmising quickly that this was the epicenter of the explosion. He summoned his observation haki and again to scan the room and then immediately focused in on the far corner of the room where a familiar blue haired figure lay sprawled and still on the floor.

" Buggy!" Mihawk yelled as he rushed forward and crashed onto his knees beside the prone form of Cross Guild's Chairman.

Mihawk racked his yellow eyes over the unconscious blue haired man, not at all liking what he was seeing. While Buggy thankfully had on some protective gear, including a filter mask and face guard, he was covered in the offending blue dust all over. It was on his exposed skin and no doubt had seeped in through his clothing despite the heavy apron he had on. There was also dark red staining the back of his head, no doubt a head wound from being blown backwards during the explosion.

Gritting his teeth, Mihawk set down Yoru and pulled his black cloak free from his shoulders, thankful that he was still wearing his gardening gloves as he quickly draped the garment over Buggy's prone form before he picked his great black blade back up. With a might swing upward, Mihawk sent a green haki infused shock wave towards the nearest wall and easily broke through, the light from outside shining in along with some welcome fresh air before he reached down, set Yoru aside once more and wrapped his cloak as firmly as he could around Buggy. He then lifted Buggy into his arms and grabbed up his heavy blade in a show of his talents in dexterity. With Yoru's hilt gripped in one hand with the blade pointed downward, and Buggy hanging limp and wrapped in a bridal carry in his arms, Mihawk headed out of the workshop, the place that had very nearly become Buggy's dark and smoldering tomb.

Mihawk was greeted by the bright, early afternoon sun, blessedly fresher air, and Crocodile himself leading their crew and followers in their charge the aid him.

The yellow eyed swordsman relinquished his hold on Yoru and allowed Daz to hold his great black blade for him, but he did not let go of Buggy, not even for a second, holding the unconscious Yonko close to him as they all rushed him to the medical tent with all due haste.

Mihawk and Crocodile all but crashed into the medical tent, where Dr. Jungo and her staff were waiting, thankfully clad in protective gear thanks to Alvida's wherewithal to send someone to the hospital tent just as Mihawk had rushed in to get Buggy to tell the good doctor about the stranger, irritating blue dust that had been wafting about the air before Crocodile's timely and sandy intervention.

Dr. Jungo and her team rushed forward with a gurney, Mihawk immediately lowering the unconscious Yonko onto it and feeling an unexpectedly sharp twinge of bereavement at the loss the the blue haired man from his arms.

Once Buggy was on the gurney Dr. Jungo and her staff set about unwrapping Mihawk's cloak from around him and ordering everyone else to stay back at the risk of exposure. The heavy black fabric fell away to reveal Buggy, covered in the poisonous dust but thankfully still breathing.

" We must get this dust off of him immediately, let's get him into the emergency showers!" Dr. Jungo barked as she carefully pulled away the face shield and mask Buggy was still wearing, only for Crocodile to step forward.

" I can help with all that dust, it won't bother me." He declared before without and further preamble he raised his bejeweled hand. Several golden tendrils of sand materialized from his palm and snaked there way across the air towards Buggy.

Everyone watched as the golden sand, so powerful it could strip flesh from bone and leave armies of men as nothing but dried out husks, swirled around a too still Buggy with an unheard of gentleness, absorbing the offending blue powder with ease, and even going so far as to clear away the blood that stained Buggy's bright blue hair and pack the wound to the back of his head before one of the nurse's took over by hastily pressing clean gauze to the still lazily bleeding injury.

Crocodile withdrew his sand, sending the tendrils now tinted with blue off to a nearby bio-hazard bin, safely disposing of the unknown irritant.

" Thank you so much Crocodile Sama!" Dr. Jungo exclaimed before all eyes turned to Buggy.

The elation of the dust being taken care of was short-lived as they saw the angry redness that was rapidly developing over Buggy's exposed skin, where the dust had made contact. There was no telling how severe the irritation Buggy was developing was bound to be, and worse still if he had actually breathed any of the stuff in. If Buggy's skin was anything to go by, if the dust had entered his lungs, he was in for plenty more hurt.

" We must further decontaminate him in the emergency showers and then treat his wounds, let's go!" Dr. Jungo roared as she and her team surrounded Buggy on the gurney and rushed him away towards the back of the medical tent, no doubt where the emergency showers were located.

Mihawk and Crocodile stood side by side, their shared crew behind them, all of them silent and stunned as Dr. Jungo and her team disappeared with Buggy out of their line of sight. They said nothing, the moved not an inch, what could they even say or do? Now there was only the waiting, and the hoping that Buggy would be alright.

Hours later, just as the sun was setting over Karai Bari with the seas calmly lapping at it's shores...

With a low groan a pair of bright blue eyes slowly opened and blinked crusty lids against the haziness as consciousness slowly returned.

As Buggy's vision cleared up he stared up at a dark green tent ceiling and frowned, wondering where he was.

" Buggy?" Came a soft baritone voice from somewhere in the distance. Followed by an deeper voice.

" That's it Clown, you've had enough sleep."

" Wha?" Buggy asked eloquently as he blinked his eyes further and did his best to shake off the remaining cobwebs as a pairs of familiar but totally unexpected faces came before his sight.

" C-Croco... Haw-Hawky?" Buggy croaked out, is voice scratchy and his throat too dry as he looked up into the faces of his 'lieutenants'.

Mihawk and Crocodile were both about to greet Buggy properly and ask after him when Buggy's eyes suddenly widened to an alarming size and he took in this deep, shuddering breath before he let out this absolutely blood curdling scream that would haunt both Mihawk and Crocodile long after the day had passed.

" B-BURNS! IT BURNS! GAHHAHA!" Buggy shrieked before he turned wide and terrified eyes to Mihawk and Crocodile.

" H-HELP! HELP ME PLEASE! DRACULE! CROCODILE HELP ME!" He screamed as he reached out his hands towards the two former warlords pleadingly, his arms erupting in fresh, itchy agony at the movement and making him sob uncontrollably.

Mihawk and Crocodile both had about a second to be horrified before they were springing into action.

They both reached for Buggy's hands, each gripping one before Mihawk used his other hand to loop his arm under Buggy and pull him up from the bed and immediately into his arms. He wrapped his arms around Buggy like a vice, almost crushing the distressed man to his chest while he and Crocodile both held onto his hands, both to reassure him and to keep him from clawing at himself. The large cotton hospital gown the medical staff had dressed Buggy in providing a bit of cushioning for his inflamed skin but even the thin fabric against his raw skin was agony.

" HEY WE NEED DR. JUNGO IN HERE NOW!" Crocodile roared while Mihawk carefully placed his other hand over the back of Buggy's head where it was thickly bandaged over his wound to further secure the injured and agonized man.

Buggy was burning all over, his skin feeling like hot lava had been poured over him, especially on his arms and his neck and his head feeling like someone was literally cleaving his skull in half with their bare hands. Everything itched, his throat and even his very lungs all the way down to his alveoli.

His clung to Mihawk and Crocodile as hard as his hands could squeeze, their skin against his own a soothing cool balm even if they were just holding hands.

Things descended into fresh chaos after that as Dr. Jungo and her fellow doctors and nurses came rushing in at Crocodile's bellowing cry for their assistance.

Once again Mihawk had to let go of Buggy and lay Buggy back down on the bed before stepping aside so that the doctor could do her job, but it was the tiniest comfort when he saw that his own lover Crocodile was just as hesitant, a nurse having to gently ask him to let go of Buggy's hand and take a step back so that she and her fellows could work with as little hindrance as possible. Their eyes met across Buggy's sick bed and the medical staff buzzing around him, violet eyes holding the gaze of those of golden yellow, the silent and loathed feeling of helplessness shared and understood.

Today had changed something irrevocably in them both in regards to what they felt for Buggy D. Clown. Gone was any semblance of absolute abhorrence and annoyance at the most and callousness or disinterest at the least. Today, at the very real possibility of finding Buggy blown up and dead in his own workshop, had shattered some unseen wall they both had around their hearts in regards to this blue haired, red nosed dolt who at the same time was a genius and a great captain. The thought of losing Buggy D. Clown had in the span of mere seconds become absolutely unacceptable for either of them.

They watched as Dr. Jungo and her team injected Buggy with several different medicines, most like to calm both him and the burning itch that had taken over his body. They felt relieved when the doctor called out that Buggy thankfully did not have a concussion despite the knock to his head and the loss of consciousness earlier.

Thankfully whatever meds Dr. Jungo provided Buggy worked moderately quickly as he calmed down within the span of about fifteen minutes, although he was still very very itchy and uncomfortable all over as he lay propped up with not only the good doctor, Mihawk, and Crocodile flanking him, but the rest of their crew as well.

With his head aching dully but his mind clear, Buggy was up for recounting what had happened in his workshop that led to the state that he was in now.

Everything was normal, he was working on his muggy ball and was in the process of filling his newest creation, the blue irritant laced large Buggy balls that would be added to their war ships' arsenal. He recounted how as he had been getting the special blue itching powder that had now become his own bane when he heard those weird noses coming from his Bunsen burners.

" There was this strange whistling sound and then something rattled, and then everything just went boom." Buggy croaked out as he made an exploding gesture with his hand and then immediately tried to scratch at the rash that had formed on his forehead, the face shield having not been able to stop all of the blue dust from getting onto his face. Before his nails could make contact with the inflamed skin, a large bejeweled hand was wrapping around his hand, effectively engulfing his smaller hand and halting him.

Buggy looked up sharply, his bright blue eyes meeting those of rich violet as Crocodile gazed back at him and shook his head.

" You heard the doc, no scratching with your nails directly unless you want a nice infection to go with that rash you've got going." Crocodile rumbled sternly.

" Didn't know you cared Croco." Buggy quipped in an effort to hide the way Crocodile's touch alone had him wanting to lunge right out of bed and into the gigantic man's arms.

" You don't know a lot of things Clown." Crocodile shot back as he lowered their joined hands and tellingly did not let go. Buggy looked down at his hand engulfed in Crocodile and felt his face heat up for a completely different reason than the rash he was currently suffering from. He dared not look over at Mihawk and see what his expression was, no doubt absolutely murderous.

Mihawk was in fact not feeling murderous at all, but quietly pleased as he watched the interaction between his boyfriend and the Clown that had somehow wormed his way into both of their hearts. He allowed the barest hint of amusem*nt to fill his golden eyes while remained outwardly neutral as ever.

Alvida, Cabaji, Mohji, Richie, Daz, and Galdino's eyes all darted between the trio, a bit confused by Mihawk basically letting his man hold hands with their chairman, but given how strange the circ*mstances were they figured Hawkeyes would let it slide, they did save Buggy together after all.

Dr. Jungo smoothly regained Buggy's attention and proceeded to ask him about all of the specific ingredients to the blue irritant powder he was now suffering himself.

Feeling like a chastened child, Buggy explained all of the ingredients he had used to come up with his special filling. Dr. Jungo did commend Buggy for his ingenuity and assured him that while the rash that covered his upper arms, a bit of his neck and shoulders, and his forehead would unfortunately spread a little bit more first and would take a bit of time to heal, with everything Buggy had listed off regarding what the blue powder was made of, she could come up with an ointment that would combine all of the counteracting agents to each substance. It would just take her a couple of days to get everything ready.

He would also need an infusion to help treat the irritation that was happening to him internally since he had unfortunately breathed some of the blue powder in despite the mask and shield he had been wearing.

After a few more questions and assurances, Dr. Jungo took her leave and left Buggy to a proper reunion with his crew while Mihawk and Crocodile watched over them all. Buggy got a good scolding from Alvida and Cabaji for blowing himself up and scaring them, but Mohji, Richie, and Galdino just wanted to cuddle him relentlessly, while Daz just gave him a nod and then stood guard with Mihawk and Crocodile.

No one left Buggy, not even for dinner as everyone opted to eat with him in the private recovery wing he had been moved to after the medical team had bathed him and triaged his wound.

It was nearly midnight before Dr. Jungo finally put her foot down and shooed nearly everyone out after she set up the IV bag for the infusion to help Buggy with his internal irritation that was meant to work all night.

Mihawk and Crocodile were both staying, and while everyone including Buggy were a tiny bit stunned by this unexpected gesture from Cross Guilds two most fiercest protectors.

After everyone else left, Mihawk and Crocodile pulled up chairs on either side of Buggy's bed. Instead of things turning awkward like they could have and probably should have given their history Buggy was grinning brightly and listening with rapt attention as Mihawk and Crocodile started to regale him with tales of the travels and toils all over the world.

Mihawk's stories about some of his past duels when he was barely a teenager going up against seasoned swordsmen were riveting while Crocodile's tales of the first time he ever met a fruitwani and had to fight for his life to gain the animal's respect and later have them as his beloved mascots were mesmerizing. The stories and Mihawk and Crocodile's company helped Buggy forget the poor state he was in, the itch that was bound to flare up multiple times during treatment and the ache at the back of his head that was still fresh.

Mihawk and Crocodile regaled Buggy until the blue haired Yonko finally drifted off to sleep. Even then, the two former Warlords of the Sea did not take their leave, opting instead to watch over the genius jester.

One day later...

"I-It's really not a big deal, I can stay at my place and make due. I-I don't wanna put you guys out like this!" Buggy said softly, his face blushing furiously as he walked on slightly unsteady feet with Mihawk and Crocodile flanking him on either side, the swordsman going so far as to wrap his arm around the blue haired man's waist to keep him steady. Crocodile had a small sack filled with all of the medical supplies Dr. Jungo had sent Buggy off with, including jars of a special cream and a bath mix she had concocted to treat his rash after she had all of the ingredients of the blue powder, special dressings, and pain medication. The wound at the back of Buggy's head now had a special waterproof sealant over it instead of a bulky gauze dressing. She would come by personally after dinner to set up Buggy's IV infusion that he would still need for his internal irritation.

The three of them were making their way through the residence that Mihawk and Crocodile shared, heading towards the bedroom area so that they could put their injured Chairman back in bed with all haste. Buggy had been released from the hospital tent with Dr. Jungo's strict instructions to rest. She didn't want him to be by himself seeing as to how he had gone through such a traumatic experience just a day earlier. Before any of his crew mates could volunteer, Mihawk and Crocodile took all charge of Buggy's care, declaring that he would stay with them as their guest until he was healed enough.

Now here they were, Mihawk and Crocodile leading him not to the cordoned off area they had reserved for the rare overnight guest, but into their private bedroom area itself.

" In you get Clown." Crocodile rumbled as he pulled back the covers on his and Mihawk's giant canopy bed with black satin sheets.

Clown blinked and gaped at the sand wielder and then turned to the swordsman too, looking between the known lovers in utter disbelief.

" Wha? But this is you guys' bed!" Buggy said incredulously.

" Yes, and it is quite big enough to accommodate all of us I can assure you." Mihawk said without missing a beat as he basically lifted a gobsmacked Buggy the rest of the way over to his and Crocodile's bed, keeping a steadying hand on the clown's back as he slowly climbed in, his achy body protesting the movement. The light linen shirt and sleeping pants he had on

Once they got Buggy settled, Mihawk and Crocodile both urged him to rest. Buggy had insisted on walking from the hospital tent to Mihawk and Crocodile's residence, the sand wielder sending the order before the three of them left the hospital tent for everyone to make themselves scarce to allow Buggy some privacy considering his injured state. It was a testament to how beloved and respected Buggy was at Cross Guild when the order was obeyed and it was only their immediate crew in attendance for Buggy's journey through the empty big top to the back where the three leaders' private residences were located. Said journey had left Buggy utterly depleted despite his insistence that he was perfectly fine.

Buggy felt his cheeks heat up a little as Crocodile went so far as to tuck the sheets in around him. He let out a deep sigh and sank into the firm but soft pillows and mattress beneath him. He looked up at Mihawk and Crocodile and smiled at them softly.

" Thank you." He said with a sigh, sleep already tugging at him insistently.

" Don't mention it Clown." Crocodile said with an air of nonchalance while Mihawk simply nodded.

Buggy let his eyes fall shut and was drifting off within a few minutes, looking more peaceful than they had seen him since this whole ordeal began.

" Let's leave him to his rest." Mihawk said quietly, though his and Crocodile's eyes lingered on Buggy.

" Never really seen him without all that makeup on, gotta say, he's actually quite the looker." Crocodile commented lightly.

" I concur my love." Mihawk said with a nod, earning a soft unguarded grin from Crocodile at being referred to as his love.

They came together in a deep, lingering peck before they turned away from Buggy and busied themselves. Crocodile headed over to the large desk he kept in the far corner to look over some paperwork while Mihawk situated himself in the little sitting area they kept on the other side, picking up the dark fantasy novel he had started reading a few days ago and picking up where he left off, all the while keeping a subtle watch over both his lover and their sleeping guest.

About half an hour later...

Bright blue eyes were flying open as Buggy came back to awareness with a sharp gasp. Buggy sat up in bed, disoriented and with his whole body feeling like it was being bitten all over by a million fire ants.

" Ah!" Buggy yelled as his hands immediately started to scratch at himself over the thin linen clothes he was wearing.

" Oi Buggy!" Came Crocodile's shout as he and Mihawk materialized on either side of him, grabbing hold of his hands to stop him from nearly gouging his own flesh with his finger nails.

" H-Hawky, Cr-Croco! Help me please! I-It itches so bad!" Buggy wailed as he looked at them beseechingly with tearful blue eyes.

" Breathe Clown, just breathe, we'll help you out don't worry." Crocodile assured as he pulled Buggy to him so that his back was against the sand wielder's massive chest and wrapped his massive arms around his slighter frame.

" Croco!" Buggy all but sobbed as he reached up and gripped Crocodile's forearm tightly.

Buggy and Crocodile both looked forward when Mihawk leaned in closer and reached for the collar of Buggy's baggy linen shirt, the swordsman frowning when he saw how angry and reddened Buggy's skin had gotten underneath.

" It looks like the rash flared up just as Dr. Jungo warned. We can either use the cream she made you or you can soak in the bath mix. We'll do whatever you choose." Mihawk explained, forever calm and in control.

Buggy contemplated his options Mihawk presented and then decided.

" C-Cream please." He said softly with a sniffle.

" Alright Buggy." Mihawk said with a nod before he quickly turned and shuffled over to the bedside table where Crocodile had placed the bag of medicines and supplies Dr. Jungo had provided.

He reached in and pulled out one of the medium sized glass jars filled with a thick, milky looking peach hued cream. Mihawk shuffled back to Buggy and Crocodile and wordlessly gestured for Crocodile to release his hold on Buggy. Crocodile did so with great reluctance, unwinding his arms from around the slighter man. Buggy keenly felt the loss of Crocodile's hold but couldn't dwell on it for long as Mihawk spoke.

" May I take your shirt off Buggy?" He asked quietly.

" Y-Yeah." Buggy said just as quietly, appreciating that Mihawk had asked his permission first.

He looked up into Mihawk's yellow eyes and felt his own anxiety ease a little at the quiet reassurance radiation from those deep, golden depths. Mihawk reached out to him and started undoing the buttons along the front of Buggy's linen shirt. Once he had the final button undone, Mihawk gently tucked his hands under the open lapels and pushed the shirt away from Buggy's inflamed shoulders. Buggy shuddered at the feel of Mihawk's cool, calloused hands against his well-chafed skin. Mihawk took the shirt off of Buggy the rest of the way, leaving his upper body bare and fully exposed.

Mihawk winced lightly and Crocodile didn't bother to hide the hiss he made when the state Buggy was in was fully revealed to them. The blue haired Yonko's normally pale and pristine skin was covered in angry red splotches of varying degrees of irritation that had tendrils spreading out over him. The rash had spread across his chest and over his sides. Even with all the protective gear he had been wearing, the powder had still made contact and had now spread throughout his upper body. The powder had gotten to the side of his next and the inflammation had spread to his shoulders and across his back. There was even a splotchy patch of red along the top of Buggy's forehead disappearing into his hairline from where the powder had gotten through his face shield.

" Let's not delay." Mihawk said sharply as he quickly unscrewed the lid on the jar of cream.

" I'll do your back Buggy." Crocodile said quietly as first Mihawk and then he went ahead and dipped their fingers into the cream and started applying it to his reddened skin with a gentleness none on the planet would have thought either man was capable of. Crocodile went so far as to deftly use his hook hand to keep Buggy's long hair out of the way.

Mihawk started at Buggy's chest, carefully and methodically swiped his cream covered palms over the younger man's irritated skin before progressing to his shoulders, and then down his arms, especially concentrating on Buggy's upper arms where the irritation was at its worst. Crocodile did the same at Buggy's back, using his long and large fingers to spread the cream quickly and efficiently. Within a few minutes Buggy was letting out a deep sigh of utter relief as the cream finally began to take effect and soothed the itchy burning over his skin.

" It's working you guys." Buggy said with a relieved grin.

" Good." Mihawk said simply, still focused on his task as he picked up some more cream from the jar and then pulled Buggy in close while rising onto his knees to tower over the blue haired Yonko so that he could apply the cream to the irritation on Buggy's forehead.

Buggy's eyes fluttered and his whole body seemed to sigh as he unconsciously reached up and placed his hands Mihawk's sides, twisting his fingers into the light material of the baggy white poet's shirt the swordsman was wearing, fully giving himself in to Mihawk's ministrations while also leaning into Crocodile's hand that was still tending to his back.

They said not a word, lost in this deeply intimate moment they were sharing with each other. Buggy had thought that he could only dream of Mihawk and Crocodile's touch, and yet here he was feeling them for real. It wasn't a dream and less than ideal circ*mstances, but it was actually happening right now.

With a couple of tears falling free, Buggy hunched over, pressing his head into Mihawk's chest, but still being mindful of the cream on his forehead.

" Buggy?" Mihawk asked in concern as he gripped the blue haired man's shoulders carefully, while Crocodile splayed his bejeweled hand over the center of Buggy's back.

With a hitched breath, Buggy shook his head and spoke.

" I didn't screw up, I didn't blow myself up by being careless. I know I am a fool most of the time but you know I never mess around when it comes to my bomb making." Buggy said as he finally looked up at Mihawk and then then over his shoulder at Crocodile.

" Yeah Clown, we know how seriously you take being safe in your workshop. Hell you nearly made me wear an entire suit of armor last month when you wanted to show me that purple Muggy Ball you came up with." Crocodile said with a small grin, earning a tearful huff from Buggy before the clown quickly sobered and frowned.

" I just don't understand what the hell happened. I had all of my burners on low, nothing was over heating, just that... that whistling sound and the rattling and then everything just went white." Buggy said with a haunted look.

Seeing the spiral Buggy was entering, Mihawk acted swiftly as he reached up and took Buggy's bare face into his hands and gently made the clown look up at him.

" We believe you Buggy, we know how careful you are in your workshop. For all we know, it was all just a fluke but we will look into this matter regardless, I promise you. Crocodile even had the men cordon everything off and cover it all with strict instructions that no one was to touch anything once the fire was put out. We will both investigate but our priority is making sure you get well again first." Mihawk explained.

" Y-You guys?" Buggy asked only to look over his shoulder as Crocodile stroked his sore back gently as he spoke.

" You come first Clown." Crocodile rumbled without really looking Buggy in the eye.

Buggy let out a shaky breath and started to calm down, a little bit stunned by this turn of events, but not at all displeased as he looked between Crocodile and Mihawk with quiet wonder.

Mihawk withdrew his hands from Buggy's face, the blue haired man immediately missing the swordsman's touch. Without uttering a word, Crocodile held up Buggy's linen shirt for him, and together with Mihawk they helped him put it back on.

" Thanks." Buggy said quietly, ducking his head shyly.

There was a beat of comfortable but charged silence between the trio before Crocodile was struck with a sudden though.

" Hey Clown, since we've got you settled here, is there anything you need from your place we can get you?" He asked.

Buggy perked up at the mention of his things before deflating for a second as he spoke.

" Well you heard what Dr. Jungo said, she advised against me wearing my usual make up for a few days at least while the rash on my forehead clears up so that's out. Let me think..." Buggy said as he wracked his brain for a moment.

He couldn't really wear his regular clothes either because they were too heavy and likely to irritate, so he settled for asking for some of his favorite books and his sketch pads where he kept all of his designs for his latest ideas for weapons and what not. Mihawk left Buggy with Crocodile and headed over to Buggy's residence to get the desired items, and anything else he thought the clown might need or want.

When Mihawk returned not only with the books and drawing pads Buggy had asked for but also with his thinnest sleeping robe, his favorite fluffy red slippers, and his hair brushes, it was to the sight of Buggy grinning wide in wonder as Crocodile showcased his sand powers by recreating the entire main citadel of Arabasta before them. Mihawk was quietly pleased to see that Buggy and Crocodile were sitting closer than was strictly necessary, but it spoke to the level of comfortableness the blue haired man felt towards the sand wielder who had once been one of the main terrors of his entire existence. Mihawk himself had made the clown break out into a cold sweat many times by just looking at him, so he was glad to see the progress being subtly made.

Mihawk lightly cleared his throat to get their attention, Crocodile smoothly summoning his sand back to him, the impressive citadel sculpture vanishing away in a golden swirl.

" Here are the items you asked for Buggy, along with a few things I took the liberty of adding in." Mihawk said as he presented Buggy with the items he had brought back with him.

" Hey I hadn't even thought about my hair! Thank you so much Hawky!" Buggy said with gratitude as he gave Mihawk his brightest grin.

The sight of such a smile directed right at him from Buggy, who had been so terrified of him just barely a year ago, and from years and years of nearly the whole world cowering at his mere presence made something very powerful flip flop inside his chest in a way that only Crocodile himself had ever caused, but true to his nature, Mihawk kept his expression as neutral as ever.

" You're welcome Buggy." He said simply before he rejoined them on his and Crocodile's bed and promptly asked his lover to recreate is first battle with a fruitwani to really thrill Buggy. Crocodile was more than happy to oblige as Buggy and Mihawk settled in to enjoy the impromptu show.

Later that evening...

" Chef Dizzy outdid himself!" Buggy said with a content sigh as he leaned back in his chair, a basically wiped clean plate in front of him. Buggy had ordered Chef Dizzy's special garlic and herb grilled chicken with buttered vegetables and it had tasted absolutely divine.

" He always presents us with the best, but I've no doubt he wanted to go the extra mile to aid in your speedy recovery." Mihawk said with a sip of his wine after having finished off is own plate of roast beef and salad while Crocodile had opted for a lovely honey glazed salmon with roasted potatoes and broccoli.

" Well maybe I should bust myself up more often." Buggy quipped.

" You'll do nothing of the sort Clown." Mihawk and Crocodile replied sternly in perfect unison as they leveled hard eyes at the red nosed man.

" Aw but it gets me so many brownie points!" Buggy fake wined without missing a beat.

" You get plenty of brownie points with all those kitchen contraptions and gadgets you come up with for Chef Dizzy and his crew. Quit saying you need to blow yourself up to get the good stuff." Crocodile grumbled.

" And you need only ask for Chef Dizzy to provide you with actual brownies, although tonight he opted for his always wonderful tiramisu." Mihawk said smoothly as he pulled up the shiny silver serving lid on the final dish situated at the center of the round table they were all seated at to reveal a gorgeous looking square tiramisu just waiting to be devoured.

" I think we can all agree to me giving that man a raise." Buggy said simply before he took it upon himself to serve them all their dessert to cap off a wonderful dinner together.

About an hour later Mihawk quietly stepped over to the sitting area where Buggy and Crocodile were deeply engrossed in conversation about the ongoing negotiations Cross Guild was partaking in with the nearby Heldig Island for a mutually lucrative new trade route.

" Buggy?" Mihawk called, Buggy looking up at the swordsman with bright, questioning eyes.

" As per Dr. Jungo's instructions, I went ahead and drew you a bath with the bath mix she concocted added in. She wanted you to soak in it for at least an hour before she comes by to set up your infusion for the night." The Swordsman explained.

" O-Oh! Th-Thank you Hawky, I'd totally forgotten about that. You didn't have to trouble yourself though, I could've done it." Buggy said as he rose to his feet and let Mihawk lead him towards the door to his and Crocodile's bathroom.

" It was no trouble Buggy. You just be careful in there and call us immediately should you feel unsteady. Crocodile and I will be right outside the door." Mihawk said without hesitation.

" The two of you have been stuck to me like glue since I blew up, I am a little bit surprised you aren't insisting on full on joining me in my bath too." Buggy quipped with a teasing tone and a giggle.

Crocodile let out a small snort while Mihawk huffed and rolled his eyes slightly at Buggy's cheekiness before with lightening fast speed, Crocodile was up and across the room, coming to loom over Buggy with his impressive height before leaning in right into his face as he spoke.

" You seriously inviting me and Hawkeyes to your bath then Clown?" He asked, a husky rumble to his voice with his cigar clenched between his teeth as he seemed to stare right into Buggy's soul with his almost glowing pale violet eyes. Beside him Mihawk's yellow eyes widened a little at the rather unexpected turn the conversation had taken.

Buggy blinked his wide blue eyes, clearly thrown by Crocodile's question and wondering if Crocodile was just messing with him. Deciding to take a complete leap of faith, Buggy spoke.

" I-It's you guys' tub, I am sure it could fit all three of us." Buggy said as casually as he could but feeling a painful hope that Crocodile and Mihawk would somehow, someway say yes to such a crazy, crazy idea.

Crocodile leaned back and gave Buggy a thoughtful look before his violet eyes met those of golden yellow, he and Mihawk holding a silent conversation between them before they both looked back at Buggy as the swordsman spoke.

" If you truly do not mind, then we shall join you. In all honesty it would probably be safer for you since your head wound is still so fresh." Mihawk said neutrally, before there was the faintest spark of mischief in those usually cold golden eyes as he leaned in close to Buggy and continued.

" We'll wash your back if you wash ours." He said with the barest growl in his soft baritone voice.

Buggy's mouth actually fell open in shock at hearing such words out of Dracule Mihawk himself, while Crocodile let out one of his signature chuckles.

" Y-Yeah, of course." Buggy stuttered out, sounding slightly dazed before Mihawk and Crocodile promptly herded him off to their bathroom to the special bath he was meant to take.

Once they were actually inside the bathroom, Buggy took a moment to marvel at the very luxurious but tasteful space. The area needed to be big to accommodate a man of Crocodile's size to be sure but it was not dripping in gold and jewels like one would imagine given the sand wielder's expensive tastes.

The space was in the style of the beautiful white marble baths of Arabasta with some gothic touches here and there to reflect Mihawk's style as well. At the center of the room was a large hexagon shaped pool that contained water that had a milky tangerine hue and smelled of jasmine and mint.

" You can go change in there." Crocodile said as he gestured to the towel room that was situated in the corner by the sink.

" We will await you in the pool." Mihawk said quietly.

Buggy nodded mutely, feeling his face heat up and his body tingle for a reason totally separate from the ongoing itchy rash he was suffering from as he stepped away from the swordsman and the sand wielder towards the towel room. Once he had stepped inside and shut the door, Buggy all but collapsed against it and let out a shaky gasp.

What the hell was going on? How was he here right now, about to full on take a bath with Dracule Mihawk and Sir Crocodile? He was only joking! He never in his wildest dreams thought those two would ever take him seriously! What was he supposed to do? How was he going to not freak out at taking a bath with both loves of his life whom he had been desperately yearning after for months now?

Buggy quickly snapped out of his chaotic thoughts and took a deep breath. He was Buggy D. Clown, the Genius Jester, a Yonko of the Seas (through a comedy of errors mind you), and the f*cking Chairman of Cross Guild. If he could achieve all those things and more, he could achieve an hour long soak in a medicated bath for his god awful itchy and painful rash in the company of his two executives who were unexpectedly willing to share in the experience with him.

Standing up straight and steeling his nerve, Buggy first pulled his long blue hair up into a messy bun at the top of his head, being mindful of his still tender wound at the back of his skull. He then stripped out of the light linen shirt and pants he was wearing, wincing at the rash all over his skin dully burning at the movement. The cool air hitting his sensitive skin did help a little as Buggy folded his clothes and then reached for one of the normal sized black towels from the stack on the shelf by the nearest wall, no doubt one of Mihawk's towels. Oddly enough Buggy didn't see any larger towers meant for Crocodile. Buggy shrugged and refocused on the task at hand.

Wrapping the towel around his waist and leaving his folded clothes in the towel room, Buggy took a deep steadying breath before he stepped back out into the main area of Mihawk and Crocodile's shared bathroom.

When he stepped outside, his eyes immediately went to the hexagon shaped pool, his heart pounding even harder when he caught sight of Mihawk and Crocodile who were already gloriously bare and wading within the milky waters, waiting for him. Swallowing back the nerves and barely keeping himself from trembling, and feeling his skin starting to get itchy with the rash flaring, Buggy forced himself to put one foot in front of the other until he was finally standing at the edge of the pool. Mihawk and Crocodile both looked up at Buggy's quiet arrival.

" H-Hi guys." Buggy said shyly.

" Hey Clown." Crocodile greeted without missing a beat while Mihawk nodded wordlessly.

Mihawk then stepped forward and spoke.

" Would it be better if Crocodile and I turned around?" He asked without a hint of annoyance. There was no judgment in either his or Crocodile's eyes as they awaited his answer.

Buggy seriously considered the kind offer from the swordsman and the sand wielder, but quickly shot it down. He had been the one to actually invite Mihawk and Crocodile to join him in this bath, they were here to make sure he would be alright and the most glaringly obvious thing was that the both of them were already naked as the day they were born in front of him with no problem, even if the milky tangerine waters were doing a great job of providing them with some covering for their man bits. The least Buggy could do was not be ashamed before his care givers.

" N-No Hawky, you guys don't have to do that." Buggy said with a warm smile at Mihawk and Crocodile before he stood up straight and reached for the towel he had around his waist, pulling it loose and away before tossing it to a nearby bench built into the wall by the pool.

Now Buggy was completely bare before Mihawk and Crocodile as they were before him.

Mihawk and Crocodile made no comment regarding their Chairman being naked before them, their eyes actually never left his pale blue orbs to glance down at the rest of him as Mihawk stepped forward and wordlessly held out his hand for Buggy to take. Swallowing lightly, Buggy nodded and reached out to accept the offered hand before carefully stepping into the pool, his bare feet feeling out where the steps hidden beneath the milky waters were. Once he had descended, Buggy was waist deep beside Mihawk and already sighing softly in relief as the contents of the milky, medicated waters reached parts of his irritated skin.

Buggy looked up and smiled shyly at Mihawk beside him, the swordsman's eyes holding a hint of warmth as he spoke.

" This stuff's already starting to work, I can feel it. Let's head over to Croco!" The blue haired Yonko said eagerly as he looked past Mihawk to give the sandwielder a bright smile as well.

Whatever tension that was lingering in the air dissipated as Crocodile let out a small huff and made an exaggerated gesture of welcome as Buggy waded in hand in hand with Mihawk toward him at the deeper end of the bathing pool.

Buggy only had to reach the center of the pool before he was up to his shoulders and dared not go any further with his Devil Fruit restricting him, Crocodile standing just a little ahead of the deepest part of the pool to be waist deep. He and Mihawk watched as a look of utter solace came over Buggy's face as he lowered himself all the way up to his neck into the milky tangerine colored water and let its medicinal properties wash over him fully and soothe his irritated skin.

Mihawk and Crocodile shared a quietly amused look before they set about treating Buggy properly.

After a coupled of undignified yelps of surprise, Buggy surrendered himself fully to Mihawk and Crocodile's surprising gentle ministrations as they cupped handfuls of milky water and rubbed them into his skin. Mihawk and Crocodile were a little surprised to see that Buggy had some actual muscle underneath his skin, that he was built stronger than he looked. It made a bit of sense seeing as to how Buggy still performed with the other acrobats here on the island, and therefore must have a training regimen he stuck to. Mihawk found himself gaining an interest in seeing what Buggy did training-wise and was even willing to see what improvements he could personally make to have the clown actually get stronger.

Then true to Mihawk's words, he and Buggy washed Crocodile's massive back together and bantered with him, and then Crocodile and Buggy did the same for Mihawk before they all leaned back against the pools edge and relaxed since Buggy still needed to soak for another twenty minutes.

" I still don't understand why the delegation from Heldig Island are dragging their feet. We should have closed the deal by now." Mihawk said lightly.

" I dunno Hawk, they just can't seem to make up their minds about the actual trade route and now with Buggy out of commission for a couple of days at least it's like they wanna drag things out some more. They really wanna deal with Buggy directly, whatever I say goes in one ear and out the other." Crocodile grumbled as he carefully ran his bejeweled fingers over the rash on Buggy's forehead, Buggy letting his eyes fall shut and sighing at the heavenly feeling.

When he opened his eyes, he frowned alongside his lieutenants and spoke.

" It's kinda odd they'd put so much importance on my presence when it was you who got the ball rolling in the first place Croco." He said as he looked up at Crocodile and gave a light shrug.

Mihawk frowned too, ever suspicious and calculating but he remained silent and guarded. He needed more information regarding this entire situation and had it in mind to finally go and scope out the charred remains of Buggy's workshop to gather evidence, especially any pieces he could gather of Buggy's chemistry set up that had exploded without warning. For now though, his focus was on his recovering chairman as he reached over and cupped some milky water to pour over the reddened side of Buggy's neck, earning a small shiver and a grateful look from the clown as the topic of conversation thankfully turned to more pleasant and interesting things, like how Buggy had had to go on a full journey as a tiny head and foot version of himself because of one Monkey D. Luffy to reunite with both his crew and the rest of his body parts, and nearly gotten gobble up on several occasions along the way.

He had Crocodile in stitches and even got a huff out of Mihawk when he recounted how he reunited with his parts and promptly kicked the asses of those who meant to actually cook members of his crew for dinner including Richie.

Soon the time for Buggy's soak was up and the two former warlords wasted no time herding Buggy off towards the rain-like shower area to rinse of and wash his hair, Mihawk stepping away to grab Buggy his linen clothes from the towel room before he and Crocodile made quick work of rinsing off as well. Crocodile made drying off a cinch as he summoned his sand to absorb the water that clung to the three of them. He simply held back from making husks out of anyone like he had done to Luffy during their raging battles in Arabasta.

By the time Dr. Jungo arrived to set up Buggy's infusion for the night, he was already redressed in his linen pajamas and reclined and relaxed in side of Mihawk and Crocodile's expansive bed to make things easier for the doctor to work. The two former warlords were dressed for bed themselves, Mihawk in a simple black poet's shirt and sleeping pants combo while Crocodile had on his preferred expensive silk pajamas in a dark forest green shade.

" I am glad the bath mix worked well on your rash Buggy Sama. Hopefully with a few more days of soaks things will clear up for you completely." Dr. Jungo assured as she set up the special IV bag of medicine after checking that the special sealant to Buggy's head wound had held up nicely even with the shower he had taken.

" I've added a mild sleep medicine into this infusion so you'll be able to sleep more soundly even if there is another flare up." The good doctor explained as she put away her medical tools.

" Thanks Dr. Jungo." Buggy said warmly, feeling reassured by the doctor's words.

" We shall contact you immediately if our chairman shows any signs of distress." Mihawk promised as he and Crocodile saw the good doctor off for the night.

Within just a few minutes of the infusion starting, Buggy felt his body sink into the mattress and his eyes grow heavy as the sleep medicine mixed in with the infusion began to take hold.

Buggy watched with heavy eyes as Mihawk and Crocodile made quick work of tidying up and turning off all the lights before they climbed into bed. There was ample space for the three of them, Crocodile in the middle and Mihawk on his other side.

" I can't thank you guys enough for letting me stay with you." Buggy said quietly as he turned over onto his side, mindful of the needle in his arm as he gazed at his two lieutenants with a warm, sleepy smile.

" There is no need to thank us Buggy." Mihawk said quietly from where he lay pressed up against Crocodile's side as he and his lover gazed back at their sleepy unexpected bed mate.

Buggy let out a breathy little chuckle, his eyes growing heavier and heavier by the moment as he grew somber and spoke.

" What if this wasn't an accident? What if someone messed with my chemistry set up somehow?" He asked quietly.

There was a beat of charged silence before Buggy was gasping softly as Crocodile promptly reached out and looped his normal arm under and around him and easily pulled the blue haired man to him, pressing Buggy up against his other side and holding him tight. He and Mihawk were gazing at Buggy with a renewed intensity and determination in their eyes as the swordsman spoke.

" If that is the case, we shall investigate fully and if someone indeed sabotaged your workshop, all of Cross Guild will make sure they regret ever being born." Mihawk said with all seriousness, Crocodile nodding in wordless agreement.

Buggy blinked up at Mihawk and Crocodile with wide eyes, impending sleep forgotten for a moment as the unexpected vow these two men, who were barely even his friends, had just made to him. He was already stunned by Crocodile holding him as he was, this just blew whatever was left of his mind. Carefully lifting his arm with the infusion needle in it, Buggy reached up and placed his hand on Crocodile's chest and ducked his head shyly as he laid it to rest completely in the crook of the sand wielder's arm as he spoke.

" Thank you Croco, Hawky. 'm probably just being silly." He said with a sigh as he started to surrender to the pull of sleep.

" Don't mention it Clown, and we don't think you're being silly since we still don't really know what went wrong in your workshop. Forget about it for now and go to sleep, it's late." Crocodile said gruffly.

" Yes Buggy, sleep now. We'll talk some more in the morning." Mihawk assured as he reached out across Crocodile's chest and covered Buggy's slightly chilled hand with his own lightly calloused one, warming it.

" Yes Croco, Hawky." Buggy said before with a sigh, he let his eyes drift shut and surrendered to the insistent pull of the sleep medication running through his veins through the infusion.

Mihawk and Crocodile silently watched Buggy as he drifted off, his face smoothing out and the soft moonlight streaming in through the windows lending a glow to his pale skin despite the irritation they could see on the side of his neck and along his forehead.

They both felt a surge of protectiveness wash over them as they gazed at this bumbling idiot who somehow became a Yonko and their "boss" as it were. There was a bit of incredulity between them too as they shared a look and a smile before they came together in a lingering peck before settling in to sleep themselves, Crocodile letting out and deep sigh and tightening his hold around both Mihawk and Buggy while Mihawk laid his head down on Crocodile's shoulder and still grasped Buggy's hand with his own.

Soon Mihawk and Crocodile drifted off and joined Buggy in sleep, banishing the uncertainties that were plaguing the three off them to the recesses of their thoughts, to hopefully be dealt with the next day.

In the days that followed, Mihawk and Crocodile held down the fort as it were and also took all care of Buggy as he continued to recover, applying the creams to his blotchy, reddened skin, being there beside him when he took his medicated baths, growing more and more closer to him with each act of intimacy and care. They also brought in the rest of their crew when they finally started to investigate what actually happened inside Buggy's workshop.

Alvida and the other all combed through the entire wreckage of the workshop and then brought back anything and everything they could find of Buggy's chemistry set up back to Mihawk and Crocodile's place. Mihawk with his unparalleled observation Haki went over each and every piece of evidence presented, while Crocodile and Buggy theorized with the rest of their crew as to what could have possibly happened.

It was just as they were all about to break for lunch and call in their orders to Chef Dizzy in the kitchens when Mihawk's keen observations skills finally paid off as he found a small metal piece of the undercarriage of Buggy's Bunsen burner set up.

" This piece has tool marks on it, it's been tampered with." Mihawk said grimly as he held up the piece of metal.

" Are you sure Hawk?" Crocodile asked grimly with a stoic Daz beside him.

" Yes Crocodile, I am sure that this is no regular wear and tear." Mihawk replied firmly before he went on to explain that messing with this part of Buggy's set up would have affected the gas line that fed the flames to the Bunsen burners. The damage done would have exposed the gasoline to the open flames Buggy had going and was why the strange whistling and rattling noises Buggy had heard had sounded before the explosion.

Alivida, Cabaji, Mohji, Richie, and Galdino all gathered protectively around a pale Buggy, the blue haired Yonko shaken to his core at having his suspicions proven right, that his workshop exploding had been no accident, but sabotage.

Mihawk and Crocodile both turned to gaze at a slightly trembling Buggy with hard, determined eyes. Having their gazes leveled at him made Buggy sit up straighter in the chair he had all but collapsed in. Yes he was shaken, but he couldn't be for long, especially not with Dracule Mihawk and Sir Crocodile gazing at him with a quiet vow to guard him, and find further answers.

Feeling his own pale blue eyes hardening and a deep seated rage filling his heart, Buggy spoke.

" Whoever did this is gonna f*cking burn worse than I did. We'll get 'em." He said through gritted teeth.

" Indeed." Mihawk said, with the barest hint of pride in his golden eyes.

" You're damn right we are." Crocodile growled with the promise of untold retribution.

Alvida, Cabaji, Mohji, Richie, Daz, and Galdino all felt the thrum of their leaders' vengeful determination and stood up straighter.

Whoever tried to end Chairman Buggy was f*cked, that was for sure.

Even with these terrible revelations about what had actually happened with Buggy's workshop, Mihawk and Crocodile still made Buggy's recovery from what was now revealed to be an assassination attempt their main priority.

The rulers of Cross Guild continued to grow closer through simply being together. Mihawk and Crocodile would always be on hand to rub the anti-itch cream into Buggy's skin. Crocodile would brush his long blue hair for him, and Mihawk would read to him for hours on end. Buggy was just as invested in Mihawk and Crocodile, busying himself with sweet gestures like taking Crocodile's ring and Mihawk's cross-dagger necklace and shining them up to an almost otherworldly sheen.

Even with all the care and welcome distraction, the three of them never forgot about the pressing issue of someone trying to off Cross Guild's chairman. Someone had sabotaged Buggy's workshop, his safe-place and wanted him to burn in spectacular fashion. It was a telling sign of the hatred the perpetrator carried.

Everyone was under strict orders to act as normal as possible, while keeping a clandestine eye on anything and everyone they found suspicious and reporting back to Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile.

So far, none of the potential leads actually panned out, much to the frustration of Buggy, who despite having both Mihawk and Crocodile constantly by his side, remained on edge.

It was a whole week later when Buggy was finally recovered enough from the effects of the blue itching powders that Dr. Jungo was finally alright with letting Buggy get back to work. It was as she was packing up her medical bag that the good doctor made an off hand comment that immediately caught Mihawk's attention.

" It's nice to see that everyone's irritations are healing nicely." Dr. Jungo said as she zipped up her bag and smiled warmly at a practically glowing Buggy with Crocodile sitting beside him, smoking one of his usual cigars.

" So I take it everyone who was exposed to Buggy's blue itching powder are well on the mend doctor?" Mihawk asked with interest.

" They all are indeed, along with that one man from Heldig Island." Dr. Jungo replied casually.

Mihawk immediately straightened up at the mention of this new information.

" Man from Heldig Island you say? If I may ask, what was his ailment because as far as I was aware, no body from Heldig Island was within proximity to the workshop explosion or there in the crowd that had gathered after." The swordsman asked curiously.

" Oh no, this was a man from the Heldig delegation. He said he was working on their ship and got gasoline on his hand, ended up having a severe allergic reaction to it and came to the hospital tent for assistance several hours before Buggy Sama's workshop blew up." Dr. Jungo replied, frowning when she said the way Mihawk's face was growing grimmer and grimmer with each passing second.

" Severe allergic reaction you say?" Mihawk said with false casualness before he turned hard eyes to Buggy and Crocodile, who both immediately sat up straighter as they understood Mihawk's wordless declaration.

A man from the delegation from Heldig Island, who had come in before Buggy's workshop blew up, sporting irritation on his hand from being exposed to gasoline.

It was all far to close together to be a coincidence.

As the rulers of Cross Guild shared a grim look, they felt anticipation in their hearts as they finally had a viable suspect after days of clandestine investigation that had turned up so little.

Crocodile and Mihawk quickly set about getting as much information from Dr. Jungo as they could, the good doctor more than willing to aid them when they shared their suspicions about the seemingly unassuming man from Heldig Island with an allergy to gas. Buggy got on the den den and called the rest of their crew over to share this pressing development with them.

Once everyone arrived, planning got underway to scope out their target and gather more evidence before any sort of confrontation. They couldn't afford to spook the Heldig Islanders and they also still had no idea what possible motive was behind this fiery assassination attempt.

For the rest of the day, Alvida, Cabaji, Mohji, Richie, Daz, and Galdino all took turns keeping watch over the Heldig Islanders, casually gathering information about the man in question with a still bandaged hand.

All of their reporting back gave them some sense of the man they believed had tried to murder Buggy through such devious machinations.

The man's name was Argo Tovin, late thirties, had a wife and three young children back on Heldig Island, and was actually a cousin of the Heldig Islander who was leading the negotiations with Cross Guild. All around normal and unassuming guy.

Except for the part where he wanted to off Cross Guild's chairman for some reason. Perhaps that was part of why the Heldig Islanders were always so emphatic about wanting to have Buggy present for the ongoing negotiations. As their leader's cousin, Tovin had the man's ear and was most likely pulling strings in the background with no one the wiser.

" Let's set up a meeting for tomorrow morning, bright and early. I need to get back to work and I think we've kept the Heldig Islanders waiting long enough." Buggy said with false lightness, while his eyes silently burned with rage and the promise of hellfire.

" Alright Clown, we'll send out the word." Crocodile rumbled, a glint in his own violet eyes while Mihawk silently gripped his cross dagger necklace that rested over his heart, his golden eyes almost glowing with anticipation.

The next morning...

Crocodile smiled down at Mihawk as the swordsman gave the bright green cravat he wore around his neck a final adjustment. The swordsman himself was dressed in his iconic red and black coat, lavender pants, and black boots. Yoru was still resting on her special rack by their bed along with his signature black hat.

Crocodile was dressed in a black dress shirt and charcoal grey slacks with loafers, his signature black coat with white fur trim draped over his broad shoulders. His hook gleamed in the morning light, shined to perfection by a certain blue haired Yonko.

They two of them were just about ready for the day. Once Mihawk withdrew his hands from Crocodile's cravat, they both turned to the baroque-style vanity that was custom-made for Crocodile, where the aforementioned blue haired Yonko sat, adding the final touches to his signature makeup.

He wasn't wearing his big red onsie as one would expect, instead he had on a red and black striped poet's shirt, crimson pants and his signature red curl toed boots on his feet which were chop chopped and waiting a good foot from his ankles as he sat in Crocodile's chair, pure white gloved on his hands, and over the whole thing he work a long captains coat with a red and white harlequin diamond pattern with a bright gold outline. His long blue hair was threaded through his big red and white striped captain's hat and hanging from around his neck was a solid gold medallion in the shape of Cross Guild's emblem.

He was flashy, but a darker version, and the look of seriousness on his face as he finished painting his mouth in jagged red instead of clean lines just added to that new, darker quality.

Mihawk and Crocodile turned to each other to share a quick, chaste kiss before they made their way over to Buggy, Mihawk grabbing up his hat and sheathing Yoru to her customary place at his back. They flanked Buggy on either side and watched him as he set down his paintbrush and gave himself a final look over in the mirror before floated up from the much larger chair he was seated in and then down to reconnect himself to his feet.

He stood to full height, making him nearly eye to eye with Mihawk as he turned to greet his lieutenants.

" Do I pass muster?" He asked with an unusually quiet voice.

Crocodile reached out with his hook and tucked it under Buggy's chin, tilting his head up with unheard of gentleness as he spoke, looking into those bright blue eyes that held a glacial quality to them now, reflecting the cold fury swirling within their master as he spoke.

" You look good, you look ready." He rumbled deeply while Mihawk nodded in wordless agreement.

" Let us go then, after the morning address we have an important meeting to get to after all, we shouldn't keep the Heldig Islanders waiting." Buggy said casually, even though his fists clenched at his sides for a moment before he calmly led Mihawk and Crocodile out of their private quarters.

Once they were at the mouth of the hallway, they were greeted by the rest of their crew, all dressed in their signature outfits and ready to back up their Chairman and executives. They all proceeded to the balcony that overlooked the arena of the main Big Top, were the denizens of Cross Guild were gathered and eagerly awaiting the much desired return of their chairman.

The moment Buggy emerged on the balcony with a bright, genuine grin and Mihawk and Crocodile flanking him on either side, the three of them were hit with a veritable wall of sound as the crowd roared in pure delight.

Buggy would have preferred to bask in the freely given adoration of his followers all day, but inevitably the morning address drew to a close and the blue haired Yonko had to go to the very important meeting that was long overdue.

The blue haired Chairman led a sort of processional towards the docks where the Heldig Islanders were waiting in one of the meeting tents. The denizens they passed all bowed in respect as they pass, Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile cutting a striking trio as they made their way. As the walked, Mihawk subtly reached out and grasped Buggy's glove covered hand with his own, giving it an almost painful squeeze. Buggy glanced at Mihawk and gave him a mute nod, squeezing the swordsman's hand back before they reluctantly let go of each other as their whole crew finally arrived at the meeting tent.

When Buggy stepped inside with Mihawk and Crocodile a step behind him, the Heldig Islanders all stood from their seats at the meeting table.

Greetings were exchanged along with pleasantries, all the while Buggy did his best to keep his own temper under control as he caught sight of Argo Tovin himself, a man with short cropped orange hair sitting beside the Heldig leader who was a red headed man in his mid forties. Beside the leader was a similarly red headed young woman, no doubt the leader's daughter. The twenty something young lady looked a tiny bit nervous, and Argo Tovin kept honest to God leering at her.

Buggy looked to Mihawk and Crocodile with a frown for a moment, seeing that they too had noticed this odd behavior from Tovin. They stayed mum and focused on what the leader was saying regarding the trade route they were hoping to set up between Karai Bari and Heldig.

" And to secure the relations between Cross Guild and Heldig fully, allow me to propose a bond stronger than friendship Chairman Buggy." The Heldig leader, Argo Ferman said.

" What bond do you propose?" Buggy asked with a frown.

" Marriage my lord." The Ferman replied before he stood up and pulled his stunned daughter up with him.

" Your marriage to my daughter here, Argo Fariba." Ferman declared proudly.

There was a sharp gasp through the entire tent, even Crocodile's jaw falling open and his cigar tumbling from his mouth while Mihawk glared balefully.

Buggy just gaped, completely blindsided by this completely unexpected turn of events and noticing that the other members of the delegation from Heldig looked just as stunned and perhaps even outraged by what their leader had just proposed. But before he could properly process any of it, Tovin was shooting up from his chair and reaching into his coat pocket, pulling out a large pistol. Tovin glared hatefully right at Buggy as he screamed.

" Die you red nosed freak! Fariba is mine and mine alone!" He yelled as he moved to pull the trigger, only for no bullet to be fired, and no gun in his still bandaged hand, or rather no hand attached to his wrist at all.

Tovin's disembodied hand, still grasping the pistol, fell to the floor with a dull thud.

There was a moment of utter silence as all eyes turned to the one who had separated Tovin from his hand. Then Tovin was letting out a blood curdling scream of agony as the pain of his amputation hit him without mercy and dark red blood spurted out from his open wrist.

Buggy D. Clown stood tall and aloof, his painted face set in stone cold disdain as he loomed over Tovin with one of his favorite larger knives in his hand, the gleaming silver drenched in blood and looking hungry for more.

Mihawk and Crocodile both smirked, pride evident in their chairman who had moved with unheard of speed and disarmed his would be murderer in spectacular fashion.

" B-Buggy Sama!" Ferman stuttered out, only to fall utterly silent as Buggy turned cold, icy blue eyes at him and spoke amidst Tovin's pitiful wails of agony.

" Your dear cousin here tried to kill me by sabotaging my workshop a week ago. And from the looks of it this sick f*ck did it so he could have your daughter all to himself." Buggy growled.

Ferman sputtered and Fariba gasped in utter horror as she looked between her father and her maimed uncle in utter disbelief.

Buggy turned his attention back to a kneeling and bleeding Tovin, lashing out and seizing his would be murdered by the throat and hauling the man up nearly clean off his feet as he glared at him murderously.

Buggy let out a rage filled roar before he tucked his knife inward and started punching Tovin in the face as hard he could, actually crushing bone and drawing blood before he brought the sputtering and dazed mess of a pervert in real close and glared hatefully as he spoke.

" You tried to off me to keep me from marrying Fariba, but guess what motherf*cker? I wouldn't have married her anyway, because she deserves better than to be a bargaining chip and because I'm in love with those two over there." Buggy growled as he gestured right at Mihawk and Crocodile, who both startled at the proud and life altering declaration from Buggy.

Mihawk and Crocodile both felt a little light headed and dare they say giddy at the revelation while the rest of their crew gawked and gasped at the revelation, but they couldn't dwell on it for long as Buggy spoke once more.

" You think you own Fariba, WELL NOBODY f*ckING OWNS FARIBA AND NO BODY TRIES TO f*ckING BLOW ME UP AND EXPECT TO LEAVE THIS ISLAND ALIVE!" Buggy roared before he promptly flipped his bloody knife back into proper position in his hand and brought it down right into Tovin's face without mercy.

Savage smiles came to Mihawk and Crocodile's lips as they watched Buggy repeatedly stab Tovin in the face, head, and neck while the rest of the Heldig Islanders could only watch on in paralyzed horror. Buggy growled and grunted as he continued to stab at Tovin until he had nearly cleaved the perverted bastard's head from his body before with a disgusted snarl he let the lifeless pile of mangled flesh and bone drop to the floor.

Buggy, bloodied and vengeful turned his wrathful gaze to Argo Ferman and the other Heldig Islanders.

He had blood splatter all over him, the knife in his hand dripping and his white glove turned crimson red. His face was held in a snarl and his eyes were blazing with such rage they looked white. One Heldig Islander, a rotund man in his forties full on fainted from the sight, crumbling to the ground in a heap while Ferman himself trembled violently and tried to hold onto Fariba, who was silently crying and struggling against her father's hold.

" Get your goddamn f*cking hands off of her, right now asshole." Buggy ordered, not raising his voice at all.

With a whimper Ferman released his hold on his daughter, who shoved him away for good measure with a snarl of her own.

" We'll help you go anywhere you want Fariba, or you can stay here at Cross Guild with us if you want, the choice is yours, but you will never ever have to go back to Heldig Island if you don't want to." Buggy said with a sense of regality despite his bloodied state as he stood to full height and looked at Fariba with some kindness.

" Th-Thank you Chairman Buggy." Fariba said as she bowed deeply to Buggy and then straightened up.

" I accept your most generous offer and would love to stay here and serve in Cross Guild." She declared without hesitation before with a final betrayed and heartbroken look at her father, she ran off across the room and all but crashed into Cabaji, wrapping the unicycle swordsman in a bone-crushing hug and sobbing uncontrollably.

Cabaji looked stunned for a moment before he just sighed in understanding and wrapped his arms around the newest member of Cross Guild, hugging Fariba back and assuring her that it would be alright.

Mihawk and Crocodile wordlessly rose from their seats and stepped over to Buggy, flanking him on either side and gazing down at the bloodied corpse of Argo Tovin with open disdain before they too turned hard eyes to a trembling and tearful Argo Ferman.

" This might just be the understatement of the century, but this deal is off." Crocodile rumbled as he looked at Ferman with cold eyes.

" You'd best start giving us any reason at all why we should let you leave this island alive." Mihawk added with his yellow eyes glowing with the promise of untold pain.

Ferman could only start sobbing uncontrollably as his very life flashed before his eyes.

Buggy said nothing throughout this, nothing at all as he just glared right into Ferman's very soul.

About fifteen minutes later, back in Mihawk and Crocodile's shared residence...

Buggy burst through the door to Mihawk and Crocodile's place, nearly bending the heavy metal as he all but crashed into the room and strode across the space to the back. He tugged and tore at his bloodied clothes, wanting to free himself from their constraints with all haste.

He tore off his hat and coat, and then his shirt and his boots as he crashed his way towards Mihawk and Crocodile's bathroom. Once he was over the threshold he pulled off his pants and underwear leaving himself completely bare as he all but ran to the hexagon shaped pool in the center of the room. He all but dove into the cool clear blue water and immediately started scrubbing at himself, rubbing away his face paint and uncaring that his skin was still a little irritated from his blue powder.

He just wanted the bastard's blood off of his skin with all haste. Argo Tovin was dead by his hand and his body dragged off by the guards to be tossed into one of the pig pens to provide nourishment for the giant hogs their. The bellies of swine seemed a fitting resting place for a man who coveted his brother like cousin's child. He had left it to Mihawk and Crocodile to get the Heldig Islanders on their merry way with dead serious warnings that if they ever came near Karai Bari, even by accident, Buggy would have no problem ordering Cross Guild to unleash their own version of a Buster Call on their sweet little island to raze everything from existence.

Argo Ferman got a special warning to never again try to contact the daughter he was willing to basically sell to Cross Guild for his own gain and to forever watch his back because Buggy D. Clown's mercy though granted now, was fickle and subject to his mercurial mood. The man had nearly pissed himself as he had boarded his ship, alone even though he was with his delegation because they had all lost any respect for him with what he had done, and what his cousin had been doing right under his nose trying to gain his daughter like some perverted prize.

Buggy reached for whatever soaps and washed Mihawk and Crocodile kept in the holder built into the pool, and squeezed hearty dollops onto his hands, working up a good lather and scrubbing at himself, wanting Argo Tovin's disgusting blood off of his skin with extreme prejudice.

He had just roughed dunked himself in the water for a first rinse when he startled badly as a pair of well build arms wrapped around him with untold gentleness and stilled him. Buggy looked up sharply and found his bright blue eyes meeting those of concerned golden yellow as Mihawk tightened his hold around the blue haired man. A shuffling in the water had Buggy looking forward only to find himself looking up into a pair of familiar pale violet eyes as well. Crocodile.

" Peace Buggy, it's just us." Mihawk said quietly as he reached up and splayed his hand over the center of Buggy's quivering chest, right over his heart.

Buggy let out an inarticulate snarl as he reached up and gripped Mihawk's forearm but did not try to pull the swordsman's hands off him, just clung to him almost desperately instead as Crocodile reached up and took hold of Buggy's chin and gently forced him to meet his gaze.

" You're okay Clown, you made hog food outta of the bastard and we sent the rest of them packing." Crocodile rumbled, his voice soothing over Buggy who still shook his head and glared.

" 'm still so f*cking pissed!" He gritted out as he leaned into Crocodile's touch.

Mihawk tightened his hold around Buggy and pressed his lips against the shell of Buggy's ear, startling the angry Yonko as he spoke.

" Don't waste one more second on those f*ckers, you dealt with them accordingly. Now focus on the here and now and let me and Crocodile love you back." He said, a huskiness and want to his voice as he smiled against Buggy's ear.

" W-What?" Buggy squeaked as he looked up sharply between Mihawk and Crocodile.

" Forget about everything else and let me and Hawk love you back just as much as you love us Clown." Crocodile said like it was as simple as that.

" B-But I-I...Mmph!" Buggy began to stutter out when whiskered lips sealed over his own in a deep, toe curling kiss that had Buggy's heart exploding in white hot ecstasy.

At first Buggy was frozen, too stunned to do anything but as he fully felt Dracule Mihawk's lips against his own for the first time, his whole body shuddered and sighed as he sagged against the swordsman and fervently kissing Mihawk back.

Crocodile watched Buggy finally kiss Mihawk back, he smiled at the rather stunning sight, the two polar opposite men coming together so beautifully as representations of the dark and the light, and more important, both his as he reached out and wrapped his arms around them and pulled them in close.

When Mihawk and Buggy finally broke apart, Buggy could scarcely catch his breath before his lips were sealed again in another deep kiss, this time by clean shaven, large lips that stole whatever breath he had left as Crocodile eagerly took his turn, Mihawk watched on, admiring the sight of the giant sand wielder who made a man of Buggy's six foot four inch height look diminutive.

When Crocodile and Buggy broke apart, the sand wielder chuckled in his signature way as Buggy started peppering his face with kisses all over, especially along the scar that ran across his face. Only Mihawk ever had permission to do such a thing, but to have Buggy instinctively know how much Crocodile loved such a gesture just solidified it in Crocodile and Mihawk's minds that Buggy truly belonged with them.

Mihawk did not stand back and simply admire for long as he and Crocodile set about claiming their new lover, mind, body, and soul.

Buggy's soft cries and gasps echoed along side Mihawk and Crocodile's growls and groans as the physical barriers between them were shattered, the two former warlords sinking into the neat of Buggy's warm and willing body. Buggy lay between Mihawk and Crocodile, clinging to them, tears streaming from his eyes, overwhelmed by the both of them as they made love to him for the first time, ruining him for all others on this Earth.

Crocodile and Mihawk did not keep thing in the pool though, after they made love their and left the pool to drain, the three of them showered and Crocodile used his sand powers to dry them before they summarily took Buggy to their bed to deliciously torture him some more.

Buggy writhed and moaned under Mihawk and Crocodile as they kissed and lightly bit at his chest, their hands roaming and teasing him all over his already enervated body, reigniting his hot desire. Buggy chop chopped his hands and had them roaming all over Mihawk and Crocodile in turn, seeking out the powerful expanses of the two powerful men who were now his lovers.

Buggy's gasps and groans were swallowed up by Mihawk and Crocodile's molten hot kisses as they touched him together in his most intimate places, seemingly trying to devour him whole. Mihawk turned his attention to one of the buds on Buggy's chest while Crocodile bit and licked at the side of his neck, both men driving the blue haired Yonko absolutely mad with pleasure so profound he was very nearly seeing stars across his vision.

When Crocodile turned his attention away from Buggy's neck and joined Mihawk to worry Buggy's other bud with his teeth, Buggy threw his head back and moaned wantonly, feeling the pressure building at the base of his spine and steadily climbing upwards and he felt Crocodile's hook and Mihawk's blunt nails rack along his quivering stomach, leaving a cool and hot trail respectively.

As the sparks of lightening along his spine intensified, Buggy could feel himself reaching the precipice.

" Cr-Co-Co... Ah!... Haw-Hawky!" Buggy groaned out between sharp gasps.

Buggy's words, his nicknames for them that no one else on Earth could even dare to call them by, were all that was needed for Crocodile and Mihawk to increase the vigor with which they were claiming their Yonko.

Buggy's harsh cries sounded through the bedroom as he writhed and jerked almost violently under Mihawk and Crocodile, until finally the threadbare control he was clinging desperately too snapped like a rubber band pulled to tight.

" DRACULE! CROCODILE!" Buggy roared as he fell over the edge into the white hot abyss of climax, Mihawk and Crocodile joining him not a moment later with twin roars of their own.

The world faded away, there was only the three of them, bound together in the most intimate of ways and they weren't even physically connected as such. They rode out the waves of pleasure crashing over them, clawing and clinging to one another while their bodies were rigid, like a live current passing through the three of them all at once.

Then as one they collapsed together into a tangled, utterly exhausted heap. Buggy shuddered almost violently while Mihawk took in deep, steadying breaths and Crocodile groaned lowly as he did his best to recover in the euphoric aftermath.

When enough of his own faculties returned to him, Buggy slowly wound his arms around Mihawk and Crocodile's shoulders, gently urging them to move and pulling them in close, holding them both to his chest. He rubbed his one palm back and forth over Crocodile's broad shoulders while he buried the fingers of his other hand into Mihawk's ebony black hair.

Mihawk and Crocodile both looked up at Buggy, who craned his own head up to meet their tired but sated gazes. They said not a word, what they were feeling in that moment together went beyond all words.

Then Buggy's face was breaking out into the biggest and brightest grin either Mihawk or Crocodile had ever seen. With a delighted and slightly croaky chuckle, Buggy popped his head clean off his neck and floated up to pepper Mihawk and Crocodile's faces with kisses all over. Soon Crocodile's distinct chuckles and Mihawk's little huffs of laughter joined Buggy's giggles as they enjoyed this sweet bliss that few like them ever got to find.

A couple of months later, out on the open seas just a few miles out from Karai Bari ...

The sun was shining brightly and the skies were clear, a complete contrast to the oceans below them, which were tainted with the aftermath of a fierce naval battle.

Dozens of Navy ships floated unmanned and inflamed, while others were in the process of sinking into the ocean's unforgiving grip, all of them engulfed in a strange thick bright blue smoke unlike anything they had ever encountered before.

" IT ITCHES! I-IT BURNS!" Screamed a Navy Captain on one of the ships that managed to remain floating in defeat, his surviving crew all yelling out the same sentiment as him as they scratched and clawed at their irritated skin and eyes.

Several yards away from the wrecked World Government fleet, a giant war ship with ridiculous grinning clown figurehead, complete with red and white striped tents, floated with a fully intact fleet of smaller ships behind it in a defensive position before Karai Bari.

At the bow of this ship stood three tall men, one towering over the other two, casually smoking away a cigar as he spoke.

" Gotta say Clown, that blue Buggy Ball of yours sure stopped the Marines dead in their tracks, even with how much trouble the stuff inside caused you personally." Crocodile said with a bright grin and pride in his violet eyes as he gazed down at Buggy standing tall between him and a lightly smirking Mihawk.

Almost immediately after he had finished recovering from his exposure to the blue powder, Buggy had insisted on setting up a temporary workshop while things were getting rebuilt. Mihawk and Crocodile knew better than to protest, this was Buggy in his element after all, but they had insisted that someone else handle the blue powder reproduction while Buggy supervised from a safe distance. Buggy had acquiesced to his two lovers, no doubt understanding their concerns. In the weeks that followed, Buggy had refined his blue itching powder formula, had his workshop rebuilt, and then actually had his whole private tent be converted into a full blown workshop while Mihawk and Crocodile quietly moved him into their own shared residence without any fan fair or fuss, just a nice celebratory hibachi dinner in their kitchen area with their shared crew, courtesy of Chef Dizzy and his crew.

Today Buggy had finally been able to test out the effectiveness of his special blue Buggy cannon balls on the fleet of Marines that had come to try and take out one of Cross Guild's main trade routes. Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile had all piled into the flagship with the defensive fleet behind them, and the blue Buggy balls fully equipped alongside their other weapons.

The battle had lasted just an hour and a half before most of the Navy ships were either sinking thanks to both the regular red Buggy Balls that were fired alongside the special blue ones and Mihawk's deadly slashes with Yoru from the bow of the flagship, or retreating as fast as they could, or at a standstill and burning with their crews too incapacitated to do much of anything but scream and moan as they were even now.

" Indeed Buggy, I was a bit surprised that you went ahead and worked with that blue powder so soon after it caused you so much pain. I dare say these were one of your most successful inventions yet." Mihawk said as he too gazed down at his red nosed lover with an unheard of warmth.

The blue powder had proved a rather raging success in battle if the Marines they could see blinding jumping into the ocean scratching and tearing at themselves in an effort to get some relief from the itch were anything to go by.

" Aw shucks." Buggy said simply as he ducked his head and blushed beatifically with a beaming smile that had both Mihawk and Crocodile leaning in to proudly kiss their clown as the perfect cap to their latest victory.

The End

The Upside to Unexpected Explosions - GothRaven89 (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.